ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Need for safeguards in state bend program (ed)<br />

Building plan would raise state debt to $72.52 per persen<br />

Smooth sailing seen fer Faubus bend program<br />

Highlights frem Gov Faubus 's speech en program<br />

Editorials comment en Faubus bend issue proposal<br />

House blocks attempt te rush bend bill through Legis<br />

Faubus 's bend prepaasl passes Reuse. 83-11<br />

Gov Faubus' omnibus censtructien bill hits snag<br />

Faubus forces seek support of teachers en bond issue<br />

Gazette doubts $60.000,000 bend issue desirable<br />

Bend proposal passes Senate, goes to Gov Faubus<br />

Omnibus appropriation bill runs into trouble, pulled dewn<br />

Summary ef Senate debate en $60 million bend issue<br />

Faubus ' actions indicate omnibus building plan on the reeks<br />

Guarding the funds (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus stumps fer bonds in speech te grocers<br />

Faubus bond proposal gets varied reaction frem press<br />

Gov Faubus adds teacher pay raise te construction bill<br />

Senate passes Faubus ' omnibus construction bill<br />

Gazette urges voters to rej ect building program<br />

Faubus says construction program will meet future needs<br />

Gov Faubus signs $17 ,000.000 emnibus construction bill<br />

Farm Bureau president Harold Ohlendorf may lead bond drive<br />

Gov Faubus signs bill fer $60 million bond issue fer program<br />

Educ Cemmr Arch Ferd supports $60 million bend issue<br />

AEA calls Faubus 's bond plan a threat te state education<br />

Gev Faubus insists bond issue best fer Ark and the AEA<br />

AF.A earns gratitude fer bend issue stand (ed)<br />

Rep J H Cottrell filed suit against omnibus appropriation<br />

Suit challenges $16 million 'emnibus ' construction bill<br />

Two teachers, State Police back Faubus in suit<br />

AEA Council backs AEA beard in opposing bend plan<br />

Colleges back Gev Faubus ' $60 million bend plan<br />

Heads of colleges cite need for building program<br />

Gov Faubus left to carry ball en bend issue<br />

Editorial en college support fer bond issue<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist Newsmagazine opposes construction bends<br />

Gov Faubus says he will not cempremise en bend amount<br />

Tie of bond issue to horse racing draws Baptist 's fire<br />

Gov Faubus silent en opposition to his bond program<br />

Rep Virgil T Fletcher wants special session on omnibus bill<br />

Faubus accused of using retarded children as pawns in dispute<br />

Rep J H Cottrell made chg of Faubus use of children<br />

Forrest Rozzell responds ta Faubus charges<br />

Forrest Rozzell using J H Cottrell Jr. Gev Faubus says<br />

Gov Faubus cites plight of Children's Colony . State Hospital<br />

List ef proj ects in abeyance pending court suit outcome<br />

Werk stoppage order includes Children's Colony, armories<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Municipal League backs omnibus bill<br />

Editorial en omnibus construction bill contreversy<br />

Dr Hubert L Minten, ex-AF.A head, backs Faubus bond issue<br />

2/23/61 A4 1<br />

2/26/61 Al 3<br />

2-/26-/61 Al 3<br />

2/ 26/-61 Al6 1<br />

2/26/61 E4 6<br />

3/ 1-/61 Bl 8<br />

3-/ 2/61 Al 5<br />

3/ 2/61 AlO 1<br />

3-/ 2/61 A2 4<br />

3-/ 2;/61 A4 1<br />

3-/ 3/61 Al 5<br />

3-/ 3/61 Al 5<br />

3/ 3/-61 Al 5<br />

3/ 4/61 Al 4<br />

3/ 4/ 61 A4 2<br />

3/ 4/61 B6 3<br />

3/ 5-/61 E4 5<br />

3/ 7/61 Al 6<br />

3/ 8-/61 Al 7<br />

3/ 9/61 A4 1<br />

3/ 9/61 Bl 8<br />

3/16/61 Bl2 1<br />

3/18/61 A2 1<br />

3/18/61 A2 1<br />

3-/19/61 Al 6<br />

3/19/61 Al 8<br />

3/21/61 Al 2<br />

3/21/61 A4 l<br />

3-/24/61 Al 4<br />

3/24/61 Al 4<br />

3/25/61 Al 7<br />

3/26/61 Al 2<br />

3/26/61 Al 2<br />

3/26-/61 Al 2<br />

3/26/61 E5 1<br />

3/28/61 A4 2<br />

3/28/-61 Bl 3<br />

3/28/61 Bl 3<br />

3-/28/-61 Bl 3<br />

3/29/61 Bl 5<br />

3/30/61 Bl 6<br />

3/31/61 Al 6<br />

3/31/61 Al 6<br />

3/31/61 Al 8<br />

3/31/61 Al 8<br />

3/31/61 Al 8<br />

3/31/61 A2 2<br />

3/31/61 A2 2<br />

3/31/61 A2 5<br />

3/31/61 A4 1<br />

3/31/61 Bl 7<br />


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