ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten continue attack en UA policy<br />

Dale Alferd says he will answer vicious rumers. falseheeds<br />

Candidates shy B!ilay frem. integrated athletics at Univ of Ark<br />

Sid McMath favors scheel conselidatien<br />

Mrs David D Terry sets meeting fer McMath to discuss educ<br />

Dale Alford spikes rumers he will withdraw from contest<br />

Dale Alford 's headquarters will be traveling house trailer<br />

Three men speak with the veice ef reason (ed)<br />

Orval Faubus talks about war experiences<br />

Faubus adm near moral bankruptcy. Vernen Whitten charges<br />

About 500 college students volunteer to work fer Sid McMath<br />

Dale 's surfacing (ed)<br />

Sid McMath addresses wemen at heme of Mrs David D Terry<br />

Candidate David A Cox upbraids Amis Guthridge te his face<br />

Unexpected finding of mere revenue may be political<br />

Faubus fees suspect additienal revenue find is trick<br />

Leadership vacuum allews Amis Guthridge te speak fer Ark (ed)<br />

David Cex endorses AF.A education funding plan<br />

Gev Faubus en read tour. recounts betterments under his adm<br />

Kenneth Coffelt questions AHD airplane teur. educ surplus<br />

Gov Faubus asks what was done te halt freedom rides South<br />

Sid McMath. Marvin Melten assail reverse freedem rides<br />

GOP candidate W Haral d Sadler calls fer cenversien of Dems<br />

Dale Alford shews off his campaign 'wagon '<br />

VJSrvin Melton quits race. says fund seurces fear Faubus<br />

Orval Faubus believes he will pick up Melton supporters<br />

Gov Faubus tells state workers net ta accept campaign funds<br />

All candidates see windfall in Marvin Melton's supporters<br />

David A Cox te spend only his ewn meney in primary<br />

Sid McMath defends AHD past. says he wanted politics eut<br />

A realistic appraisal of Melton's withdrawal (ed)<br />

Sid McMath blasts class conflict. fear tactics<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt names his wife campaign manager<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> making big strides under his adm. Gev Faubus says<br />

Dale Alford tells his program fer progress<br />

Dale Alferd skips race stand in appeal fer Negro vote<br />

Gev Faubus criticized by Christian Civic Fdn en gambling<br />

Another objection raised to Faubus ' teacher 'bonus '<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt to stay en Macee A Binns Jr bomb case<br />

Sid McMath makes nen-pelitcal talk te religious group<br />

Deft Coffelt Ced en handling ef segregation question)<br />

Sid McMath says people fed up with Orval Faubus<br />

Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten field questions in Jenesbero<br />

Dale Alford says it is time fer Faubus te retire<br />

Gov Faubus had endorsement ef Ark State Cenf ef Painters<br />

Sid McMath hits record of ESD<br />

State Chamber of Commerce poses 9 questions fer candidates<br />

State press comments on Marvin Melton's withdrawal<br />

Kenneth Coffelt refuses to appear after painters okay Faubus<br />

Ark State Painters Cenf say they did net endorse Faubus<br />

Sid McMath appeals te teachers fer support<br />

5-/ 18-/-62 Al 3<br />

5/ 18/62 Al 4<br />

5/18/-62 A2 1<br />

5/18-/62 A2 1<br />

5/-18-/-62 A2 5<br />

5/19/-62 Al 7<br />

5-/19-/-62 Al 7<br />

5/19/62 A4 1<br />

5/20-/62 AlO 2<br />

5-/-20/62 A2 1<br />

5/20/-62 K3 5<br />

5-/-20/62 E2 2<br />

5/22/62 A5 3<br />

5/22/62 Bl 2<br />

5-/-23/-62 Al 3<br />

5-/-23-/62 Al 4<br />

5-/23-/62 A4 2<br />

5-/-23/62 A6 1<br />

5/24/62 K3 4<br />

5/24/62 K3 8<br />

5-/25-/62 All 2<br />

5/25/62 All 2<br />

5/25-/62 K3 7<br />

5/25/62 Bl 5<br />

5/26/62 Al 8<br />

5-/-26/62 Al 8<br />

5/26/62 K3 3<br />

5/27/62 Al 3<br />

5/27/62 Al 3<br />

5/27/62 Al 3<br />

5/27-/-62 E2 1<br />

5/29/62 Bl 2<br />

5/29/62 Bl 3<br />

5/30/62 A2 5<br />

5/30/62 Bl 5<br />

5/30/62 Bl 6<br />

5/31/62 Al 2<br />

5/31-/-62 Al 3<br />

5/31/62 Bl 8<br />

5/31/62 Bl 8<br />

6-/ 1/62 A4 2<br />

6/ 1/62 Bl 8<br />

6/ 1/62 Bl 8<br />

6-/ 3/62 A14 1<br />

6/ 3-/62 A2 1<br />

6/ 3/62 A2 1<br />

6/ 3/62 A2 2<br />

6/ 3/62 E3 2<br />

6-/ 4/ 62 K3 1<br />

6-/ 5/62 A8 3<br />

6/ 6/62 Al 2<br />


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