ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Doubts that Republican can be elected geverner this year<br />

Fear rules electiens in Ark, Reckefeller says<br />

Predicts that Orval E Faubus will seek fifth term this year<br />

Wants state Republican Party built frem grassreets<br />

George B Mathis asks Reckefeller te back his remark en 'fear'<br />

Reckefeller's appraisal ef ene-party record (ed)<br />

Rockefeller leeks at GOP bent en state level<br />

Says state GOP is moving te the political right<br />

Editerials discuss decision net te run fer gov<br />

Editorial ponders what might-have-been had Rockefeller run<br />

Tells Searcy rally key to victory is lecal unit<br />

Says GOP to file fer Cengressienal House seats<br />

Amazed at ban ef politics on Univ ef Ark campus<br />

Unveils film te be used te premete twe-party system<br />

Addresses disabled veterans greup<br />

Rockefeller says GIT net helping state as expected<br />

Rockefeller pinpoints the GIT's problems (ed)<br />

Rockefeller holds 50 pct ef stack in Pleasant Valley Inc<br />

Honored by Colonial Williamsburg<br />

Asks Republicans fer autematic giving to GOP fund<br />

Backed W L Spicer aver Henry Britt fer state GOP chief<br />

GOP falls in line behind Reckef eller<br />

Henered for contributiens Reckefellers made te Virginia<br />

Sponsors rally fer GOP candidates at his farm<br />

Approved use of federal troops in LR in 1957 . Gov Faubus says<br />

Had no part in forming AIDC. Gov Faubus says<br />

Displeased by JFK administratien<br />

Democratic landslide slap in Rockefeller face, Faubus says<br />

Legislators angry at Reckefeller. rumers say<br />

AIDC still needs Winthrop Rockefeller (ed)<br />

Editorials urge that Rockefeller remain as AIDC Chairman<br />

Helps dedicate Arts Center 's new artmebile<br />


see Furniture and household equipment<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


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