ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

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see Prisens and prisoners<br />


Chmn of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Werkman 's Cempensatien Comm dies at 72<br />

Tribute f rem <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<br />

Bulk of estate left te Mrs Pepe in will<br />


see also Health Department (Ark)<br />

Urban areas ef Ark sh01Ved gain frem 1950 te 1960<br />

Final 1960 census total fer Ark is 1.786.272<br />

Negroes leaving Ark faster than white persons<br />

Pepulatien trends in Ark is subj ect of editorial<br />

Less ef population is subj ect ef column<br />

NLR only city in state gaining in rank<br />

Pepulatien center of Ark is in field near Jacksonville<br />

About 11 pct of state residents are ever 65. census reveals<br />

Breakdown of tetal population by age groups<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> faces 10 pct population less by 1970<br />

State Rep Virgil T Fletcher questiens Ark census data<br />

Univ of Ark estimates of Ark population (by county)<br />

Fert Smith new state's second largest city<br />

Ark will lose population, Dean Witter and Co says<br />

Popul ation less proj ection fer Ark denied by Census Bureau<br />

Probable source of Ark population loss rept<br />

Frank Cantrell discusses population estimates<br />

Census official explains population loss figure<br />

Univ of Ark predicts grewth ef populatien<br />

Excerpts frem Census Bureau gives prefile ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Health Dept statistics summary<br />


see alee Nudism and nudity<br />

LR City Mgr Bd fails to rename 3 members ef Censer Beard<br />

Jerry Russell. eutspeken critic ef censors, en LR Censer Bd<br />

LR Censer Bd wants public meney te buy 'sexy ' materials<br />

Rep Glenn F Walther offers bill te tighten curbs on obscenity<br />

New state law weakens power ef local censer boards<br />

NLR ordinance prepeses censer board fer city<br />

American Legion decides films tee sexy fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> youth<br />

LR Censor Bd wants PTA help in checking stare shelves<br />

Jerry Dacus arrested with nude pictures in his possession<br />

Feur charges filed against photographer Jerry Dacus<br />

Yeuth held at Cenway fer making obscene telephone calls<br />

Conway youth gets probation in lewd telephone calls case<br />

PORTIS. J C<br />

see also Agricultural Stabilization and Censervatien Service<br />

PORTS<br />

see Harbers. perts and marinas<br />


see also Jinks . Harold<br />

Rogers is first te come under Dept 's new leasing program<br />

Harol d Jinks te get regional directer in St Louis<br />

LR Postmaster I C Belleville te retire<br />

3/26/61 Al<br />

3/27/61 A4<br />

4/ 6/61 B6<br />

1/ 8/ 62 A2<br />

2/ 3/61 Bl<br />

3/ 8/61 Bl<br />

4/ 8/61 AA<br />

4/ 9/61 ES<br />

4/30/61 ES<br />

9/ 3/61 A6<br />

2/26/62 Al<br />

2/26/62 Al<br />

6/ 1/62 Al<br />

6/ 6/62 A4<br />

6/16/62 A7<br />

6/22/62 Bl<br />

10/18/62 Al<br />

10/18/62 Al<br />

10/20/62 A7<br />

10/22/62 A3<br />

10/29/62 A3<br />

11/25/62 A4<br />

12/23/62 D3<br />

12/30/-62 A5<br />

1/17/61 B3<br />

1/22/61 A13<br />

2/ 4/61 B3<br />

2/ 14/61 Bl<br />

3/22/61 AlO<br />

5/ 6/61 B8<br />

8/ 2;/61 Bl<br />

1/26/62 Bl<br />

3/15/62 Bl<br />

3/16/62 Bl<br />

11/27/62 Bl<br />

12/ 9/62 A4<br />

1/ 9/61 A2<br />

1/14/61 A2<br />

2/22/61 Al<br />

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