ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Memphis and Little Reck Railroad epens te Little Rock<br />

Little Reck unprepared for Maxey 's ill soldiers<br />

State sadly lacking in hospital facilities<br />

Newspapers modify attacks en Military Board<br />

Journal tries to divide press foes ef Reeter<br />

War begins te take tell among newspapers<br />

Produce sales controls bring attacks on Solen Berland<br />

Federal Army uses winter months to train troops<br />

Brig Gen Albert Pike returns to state after rept en Indians<br />

Many Arkansans cured at hospital in Memphis<br />

Little Rock business thrives despite war<br />

General and paper effer wool-weaving prizes<br />

Sectional bias distorts news from the Nerth<br />

Gideon J Pillew's claim te fame based en martial career<br />

Confederate. Unien armies plan maj or reorganizations<br />

Samuel Housten sank beat deliberately to thwart Confederates<br />

Rise in cost of living greater at Little Reck<br />

Little Reck man finds new tanning process<br />

Memphis and Little Reck Railroad asks funds to complete line<br />

Need fer small change continuing problem<br />

Confederate Congress holds its first sessiE:>D.<br />

Fall of Fort Henry in Tenn shocks Confederacy<br />

Little Reck realizes need fer a hospital<br />

Changes in command of Ark treeps announced<br />

Arrival of Maj Gen Earl Van Dern curtails recruiting plan<br />

Gov Henry M Rector requests 8,SOO volunteers<br />

Gaz ette attacks Col Edward M Gantt as incompetent. climber<br />

Arrival of two generals brings treeps to pests<br />

Grant takes Fort Donelson. Tennessee<br />

South alarmed by fall of Forts Donelson and Henry<br />

Gen Earl Van Dern gives orders to concentrate troops<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis tarried too long in Springfield<br />

Reports of Price 's retreat reach Col Herbert<br />

South reportedly wins skirmish at Petts Hill<br />

Gen Alexander Asboth sent to take Bentonville<br />

Gen Ben McCulloch 's scorched earth policy draws protests<br />

Gen Curtis orders Asboth to enter Fayetteville<br />

Confederates restless at camp in Beston Mountains<br />

Federal numbers. actions difficult to estimate<br />

New threat of invasion presented in northeast<br />

Mill 011Tners in northwest Ark welcome federal protection<br />

Maj R P Crump 's caval:cy unit honored at Washington<br />

Armies assemble in northwest Ark as prelude to Pea Ridge<br />

Seventeenth <strong>Arkansas</strong> Regiment plagued by disasters<br />

Request of Earl Van Dern boosts state recruiting<br />

Gen Van Dern visits camp to settle dispute<br />

Gen Van Dern begins drive teward federal camps in NW Ark<br />

Union private gathers facts en Price 's camp<br />

Armies moving into position near Bentonville<br />

Bloody Battle of Pea Ridge begins<br />

Van Dern. Curtis review events, await dawn at Pea Ridge<br />

1/14/62 D6 4<br />

l/lS/62 B3 1<br />

1/16/62 B4 l<br />

1/-17/62 B6 l<br />

1/18/62 C6 1<br />

1/19/62 BS 1<br />

1/20/62 A6 l<br />

1/21/62 E6 4<br />

1/22/ 62 B3 1<br />

1/23/62 B4 1<br />

1/24/62 B4 1<br />

l/25/62 C4 l<br />

l/26/62 B7 l<br />

1/27/62 A6 1<br />

1/28/62 E6 4<br />

1/29/62 A6 1<br />

1/30/62 B4 1<br />

1/31/62 B6 l<br />

2/ 1/62 C14 l<br />

2/ 2/ 62 B5 1<br />

2/ 3/62 A6 1<br />

2/ 4/ 62 E6 4<br />

2/ 5/62 B3 1<br />

2/ 6/62 B4 l<br />

2/ 7/62 B4 1<br />

2/ 8/62 C8 l<br />

2/ 9/62 B6 1<br />

2/10/62 A6 1<br />

2/11/62 F6 4<br />

2/12/62 B3 1<br />

2/13/62 B4 1<br />

2/14/62 B4 1<br />

2/15/62 C8 1<br />

2/16/62 B7 1<br />

2/17/62 B3 l<br />

2/18/62 E6 4<br />

2/19/62 B3 1<br />

2/20/62 B4 1<br />

2/21/62 BS l<br />

2/22/62 C6 1<br />

2/23/62 B6 1<br />

2/24/62 A6 l<br />

2/25/62 E6 4<br />

2/26/62 B4 1<br />

2/27 /62 B6 1<br />

2/28/62 B6 1<br />

3/ l/62 ClO 1<br />

3/ 2/62 B7 1<br />

3/ 3/62 A8 1<br />

3/ 4/62 E6 3<br />

3/ 5/62 B4 1<br />


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