ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Cellege of the Ozarks<br />

see also Harding College<br />

see also John Brewn University<br />

see also Philander Smith College<br />

see also University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Repert charging rivalry retards progress is revived<br />

Creation ef council en higher educ finance favered by ALC<br />

Higher educ finance council would supervise budgets<br />

Beard of Control bill would consolidate colleges<br />

Presidents seek Faubus help to sidetrack overall beard plan<br />

Bill te create beard of control passes committee<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> has long wrestled with idea of everall beard<br />

State Rep Glenn F Walther wants Univ of Ark system fer cells<br />

Henderson pres D D McBrien says educators dislike single bd<br />

Single board for colleges rej ected by House<br />

Repr Lonnie Etheridge te try again fer board en higher educ<br />

Proposed beard should have real pewer. Gazette says<br />

Ark A and M president Jack W Mears favors co-ordinating beard<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Polytechnic president J W Hull opposes overall bd<br />

Rep J H Cottrell Jr to fight fer estab of Higher Educ Bd<br />

New hope fer creation of college beard (ed)<br />

Bills in Legis would create a state Beard of Cantrel<br />

Purpese of Beard of Central outlined in bill<br />

Conflict arises in Legis over prepesed Beard ef Cantrel<br />

Giving real authority to new cellege beard (ed)<br />

Reuse apprGVes bill te estab single beard fer all colleges<br />

Cornell Report ef 1958 rev iewed<br />

Control Beard idea seems near collapse in Legislature<br />

The advisory beard fer state colleges (ed)<br />

Camm en Co-erdinattien of Higher Education Finance proposed<br />

Senate stifles Central Beard by amendment<br />

Compromise developed en Board of Control ; Senate approves<br />

The alternatives en a Cellege Control Beard (ed)<br />

Higher education finance comm appreved by Legis. sent to Gov<br />

Camm on Co-ordination of Higher Education Finance is law<br />

Powers of CCHEF described<br />

Rep Marien Crank advocated CCHEF. J W Hull eppesed it<br />

Gev Faubus appoints first members ef new CCHEF<br />

William E Darby named chairman of CCHEF<br />

E L Angell named director ef CCHEF<br />

E L Angell picked te head CCHEF<br />

College co-ordination (ed en work ef E L Angell)<br />

E L Angell asks fer more time te study college budgets<br />

CCHEF has opportunity te meve inte budget action<br />

Gazette calls CCHEF able advocate fer higher education<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Admissions<br />

see Colleges and univs - Enrollment and retention<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Apprepriatiens<br />

see Colleges and univs - Finance and budgets<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Athletics and Sports<br />

see Athletics and sports<br />

l/ 3/61 A3 5<br />

l/ 5/61 Al2 l<br />

l/ 5/61 Al2 l<br />

1/10/61 A2 5<br />

1/21/61 A3 3<br />

1/26/61 Al 2<br />

1/29/61 C4 l<br />

l/2/61 C4 2<br />

2/ 6/61 Al 4.<br />

2/23/61 Al 5<br />

7 / 5/61 A6 l<br />

7/ 6/61 A4 2<br />

8/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

8/ 9/ 61 Al 3<br />

8/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

8/ 11/61 A4 l<br />

8/25/61 Al 4<br />

8/25/61 Al 4<br />

8/26/61 Al 4<br />

8/26/61 A4 l<br />

8/29/61 Al 2<br />

8/29/61 Bl 2<br />

8/30/61 Al 6<br />

8/30/61 A4 l<br />

8/31/61 Al 2<br />

8/31/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 1/61 Al 3<br />

9/ 1/61 A4 1<br />

9/ 2/61 Al 5<br />

9/10/61 A7 1<br />

9/ 10/61 A7 1<br />

9/10/61 A7 l<br />

9/ 19/61 Bl 4<br />

10/ 3/61 B8 3<br />

2/16/62 Bl 6<br />

3/11/62 Al 4<br />

3/13/62 A4 1<br />

3/17/62 A2 5<br />

11/19/62 A4 1<br />

12-/ 6/62 A6 2<br />


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