ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...

ARKANSAS GAZETTE INDEX 1961 - 1962 - Library - Arkansas Tech ...


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<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> <strong>GAZETTE</strong> <strong>INDEX</strong><br />

<strong>1961</strong> - <strong>1962</strong>

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> <strong>GAZETTE</strong> <strong>INDEX</strong><br />

AN<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> <strong>INDEX</strong><br />

1981 - 1982<br />

BY<br />


COPYRIGHT 1993<br />


RUSSELLVILLE, <strong>ARKANSAS</strong> 72801-2222

HOW TO USE THE <strong>ARKANSAS</strong> <strong>GAZETTE</strong> <strong>INDEX</strong><br />

The <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette Index consists of brief summarizing statements<br />

of the news of <strong>Arkansas</strong> as it was published in the final edition of<br />

the <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette. Only those articles dealing with <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

people, places and events are considered for inclusion. Material<br />

not considered useful for future reference is omitted. Routine<br />

articles reporting on sports , social events and business activities<br />

are omitted.<br />


Subject headings<br />

(entries) are the main type of entry and are used<br />

when possible. Names of prominent persons and of firms and<br />

organizations are used as entries, but most names are crossref<br />

erenced to subjects.<br />

All subject headings (entries) are arranged alphabetically, wordby-word.<br />

Example:<br />

Old Washington<br />

Oldham<br />

Use of commas in subject headings result in an unusual filing<br />

system since the computer considers them when arranging entries<br />

that are identical up to the comma.<br />

Example: Harris, Summer Michelle<br />

Henderson Farms<br />

Henderson State University<br />

Henderson, John David<br />

Henderson, Shannon Elizabeth<br />

Abbreviations used s subject headings are arranged alphabetically<br />

as if they were words.<br />

Example:<br />

Payne<br />

PCBs<br />

Pea Ridge<br />

cross references are arranged in alphabetical order and are listed<br />

before summaries of articles under that same heading.<br />


Each summary is followed by the month, day, year, page and column<br />

number where the article appeared in the Final (City) edition of<br />

the <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette.<br />

Reference from a person's name to a subject<br />

the named person is directly involved or is<br />

the topic. In all cases, the article<br />

clarification of this point.<br />

does not indicate if<br />

merely commenting on<br />

should be read for

DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> <strong>GAZETTE</strong> <strong>INDEX</strong><br />

<strong>1961</strong>-<strong>1962</strong><br />


Firm owned by Paul Ales turns out fine garden tools<br />


see Children and youth<br />


see Famil ies and family life<br />


see Kidnapping<br />


see Birth control and abortion<br />


see Politics and elections<br />


see also Asphyxiation and suffocation<br />

see also Aviation and aircraft<br />

see also Boats and boating<br />

see also Electrocution (Accidental)<br />

see al so Explosives and explosions<br />

see also Forest and brush fires<br />

see also Industrial accident s and safety<br />

see also Lightning<br />

see also Parades<br />

see also Railroads<br />

see also Shootings<br />

see al so Swimming<br />

see also Traffic accidents and safety<br />

Mechanical cotton picker kills Altheimer farmer<br />


Bill in Legis would require licensing of public accountants<br />

Gazette sees no need fer proposed licensing bill<br />


Firm plans to make <strong>Arkansas</strong> center of its operations<br />

ACT 2 OF 1960 (Ark)<br />

see also Economic development<br />


see also Pebley . Fred<br />

Dick Powell to narrate travel film en <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Dick Powell, June Allyson te end 15-year marriage<br />

June Allyson, Dick Powell divorced<br />

Henry C Hink tells hew Bob Burns ' bazooka came to be in 1909<br />

Pat Beene to address Harding College graduates<br />

Mitzi Gaynor appearing at Vapors in Hot Springs<br />

Pat Boone speaks at Harding College<br />

Cast ef "Gunsmoke" to appear at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Livestock Shew<br />

3/10/61 B12 1<br />

12/ 4/62 A2 4<br />

2/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 4/61 A4 2<br />

2/27 /61 AB 3<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl 3<br />

1/ 6/61 Al5 S<br />

2/ 1/61 A3 2<br />

2/15/61 A12 1<br />

5/21/61 A12 3<br />

5/29/61 A2 3<br />

5/29/61 A2 6<br />

10/ 2/61 Al 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Sally Rand doing her fan dance at Het Springs<br />

Jayne Meadows to speak at LR fund-raiser for mental health<br />

Jayne Meadows interview"ed at LR<br />

Rex Allen te entertain at Pine Bluff livestock show<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> native Dick Powell stricken by cancer<br />

Entertainer Johnny Ray pays visit te Deaf School<br />

Sheb Weeley to entertain at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Livestock Shew<br />

Lorne Greene and Dan Blecker in LR for show<br />

Cancer has spread in Dick Pwell1s bedy, physician says<br />


see Insurance<br />

AD CRAFT OF <strong>ARKANSAS</strong> INC<br />

see alse Bennett, Bruce<br />


see Av iation and aircraft<br />


see also Bankruptcies<br />

ADAMS , CARL<br />

see alse Construction programs, State<br />

see also Poer<br />

see also Welfare Department (Ark)<br />

Close friend of Faubus says Gov will seek re-election<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />


see also Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


3/23/62 Bl 2<br />

4/20/62 Bl4 3<br />

4/26/62 Bl 6<br />

9/27 /62 Bl 2<br />

9/28/62 A6 5<br />

9/29/62 Al 3<br />

10/ 1/62 Al 3<br />

10/ 5/62 A2 4<br />

12/19/62 A2 8<br />

4/13/62 Al 7<br />

Ex-Gev of Ark asks Kennedys not to force Ole Miss integration 9/29/62 Al 7<br />

ADKINS, HOMER M (Mrs)<br />

Named president of United Daughters of the Confederacy<br />


Opens warehouse at Portageville, Me<br />


10/ 6/61 Al9<br />

2/ 1/61 B7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

see Education, Adult<br />


see also North Little Reck<br />

see also Parks, recreation and tourism<br />

see also Traffic accidents and safety<br />

ARC opposes plan to ban billboards from interstate highways<br />

LR studies tighter rules on billboards<br />

Mary Dedd wins damage suit against Olen Mills Studie<br />

Sidney M Brooks henored by Ad Club 's Silver Award<br />

AGED<br />

1/28/61 Al<br />

6/ 9/61 Bl<br />

1/23/62 Bl<br />

2/20/62 Bl<br />

7<br />

2<br />

6<br />

6<br />

see also Nursing homes<br />

see alse Poer<br />

Charlie Medlock, a NLR Negro, dies at age 112<br />

W C Mize was bern 100 years age during Civil War<br />

AARP Chapter President P D Gathright discusses work ef Assn<br />

Interview" with William Shearer, 102<br />

Frank Starks of LR. turns 103 , says he 'done give down'<br />

Negro whe claimed he was 115, dies at LR<br />

5/ 9/61 Al<br />

5/23/61 Bl<br />

6/ 6/61 A4<br />

7/ 9/61 El<br />

12/16/61 A2<br />

9/13/62 BB<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ark in study ef older workers ' problems<br />


C A Vines cemments on centreversy in Grant Ceunty<br />

Farm Bureau wants Joseph D Ferd Jr rehired as county agent<br />

Joseph D Ford Jr resigned rather than be transferred<br />

Ferd hints W R and Albert Stephens behind his problems<br />

Joseph D Ferd Jr blames his woes on 'big boys' in county<br />

W R Stepehns denies statements by Joseph Ford<br />

W R Stephens says he had no rele in Joseph Ferd 's removal<br />

Toes and the man (ed on Jee Ford problems in Grant County)<br />

Thomas G Fudge named extension agent fer Grant County<br />

Jospeh D Ford Jr calls fer law on transfer of agents<br />


State committee to be enlarged to five members<br />

Agri Secy Orville Freeman names four te state panel<br />

ASC committee backs A C Mowery Jr for state directer<br />

State Repr A C Mowery Jr is close friend of Gov Orval Faubus<br />

A C Mewery Jr wins USDA approval to head state office<br />

James Weir continues his 7-year battle with ASCS<br />

James Weir attorneys raise constitutional question<br />

Mark S Glover under consideration for appmt to ASC<br />

Mark S Glover added to panel<br />

James Weir takes fight with Chicot County ASC to court<br />

Judge rules ASCS has right to measure James Weir's 196 1 crop<br />

With backing of court, ASC to measure James Weir's acreage<br />

James Weir ab sent but rice crop gets measured<br />

James Weir explains his fight against crop controls<br />

ASCS rejects James Weir's petitien te grow mere rice<br />

Leonidas L Mack charges jobs awarded to political favorites<br />

Leonidas L Mack resigns frem state ASC Committee<br />

Federal ct upholds crop fines against James Weir. of Dermott<br />

US Appeals Ct denies review case of 2 Jackson County farmers<br />

Dr James T Ralph addresses state ASCS conference at LR<br />

Ralph Hudspeth te get state ASC pest<br />

Chicot County ASC office being probed<br />

Chicot County prebe is technical, ASC chief says<br />

Chicot County ASC probe completed<br />

J C Portis , Ralph D Abrahamsen debate farm merger rule<br />


see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

State has<br />

Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service<br />

Labor<br />

Land and real estate<br />

Taxation<br />

Wildlife<br />

Winreck Farms<br />

lest 50 ,000 farms<br />

St Francis River Basin could become like San Joaquin Valley<br />

Supplemental irrigation helps soybeans become leading crop<br />

State co-ops to held conference in Hot Springs<br />

New weapon may help farmers defeat blackbirds<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> ignoring many problems that hinder econ develepment<br />

10/12/62 AlO 4<br />

2/ 4/61 B2 7<br />

2/ 4/61 B2 7<br />

2/ 4/61 B2 7<br />

2/ 7 /61 A7 5<br />

2/ 7/61 A7 5<br />

2/ 8/61 Bl 3<br />

2/ 8/61 Bl 3<br />

2/10/61 A4 1<br />

2/ 12/61 A3 3<br />

3/ 1/61 A4 3<br />

3/ 3/61 Al 3<br />

3/26/61 ClO 2<br />

5/ 4/61 Al2 1<br />

5/ 4/61 A12 1<br />

5/19/61 A2 1<br />

6/30/61 B9 8<br />

7 / 1/61 A3 8<br />

7/ 8/61 A2 1<br />

7 /11/61 A2 5<br />

8/25/61 Bl 4<br />

9/ 1/61 A9 1<br />

9/ 6/61 AlO 3<br />

9/ 7/61 A6 1<br />

9/10/61 ClO 2<br />

10/ 4/61 A7 2<br />

12/22/61 Al 3<br />

12/22/61 Al 3<br />

12/30/61 Al 2<br />

1/25/62 Al3 1<br />

2/16/62 Bl 2<br />

3/15/62 Bl 5<br />

8/ 7/62 A3 3<br />

8/ 8/62 A6 4<br />

11/18/62 ClO 3<br />

12/ 6/62 Al2 1<br />

1/ 1/61 Bl4 1<br />

1/18/61 Bl 4<br />

1/22/61 ClO 6<br />

1/31/61 BB 7<br />

2/ 3/61 A2 5<br />

2/ 4/61 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Congress passes bill allowing transfer of cotton acreage<br />

Grant County Farm Bureau chides role of Harold Ohlendorf<br />

Tomato harvest in south <strong>Arkansas</strong> begins<br />

Harold F Ohlendorf lashes out at federal aid<br />

ALC wants Legislature to consider bill to firm milk prices<br />

Phillips County farmers win awards from FCIC fer crep less<br />

U S govt seeks to reverse FCIC award to Phillips Co farmers<br />

Agricultural weather service extended to large area ef state<br />

High quality cottonseed produced in Ark<br />

Farm Family of the Year contest has 64 candidates<br />

Rice growers want acreage increase<br />

Farm Bureau meeting at Little Rock<br />

Ark Farm Bureau hears talk by Wilbur D Mills<br />

Farm Bureau hears Gev Faubus attack U S foreign policy<br />

Harold F Ohlendorf tells Farm Bureau of communism threat<br />

The Ohlendorf warning to the Farm Federation {ed)<br />

Farm Bureau leaders hit govt urge battle against communism<br />

Farm Bureau re-affirms opposition to controls on poultry<br />

Lavon V Watson family is NW Ark farm family of the year<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller urges diversification of agriculture<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller urges in-state processing of products<br />

R E Lee Wilson asks Univ of Ark to de mere farm research<br />

William H Wade is Farm Family of Year in North Central Dist<br />

Ark asks to be excluded from white-fringed bettle quarnntine<br />

William H Wade family of Smithville is Ark Farm Family of Yr<br />

Sixteen counties declared emergency areas for credit leans<br />

James Weir was fined fer everplanting rice allotments<br />

Attys for James Weir ask testimony from Orville L Freeman<br />

Jam.es Weir contends acreage allotments unconstitutional<br />

Orville L Freeman balks at testimony in James Weir case<br />

Jam.es Weir 's attys will have to go to Freeman fer deposition<br />

James Weir says Freeman 's balk ground to kill suit<br />

James Weir refused court order on Orville L Freeman<br />

Lawyers for James Weir decide to go to Orville L Freeman<br />

Inventory shows soil and water needs ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

James Weir changes plan on testimony of Orville L Freeman<br />

James Weir's interrogatories directed at U s. not Freeman<br />

Judge closes James Weir case; issues $16.972 judgment<br />

USDA files another suit to collect money from James Weir<br />

James Weir tangles anew with USDA ever crops<br />

James Weir fighting USDA over planting wheat without permit<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Farm Bureau dislikes Kennedy Adm farm proposals<br />

