ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

NAACP files brief in case relating te 1958 laws<br />

George Heward Jr jailed briefly en contempt ef ceurt charge<br />

Negrees drep suit against feur 1957 acts<br />

Suit attacking 1957 acts is dismissed<br />

Desegregation of Fert Smith airport may be sought in suit<br />

Desegregation ef all public facilities in LR sought in suit<br />

Wiley Branton is atty fer Negroes in LR desegregation suit<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Council en Human Relations saddened by LR suit<br />

LR may sell er close swimming peels if integration ordered<br />

LR officials shorr.7 little interest in settlement ef suit<br />

Nat Griswold urges LR te desegregate voluntarily. avoid suits<br />

Fort Smith mayer Rebert Brooksher Jr says airport integrated<br />

Facing the issue {ed en suit te integrate LR city facilities)<br />

Negro leaders prepesed comm in lieu ef court action at LR<br />

Traditien centrals use ef LR parks. not written rules<br />

LR City Bd members in quandry ever desegregation suit<br />

LR branch NAACP hears leader urge legal war en discrimination<br />

Gav Faubus meets with three Negro leaders en state jebs<br />

Gev Faubus says suit will cause closing of LR swimming peels<br />

Gaz ette calls fer effort to settle LR discrimination suit<br />

Segregated seating is problem fer Little Reck Auditorium<br />

City Beard passes desegregation lawsuit te its attorney<br />

Gov Faubs reminds that law allows recreatien facilities lease<br />

Hot Springs te farm biracial greup te help selve problems<br />

State law allows govts to dispese ef recreational facilities<br />

Sit-in case at LR new two years eld with no reselutien seen<br />

Ark Supreme Ct take s 4 1958 segregation laws under study<br />

Nancy Hall will cancel Easter services if Negroes en program<br />

Negroes refused program rele at Capitol service en Easter<br />

Irony at Easter (ed en segregated program at Capitol )<br />

Nancy Hall believes desegregation demand is publicity stunt<br />

Nancy Hall says she gets nothing but praise fer her stand<br />

Letters critical ef Nancy Hall en Easter service stand<br />

Pastors urge that Easter program at Capital be canceled<br />

Wiley A Branton leaving Pine Bluff te head veter proj ect<br />

Letters attack Nancy Hall decision en Easter services<br />

NLR asked te plan fer desegregation of all city parks<br />

Easter service scheduled for Capitol steps canceled<br />

Letters en Nancy Hall decision continue<br />

The sunrise service (ed)<br />

LR City Mgr Bd says it has not denied rights te Negroes<br />

NAACP organized boycott of Pine Bluff Kreger Store<br />

Education of illiterate Negroes urged by Charles H Murphy Jr<br />

Capital Citizens Council offers Negroes free ene-way ride<br />

First one-way riders te be taken to Hyannis Pert, Mass<br />

President of Capital Citizens Council is Amis Guthridge<br />

Amis Guthridge says Ted Kennedy will be asked te meet Negroes<br />

Citizens Council says money raised te fly Negroes ta Mass<br />

Ted Kennedy assails Citizens Council 's Negro airlift<br />

Ted Kennedy arranging welcome fer Ark Negro families<br />

Capital Citizens cannot find Negrees who want te go to Mass<br />

2/ 8/62 Bl 4<br />

2/13/62 Al 1<br />

2/15/62 Bl 4<br />

2/ 27/62 Bl 2<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 6<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 8<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 8<br />

3/10/62 Al 2<br />

3/10/62 Al 2<br />

3/10/62 Al 2<br />

3/10/62 Al 2<br />

3/ 10/62 Al 3<br />

3/10/62 A4 2<br />

3/11/62 Al 2<br />

3/11/62 Al 1<br />

3/l'N62 Al 4<br />

3/12/62 BS 1<br />

3/13/62 Al 2<br />

3/13/62 Al 2<br />

3/13/62 A4 1<br />

3/14/-62 Bl 6<br />

3/15/62 A3 1<br />

3/15/62 A3 2<br />

3/15/62 A3 2<br />

3/15/62 A3 2<br />

3/18/62 E3 1<br />

3/20/-62 Bl 2<br />

3/22/62 Bl 2<br />

3/22/62 Bl 2<br />

3/-23/62 A4 2<br />

3/23/62 Bl 2<br />

3/23/62 Bl 2<br />

3/25/62 E2 3<br />

3/27/62 Al 2<br />

3/29/62 A3 l<br />

3/29/62 A4 3<br />

3/30/62 B5 5<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

4/ 1/62 E2 3<br />

4/ 4/62 A4 2<br />

4/10/62 Al 3<br />

4/10/62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 2/62 Al 2<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 2<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 2<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 2<br />

5/- 4/62 Al3 2<br />

5/ 4/62 Al3 2<br />

5/ 5/62 Al 6<br />

5/ 6/62 A3 4<br />

5/ 8/ 62 Bl 5<br />


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