ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Private in Texas unit recalls <strong>Arkansas</strong> march<br />

South 's guerrilla tactics gain preminence during <strong>1962</strong><br />

Leave fer Gen Samuel R Curtis revoked. he assumes command<br />

Gen Eugene A Carr put in command; Steele demands march<br />

Two Federal scouting parties sheet it out near Helena<br />

Confused Texas Unionist finally reaches safety<br />

Prisoner return begins; Arkansan included<br />

Supplies run short; substitutes improv ised<br />

Battle of Corinth is Federal victory<br />

Gen Earl Van Dorn retreats with slight opposition<br />

Gen Theophilus H Helmes assigns stations to men under him<br />

Col Rebert G Shaver leads brigade te Yellville<br />

Salt shortage acute. Gen Theophilus H Helmes takes action<br />

Gen Eugene A Carr takes command ef Army of the Southwest<br />

Rain prevents Gen Theophilus Helmes f rem completing order<br />

Rep Grandison Royston moves to block martial law in <strong>1962</strong><br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Patriot assailed as Henry M Rector sheet<br />

Efforts increased to aid soldiers' families<br />

Reports of life in North influence slaves to stay<br />

Attacked Federals panic. then Southerners flee<br />

Fat Federal 's hiding place in culvert leads to thumping<br />

Maj er John C Wilbur begins march, returns te Missouri<br />

Schofield's Army of the Frontier meves into <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Southerners fall back in Northwest Ark<br />

Union Gen decides net te pursue Jo Shelby at Huntsville<br />

Texas units ordered to mave te Virginia<br />

Confederate Army in Ark increases: readiness doubtful<br />

Col J C Tappan ef Helena, called on Pres Jefferson Davis<br />

Federal Gen Eugene A Carr fears attack<br />

Gen Schofield strikes last blew in Ark ; returns te Missouri<br />

Federal treops meet Fayetteville's 'Wild Bill'<br />

Hungry Unien army finds its own suppl ies<br />

Union men hate te see federal army leave Fayetteville<br />

Unien foraging party taken by surprise<br />

Victorious Confederates flee te safety across river<br />

Federal troops take Current River Ferry<br />

Pike-Hindman centreversy continues as Richmend studies chgs<br />

Christopher Danely suffers inj ury that will preve fatal<br />

Dr Roscoe Jennings. believed dead. manages to get heme<br />

Federal troops revisit Pea Ridge Battlefield<br />

Martial law lifted: civil courts reopened<br />

Two newspapers forced to raise their rates<br />

Legislature convenes minus complete rester<br />

Gev Henry M Rector delivers farewell address<br />

Harris Flanagin inaugurated as governor<br />

Legislature passes act to aid indigent families<br />

Legislature passes slave conscription act<br />

Legislature amplifies govt safety plan<br />

Act ef 1862 suspends state 's collecting ef taxes<br />

True Democrat assails Gov Rector 's adm<br />

General Assembly tries to make state self-sustaining<br />

9/22/62 BS<br />

9/23/ 62 E6<br />

9/24/62 B4<br />

9/25/62 BS<br />

9/26/62 BS<br />

9/27/62 C3<br />

9/28/62 BlO<br />

9/29/62 A6<br />

9/30/62 E6<br />

10/ 1/62 A12<br />

10/ 2/62 B4<br />

10/ 3/62 B6<br />

lo/ 4/62 ca<br />

10/ 5/62 B6<br />

10/ 6/62 A6<br />

10/ 7/62 E6<br />

10/ a/62 B4<br />

10/ 9/62 B6<br />

10/10/62 B5<br />

10/11/62 C6<br />

10/12/62 Ba<br />

10/13/62 A6<br />

10/14/62 E6<br />

10/lS/62 B4<br />

10/16/62 B5<br />

10/17/62 BS<br />

10/-18/62 C6<br />

10/19/-62 B9<br />

10/-20/-62 A8<br />

10/21/62 E6<br />

10/22/62 B4<br />

10/23/62 B6<br />

10/24/62 BS<br />

10/-25/62 C6<br />

10/26/-62 B9<br />

10/-27/62 B4<br />

10/28/62 E6<br />

10/-29/ 62 B4<br />

10/30/-62 B4<br />

10/31/-62 B5<br />

11/ 1/-62 A3 0<br />

11/ 2/62 B9<br />

11/ 3/62 A8<br />

11/- 4/62 E6<br />

11/ 4/62 E6<br />

11/- 5/62 B4<br />

11/- 6/-62 B4<br />

11/- 7/-62 B4<br />

111- 8/62 ca<br />

11/ 9/62 B8<br />

11/-10/62 A6<br />

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