ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Selling consolidatien (ed)<br />

New approach te censelidatien may be in the making<br />

State penal izes districts that consolidate<br />

State Educ Commr A W Ferd is neutral en censelidatien<br />

Arch W Ferd takes cue from Gev Faubus en censelidatien (eel)<br />

Children pay fer the state' s consolidatien lag. column says<br />

Nevada County : a case study in censolidatien<br />

EDUCATION - Contracts and Purchasing<br />

see Education - Administration and management<br />

EDUCATION - Cooperative Proj ects<br />

House passes bill al.lawing school-sharing of services<br />

Legis appreves plan fer dists to share resources<br />

Gov Faubus signs bill al.lowing dists te share facilities<br />

EDUCATION - County Supervisors<br />

see Education - Administration and management<br />

EDUCATION - Curriculum and Teaching Methods<br />

see also Education - Arkadelphia District<br />

see al.so Education - Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - North Little Reck District<br />

see alse Education - Timbe District<br />

House appropriates funds fer driver education courses<br />

ALC te study mandatory lessens in communism<br />

Why 'Americanism ' (ed en call fer teaching about communism)<br />

The pandora's be:x ef anti-cemmunism (ed)<br />

Lennie Etheridge lr on teaching communism in the schools<br />

Arch W Ferd says state needs no crash program en communism<br />

Ferd 's seund advice (ed en statement en teaching communism)<br />

Arch Ferd supports stripping frills from phys educ programs<br />

The vigilantes (ed en demand fer anti-communism classes)<br />

Educators should shape curriculum, Gazette says<br />

Ark Legislative Council approves study en communism education<br />

Legis panel favers leaving curriculum matters te educators<br />

Mrs Alfred Lippman complains te ALC about textbook in use<br />

Educatien Committee (ALC) gives cause for pride (ed)<br />

Editorial chides Mrs Alfred P Lippman Jr en criticism ef book<br />

Gov Faubus agrees with ALC approach te teaching communism<br />

Mrs Alfred Lippman Jr writes en appearance befere ALC<br />

Life Line speaker at LR urges mere teaching en cemmunism<br />

Peucher 's approach (ed)<br />

ALC te hear twe plans en teaching communism<br />

ALC told teachers must be free te teach controversial subj ect<br />

State has 2 men en natl panel on study of communism<br />

Forrest Rozzell writes en place of dissent in freedom<br />

Conference en teaching language sponsored by AEA<br />

Council formed te premete econemic study in schools<br />

Survey being done en heritage studies in schools<br />

Foreign language classes shew steady gr01Yth<br />

Economics teaching plan outlined fer state educators<br />

Article en method of teaching math te young children<br />

Helen Terry Marshall deplores level ef art educ in Ark<br />

Report reveals curriculum lack in smaller scheel dists<br />

11/ 2/62 A4<br />

11/18/62 E3<br />

11/25/-62 E3<br />

11/28/-62 A2<br />

12/ 2/-62 E3<br />

12/ 2/62 E3<br />

12/ 9/62 E3<br />

1/20/61 Al<br />

1/27/-61 Bl<br />

2/ 3/61 A6<br />

2/24/-61 Al<br />

7/15/61 A2<br />

7/16/61 E4<br />

7/18/-61 A4<br />

7/20/61 A4<br />

8/12/61 A7<br />

8/14/61 A4<br />

8/20/-61 E5<br />

9/14/61 A4<br />

10/29/61 E2<br />

11/ 7/61 Al<br />

11/ 7 /61 Al<br />

11/ 7 /61 Al<br />

11/ 8/61 A4<br />

11/10/61 A4<br />

11/10/-61 Bl<br />

11/14/-61 A4<br />

11/14/61 A6<br />

11/16/61 A4<br />

11/1/61 A3<br />

11/26/61 A3<br />

12/ 8/61 Bl<br />

12/11/61 A4<br />

1/31/62 Bl<br />

2/28/62 A6<br />

3/ 3/62 A3<br />

3/ 4/ 62 ES<br />

4/17/62 Bl<br />

10/ 7/62 A9<br />

11/ 2/62 Bl<br />

12/ 'U62 E3<br />

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