ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Cuban trained at Commonwealth te take over country , gov says<br />

Gazette pekes fun at Faubus memory of Cuban at Cenunenwealth<br />

Gayle Windser Jr amused by Cenway Co group appeal te Faubus<br />

Editor asks state te buy 65,000 copies ef Faubus newspaper<br />

Gov Faubus vetoes paper-selling scheme of his editor<br />

Faubus urges that care be taken te give welfare te needy only<br />

Ark AM&N choir dedicates Battle Hymn ef Republic te Faubus<br />

Gazette comments en Faubus vete of sale of papers te state<br />

Conference en Relation ef Religion te Higher Educ criticized<br />

Faubus tells about 'front ' group meeting at Mount Magazine<br />

Gov Faubus is target fer virtually all charitable drives<br />

Faubus exploits issue of aid fer illegitimate children (ed)<br />

Faubus says state contract with Parkin Printing is preper<br />

Faubus treats Winthrop Rockefeller 's political acts lightly<br />

Faubus premised te increase welfare rolls. T E Lawrence says<br />

Gov Faubus dedicates Rogers Hall at State Hospital<br />

Moral Re-armament movement says it is endorsed by Faubus<br />

Faubus often gets incensed over welfare aid under ADC program<br />

Faubus hails federal program te check welfare program abuse<br />

William E Brawn denies try to change Faubus en segregation<br />

Faubus will pretest any attempt te reduce National Guard<br />

Gov Faubus says he criticized wrong Brawn<br />

Faubus remark en Dr Brwn t.ilas diversienary. Gazette says<br />

Ct says Faubus acting officially in Trinity Nursing Heme case<br />

Dale Alford says he has been approached about seeking office<br />

Gov Faubus helps dedicate Mountain Heme's new armery<br />

Dale Alford announcement that he will run is surprise<br />

Dale Alford reveals he is a candidate fer governor of Ark<br />

Text of Dale Alford 's announcement he will seek office<br />

Dale Alford says he has been planning race fer a long time<br />

Speculation made of break between Alf erd and Faubus<br />

Dale Alford says he is in race to stay<br />

Observers say Dale Alford may have felt squeezed out<br />

Gazette comments en Dale Alford mev-e<br />

Gov and Mrs Faubus leave fer Sugar Bawl game<br />

Faubus says his hard-cere eppesitien backing Dale Alferd<br />

W 0 Vaught Jr. Hugh B Patterson support Alford. Faubus says<br />

W 0 Vaught, Hugh Patterson calls Faubus statement wreng<br />

Marvin Melton. W K Ingram say they may seek office<br />

Why Dale Alford is running for geverner (ed)<br />

Dale Alford decision damages Faubus image<br />

Faubus supporters have ne fear of Dale Alford in race<br />

Dr Alford discards cenventien in announcement (column)<br />

Gov Orval Faubus criticizes federal ct en f actery order<br />

Order fer factories to return te Missouri irks Gov Faubus<br />

Candidate Dale Alford to speak at LR banquet<br />

Gov Faubus comments en ceurt ruling on printing contracts<br />

Gov Faubus named comm ta study participation in World 's Fair<br />

Dale Alford warns against "one-man rule"<br />

Lee Smith says Breaks Hays weuld net stand up fer his dist<br />

Editorials comment en Dale Alford candidacy<br />

11/25/61 A4<br />

11/25/61 A4<br />

11/25-/61 A4<br />

11/26/61 Al<br />

11/29/61 Al<br />

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12/15/61 Bl<br />

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12/19/61 Bl<br />

12/22/61 A2<br />

12/24/61 A5<br />

12/27/61 Al<br />

12/27/61 Al<br />

12/27/61 Al<br />

12/28/61 Al<br />

12/28/61 Al<br />

12/28/61 Al<br />

12/28/61 Al<br />

12/28/61 A4<br />

12/29/61 A3<br />

12/-30/61 Al<br />

12/30/-61 Al<br />

12/30-/-61 Al<br />

12/30/-61 A2<br />

12/30-/-61 A4<br />

12/31-/-61 Al<br />

12/31/61 Al<br />

12/31/61 03<br />

1/ 4/62 A2<br />

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1/ 4-/-62 BlO<br />

1/ 6/62 Al<br />

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