ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see Banks<br />


see alse Government employees. State<br />


Walked 250 miles from Fayetteville to Paragould in 1910<br />

MERRILL INSTITUTE (Pine Bluff)<br />

see Historic buildings and sites<br />


see alse Phenomena<br />


see alse Gambling<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />

Mrs Lesta Giles McCoy has taught Sunday Schoel fer 54 years<br />

Buckner Methedist Church to be dedicated<br />

Rev Robert Paul Sessions chides clergy ef South en race issue<br />

Women picket Dr Ralph W Seckman as he speaks at LR church<br />

Interview with Pulaski Heights lecturer Dr Ralph W Seckman<br />

Leng-time paster at LR, Dr J K Shamblin moving te Housten<br />

North Ark Conf te meet at Russellville<br />

North Ark Conf hears Bishop Gerald H Kennedy , Dr M T Steel<br />

North Ark Cenf hears attack en gambling link te bond issue<br />

Rev Joel Cooper named paster of Winfield Methodist at LR<br />

North Ark Conf hears criticism of John Birch Society leader<br />

North Ark Conf endorses civil rights sit-ins<br />

Pastoral appmts announced fer North Ark Conf<br />

Little Reck Cenf meeting at Hot Springs<br />

Little Reck Cenf sessien opens at Het Springs<br />

Little Reck Cenf draws 500 te Het Springs<br />

Little Reck Cenf names elders and deacens<br />

LR Cenf lists pastoral appointments<br />

Negro Methodists te meet at Philander Smith College<br />

Pulaski Heights lecturer Ralph W Seckman picketed<br />

Rev Robert E L Bearden named to high church pest<br />

Bishop W Kenneth Pope says critics of church aid communism<br />

AME Church assignments announced<br />

Little Reck Conference meeting in Hot Springs<br />

LR Cenf gets cheering news frem Bishop W Kenneth Pepe<br />

Actions ef LR Conf summarized<br />

Elder, deacons ordained at LR Cenf at Het Springs<br />

LR Conf reassignes 57 ministers<br />

Nerth <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cenf epens at Conway<br />

North Ark Conf condemns reverse f reedem rides program<br />

North Ark Conf erdains 21 deacons<br />

North Ark Conf announces 60 pastoral assignments<br />

Lakeside at Pine Bluff celebrates 75th anniversary<br />

CME assignments made fer two districts<br />


see Little Rock Metrepelitan Area<br />


see also Little Rock Metropolitan Area<br />

6/14/62 Bl 5<br />

3/16/61 C16 5<br />

4/15/61 A8 1<br />

5/10/61 Bl 2<br />

5/16/61 All 6<br />

5/17/61 Al l 2<br />

5/24/61 A2 1<br />

5/27/61 B5 1<br />

5/31/61 A3 5<br />

6/ 1/61 Al2 1<br />

6/ 1/61 A7 1<br />

6/ 2/61 Bl3 4<br />

6/ 3/61 A5 1<br />

6/ 3/61 A5 1<br />

6/ 3/61 A5 7<br />

6/ 6/61 B8 7<br />

6/ 7/61 A3 4<br />

6/ 9/61 A6 2<br />

6/10/61 AS 1<br />

6/11/61 A13 1<br />

6/16/61 All 6<br />

8/26/61 A3 8<br />

11/ 8/61 A13 5<br />

11/ 8/61 Nl- 5<br />

5/29/62 Bl 2<br />

5/30/62 Bl 3<br />

5/31/62 Al 2<br />

6/ 1/62 A2 4<br />

6/ 2/ 62 B12. 1<br />

6/ 5/62 A9 6<br />

6/ 7/62 All 1<br />

6/ 7/62 All 1<br />

6/ 8/62 Al 7<br />

10/27/62 A6 7<br />

11/11/62 A20 1<br />


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