ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gov Faubus speaks abeut welfare programs and illegitmacy<br />

Gov Faubus repeats attack en welfare at Het Springs meeting<br />

Faubus sees little shading f rem JFK te Nelsen Rockefeller<br />

Luther Hedges beek tells of Faubus and crisis ef 1957<br />

Faubus praise ef Marvin Griffin is issue in Georgia pelitics<br />

Demecratic candidates file expense account statements<br />

Gov Faubus honored by National Breiler Ceuncil<br />

GOP candidate Willis H Ricketts epens race tonight<br />

Willis H Ricketts efficially opens campaign in Fayetteville<br />

Faubus may be considering alterntive te AEA school fund plan<br />

Welfare benefits increase announced by Gov Orval Faubus<br />

Faubus says Democrats in Ark running against the Rockefellers<br />

Summary ef Faubus address te state Demecratic Party cenv<br />

Gazette pleased that Faubus friend defeated in Georgia<br />

The old dance routine (ed en Faubus speech at Dem cenv)<br />

Faubus remarks en farm surpluses draw Gazette reply<br />

Gazette calls fer legislative opposition to Gav Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus wishes Mississippi Gov Ress Barnett well<br />

U S usurping taxing rights, Gov Orval Faubus says<br />

Faubus support of Ress Barnett. Marvin Griffin (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus trims life terms ef twe slayers in prison<br />

Gov Faubus defers his decision en testing feed stamp plan<br />

Gov Faubus has high praise fer Sen J W Fulbright<br />

Gov Faubus vetoes state's paying fer World's Fair exhibit<br />

Attends barbecue fer Democrats in Baxter Ceunty<br />

Faubus says Kennedy may turn Seuth into wasteland for Dems<br />

Faubus alerts State Police, Natl Guard to be ready for action<br />

Faubus fears turmeil in Ark ever Mississippi race problems<br />

Gov Faubus undecided en testing feed stamp plan<br />

Faubus remarks en Mississippi problem criticized<br />

Gov Faubus is one ef enly two governors supporting Barnett<br />

Gov Faubus may not be named head of Southern Governors Cenf<br />

Gov Faubus tells natl TV audience he is a moderate<br />

Southern Governors Cenf elects Gav Faubus as chairman<br />

Orval Faubus blames federals fer violence at Ole Miss<br />

Mr Faubus finally wins the chair (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus urged te approve feed stamps plan<br />

Willis Ricketts pledges removal ef sales tax en feed items<br />

Willis Ricketts reveals his plan fer judicial reform<br />

Gov Faubus calls Initiated Act 1 'wrong '<br />

Gov Faubus speaks at dedication ef Children's Colony<br />

Members of ESD Council appointed by Gov Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus praises progress and kicks these eld fees<br />

Gov Faubus repeats joke about JFK's death a Southern hol iday<br />

Gov Faubus defends Amendement 51 proposal<br />

Faubus te study tree cutting in Black River preserve<br />

Willis Ricketts calls fer tax ref erms<br />

Willis Ricketts says campus rally vetoed by Univ of Ark<br />

The Faubus opportunity en school consolidation (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus apposed to forced school mergers for any reasen<br />

Willis Ricketts hints Faubus kept him ef f Univ of Ark campus<br />

8/28/-62 Bl 4<br />

8/29/62 A2 1<br />

8/31/62 Bl2 6<br />

9/ 2/62 DlO 1<br />

9/ 5/62 Bl 6<br />

9-/- 7-/-62 Bl 5<br />

9/ 7 /62 BlO 1<br />

9/ 8/62 A3 1<br />

9-/- 9/ 62 A3 5<br />

9/ 12-/-62 Al 6<br />

9/14/62 Al 2<br />

9-/-14/62 Al 3<br />

9-/-14/62 Al 3<br />

9-/-14-/-62 A4 2<br />

9/15/62 A4 1<br />

9/17/-62 A4 1<br />

9/17/62 A4 1<br />

9/18/62 Al 2<br />

9/18/62 A5 2<br />

9/21/62 A4 2<br />

9-/-21/-62 Bl 2<br />

9/22/62 A2 1<br />

9/23/62 AlO 1<br />

9/25/62 Bl 2<br />

9/-27/62 A3 1<br />

9/28/62 A2 1<br />

9-/-29-/-62 Al 6<br />

9/29/62 Al 6<br />

9/29/62 A2 3<br />

9/29/62 A2 8<br />

10/ 2/62 A2 7<br />

10/ 3/62 A5 1<br />

10/ 3/62 A9 4<br />

10/ 5/62 All 2<br />

10/ 6/62 A3 7<br />

10/ 7/62 E2 1<br />

10/10/62 Bl 8<br />

10/14/62 A2 7<br />

10/14/-62 A2 7<br />

10/15/62 Al 4<br />

10/15/62 Al 4<br />

10/15/62 Bl 4<br />

10/17-/-62 A9 1<br />

10/17/62 A9 1<br />

10/18/62 Bl 8<br />

10/19/62 B4 6<br />

10/-20-/-62 A2 8<br />

10/21/62 AS l<br />

10/21/62 E2 1<br />

10/23/62 A9 7<br />

10/23/62 Bl 2<br />


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