ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

E C Gathings will ask cotton legislation convering 1963 crop<br />

E C Gathings told that cotton industry faces price problem<br />

CONGRESS - Heuse Dist 2<br />

Rep Wilbur D Mills seeks cempremise en rul es panel fight<br />

Wilbur Mills rules out tax revision this session<br />

Wilbur Mills te sponsor twe of Kennedy 's anti-recession bills<br />

Jack Files jeins staff ef Wilbur D Mills in Washington<br />

Wilbur Mills helped Dale Alford secure Appropriations pest<br />

Wilbur Mills warns adm. to curb pickerlap cotton imports<br />

Wilbur Mills often presides in House committee ef the whole<br />

Kansas City Star urges Ark to keep Wilbur Mills in Congress<br />

Wilbur Mills in running for Speakership if Rayburn retires<br />

Wilbur D Mills may succeed Sam Rayburn as Speaker<br />

Pell shUNs John McCormack favored for House Speaker<br />

House could make Wilbur Mills <strong>Arkansas</strong> 's first Speaker<br />

Wilbur Mills says crises are product ef atom age<br />

Wilbur D Mills will not be House Speaker<br />

Wilbur D Mills addresses Farm and Ranch Club of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Wilbur Mills pivotal in FJK's plans<br />

Wilbur D Mills addresses <strong>Arkansas</strong> Farm Bureau<br />

Drive begins to put Wilbur Mills in race fer maj ority leader<br />

Wilbur Mills supports Carl Albert fer maj ority leader<br />

Wilbur Mills says dams must be dual purpese<br />

Wilbur Mills plays vital role in federal highway program<br />

Wilbur Mills rej ects GOP scheme te gain House Speakership<br />

Wilbur Mills favors end te welfare chiseling<br />

Wilbur D Mills praised by federal Treasury official<br />

Wilbur Mills calls Kerr-Mills Medicare Act right step<br />

Wilbur Mills not in line fer eventual Hause Speaker<br />

Wilbur D Mills thanks Agri Dept Secy fer rice increase<br />

Wilbur D Mills holds key to success of Kennedy programs<br />

Wilbur Mills meets with JFK to explore coming bills<br />

Wilbur D Mills called obj ect of political courtship<br />

Pell ranks Wilbur Mills among top five in Congress<br />

Wilbur D Mills speaks on trade bill<br />

Wilbur Mills imperils JFK medicare program<br />

Wilbur Mills votes fer college funds<br />

Wilbur Mills busy with trade bill<br />

Wilbur Mills at anvil ef power en big legislation<br />

Tax bill amdts by Wilbur Mills appreved by committee<br />

Wilbur Mills called key to passage of JFK Medicare bill<br />

Wilbur D Mills files fer re-election to House seat<br />

Wilbur Mills ' panel alters trade bill<br />

Wilbur Mills asserts he will not back inceme tax cut<br />

Wilbur D Mills wen personal victory in trade bill passage<br />

Wilbur D Mills shepherds trade bill through House<br />

Wilbur Mills unmoved by tax cut proponents<br />

Wilbur Mills praises JFK for refusing te reduce taxes<br />

Wilbur D Mills deals new rebuff te State Dept plan<br />

Wilbur Mills advises against income tax cut at this time<br />

Wilbur D Mills thinks tax reduction chance is weak<br />

12/-13/62 Bl<br />

12/14/62 A27<br />

1/ 5/61 Al<br />

1/26/61 A5<br />

2/ 4/61 A3<br />

2/19/-61 E5<br />

3/ 7 /61 Al<br />

7/18/61 Bl2<br />

8/27/61 E5<br />

9/ 3/61 D5<br />

9/10/61 ES<br />

10/ 6/61 Al<br />

10/11/61 B6<br />

10/18/-61 Bl<br />

10/-25/61 A2<br />

10/29/-61 E3<br />

11/ 16/-61 A2<br />

11/19/61 E3<br />

11/21/61 Al<br />

11/-23/-61 Al<br />

11/28/61 A2<br />

11/28/61 Bl<br />

11/29/61 Bl<br />

11/30/61 Al<br />

12/ 1/61 Al<br />

12/ 2;/-61 A2<br />

12/ 12/-61 A6<br />

12/12/61 Bl<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl<br />

1/ 4/ 62 A4<br />

1/ 7/62 Al<br />

1/ 8/62 A2<br />

1/19/62 Bl<br />

1/24/62 A3<br />

1/-26/62 Al<br />

1/31/62 Al<br />

3/ 4/62 E3<br />

3/15/62 A4<br />

3/23/62 A3<br />

3/25/62 ES<br />

4/ 17/62 Bl<br />

6/12/62 BlO<br />

6/13/62 Al<br />

6/29/62 Al<br />

6/-29/62 Al<br />

8/ 5/62 E3<br />

8/14/62 Al<br />

10/14/62 E3<br />

11/21/62 BB<br />

11/-27/-62 A4<br />

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