ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Senator McClellan reperts on the 'Alliance ' (ed)<br />

John L McClellan helps dedicate armory at Mountain Home<br />

John L McClellan calls fer lie tests on AGVA pair<br />

John L McClellan favors eutlawing strikes in defense plants<br />

John L McClellan urges JFK net te give an inch en Cuba<br />

John L McClellan calls Kennedy acts way to peace<br />

Jehn L McClellan says probes have benefitted labor<br />

John L McClellan discusses vacancy en appeals court<br />

John L McClellan blames courts fer crime rise<br />

John L McClellan proposes new law to curtail labor 's 'abuses '<br />

John L McClellan raps deficit spending<br />

John L McClellan denies AFLCIO charge he is anti-union<br />

John L McClellan worried by Hoffa's try fer CWA grab<br />

Jahn L McClellan calls Cuban crisis a great victory fer US<br />

John L McClellan speaks en crime and deficit spending<br />

Taxes. spending big issues. John L McClellan says<br />

John L McClellan opposes filibuster rules change<br />

John L McClellan wants cordon around Cuba renewed<br />

John L McClellan sends investigators te scan dock strike<br />


Ark House votes fer Connally Reservation; unsure what it is<br />


see also Government officials. Local<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />

Editerials en proposal fer quickie amendments<br />

Gazette urges care in cheesing proposed amendments<br />

House panel hears proponents of 37 proposed amendment s<br />

Gev Faubus drops drive fer fast revision amendment<br />

Instant amendments and Faubus 1s bargain (ed)<br />

Tetal ef 43 amendments proposed in Legislature<br />

Senate votes 32-1 to call constititienal convention<br />

Whose constitution (ed en Senate vete fer convention)<br />

House by-passes Faubus proposal in cheesing amendments<br />

House kills bill fer calling constitutional convention<br />

Legis sends 4 proposed amendments to Secy ef State<br />

Officials in no hurry to settle 4th amdt question<br />

Repr Virgil Butler says state needs new charter<br />

State Repr David Pryer says new charter would correct evils<br />

David H Pryer. Virgil J Butler want new document written<br />

Problems with 1874 charter listed by Butler and Pryer<br />

Rep Virgil J Butler urges new constitution<br />

New constitution must wait fer awhile (ed)<br />

Rep Virgil J Butler supports David H Pryer call fer reform<br />

Battle shaping up between Reps David Pryer. Paul Van Dalsem<br />

Gazette argues time net right fer new constitution<br />

Virgil Butler continues crusade fer new charter<br />

David J Burleson. Ray S Smith Jr seek to reform charter<br />

Hardy Crexten. Joel Ledbetter join group seeking changes<br />

Paul Van Dalsem suggests Ray S Smith Jr start reforms at home<br />

Gov Faubus comments en drive fer reform<br />

Ray Smith Jr declines help of Paul Van Dalsem in reforms<br />

lZ/15/61 A4 l<br />

12/24/-61 A5 7<br />

6/29/62 Bl8 6<br />

10/22/62 Al 5<br />

10/-27/62 A2 1<br />

10/-28/62 C4 4<br />

10/28/-62 E3 5<br />

11/ 1/62 Bl 5<br />

11/ 9/ 62 Bl 8<br />

11/18/62 A3 7<br />

12/ 1/62 B8 7<br />

12/ 3/62 Al 5<br />

12/ 5/62 A5 7<br />

12/ 9/-62 E3 5<br />

12/11/62 B14 4<br />

12/19/62 A4 1<br />

12/-23/62 B12 4<br />

12/28/-62 A7 8<br />

12/30/62 A7 1<br />

2/25/-61 Al<br />

2/19/61 E4<br />

2/27/61 A4<br />

2/28/61 Bl<br />

3/ 1/61 Al<br />

3/ 1/61 A4<br />

3/ 1/61 A7<br />

3/ 2/61 A2<br />

3/ 3/61 A4<br />

3/ 7/61 Al<br />

3/ 8/61 Al<br />

3/21/61 B4<br />

4/ 14/61 Bl<br />

5/31/61 Bl<br />

6/13/61 A7<br />

7/ 9/-61 Al<br />

7 / 9/61 Al<br />

8/30/61 Bl<br />

9/14/61 A4<br />

9/19/61 BlO<br />

9/24/61 E5<br />

9/28/61 A4<br />

10/26/61 Bl<br />

10/29/61 Al<br />

10-/-29/61 Al<br />

10-/-31/61 Bl<br />

11/ 1/61 Al<br />

11/ 1/61 A7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

l<br />

5<br />

4<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

7<br />

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5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

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5<br />

5<br />

3<br />

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