ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Excerpts frem LR Dist case ruling by US Court of Appeals<br />

E A Lauderdale's lawyers ask rehearing in bombing case<br />

LR Dist beard disturbed by U S Appeals Court ruling<br />

Addressing problem in new scheel decision (ed en LR Dist)<br />

Ted Lamb assails his fellow LR Dist members en desegregation<br />

Three colleagues of Ted Lamb score his blast at LR Beard<br />

US Appeals Ct te study suits against Eugene G Smith estate<br />

Ark Supreme Ct upholds cenvictien ef Macee A Binns Jr<br />

Macee A Binns Jr convicted ef dynamiting Carletta Walls heme<br />

Ne vete will be held en merger ef Pulaski Dist with LR Dist<br />

Ark Supreme Ct reversal ef Macee A Binns Jr conviction (ed)<br />

LR Dist te convert Rightsell Elementary te school fer Negroes<br />

Kenneth Starnes blocks transfer ef 2 scheels te LR Dist<br />

Gazette says Pulaski Dist shoul d yield suburban scheols<br />

Meadewcliff and Brady scheel areas want te j ein LR Dist<br />

Pulaski Dist agrees fer LR ta annex twe scheels<br />

LR Dist te accept Meadowcliff and Brady Elementary Schools<br />

Ted Lamb criticizes LR Dist Bd record en Negro enrollment<br />

E A Lauderdale Sr going to prison next menth en bomb charges<br />

Brief history ef public education in LR<br />

Rightsell Schoel ence served scions ef elite of Little Reck<br />

NAACP raps LR Dist shift ef Rightsell te Negro scheel<br />

Annexation of 2 areas te LR Dist will slaw merger pressure<br />

Gev Faubus asked to grant leniency fer E A Lauderdale Sr<br />

Ted Lamb says time fer LR te stand up te meral ebligatiens<br />

Negroes and whites pretest LR Dist plan fer Rightsell Scheel<br />

Whites fear property value drep if Rightsell Schoel changed<br />

LR Dist may integrate junior highs this fall<br />

LR Dist Bd president Everett Tucker Jr comment s en ministers<br />

Kenneth Starns . Winston Chandler oppose ceding te LR Dist<br />

Pulaski Dist Bd formally cedes 2 areas te LR Dist<br />

Summary ef actions at LR Dist Bd meeting<br />

Editorial discusses differences among LR Scheel bd members<br />

Pine Bluff Commercial eppeses clemency fer E A Lauderdale Sr<br />

E A Lauderdale Sr begins serving prison term in bombing case<br />

Beth factions in LR Dist school fight claim victory<br />

Claim filed fer infermatien reward in Labor Day 1959 bombing<br />

Reward ef $25 .000 in Labor Day bemb case delayed by suit<br />

Macee Binns Jr may ge free en chg ef dynamiting Walls heme<br />

High court alters decision en Macee A Binns Jr case<br />

New trial ordered fer Maceae A Binns Jr in bombing case<br />

LR Dist studies program fer gifted children<br />

Appeals ct restores suits against Eugene G Smith estate<br />

LR Dist Bd hires 14 Negro teachers for Rightsell Elementary<br />

LR group pretesting Rightsell change asks dist-wide changes<br />

LR Chamber urges dismissal ef suit ever bomb case reward<br />

Judge Gordon E Yeung placed in charge ef LR desegregation<br />

Macee A Binns Jr retrial delayed by race issue en juries<br />

LR Police Dept rej ects share of Laber Day bombing reward fund<br />

LRSD change of Rightsell leaves big area without white school<br />

LR Dist 7th graders to undergo physical checkup<br />

3/ 3/-61 A2 1<br />

3/ 3/61 A2 3<br />

3/- 4/61 Al 2<br />

3/ 4/61 A4 1<br />

3/- 5/61 Al 5<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 4<br />

3/10/61 Bl 8<br />

3/14/61 Al 3<br />

3-/14/61 Al 3<br />

3/ 15-/61 A3 1<br />

3/15/61 A4 1<br />

3/16/61 Al 3<br />

3/16/61 A9 1<br />

3/18-/61 A4 1<br />

3/21/61 Al 7<br />

3/21/61 Al 7<br />

3/22/61 Al 2<br />

3/23/61 A3 2<br />

3/25/61 Al 3<br />

3/26/61 A14 1<br />

3/26/61 A14 1<br />

3/26/61 A2 1<br />

3/26/-61 A4 l<br />

3/28/61 Bl l<br />

3/29/61 Bl4 1<br />

3/30/61 Al 5<br />

3/30/61 Al 5<br />

3/-30/-61 Al 7<br />

3/30/-61 A3 3<br />

3/30/-61 Bl 7<br />

3/30/-61 Bl 7<br />

3/31/61 Al2 l<br />

4/ 1/61 A4 1<br />

4/- 2/-61 E4 6<br />

4/- 4/61 Bl 7<br />

4/- 6/61 A2 1<br />

4/ 8/61 Al 5<br />

4/15/61 A2 3<br />

4/23/61 A5 l<br />

4/25/61 Bl 7<br />

4/-25/-61 Bl 1<br />

4/28/61 A2 1<br />

4/28/61 Bl 4<br />

4/29/61 Al 3<br />

5/ 2/61 Bl 5<br />

5/ 2/-61 B12 1<br />

5-l 3/61 A3 1<br />

5/ 3/61 BS 3<br />

5/- 5/61 Bl 5<br />

5/11/61 Bl 2<br />

5/14/61 Al2 4<br />


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