ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Legiennaires take issue with J W Fulbright en Monroe Doctrine<br />

J W Fulbright talk te teachers protested by Winston Chandler<br />

J W Fulbright warns Reds that Kennedy means business in Cuba<br />

Aide to Kenneth Jones disclaims knowledge ef ACA agents<br />

J W Fulbright says what Russian ships de is key te crisis<br />

Ne win policy caused Cuban crisis. Kenneth Jones says<br />

J W Fulbright advises waiting te see if US wen Cuban shO"tldewn<br />

Kenneth G Janes welcomes Sen Robert S Kerry te <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Party rally at Fort Smith hears J W Fulbright. J W Trimble<br />

Dr Kenneth G Janes accuses J W Fulbright ef mis-statement<br />

J W Fulbright says he has been consistent en Cuba situation<br />

Chester Lauck does premetienal werk for J W Fulbright<br />

Ken Janes, Barry Goldwater paint Fulbright as 'appeaser '<br />

Sen Barry M Geldwater flies in ta beast Ken Janes candidacy<br />

Senator Barry M Goldwater calls J W Fulbright a 'retreater '<br />

Dr Kenneth Jones gets $5,025 donation from natl GOP fund<br />

Norris Goff obj ects te Lum 'n' Abners spots for Fulbright<br />

Republican attempt te exploit Cuba crisis (ed)<br />

His GOP fees use McCarthyism, J W Fulbright says<br />

J W Fulbright supports stern measures in Cuban crisis<br />

Senator Rebert S Kerr speaks fer J W Fulbright candidacy<br />

Nerris Gaff sends Dr Jones telegram criticizing Fulbright<br />

Jones accuses Fulbright ef misrepresentatien or ignorance<br />

Dr Kenneth G Jones receives denatien from ACA, may return it<br />

Kenneth G Jones says enly issue is liberalism vs. freedom<br />

Sen J W Fulbright defeats Kenneth G Jones in landslide vete<br />

Sen J W Fulbright happy with win ever Dr Kenneth Jones<br />

Campaign against J W Fulbright called 'vicious '<br />

The smashing victory fer Senator Fulbright (ed)<br />

J W Fulbright carries Pulaski County by margin ef 2-1<br />

Election returns in Fulbright-Jones centest (by county)<br />

J W Fulbright says Europe out as mediator between US-USSR<br />

J W Fulbright holds poultry talks with Eur:epean leaders<br />

J W Fulbright asks President ennedy to raise rice acreage<br />

Lausche asks J W Fulbright te probe Red planes ever US<br />

CONGRESS - Senate (Class II)<br />

John L McClellan investigated, turned Griffin brothers loose<br />

John L McClellan's bill woul d give JFK power to reorganize<br />

John L McClellan praises Rebert F Kennedy nomination fer AG<br />

Jehn L McClellan gets down te work en patronage<br />

Jehn L McClellan seeks new life fer Laber-Mgmt committee<br />

James R Hoffa chides John L McClellan en labor wages in Ark<br />

James R Hoffa. John L McClellan engage in exchange ef words<br />

Jahn L McClellan asks broader power in crime prebe<br />

James R Hoffa scathed anew by Jehn L McClellan<br />

John L McClellan says crime syndicates will get trouble<br />

John L McClellan comments en Earl and Ermen Griffin case<br />

John L McClellan objects te increased support fer soybeans<br />

John L McClellan offers bill to unseat James R Hoffa<br />

Jahn L McClellan faces task of finding US atty fer east Ark<br />

Jahn L McClellan addresses National Rehabilitatien Assn cenv<br />

10/22/62 A2 2<br />

10/22/62 B6 5<br />

10/23/62 A2 3<br />

10/23/62 A3 4<br />

10/24/62 AS 2<br />

10/24/62 BlO 8<br />

10/25/62 Al 5<br />

10/27/62 A2 3<br />

10/27/62 A9 3<br />

10/28/62 Al6 3<br />

10/28/62 E3 5<br />

10/30/62 A2 2<br />

11/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

11/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

11/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

11/ 1/62 A2 1<br />

11/- 2/62 A13 3<br />

11/ 2/62 A4 1<br />

ll/ 2/ 62 Bl 8<br />

11/ 3/62 Al 3<br />

11/ 3/62 Al 3<br />

11/ 3/62 A2 2<br />

11/ 3/62 A7 1<br />

11/ 4/ 62 AB 1<br />

11/ 5/62 A6 7<br />

11/ 7/62 Al 8<br />

11/ 7/62 A2 7<br />

11/ 8/62 A6 l<br />

11/ 8/62 A6 l<br />

11/ 8-/62 Cl8 1<br />

11/ 9/62 A4 l<br />

11/20/62 Bl 4<br />

12/- 1/62 A4 7<br />

12/ 6/62 Al9 1<br />

12/ 7/62 A9 2<br />

1/ 1/61 A3 1<br />

1/ 6/61 A3 1<br />

1/-14/61 Al 8<br />

1/15/-61 E5 5<br />

1/19/61 A4 6<br />

1/26/61 A7 1<br />

1/-26/-61 A7 4<br />

1/27/61 A3 1<br />

1/29/61 Al 8<br />

2/ 3/61 A8 5<br />

2/ 7/-61 A2 5<br />

3/22/-61 AlO 4<br />

3-/22/61 AlO 5<br />

3/26/61 A4 7<br />

4/15/61 BS 8<br />


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