ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

State lands 8.511 jobs<br />

Little Reck getting first big plant in feur long years<br />

Gassville is first te get Area Redevelopment Act aid<br />

Aid to Gassville reuses anger ef US Rep Rebert P Griffin<br />

Federal aid fer Gassville defended by J W Trimble<br />

Gassville ' breaks ' really new ground (ed)<br />

Gassville called key in JFK's campaign against peverty<br />

GOP lashes at Gassville grant as union buster<br />

AIDC certifies Lonoke as prepared for industrial development<br />

First <strong>Arkansas</strong> Development Finance Cerp aids indus growth<br />

Madison County 's plan wins ARA approval<br />

Little Reck trying te land federal water pollution laboratory<br />

AIDC takes leek at best use fer state 's raw materials<br />

AFLCIO head Geerge H Ellisen takes W P Rock te task en wages<br />

Gassville's grant fer factory touched off widespread talk<br />

AIDC wins cut in freight rate fer steel shipped by rail<br />

Tax experts disagree en tax lures ta attract industry<br />

Business comm.unity in uprear ever remarks ef Tham.as E Harris<br />

Laber leader Them.as E Harris derides quality ef new plants<br />

Repr Gayle E Windsor Jr butted heads with Themas E Harris<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> asked te join 9-state pact te secure industry<br />

A call fer a new regienal alliance<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller werks fer in-state precessing of agri<br />

AIDC seeking ways te help ailing industries<br />

LR Chamber asks native sens to epen firms in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

St Louis judge erders twe firms te return te Missouri<br />

William P Reck concerned by order fer plants te return te Me<br />

William P Reck speaks as AIDC directer<br />

Gov Faubus calls judge 's erder en factories 'far-fetched '<br />

State may enter case ef f acteries ordered te return te Me<br />

Tightening restrictions on idustrial movement (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus backs indust develp amdt by Rep Jack Oakes<br />

AIDC conducting industrial preparedness pregram around state<br />

Annual progress report f rem around state<br />

List of new plants announced fer Ark during past year<br />

Fart Smith Jr Coll trains workers fer industry<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Industrial Policy Comm organiz ed by businessmen<br />

Northwest Ark net represented en Industrial Development Camm<br />

Availability of gas tags state as site fer big industries<br />

AIDC says decentralizing ef industry is slew-<br />

FADFC is a broad-based capital credit "bank"<br />

FADFC meeting attracts tap leaders in politics. finance<br />

FDAFC has large role in economic development<br />

Rebert McCord urges county-wide effort fer Pulaski County<br />

NE Ark group bidding fer industry through organiz ation<br />

Metroplan gives report on sites fer Pulaski County industry<br />

Six east Ark counties te f erm economic development assn<br />

C ef C wants Rep in Capital to secure defense contracts<br />

Osceola develops plan te wee. win worthy industries<br />

Tax benefits to attract industry to be discussed by AIDC<br />

Attracting new industry and setting tax rates (ed)<br />

7/-15/61 Al 7<br />

7/19/61 A4 1<br />

7/25/61 Bl 2<br />

7/27/61 Al 5<br />

7/28/61 A3 2<br />

7/28/61 A4 1<br />

7/29/61 Al 3<br />

8/10/61 Bl 3<br />

8/17/61 A2 1<br />

8/26/61 B4 1<br />

8/3 1/61 Bl 2<br />

10/ 1/61 Al 2<br />

10/-10/-61 B7 1<br />

10/-18/-61 Bl 8<br />

10/29/-61 Cl 1<br />

11/ 4/61 Al 3<br />

11/ 8/61 Bl 7<br />

11/12/61 Cl 1<br />

11/12/61 Cl 1<br />

11/12/61 Cl 1<br />

11/22/61 Bl 8<br />

11/24/-61 A4 1<br />

lZ/- 1/61 Bl 8<br />

12/ 9/61 A7 6<br />

12/24/-61 Al 4<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl 2<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl 2<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl 2<br />

1/ 4/62 A2 5<br />

1/ 4/62 A2 5<br />

1/ 4/ 62 A4 1<br />

1/13/62 A2 3<br />

1/17/62 Bl 2<br />

1/21/62 Fl 1<br />

1/-21/62 F2 1<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl 2<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl 8<br />

2/ 9/62 Bl 8<br />

2/11/62 Cl 1<br />

2/18/62 E3 1<br />

3/ 9/62 Bl2 1<br />

3/ 9/62 Bl2 1<br />

3/- 9/62 Bl2 l<br />

4/ 4/ 62 Bl6 1<br />

4/19/62 Bl 7<br />

4/22/62 Al4 1<br />

5/ 4/ 62 A7 1<br />

5/ 6/62 Al6 7<br />

5/13/62 Cl 2<br />

5/-15/-62 Bl 5<br />

5/16/62 A4 1<br />


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