ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

K Barney Levin 's Westweed Club has given up gambling<br />

Eleven defendants accused of running gaming house at LR<br />

Christian Church calls fer ban ef further legal gaming in Ark<br />

Black market tax en illegal gambling to be offered te Legis<br />

Black market tax en illegal gambling called hypocritical<br />

Kenneth Ceffelt chgs Gev Faubus blocked crime comm creation<br />

Gov Faubus maintains Het Springs gambling is a local problem<br />

Article en wide-epen gambling at Het Springs<br />

Crewds line up te gamble at Vapors Night Club. article says<br />

Southern Club in Hot Springs has 44 slot machines<br />

Gambling at Het Springs shewn in photos<br />

Het Springs mayer. pastors disagree en city 's gambling<br />

Hot Springs ' crime and erganiz ed gambling (ed)<br />

Report reveals illegal wagers off in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Andrew S Bass charged by FBI in West Memphis<br />

Julius Gerard Jr convicted of permitting gambling at club<br />

Police raid Red Gate Supper Club near Little Rock<br />

Witness says he paid Andrew S Bass $50 per week in payoffs<br />

Andrew S Bass found guilty, given three years<br />

Andrew S Bass to appeal his conviction<br />

Gaming school allegedly operating at Hot Springs<br />

Grand Jury te leek into gambling at Het Springs<br />

Grand Jury may consider legality of cashing checks at clubs<br />

Understanding the issue in legalized gambling (ed)<br />

Sentinel-Record comments en gambling in spa city<br />

Grand Jury probe ef gambling in Ark begins<br />

Grand Jury cleses prebe ef gaming; refuses to indict<br />

Hot Springs officials hail Grand Jury verdict en gambling<br />

Church forces gearing up to oppose legalized gambling<br />

The federal investigation en Hat Springs gambling (ed)<br />

Churchmen ef Ark reveal plan fer fighting move en gambling<br />

Methodist and Baptist leaders head anti-gambling forces<br />

Editorials discussing gambling issue<br />

West Memphis night clubs closed; ne presecutien planned<br />

IRS seizes pinball devices at LR. NLR fer lack of stamp<br />

Ralph Underhill apposes gambling in Ark<br />

State drops charges against three men<br />

Etwin L McDonald says effort te legalize gambling unl ikely<br />

Editorials en Hat Springs gambling situation<br />


see alse Land and real estate<br />

see also Wildlife<br />

Gov Faubus switches Truman Baker frem G&FC te Highway Comm<br />

Sam Helt apptd to Comm by Gev Faubus<br />

Sam Helt was net a Faubus supporter in 1954<br />

G&FC crew cut trees at Lake Atalanta; residents angered<br />

G&FC crews did net cut white oaks at Lake Atalanta<br />

Stanley McNulty named to Comm<br />

Athel Hill ef Bass. seeks remeval of game warden 0 R Willis<br />

Athel Hill's suit alleges false imprisonment<br />

Budget blacked by Rep Paul Van Dalsem<br />

4/ 1/62 Al<br />

4/ 13/62 Bll<br />

4/28/62 A6<br />

5/27/62 E3<br />

6/ 1/62 A4<br />

6/ 7/62 Bl<br />

6/12/62 A4<br />

6/17/62 Al<br />

6/17/62 Al<br />

6/17/62 Al<br />

6/17/62 A3<br />

6/28/62 Bl<br />

7/15/62 E2<br />

8/17/62 Al<br />

9/ &/ 62 A5<br />

10/ 9/62 BlO<br />

10/29/62 A2<br />

11-/- 6/62 Bl<br />

ll/ 7/62 Bl<br />

11/18/-62 A2<br />

11/-25/62 Al<br />

11/-28/62 Al<br />

11-/29/-62 Al<br />

12/ 9/62 E2<br />

12/ 9/62 E3<br />

12/12/62 Bl<br />

12/14/62 Al<br />

12/14/-62 Al<br />

12/15/62 A2<br />

12/15/62 A4<br />

12/16/62 A3<br />

12/ 16/62 A3<br />

12/16-/-62 E3<br />

12/18/-62 Bl<br />

12/20/62 Al<br />

12/20/-62 A6<br />

12/20/62 B7<br />

12/30-/-62 A5<br />

12/30/62 D3<br />

1/18/61 Al<br />

1/18/61 Al<br />

1/18/61 Al<br />

12/13/61 A6<br />

12/21/61 Bl<br />

5/10/-62 Bl<br />

10/12/62 B6<br />

10-/-12/62 B6<br />

11/ 1/62 Bl<br />

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