ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Little Reck gets report that Federals are en their way<br />

Albert Pike 's supplies. men shift te Earl Van Darn's use<br />

Buildings in LR used as emergency hespi.tals<br />

Federals take central ef telegraph; news reports hampered<br />

Federal spring drive brings newspaper crisis<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis leaves Pea Ridge area. will attack LR<br />

Curtis ' soldiers find Batesville is delightful<br />

Gen Henry W Halleck takes te field after Battle of Shiloh<br />

Rumors circulate that Jehn S Phelps is governor<br />

Union army 's presence tests loyalty of citizens<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis readies march by planning supply line<br />

Closeness ef Federals brings fears fer cotton<br />

Account of moving of state govt to Hot Springs . Washington<br />

Curtis ' plan te capture LR forces gevt flight to SW Ark<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> papers lead pretest of proclamation<br />

Gov Reeter remains silent until farewell speech<br />

Gen John Selden Roane left in chg te forward troops<br />

Texas troops halt fer rest at Washington<br />

Local women organize te care fer ill soldiers<br />

Two Congressmen return holding hepe fer South<br />

Floods . supply problems deem Curtis ' plan to attack LR<br />

State changes opinion en guerrilla warfare<br />

Gen John Selden Roane declares martial law in Little Reck<br />

Few complaints heard abeut martial law in LR<br />

Gev Henry Reeter, Richard H Johnson plan duel<br />

Editor publishes letters about duel that failed<br />

Charles Ellet ordered to set up steam fleet<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis leaves camp near Searcy Landing<br />

Gen Samuel Curtis sends eut scouts te disperse opponents<br />

Yankees. Confederates complain of brutality<br />

Batesville. Jacksonport publish Union j eurnals<br />

Reorganiz ation begins under conscript act<br />

Conscript Act stirs displeasure<br />

General Hindman gives orders far encounter<br />

Beauregard 's shattered forces retreat frem Shiloh<br />

Beauregard dispatches force to meet advance<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis feared fleet on White River<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis hopes ta capture the gunboat Maurepas<br />

Cavalry unit departs to raid federal camp near Searcy<br />

March is uneventful. so soldiers act feelish<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis seeks to raise 10 regiments<br />

New defense commands created in Trans-Mississippi area<br />

Needing men. Hindman threatens. gets his way<br />

Hindman's men gather arms and ammunition<br />

Memphis surrendered after shert naval fight<br />

Federals break. retreat after Red River incident<br />

Cotten burning started; Hindman eases policy<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis says guerrillas must face death penalty<br />

Albert Pike reluctant to strip his depleted command<br />

Gen Themas Hindman sends treeps. but federals retreating<br />

Col Albert G Brackett sent Federals for feed; party raided<br />

4/24/-6Z BS 1<br />

4/25/-62 BS 1<br />

4/26/-62 C6 1<br />

4/27/62 BB 1<br />

4/28/62 B3 1<br />

4/29/-62 E6 4<br />

4/-30/62 B4 1<br />

5/ 1/62 BS 1<br />

5/ 2/62 B8 1<br />

5/- 3/ 62 Al6 1<br />

5/ 4/62 B8 1<br />

5/ 5/62 B3 1<br />

5/ 6/62 E6 4<br />

5/ 6/62 E6 4<br />

5/ 7/62 B4 1<br />

5/ 8/62 B6 1<br />


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