ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Pelitical candidates barred frem speaking at Univ ef Ark<br />

Vernon H Whitten denounces UA ban en political candidates<br />

Ban en political candidates called beyond reason (ed)<br />

Editorial en ban ef political speeches at Univ of Ark<br />

Univ of Ark students plan pretest petition en politics ban<br />

Establishment ef Univ of Ark due Vermonter, Confederate gen<br />

'I'rustees to discuss ban en politics<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller amazed at UA ban of politics en campus<br />

UA Student Senate asks fer definition ef political ban<br />

Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten critical of politics ban by UA<br />

Trustees ease its political ban<br />

Editorials en ban en politics at Univ ef Ark<br />

University rallies (ed en Univ of Ark policy)<br />

Univ of Ark president bars local candidates from campus talks<br />

Ban en political rallies under attack<br />

Dr Mullins fails te correct an error (ed on politics ban)<br />

Larry Dunn files libel suit against Razorback yearbook editor<br />

Libel lawsuit against yearbook also names Hurley Printing Co<br />

Univ of Ark employees form union local<br />

Univ of Ark Schola Canterum heads for competition in Italy<br />

Wing for dormitory fer UA athletes donated by W E Darby<br />

Univ ef Ark Schola Canterum wins tep prize in intnl contest<br />

UA business maj ers team with banks fer work experience<br />

Schela Canterum win elates Arkansans<br />

Schola Canterum invited te White Reuse by Pres Kennedy<br />

Schela Cantorum was first American win intnl contest<br />

State Dept feund UA Schela Canterum net geed eneugh fer funds<br />

State Dept refused Schola Canterum request fer funds fer trip<br />

Schola Canterum reaches New Yerk; gets TV bid. mere cash<br />

New York gives celebrity treatment to UA Schola Canterum<br />

Schela Canterum sings fer President Kennedy<br />

Schela Canterum and the State Dept (column)<br />

Fayetteville plans big welcome heme for Schela Cantorum<br />

Fayetteville, Univ ef Ark, welcome Schela Canterum heme<br />

Schela Canterum directer Richard Brothers made hit<br />

List ef pledges sororities and fraternities<br />

State papers comment on honers fer Schela Canterum<br />

Music critic Paul Hume praises U of A Schola Canterum<br />

Schela triumph only one side of UA's arts program<br />

Praise fer UA 's Schela Canterum continue s<br />

Dr Richard Brethers clears the record on Schola funds<br />

Hew the famed 'razorback' became the famed 'Razorback '<br />

U A has record enrollment ef 7,899<br />

Admission ef first Negro described in article<br />

Reporter Rebert S McCord was present when Hunt entered U<br />

Second Negro te enroll at U ef A was Jack L Shropshire<br />

Silas Hunt was first Negro to enroll at UA<br />

White students remeved rail from area used by Silas Hunt<br />

Univ of Ark research seeks cure fer recluse spider bite<br />

GOP candidate Wilis Ricketts says cam.pus rally vetoed by UA<br />

Univ ef Ark tells why Willis Ricketts rally net allowed<br />

5/ 5/62 Al<br />

5/ 6/62 Al<br />

5/ 6/62 E2<br />

5/ r:F/ 62 A4<br />

5/ 9/62 Bl<br />

5/10/62 Bl<br />

5/11/62 AlO<br />

5/11/62 AlO<br />

5/12/62 A2<br />

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5/12/62 A3 5<br />

5/13/62 A2 4<br />

5/13/62 E3 2<br />

5/15/62 A4 1<br />

5/17/62 Bl 7<br />

5/18/62 Al 3<br />

5/18/62 A4 1<br />

6/ 7/62 Cl4 5<br />

6/ 7/62 Cl4 5<br />

7/15/62 A6 5<br />

8/ 3/62 A3 4<br />

8/23/62 B2 2<br />

8/25/62 Al 5<br />

8/25/62 B6 l<br />

8/26/62 A3 2<br />

8/30-/62 Bl 2<br />

8/31/62 Bl 4<br />

8/31/62 Bl 4<br />

8/31/62 Bl 4<br />

9/ 1/62 Al 3<br />

9/ 2/62 Al 4<br />

9/ 5/-62 Al 5<br />

9/ 6/-62 A4 6<br />

9/ 6/62 Bl 6<br />

9/ 7/62 Al 3<br />

9/ 9/62 A12<br />

9/ 9/62 A9<br />

9/- 9/62 E3<br />

9/14/62 Bl<br />

9/16/62 A6<br />

9/16/62 E3<br />

9/25/62 A4<br />

9/30/62 E4<br />

10/ 7/62 A13<br />

10-/13/62 A4<br />

of A 10/-13/62 A4<br />

10/13/62 A4<br />

10/13/62 A4<br />

10/13/62 A4<br />

10/14/62 AlO<br />

10-/21/62 A8<br />

10/-23/62 Bl<br />

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