ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Work stoppage at proj ects acress state stuns officials<br />

Werk stoppage fault ef Forrest Rozzell. Gev Faubus says<br />

Editorial on Faubus use of children to promote programs<br />

Faubus offer ef deal en Children's Colony angers J H Cottrell<br />

Omnibus suit generating plenty of heat<br />

Children's Colony te keep 35 children while fund search on<br />

Faubus should use emergency fund fer Children's Celeny (ed)<br />

Omnibus suit gets new interventions ; judge blasts delay<br />

Pewerful Faubus backers meet privately en program<br />

Deadline set fer pleadings in omnibus suit<br />

Stenn Whaley says censtructien pregram vital te state<br />

Gov Faubus bitterly criticized opponents ef program<br />

Gev Faubus releases funds te ease Children' s Celeny crisis<br />

Effort under way te bring omnibus suit te trial speedily<br />

Gov Faubus discusses flap ever omnibus bill<br />

Omnibus bill trial sought within feur days<br />

Omnibus bill net devoted exclusively te construction<br />

Strong case againt use ef omnibus bills (ed)<br />

Experts stumble on amnibus bill item fer Children' s Cel eny<br />

NE!IN pleadings filed in omnibus appropriation bill<br />

Beth sides heard in challenge ef emnibus apprepriatien bill<br />

Eugene Warren says omnibus act gives tee much pawer te gov<br />

Gav Faubus may seek poll en $60 million construction program<br />

Three briefs filed in suit ta void omnibus act<br />

Gav Faubus plugs bend issue in Benton speech<br />

Omnibus bill wins first court test; appeal planned<br />

Serious questiens ramain about omnibus Acts (ed)<br />

High court sets date te hear omnibus suit<br />

Faubus waiting fer college presidents te act en bend program<br />

Arnold B Sikes may lead bend drive; Joshua Shepherd the fees<br />

Arch W Ferd wants delay in calling election en bend plan<br />

Omnibus act aid to economy . Frank Helt tells Supreme Court<br />

Yeung Democrats of <strong>Arkansas</strong> back construction program<br />

Harol d F Ohlendorf. Arnold B Sikes te lead bend drive<br />

Gazette commends Joshua K Shepherd for anti-bond leadership<br />

Joshua K Shepherd leads <strong>Arkansas</strong> Committee fer Public Schools<br />

Arnol d B Sikes takes leave of absence to work for bond drive<br />

Park in Mississippi County could be funded from bend issue<br />

Chaise ef Harold Ohlendorf to lead bend campaign (ed)<br />

Construction bond program net conservative. Gaz ette says<br />

Omnibus bill not prohibited. William J Smith argues<br />

Omnibus bill gave Faubus blank check, Gaz ette says<br />

Semeene must pick up the tab , Gazette reminds readers<br />

Bend issue beneficiaries meet. discuss money needs<br />

Henry M Britt questions Omnibus plan, bend issue<br />

Bend issue supporters organiziang costly campaign (ed)<br />

Ark Committee fer Public Schools list obj ections ta bends<br />

Publ ic school forces open fire en construction bends program<br />

Hew the building program developed<br />

Election probably will be in late June, observers say<br />

Late June election would find AEA leaders out of state<br />

4/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

4./ 1/61 Al 5<br />

4/ 1/61 A4 2<br />

4/ 2/61 Al 5<br />

4/ 2/61 Al 5<br />

4/ 3/61 Al 6<br />

4/ 3/61 A4 1<br />

4/ 4/61 Al 7<br />

4/ 4/61 Al 7<br />

4/ .5/61 Al 2<br />

4/ 5/61 A2 2<br />

4/ 6/61 Al 8<br />

4/ 6/61 Al 8<br />

4/ 7/61 Al 7<br />

4/ 8/61 Al 1<br />

4/ 8/61 Al 7<br />

4/ 9/61 E4 1<br />

4l W61 E4 1<br />

4/ 9/61 ES 1<br />

4/11/61 Al 6<br />

4/13/61 Al 5<br />

4/13/61 Al 5<br />

4/14/61 Bl 6<br />

4/15/61 A5 3<br />

4/15/61 B6 1<br />

4/ 19/61 Al 2<br />

4/20/61 A4 1<br />

4/25/61 Bl 7<br />

5/ 5/61 Bl 3<br />

5/10/61 A7 2<br />

5/11/61 A6 1<br />

5/13/61 A3 3<br />

5/14/61 Al5 1<br />

5/14/61 A2 1<br />

5/15/61 A4 1<br />

5/15/61 A4 l<br />

5/16/61 A2 6<br />

5/16/61 A3 1<br />

5/16/61 A4 1<br />

5/16/61 A4 1<br />

5/16/61 Bl 4<br />

5/17/61 A4 2<br />

5/17/61 A4 2<br />

5/19/61 Al 4<br />

5/2G/61 A2 6<br />

5/20/61 A4 2<br />

5/21/61 Al 2<br />

5/21/61 Al 2<br />

5/21/61 A2 2<br />

5/21/-61 E5 1<br />

5/21/61 E5 1<br />


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