ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Score-cards differ en Missouri ambush<br />

Stage is set at Wilson's Creek<br />

Feds steal a march in early morning raid at Springfield<br />

South wen Battle of Wilson's Creek near Springfield, Me<br />

Second-guessing after Battle of Wilson Creek<br />

Ben McCulloch, Sterling Price disagree en strategy<br />

Second-guessing en Battle of Wilsen Creek<br />

Union forces retreat frem Springfield to Rolla<br />

Newspapers laud unit led by William E Woodruff Jr<br />

More dissension on transfer of troops<br />

In camp with the Fourth <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Confederacy missed opportunity to take Missouri<br />

Waiting fer the word from old New Madrid<br />

State prepares for a new kind ef vote<br />

Recruiters meving in on Little Reck<br />

Brig Gen Ben McCulloch falls back to Ca.mp Jackson. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Text ef song written by W J Shumate<br />

War effort hurt by newsprint shortage<br />

Preparations fer school affected by war fears<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> schools planned for 1861 terms<br />

Criticism. charges of cowardice mark Battle of Oak Hills<br />

Arguments ever arms and areas of command<br />

Deployment, transfers, supply cause headaches<br />

Need for guns published as armory established<br />

Problem ef pretectien fer western <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Jealeusy. resentment crep up in command<br />

Military Beard cemes in fer additional criticism<br />

Confederate election of '61 was unusual<br />

Recruiting campaign pushed in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Yankee POWs create mild sensation in state<br />

Soldiers elect officers and get seme clothes<br />

Volunteers hemesick, they decide te disband<br />

Albert Pike calls en Choctaws te join Confederacy<br />

Gen Hardee gets orders to meve his command to Kentucky<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> names 4 members to Confederate Reuse ef Reps<br />

Gev Henry M Reeter calls fer mere volunteers<br />

Army officers seek clothing contributions<br />

State residents urged to operate salt springs<br />

Fame comes te dentist M McClure<br />

Gen Ben McCulloch refuses to march with Gen Sterling Price<br />

Gen Sterling Price meets the enemy near Dry Wood, Me<br />

Gen Sterling Price advances through Missouri<br />

Fall ef Lexington. Me, severe blew to Unien<br />

Unien Gen James H Lane adds te his reputation<br />

Gen Ben McCulloch uses threates te get some wapons<br />

Volunteers sought fer artillery company<br />

Controversy flares ever calling ef Confederate troops<br />

Completion of railraed bridge cheered Little Reck<br />

Kentucky 's neutrality precarieus ; South makes a wrong move<br />

Ab sent state officials urged te return or resign<br />

Third <strong>Arkansas</strong> demonstrates its valer<br />

7/31/61 A4 6<br />

8/ 2/61 B4 6<br />

8/ 4/ 61 A4 6<br />

8/ 6/-61 E3 4<br />

8/ 7/61 A4 6<br />

8/ 9/61 A4 6<br />

8/11/61 A4 6<br />

8/-13/61 E3 4<br />

8/15/-61 A4 6<br />

8/16/61 A4 6<br />

8/18/61 A4 6<br />

8/-20/61 E3 4<br />

8/21/61 A4 6<br />

8/23/61 A4 6<br />

8-/-25/-61 A4 6<br />

8/27 /61 E2 4<br />

8/28/-61 A4 6<br />

8/30-/-61 A4 6<br />

9/ 1/61 B7 1<br />

9/- 2/61 B4 l<br />

9/ 3-/-61 D3 4<br />

9/ 4/61 B3 7<br />

9/ 5-/-61 BS l<br />

9/ 6/61 Al2 1<br />

9/ 7/61 C4 1<br />

9/ 8/61 B6 1<br />

9/ 9/61 B4 1<br />

9/10/61 E3 4<br />

9/11/61 B3 1<br />

9/12/61 B6 1<br />

9/13/61 B6 1<br />

9/14/61 C4 1<br />

9/-15/61 B7 1<br />

9/16/61 B4 1<br />

9/17/61 E3 4<br />

9/18/61 B4 l<br />

9/19/61 B6 l<br />

9/20/61 B6 1<br />

9/21/61 C7 1<br />

9/22/61 B7 1<br />

9/23/61 A6 1<br />

9/-24/61 E3 4<br />

9/25/61 B4 1<br />

9/26/61 B4 l<br />

9/27 /61 B6 1<br />

9/28/ 61 C4 1<br />

9/2'>/61 BB l<br />

9/-30/61 B5 1<br />

10/ 1/61 E6 4<br />

10/ 2/61 B3 1<br />

10/ 3/61 B4 1<br />


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