ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Parks , recreatien and tourism<br />


see Children and yeuth<br />


see also Dr awnings<br />

see also Kidnapping<br />

see also Loitering and vagrancy<br />

see alse Lollar. Peter<br />

see also Mental health and diserders<br />

see also Murders - Cex. Willy<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

Murders - Green. Anita<br />

Murders - Henson. Christine<br />

Murders - Horten. Charles David<br />

Murders - Naylor. Douglas Breck and James W Melton<br />

Murders - Shearer. Dennis R<br />

Murders - Smith, Dennis<br />

Murders - Talley. Jee and Irene Talley<br />

Murders - Tayler. Lannie<br />

Murders - Willman. Wayne<br />

Peer<br />

Prisons and prisoners<br />

Pulaski County Junior Deputy Sheriffs<br />

Punishment<br />

Legis defeats child welfare proposal ef Welfare Dept<br />

Baby left en doorstep ef J R Utley heme at Sylvan Hills<br />

Parent s who chained bey. 14, at Hot Springs to be charged<br />

Mr and Mrs Bill Hight chgd in chaining of their son<br />

Ark will turn dewn federal aid te children of the jobless<br />

Juvenile delinquency declined in Pulaski County last year<br />

Nancy L Arendt Long seeks te keep inf ant state wants te take<br />

Two Negro parents bring five sons in to face up to justice<br />

Parent s who give up child fer adoption often want it back<br />

Children at Pentacestal Church have net had polie shots<br />

Pentacostal Church parents obj ect te taking vaccinatiens<br />

Scheel Bd at Het Springs requires polio vaccinations<br />

Flaw found in bill en abandonment of children by fathers<br />

Senate passes amended child abandonment law<br />

NLR city adm alarmed by delinquency ameng youth<br />

Parents liable fer misdeeds ef miner children. high ct rules<br />

NLR students urge Mayor Laman net to punish the innocent<br />

J C Cottons can bring suit ever adoption of grandchildren<br />

NLR Mayer Casey Laman suggests yeuth council en delinquency<br />

Mr and Mrs Clyde J Long give up fight ta keep child<br />

Gordon and Alma Hartrick are long-time fester parents<br />

Trained employees greatest need in hemes fer children<br />

State willing te take ever Pulaski County child care program<br />

LR fire. police officials urge law te curb child neglect<br />

Hot Springs Schoel Bd sets deadline fer pupils to get 'shots '<br />

Pentecostal Church children at Het Springs not vaccinated<br />

2-/ 7-/61 Al 8<br />

2/12/61 A2 6<br />

2/27/61 Al 2<br />

3-/ 1/61 A6 5<br />

3-/ 9/61 Bl 2<br />

3/29/61 A9 2<br />

5/14/61 Al 4<br />

8/ 3/61 C14 4<br />

8/ 6-/61 E5 1<br />

9/ 17/61 A3 1<br />

9/17/61 A3 1<br />

9-/17-/61 A3 1<br />

9/21/61 Al 4<br />

9/22-/61 A2 1<br />

10/31/61 A6 1<br />

11/- 1/ 61 Bl 2<br />

11/- 2-/ 61 A9 1<br />

11/- 7/61 Bl 2<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl2 8<br />

11/ 9/61 Cl2 6<br />

12/24/61 D4 1<br />

1/26/62 AB 3<br />

2/10/62 A5 7<br />

2/11/62 All 1<br />

2/11/62 All 7<br />

2/11/62 All 7<br />


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