ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

New facility te be dedicated<br />

New home en Confederate Blvd opens today<br />

Rev Purl Steckten operates mission in Little Reck<br />

UNIONS• Laber<br />

see Hotel , Motel and Restaurant Employees Intnl Union<br />

see Laber<br />

see also Franz Feods<br />


3/19/61 A2<br />

3/24/61 Bl<br />

3/24/61 Bl<br />

Attache Salah Kamel comes to Ark drum.ming up tourists fer UAR 4/12/62 Al 2 5<br />


see also Douglas-Lomasen Ce<br />


Harry Pfeifer Jr te head <strong>1961</strong> fund drive<br />

Rebert E Ritchie te direct second United Fund campaign<br />

Geal is $96 4, 5 82<br />

Executives to assist in fund drive<br />

Workers report 95 pct ef goal reached<br />

Little Rocle is $31,000 short of goal<br />

Goal exceeded<br />

Pulaski County goal is $989,722<br />


1/26/-61 Bl<br />

3/ 19/61 A4<br />

8/13/61 Al<br />

8/17/61 Bl<br />

11/16/61 Bl<br />

12/12/61 Al<br />

12/23/61 Al<br />

9/ 20/62 A15<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

8<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

see also Stocks and bends<br />

UNITED STATES - Agriculture Department<br />

see alse Agricultural Stabilization and Censervatien Service<br />

UNITED STATES - Area Redevelopment Administration<br />

Jehn H Opitz named co-ordinator in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

UNITED STATES - Army Corps of Engineers<br />

3/ 7/62 Bl 3<br />

see also Rivers and lakes<br />

Col John C Dalrymple heads Little Reck District<br />

Little Reck District to celebrate 25th birthday<br />

LR Dist headed by Col Charles D Maynard<br />

UNITED STATES - Attorney General<br />

see alse Labor<br />

UNITED STATES - Attorneys<br />

Finding suitable US attorney fer Eastern Dist may be teugh<br />

Osre Cobb to remain in Eastern Dist office until Jan <strong>1962</strong><br />

Charles Conway to get U S Atty pest fer Western Dist of Ark<br />

UNITED STATES - Bankruptcy Court<br />

see Bankruptcies<br />

UNITED STATES - Buildings and Offices<br />

Federal Building at Little Rock completed<br />

GSA to accept $7 million federal bldg at LR<br />

UNITED STATES - Civil Service Commission<br />

see also Government employees. State<br />

UNITED STATES - Civilian Conservation Cerps<br />

see Civilian Censervatien Corps<br />

UNITED STATES - Department of Agriculture<br />

see also Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service<br />

Arkansan J ehn A Baker appointed aide in USDA<br />

Column discusses Jehn Baker's new assignment<br />

UNITED STATES - Employment Security Bureau<br />

8/ 8/61 Bl<br />

6/17/62 AB<br />

7/12/62 Bl<br />

3/26/61 A4<br />

3/26/61 A4<br />

12/ 6/61 Bl<br />

12/10/61 A2<br />

12/14/61 Bl<br />

7/19/62 Bl<br />

7/29/62 E3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

6<br />

7<br />

7<br />

4<br />

1<br />

B<br />

4<br />

5<br />


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