ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

'!We Negro inmates escape frem State Hospital<br />

Cummins Prison Farm houses 2.115 inmates<br />

Jeel R Garson arrested in California<br />

Gov Faubus praises efficiency of system under Lee Henslee<br />

Mrs Bobbie Christensen ex:capes frem Garland County Jail<br />

Escapee Babbie C Christensen recaptured<br />

Inmate J C Johnsen shet te death by Jesse Ring. a trusty<br />

NLR' s infamous eld jail being replaced<br />

Mississippi County Prison Farm complex destroyed by fire<br />

Willie West Began offers te serve brether-in-law's term<br />

Six excape jail at Osceola; five are recaptured<br />

Mrs Gladys S Quimby to head Girls Training Scheel<br />

E A Lauderdale Sr leaves prisen. but faces 2nd bomb charge<br />

History ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Penitentiary<br />

History of <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Penitentiary<br />

Pulaski County may use bend issue fer new penal farm<br />

Prison has mere white then Negre female prisoners<br />

Pulaski County cancels bend vote en penal farm<br />

Pulaski County offers to sell portion ef penal farm<br />

Judge Quinn Glover urges jail matrons te search females<br />

State Training Scheel fer Girls will not grant holiday leaves<br />

Part of Pulaski County Penal Farm sold te Winrock Enterprises<br />

Pulaski County veters turn dawn meve ef Penal Farm<br />

Training Scheel girls making Christmas gifts fer families<br />

Gov Faubus inspects state penitentiary. Negre Beys Schoel<br />

Ples Duty. 83 . behind bars again<br />

Latin American policemen amazed at Cummins Prison Farm<br />

Mest guards at Cummins Prison are inmates themselves<br />

Supt Lee Henslee runs Cummins with less than 12 empl oyees<br />

Pulaski Penal Farm getting rid ef beef cattle operation<br />

Conditions at Pulaski Penal Farm blasted by Grand Jury<br />

Woman who paraded as man gets parole from prison<br />

Earnest C Heuff. 15. sent te prison; prebatien revoked<br />

Eight beys flee frem Training Scheel at Pine Bluff<br />

Six ef eight escapees returned te Ark Beys Training School<br />

Three girls try to flee Pulaski Co Jail; jailer is shet<br />

Youths admit supplying gun to girls in Pulaski Ce Jail<br />

Wm Leonard Lee, Rudolph Behr held in Pulaski jailbreak try<br />

Two escape frem Pulaski County Penal Farm; one drowns<br />

Jailbreak try by 2 yeuths ends en ledge ef Pulaski courthouse<br />

Pulaski County prisoner dies of heat stroke<br />

Girls involved in Pulaski Jail break get 6 yrs in prison<br />

Several prisoners attempt escape from Cress County Jail<br />

Five inmates break out ef Lawrence County Jail<br />

Three inmates try te escape Pocahontas City Jail<br />

Three inmates beat jailer, escape Miller County Jail<br />

Texarkana jail escapees recaptured<br />

Inmate Walter McWilliams escapes after religious conversion<br />

Escapee Walter McWilliams recaptured in house en prison farm<br />

Women form auxiliary to help Training Scheel for Girls<br />

Lee Henslee to retire as head of prisons . cites health<br />

5-/14/61 A15 6<br />

6/ 4/ 61 C4 6<br />

6-/10/61 B6 1<br />

6-/13/61 A2 5<br />

6/24/61 K3 5<br />

6/25/61 A6 6<br />

7 /27/61 Cl6 5<br />

7/30/61 AS 3<br />

7/31/61 Al 2<br />

8-/ 4/ 61 Bll 6<br />

8/ 6-/61 C3 6<br />

8/-10/61 A12 2<br />

9/15/61 AB l<br />

9/17/61 E2 1<br />

9/-24/61 E2 l<br />

9/-26/61 Bl 6<br />

10-/ 6/61 B7 3<br />

10/12/61 A12 5<br />

11/-19/61 Al6 1<br />

11/29/61 A6 6<br />

12/ 2/61 K3 3<br />

12/ 5/61 All 7<br />

12/ 6/61 A2 3<br />

12/ 14/61 Bl 6<br />

1/-10/-62 A2 2<br />

l/ 20/-62 K3 2<br />

1/28/62 A13 1<br />

l/ 28/-62 Al3 1<br />

l/28/62 A13 1<br />

2/18/-62 A3 2<br />

3/ 6/62 K3 4<br />

4/- 5/62 Cll 2<br />

4/ 11/62 Bl4 1<br />

4/25/-62 Bl4 1<br />

4/ 27/62 Bl 8<br />

6/15/62 Al 2<br />

6/16/62 Al 2<br />

6/16/62 Al 3<br />

6/17/62 A6 3<br />

6/20/62 Al 4<br />

6/-30/62 A3 6<br />

7-/ 3/62 AS 4<br />

8/ 4/62 A3 3<br />

8/ 5/62 AB 5<br />

8/ 9/62 A2 5<br />

8/20/62 Al 4<br />

8/24/62 Bl 4<br />

8/28/62 Bl 7<br />

8/-31/62 Al 4<br />

9/30/62 Al6 4<br />

10/31/62 Bl 7<br />


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