ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ceffelt attacks Paul Van Dalsem, Marlin Hawkins am.eng ethers<br />

Kenneth Ceffelt lauds Gutewski 's actiens<br />

Kenneth Coffelt praises physician whe saved Merrilten paper<br />

Orval Faubus tells veters te pick best man fer ef fice<br />

Vernen Whitten says Ted Donham led Faubus fund-raiser<br />

David Cox Vernen Whitten, W H Ricketts answer questionnaire<br />

Kenneth Coffelt want s early primaries in ceoler weather<br />

Faubus campaigner will not resign from Dem Wern.en pest<br />

Dale Alford scores meve ef Faubus te AEA pesitien<br />

Faubus 's faulty plea fer idle state funds (ed)<br />

Vernen Whitten has recording out called "The Whitten Twist"<br />

Dale Alferd asks Faubus to preve WEC ever endorsed Alford<br />

Elecrical Werkers Assn votes te commend Gev Faubus<br />

Sid McMath to put out filmed ad fer himself<br />

Vernen Whitten would call constitutional convention<br />

Faubus group picks leaders fer women<br />

Democratic Women's Clubs to decide if Faubus leader te resign<br />

Faubus ence said tee many charges make critics skeptical<br />

Kenneth C Ceffelt points to rise in taxes under Faubus<br />

Sid McMath blasts party rule on voting as anti-independent<br />

Gev Faubus te dedicate new ANG armory at Forrest City<br />

Vernen Whitten chg that Faubus forces demanded funds denied<br />

Orval Faubus makes Sid McMath target in Conway speech<br />

Burglars ransack desk ef Sid McMath at his heme<br />

Candidates show disregard for Mack-Blackwell Amendment<br />

Faubus and debt (ed en claims of reduced state debt)<br />

Dale Alford will continue attack on Faubus as a millionaire<br />

T E Lawrence reviews the Faubus record<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says State Police campaigning fer Faubus<br />

Candidates strike eut at each ether in campaign appearances<br />

Dale Alford asks if Faubus awns fourth of Fereman Cement Co<br />

Faubus criticizes Sid McMath 's campaign film<br />

Faubus says Sid McMath spent tee much time out of state<br />

Faubus suggests Sid McMath would attend NAACP meetings<br />

Gev Faubus apposed closed Democratic primaries<br />

Sid McMath fund-raiser draws 474 to Marien Hotel breakfast<br />

Amis Guthridge , Malcolm Tayler, Wesley Pruden attack Faubus<br />

Capital Citizens Council leadership breaks with Gov Faubus<br />

Handbill attacks Gov Faubus as quitter en segregatien<br />

Lance Alworth. Clarence Bell claim State Police after speeder<br />

Dale Alford charges Gev Faubus scaring welfare clients<br />

Gev Faubus says Wemen' s Emergency Comm urged Alferd race<br />

Cost of running Geverner 's Mansien criticized by Sid McMath<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt wees Republicans. premises to aid them<br />

Lance Alwerth featured en TV shew supporting Faubus<br />

Vernon H Whitten hits role of Ted Denham in Faubus campaign<br />

Mr Faubus ' disavowal ef the party purge (ed)<br />

GOP candidate Willis H Ricketts plugs 2-party system<br />

Faubus says McMath used prison labor. food at Mansien<br />

Integrationists, segregationists buffet him, Faubus says<br />

Racists ' disavowal is preef he 's free, Orval Faubus says<br />

7/- 6/-62 Bl 5<br />

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71 7/62 A3 2<br />

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7/- 8/62 Al 3<br />

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7/- 8/62 A3 1<br />

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7/- 8/62 A7 6<br />

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7/ 9/62 A4 3<br />

7/10/62 Al 7<br />

7 /10/62 Bl 7<br />

7/10/-62 Bl 7<br />

7/10/-62 Bl 7<br />

7/-10/62 Bl 7<br />

7/10/62 Bl 7<br />

7-/10/62 Bl 7<br />

7/10/-62 Bl 7<br />

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7/11/62 Al 3<br />

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7/12/-62 A13 1<br />

7/12/62 Al3 1<br />


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