ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Paul Sullins speaks eut en bend issue dangers (ed)<br />

Supreme Ct asked to reverse its ruling en omnibus act<br />

Faubus attacks newspapers fer eppositien te his bond program<br />

Faubus calls bend opponents moderates and integratienists<br />

Gov Faubus ties fight on bend program te his '57 crisis<br />

Ex-Gov Ben T Laney opposes Faubus bend program<br />

Most state newspapers lambaste Fauubs bend program as unsound<br />

State Repr Marien H Crank takes Faubus stand en bend issue<br />

Faubus backer James E McDaniel eppeses bend issue<br />

Faubus warns SGS funds may be reduced if bend issue fails<br />

The Gazette and the cause ef education (ed)<br />

Editorial en Arch W Ford 's 'Dear Teacher ' letter<br />

UA professor Newton Barnette writes en need fer bond issue<br />

Re-hearing en omnibus act set fer today : foes flay plea<br />

Bend opponents blast Faubus ' speech of 'big surprise'<br />

Bend backers take breather in campaign<br />

UA Student Body President Perter Briggs opposes bend issue<br />

Bend proposal is non-political. Gov Faubus tells VEW<br />

Legis te be called into session seen if bend program passes<br />

Omnibus spending act laid te rest by state Supreme Court<br />

Dr David W Mullins plugs bend issue at Stuttgart<br />

The Faubus surprise in the bend campaign (ed)<br />

Why the big bend plan should be voted down (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus, C Hamiltan Meses take te TV te support bend issue<br />

Natienal Guard, Military Dept urged to support bend issue<br />

Republican State Executive Committee opposes bend issue<br />

Joshua Shepherd lists 4-step plan te meet state 's needs<br />

Olen Hedrix. Hugh Hardin support bend issue<br />

Harald F Ohlendorf answers fees of bend issue<br />

Marketing bend issues complicated. article says<br />

Conway Chamber ef Commerce endorses bond prepesal<br />

Planned use of funds under invalid omnibus act listed<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Cell rating in peril, trustee says<br />

State 's newsppaers speak eut en proposed bend issue<br />

Dangers ef apathy in the bend election (ed)<br />

State 's largest public works program faces voters temerrOrN<br />

J H Cottrell Jr calls fer probe of pre-bond letters to Guard<br />

Bend campaign closes today with television, radie talks<br />

Editor calls lr to Guardsmen an abuse of military authority<br />

List ef supporters. opponents ef bend issue<br />

Gov Faubus sees tax increase if bend issue fails<br />

Army orders investigation of letter en bond issue<br />

Bend fees hit racing link. Faubus tactics<br />

Sid McMath gees en TV to warn of peril in issuing bends<br />

The grave implications in National Guard order (ed)<br />

Arnold Sikes conceded defeat ef bond issue<br />

Joshua K Shepherd comments en defeat of bend issue proposal<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> voters defeat Faubus bond proposal by 3-1 margin<br />

Bend vote listed by counties<br />

Gov Faubus cheerful in wake of bend issue def eat<br />

Legislators convinced veters de net want bends. new taxes<br />

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