ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Judge orders twe mere Negroes admitted to white schools<br />

Two Negre children may net be eligible te attend white scheel<br />

Mr and Mrs York were fired when they enrolled children<br />

Parents ef York children have net moved te Denver<br />

Scheel official says 4 Negroes can enrell<br />

Calm marks Negroes ' entry in Dellarway school<br />

Negroes to appeal Federal Judge Gordon Young 's ruling<br />

Judge rej ects Dist request te transfer Negro bey to Negro sch<br />

George Heward will ask his daughter be meved to Dellarway<br />

Dellarway Scheel Bd delays decision en integration<br />

Dollarway Dist faces suit by George Heward<br />

Dellarway Scheel will net reconsider admitting Sarah Haward<br />

Desegregation ef Dellarway teacher staff asked by Heward<br />

George Heward asks ct to order daughter meved te Dollarway<br />

Dollarway Scheel Bd says teacher integration net relevant<br />

George Heward Jr cannot intervene in Dellarway staffing<br />

Negro students at Dellarway Elementary reduced to tw o<br />

Dellarway Dist may net need desegregation plan. judge says<br />

Federal ct halds hearing on Sarah Hor.vard. Dellarway case<br />

George Haward Jr states his case in Dellarway Schoel case<br />

Dellarway School Dist asks year renewal ef school plan<br />

Dellarway School Bd ordered to admit Sarah Heward. Negro<br />

Judge says Dellarway net making enough desegregation progress<br />

One Negro remains in Dellarway Elementary School<br />

EDUCATION - Fayetteville District<br />

Fayetteville may get closed-circuit TV system<br />

EDUCATION - Forrest City District<br />

Forrest City supt angered by promise of teacher bonus<br />

EDUCATION - Fort Smith District<br />

Fert Smith Schoel Bd wants grand jury probe of schools<br />

Fort Smith funds use to be probed by grand jury<br />

Fort Smith plan te rebuild Negro school draws pretest<br />

Only 10 pct of eligible Fort Smith Negroes cheese integration<br />

Grand Jury probe at Ft Smith finds only Preston Rase guilty<br />

Suit cites pupil placement law in dispute ever child 's meve<br />

Bids opened fer building of Southside High School<br />

Ed Louise Ballman donates funds fer classrooms at Ballman<br />

Fart Smith Dist feels pinch as population grewth spurts<br />

EDUCATION - Gill District<br />

Gill Scheel Dist consolidated with Marianna Scheel Dist<br />

EDUCATION - Gosnell District<br />

Blytheville AFB school setup hit by NAACP<br />

NAACP 's L C Bates will take AFB complaint to Justice Dept<br />

Negro students frem Blytheville AFB sent to Negro school<br />

Students £rem AFB should attend Gosnell schools. NAACP says<br />

Air Force says hands tied in Blytheville AFB school case<br />

Gosnell Dist enrolls twelve Negro students<br />

EDUCATION - Hardy District<br />

Hardy and Ash Flat voters approve merger ef dists<br />

EDUCATION - Harrisburg District<br />

New high scheel te be all-electric<br />

8/26/61 Al 7<br />

9/ 1/61 Bl 7<br />

9/ 3/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 3/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 5/ 61 A2 5<br />

9/ 6/61 A2 1<br />

9/23/-61 A2 4<br />

11/ 7/-61 AB l<br />

6/- 6/62 A7 1<br />

6/27/62 B9 6<br />

7/18/62 Bl 6<br />

8/ 9/62 Al4 4<br />

8/18/62 Al 7<br />

8/18/62 Al 7<br />

8/25/-62 A3 3<br />

8/31/62 AlO 1<br />

9/ 1/62 AS 6<br />

9/ 7/62 Bl 7<br />

9/ 7/-62 Bl 7<br />

9/14/62 A24 4<br />

9/15/-62 A3 3<br />

10/26/-62 A12 1<br />

10/-26/62 Al2 1<br />

12/13/62 Bl 3<br />

6/-24/62 ClO 4<br />

6/-16/62 A2 1<br />

2/10/61 Bl 3<br />

3/- 1/61 Bl 4<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

4/13/61 A2 1<br />

12/ 3/61 A4 7<br />

12-/21/61 Bl 7<br />

12/28/61 Bl 5<br />

9/ 9/62 FlO 1<br />

4/17/62 Bl 2<br />

1/28/-62 Al 5<br />

1/28/-62 Al 5<br />

1/28/62 Al 5<br />

1/28/62 Al 5<br />

1/-31/62 Bl 2<br />

9/ 6/62 Bl 2<br />

12/16/62 E3 l<br />

10/-27/61 A3 4<br />


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