ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Forests and forestry<br />


Annual progress report en Ark economy<br />

Newport 's grewth aided by manufacturing<br />

Manufacturing income exceeds agriculture in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Manufacturing replaces agri as largets single income source<br />

Jeb total in state registers increase<br />

Factery payrolls listed (by county)<br />

Statistics en employment and income<br />

Retail sales sets new high (listed by county )<br />

Statistics en economic state ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

State made gains in several areas. report says<br />


see also Gevernm.ent bends and investments<br />

see also Rivers and lakes<br />

see also Shumnaker Naval Ammunition Depot<br />

1960 was record year for gaining new jobs in state<br />

More tax breaks will net help lure indus. Chas F Smith says<br />

New tax favors to lure industry called unlikely this year<br />

Schools, industries called key to Little Rock growth<br />

Gov Faubus. AIDC take opposite stands en tax lures fer indus<br />

Lack of large site cost NLR a new industry<br />

AIDC fretting ever relations with Gov Orval Faubus<br />

Gov Orval Faubus says he is not at odds with AIDC<br />

Mar-Bax Shirt Co case tests validity of Act 2 (1960)<br />

Marien and Baxter County jointly financed Mar-Bax under Act 2<br />

Opponents ef Mar-Bax financing raise several points in court<br />

Joint financing of Mar-Bax Shirt Ce upheld by court<br />

Legis passes bill allowing local govts to issue revenue bends<br />

Funds bill gives Governor say in hiring AIDC experts<br />

Little Reck gets its first maj or plant since 1957<br />

A large new industry after long dreuth (ed en LR industry)<br />

AIDC ponders depressed area aid implications fer Ark<br />

Act 9 (1960) is effective industry lure other states envy<br />

UA trying te get Arkansans te talk about state 's problems<br />

Russellville raises funds in drive fer industrial grO"#lth<br />

Twe industries te locate at Springdale<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Future series to draw 50.000 participants<br />

Pat Caviness te leave AIDC for federal jeb<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller urges state to great ecenemic efforts<br />

Clean water in quanity may aid Ark in search fer industry<br />

Group in Marien and Baxter County file brief en Mar-Bax bonds<br />

Future ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> discussed at meeting at LR<br />

Arguments en Mar-Bax financing presented te Ark Supreme Ct<br />

Ark Supreme Ct asked te clarify joint financing of industry<br />

Wayne L Besecker joins staff of AIDC staff<br />

Industrial bends tep $39 million<br />

AIDC Comtnissieners turn their checks back te AIDC Foundation<br />

Ark Supreme Ct rules 2-ceunty financing fer factory valid<br />

AIDC wants te handle all state planning<br />

Federal. state govt agencies discuss Area Redevelopment Act<br />

1/-15/61 Fl 1<br />

4/18/61 Bl 3<br />

9/24/61 Al 2<br />

9/27/61 A4 1<br />

9/29/61 B12 1<br />

10/2Z/61 A3 2<br />

12/12/61 B9 1<br />

8/19/62 AB l<br />

9/ 2/62 D3 5<br />

11/22/62 Bl 8<br />

1/ 1/61 BlO 1<br />

1/ 4/ 61 Bl 7<br />

1/ 4/61 Bl 7<br />

1/ 8/61 A4 1<br />

1/2[}/61 A3 l<br />

1/20/61 BB 1<br />

1/22/61 ES 1<br />

1/24/61 Bl 7<br />

1/31/61 B7 1<br />

1/31/61 B7 l<br />

1/31/61 B7 1<br />

2/ 5/61 Al 6<br />

2/ 5/61 Al4 1<br />

2/18/61 A5 4<br />

2/25/61 Al 4<br />

2/25/61 A4 l<br />

2/26/61 ES 1<br />

3/11/61 Al 7<br />

4/16/61 Al 2<br />

4/22/61 BB 1<br />

4/29/61 A7 4<br />

4/30/61 Cl2 2<br />

5/ 3/61 A2 2<br />

5/ 3/61 A3 5<br />

5/ 5/61 BlO 1<br />

5/13/61 A5 5<br />

5/14/61 A3 1<br />

5-/16-/61 Bl 2<br />

5-/16/61 Bl 2<br />

5/21/61 A2 5<br />

5/28/61 Al4 1<br />

5/28/61 E5 3<br />

5/30/61 Bl 7<br />

6/17/61 A3 7<br />

7/12/61 BB 1<br />


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