ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Fifty-three dists ask for millage raises<br />

Veters te decide en 46 bend issues; 60 millage increases<br />

Election results en bend issues. tax measures<br />

List of bend issues approved and rej ected by dist voters<br />

State doubles school budget over 10 years<br />

A defective approach te scheel financing (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus willing te negotiate school fund formula<br />

The illusory remedies in earmarked funds (ed)<br />

Cest per pupil in public school reaches $261 in Ark<br />

AF.A may use initiated act ta get set amt ef taxes fer educ<br />

AF.A Council vetes te fester guaranteed finance plan<br />

AF.A will try initiated act fer half ef revenues fer educ<br />

Defining the issues in earmarking fer schools (ed)<br />

Arch Ferd testifies fer federal school aid, minus strings<br />

3 dists may lose federal aid when children go to base scheels<br />

Arch W Ferd stands his ground befere US House panel<br />

Constitutional amdt s prepared on school financing<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> PTA Congress supports federal aid te education<br />

Schoel surplus funds of $1 .5 million forecast fer month 's end<br />

Public school debt at record high<br />

Initiated Act 1 (earmarking educ funds) will have opposition<br />

State Beard of Education may eppose earmarking funds<br />

State analyzes AEA preposal. sees difficulty<br />

State Educ Bd declines te take stand en earmarking tax funds<br />

Gov Faubus may be considering alternative to AEA finance plan<br />

Hew net to appropriate (ed en AF.A school funding plan)<br />

AF.A schoel fund prepesal has ne defenders en ALC<br />

Proposed school budget shews need fer Act 1, F Rozzell says<br />

Higher education' s CCHEF questions AEA' s funding proposal<br />

Act 231 (196 1) earmarks certain local funds fer teacher pay<br />

Several school boards seek exemptien frem Act 231 (196 1)<br />

AF.A officers mail letters urging passage of Initiated Act l<br />

Joshua K Shepherd defends Initiated Act 1 previsions<br />

Legislative Council, Univ ef Ark trustees eppese Act 1<br />

Gov Faubus calls Initiated Act 1 'wrong '<br />

Scheel tax increases sought by 58 districts<br />

Joshua K Shepherd attacks fees of Initiated Act 1<br />

Proponents of Initiated Act 1 point te other earmarked funds<br />

AF.A urges teachers to push fer adeptien of Initiated Act 1<br />

Higher Educ Dept votes against Act l<br />

Joshua K Shepherd attacks logic of college greup on Act 1<br />

Initiated Act l defeated<br />

School finances up to Governor. Legislature<br />

Defeat ef proposals does net lessen need fer meney (ed)<br />

Iniated Act l on dedicated taxes fer educ defeated at polls<br />

Local dists to pay higher interest en bonds. E F Dunn says<br />

Sixty diets te vote on bend issues<br />

10/-17/-61 Bl<br />

12/ 3/61 Al<br />

12/ 6/61 A7<br />

12/ 7/-61 A2<br />

12/17/61 Al<br />

3/ 6/62 A4<br />

3/ 6/62 Bl<br />

3/ 7/-62 A4<br />

3/ 9/-62 Bl<br />

3/10/62 Al<br />

3/11/62 Al<br />

3/25/-62 Al<br />

3/-27/62 A4<br />

3/29/62 Bl<br />

3/31/62 A8<br />

4/ 8/62 E5<br />

4/11/-62 Bl<br />

4/-18/-62 Bl<br />

7/12/62 Al<br />

8/10/62 Bl<br />

8/-17/-62 Al<br />

9/ 2/- 62 D3<br />

9/-10/-62 Al<br />

9/-11/-62 Bl<br />

9/12/62 Al<br />

9/12/62 A4<br />

9/15/-62 Al<br />

9/25/62 Bl<br />

9/25/62 Bl<br />

10/ 3/-62 Bl<br />

10/ 3/-62 Bl<br />

10/- 4/ 62 Bl<br />

10/-14/62 Al<br />

10/-14/-62 A2<br />

10/-15/62 Al<br />

10/-16/-62 Bl<br />

10/-21/62 Al<br />

11/- 1/-62 AlO<br />

11/ 2/62 Bl<br />

11/- 3/-62 A2<br />

11/ 4/ 62 A2<br />

11/- 7/-62 Al<br />

11/-18/-62 A12<br />

11/-18/62 E2<br />

11/27/-62 Bl<br />

11/30/62 Al<br />

12/ 2/62 A23<br />

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EDUCATION - Fires<br />

see also Education - Alma District<br />

see also Education - Cherry Valley District<br />

see also Education - Jessieville District<br />


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