ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

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see alse Beeks and writing<br />

see also Chronicles ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Civil War Centennial<br />

see also Menum.ent s. memorials and markers<br />

Original account ef Red River Campaign recalled<br />

Memorial wreath placed en grave of Civil War here David Dodd<br />

Letters ef Dr Junius N Bragg published by his daughter<br />

Relics from <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest made safe fer display<br />

Joel W Strong wrote personal account of the war<br />

Account ef Peace and Censtitutienal Society in Searcy County<br />

Jehn W Morris of Searcy Ce. relates his war experiences<br />

Peace and Constitutional Society members arrested (names)<br />

Peace and Constitutional Society members forced into army<br />

Swerd ef Brig Gen Albert Rust embedded in tree at Camden<br />

Beene County was scene of robbery of wemen and children<br />

John Wertman Morris company fought in NW Ark battles<br />

John Wertman Morris 's story continues<br />

Map shews features. structures at Battle ef Prairie Greve<br />

Article on Leetewn and the Battle of Pea Ridge<br />

Map of Battle of Pea Ridge and photo of Elkhorn Tavern<br />

Body of Confederate Peter Clingman to be moved to Atlanta<br />

Account of killing ef Rev William Shepherd by bushwhackers<br />

Old Wire Read in NW Ark coveted by beth North and South<br />

Article en puzzles made by Rebert K Hall during war<br />

Richard C Rhodes was hanged by bushwhackers. lived to tell it<br />

State never unified in Civil War. John L Fergusen says<br />

Fert Smith 'Grapevine Telegraph ' had Civil War rele<br />

Marker at Bentonville notes amusing incident at Eagle Hotel<br />

Omer R Weaver was first Arkansan killed in the Civil War<br />

Indiana te return Ark flags lest in Civil War<br />

Flags taken in war returned te <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Secend <strong>Arkansas</strong> Mounted Rifles studied by W T Leeper<br />

Iewa has <strong>Arkansas</strong> flag captured at Helena<br />

Letters from war era filled with humor. pathos<br />

Brief history of Battle of Poison Springs<br />

Battle of Prairie Greve re-enacted by Hindman 's Raiders<br />

Brief summary of history of First Arkansaas Infantry Rgmt<br />


Four-year Civil War Centennial opens today<br />

Ceremonies to nete state 's secession frem Union in 1861<br />

Gev and Mrs Faubus te lead grand march at centennial. event<br />

Saline County events mark centennial observances<br />

Cast announced fer re-enactment of secession conventien<br />

Re-enactment ef secession convention set for today<br />

Secession convention re-enacted at Old State House<br />

Jackson County marks entry into Civil War<br />

St Charles marks centennial of Civil War battle<br />


Veteran CCC members get together. discuss their werk<br />

Clearfork Creek dam and camp facilities were built by CCC<br />

l/ 8/ 61 E2<br />

1/ 'f/61 A2<br />

1/11/61 Bl<br />

l/l'l/61 Bl<br />

1/22/61 El<br />

4/ 9/61 E2<br />

4/ 9/61 E2<br />

4/- 9/61 E2<br />

4/ 9/61 E2<br />

5/ 3/61 Bl<br />

6/ 4/61 E2<br />

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6/ 4/61 E2<br />

6/ 4/61 E2<br />

7/ 9/-61 E2<br />

7/ 9/61 E2<br />

7/-30/61 ClO<br />

8/20/61 E3<br />

8/-27/61 E3<br />

11/ 5/61 ES<br />

11/14/-61 Bl<br />

11/23/61 Al3<br />

2/18/62 E4<br />

3/20/62 Bl<br />

4/29/62 E6<br />

5/17/62 A16<br />

6/ 2/62 Al<br />

7/ 1/62 E5<br />

7/ 3/62 Bl<br />

8/26/62 E6<br />

9/ 6/62 Bl<br />

9/ 9/62 ES<br />

9/17/-62 AB<br />

1-/- 8/61 AlO<br />

4-/-30/61 AlO<br />

4/30/61 AlO<br />

4/30/61 AlO<br />

5/ 3/61 All<br />

5/ 6/-61 A6<br />

5/ 7/61 Al<br />

5/16-/-61 Bl<br />

6/13/62 Bl<br />

4/12/61 Bl<br />

5/17-/-61 Bl<br />

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