Airplanes used for several agricultural operations<br />

James Weir ordered to post bond er lose his farm<br />

James Weir's bid to block sale of his farm rej ected by court<br />

James Weir 's interest in Chicot County farm auctioned<br />

Farmers vs . State {ed on seizure of James Weir farm)<br />

James Weir called a man of courage<br />

Cotten crop estimated at 1,456.000 bales<br />

James Weir says USDA action illegal . wants suit dismissed<br />

Creps suffering from lack of rain<br />

5/18/61 Bl 2<br />

6/ 8/61 A2 7<br />

7/16/61 E2 1<br />

8/ 1/61 Bl4 4<br />

8/ 11/61 B6 5<br />

8/25/61 Bl B<br />

8/25/61 Bl B<br />

9/ 3/61 Bl2 3<br />

10/ 8/61 ES 2<br />

10/22/61 ClO 2<br />

11/10/61 Bl 3<br />

11/19/61 C3 3<br />

11/21/61 Al 3<br />

11/21/61 B9 1<br />

11/21/61 B9 l<br />

11/22/61 A4 1<br />

11/22/61 B9 1<br />

11/26/61 CB 1<br />

11/30/61 AB 1<br />

11/30/61 B5 l<br />

12/ l/ 61 Bl 8<br />

12/ 2/61 A3 2<br />

12/ 2/61 B8 1<br />

12/ 8/61 Bl 2<br />

12/ B/61 Bl2 1<br />

12/22/61 B9 1<br />

1/16/62 BB 3<br />

1/16/62 BB 4<br />

l/16/62 BB 4<br />

1/17/62 A2 1<br />

l/lB/62 A7 1<br />

l/ 25/62 Bl 2<br />

1/26/62 Bl2 3<br />

1/27 /62 BlO 1<br />

1/28/62 C3 1<br />

2/ 7 /62 BB 5<br />

2/ 9/62 A6 1<br />

i/ 13/62 A3 7<br />

2/14/62 A7 7<br />

2/17 /62 A7 6<br />

3/15/62 AlO 1<br />

4/ 4/62 B9 1<br />

4/11/62 El 2<br />

4/13/62 Al6 3<br />

4/17/62 Bl 6<br />

4/18/62 Al 4<br />

4/30/62 A4 1<br />

5/ 6/62 E3 2<br />

5/ 9/62 Bl 2<br />

5/15/62 A5 7<br />

5/24/62 Bl 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

James Weir's effort te check rice farming files blocked<br />

James Weir calls off rice. cotton quota test<br />

James Weir ponders suit against Agri Secy Orville L Freeman<br />

James Weir fined $10,244 for overplanting rice crop<br />

James Weir asks that USDA be forced to shew him records .<br />

Federal judge enters new decree against James Weir<br />

Swifton farmer Alfred N Moon turns to grass for cash crop<br />

Gov Faubus may try to revive plan for state Agriculture Dept<br />

James Weir reverses lawyer's plea for rice sale<br />

USDA declares 15 Ark counties drouth disaster areas<br />

Purchaser of James Weir's Chicot County farm to pay today<br />

Louisianians pay U S for seized James Weir property<br />

Federal officials say James Weir had chance to see records<br />

Federal Land Bank Assn at Searcy doing a big business<br />

ASCS advises farmers to use land for recreational purposes<br />

Ark Farm Bureau President Harold F Ohlendorf addresses group<br />

Ark Farm Bureau convention under way at LR<br />

Farm Bureau delegates approve cotton resolution<br />

U S Appeals Ct affirms fine of James Weir of Dermott<br />

Dr and Mrs J N Thompson named Farm Family of the Year<br />


see Agriculture<br />

AIR-LANE<br />

see Aviation and aircraft<br />


see Aviation and aircraft<br />

see Civil rights and discrimination<br />


Forrest City to get new industry<br />


see Hotels<br />


see also Trademarks, trade names and emblems<br />

Albin urges architects to rebel against ugliness<br />

Letter on destruction ef trees in Fayetteville. LR<br />


Directer Rolla Fitch is business partner of Harry Hastings<br />

Harry Hastings is wholesale liquor dealer at LR<br />

Willis H Ricketts asks Rella Fitch ten questions<br />

Willis Ricketts says Rella Fitch should be fired<br />

ALC refuses Gov Faubus ' request fer raise for Rella Fitch<br />


see also Construction programs, State<br />

see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />

see also Taxation<br />

see also Trademarks, trade names and emblems<br />

see also White County<br />

Christian Civic Fdn seeks tighter laws on alcohol sales<br />

White County totally dry after 6 years ef effort<br />

List ef wet, damp and dry areas in Ark<br />

Judge asks probe of liquor sales to miners at Hot Springs<br />

5/31/62 Bl 5<br />

6/ 7/62 A2 1<br />

6/ 8/62 Bl 3<br />

6/29/62 B13 4<br />

7 /18/62 A2 8<br />

7 /27/62 Bl 7<br />

8/ 5/62 C12 1<br />

8/17 /62 A3 6<br />

9/ 5/62 BlO 1<br />

9/18/62 A2 1<br />

9/28/62 A6 1<br />

9/29/62 A3 3<br />

10/16/62 A6 1<br />

11/15/62 B5 1<br />

11/20/62 A9 1<br />

11/ 20/62 B7 1<br />

11/20/62 B7 I<br />

11/21/62 B7 1<br />

ll/29/62 B7 4<br />

12/ 8/62 B7 1<br />

10/ 3/62 A12 4<br />

12/10/61 A6<br />

2/ 6/62 A4<br />

9/30/62 E2<br />

9/30/62 E2<br />

10/26/62 Bl<br />

11/ 4/62 A13<br />

11/16/62 Bl<br />

1/17/61 Bl<br />

1/19/61 AS<br />

1/19/61 A5<br />

2/ 1/61 A3<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

8<br />

5<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Wet-dry electien bill defeated in Heuse vete<br />

Federal agent asks Hot Springs te help end meenshine evil<br />

Agents raid still near Denaldsen<br />

Agents raid still near Hot Springs<br />

Presecuter Frank W Wynne plans crackdewn on bootleggers<br />

Ernest Woodrow Vaughn pleads guilty in moonshine whiskey case<br />

Illegal still raided near Hector. Willis Ray Morris arrested<br />

ABC warns that price wars will net be allowed<br />

Abuse in the ABC demands a remedy {ed on price-fixing)<br />

Christian Civic Fdn plans 16 liquor elections in wet counties<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> liquor laws conflict<br />

Drive-in moonshine business broken up in Madison County<br />

Pine Bluff Negro fined for transporting moonshine whiskey<br />

Another person 'finding ' moonshine is fined<br />

White County drys plan to make sure law obeyed<br />

Paul E Williams ef DeWitt. gets prison term en liquor count<br />

Bootleg suspects held to federal jury<br />

Probation revoked fer Virgil Gene Riley on moonshine charges<br />

Carroll County to vote en abolishing sales in county<br />

Illegal stills found in Garland County<br />

Conway County drys ask vote on anti-liquor law<br />

Large still operation broken up in Hempstead County<br />

Wets ask fer vote in Hempstead County<br />

Petitions ask wet-dry votes in fourteen areas<br />

Map shews where sale of alcoholic drinks legal in Ark<br />

Rellew Fitch wants stranger law on club sales of liquor<br />

Dr George S Benson urges Conway County te vote dry<br />

Election results en wet-dry issues around state<br />

Anti-liquer forces plan campaign in Legislature<br />

Results ef wet-dry veting in various counties<br />

Ouachita County 'wets ' contest election wen by 'drys'<br />

Still raided in Saline Ceunty; two arrested<br />

ABC fights Air Force on liquor outlets at Blytheville AFB<br />

Blytheville AFB closes liquor stores state had pretested<br />

Fitch and the Air Base (ed)<br />


see alse Substance abuse and traffic<br />

ALES. PAUL<br />

see also A and A Manufacturing Ce<br />


see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see also Congress - House Dist 5<br />

see also Congress - Reapportionment<br />

see also Geverner (Ark)<br />

Taps David P Weed fer postmaster at NLR<br />

Alford will resume medical practice in LR<br />

Article outlines Alford's political rise and fall<br />

Alford escapes plane crash at Knoxville. Tenn. uninjured<br />

Alford stayed calm. helped passengers off plane<br />


2/ 2/61 A5 1<br />

2/ 9/61 Bl 6<br />

2/12/61 A2 2<br />

3/16/61 Bl 7<br />

3/18/61 BlO 2<br />

4/25/61 B12 7<br />

6/ 4/61 Al4 5<br />

8/11/61 Al 3<br />

8/14/61 A4 1<br />

1/16/62 B8 2<br />

2/10/62 A5 3<br />

3/ 9/62 Bl 2<br />

3/16/62 Al3 4<br />

3/18/62 A6 5<br />

4/14/62 A2 1<br />

5/ 1/62 A6 2<br />

5/30/62 BlO 1<br />

6/23/62 A3 2<br />

8/21/62 Bl 5<br />

8/25/62 A5 5<br />

9/ 7/62 All 2<br />

9/13/62 A9 4<br />

9/13/62 Bl 3<br />

9/16/62 A5 1<br />

9/16/62 A5 2<br />

9/19/62 Bl 5<br />

11/ 6/62 Bl 3<br />

11/ 7/62 A8 3<br />

11/ 7 /62 Bl 5<br />

11/ 8/62 Bl 4<br />

12/ 2/62 A4 2<br />

12/12/62 A5 2<br />

12/21/62 Bl 8<br />

12/22/62 A2 1<br />

12/26/62 A6 1<br />

6/21/62 Bl2 1<br />

8/ 4/62 Al 8<br />

8/ 4/62 Al 8<br />

8/ 7/62 Al 7<br />

8/ 7/62 Al 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Algerian rebels killed Homer F Kellems. ef Sileam Springs<br />

William D Hobbs tells of escape frem Algerian rebels<br />


Fire heavily damages Siloam Springs plant<br />

ALLEN, A HALL JR (M rs)<br />

see also Gevernment employees<br />

ALLEN, REX<br />

see also Actors and entertainers<br />

ALLEN, TOM<br />

see alse Educatienal television<br />

see also Peor<br />


see Little Reck Zoo<br />

see Wildlife<br />


see also Episcopal Church<br />


Firm bought by H L Hunt interests<br />


see Education - Alma District<br />

ALPENA<br />

see also Land and real estate<br />

see also Traffic accidents, violations and safety<br />


Validity of Foundation upheld by Ark Supreme Ct<br />

ALTUS<br />

Fire destroys two buildings in Franklin County town<br />


see Parks, recreation and teurism<br />


see Bennett, Alvin S<br />


see also Football<br />

see also Governor (Ark)<br />


see also Emergency services<br />


see University Wemen, American Association of<br />


see Cancer Society, .American<br />


see Laber<br />


Osceola 1 s new plant to be opened with celebration<br />

Plant dedication at Osceola attracts 1,500<br />


see Communism<br />

see Fereign Policy Association<br />

see Pornography and obscenity<br />

see Religion<br />


2/12/61 E2 l<br />

2/12/61 E2 l<br />

10/ 5/62 B13 4<br />

3/ 8/61 B9 8<br />

10/ 3/61 A2 1<br />

12/ 22/ 61 BlO 4<br />

5/ 6/62 Cl<br />

5/ 8/62 Bl<br />

5<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see Medicine and health<br />

AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK (Nerth Little Rock)<br />

see Banks<br />


Four injured in explosion at El Dorado plant<br />

Two burned in oil blast dies<br />

AMERICANISM SEMINAR (Harding College)<br />

see Harding College<br />


see Congress<br />


Union leader says Faubus supporters trying to foment strike<br />

Workers spurn pay raise after conspiracy charges made<br />

Gov Faubus denies his friends wanted strike<br />

Unien leader clarifies remark on Faubus supporters and strike<br />


Court rules tax valid en juke bexes<br />

A dissenting view on the juke box question (ed)<br />


see also Miss America<br />

Named Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Banks<br />


see also Congress - Senate (Class I)<br />

see also Harding College<br />

Farm magazine publisher says nation ruled by evil men<br />

Anderson's return (ed)<br />


Estate of $416,000 turned over te Presbyterian institutions<br />


see also Heroism<br />

ANGELL. E L<br />

see also Colleges and univs - Administration and Management<br />


see also Folklore, folk medicine and superstition<br />

see also Little Rock Zoe<br />

Several counties under rabies quarantine<br />

Weman accuses NLR of 'dognapping ' her beagles<br />

Rabies en increase in Ark; extends to 40 counties (map)<br />

NLR to revise dog leash law. refer it te voters<br />

Bob Meffitt1s chinchilla ranch is west of LR<br />

Reports ef lien in Clarksville area circulates<br />

Clarksville lien hunt delayed by work week<br />

Lien hunt at Clrksville ends with ene lest deg<br />

Clarksville hunters and degs en trail of unknm,yn animal<br />

Clarksville lien hunt called ef f to allow dogs to rest<br />

Lion hunt at Clarksville awaits fair weather<br />

Clarksville lion seen again, but outruns shotgun blast<br />

Clarksville lien seen by tourist<br />

Hill people have no doubt Clarksville lion is real<br />

10/10/62 BlO 5<br />

10/11/62 A16 5<br />

4/30/62 Al<br />

4/30/62 Al<br />

5/ 1/62 Bl<br />

5/ 4/62 Bl3<br />

10/ 3/61 Bl<br />

10/ 4/61 A4<br />

7 /17/61 Al<br />

3/31/62 AB<br />

4/ 1/62 E2<br />

7 /27 /62 Bl<br />

3<br />

3<br />

6<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1/ 5/61 A6 2<br />

1/ 5/61 ClO 1<br />

1/15/61 C3 3<br />

1/24/61 A3 1<br />

1/26/61 Bl 2<br />

3/22/61 Bl 4<br />

3/24/61 A2 5<br />

3/25/61 A2 5<br />

3/27/61 BS 5<br />

3/28/61 A2 2<br />

3/31/61 Bl 8<br />

4/ 1/61 A2 1<br />

4/ 3/61 Al 7<br />

4/ 6/61 Al 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Sheriff. deputy see Clarksville's lien<br />

Clarksville Lkion breakfasts en chickens<br />

Injury to deg blamed en lion at Clarksville<br />

Bear takes stroll through North Little Reck neighborhood<br />

Bear tracks reported at Palarm<br />

Faulkner County bear may be moving inte Conway County<br />

Clarksville lien back<br />

Rare fungus infection found in dogs in SE <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Degs in Lawrence County under rabies quarantine<br />

