ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Repr Hardy W Croxton comments en pessible new directien<br />

Building needs still there. Dr Silas D Snew says<br />

Duty attends triumph after bend electien<br />

The people speak (ed en defeat ef bend issue)<br />

Gev Faubus te send no building plans to Legislature<br />

Repr Virgil Fletcher offers building plan<br />

Sid McMath cemes up with program te meet censtructien needs<br />

Sid McMath plan calls fer ne tax. ne bend prepesal<br />

Dr David W Mullins calls for effort to meet state 's needs<br />

An alternative plan fer state building (ed)<br />

Column analyzes defeat ef bend issue<br />

Two new proposals fer state building (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus calls Sid McMath plan 'pretty stupid '<br />

Legislative Council te develop plan fer construction<br />

State can' t afferd the Omnibus Act spirit, Gaz ette says<br />

Repr Virgil T Fletcher ready te abandon his budget-cut plan<br />

Children' Colony bldg pregram expected te resume soon<br />

Gav Faubus wants Legis te stick te plans in omnibus bill<br />

Gev Faubus will net request all funds of omnibus bill<br />

ALC £avers creation of a state construction fund<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem pushes fer construction fund program<br />

Escape at State Hospital stirs hot debate ever emnibus act<br />

Rep J H Cattrell angered by Dr G L Jenes remark en State Hosp<br />

ALC recommends finance program for building fund<br />

Higher education asks ALC for $17 million fer emergency bldg<br />

Plan presented by higher educ tied te ne other state agency<br />

Gav Faubus nen-cemmital en any construction plan<br />

J H Cottrell Jr attacks bend plan ef colleges as phony<br />

Legis Council hears twe ideas for funding needy agencies .<br />

Legislative Council may allew spending of state cushion fund<br />

ALC allocated $800000 fer State Hospital building<br />

List of allocations made by ALC for funding from surplus<br />

Legis Council makes recommendations en items to be funded<br />

Senator Oliver R Williams wants figures en sq feet cost<br />

Legislators having second thoughts about soft drink tak<br />

Gov Faubus outlines plans fer special session of Legislature<br />

Editorial comments en Faubus and the legislative sessien<br />

Funds sought fer fallout shelters fer politicians<br />

Dissent arises early in Legis en Gav Faubus 's plan<br />

Rep J H Cottrell seeks increased funding for State Hospital<br />

Children's Colony funds approved by Jeint Budget Committee<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Educ Assn compiles its pierity list<br />

Joint Budget Committee votes against State Hospital bill<br />

Senate blacks vote en college construction bills<br />

College construction bills sidetracked by Paul Van Dalsem<br />

Senate approves $6 .6 million fer four colleges<br />

Senate approves two varying plans fer building fund<br />

Legis begins passing appropriation bills at Faubus urging<br />

Legis passes all spending bills recommended by ALC<br />

Legis refuses to fund second trade scheel<br />

List ef items funded by special sessien of Legislature<br />

6/29/61 Al<br />

6/29/61 A2<br />

6/29/61 A4<br />

6/29/61 A4<br />

6/30/61 Bl<br />

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7/ 2/61 Al<br />

7/ 2/61 Al<br />

7/ 2/61 04<br />

7/ 2/61 D5<br />

7/ 3/61 A4<br />

7/ 8/61 Al<br />

7/ 8/61 Al<br />

7/ 9/ 61 E4<br />

7/11/61 Bl<br />

7/17/61 A7<br />

7/24/61 Al<br />

7/26/61 A6<br />

8/ 1/61 A2<br />

8/ 1/61 A2<br />

8/ 2/61 Al<br />

8/ 2/61 Al<br />

8/ 2/61 Bl<br />

8/ 8/61 Al<br />

8/ 8/61 Al<br />

8/ 8/61 A6<br />

8/ 9/61 Al<br />

8/ 9/61 Al<br />

8/10/61 A3<br />

8/11/61 Al<br />

8/11/61 Al<br />

8/13/61 Al<br />

8/13/61 E5<br />

8/20/61 E5<br />

8/23/61 Al<br />

8/23/61 A4<br />

8/24/61 Cll<br />

8/25/61 Al<br />

8/25/61 Al<br />

8/26/61 A2<br />

8/29/61 Al<br />

8/29/61 Al<br />

8/29/61 Al<br />

8/30/61 Al<br />

8/30/61 Al<br />

8/31/61 A3<br />

9/ 1/61 Al<br />

9/ '2/61 Al<br />

9/ 2/ 61 Al<br />

9/ 3/61 A2<br />

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