ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Negrees jein LR Dist school clubs. Wiley A Branton teld<br />

LR Dist Supt Floyd W Parsons explains overrun on bldg funds<br />

LR Dist building budget everspent by $805,000<br />

Single scheol dist in Pulaski Co seems inevitable. Dunn says<br />

Race issue was present in school election at Little Reck<br />

J R Beeker school in LR Dist may remain all-Negro<br />

LR Dist names new school fer the late J R Booker. a Negro<br />

New junior high scheel in LR named fer J R Booker. a Negro<br />

Negroes evenly divided in voting for LR Dist Bd members<br />

EDUCATION - Magazine District<br />

J D Leftwich donated $12,000 teward cest of new- high school<br />

New high school to be dedicated<br />

EDUCATION - Menifee District<br />

Menifee Dist bids opened fer school and underground shelter<br />

New high school will net be built underground as planned<br />

EDUCATION - Monette District<br />

Menette and Caraway Dists seek return te split terms<br />

EDUCATION - Morrilton District<br />

Grant recd to provide training fer retarded students<br />

EDUCATION - Newport District District<br />

Influx of migrant children taxes district budget<br />

EDUCATION - Norphlet District<br />

Gymnasium at Negro school burns<br />

EDUCATION - North Little Reck t:>l •.f.ri c.-t<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Laymen Inc ask fer course in patriotism<br />

Scheel Bd rej ects Doyle Venable's plan on patriotism<br />

•'<br />

12/21/62 Al5 6<br />

12/23/62 A3 4<br />

12/23/62 A3 4<br />

12/23/62 A5 l<br />

12/23/62 D3 1<br />

12/28/62 A3 6<br />

12/28/62 A3 6<br />

12/28/62 A3 6<br />

12/30/62 D3 1<br />

10/15/61 All 3<br />

10/15/-61 All 3<br />

5/27/61 A2 3<br />

11/-17/61 A8 4<br />

9/27/62 Bl 8<br />

7/ 6/61 Bl 2<br />

10/ 1/61 A13 5<br />

12/ 5/62 A2 1<br />

9/ 1/61 B16 1<br />

9/15/61 Bl6 3<br />

Ambey and Meadow Park may jein NLR Dist<br />

Playground suit against Pulaski Dist settled fer $40,000<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Laymen protest NLR Dist use of 2 books in libraries<br />

NLR Dist te expand program for handicapped students<br />

School Bd to accept Amboy . Meadow Park into District<br />

Teaching the heritage (ed)<br />

Bend issue may be sought fer building fallout shelters<br />

Schoel Bd kills campaign te step students driving to schoel<br />

Dr Harvey T Brewn files fer . seat held by Branch T Fields<br />

Issues in school election<br />

District faces desegregation lawsuit<br />

NLR Dist teachers will net get bonus. Supt F B Wright says<br />

NLR teachers te receive extra $45 ; Wright says pay . not bonus<br />

NLR High Scheel class of 1932 holds reunion<br />

Biographical sketch of NLR Supt F B Wright<br />

NLR Dist te annex Indian Hills Subdivisien<br />

Group of patrons in NLR pick three-man slate of directors<br />

NLR candidate challenges grew to reveal its doubts abeut bd<br />

Fight developing ever NLR beard seats<br />

NLR Dist incumbents returned to beard positions<br />

Ridgeroad coach quits. says campaign role questioned by supt<br />

NLR School Bd accepts resignations of two coaches<br />

EDUCATION - Oark District<br />

Elementary school building destroyed by fire<br />

4/ 14/61 B18 1<br />

4/lf}/61 Bll 1<br />

5/28/61 AlO 3<br />

6/14/-61 A7 l<br />

8/11/61 B16 3<br />

9/17/61 A4 2<br />

10/13/61 B9 l<br />

11/10/61 Al l 1<br />

11/15/-61 B14 4<br />

12/ 3/61 A3 1<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 7<br />

6/- 8/62 B18 4<br />

6/23/62 A5 1<br />

6/24/62 B6 2<br />

8/ 5/62 All l<br />

10/10/62 BlO l<br />

11/27/62 Bl4 1<br />

11/-28/62 B14 l<br />

11/29/62 Al6 1<br />

12/ 5/62 Al 6<br />

12/20/62 C20 1<br />

12/21/62 Bl6 1<br />

12/20/61 AlO 4<br />


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