Dogs in Heward County under rabies quarantine<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Kennel Club to have 400 dogs on display at shew<br />

About 30 dogs in Roland area die of poisoning<br />

Concord man strangles fox that bit him<br />

Ira A Wreyford chgd with poisoning dogs in Saline County<br />

Article en buffalo in <strong>Arkansas</strong>'s early history<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State College acquires five buffaloes<br />

Dr Ralph Phelps Jr reperts panther-like animals in Clark Co<br />

ANIMALS. Fossil<br />

see Fossils<br />

ANNEXATION. Municipal<br />

see Area planning<br />


Drs Andersen and Mae Banwell Nettleship run research firm<br />


Prominent lumberman of South <strong>Arkansas</strong> dies at age 48<br />


see alse Beeks and writing<br />


see Archeology and anthropelegy<br />


see also Automobiles and automebile drivers<br />

see also Brick and tile<br />


see Politics and elections<br />

ANTS<br />

see Insects<br />

APIARY BOARD (Ark)<br />

LJAC notifies Gav Faubus beard is toe lax in handling meney<br />


see alse Folklore and f elk medicine<br />

Clethes frem small shop at Leslie going all over the world<br />

Mrs Sally Fex operates shep in Leslie<br />

Mrs Charlie Crain is accomplished hat-maker<br />


Account ef strange events at C E Shinn home at Mena<br />

Mr and Mrs C E Shinn say abjects threwn. fleat by them<br />

Polk County sheriff investigating events at C E Shinn heme<br />

C E Shinn says ghosts. haints. spirits net behind mystery<br />

Several members ef Shinn family witnessed strange events<br />

State treeper. sheriff stay at Shinn home: nothing happens<br />

C E Shinn family plans to move back into their heme<br />

4/11/61 Al 8<br />

4/17 /61 A2 6<br />

4/22/61 Al 2<br />

5/21/61 Al 6<br />

5/24/61 Bl 3<br />

5/26/61 Bl 5<br />

7/ 9/61 A2 7<br />

8/25/61 Bl 6<br />

10/10/61 Bl 8<br />

10/12/61 Bl 6<br />

11/16/61 Bl 5<br />

11/29/61 A8 5<br />

12/16/61 B7 7<br />

5/ 1/62 A2 6<br />

5/ 6/62 E5 2<br />

12/ 1/62 Al 2<br />

12/ 3/62 Al 5<br />

7 /15/62 E4 1<br />

4/12/61 A8 2<br />

3/17 /62 A8 4<br />

11/16/61 Bl 3<br />

11/16/61 Bl 3<br />

2/11/62 FS 2<br />

12/ 3/61 A6 1<br />

12/ 3/61 A6 l<br />

12/ 3/61 A6 1<br />

12/ 4/61 Al 4<br />

12/ 4/61 Al 4<br />

12/ 4/61 Al 4<br />

12/ 5/61 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Elbert Shaeffer, 15. ad mits he caused events at Shinn home<br />

Editorial en hoax played by Elbert Shaeffer en Shinn family<br />


see also Pine Bluff Arsenal<br />


see Caves<br />


see alse Beeks and writing<br />

APPLES<br />

see Fruit and vegetables<br />

APPROPRIATIONS, State Govt<br />

see Finance and budgets. State govt<br />


Archeelegical Society te survey Ashley Ceunty Indian relics<br />

Indian cemetery en Ouachita River excavated; tragedy unfolds<br />

Legis passes bill te pretect sites, artifacts and antiquities<br />

Gov Orval Faubus vetees bill protecting archeelegical sites<br />

F D Thomas explores caves. finds relics ef Indian cultures<br />

Ozarks cave yielded fine examples of Indian pottery<br />

UA excavating Indian campsite en White River near Rogers<br />

A C Looney ef Fordyce. has thousands ef Indian artifacts<br />

Remains ef old steam.beat found in <strong>Arkansas</strong> River channel<br />

College student digs fer Indian relics on Crowley's Ridge<br />

Large ancher dug up in <strong>Arkansas</strong> River channel near LR<br />

Skull pierced by arrow uncovered near Sheridan<br />

Amateur archeologists dig into state 's past<br />

Baxter County cave is site ef archeology dig<br />

Archeologists digging at site of original Fort Smith<br />


Euine Fay Jenes honored fer heme design<br />

Charles L Thempesn designed Arkadelphia Public <strong>Library</strong><br />

Fayetteville architect T Ewing Shelton speciali2:es in schools<br />

Heward Eichenbaum wins international honor<br />

Famed architect Edward D Stone to visit Univ ef Ark<br />

Graphic works ef I Granger McDaniel en display at Hot Spgs<br />

Edgar A Albin urges architects to rebel against ugliness<br />

William S Allen. James C Wellborn receive prestigious award<br />


see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

Blytheville<br />

Capitol Building and Grounds (Ark)<br />

Clarksville<br />

Dardanelle<br />

Economic development<br />

El Dorado<br />

Fert Smith<br />

Harris en<br />

Hot Springs<br />

Jacksonville<br />

Junction City<br />

Little Reck<br />

Little Reck Metropolitan Area<br />

12/ 6/61 Al<br />

12/10/61 E2<br />

1/15/61 AA<br />

2/12/61 E3<br />

3/ 8/61 A2<br />

3/17 /61 Bl 2<br />

5/ 4/61 Bl<br />

5/ 4/61 Bl<br />

7/11/61 Bl<br />

5/23/62 Bl<br />

7/ 8/62 Al<br />

7/ 8/62 Al3<br />

7/11/62 B4<br />

8/26/62 A3<br />

9/20/62 Bl<br />

9/20/62 Bl<br />

9/21/62 Bl<br />

4/27 /61 A2<br />

5/24/61 Bl<br />

9/ 3/61 D2<br />

9/22/61 Bl<br />

10/29/61 A7<br />

11/12/61 E5<br />

12/10/61 A6<br />

5/20/62 Cl<br />

3<br />

2<br />

8<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Morrilten<br />

see also Nerth Little Rock<br />

see also Pine Bluff<br />

see alse Pine Bluff<br />

see also Rogers<br />

see also Russellville<br />

see alse Searcy<br />

Bill in Legis would allow property ewners vote on annexation<br />

LR City Mgr Ancil Douthit sees bill as stifling grewth<br />

Rep Glenn F Walther's annexation bill appears dead<br />

Rural citizens ef Pulaski County favor Walther bill<br />

This bill would stifle Little Rock's growth (ed)<br />

Jacksonville votes to annex 250 acres to city<br />

Glenn F Walther to withdraw bill en annexation votes<br />

NLR Chamber of Commerce opposes annexation voting bill<br />

Rep John E Miller introduces second bill in House<br />

Rep Glenn Walther would change judicial annexatien law<br />

Bill in Senate would allow annexation area to vote first<br />

Senate kills bill on vote in proposed annexation area<br />

LR Chamber of Commerce rallies te defense of Urban Renewal<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> cities take lead in Urban Renewal<br />

Officials scoff at myth ef urban renewal control by U S<br />

Pepe County group seeks plan fer 6 counties along river<br />

Feur <strong>Arkansas</strong> River Valley counties put up funds for project<br />

State program ef planning essential, Metroplan says<br />


see Economic development<br />


see alse Libraries, Public<br />

see alse Police<br />

Dr H D Luck urges city mgr ferm ef gevt fer city<br />

Editorial en ideas ef Dr H D Luck fer improvements<br />


see Educatien - Arkadelphia District<br />


see Executives<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

Buildings and offices, Govt<br />

Capital Building and Grounds (Ark)<br />

Censtitutien (Ark)<br />

Censtructien programs, State<br />

Contracts and purchasing, Govt<br />

Ecenomic development<br />

Executive Mansion (Ark)<br />

see alse Finance and budgets, State Govt<br />

see also Flags and emblems<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

Government bends and investments<br />

Government departments and agencies (Ark)<br />

Government employees<br />

Government officials, State<br />

History (Ark)<br />

1/19/61 Cl2 4<br />

l/20/61 Bl 2<br />

1/21/61 Al 4<br />

1/22/61 Al2 2<br />

1/23/61 AA 1<br />

1/24/61 A7 3<br />

1/24/-61 B12 1<br />

2/ 3/61 B6 4<br />

2/ 4/61 A2 5<br />

2/ 5/61 A4 7<br />

2/16/61 Al 3<br />

3/ 2/61 C12 2<br />

4/28/61 A12 1<br />

8/27/61 Al 4<br />

10/ 9/62 Bl 2<br />

11/25/62 Al8 1<br />

12/11/-62 Al5 2<br />

12/30/62 A2 2<br />

7/30/ 61 Al3 6<br />

8/ 1/61 A4 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />

see also Pepulatien and vital statistics<br />

see also Prisons and prisoners<br />

see also Tuberculosis Sanatorium (Ark)<br />

State's 125th anniversary passes unmarked<br />

Dorothy Kilgallen barb draws fire frem Clevis Copeland<br />

Charles Albright column en Dorothy Kilgallen jab at state<br />

Mrs Winthrop Rockefeller asks. ''Whe is Dorothy Kilgallen"<br />

Columnist Derethy Kilgallen takes jab at state natives<br />

Kilgallen column deals with Mrs Rockefeller and the artmebile<br />

Public responds to Dorothy Kilgallen in letters-to-editor<br />

Publicity Directer Clevis Copeland to reply te Kilgallen<br />

Letters chastize Dorothy Kilgallen for remarks<br />

Ernie Deane comments on Dorothy Kilgallen dig at <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Letters to editor en Dorothy Kilgallen column<br />

Anna B Winston confronted Chet Lauck en poking fun at state<br />

Letters en Dorothy Kilgallen column continue discussion<br />

Letter on Derethy Kilgallen jibe at <strong>Arkansas</strong> natives<br />

State misunderstood in minds ef top-flight management<br />

Time magazine calls West Ark scantily populated, impoverished<br />

Article on meeting point of Ark with neighbor states<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> A & M COLLEGE<br />

see also Construction programs, State<br />

see also Music<br />

Lee Reaves named dean ef personnel at <strong>Arkansas</strong> A & M College<br />

College losing 18 teachers<br />

Plans for fall semester announced<br />

Drawing ef Ark A&M's proposed new science center<br />

Forestry students display skills<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> A & M president Jack Mears resigns fer Calif job<br />

Dr Mears departs (ed en resignation ef Ark A&M president)<br />

Turmoil at Ark A & M discussed in campaign fer geverner<br />

Departure ef Ark A & M president J W Mears regretted<br />

Dr Claude H Babin named acting head ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> A & M<br />

Lee Reaves may be next president ef Ark A & M<br />

Dr Claude H Babin named president<br />

Naming Dr Claude H Babin te head Ark A&M draws praise<br />

Enrollment may eutpace facilities<br />

President Claude Babin announces staff changes at college<br />

College enrells record 1,088 students<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> A M & N COLLEGE<br />

see also Construction programs. State<br />

see also Culture and the arts<br />

see also Foed contamination<br />

College gets NCA warning en accreditation<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> AM & N's accreditation (ed)<br />

A M & N asks help ef Gov Faubus in funds pinch<br />

Gav Faubus te ask Legis to give mere money to college<br />

Legis to f erm panel to study money needs ef A M & N<br />

6/16/61 Bl<br />

3/23/62 Al<br />

3/23/62 Bl<br />

3/23/62 Bl<br />

3/23/62 CB<br />

3/23/62 cs<br />

3/24/62 A4<br />

.3/24/62 A7<br />

3/27/62 A4<br />

3/27/62 Bl<br />

3/29/62 A4<br />

3/31/62 A4<br />

3/31/62 A4<br />

4/ 8/62 E2<br />

8/15/62 Bl<br />

10/18/62 Bl<br />

11/20/62 Bl<br />

3<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5/15/61 A15 1<br />

7/27 /61 A3 1<br />

8/13/61 C3 7<br />

4/ 1/62 All 3<br />

5/ 1/62 Bl 2<br />

5/10/62 A2 1<br />

5/11/62 A4 2<br />

5/18/62 A2 1<br />

5/20/62 E3 3<br />

5/30/62 A14 3<br />

6/ 6/62 A3 4<br />

8/23/62 Bl 8<br />

8/24/62 A4 1<br />

8/29/62 B2 6<br />

9/13/62 Bl 3<br />

9/26/62 B9 6<br />

1/25/61 Bl 5<br />

1/30/61 A4 1<br />

1/31/61 Bl 6<br />

1/31/61 Bl 6<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Senate approves additienal funding fer Ark AM& N<br />

Senate vetes salary raise fer AM& N president Lawrence A Davis<br />

Gav Faubus ties Ark AM& N funds te hiring Earl E Evans<br />

Trustees of Ark AM& N refused te hire Earl E Evans<br />

Gav Faubus admits letter en Ark AM& N. but denies threat<br />

Senate passes funds bill fer Ark AM& N<br />

Trustees reverse position. back Dr Lawrence A Davis<br />

Trustees supported in refusal te hire Earl E Evans<br />

Hearing likely fer J M Cheatham<br />

President Lawrence Davis gets 2-yr contract<br />

Case ef J M Cheatham at Ark AM& N to be heard by Trustees<br />

Trustees vote net to renew contract of J M Cheatham<br />

Lawrence A Davis says AM& N never recd machines under contract<br />

President Lawrence Davis signed blank centracts<br />

Lawrence A Davis says he has net benefitted from contracts<br />

College to construct vocational arts building<br />

Audit critical of <strong>Arkansas</strong> AM& N handling of accounts<br />

LJAC postpones action on Ark AM& N audit case<br />

Editorial en Ark AM& N's vecatienal training program<br />

AAUP probing dismissal of instructor at Ark AM& N<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> AM& N appeals fer funds to upgrade college<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> AM& N may establish junior colleges fer Negroes<br />

President Lawrence A Davis makes plea fer funds<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem criticizes AM& N's fiscal affairs<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> A M AND N COLLEGE<br />

Plans set fer fall semester<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> AND OZARKS RAILROAD<br />

see Land and real estate<br />

see Railroads<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> ARTS CENTER<br />

see Culture and the arts<br />


see Welfare Directers. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Assn ef County<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> AUTOMOBILE CLUB<br />

see Automobile Club. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Trucks and trucking industry<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> BAPTIST COLLEGE<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist has rich feetball history<br />

