ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says he is at deer ef runoff<br />

With racism gene, campaign back te nermal ; Faubus is issue<br />

Sid McMath answers questions. Jimmy Driftweod sings<br />

Sid McMath answers questions called in te TV shew<br />

What <strong>Arkansas</strong> needs in its next governor (ed)<br />

Four candidates te clese campaign with TV appearances<br />

Campaign fer Democratic neminatien ends in blaze ef oratory<br />

Capital Citizens Council Bd did net appreve attack en Faubus<br />

Duty ef the citizen is to vote teday<br />

Reply of Amis Guthridge te chgs en attacks on Faubus<br />

Vote ef 400,000 expected in Democratic primary<br />

Gev Faubus answers 88 questions on eve ef election<br />

Official denies politics in pay raise at State Hospital<br />

Sid McMath hopeful urban returns will put him in runoff<br />

Faubus hailed by hunderds as election returns mount<br />

Dale Alford says late returns will give him runoff spot<br />

Article reviews campaign for Democratic nomination<br />

Gov Faubus has 17 , 000-vote edge ; runeff in deubt<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt running in 5th place. concedes defeat<br />

Vernon Whitten takes 'wait and see' attitude on returns<br />

David A Cox invites ether losers in election te his bash<br />

Gov Faubus gees te Capitol te claim his fifth term<br />

Gov Faubus will not be forced inte runoff<br />

Top foes may ask recounts ef huge Faubus maj erities<br />

Vernon H Whitten says beek is closed until future date<br />

Gov Orval Faubus wins 5th term without runoff<br />

Faubus' fifth term and the eppesitien 's role (ed)<br />

Election returns (by county )<br />

Dale Alford huddles with advisers. has net conceded defeat<br />

Sid McMath drops idea of recount, concedes te Gov Faubus<br />

Little Rock's voting in the governor 's race (ed)<br />

A governor 's tenure (ed)<br />

Dale Alferd congratulates Faubus en election win<br />

With fifth term. Orval Faubus is king again<br />

List of counties giving Faubus largest maj ority<br />

State 's editors comment en election<br />

Gov Faubus differs with ceurt. intervenes to save bond<br />

Dale Alferd runs second in race with most returns counted<br />

Final vote count gives Faubus 51.6 pct• Sid McMath is second<br />

A final critique en the ef ficial returns (ed)<br />

Final. official election returns listed (by county )<br />

Column speculates on possible Faubus race in 1964<br />

State press comments en re-election of Faubus<br />

Gav Faubus may try te revive plan fer state Agriculture Dept<br />

Charge of disturbing peace against David Cox dropped<br />

Gov Faubus probably will head Southern Governors Cenf erence<br />

J T Stevens appeared in ads fer both Faubus and McMath<br />

Faubus to preside at discussion at Southern Gevernors Assn<br />

Faubus urges that all padding be stripped frem agency budgets<br />

Faubus supports end te pell tax as voting requirement<br />

Gev Faubus opposes National Guard reorganization plan<br />

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8-/- 3/62 A4<br />

8/ 4/62 Al<br />

8/ 5-/62 AlO<br />

8/ 5/62 E3<br />

8/ 5/62 E3<br />

8/ 7/62 Bl<br />

8/ 8/62 Al<br />

8/10/62 Al<br />

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8/12/62 E3<br />

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8/19:/62 E3<br />

8/19/62 E3<br />

8/20/62 B7<br />

8/22/62 Bl<br />

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8/28/62 A7<br />

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