ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gazette cemmends AEA fer opposing Faubus on bond issue<br />

Faubus left to carry ball on construction bend issue<br />

Gev Faubus urged te grant leniency to E A Lauderdale Sr<br />

No cempremise en construction bend amount . Faubus says<br />

Faubus silent en opposition te his bend issue plan<br />

Faubus gives up bodyguard as threats en life diminish<br />

Faubus does net plan special legis session en omnibus bill<br />

Faubus accused of using children as pawns in omnibus dispute<br />

Rep J H Cottrell makes harsh attack en Faubus and his style<br />

Forrest Rozzell responds to Faubus charges<br />

Forrest Rozzell using Rep J H Cottrell Jr. Faubus says<br />

Faubus blames Forrest Rozzell for construction stoppage<br />

Editorial en Faubus use ef children to premete his programs<br />

Faubus offer of deal en Children 's Celeny angers J H Cottrell<br />

Faubus concerned at atheism rise among college students<br />

Faubus meets privately with monied backers en bldg program<br />

Faubus bitterly critical ef opponents on construction program<br />

Faubus releases funds to ease Children 's Colony crisis<br />

The Governor yields (ed en funds for Children' s Colony )<br />

Faubus names L D Blair head ef Werk.men 's Compensation Comm<br />

Gov Faubus names Dan D Stephens atty fer PSC<br />

Gov Faubus discusses flap over emnibus apprepriatien bill<br />

Gazette disputes Faubus en legality of emnibus bills<br />

Faubus tells dentists te try again on dental educ bill<br />

Faubus calls States Rights Party claim en Jews ridiculous<br />

Faubus says he has first-hand knowledge of German atrocities<br />

Gov Faubus te skip meeting in Hawaii. costs cited<br />

Mr Faubus corrects the Thunderbelters (ed en NSSP writing)<br />

Forrest Rozzell says AEA made effort te deal with Faubus<br />

Faubus may have pell made en $60 millien centructien plan<br />

Mrs E L Bishep gives Faubus 'the facts' en Eichmanm trial<br />

Faubus plugs his censtructien bend program in speech<br />

Addresses National Rehabilitation Assn cenventien<br />

Faubus fears Shumaker te end up in junk pile. asks U S help<br />

Omnibus apprepriatien bill wins first court test<br />

Faubus carries plea en Shumaker Depot to President Kennedy<br />

Faubus says state may lease Shumaker Naval Ammunition Depot<br />

Faubus irked by AIDC stand en Shumaker Naval Ammunition Depot<br />

Faubuses will participate in Civil War centennial event<br />

Faubus waits on college presidents en bond issue election<br />

Faubus replies te Forrest Rozzell with 'haw haw'<br />

Teacher pay net funny , Forrest Rozzell tells Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus to seek disaster aid fer flood. ternade victims<br />

Faubus voluntarily testified fer Gaz ette in libel suit<br />

Gov Faubus seeks federal disaster funds fer 41 counties<br />

Faubus says state agencies well off even without budget raise<br />

Faubus backs idea ef 18-mile-leng park in Mississippi Ceunty<br />

Gov Faubus steps into <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Co rate dispute<br />

National Civil Defense directer visits with Faubus<br />

Faubus censures Rebert Kennedy fer action in Alabama pretest<br />

Faubus says freedom-rider movement backed by Justice Dept<br />

3/21/61 A4<br />

3/26/61 E5<br />

3/28/61 Bl<br />

3/28/61 Bl<br />

3/29/61 Bl<br />

3/29/61 Bl<br />

3/30/61 Bl<br />

3/31/61 Al<br />

3/31/61 Al<br />

3/31/61 Al<br />

3/31/61 Al<br />

4/ 1/61 Al<br />

4/ 1/61 A4<br />

4-/ 2/61 Al<br />

4-/ 3/61 Al<br />

4/ 4/ 61 Al<br />

4/ 6/61 Al<br />

4/ 6/61 Al<br />

4/ 6/61 A4<br />

4-/ 6/61 A7<br />

4/ 8/61 Al<br />

4/ 8/61 Al<br />

4/ 9/61 E4<br />

4/ 12/61 Bl<br />

4/13/61 Bl<br />

4/13/61 Bl<br />

4/ 14/61 A2<br />

4/14/61 A4<br />

4/14/61 Bl<br />

4/ 14/61 Bl<br />

4/15/61 Al<br />

4/15/61 B6<br />

4/ 15/61 B6<br />

4/18/61 Al<br />

4/19/61 Al<br />

4/19/61 Bl<br />

4/22/61 A6<br />

4/27/61 A6<br />

4/30/61 AlO<br />

5/ 5/61 Bl<br />

5/ 9/61 Al<br />

5/10/61 Al<br />

5/11/61 A2<br />

5/11/61 B6<br />

5/13/61 A2<br />

5/13/61 A3<br />

5/16-/61 A3<br />

5/17/61 Al<br />

5/17/61 Bl<br />

5/23/61 Al<br />

5/23/61 Al<br />

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