ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Several measures filed in Reuse<br />

House reappertionemnt plan being drawn<br />

Legislators te attend funeral ef Secy ef State C G Hall<br />

Summary ef action en bills<br />

Legislators try te curb lobbying during sessions<br />

Session runs smeothly during first week<br />

Marien H Crank edges closer te Reuse Speaker fer 1963 session<br />

Richard Themposn urges Legis te curb patronage abuses<br />

Rumers adrift ef payef fs<br />

Copies ef NSRP newspaper placed en desks anger lawmakers<br />

Gazette comm.ends Legis fer respense te NSRP material<br />

Legislators teur state institutions at Conway<br />

Rural faction reasserts strength in beth houses<br />

Gov Faubus having reappertienment plan drawn before bd meets<br />

Feference te 'junk ' mail divides Mississippi County members<br />

Legis approves resolution calling fer balanced federal budget<br />

Reappertienment plan would affect only twe counties<br />

Reapportionment formula a secret<br />

Growth short-changed in reapportionment . Gazette says<br />

Several bills approved by each heuse<br />

Reapportionment plan was political. Gaz ette says<br />

Session has been routine during first four weeks<br />

Lengthy article en method Gov Faubus used fer reappertienment<br />

Suit asks state Supreme Ct te reapportion Reuse<br />

Apprepriatien bills cleared by Senate<br />

House passes numerous bills. ethers introduced<br />

Summary ef action in Legis during past week<br />

Legis voted geed retirement plan for members 4 yrs age<br />

Several bills passed. ethers introduced fer consideration<br />

Several proposals introduced in Legislature<br />

Lobbying en truck weight limits is at high level<br />

House group studies revision ef rules<br />

Several proposed laws introduced in House<br />

Gov Faubus using cempremise to avert legislative logjam<br />

Rep Ode Lee Maddox commended fer leading fight fer educ bill<br />

Several bills introduced<br />

Gov Faubus addresses jeint session of Legislature<br />

Newton County Rep W D Baker suffers heart attack at heme<br />

Apportionment Bd answers suit ever reapportionment formula<br />

Reapportionment plan challenged in court<br />

Legislative Council. Joint Auditing Comm members chosen<br />

Four issues remaining before 63rd General Assembly<br />

Influence of pressure groups assailed by Gazette<br />

Repr Raymond E Mays seeks reform ef House procedures<br />

Search fer equity in reapportionment (ed)<br />

Suit contesting apportionment of Hause is amended<br />

Russell Elred te head ALC: Joel Y Ledbetter gets no. 2 pest<br />

Illegal vote caused House to pass aute license fee increase<br />

The 63rd Assembly's record of failure (ed)<br />

Q Byrum Hurst, Ray S Smith Jr head LJAC<br />

The final travesty en adj ournment day (ed)<br />

1/13/61 A2 1<br />

1/13/61 A2 2<br />

1/16/61 Al 4<br />

1/18/61 Al 5<br />

1-/19/61 AlO 3<br />

1/22-/61 Al 2<br />

1/22/61 E5 1<br />

1/22/61 ES l<br />

1/22/61 ES 1<br />

1/24/-61 BB 7<br />

1/26/61 A4 2<br />

1/27/61 Bl 6<br />

1/29/-61 Al 5<br />

1/29/61 A5 1<br />

2/ 1/61 A6 1<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 7<br />

2/ 2/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 3/-61 Al 2<br />

2/ 3/61 A4 1<br />

2/ 3/61 Bl 2<br />

2/ 4/61 A4 1<br />

2/ 5/61 Al 3<br />

2/ 5/61 A9 1<br />

2/ 7/61 Al 7<br />

2/ 7/61 Bl2 1<br />

2/ 8/61 A2 1<br />

2/12/-61 Al 4<br />

2/12/61 E5 1<br />

2/15-/61 A6 1<br />

2/15/61 Bl 8<br />

2/16/61 A7 4<br />

2/17/61 A9 3<br />

2/18/61 Al 5<br />

2/19/61 Al 3<br />

2/lCJ/61 E5 1<br />

2/21/61 Al 6<br />

2/22/61 Al 8<br />

2/22/61 Bl 8<br />

2/28/61 Bl 2<br />

3/- 3/61 Bl 6<br />

3/ 3/61 Bl 7<br />

3/ 5/61 E4 1<br />

3/ 5/61 E4 2<br />

3/ 5/61 E5 1<br />

3/ 6/61 A4 1<br />

3/ 7 /61 A5 1<br />

3/ 9/61 Bl 5<br />

3-/10/61 Al 6<br />

3/10/61 A4 1<br />

3/10/61 Bl 6<br />

3/11/61 A4 1<br />


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