ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Engineers build scale model of Dardanelle Leck and Dam<br />

Beaved Dam en White River nearly half completed (photo)<br />

Agencies approve recreation lake near Osceola<br />

Proposed public works bill has $80 million fer Ark proj ects<br />

Working model ef Dardanelle Leck and Dam cempleted<br />

Texas visitor calls fer preservation of Buffale River<br />

Dardanelle Dam constructien has river almost blocked<br />

Blytheville hoping terminal te make city a maj or pert<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Basin Assn seeks te spur river shipping<br />

Table Rock, Bull Shoals under guard during Cuba crisis<br />

Federal govt allets $83 million fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> proj ects<br />

Dam already built en Reck Creek, but permit net granted<br />

Bridge may be built along with dam near <strong>Arkansas</strong> Post<br />

Plans fer highway bridge en top of dam at Ark Pest dropped<br />

River development extolled at banquet in Russellville<br />

Pine Bluff Lake dedicated with 500 in attendance<br />

Pine Bluff to develop industrial site at proposed pert<br />


see also Industrial accidents and safety<br />

ROADS<br />

see also Advertising<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Land and real estate<br />

see alse Trucks and trucking industry<br />

see also Veterans<br />

AHD count shews state has 72.909 miles of highways. streets<br />

Gov Faubus eppeses cities and tewns raiding read funds<br />

AHC would approve bends te match federal aid fer highway s<br />

Bids werth $1.705.582 opened by AHC<br />

Legis asked fer censtitutienal am.dt earmarking read funds<br />

ARC pleads with Legis te divert ne mere read funds te ethers<br />

Bill in Legis would freeze turnback funds at present level<br />

Bills in Legis freeze turnback formula. transfers bridges<br />

Local gevts te seek increased share ef read funds<br />

Highway mappers face touchy issue en bypass routes<br />

State read system has te come first (ed)<br />

Beth houses ef Legis get bills to freeze turnback quotas<br />

Rural lawmakers want 1950 census used for turnback formula<br />

Pepe Ceunty judge hits AHD figures en rural reads<br />

Rural legislators pass measure freezing turnback funds level<br />

Frozen turnbacks and ghost reads (ed)<br />

Geed Reads Assn shews result ef diversion of highway funds<br />

State turnbacks and Mr Faubus 's duty (ed)<br />

Bills in Legis would raise ARD share of road taxes<br />

Rep Clark Kinney 's sharp criticism answered by AHD leaders<br />

State Rep Clarke Kinney recalls old AHC, protests billboards<br />

Measure freezing turnback funds levels passes Legislature<br />

Gov Faubus favors central ef billboards along inerstates<br />

Senate bill weuld set aside $1.500.000 for county reads<br />

Billboard advertising (ed)<br />

Turnback bill in House favors counties losing populatien<br />

9/16/62 All 2<br />

9/20/62 Bl 4<br />

9/25/62 Bl 2<br />

9/29/62 A2 l<br />

9/30/62 Al4 3<br />

10/ 3/62 A4 6<br />

10/ 7/62 Al2 4<br />

10/ 7/62 A7 2<br />

10/2f}/62 A2 1<br />

10/26/62 Bl 3<br />

10/26/62 Bl 4<br />

10/28/62 Al6 2<br />

11/15/62 Bl 3<br />

11-/21/62 Bl s<br />

11/28/62 A2 4<br />

12/ 7/62 A3 2<br />

12/23-/62 A3 2<br />

1/ 3/61 A3 1<br />

1/12/61 Al 6<br />

1/12/61 Bl 7<br />

1/12/61 Bl 7<br />

1/13/61 Bl 2<br />

1/18/61 Bl 5<br />

1/18/61 Bl 8<br />

1/20/61 A2 3<br />

1/22/61 A3 3<br />

l/23 /61 A3 l<br />

1/26/61 A4 1<br />

1/27/61 Al 8<br />

1/27/61 Al 8<br />

1/27/61 A6 2<br />

1/28/61 Al 4<br />

1/28/61 A4 l<br />

1/29/61 B6 5<br />

1/29/61 E4 1<br />

1/31/61 Bl 2<br />

1/31/61 Bl 3<br />

1/31/61 Bl 3<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 2<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 4<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 7<br />

2/ 2/61 A4 2<br />

2/ 2/ 61 A5 1<br />


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