ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Luther Bailey wins retrial in Federal Appeals Court ruling<br />

Charged in NLR case are Riley Williams . Troy Alexander<br />

Charges filed against 3 Negroes in rape ef white girl at NLR<br />

Marvin Aren Hammond chgd in rape ef white girl at NLR<br />

Wallace D Lyles. Jr. James E Bruce chgd with child molesting<br />

Three Negroes chgd with raping white girl ask trial er bond<br />

Ark Supreme Ct denies appeal ef Lennie B Mitchell third time<br />

Luther Bailey gets execution stay fer new trial<br />

Alfred J Dees charged with carnal abuse at Camden<br />

State asks US Supreme Ct te overturn Luther Bailey ruling<br />

J D Sharp sought en charge ef raping 17-yr-eld Negre girl<br />

Jehn D Patrick chgd in rape ef weman at Hape<br />

Ark Supreme Ct delays meve te save life of Lennie Mitchell<br />

Jehn D Patrick, Negre. chgd with rape ef elderly white weman<br />

Trial date fer Riley Williams, Trey Alexander, Marvin Hammond<br />

Mr and Mrs Edward Pratt get 21-yrs for abuse of their child<br />

Luther Bailey te get date fer new trial en rape cenvictien<br />

Trial set fer 3 Negrees in rape of white girl at NLR<br />

New trial, defense counsel in sight fer Luther Bailey<br />

Luther Bailey's new rape trial set fer <strong>1962</strong><br />

Atty fer 3 NLR Negroes ask transfer te federal dist ceurt<br />

Jack Henderson Crain Jr chgd with melesting boys<br />

US Supreme Ct te review ruling in Luther Bailey case<br />

Delano Franklin Morris. a Negre, chgd with rape ef white<br />

Trial of 3 Negrees chgd in NLR rape of 16-yr-eld to start<br />

Negroes in NLR case lese pleas: trial set<br />

Eleven j urers seated fer trial ef 3 Negrees in NLR case<br />

Negro seated en jury to try 3 Negroes in NLR case<br />

Two Negroes seated te hear trial ef 3 Negroes in NLR case<br />

Presecutien rests in trial ef 3 Negroes in NLR rape case<br />

Defendants in NLR rape case testify<br />

Three Negroes get life terms in NLR rape case<br />

Convicted molester Wallace D Lyles Jr gets 3 years<br />

Gerald Dixen. Havis B Holloway. Themas Terry ge en trial<br />

Three men chgd in PB with raping crippled woman deny chgs<br />

Three Pine Bluff youth convicted in attack ef crippled girl<br />

Three Pine Bluff youths sentenced te 3 yrs in prison<br />

Three teen-aged Negroes get life terms fer rape ef white girl<br />

Escapee Charles Frankl in Fields killed Charles A Mencer<br />

Charles Franklin Fields escapes prison. rapes weman<br />

Luther Bailey has been under death sentence since 1956<br />

Luther Bailey 's new trial in 5-yr-old rape case opens at LR<br />

Change ef venue fer 2nd trial of Luther Bailey denied<br />

Luther Bailey's defense accepts rape jury<br />

Luther Bailey rape trial jury hears six state witnesses<br />

Weman identifies Luther Bailey as her attacker<br />

Luther Bailey gets death sentence in second rape trial<br />

Cenvictien ef L C Peele en chg of assault reversed<br />

L C Peele is Negro. alleged victim is white 14-yr-eld girl<br />

Judge William J Kirby te intervene in Luther Bailey suit<br />

Federal judge rules against Luther Bailey<br />

3/18/61 Al 3<br />

3/25/61 Bl2 5<br />

3/25/61 B12 5<br />

3/25/61 B12 5<br />

3/31/61 Bl2 1<br />

4/13/61 Al 4<br />

5/ 9/-61 BS 1<br />

5/24/-61 Bl4 6<br />

6/-15/61 A2 1<br />

6/15/61 Bl 4<br />

7/- 1/61 A3 4<br />

7/ 6/61 Bl 6<br />

7/13/61 Bl 4<br />

7/22/61 A3 3<br />

9/ 8/61 A6 3<br />

9/-13/61 BlO 6<br />

10-/ 1/61 B8 1<br />

10-/ 3/61 B3 3<br />

10/- 3/61 B3 7<br />

10/ 4/ 61 Bl 8<br />

10/11/-61 B6 l<br />

10/12/61 Bl 8<br />

10/17/61 A2 1<br />

10/-28/61 B2 1<br />

10/29/61 A16 7<br />

10/-31/61 Bl 8<br />

11/- 1/-61 A3 1<br />

11/ 2/ 61 All 5<br />

11/ 3/61 B12 1<br />

11/ 4/61 A3 1<br />

11/ 7/-61 A6 1<br />

11/ 8/61 AlO 1<br />

11/11/-61 B8 1<br />

11/29/61 B9 6<br />

11/30-/61 A6 5<br />

12/ 1/61 A16 4<br />

12/ 1/61 Al6 4<br />

1/ 4/62 B6 2<br />

1/16/-62 Al 2<br />

1/16/62 al 2<br />

1/-28/62 AlO l<br />

1/28/62 AlO 1<br />

1/30/62 Bl2 1<br />

1/31/62 Al 6<br />

2/ 1/62 A9 1<br />

2/ 2/62 A6 1<br />

2/ 3/62 Al 5<br />

2/ 6/62 A2 l<br />

2/ 6/62 A2 1<br />

2/14/62 A5 5<br />

2/18/62 All 7<br />


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