ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

FBI joins search fer man implicated in slaying ef MacDonald<br />

Terse being returned te Ark from Louisiana; FBI net involved<br />

Bleody lard can may have been used te transport body parts<br />

Norma MacDonald to be extradited to <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Extradition hearing set fer Mrs MacDonald<br />

Corener says MacDonald may have been tortured<br />

Extradition appeal filed in Louisiana<br />

State to get custody of Norma MacDonald temorrew<br />

Norma MacDonald being held in jail at Mena<br />

Mental tests ordered fer Norma MacDonald<br />

Mrs Norma MacDonald Yeung ruled sane<br />

Mysterious couple at Mena figure in sensational case<br />

Norma MacDonald Yeung gees en trial temerrew<br />

Guilty plea likely in case at Mena<br />

Jury gives Mrs Yeung life sentence fer slaying her husband<br />

Norma MacDonald Yeung enters prison te begin serving term<br />

MURDERS - Masterson. Earl Mason<br />

Masterson assassinated at his heme near Hardy<br />

Killing may have been revenge . or suppressien ef evidence<br />

Masterson was to be retried in slaying of Clay Orr<br />

MURDERS - Matthews, Jack Edwards<br />

Thomas Cody Adams chgd in sheeting death ef Matthews<br />

MURDERS - McCauley. Irene<br />

Will McCauley pleads guilty. gets life imprisonment<br />

MURDERS - McCool. J Thurman<br />

Central figure in 1956 fraud case found slain at Sheridan<br />

Slaying may have been result of grudge<br />

McCool tried te resume quiet life after prison term<br />

Grant Ceunny Grand Jury gets rept an McCool case<br />

Business machines reported missing from McCeel estate<br />

Dr Lawrence A Davis says he signed contracts fer machines<br />

Claims tetaling $250.000 filed against McCool estate<br />

Hearing en claims against McCool estate begins<br />

Federal, state govt told te file briefs on McCool claims<br />

Judge rules federal govt has first claim on McCool estate<br />

MURDERS - McCoy. Viola<br />

Mrs McCoy killed, husband Freddie McCey seriously wounded<br />

Tilman Sikes allegedly shot McCoys. then wounded himself<br />

Tilman Sikes gets 21-yr sentence in slaying at Newport<br />

MURDERS - McDonald. Ernest B<br />

Trial date fer Nerma McDonald Yeung set<br />

MURDERS - McFee, Willie Lee<br />

Rebert Lee McFee held in slaying ef his wife near England<br />

MURDERS - McKim. Billie G<br />

McKim killed. twe inj ured in sheeting at Hellyweed Club at LR<br />

MURDERS - McMillan. Albert Augusta<br />

Weedland man shat to death; Rebert Thurlew Baskin held<br />

Rebert Thurlow Baskin chgd in death of brother-in-law<br />

MURDERS - McNeal. Jack<br />

Suspect captured in Memphis<br />

Earl Dewey Leak chrged with slaying of McNeal<br />

1/13/61 Bl 6<br />

1/14/61 A2 4<br />

1/18/-61 B3 7<br />

1/18/61 BS 6<br />

1/24/61 Bl 8<br />

1/27 /61 All l<br />

2/ 4/61 B3 5<br />

2/ 5/61 C4 5<br />

2/ 7/61 Bl2 6<br />

2/14/61 Bl 8<br />

3/14/61 Bl 8<br />

5/28/61 A2 4<br />

5/-28/-61 A2 4<br />

5/2'iJ/61 A2 l<br />

5/30/61 Bl 4<br />

6/ 1/61 Bl 1<br />

5/ M·61 Al 2<br />

5/10/61 Bl 8<br />

5/10/61 Bl 8<br />

11/12/62 A2 2<br />

5/17/61 A2 5<br />

1/12/62 Al 7<br />

1/13/62 Al 2<br />

1/17/62 Al 3<br />

3/11/62 C4 1<br />

3/22/62 A'3 7<br />

3/23/62 A20 1<br />

9/20/62 Al3 7<br />

10/18/62 A6 1<br />

10/19/62 A5 7<br />

11/29/62 Bl 3<br />

4/ 7 /62 A2 4<br />

4/ 7/62 A2 4<br />

10/11/62 Bl 4<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl 7<br />

7/27/61 Bl 3<br />

9/17/62 A3 7<br />

4/ 4/ 61 Bl 6<br />

4/ 5/61 A9 2<br />

1/10/62 B7 2<br />

1/11/62 B4 6<br />


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