College now led by J C Oliver<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> BAPT"IST HOSPITAL<br />

see Medicine and health<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> BASIN ASSOCIATION<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Bus and Truck Association, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Lenders Service Cempnay, Inc<br />

Alan C Springer indicted en fraud charges in securities case<br />

Financial Security Corp is subsidiary ef ABDC<br />

Federal judge hears case en dividing ABDC assets<br />

Alan C Springer enters innocent plea to embezzlement chgs<br />

2/25/61 Al 6<br />

2/25/61 Al 6<br />

2/28/61 Al 6<br />

2/28/61 Al 6<br />

3/ 1/61 Al2 l<br />

3/ 2/61 A2 1<br />

3/ 2/61 Bl 7<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 8<br />

4/ 5/61 A3 l<br />

4/ 7/61 A16 1<br />

5/11/61 B6 l<br />

5/13/61 AS 3<br />

3/23/62 A20 l<br />

3/23/62 A20 1<br />

3/23/62 A29 1<br />

4/11/62 B14 7<br />

6/16/62 A3 1<br />

7/21/62 A3 1<br />

9/ 3/62 A4 2<br />

11/15/62 Al2 1<br />

12/ 5/62 Bl 7<br />

12/ 5/62 Bl 7<br />

12/ 5/62 Bl 7<br />

12/ 5/62 Bl 7<br />

8/20/61 A15 3<br />

9/30/62 AS 3<br />

9/30/62 AB 3<br />

2/21/61 B9 l<br />

2/21/61 B9 1<br />

11/23/61 Bll 6<br />

1/ 4-/-62 B6 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Court approves plan te divide ABDC assets<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> CAREERS INC<br />

see College graduates<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> CEMENT CORP<br />

Foreman plant te be expanded<br />

Wilten R Stephens is president ef firm<br />

Foreman voters approve bends fer addition to plant<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> CHEMICAL INC<br />

Bremine production begins at El Dorado plant<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> CHILDREN'S COLONY<br />

see Children's Colony, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL<br />

see Medicine and health<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT<br />

see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> CITY<br />

Restoration ef town continues; 1880 pesteffice dedicated<br />

Town making a comeback<br />

Steps taken to reclaim seme glamor<br />

Columnist writes on <strong>Arkansas</strong> City<br />


see also Rivers and lakes<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> COLLEGE<br />

Professor Sergio Rigel was schoolmate of Fidel Castro<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> College receives bequest from Wooten Andersen<br />


see Journalism<br />


see Construction Programs, State<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> Community Accomplishment Contest judging begins<br />

Mere towns present claim fer Community Accomplishment award<br />

Three mere cities present data for Accemplishment award<br />

Community Achievement panel visits Southeast Ark towns<br />

Springdale, Magazine, Fordyce, Mountain View take tap heners<br />


ACDP replaces <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cemmunity Accomplishment Contest<br />


see Social Welfare. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cenf erence on<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> COTTON MILLS<br />

Morrilton plant plans te expand<br />

Morrilton te vote en bends te expand mills<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> COUNCIL OF CHURCHES<br />

see Churches, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Ceuncil ef<br />


see Human Relations, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Council en<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> COUNTY<br />

Article en county's ceurtheuses<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> DAIRY PRINCESS<br />

see Dairy Princess<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> DENTAL ASSOCIATION<br />

3/31/62 AB<br />

3/ 1/61 Bl<br />

3/ 1/61 Bl<br />

4/12/61 Bl<br />

6/20/61 A7<br />

3/ 4/61 B6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

3<br />

7<br />

6<br />

11/ 4/62 Al3 1<br />

ll/l l/62 E5 2<br />

ll/13/62 Bl 2<br />

ll/16/62 Bl 2<br />

9/17/61 A4<br />

7/27/62 Bl<br />

2/21/61 Bl<br />

2/22/61 A6<br />

2/23/61 A9<br />

2/24/61 Bl<br />

3/ 9/61 A7<br />

7 /16/61 Cl<br />

9/13/62 B7<br />

9/20/62 Bl<br />

4/ 1/62 E5<br />

3<br />

5<br />

2<br />

7<br />

l<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see Dental Associatien. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Education Association, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Electric power<br />


see Handicapped<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> FARM BUREAU<br />

see Farm Bureau. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Garden Clubs. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Federation of<br />


see Women's Clubs. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Federation ef<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS<br />

see Festival of the Arts. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Colleges • <strong>Arkansas</strong> Feundatien of Associated<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> GAZETI'E<br />

see J eurnal ism<br />

see News and news media<br />

see Nursing homes<br />


see also Reads<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> GRAIN CORP<br />

Helena to be site of $5 million soybean oil plant<br />


see Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Association. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Historical Association. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Periodicals<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> HOME FINDING SOCIETY<br />

see Medicine and health<br />


see Industrial Policy Committee. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> INVESTMENT CORP<br />

Joseph Pecery. Jack Hill chgd with securities law violation<br />

Joseph P Pecery changes plea. gets 6-year prison sentence<br />

Joseph P Pecery held 'police ' job in securities<br />

Picture identified as Jeseph P Pecery was in error<br />

Jack Hill pleads guilty to twe charges<br />

Ferty-six file suit asking refund on investments in stock<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> JUNIOR MISS<br />

Carolyn Rawlings wins title<br />

Fifty-seven girls to compete fer title<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> LANDMARK SOCIETY<br />

see Landmark Society. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> LAW SCHOOL<br />

see Colleges and univs - Legal education programs<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> LAYMEN INC<br />

see also Education - North Little Rock<br />

12/23/62 BS 2<br />

3/ 2/61 All 1<br />

3/15/61 Al 3<br />

3/15/61 Al 4<br />

3/16/61 Al 6<br />

4/ 4/61 A3 l<br />

9/ 2/61 BS 2<br />

1/14/62 B9 7<br />

12/30/62 A4 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Lutheran Church<br />


see Libraries<br />


see Expesistiens and fairs<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> LOUISIANA GAS CO<br />

see also Governor (Ark)<br />

see alse Oil and gas<br />

see alse Reynolds Gas Regulator Co<br />

Ark La bids fer municapal system at Memphis<br />

W R Stephens comments en idea ef buying Memphis system<br />

Ark La offers te raise taxes it pays cities<br />

Ark La seeks tax revision, rate increase<br />

Ark La seeks basic fee raise<br />

Firm purchases building at Sheridan fer maintenance station<br />

Ark La reports slight decline in 1960 income<br />

El Dorado, Pine Bluff hit proposed rate increase<br />

Consumers in dark en rate raise<br />

Rate increase gees into effect without PSC approval<br />

Pine Bluff pushes fight on gas rate rise<br />

Cities press fight en gas rates, run into blunt PSC warning<br />

Company raised rates without public notice<br />

President W R Stephens defends method used in rate hike<br />

The Ark La increase and the right to pretest (ed)<br />

Hew the gas rate increase was discovered<br />

Pine Bluff attacks PSC as hostile te full inquiry of rate<br />

Ark La moving into east Ark with MidSeuth Gas Co merger<br />

Ark La must prove need for rate increase, PSC member says<br />

PSC Chmn Lewis M Robinson calls merger of MidSouth fine<br />

History ef MidSeuth Gas Co outlined<br />

List of 54 tE>W'ns Ark La will add with MidSouth merger<br />

City ef Russellville pretested rate increase, withdrew it<br />

Russellville feared making W R Stephens mad, James Yeung says<br />

PSC Cb.mn Lewis M Rebinsen effers safe way to test rate rise<br />

Nashville withhdraws objection te rate increase<br />

Little Reck failure to pretest rate hike explained<br />

Editors comment en rate case<br />

Reports 8 pct drep in net income<br />

Rate increase fellows three tied te escalator rider<br />

Greup of MidSeuth Gas Ce stockholders fight merger plan<br />

Gov Faubus steps inte rate raise dispute<br />

Cities te hire ewn analyst in rate fight<br />

The gas rate inquiry (ed)<br />

Merger with MidSouth Gas Ce set fer December 31<br />

MidSeuth blec indicates suit against merger with Ark La<br />

Attorneys fer cities pretesting rate invited to hearing<br />

PSC methed fer figuring fair rate explained<br />

Foes of rate rise hire their own rate expert<br />

W R Stephens admits rate request not publicized<br />

T J Gentry defends Ark La and PSC en raise in gas rate<br />

MidSeuth Gas Ce te join Ark La, owners decide<br />

2/ 2/61 Al 4<br />

2/ 3/61 Al 4<br />

2/12/61 Cl 5<br />

2/25/61 AS 1<br />

3/ 4/61 Al 4<br />

3/11/61 A2 4<br />

3/27/61 AS l<br />

4/12/61 Bl 8<br />

4/26/61 Bl 7<br />

4/27/61 A4 2<br />

4/28/61 Bl6 2<br />

4/29/61 Al 3<br />

4/30/61 Al 2<br />

4/30/61 Al 2<br />

4/30/61 E4 1<br />

5/ 1/61 Al 4<br />

5/ 3/61 A3 7<br />

5/ 4/61 Al 5<br />

5/ 4/61 Al3 4<br />

5/ 4/61 A2 1<br />

5/ 4/61 A2 2<br />

5/ 4/61 A2 3<br />

5/ 4/61 A4 1<br />

5/ 4/61 A4 1<br />

5/ 5/61 Bl 7<br />

5/ 6/61 A6 3<br />

5/ 7/61 Al 5<br />

5/ 7/61 E4 6<br />

5/10/61 Bl 4<br />

5/11/61 A9 1<br />

5/12/61 Bl 6<br />

5/17 /61 Al 4<br />

5/18/61 Bl 2<br />

5/19/61 A4 2<br />

5/20/61 A3 7<br />

5/25/61 AB 3<br />

5/26/61 Bl 2<br />

5/28/61 Al 4<br />

6/ 1/61 Bl 8<br />

6/ 3/61 A7 4<br />

6/ 4/61 AlO 1<br />

6/ 9/61 Bl 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Fees ef rate increase te ask Little Reck te join battle<br />

LR City Directers hear plea te join gas rate rise pretest<br />

Ark La rests gas rate case in 4th hearing<br />

Suit filed to prevent MidSeuth Gas merger inte Ark La<br />

Merger ef MidSeuth Gas best fer state, W R Stephens says<br />

Pine Bluff, El Derade ask PSC te veid gas rate increase<br />

Cities contend Ark La earned 16.19 pct<br />

Fair field price methed being used to f:ix rates<br />

Supreme Ct threw eut fair field price, Legis made it legal<br />

MidSeuth Gas steckhelder files brief with PSC urging delay<br />

Experts claim Ark La profits by juggling funds<br />

PSC approves union ef Ark La and MidSeuth Gas Ce<br />

Motion asks dismissal ef suit to bar MidSeuth merger<br />

Govt not entitled to recover $323,283, Court of Claims rules<br />

Request filed fer rehearing en merger ef MidSeuth Gas Ce<br />

Southwest Natural Gas Ce may merge into Ark La<br />

MidSeuth Gas Ce merger te stand, PSC says<br />

Ark La contends profit belew limit<br />

Attorney fer Ark La charges distertien in gas rate fight<br />

Ark La expert finds mistake in his figures<br />

Ark La consultant explains theery en earnings rate<br />

Consultant says customer charged fer Ark La sales lesses<br />

Ark La te market world's first gas pewered dish washer<br />

Ark La deductions ceme under issue in PSC rate case<br />

PSC chmn. atty fer cities squabble over rate methed<br />

Ark La increase net unreasonable, consultant says<br />

PSC pays expert $7.500. uses him little en stand<br />

El Derade asks Ark La te prove it is entitled te increases<br />

Eight cities agree to centribute te fight against rate raise<br />

Ark La expected te win case en disputed rates<br />

Ark La calls El Derade demand a harassment<br />

Merger ef MidSeuth Gas Ce gets ceurt approval<br />

Ark La's raise in rates wins PSC approval; cities te appeal<br />

PSC rejects El Darade's challenge ef price increases<br />

Ark La closes merger details with Southwest Natural Gas Ce<br />

Arkla seeks rate reduction fer farmer MidSeuth customers<br />

Rate case gees te court<br />

Stuttgart will lese revenue under meter fee instead ef tax<br />

Article tells hew gas meter plant at Russellville began<br />

Wilton R Stephens conceived idea fer gas meter plant<br />

Wilton R Stephens likes to hire cellege graduates<br />

Wilten R Stephens explains success ef Ark La<br />

Suit to block Mid South. Arkla tie dismissed by court<br />

New gas pipeline will cress nerth <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Net income of Arkla hits $18.1 million<br />

Ark La te buy gas at new Arkema Basin field<br />

W R Stephens replies te political charges against company<br />

Sid McMath alleges W R Stephens pressured Russellville<br />

Russellville Mayer C A Hughes responds te criticism<br />

New operations center at Texarkana te open<br />

Junction City's special status en gas rates discussed<br />

6/14/61 Al 5<br />

6/15/61 Al 3<br />

6/17 /61 A3 6<br />

6/22/61 Bl 4<br />

6/27/61 A3 1<br />

6/27/61 Bl 7<br />

7/ 1/61 A3 1<br />

7/ 4/61 Bl 3<br />

7/ 4/61 Bl 3<br />

7/ 4/61 Bl 8<br />

7/ 6/61 Al 5<br />

7/ 6/61 Bl 4<br />

7/ 8/61 B4 7<br />

7/10/61 Al 2<br />

7/14/61 Bl 2<br />

7/15/61 B4 1<br />

7/19/61 Bl 4<br />

7/20/61 A3 1<br />

7 /25/61 Bl 7<br />

7 /27/61 A3 1<br />

8/ 8/61 Bl 7<br />

8/ 9/61 Bl 7<br />

8/ 9/61 B9 1<br />

8/10/61 Bl 7<br />

8/11/61 Bl 7<br />

8/12/61 A3 1<br />

8/13/61 Al4 1<br />

8/16/61 Al 4<br />

8/16/61 A6 2<br />

8/20/61 Cl 1<br />

B/26/61 A2 8<br />

9/26/61 Bl 5<br />

9/30/61 Al 6<br />

10/ 1/61 Cl 2<br />

10/ 3/61 Bl 4<br />

11/ 4/61 Al 5<br />

11/16/61 A3 1<br />

11/28/61 A6 4<br />

1/28/62 Cl l<br />

1/28/62 Cl 1<br />

1/2B/62 Cl 1<br />

2/ 4/62 Cl 1<br />

2/20/62 A2 6<br />

3/ 1/62 Al 2<br />

3/28/62 BB 1<br />

6/ 2/62 B6 1<br />

7/13/62 Al 4<br />

7 /15/62 A2 1<br />

7/21/62 B7 4<br />

7 /25/62 BB 1<br />

7 /29/62 E3 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

W R Stephens philosophiz es in pest-electien letter<br />

PSC dismisses El Dorado's attack en Ark La gas rates<br />

El Dorado asks PSC rehear dismissal of gas rate protest<br />

Ark La chides El Dorado plea for rehearing<br />

NLRB examiner orders ArkLa to rehire fired truck drivers<br />

High court backs PSC in handling gas rates<br />


see Mental Health Association. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> MILITARY ACADEMY<br />

