ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

The Yeung Turks (ed)<br />

Repr Jim Branden jeins call fer new constitution<br />

Virgil J Butler says new constitutien advocates to meet<br />

Rewriting censtitutien new effers little hope fer referm (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus says he could go along with constitutional cenv<br />

Rep David Pryer alarmed by Faubus remarks en convention<br />

Rep Virgil J Butler continues pitch fer revision<br />

Idealist reformers concerned with overtures by Gov Faubus<br />

Judge warns against tampering with 1874 constitution<br />

State Rep David H Pryer urges new canstitutien<br />

Rep Jim Branden outlines timetable fer reform<br />

Legislature referred 4 amdts; only 3 can be en ballet<br />

Committee forms te push fer rewriting ef Censtitutien<br />

Gov Faubus decision not te seek re-election may help reform<br />

Preston W Grace te head committee fer rewriting Constitution<br />

Reps Virgil Butler and David Pryer push fer new charter<br />

Wallace Hurley is vice-pres ef cemm for Constitutional reform<br />

A time te undertake constitutional reform (ed)<br />

Law Dean Ralph C Barnhart warns revision is tough task<br />

Dean Barnhart's counsel en constitutional reform (ed)<br />

UA Law Scheel Dean Ralph C Barnhart commended fer lecture<br />

Voters te decide en 5 prepesed amendments<br />

Charter burdened with antiquated previsions. atty says<br />

Methed and timing in constitutional reform (ed)<br />

Proposed initiated acts. amdts analyzed by Law School dean<br />

Numerous proposals en ballot may cause defeat of all ef them<br />

Voters being asked te appreve 5 amendments<br />

All proposed Amdts failing in late returns<br />

Only voting machine proposal survived at polls<br />


Wage dispute threatens halt to construction in Central Ark<br />

Wage dispute could halt construction work today<br />

Trades strike still in talking stage<br />

Associated General Contractors amends offer te Carpenters<br />

Associated General Contractors. carpenters union agree<br />

Picket routed by students at Springdale's new high scheel<br />

Strike at Univ of Ark involves new dorm fer wemen<br />

Union asks Supreme Ct to void ban on picketing at UA site<br />

Pickets set up at Titan missile sites in labor dispute<br />

NLRB upholds picketing Van Buren school building sites<br />

Carpenters strike in NW Ark slews work on UA proj ects<br />

Union strikers may be replaced in NW <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Buildings and offices. Govt<br />

Rep A W Stokes wants ta divert cell bend money ta trade schs<br />

State Hospital Bd endorses tax en soft drinks<br />

Soft drink industry lining up te def eat proposed tax<br />

Soft drink tax seems deemed before it is even considered<br />

State 's editors look at proposed tax on soft drinks<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Children's Colony supports proposed soft drink tax<br />

Higher education and institutions support soft drink tax<br />

11/ 2/61 A4<br />

12/ 1/61 Bl<br />

1/ 5/62 A2<br />

1/28/62 E2<br />

1/31/62 A7<br />

1/31/62 A7<br />

2/ 2/62 A6<br />

2/ 4/62 E3<br />

2/ 1(}/-62 AS<br />

2/14/62 A7<br />

3/- 1/-62 Bl<br />

3/25/-62 A6<br />

4/ 5/62 Al<br />

4/ 5/62 Al<br />

4/ 5/62 Al<br />

4/ 5-/-62 Al<br />

4/ 5/-62 Al<br />

4/ 6/62 A4<br />

4/25-/-62 Bl<br />

4-/-26/-62 A4<br />

5/ 6/62 E3<br />

7/ 6/62 Bl<br />

7/20/-62 Bl<br />

7/21/62 A4<br />

10/21/62 AlO<br />

10/21/-62 E3<br />

11/ 4/ 62 AlS<br />

11/ 7/62 Al<br />

11/27-/-62 Bl<br />

1/ 1/61 Al<br />

1/ 2/61 Al<br />

1/ 3/61 Al<br />

1/ 5/61 A3<br />

1/ 6/61 Bl<br />

1/-13/61 AlO<br />

2/-20/62 A2<br />

2/20/62 A2<br />

3/ 6/62 Al<br />

8/ 17/62 Bl<br />

8/30/62 Bl<br />

9/ 2/62 A5<br />

1/ 4/61 B7<br />

l/ 7/61 A3<br />

l/ 8/61 Al<br />

1/ 8/61 Al<br />

1/ 8/61 E4<br />

1/13/61 Bl<br />

1/13/61 Bl<br />

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