ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus asks Legis fer law te plug dike around sch segregation<br />

Summary of maj er ideas presented to Legis fer consideration<br />

The issues emerging in Faubus inaugural (ed)<br />

Faubus apposes raiding read funds by cities and counties<br />

Faubus praises Lawrence Blackwell; non-commital en re-appmt<br />

Faubus wants delay in appreval ef Congressional redistricting<br />

Senate 's quick vote en redistricting Cengress surprises Gov<br />

Faubus reaffirms eppositien to compulsory scbeol mergers<br />

Faubus to skip inauguration of President John F Kennedy<br />

4 ESD employees accused ef violating Hatch Act in campaign<br />

Faubus plan fer welfare is advanced by White House Conf panel<br />

Group urges Faubus to push fer PSC prebe ef electric rates<br />

Faubus doubts five ESD employees violated Hatch Act<br />

Change in Faubus inaugural noted between 1955. <strong>1961</strong><br />

Faubus defends his county vehicle license tax plan<br />

Appoints Sam Holt to Game and Fish Comm<br />

Appoints lengtime crony Truman Baker to Ark Highway Comm<br />

Sam Helt was net a Faubus supporter in 1954<br />

Paying political debts (ed en recent appmts to commissions)<br />

Faubus may try te save Shumaker Depet from being sold<br />

Faubus supports end te state purchase of industrial bonds<br />

Faubus will sign Mays plan fer Congressional reapportionment<br />

Faubus disagrees with AIDC on tax concessions te lure indus<br />

Faubus defends naming Truman Baker to Highway Cemmissien<br />

Gov Faubus meets privately with college heads en tax plan<br />

College heads want Faubus aid to defeat overall beard plan<br />

AIDC fretting ever relations with Governor Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus signs Congressional reapportionment plan<br />

Gov Faubus says he is net at odds with AIDC<br />

Faubus building program blocked by issue ever soft drink tax<br />

Faubus endorses Sam Rayburn plan to enlarge Rules Committee<br />

Faubus plans te keep state eut of sale of Shumaker Depot sale<br />

Faubus asks Univ ef Ark te continue football with Ole Miss<br />

Faubus gives State Hospital, Children's Celeny funds priority<br />

Faubus concerned by tax cuts proposed in Legis<br />

Lawmakers sheM unconcern fer Gov Faubus ' plans<br />

Gov Faubus having legis reapportionment plan drawn up<br />

State turnbacks and Mr Faubus 's duty (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus tells why speedy changes in constitution needed<br />

Faubus wants state 's share of teacher retirement cut te 5 pct<br />

Faubus wants teachers placed under Social Security System<br />

Faubus premises to seek mere funds fer Ark A M & N College<br />

Gazette opposes Faubus plan fer quick constitutional amdts<br />

Faubus favors control ef billboards along interstate reads<br />

Faubus opposed te raising tuition at state colleges, univ<br />

Women's Emergency Committee attacks two Faubus proposals<br />

Faubus questions motive of tax cut advocates<br />

Faubus comments on centreversy ever teacher retirement funds<br />

Article en methed Faubus used te reappartien Legislature<br />

Gazette commends Faubus stand en reducing state taxes<br />

Faubus te study method fer financing construction program<br />

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