Officer school at Camp Robinson has commissioned 127<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> MISSOURI POWER CO<br />

Power. gas rate cuts scheduled by Ark-Mo<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> MUNICIPAL LEAGUE<br />

see Municipal League. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> NORMAL COLLEGE<br />

see History (Ark)<br />


Joe C Murphy Jr wins battle with neighbors on nuisance chg<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> ORCHESTRA SOCIETY<br />

see Music<br />


see Peace Officers Association. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Basketball<br />

see also Construction programs. State<br />

see also Football<br />

see also Foreigners in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Music<br />

Graduate courses to be offered at <strong>Tech</strong> by Univ of Ark<br />

Plans fer opening of fall semester announced<br />

Elizabeth Yun comes to <strong>Tech</strong> from Korea<br />

Aneta Pauline Morris graduating at <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> at age 18<br />

Atty Gen approves unique funding plan for science bldg<br />

Lew bidders announced fer twe bldgs at <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong><br />

Bonds sold fer married students housing at <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> POST<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />


see Parks, recreatien and tourism<br />


Strikers fran. Bentonville plant organiz ing boycott of product<br />

Strike settled at Bentonville plant<br />

Hearing set en charge against union<br />


Strike forces Bentonville plant to close<br />

Bentonville plant closed fer repairs<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> POULTRY FEDERATION<br />

see Poultry Federation, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> POWER AND LIGHT CO<br />

see also Electric pewer<br />

see also Property, Unclaimed<br />

8/12/62 A4 1<br />

8/17/62 Bl 2<br />

8/29/62 Bl 8<br />

9/15/62 A2 1<br />

11/27/62 A7 4<br />

12./ 4/62 Bl 2<br />

6/22/61 Bl<br />

6/ 2/61 Bl<br />

3/18/61 B6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

6/ 2/61 Bl 8<br />

8/13/61 A16 4<br />

11/22/61 Bl 3<br />

5/13/62 A21 1<br />

5/23/62 AS 4<br />

6/21/62 Bl 7<br />

8/22/62 Bl 8<br />

1/ 5/62 A3 3<br />

4/ 1/62 Cl 2<br />

5/ 3/62 Bl 7<br />

10/24/61 Bl 4<br />

11/18/61 A2 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Private power victory is certain. speaker tells AP&L greup<br />

Company wants te berrew $12 million<br />

Staff and eperatiens personnel dept to meve te LR<br />

AP&L shows healthy gains in customers and inceme<br />

Bids opened fer $12 million in building bends<br />

Firm. in $20 millien construction program in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Witness describes Oct 11. 1957 explosion at Stamps facility<br />

Testimony continues in trial ever blast at Stamps<br />

Metallurgist testifies in trial ever explesien at Stamps<br />

Second expert testifies in trial ever explosion<br />

Expert witnesses cite furnace as cause ef blast at Stamps<br />

Jury awards AP&L $1.658.634 in plant explesien at Stamps<br />

AP&L reports 13 anti-trust suits filed against manufacturers<br />

Rebert E Ritchie renamed AP&L president; sen is elevated<br />

Floyd W Lewis named vice president<br />

Reeves Ritchie elected president ef AP&L<br />

AP&L heats touring financiers at dinner meeting<br />

Reeves E Ritchie rose through company 's ranks<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> PRESS ASSOCIATION<br />

see Press Association. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> PRESS WOMEN<br />

see News and news media<br />


see also Contracts and purchasing. Govt<br />


see Probation Officers Association. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Public Health Asseciatien. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> RANGERS<br />

see Pelice<br />


see Hardware Association, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Retail<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> RIVER<br />

see Archeology and anthropelegy<br />

see Harbors. ports and marinas<br />

see Pollution<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


Pratt C Remmel heads firm formed te provide barges for river<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF<br />

Sonic beems damaged building, Scheel tells Gav Faubus<br />

Scheel asks $2. 437, 451 te replace antique building<br />

Building program begins with razing of administration bldg<br />


see Sheriffs Associatien, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> SHOE SUPPLY CO<br />

Jenesbero plant located in old armory building is dedicated<br />

Company swamped with applications for jobs<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> SPORTS HALL OF FAME<br />

see Athletics and sports<br />


1/26/61 C14<br />

3/ 8/61 B9<br />

4/ 9/61 Cl<br />

4/30/61 Al<br />

5/16/61 B7<br />

5/16/61 B7<br />

7/11/61 A6<br />

7/12/61 BlO<br />

7 /13/61 Bl<br />

7/14/61 Bll<br />

7 /15/61 A3<br />

7/19/61 BlO<br />

1/28/62 Al4<br />

5/ 16/62 Bl<br />

7/29/62 Cl<br />

9/28/62 Bl<br />

10/16/62 A6<br />

10/22/62 B7<br />

10/29/61 Cl<br />

4/28/61 Bl<br />

8/ 3/61 A3<br />

1/25/62 Bl<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

6<br />

7<br />

2<br />

8<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

5<br />

1<br />

3<br />

11/ 3/61 BlO 1<br />

11/26/61 A6 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

W M Shepherd named president<br />

New Frcntier preposals attacked by speaker Steve Stahl<br />

State had geed year with industrial growth, Chamber reports<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> STATE COLLEGE<br />

see alse Animals<br />

see also Construction programs, State<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

Plan on univ status clearly intended for <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Coll<br />

College band. ROTC cadets to attend JFK inaugural<br />

Federal gevt loan received fer new student union bldg<br />

House kills bid fer university status<br />

Pell shewed 5B pct believe <strong>Arkansas</strong> State should be univ<br />

College has record enrollment of 2,225<br />

College in danger of losing accreditation<br />

Officials were seeking univ status 5 menths ago<br />

ASC wees caused by everambition, Rep Harry B Celay says<br />

The problem at State (ed)<br />

Plans announced for fall term<br />

College te build million-dollar library bldg<br />

Dr Carl R Reng discusses funding ills<br />

ASC students seek change in campus highway<br />

Policy en political rallies is moderate<br />

Building a campus is struggle fer college<br />

Univ status fer ASC favored by candidate Vernon Whitten<br />

The university issue (ed en Vernon Whitten and ASC status)<br />

Gov Faubus would apprGV'e change in status of Ark State Coll<br />

Blaze destroys huge dairy barn at college farm<br />

Gazette says state cannot afford two state universities<br />

Jonesboro firm lew an bid fer new library at <strong>Arkansas</strong> State<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> STATE COLLEGE. Beebe Branch<br />

Ralph Underhill peints to efficiency ef school at Beebe<br />


see Electric pewer<br />


see also Basketball<br />

see also Construction programs , State<br />

see alse Football<br />

ASTC te add wing te Short derm fer wemen<br />

Plans announced fer epending of 55th regular fall term<br />

Speech clinic produces miracle ef speech fer child<br />

Alumni seek te build chapel on ASTC campus<br />

ASTC to clese Irby Demonstration Scheel<br />

How ASTC came te Conway and prospered<br />

ASTC sets enrollment record ef 2.271<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> STATESMAN<br />

see Contracts and purchasing, Govt<br />


see Teachers Association, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


Document was given by Mrs M H Watkins, ef LR<br />

Document signed by President Andrew Jackson goes to museum<br />

11/ 8/62 AB 5<br />

12/19/62 A2 1<br />

12/23/62 A3 6<br />

1/18/61 Al 2<br />

1/18/61 BB 3<br />

1/31/61 Bl 6<br />

2/10/61 Al 2<br />

2/10/61 Al 2<br />

2/11/61 A7 1<br />

7/20/61 Al 4<br />

7/20/61 Al 4<br />

7/21/61 Bl 5<br />

7/23/61 E4 2<br />

8/13/61 A17 1<br />

3/24/62 B6 8<br />

4/ 6/62 A2 l<br />

5/27 /62 Al2 3<br />

5/27 /62 Al2 3<br />

6/ 3/62 A4 1<br />

7/13/62 Bl 4<br />

7/14/62 A4 2<br />

7/17/62 Bl 8<br />

8/10/62 Bl 6<br />

8/21/62 A4 1<br />

B/22/62 Bl B<br />

8/17 /61 A4 4<br />

4/ 5/61 A8 4<br />

B/13/61 Al2 2<br />

10/15/61 ES 2<br />

11/ 9/61 A9 5<br />

3/24/62 A2 3<br />

5/ 3/62 Bl 3<br />

9/28/62 A6 6<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl<br />

3<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

The late Annette Dickisnon was W S Fulten's great-granddau<br />

Document given museum is appmt ef William Fulton as secy<br />

Restoration celebrates 20th anniversary ef its opening<br />

Photos of resteratien going en national tour<br />

Louise Watkins Wright Leughbereugh leaves estate to Comm<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />


Article en certificates given noted visitors to Ark<br />


see Legal profession<br />


see Tuberculosis Sanatorium, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> UTILITIES CO<br />

see Electric pewer<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> VALLEY BANK (Dardanelle)<br />

see Banks<br />


Dardanelle purchases Fox Deluxe Feeds , rents bldgs to AVI<br />

Ground broken fer hatchery, precessing plants at Waldren<br />

Dardanelle sets day te honor AVI<br />

Earnings triple last years 's<br />

AVI acquires three companies in Mississippi<br />

Conway County veters appreve bonds fer building plant<br />

Dardanelle plant to add 150 workers<br />

Subsidiary buys firms<br />

Less of $593,600 reported by AVI<br />

Earnings by AVI best in its history<br />

First AVI stock sold in Europe<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> VAULT CORP<br />

Lincoln County fraud suits testimony ends<br />

Federal Judge Henley says jurisdictien lacking in fraud case<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong> WRITERS CONFERENCE<br />

see Beeks and writing<br />

<strong>ARKANSAS</strong>-MISSOURI POWER CO<br />

see also Electric pewer<br />


Horse-and-buggy tewn (ed)<br />

Village was created by W R Stephens<br />

Old-style stagecoach built at Arkla Village buggy factory<br />

Heep and pusher game made at Ark La gees en market<br />


see Defense and armed forces<br />


see also Old State Hause (Ark)<br />


Henered by Little Reck Junior Chamber ef Commerce<br />


see United States - Army Cerps ef Engineers<br />

1/ 5-/-61 Bl 4<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl 5<br />

7/ 4/61 Bl 5<br />

10/12/61 Cl4 5<br />

12/21/62 A21 3<br />

3/ 4/62 E4 3<br />

2/24/61 A3 5<br />

3/17 /61 A23 2<br />

3/24/61 Bl 4<br />

5/ 5/61 A2 7<br />

11/28/61 B4 5<br />

4/25/62 BlO 6<br />

5/18/62 B13 2<br />

7/18/62 B1 4 1<br />

7/21/62 B6 1<br />

7/26/62 B6 1<br />

9/ 16/62 All 6<br />

4/27/61 ClO<br />

12/ 9/61 B2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

9/12/61 A4 2<br />

9/12/61 A4 2<br />

11/ 3/61 Bl 2<br />

12/10/61 C2 4<br />

2/ 1/62 C6 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see also Government empleyees. State<br />

