ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus evades the real issues, Gazette says<br />

Need fer new library at UA challenged by J H Cattrell Jr<br />

Pre-bonds forces release list ef needs at institutiens<br />

Rey Milum chgs state empleyee shakedown fer pro-bends funds<br />

Verbal barrage gees en about Faubus bend plan<br />

Advertisement premetes bends<br />

Text ef the censtructien bend issue law<br />

Gutter tactics generally absent in bend fight<br />

Gov Faubus hits at Rey W Miuam and J H Cottrell Jr<br />

J H Cattrell Jr says bond payments could fall en welfare<br />

Jeshua Shepherd wants study ef needs ef higher education<br />

Welfare Dept Directer Carl Adams disputes Cottrell statement<br />

Gov Faubus says school 'clique' wants 62 pct ef revenue<br />

Forrest Rozzell insists vete fer bonds is vote fer tax rise<br />

Forrest Rozzell says bond issue cannot be justified<br />

Needs ef higher education recognized by AEA, Rozzell says<br />

Welfare Cemmr Carl Adams replies te criticism ef J H Cottrell<br />

Welfare check raise er cut may depend en bend passage<br />

The bend alternative (ed)<br />

T E Lawrence lr opposes bend program<br />

Bend fees attack pressure en welfare clients by Carl Adams<br />

Faubus says Legislature ceuld cut wel fare funds<br />

Gov Faubus says welfare grants te increase regardless of vote<br />

Gev Faubus te seek review of Omnibus Act ruling<br />

Carl Adams ' shacking tactic in bend issue campaign (ed)<br />

Sterm Whaley, Joshua Shepherd debate merits af bond issue<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Municipal League meets with Faubus, endorses bonds<br />

Bond opponents take leaf from Faubus ' book (ed)<br />

Overstating the case fer college building (ed)<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Farm Bureau beard supports bend issue<br />

Bond issue draws approvals. dissents<br />

College presidents. Coach Frank Broyles plead for bend issue<br />

Dr Silas D Snow, Dr David Mullins make pitch fer bends<br />

J W Hull praises bend prepesal as great step forward fer Ark<br />

State Repr Harry W Carter says bond plan risks graft, waste<br />

State Sen Olen Hendrix: faulted for tactics used for bonds<br />

Bend proponents ignore sensible alternatives. Gazette says<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> County Judges Assn backs Faubus bond program<br />

Bend fees turn en heat; Faubus hits old targets<br />

Hew would the state pay the bond issue charges (ed)<br />

Power in hands ef the bend-issuing beard (editorial)<br />

Fees across state pounce en Faubus ' bends as peril to indus<br />

Repr J H Cottrell Jr says use tax could net support bond pay<br />

Gazette says Faubus uses political web-spinning in bond drive<br />

Gov Faubs sits in as Education Dept employees hear bend foe<br />

Joshua Shepherd explains his eppesitien to bend program<br />

Arch W Ford writes 'Dear Teacher ' letter in support ef bends<br />

Forrest Rozzell chides Faubus fer 'petutlant name-calling '<br />

Gov Faubus premises surprise in his telecast teday<br />

Paster Dale Cewling calls vote fer bonds a vote for evil<br />

State Sen Rebert Hays Williams supports bend issue<br />

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