ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Wilbur Mills eppeses tax cut unless spending controlled<br />

Wilbur D Mills wants cempetetive exam fer NLR postmaster jeb<br />

Wilbur D Mills says Kerr-Mills Act catching en<br />

CONGRESS - House Dist 3<br />

J W Trimble seeks lower rates for federal electric power<br />

J W Trimble's bill seeks cheaper power fer Southwest<br />

J W Trimble says Democrats returned te pOW'er just in time<br />

J W Trimble wants gevt to continue turkey purchases<br />

J W Trimble accused of aiding . abetting Communist Party<br />

J W Trimble defended by Gazette as Christian gentleman<br />

Cliften Ganus denies making remark about Rep J W Trimble<br />

Gaz ette insists Clifton Ganus was talking about J W Trimble<br />

Jim Trimble defends federal aid fer Gassville<br />

James W Trimble brings the bacon te his district<br />

James W Trimble warmly praised at Ozark gathering<br />

J W Trimble splits vete en twe Kennedy adm bills<br />

James W Trimble votes fer college funds<br />

Gov Faubus says he may seek seat if J W Trimble doesn' t<br />

J W Trimble files for re-election<br />

J W Trimble's filing fer 10th term is topic of column<br />

J W Trimble foresees ne changes in status of Fort Chaffee<br />

Cy Carney files as GOP candidate for J W Trimble's seat<br />

J W Trimble. Oren Harris seek reads fer their dists<br />

J W Trimble seeks funding for Ozark Dam<br />

J W Trimble wants $500.000 more fer river jobs<br />

Jam.es W Trimble to be honored by Jehn BrEMn University<br />

J W Trimble wants weather reports via telephone av ailable<br />

J W Trimble served as chnin ef state Demecratic Party cenv<br />

Wilbur D Mills wins year-leng fight ever trade bill<br />

Cy Carney calls J W Trimble a rubber stamp fer JFK<br />

J W Trimble says U S in critical times<br />

Cy Carney hits J W Trimble vete en farm bill<br />

J W Trimble Day set at Russellville<br />

Cy Carney calls J W Trimble a big spender<br />

Cy Carney plans 3-day tour ef Third Dist<br />

J W Trimble leading handily in electien returns<br />

J W Trimble wins reelection by big margins<br />

Wilbur D Mills says JFK trade law is eutstanding<br />

J W Trimble hepes te avoid rules battle<br />

J W Trimble seeks expansion. renevatien ef Fort Chaffee<br />

CONGRESS - Heuse Dist 4<br />

Oren Harris offers bill te reduce gas regulations<br />

Oren Harris oppeses threat te curb regulatory agencies<br />

Oren Harris sponsors bill te expand Federal Power Comm<br />

Oren Harris introduces bill giving FCC chamn mere pewer<br />

Oren Harris prepeses overhaul ef FCC<br />

Rep Oren Harris effers segregation amendment<br />

Oren Harris supports scenic read at Rich Mountain<br />

Oren E Harris cenf irms he will seek re-electien<br />

Oren Harris begins werk immediately en hearings<br />

Oren Harris calls pinball machines evil<br />

11/30/62 A5 1<br />

12/ 7/-62 A24 l<br />

12;/14/62 A3 l<br />

1/ 5/61 Al 4<br />

1/18/-61 Bl 2<br />

3/17/61 A2 4<br />

7/ CJ/61 E5 5<br />

7/17/-61 A4 2<br />

7/17/-61 A4 2<br />

7/26/61 Bl 4<br />

7/27/-61 A4 2<br />

7/-28/-61 A3 2<br />

10/ 8/61 E3 5<br />

10/-19/-61 Bl 2<br />

1/-25/62 A2 6<br />

1/31/62 Al 3<br />

2-/ 8/62 Al 4<br />

4/ 8/62 BB 5<br />

4/ 8/62 E5 5<br />

4/12/62 Al 4<br />

5/- 3/-62 Al 6<br />

5/- 3/62 Bl 2<br />

5/- 8/62 Bl 4<br />

5-/-18/-62 A7 4<br />

5-/-20/62 A7 2<br />

7/ 6-/-62 Bl 8<br />

9/15/-62 A4 1<br />

10-/- 5/-62 Al 4<br />

10-/-16/62 A6 4<br />

10-/-18-/-62 Bl 2<br />

10-/-19/62 B13 8<br />

10-/-25/-62 B5 6<br />

10/-27/-62 A9 1<br />

10/-31/62 Bl 2<br />

11/- 7/62 A4 6<br />

11/- 8/62 A14 5<br />

11/- 8/-62 Bl 2<br />

11/-18/-62 E3 5<br />

11/-20/62 Bl 8<br />

1/ 7/-61 A3 5<br />

1/ 8/61 A2 8<br />

3/24/61 AB 1<br />

5/26/-61 AlO 1<br />

6/27/61 BlO 3<br />

9/24/-61 Al 3<br />

12/ 6/61 A7 2<br />

12/29/61 Bl 2<br />

1-/14/62 03 5<br />

1/20/-62 BB 5<br />


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