ARSON<br />

see Fires<br />

ART<br />

see Culture and the arts<br />


see Culture and the arts<br />


see Culture and the arts<br />

ARTS<br />

see Culture and the arts<br />


see Education - Ash Flat<br />


see also Archeology and anthrepelegy<br />


Harrison man. twe women die f rem fumes in Bull Shoals cabin<br />

Bodies ef three men f eund in autemebile near Hughes<br />

Infant twins asphyxiated at Shaver Springs<br />

Three feund dead in heuse at Beebe<br />

Wem.an found dead in car atop rack in service station<br />

Man found dead in car at Caraway<br />

Hunter dies frem fumes in parked car<br />

Twin inf ants die in bed at heme<br />


Mrs Heward 0 Reeves. 2 young daughters. found stabbed<br />

Washington Ce Judge Bruce Crider injured in attack<br />

Man at Fayetteville slips into hemes. beats w01llen<br />

LR woman attacked in her heme by Negro youth<br />

Sixth woman reperts beating at Univ of Ark<br />

ASSESSMENT. Property<br />

see Taxation<br />


LR firm violated securities law. SEC says; accusation denied<br />

Securities firm is headed by Jess Paul Odom<br />


Fort Smith plant resumes work after 10 months<br />


see also Baseball<br />

see alse Basketball<br />

see also Defense and armed forces<br />

see alse Football<br />

see also Track and field<br />

Hall ef Fame inducts Len Warneke and Earl F Quigley<br />

Hugh Bezdek inducted into Hall ef Fame pesthumeusly<br />

Morley Jennings. Paul Runyan inducted inte Hall of Fame<br />

Little Reck Univ seeks to j ein NAIA<br />

Rele ef athletics in schools discussed at LR<br />

AIC rejects most proposed rules changes<br />

Warren Weodsen returns te ASTC fer reunion with his players<br />

2/27/61 Al 2<br />

11/10/61 Bl 4<br />

1/13/62 A5 1<br />

1/14/62 A2 1<br />

12/14/62 Bl 5<br />

12/15/62 A5 4<br />

12/17/62 B6 7<br />

12/18/62 Bll 1<br />

4/ 2/61 AlO 3<br />

3/16/62 AB 6<br />

4/ 3/62 AB 4<br />

4/14/62 A3 1<br />

5/20/62 A2 5<br />

7 /26/62 AlO 2<br />

7/26/62 AlO 2<br />

l/ 7 /61 A3 4<br />

1/20/61 B2 2<br />

1/20/61 B2 2<br />

1/20/61 B2 2<br />

3/12/61 b2 3<br />

3/31/61 A3 5<br />

4/ 9/61 B7 1<br />

6/18/61 B6 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

AIC votes mandatery reund rebin schedule fer athletics<br />

12/10/61 B4<br />

Jahn Tucker. Carey Selph in <strong>Arkansas</strong> Hall ef Fame<br />

12/17 /61 B2<br />

Ray Winder. Lynweed Rowe. Rube Rebinsen in Hall ef Fame 12/17/61 B2<br />

Biog sketch ef Jehn E Tucker. Ark Hall ef Fame inductee<br />

1/14/62 Bl<br />

Carey Selph. Lynweed Rowe chosen fer Ark Hall ef Fame<br />

1/14/-62 Bl<br />

Ray Winder and Rube Robinson chosen fer Ark Hall of Fame 1/14/-62 Bl<br />

Hall ef Fame induction is tonight<br />

1/18/62 B2<br />

Hall of Fame ceremony she1Vs neighborly teuch<br />

l/ 19/62 B2<br />

Charles Adcock hired as full-time paid AIC exec secy<br />

4/15/-62 B3<br />

Athletic deficits at colleges mentioned in ALC hearing<br />

12/ 5/62 Bl<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Hall of Fame te induct four new members in January 12/23/62 Bl<br />

Clyde Scott. Dutch Harrison named to <strong>Arkansas</strong> Hall of Fame 12/23/62 Bl<br />

George Cele. Russell May named te <strong>Arkansas</strong> Hall ef Fa.me 12/23/62 Bl<br />

Jee Garagiela enly master of ceremonies Ark Hall of Fame uses 12/23/62 Bl<br />

Scott. Clyde - Biog sketch ef Ark Hall ef Fa.me inductee 12/24/-62 B2<br />

Scett. Clyde - Biog sketch ef Ark Hall ef Fame inductee 12/25/62 Bl<br />

Scott. Clyde - Biog sketch ef Ark Hall ef Fa.me inductee 12/26/62 Bl<br />

Scott. Clyde - Bieg sketch of Ark Hall ef Fame inductee 12/27 /62 B2<br />

Scott. Clyde - Biog sketch of Ark Hall of Fame inductee 12/28/-62 B3<br />

Scott, Clyde - Biog sketch of Ark Hall of Fame inductee 12/29/62 B2<br />

Scott. Clyde - Biog sketch ef Ark Hall ef Fame inductee 12/31/62 B2<br />


see also Parks. recreation and tourism<br />


see Energy and pewer<br />


see also Contracts and purchasing, Gevt<br />

see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />

Bruce Bennett leaves office with NAACP battle still unsettled<br />

J Frank Holt Jr announces his seven assistants fer staff<br />

Jack Helt Sr trying to expedite emnibus expenditures suit<br />

Frank Holt Sr hespitalized in LR<br />

Frank Helt is Attorney General<br />

Bruce Bennett to seek effice if Frank Holt does net<br />

Bruce Bennett te seek return te office he gave up in 1960<br />

Bruce Bennett pays filing fee<br />

Thorp Themas files fer Dem nomination<br />

Sam H Boyce and Dave E Witt file fer Dem neminatien<br />

Thorp Thomas uninj ured when plan fell in field near Benton<br />

Candidate Sam H Boyce flays Bruce Bennett as 'has-been'<br />

Four candidates seek Democratic nomination<br />

Bruce Bennett wins election as attorney general<br />

Jack L Lessenberry named asst atty gen<br />

Frank Helt hiring employees wanted by new AG Bruce Bennett<br />


see alse United States - Attorneys<br />

AUDITOR (Ark)<br />

Jimmie (Red) Jones files fer re-election<br />

W B McSwain files fer Dem nomination<br />

Jimmie Jones easily wins re-election<br />


1/ 4/61 A3<br />

l/- 8/61 A9<br />

4/ 7/61 Al<br />

4/- 8/61 Al<br />

2/ 4/-62 A3<br />

3/29/-62 A2<br />

4/14/62 A2<br />

4/17 /-62 Bl<br />

4/-27 /62 A6<br />

5/ 3/62 Al<br />

5/-11/62 A2<br />

7/ 5/62 B3<br />

7 /-29/62 Al2<br />

8/01/62 A2<br />

8/28/62 A2<br />

12/ 9/62 A6<br />

4/ 7/62 A2<br />

5-/ 3/62 Al<br />

8/ 2/62 Al<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

7<br />

7<br />

6<br />

2<br />

5<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

5<br />

5<br />

3<br />

1<br />

5<br />

5<br />

8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Education - Pulaski County District<br />


see also Apiary Board (Ark)<br />

see alse Publicity and Parks Cemmissien (Ark)<br />


see also Weather and sterms<br />

AUTOMOB ILE CLUB, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Berry. Hamer F<br />

see al.so Taxation<br />


see Autemebiles and autemebile drivers<br />


see also Contracts and purchasing, Gevt<br />

see alse Museums<br />

see also Parking facilities<br />

see also Robberies and thefts<br />

see alse Taxation<br />

see also Traffic accidents, vielatens and safety<br />

State Rep David Pryer wants license deadline extended<br />

Gov Faubus opposes extension ef license purchase time<br />

State has new law al.lowing right turn en red signal<br />

List of persons awning 100 lowest license numbers<br />

Proposal to license dealers draws manufacturers ' opposition<br />

Senate defeats bill creating meter Vehicle Commission<br />

Summary ef Senate arguments against Meter Vehicle Cemm<br />

Licensing aute dealers (ed)<br />

Senate reverses itself, votes fer Meter Vehicle Comm<br />

Senate passes bill setting two prices fer auto tags<br />

Legis approves pasting driver's license instead of bail<br />

Gov Faubus signs bill creating Meter Vehicle Commission<br />

Penalty point system fer drivers is defeated in Senate<br />

Illegal vete in House passes raise in auto license fee<br />

Gazette critical ef restructuring of license fee schedule<br />

Rep Alvis W Stokes to fight te void license fee vote<br />

Semeene voted fer Rep Alvis W Stakes en aute license fee<br />

Pretest ever aute license vete was late, J P Bethell says<br />

Gov Orval Faubus vetoes funds fer driver education programs<br />

Gov Faubus vetoes flat license fee rates<br />

Petition attacks validity ef Meter Vehicle Commissi0n Act<br />

Petitions filed fer vete te repeal Meter Vehicle Comm act<br />

2 antique autemebiles frem James Melton collection te be seld<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller buys twe James Melton antique cars<br />

List ef license owners with lewest numbers<br />

State Police want single agency te handle driver licensing<br />

Ark began requiring driver licenses in 1937<br />

Mr and Mrs Andrew Waldo made trip to Calif in 1921 by auto<br />

Referred Act 199 te regulate car sales defeated by voters<br />


Instruments ease landing hazards at Adams Field<br />

Jay Harry Stacy Sr missing in $60,000 borrewed plane<br />

Jay Harry Stacy Sr found dead in wrecked plane<br />

1/31/61 Al 4<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 4<br />

2/ 8/61 A7 3<br />

2/16/61 A9 1<br />

2/16/61 Bl 7<br />

2/24/61 A2 l<br />

2/24/61 A2 1<br />

2/24/61 A4 2<br />

2/25/61 Al 6<br />

2/28/61 Al 7<br />

3/ 8/61 A2 3<br />

3/ 9/61 AS 1<br />

3/ 9/61 A7 6<br />

3/10/61 Al 6<br />

3/11/61 A4 l<br />

3/12/61 A4 8<br />

3/12/61 A4 8<br />

3/14/61 A3 l<br />

3/17/61 Bl2 1<br />

3/18/61 Al 4<br />

4/28/61 Bl 7<br />

6/ 6/61 Bl 2<br />

1/28/62 Al5 3<br />

2/15/62 Bl 5<br />

2/25/62 A7 1<br />

3/18/62 Al 2<br />

4/ 8/62 E4 1<br />

4/29/62 E5 2<br />

11/27/62 Bl 5<br />

1/ 1/61 A3 l<br />

1/ 1/61 BlO 3<br />

1/ 2/61 Al 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Editorial tribute te Jay Harry Stacy Sr<br />

Widews cf Save-A-Step officials settle plane crash suit<br />

Misseurian feund dead in plane ruins near Bald Kneb<br />

Twe men injured as plane crashes near Lake Village<br />

Three Texans killed in crash at Amity<br />

State has aeronautics laws on paper. but ne funding<br />

Hewell Oliver. 23. killed in crash of stolen plane<br />

Trans-Texas Airways adds Jenesbere to system<br />

Bomb jeke backfires en passenger bearding at LR<br />

Plane crash in Independence Ceunty kills three Texans<br />

Texans ' bodies found in flooded Black River bottoms<br />

Girl pilot. 16. lost ever Ark fer three hours<br />

Search on for plane believed dawn in Walnut Ridge area<br />

FAA reccmmends airport imprevements in Ark<br />

Two injured when light plane crashed near NLR<br />

Andrew L Clark files suit in crash ef jet ever LR in 1960<br />

Crash at Dumas kills Tommy Denton and his sen<br />

Govt to pay $210,000 te widows of men killed in 1958 crash<br />

Plane makes emergency landing in clearing in Newton County<br />

Plane flewn f rem clearing in Newton County mountains<br />

LR pilot hurt in crash in weeded area near city<br />

Little Reck airport enters the jet age<br />

Blimp Mayflower II to visit LR<br />

Plane wreckage, bodies feund en mtn peak northwest ef Mena<br />

Plane crash near Paragould kills one, injures twe<br />

Twe men killed in plane crash at Pine Bluff<br />

Plane crash in southwestern Carrell County kills 2. hurts 1<br />

Second victim ef crash in Carroll County identified<br />

Plan crash near Star City kills local pilot<br />

Pilot in crash ef military plane crash near Bald Knob<br />

Civil Air Patrol continues te render essential work<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Aviation Sales gets contract to fly ven Braun<br />

B-47 engine that exploded near Arkadelphia never found<br />

Court hears testimony in B-47 crash damage suit<br />

Plane piloted by Murray Rogers missing in south Louisiana<br />

Four died when plane fall north of Het Springs<br />

Plane crash kills two men near Het Springs<br />

Four Texans die in plane crash in hills near Mena<br />

Adams Field will build its awn fire and crash building<br />

LRAFB jet crashes in Texas; 2 die, 1 hurt<br />

Terry Aircraft Inc planes used fer agricultural purposes<br />

Plane crash near DeWitt fatal to twe<br />

Plane crash near Wynne fatal te four<br />

Several Arkansans escape injury in crash at Knoxville. Tenn<br />

Adams Field opens parking let for private planes<br />

Fred K Darragh Jr en sole flight around werld<br />

Fred K Karragh Jr returns frem flight around world<br />

Stuttgart, Hepe airports listed in study critical ef FAA<br />

Siloam Springs dedicates new airport<br />

Three injured by helicopter landing at Christmas party<br />

Bob Lane sets up charter service called Air-Lane at LR<br />

1/ 3/61 A4 2<br />

1/24/61 Bl 4<br />

2/ 4/61 B3 5<br />

2/13/61 A8 2<br />

2/17 /61 Bl 7<br />

2/19/61 ES 1<br />

2/22/61 Bl 2<br />

3/ 1/61 Bl 3<br />

3/ 9/61 Al 6<br />

3/21/61 Al 2<br />

3/22/61 AlO 2<br />

3/26/61 Al 4<br />

4/ 2/61 AlO 6<br />

4/25/61 A7 l<br />

5/21/61 Al4 4<br />

6/21/61 Bl 7<br />

7/13/61 B6 4<br />

8/15/61 A6 1<br />

8/21/-61 BlO 4<br />

8/25/-61 A6 1<br />

8/-28/61 A3 1<br />

9/27/61 Bl 2<br />

10/-13/61 A3 3<br />

10/-18/-61 Bl 5<br />

10/23/61 Al 2<br />

11/13/61 Al 6<br />

11/28/61 Al 3<br />

11/29/61 Bl 4<br />

12/ 1/61 Al6 2<br />

12/ 3/61 A2 5<br />

12/ 3/61 ES 2<br />

12/10/61 Al4 3<br />

12/15/-61 A2 6<br />

12/15/61 A2 6<br />

1/11/62 Bl 5<br />

1/15/62 Al 7<br />

1/25/62 Bl 2<br />

3/22/62 A.1 s<br />

4/ 1/62 Cl2 2<br />

4/11/62 Al 7<br />

4/11/62 El 2<br />

4/22/62 Al2 1<br />

6/27 /62 Al 6<br />

8/ 7/-62 Al 6<br />

8/-19/62 Al2 5<br />

9/ 8/62 Al 2<br />

10/ 6/62 B6 4<br />

10/18/62 Bl 8<br />

11/ 3/62 A3 2<br />

11/18/62 A2 3<br />

12/21/62 B9 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


Runner-up in <strong>Arkansas</strong> Poultry Princess contest<br />

Chosen Southeast District Forest Queen<br />

Denna Axum named <strong>1961</strong>-62 Forest Queen<br />

Named state Forest Queen<br />

Interview with Forest Queen<br />

Miss Axum has spent busy year as <strong>Arkansas</strong> Forest Queen<br />

Named National Cotton Picking Contest queen<br />


Mrs Babcock was founder ef Natural History Museum at LR<br />

Nationally noted author, historian dies at Petit Jean home<br />

Editorial salute te the late Mrs Babcock<br />

Mrs Babcock made notable contributions te literature<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />


see also Sex crimes<br />


see also United States - Department of Agriculture<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />

see alse Highway Department (Ark)<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Reads<br />


see Feed<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see also Politics and elections<br />


see alse Books and writing<br />

see alse Harding College<br />

Letter on Africa and cold war<br />

Letter on congressional investigations of crime, Communism<br />

Bales insists Communism is biggest threat te world<br />

Letter en free speech<br />

Letter on clergy and communism<br />

Letter on communism and socialism<br />

Letter en Norman Thomas and socialism<br />

Letter on Linus Pauling and cemmunism<br />

Cellaberating with Pat Beene en anti-communism book fer teens<br />

Letter en communist mevements<br />

Letter en socialism<br />

Letter en problems in the Congo<br />

Bales sees conflicts in JFK statements<br />

Letter on <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gaz ette and dealing with the Reds<br />

