ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Merit System Council (Ark)<br />

see also Oil and Gas Cem.missien (Ark)<br />

see alse Parden and Parole Beard (Ark)<br />

see also Public Service Commission (Ark)<br />

see also Publicity and Parks Commission (Ark)<br />

see also Racing Commission (Ark)<br />

see also Teacher Retirement System (Ark)<br />

see alse Welfare Department (Ark)<br />

see alse Workmen 's Compensation Cemm.issien (Ark)<br />

Senate passes bill te curb absenteeism at beard meetings 1/28/61 A2 5<br />

Column discusses filling ef commissions pests 5/28/61 E5 1<br />

Gov Faubus te fill about 170 vacancies in his 5th term 12/26/62 A9 1<br />


County employees have been under state retirement system 2 yr 5/21/61 A6 1<br />

Little Reck will keep its ewn retirement plan 6/ 1/61 A13 3<br />


Ark Empleyment Security Div employees face Hatch Act charges 1/14/-61 Al 2<br />

ESD employees accused ef violating law in Faubus campaign 1/14/-61 Al 2<br />

Gev Faubus doubts five ESD employees guilty 1/15/61 Al 7<br />

Five ESD employees identified in Hatch Act case 1/16-/-61 A2 4<br />

Federal govt says it can preve charges of ESD shakedewn 1/17/61 Bl 2<br />

ARD says pay raises would cost $1. 2 million under bill 1/2'2;/61 A4 7<br />

ESD employees. state rej ect Hatch Act vielatiens charges 1/25/61 Bl 8<br />

Municipal employees ask Legislature fer pensien plan 1/29/-61 AB 1<br />

Bill in Legis weuld increase county employees salaries 1/31/61 A3 3<br />

State Hospital Supt Granville L Jenes says no politics there 2/12/61 E4 3<br />

State Hospital political policy is similar to Hatch Act 2/12/61 E4 3<br />

Legis sets up job classification and analysis system 3/10/61 A2 1<br />

Five ESD empleyees face April hearing en Hatch Act chgs 3/31/61 Bl 8<br />

Unnamed senator 1 s son reportedly te get job without exam 4/ 2/61 E5 l<br />

Arnold B Sikes takes leave ef absence te work in bond drive 5/ 16/61 A2 6<br />

ESD empleyees testify donatiens fer Faubus were solicited 6/ 7/61 Al 3<br />

Summary of testimony by ESD empleyees en Faubus campaign fund 6/ 7/61 Al 3<br />

Five ESD officials testify they did net solicit Faubus funds 6/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

Hatch Act hearing raises grave question (ed) 6-/- 8/61 A4 l<br />

Faubus fund solicitor Jehn B Bull has say en hiring 6/10/61 Al 5<br />

Merit System Council uses Jehn B Bull as oral examiner 6/10/61 Al 5<br />

John B Bull holds pest despite ban against political activity 6/11/61 Al 6<br />

Haw Faubus machine uses its pewer (ed on ESD and Hatch Act) 6-/-11/61 E4 1<br />

Daughter ef Forrest Rozelle lands state job for summer 6/11/61 ES 1<br />

Merit Council backs Faubus fund-raiser Jehn B Bull 6/13/61 Bl 2<br />

Sen Rudolph Bates takes job as ESD auditor; sees ne conflict 8/ 5/-61 A2 2<br />

Senator Rudolph Bates can held ESD job. Merit Council says 8/ 6/61 Al 3<br />

Senator Rudolph Bates quits ESD jeb 8/24/61 Al 4<br />

Gaz ette cemments en resignation ef Sen Rudolph Bates 8/27/-61 E4 2<br />

Mrs A Hall Allen Jr. withess in Hatch Act case. resigns 9/30/61 Al 4<br />

Case ef Mrs Allen and the ESD headsmen (ed) 10/ 2/ 61 A4 1<br />

Gov Faubus denies knowledge ef Mrs Allen' s ESD resignation 10-/- 4/61 A2 1<br />

ESD Admr J L Bland silent en resignation ef Mrs Allen 10/ 7/61 A2 6<br />

Mr Bland 's silence (ed on resignatien ef Mrs A Hall Allen) 10/ 8/61 E2 l<br />

Civil service examiner advises 3 in ESD vielated Hatch act 10/11/61 Al 3<br />


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