ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Sid McMath enters race fer Dem nemination fer governor<br />

Fayetteville pharmacist Willis Ricketts files as GOP hopeful<br />

Orval Faubus te seek 5th term. Washingten friends say<br />

GOP 's Henry Britt rules out race fer governor this year<br />

Sid McMath refers te Faubus dynasty of fear<br />

Sidney McMath cites Faubus record in several areas<br />

Vernon H Whitten endorses veting machines<br />

Kenneth Coffelt fires opening salve in campaign fer gevernor<br />

Kenneth Coffelt limits campaign donations to $300 per person<br />

Wallace Hurley files fer lieut gev . not fer governor<br />

W Harold Sadler files fer GOP nomination fer office<br />

Nine men seek election to governor 's office<br />

Orval E Faubus asks for 5th term as governor<br />

Orval Faubus lists seme issues in campaign ahead<br />

Pessible return ef Virgil Blossom mentioned by Faubus<br />

Faubus in trouble (ed)<br />

Promising outlook fer the summer campaign (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus pays fer radio, TV time used fer 'retirement ' talk<br />

Gev Faubus says he hopes Republicans vote in awn primary<br />

US Senate race had its appeal. Orval Faubus says<br />

Gov Faubus mostly nonpolitical in speech to LR Rotary Club<br />

Faubus allews AHC te name its next commissioner<br />

Unien leader clarifies remark en Faubus and AMC Cycle strike<br />

T E Lawrence comments en re-surfacing of Gev Faubus<br />

Vernen H Whitten denounces UA ban en political candidates<br />

Gov Faubus criticizes policies of Kennedy adm<br />

Blessem bit (ed en Faubus ' inveking name of Virgil Blossom)<br />

Faubus re-entry in race pleases beth enemies and friends<br />

Orval Faubus spent twe fast-paced days in Washington. D C<br />

Sid McMath invites candidates to join him at Fayettecille<br />

Kenneth C Ceffelt, Marvin Melton reserved in stand en UA ban<br />

Faubus refuses comment en ene-way rides fer Negroes<br />

Faubus says he could be defeated. but net in bad shape now<br />

Editorial en Faubus handling of AHC appointments<br />

Gev Faubus appts James T Karam te Banking Board<br />

Fayetteville rally ta hear McMath. Melton and Whitten<br />

Faubus defends keeping ESD vielaters ef Hatch Act en job<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt chgs Gev Faubus sold eut te JFK<br />

Gav Faubus £avers amdt ta allow cities te raise taxes<br />

Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten take swipes at Univ ef Ark ban<br />

Sid McMath favored by Wern.en 's Emergency Committee<br />

Vernen Whitten draws criticism ef Wemen's Emergency Committee<br />

Vernen Whitten says he will provide relief en inceme tax<br />

Column lists Orval Faubus ' fees in previous elections<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt calls WEC approval ef McMath grave sodding<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says Billy Sol Estes counterparts in Ark<br />

Editorial en ESD Hatch Act violation and Gev Faubus<br />

Text ef U S Civil Right Comm finding in Hatch Act case<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt fires at Parele Beard and PSC<br />

Orval Faubus takes up smeking again<br />

Sid McMath. Marvin Melton. Vernon Whitten blast Faubus pewer<br />

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5/ 3/62 Al 8<br />

5/ 3/62 A4 1<br />

5/ 3/62 A4 l<br />

5/ 3/62 D2 4<br />

5/ 4/62 Al 3<br />

5/ 4/62 Al 3<br />

5-l 4/62 A3 7<br />

5/ 4/ 62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 4/62 Bl3 3<br />

5/ 5/62 A4 3<br />

5/ 6/62 Al 6<br />

5/ 6/62 A2 3<br />

5/- 6/62 E2 2<br />

5/ 6/62 E3 1<br />

5/ 6/62 E3 5<br />

5/ 7/62 Al 7<br />

5/ 8/62 B4 7<br />

5/ 9/62 Al 4<br />

5/ 9/62 Al 4<br />

5/10/62 A4 2<br />

5/10/62 Bl 7<br />

5/11/62 Bl 8<br />

5/12/62 Al 5<br />

5/12/62 A2 7<br />

5/12/-62 A3 2<br />

5/12/62 A3 5<br />

5/13/62 Al 2<br />

5/13/62 Al 2<br />

5/13/62 A2 7<br />

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5/14/62 A2 2<br />

5/16/62 Bl 4<br />

5/16/62 E4 2<br />

5/16/62 E4 6<br />

5/17/62 A12 6<br />

5/17/62 Bl 2<br />

5/18/62 Al 3<br />


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