Letter en Senator J W Fulbright's military memorandum<br />

Letter on communism and witch-hunts<br />

Letter te editor<br />

Letter en communism 's expansionism<br />

6/ 11/61 Al 5<br />

8/ 17/61 Al 3<br />

9/ 2;/61 A3 4<br />

9/ 2/61 A3 4<br />

4/ 4/62 Bl 2<br />

8/21/62 Bl 3<br />

10/ 6/62 A2 3<br />

6/ 15/62 Bll 2<br />

6/15/62 Bll 2<br />

6/16/62 A4 1<br />

7 /22/62 E4 1<br />

1/14/61 A4<br />

1/27/61 A4<br />

2/ 28/61 A4<br />

4/30/61 E4<br />

5/15/61 A4<br />

5/15/61 A4<br />

6/ 7/61 A4<br />

6/1 7/61 A4<br />

6/ 30/61 Al<br />

8/14/61 A4<br />

10/16/61 A4<br />

11/15/61 A4<br />

11/-24/-61 A4<br />

12/ 2/ 61 A4<br />

12/ 19/61 A4<br />

1/15/62 A4<br />

9/29/62 A4<br />

10/26/62 A6<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

BALFOUR. L G. CO<br />

see alse Jewelry and jewels<br />

BALL. N K<br />

see alse Milwhite Ce Inc<br />


Donates funds fer classreems at Fort Smith school<br />

BANK OF <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see Robberies and thefts<br />


see Robberies and thefts<br />


see Banks<br />


see Robberies and thefts<br />


Two suits against Bankers dropped<br />


see First Security Life Insurance Co<br />


Gev Faubus names Jame T Karam to beard<br />


see also Hester Mobile Heme Manufacturing Inc<br />

see alse Life and Industrial Companies Inc<br />

see alse Villa Mobile Hemes Manufacturing Cerp<br />

Lee Cazert Sr retiring as bankuptcy referee in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

New bankruptcy referee is Arnold M Adams<br />

Bankruptcy is new field fer Referee Arnold M Adams<br />

BANKS<br />

see also Taxation<br />

Legis gets bill to allew detached teller windows<br />

Bill to control branch banks in Ark runs into fire<br />

Senate passes teller window bill<br />

Legislature passes bill fer separate teller windows<br />

Paul Van Dalsem foresees day when Ark has only large banks<br />

Jerry Screeten put en beth sides in two lawsuits ever leans<br />

Suit over leans invelve Prairie Cunty Bank and Jerry Screeten<br />

Program of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Bankers Assn cenv outlined<br />

About 900 persons registered for Ark Bankers Assn cenvention<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Bankers Assn endorses proposed state bend program<br />

Bankers approval of construction bend rigged. member says<br />

American Natl of NLR expands to meet demands<br />

Commercial Natl Bank names Ress E Andersen president<br />

Commonwealth Federal Savings observes 50th anniversary<br />

Approval given for <strong>Arkansas</strong> Valley Bank at Dardanelle to open<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Bank and Trust Bldg at Het Springs completed<br />

Worthen Bank and Trust te start new trust service<br />

Column on W W Campbell and National Bank of Eastern <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Dean of Batesville bankers H M Kennerly retires<br />

Commonwealth Federal S&L plans new building at LR<br />

First Natl at Warren meves into new building<br />

First Natl of Springdale opens new headquarters<br />

12/28/61 Bl 5<br />

2/ 3/61 Bl2 1<br />

5/10/62 Bl 7<br />

12/19/61 Bl 4<br />

12/19/61 Bl 4<br />

12/31/61 A12 5<br />

2/ 3/61 AB 4<br />

2/10/61 Bl 8<br />

2/21/61 Al 6<br />

2/28/61 Bl 8<br />

2/28/61 Bl 8<br />

4/15/61 AS 5<br />

5/ 7/61 A4 5<br />

5/21/61 C2 7<br />

5/24/61 B9 l<br />

5/25/61 B7 1<br />

5/27/61 Al 3<br />

6/ 1/61 BS l<br />

6/17/61 A2 2<br />

6/18/61 C3 3<br />

7/28/61 Bl 4<br />

11/23/61 Bl 3<br />

11/25/61 B7 1<br />

12/19/61 Bl 3<br />

2/11/62 F6 1<br />

5-/10/62 Bl 4<br />

8-/17/62 Bl 2<br />

8/19/62 Cl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Bank ef Quitman opens new facility<br />

Harlan Lane sues directers ef Merchants and Planters Bank<br />

Defendants in Merchants Bank at Clarendon case answer suit<br />

Citizens Bank of Jenesbere adds three £leers te building<br />


see alse Fruit and vegetables<br />


New stare in LR te be dedicated. formally opened<br />


see alse Gambling<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />

8/19/62 Cl<br />

9/12/62 Bl<br />

10/13/62 A2<br />

10/-28/62 Cl<br />

10/15/61 E8<br />

Baptists buy campground near Faren<br />

2/28/61 B8<br />

Pulaski County Assn te divide into two associations<br />

3/ 2/61 Bl<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist Newsmagazine opposes state bend issue<br />

3/28/61 Bl<br />

Dr A R Reddin re-elected head of North American Baptist Assn 3/30/61 A2<br />

American Baptist Assn elects Arkansans te natl offices<br />

6/30/61 Bl<br />

Deeter. dentist take 2 weeks eff te treat Panama Indians 71 9/61 A3<br />

Rev and Mrs Wendell Welch report en tour of Israel<br />

8/13/61 E2<br />

Independent Baptists combine preaching. anti-communism cause 9/30/61 A6<br />

General Baptist Church holding national meeting in LR<br />

10/18/61 A7<br />

Pulaski County Assn divides inte two associations<br />

10/22/61 AS<br />

State Convention te vete en record budget this week<br />

11/ 5/61 A3<br />

Dr Bernes K Selph addresses Baptist State Cenventien<br />

11/ 8/61 Al<br />

Rev C Z Helland elected president of State Baptist Cenv ll/ 9/61 Al<br />

Rev C Z Helland has ability to find a middle ground<br />

11/ 9/61 A6<br />

Baptist State Cenv urges cleanup ef vice and crime in Ark 11/10/61 Al<br />

List of beard members elected for varieus agencies<br />

11/10/61 Al<br />

Ruth J Vandenburg helps Baptists take root in Indonesia 11/24/61 A9<br />

Lewisville First Baptist dedicates new education building 11/25/61 A6<br />

Arkadelphia's First Baptist votes to accept foreign Negroes 2/ 7/62 Bl<br />

Rev W 0 Vaught Jr endorses court ban en prescribed prayers 7/ll/62 Bl<br />

Erwin McDonald. Dale Cowling back Supreme Ct on prayer ruling 7/14/62 AB<br />

S A Whitlow, Herschel H Hobbs agree with Supreme Ct ruling 7/20/62 Bl<br />

Clearing the issues en church and state (ed)<br />

7/22/62 E2<br />

University Baptist at Fayetteville dedicates new auditorium 9/ 8/62 Bl2<br />

Executive Bd of Ark Baptist State Cenv approves record budget 9/21/62 Bl<br />

Ark Baptist State Cenv set te open in LR<br />

11/ 4/62 El2<br />

Baptist State Convention names officers<br />

11/ 8/62 Bl<br />

Dr H E Williams urges Baptists te raise funds fer Ouachita 11/ 8/62 Bl<br />

Appointments to boards and cam.missions end <strong>1962</strong> convention 11/ 9/62 A2<br />


see Medicine and health<br />

BAR ASSOCIATION, American<br />

Mid-South regional meeting to be held in Ark<br />

11/ 5/62 A3<br />

BAR ASSOCIATION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Legal pref essien<br />


see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />

BARNETT. J C<br />

see alse Maumelle<br />


5<br />

2<br />

6<br />

2<br />

6<br />

4<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

8<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

6<br />

1<br />

7<br />

4<br />

3<br />

7<br />

1<br />

3<br />

5<br />

5<br />

3<br />

6<br />

8<br />

l<br />

4<br />

8<br />

1<br />

6<br />

8<br />

1<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Birch, Jehn, Society<br />

see also Censtitutien (Ark)<br />


see also Presbyterian Church<br />


see also Gambling<br />

Ceurt lifts padlock erder en The Keg tavern near NLR<br />

Crawn Club near LR raided and clesed<br />

Order sought te padlock North Little Reck AmVets Club<br />

Four Jefferson County clubs close bars after warnings<br />

Am.Vets Club at NLR padlocked as a nuisance<br />

AmVets Club te reopen en condition ef geed conduct<br />

Meese Club at NLR gets warning. reopens<br />

AmVets Club near NLR padlocked third time in 18 moths<br />

Pulaski Grand Jury wants tighter rein en private clubs<br />

Judge sees public benefit if Hollywood Club burns<br />

Judges adopt rules aimed at crackdown en clubs<br />

Judge revokes charter ef Red Gate Supper Club<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />

BARTON, T H<br />

Clese relatives fall heir te mest ef Barton estate<br />


Article en Little Reck Midgets team ef 1901<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> has produced many tep pref essional baseball stars<br />


C H Muncy of Het Springs. makes beautiful baskets<br />


Lake City High Schoel player dies during game<br />

Column en <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> 's James Paul Lovelady and his career<br />

Arkanas <strong>Tech</strong> star James P Lovelady critically injured<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> 's John P Levelady still critical<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> wins AIC championship with win over Southern St<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> 's John P Levelady taken eff critical list<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong>'s James Paul Levelady dies of injuries<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> Wonder Beys pay respects to James P Levelady<br />

Lovelady family goes to Pine Bluff to support Ark <strong>Tech</strong> team<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong>. ASTC in finals ef NAIA Dist playeffs<br />

ASTC Bears defeat <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> fer trip to natl tournament<br />

All-AIC team named<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> 's Kenny Saylors leads All-AIC ballets<br />

ASTC Bears draw top seed for NAIA taurney opener<br />

ASTC falls to top-ranked Westminster in NAIA tourney. 68-60<br />

Viela girls team has wen 116 games in a rew<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> wins third straight AIC championship<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> faces Ouachita in NAIA Dist 17 title game<br />

Ouachita demolishes <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong>. 110-88 in NAIA Dist final<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> 's Kenny Saylors en 2nd team Little All-America<br />

Gazette 's All-AIC team chosen<br />

Ouachita suffers 95-70 less in NAIA tourney<br />

Ouachita defeats <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> fer AAU women's championship<br />

1/18/61 B3 3<br />

2/ 9/61 All 1<br />

2/10/61 Bll 2<br />

3/18/61 BlO 2<br />

8/ 3/61 Cl4 3<br />

8/ 11/61 Bl6 4<br />

9/20/61 B14 2<br />

12/20/61 BlO 4<br />

9/25/62 A5 1<br />

10/18/62 A14 2<br />

11/22/62 A3 1<br />

12/ 1/62 BB 1<br />

1/29/61 A5 4<br />

1/28/62 Bl 4<br />

12/ 9/62 ElO 1<br />

9/20/61 Bl 2<br />

l/28/61 B2 4<br />

1/31/61 B2 1<br />

2/13/61 Bl 4<br />

2/14/61 B2 2<br />

2/15/61 B4 1<br />

2/15/61 B4 3<br />

2/24/61 B2 6<br />

2/25/61 Bl 2<br />

2/26/61 Bl 3<br />

2/28/61 Bl 2<br />

3/ 1/61 B2 5<br />

3/ 5/61 B4 1<br />

3/ 5/61 B4 1<br />

3/11/61 Bl l<br />

3/15/61 B2 2<br />

1/19-/62 B4 3<br />

2/28/62 B2 6<br />

3/ 6/62 B2 3<br />

3-/ 7 /62 B2 3<br />

3/ 9/62 BS 1<br />

3/11/62 B7 1<br />

3/13/62 B2 2<br />

3/18/62 B6 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong>'s Kenny Saylors named first team All-American<br />

Deer High Scheel player. Jerry Edgmon, dies during game<br />

Little Reck Central may get its first Negre player<br />


see alse Cherekee Village<br />


see alse Gambling<br />


see alse Beeks and writing<br />

Files suit seeking desegregation of New Orleans hotels<br />

BATES, L C<br />

see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see also Government employees, State<br />


see alse Histeric buildings and sites<br />

Fire ruins one building, damages another<br />


Unien vote set at plant<br />

Batesville Chamber of Commerce urges defeat ef union<br />

Union loses plant election<br />

BAUCUM HOUSE (Little Reck)<br />

see Historic buildings and sites<br />

BAUM, ED<br />

see also Catholic Church<br />


Committee of wemen representing labor picket Bauman 's<br />


see also Reynalds Metals Ce<br />

BAUXITE (Mineral)<br />

Report on bauxite in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Archeology and anthropology<br />

Court orders vote records in Demecratic primary revealed<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


Mountain Heme te get major drug firm<br />


Bayles has extensive collection ef photos of Madison County<br />


see also Rivers and lakes<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />

