ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

General Assembly elects US Senater, feur state officials<br />

State Institute for Bli.nd starts eut en denatiens<br />

Gev Harris Flanagin vetoes bill te help Camden bank<br />

Two new counties created by Legislature in 1862<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis finds relations grewing uncomfortable<br />

Col Wm Vandever leads force en scouting expedition at Helena<br />

Gen Theophilus H Helmes tries te bolster force, meets trouble<br />

Low water forces Federals te abandon expedition in SE Ark<br />

Federal soldiers raise doubts about <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest expeditien<br />

Themas Hindman units retreat: reorganization started<br />

Gen James Blunt left te held area as Schofield pulls eut<br />

Col J Q Burbridge told to stop supplies fer Gen Schofield<br />

Gen James Blunt sends out scouts; Southern guard retreats<br />

Cavalry rests, begins raid on federal supplies<br />

Battles rage at Cane Hill and Prairie Grave<br />

Gen Jam.es G Blunt takes ever Can Hill camp<br />

Yellville plant damaged, but seen resumes operation<br />

Federals again attack saltpeter works at Yellville<br />

Gen James G Blunt 's army published one paper at Cane Hill<br />

Battle of Prairie Greve stops work en journal<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman issues erders fer discipline in battle<br />

Gen Jehn S Marmaduke threwn back at Cane Hill<br />

Prairie Greve reperts clouded en erganiz atien<br />

Gen D M Freet led ene division at Prairie Greve battle<br />

Gen James G Blunt headed U S force at Prairie Greve<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman heped te feel federal forces by ruse<br />

Gen James G Blunt decides Harrison net reliable in battle<br />

Skirmishes resumed; treeps leave Cane Hill<br />

Fameus Battle of Prairie Greve begins<br />

Capt S P Pittman lived at Prairie Greve, fought in battle<br />

Eyewitness acct of Borden's orchard scene at Prairie Greve<br />

Casualties total 2.574 in Prairie Greve Battle<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman 's strategy wins praise ef enemy<br />

Gen Thomas C Hindman ordered men te kill Unien officers<br />

Fayetteville was uneasy as battle ferce passed<br />

Church, homes become hespital after Prairie Greve battle<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman retreats from Prairie Greve<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman censures unit under C W Adams ' command<br />

Criticism ef fighting by Confederates refuted<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman protests use of Indians at Prairie Greve<br />

Isaac Murphy family target of guerrillas<br />

Confederates leave wounded behind after Prairie Greve<br />

Beth sides claimed victory at Prairie Greve<br />

Gen Themas Hindman flees as Blunt. Herron attack Van Buren<br />

West 's Cenfederte battery shelled Van Buren fer an hour<br />

Van Buren pillaged as Union treops leave<br />

Civilians calm as federal troops reach Van Buren<br />

Gen Thomas C Hindman 's destitute army leaves Van Buren area<br />

High Confederate desertion rate after Prairie Greve explained<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman had te leave the wounded behind<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman 's hungry troops march teward LR<br />

11/11/62 E6 4<br />

11/12/62 B4 1<br />

11/-13/62 B4 l<br />

11/14/62 B5 1<br />

11/15/62 ClO 1<br />

11/16/62 BB l<br />

11/17/62 A6 l<br />

11/18/62 E-6 4<br />

11/-19/62 C4 1<br />

11/20/-62 B4 1<br />

11/21/62 B4 1<br />

11/22;/62 B5 1<br />

11/-23/62 B8 1<br />

11/24/62 A6 1<br />

11/-25-/-62 E6 4<br />

11/26/-62 B4 1<br />

11/27/62 B4 1<br />

11/28/62 Al8 l<br />

11/29/62 C2 1<br />

11/-30/62 B9 1<br />

12/ 1/62 B4 1<br />

12/ 2/62 E6 4<br />

12/ 3/62 B6 1<br />

12/ 4/62 B5 1<br />

12/ 5/62 B6 l<br />

12/ 6/62 A24 l<br />

12/ 7/62 BB 1<br />

12/ 8/62 B4 l<br />

12/ 9/62 E6 4<br />

12/10/-62 B4 l<br />

12/ 10/-62 B4 l<br />

12/-11/62 B5 1<br />

12/12/62 B6 1<br />

12/13/62 A20 1<br />

12/14/62 BlO 1<br />

12/ 15/62 B4 l<br />

12/16/62 E6 4<br />

12/17/-62 B4 1<br />

12/18/62 B6 l<br />

12/19/62 B5 1<br />

12120/62 ca 1<br />

12/21/62 B6 l<br />

12/22/62 B3 1<br />

12/23/62 D6 4<br />

12/24/62 B3 1<br />

12/-25/62 B6 l<br />

12/26/62 BS l<br />

12/27/62 C4 l<br />

12/28/62 B4 1<br />

12/29/62 BlO 1<br />

12/30/62 D6 4<br />


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