ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus cracks whip . Hause appreves his teacher retirement<br />

Senate vetes commission to study teacher retirement system<br />

Gov Faubus says public awakened. eppeses AEA pensien plan<br />

AEA panel appears reluctant to deal with Gov Faubus<br />

The governor 's blitzkrieg on teacher retirement Ced)<br />

Gov Faubus pushes his teacher retirement bill through Senate<br />

Gov Faubus sent Senate letter premising veto of AEA bill<br />

Summary of Senate debate on teacher retirement bill<br />

Legislature votes raise in pensions of retired teachers<br />

Senate puts emergency clause en teacher retirement bill<br />

Gov Faubus used full farces te beat AEA retirement plan<br />

Gov Faubus' premises te teachers during primary (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus signs his teacher retirement. vetoes AEA versien<br />

Teachers may vote en Social Security participation this fall<br />

Forrest Rozzell says AEA made every effort to deal with Gev<br />

Public scheel teachers to vote en adding Social Security<br />

Teachers .vote fer Social Security participation<br />

AEA goal is te ger retirment system embedded in constitution<br />

Lawsuit en AEA inclusion in retirement system te be heard<br />

Winston Chandler challenged AEA inclusion in retirement plan<br />

Suit being heard on AEA membership in teacher retirement<br />

Arndt 53 en teacher retiremnt has backing ef A W Ford<br />

Amdt 53 has laudable geal , but bad public policy, ed says<br />

Forrest Rozzell berates Gev Faubus fer switch en Amdt 53<br />

Gov Orval Faubus says he did net switch en Amdt 53<br />

Amdt 53 trailing in late returns<br />

Def eat ef Arndt 53 blamed en AEA by Gev Orval E Faubus<br />

Voters defeat proposed amdt en Teacher Retirement System<br />

Proposed Arndt 51 protected students whe rej ect integration<br />

Proposed Amdt 53 (teacher retirement) defeated<br />

Teacher Retirement System sale ef bends blamed for high rates<br />

AEA panel asks Legis te pass legislation intended by Amdt 53<br />

Teacher Retirement System financing can be settled, Bell says<br />

EDUCATION - Salaries, Benefits. Etc<br />

see also Education - Forrest City District<br />

see also Education - Hazen District<br />

see also Education - Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - North Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - Pulaski County District<br />

Teachers net el igible fer Workmen's Cempensatien under ruling<br />

Teachers ' premised funds cut $500,00, Forrest Rezzell says<br />

Gov Faubus adds teacher pay raise to construction bill<br />

Teachers deg Education Department en raises<br />

Teachers being shortchanged en raises. Forrest Rozzell says<br />

Gev Orval Faubus replies to Forrest Rozzell with 'haw haw '<br />

Teacher pay net funny , Forrest Rozzell repl ies te Faubus<br />

ALC refuses to pass recommendation for $2 million raise<br />

Forrest Roz zell scoffs at Gev Faubus' premise en salaries<br />

Teachers pay political tell, Forrest Rezzell says<br />

Faubus wording prevents Legis considering teacher bonus<br />


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