ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman routs Yankees in Kentucky<br />

Masons and Odd Fellows cenvene at LR<br />

Unien ferces withdraw frem Springfield. Me<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> slew te criticize Gen Ben McCulloch<br />

Anether battalion j eins service ef Confederacy<br />

Unienists from hills face treason charges<br />

Military takes steps te curb speculators<br />

Ex-Arkansan invents new battering ram<br />

Press. Military Beard keep eld feud going<br />

Gazette criticism ef Military Bd brings challenge te Danley<br />

Cemmanders ef militia inspect their units<br />

Journal 's weekly fails te get eff ground<br />

Gen Sterling Price 's aide visits state te enlist treeps<br />

Four entertainments held fer benefit of soldiers<br />

Fourth <strong>Arkansas</strong> leaves Little Rock fer Kentucky<br />

Gen Ben McCulloch 's treeps ge into winter quarters<br />

Conflict between Gens McCulloch and Price arises<br />

Augustus H Garland wins Congressional election<br />

Mechanics unite te fight pay system's hazards<br />

Funds appertiened fer Memphis and Little Reck completion<br />

Solen Borland-James Gee dispute becomes public<br />

Artillery group ferms. meves te Little Rock<br />

Secession almest halts <strong>Arkansas</strong>'s commerce<br />

Jefferson Davis resisted Western Command for Sterling Price<br />

Confederate Congress enacts bonus legislation<br />

12th <strong>Arkansas</strong> Regiment sent to Missouri<br />

Loss of postal system brings South problems<br />

Selan Berland stays in news with erder en finance<br />

Little Reck firm tries te keep prices dewn<br />

Hindman 's Legion invited te ball in Kentucky<br />

Sixth <strong>Arkansas</strong> treated te feast fer Federals<br />

Col Deughlas H Cooper conducts campaign in Indian Territory<br />

Gen Albert Pike takes Indian treaties to Richmond<br />

Newspaper gives report of a Kansas refugee<br />

Newspapers take ·up discussion ef new flag<br />

Southerners examine symbols ef old nation<br />

The 12-months soldiers receive peer treatment<br />

Secret society of Union sympathizers discovered in N Ark<br />

J M Gee 's Fifteenth Ark Infantry enters Army of South<br />

Confederates send Missouri recruiters te Ark te raise troops<br />

Treops ef Cenf Brig Gen M Jeff Thempson refuse te re-enlist<br />

Col Edward W Gantt 's request fer Ark troops denied<br />

Officers hope te put Arkansans in one brigade<br />

Few Arkansans became Confederate generals<br />

Maj Gen Earl Van Deren takes ever Trans-Mississippi District<br />

Several in Ark offer designs fer South's flag<br />

Unsold 186 1 cotton crop presents farm problem<br />

Seuth realizes need to be self-sustaining<br />

LR Mayer William E Ashley re-elected without opposition<br />

Special session of Legis passed plan en tax relief<br />

Facing money crisis. South turns to bends<br />

11/24/61 B7 1<br />

11/25/61 B4 1<br />

11/26/61 E6 4<br />

11/27/61 B3 1<br />

11/28/61 B6 1<br />

11/29/61 BS 1<br />

11/30/61 C4 1<br />

12/ l/'61 BlO 1<br />

12/ 2/ 61 BS 1<br />

12/ 3/61 E6 4<br />

lZ/ 4/61 B4 1<br />

12/ S/61 B4 1<br />

12/ 6/61 B6 1<br />

12/ 7/61 Al8 1<br />

12/ 8/61 BB l<br />

12/ 9/61 B3 1<br />

12/10/61 E6 4<br />

12/11/61 B4 l<br />

12/12/61 B6 1<br />

12/13/61 B5 1<br />

12/14/61 C4 1<br />

12/15/61 BS l<br />

12/16/61 B3 l<br />

lZ/17/61 E6 4<br />

12/18/61 B4 1<br />

12/19/61 B6 1<br />

12/2G/61 B6 1<br />

12/21/61 C6 1<br />

12/22/61 B6 1<br />

12/23/61 A6 1<br />

12/25/61 B5 1<br />

12/25/ 61 D6 4<br />

12/26/61 BS l<br />

12/27 /61 B4 1<br />

12/28/61 C6 1<br />

12/29/61 B6 1<br />

12/3(}/61 A5 l<br />

12/31/61 D6 4<br />

1/ 1/62 BS 1<br />

l/ 2/62 B4 1<br />

1/ 3/62 AB 1<br />

1/ 4/ 62 C6 1<br />

1/ 5/62 B6 1<br />

l/ 6/62 A6 l<br />

1/ 7/62 E6 4<br />

1/ 8/62 B3 l<br />

l/ 9/62 B4 l<br />

1/10/62 AlO 1<br />

1/ 11/62 C4 1<br />

1/12/62 B4 1<br />

1/13/62 A6 1<br />


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