BAZOOKA (Musical Instrument)<br />

see also Acters and entertainers<br />


see alse Medicine and health<br />

BEAN, W G. Family<br />

Family provided music up and dewn Ark rivers in early 1900s<br />


4/ 1/62 B3 1<br />

11/18/62 C4 1<br />

12/ 5/62 B4 6<br />

12/ 9/62 Al 4<br />

8/ 7/61 A3 1<br />

3/22/62 A7 1<br />

4/ 5/62 Bl 6<br />

4/21/62 A2 6<br />

4/22/61 A6 4<br />

1/ 1/61 D3<br />

8/19/62 A8<br />

8/ 2/62 Bl<br />

12/16/62 E5<br />

11/29/61 Bl<br />

1<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Courts. State and lecal<br />

see alse Western <strong>Arkansas</strong> Telephone Ce<br />


Firm te open plant in old factery building at Bentonville<br />


State ESD employee headed fer similar pest in Washington<br />


see alse Censtructien programs, State<br />

State Senater named in alienatien of affection suit<br />


see alse Methodist Church<br />

see also Ministerial Asseciatien. Greater Little Rock<br />

BEARS<br />

see Animals<br />

see History (Ark)<br />


see alse Nursing hemes<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Junior Miss<br />

see alse Cherry Blessem Queen<br />

see also Dairy Princess<br />

see also Maid ef Cotten<br />

see also Miss America<br />

see also Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Miss Teen-Age USA<br />

see also Razorback Jubilee<br />

BEAVER<br />

see alse Hotels<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Pellutien, wastes and hazardous materials<br />


Letter of support fer medicare<br />


see alse Murders - Fuller, Sue Helen<br />

BEER<br />

see Alcoholic beverages<br />

BEES<br />

Hill folk still practice bee keeping in old way<br />


see also Geverner (Ark)<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

BELL, SAM<br />

Former convict chgd in shooting of nephew at Plumerville<br />

Sam Bell shot and killed 4 persons at Selgehachia in 1915<br />

Sam Bell held in sheeting ef his newphew, Billy Bob Bell<br />

Samuel Bell dies in state prisen at age 74<br />

Samuel Bell was convicted ef killing 4 persens in 1915<br />


Retirement and recreational area may locate near Bentonville<br />

11/10/61 AlO 4<br />

11/19/61 A13 6<br />

9/28/61 Al3 1<br />

8/19/61 A4<br />

7/ 1/62 E6<br />

11/19/61 A3<br />

11/19/61 A3<br />

11/19/61 Bl<br />

12/ 1/62 B8<br />

12/ l/62 BB<br />

12/18/62 Bl<br />

3<br />

l<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see alse Retail stares<br />


Dispute ever breiler heuse brings discord to city gevt<br />


see alse Capital Building and Grounds (Ark)<br />

see alse Christian Church<br />


Blytheville native is president ef large recording company<br />

Fictional animal Alvin the Chipmunk named fer Bennett<br />

Party te honor Bennett visit te Mississippi County<br />


see also Attorney General (Ark)<br />

Bennett reveals private life plans<br />

Sued by Ad Craft of <strong>Arkansas</strong>. Bennett countersues<br />

Bennett and Ad Craft Inc settle suit ever account<br />


see also Colleges. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Feundatien of Associated<br />


see alse Pulaski County<br />


see also Congress - Senate (Class I)<br />

see also Harding College<br />

Dr Benson speaks te Pine Bluff Citizens Council<br />

Links liquor, communism in talk at Merrilten<br />


see alse Education - Benton District<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


see alse Loitering and vagrancy<br />

see also Medicine and health<br />

Fire damages downtown building<br />

BERKOW ITZ. ABE (Mrs)<br />

see also Clinton<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


see alse Funerals and mortuaries<br />


Berry claims he is responsible fer rain that fell at NLR<br />

Rain machine used by Berry described<br />

Berry offers city-wide air cenditiening fer $500 monthly fee<br />

Radie statien KLRA hires Berry te produce rain at LR<br />

Berry disclaims puny showers; he werks en real rain<br />

Berry claims downpour at LR is his doing; Weather Bureau mum<br />

Radie station has rain tested fer silver iedide<br />

Maj Berry gets paid fer rainmaking, premises mere prejects<br />

Flippin threatens te sue Berry fer diverting rain te LR<br />

The rain-maker (ed)<br />

Rainmaker bombards skies te lure reluctant showers<br />

7/13/61 Bl 3<br />

8/21/62 AB 5<br />

8/21/62 AB 5<br />

8/21/62 AB 5<br />

l/ 7 /61 A3 4<br />

1/31/61 A3 4<br />

8/ 2/61 BlO 7<br />

l/31/62 BlO 3<br />

11/ 6/62 Bl 3<br />

3/22/61 Bl 6<br />

6/ 3/62 A1 5 1<br />

6/ 3/62 Al5 l<br />

8/22/62 Al 4<br />

8/23/62 Al 5<br />

8/24/62 Al 2<br />

8/25/62 Al 2<br />

8/25/62 Al 2<br />

8/26/62 Al 2<br />

8/26/62 Al 4<br />

8/26/62 E2 2<br />

8/28/62 A2 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Berry hard at werk with his rain-making machine<br />

Berry announces retirement f rem rainmaking<br />

Berry heads fer Joiner fer ene last try at rain-making<br />

Berry claims credit fer rain. is paid, retires again<br />

Rainmaker may have done jeb tee well, columnist writes<br />

Rainmaking tactics draw seme skepticism<br />

Making it rain (editorials en Berry 's werk)<br />

Berry effers plan te prevent rain during Ark Livestock Shew<br />

Berry and Expesitien agree; he will try te prevent rain<br />

Berry trying te steer rain away frem Ark Livesteck Shew<br />

Berry sets up apparatus near Livestock Show Grounds<br />

Berry gets pay fer keeping rain away from Livestock Show<br />

Berry feels snow fer Christmas is doubtful<br />

Berry says snow fer Christmas a sure thing<br />

Maj Berry claims snow is his Christmas gift te Ark<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Autemebile Club bills Berry fer harm snow caused<br />

Berry will bill Aute Club since he changed sleet to snow<br />


see also Educatien<br />


see alse Laundries<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />

see also Land and real estate<br />


see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also<br />

see alse<br />


see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

Consumer pretectien<br />

Pulaski County<br />

Alcoholic beverages<br />

Construction programs. State<br />

Taxatien<br />

Seft drink battlers fought off tax. then raised prices<br />


see alse Athletics and sports<br />


Ark Supreme Ct rules fer Big Reck in damage suit<br />

BIGAMY<br />

see Van Rippy, David Reginald<br />


see Advertising<br />


see also Education - Little Reck District<br />


Dr Lee Smith says Seciety has chapters in Ark<br />

Article en semi-secret right-wing organization<br />

Rebert B Snowden says Society gre111ing fast in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

The abhorrent doctrine ef the Birch Society (ed)<br />

Mrs Edson L Bishop is defender of John Birch Society goals<br />

State editors note coming ef John Birch Society<br />

8/29/62 Bl 2<br />

8/30/62 Al 4<br />

8/31/-62 AlO 4<br />

9/ 2/62 A9 6<br />

9/ 7/-62 Bl 2<br />

9/12/62 AB 4<br />

9/16/62 E3 3<br />

9/21/-62 Al5 4<br />

9/23/62 Al 6<br />

10/ 1/62 Al 3<br />

10/ 2/62 Al 4<br />

10/11/62 Bl 5<br />

12/ 6/62 Bl 2<br />

12/23/62 Al 5<br />

12/25/-62 Al 7<br />

12/27/62 Al 3<br />

12/27/62 Al 3<br />

8/20/61 E5 1<br />

3/28/ 61 Bl2 1<br />

3/22-/61 A4 2<br />

3/26/61 E5 2<br />

3/27/61 Al 4<br />

3/27/61 A4 1<br />

4/ 7/61 Al 6<br />

4/ 9/61 E4 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

UA Law Dean Ralph Barnhart raps Birchists as immature<br />

Dale Al.ferd defends Gen Edwin A Walker. demands restoratien<br />

Christian Church eppeses Birch-type activities<br />

Letters critical ef Dr Ralph Barnhart's statements on loyalty<br />

Mrs Alfred Lippman Jr. 0 D Hadfield Jr en Endorsers Comm<br />

BIRDS<br />

see Agriculture<br />

see Wildlife<br />


Plant ta be built at Searcy<br />


Mrs L B Fendern chgd at Fert Smith with inducing abortions<br />

Penalty slated for Mrs L B Fondren en abortion charges<br />

Mrs L D Fondren gets 7 yrs in abortion case at Fart Smith<br />

Pharmacy Bd te crack down on illegal sales ef contraceptives<br />

Sales ef contraceptives limited ta pharmacies by state law<br />

Dr Richard M Rutledge. nurse Helen Kelso face abortion chgs<br />

Hot Springs abortien clinic operated in apartment building<br />

Second charge filed against Rutledge and Kelso<br />

BISHOP, EDSON L (Mrs)<br />

see also Birch, John, Society<br />

see alse Politics and elections<br />

see also States Rights Party. National<br />


Wild bear hunting preserve proves successful in Ozarks<br />


see also Treasure-trove<br />


Ark Supreme Ct orders mere evidence en typewritten will<br />

Court te hear new evidence in carbon copy will case<br />

Lecation ef typewriter is big issue in retrial ef lawsuit<br />

Carbon will ruled valid second time<br />

Walter L Black Sr dies: sen seeks to take father 's claim<br />

Ark Supreme Ct declares carbon will a forgery<br />

Forged will beneficiary seeks $7,881 in fees<br />

Administrix says estate lest $15,482<br />

Four file new claim te disputed Ward estate<br />

Lawyers fer Clio Tompson entitled te fee from estate. ct says<br />

Walter L Black Jr says cost in ferged will case is $18,868<br />

NW Ark family testify in support of claim te Black estate<br />

Thomas Jefferson Black mentioned enly 3 sens in his 1935 will<br />

Trial postponed while Black family history searched<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


see alse Highway Department (Ark)<br />


see alse Junior Chamber ef Commerce<br />


NLRB aide recommends citing firm as unfair te labor<br />

Reeter firm wins round with workers ever unfair labor chg<br />

4/15/61 Al<br />

4/20/61 Al<br />

4/22/61 A2<br />

4/25/61 A4<br />

12/17/61 A3<br />

6/ 7/62 All<br />

1/12/61 A2<br />

1/19/61 Bl<br />

3/ 1/61 Bl<br />

8/ 8/62 A6<br />

8/ 8/62 A6<br />

11/ 7/62 Bl<br />

ll/ 7/62 Bl<br />

11/ 9/62 All<br />

4/ 8/62 B7<br />

2/28/61 B8<br />

4/ 9/61 A4<br />

4/26/61 Bll<br />

5/ 7/61 A13<br />

9/24/61 C3<br />

12/19/61 Bl<br />

2/ 8/62 Cl4<br />

3/30/62 Bll<br />

10/ 3/62 BlO<br />

11/20/62 A5<br />

12/ 9/62 C12<br />

12/13/62 BS<br />

12/14/62 A22<br />

12/14/62 A22<br />

3/20/62 Bl<br />

11/29/62 A2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

7<br />

3<br />

1<br />

l<br />

8<br />

8<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

8<br />

8<br />

4<br />

6<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

l<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

BLAIR. L D<br />

see alse Werkmen 's Cempensation Cemmission (Ark)<br />


see alse Villa Mobile Hemes Manufacturing Corp<br />


see also Government employees<br />

see also Gevernor (Ark)<br />


Recalls his career as riverboat skipper<br />


Donates cellectien of Lincoln materials te LRU <strong>Library</strong><br />

Gazette commends Blankenship fer gift to LRU<br />

BLASS CO<br />

Premetiens ef five executives announced<br />

Blass te epen elegant new Fashien First facility<br />


see also Politics and elections<br />

BLIND<br />

see Handicapped<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />


see Fraternities and serorities<br />


see Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />


see Veterans<br />


see also Electric power<br />

see also Hester Mobile Home Manufacturing Inc<br />

City authorizes Urban Renewal planning<br />

Utility rates are political issue at Blytheville<br />

Blytheville AFB annexed by city<br />


see Alcoholic beverages<br />

see Education - Gosnell District<br />


see also Trade schools<br />


Shivering youth end canee trip on Ouachita River<br />

In-board motor exploded en Lake Hamilton injuring 8<br />

Bey killed en Lake Ouachita by boat driven by 14-yr-old<br />

Yeuth bound te grand jury in beat death at Hot Springs<br />

Suit filed over explosion ef boat en Lake Hamilton<br />

David T Blankenship recalls days as riverboat skipper<br />

William L Tedford and crew try te set mark en Mississippi<br />

Fouled meter halts William L Tedferd's river run<br />


see Education - Bodcaw District<br />

1/10/62 Bl 2<br />

5/11/61 C14 7<br />

5/15/61 A4 1<br />

12/20/61 A2 2<br />

8/26/62 A13 1<br />

5/17/61 Bl 8<br />

10/ 4/61 Bl 5<br />

6/ 3/62 A12 6<br />

1/ 2/61 Al 4<br />

6/ 7/61 A3 l<br />

8/14/61 N3 3<br />

8/23/61 Bl 3<br />

10/10/61 Bl2 5<br />

1/10/62 Bl 2<br />

8/13/62 A3 l<br />

8/20/62 A3 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see alse Dead<br />


see alse Presbyterian Church<br />


see alse Courts. State and Local<br />


see alse<br />

see also<br />

Civil rights and discrimination<br />

Education - Little Reck District<br />

BONDS<br />

see alse Stocks and bends<br />

BOOKER. J R<br />

Brief bieg sketch ef the late Mr Beeker<br />

New junier high scheel at LR named fer Beeker. a Negre atty<br />


see also Police<br />


see alse Colleges and univs<br />

see also Ferd, Edsel<br />

see also Theater and drama<br />

Alvarez . H G: "Cimarron Valley"<br />

10/21/El0/3/62<br />

Anthony. Katharine: Noted writer is Ark native 05/28/E2/6/61<br />

Appleby. Jehn T: "Henry II" called impressive 09/2/Dl0/4/62<br />

Bales. James D: Ce-authors book with Pat Beene 06/30/Al/4/61<br />

Bales, James D: Editorial en book fer youth 07/3/A4/2/61<br />

Bales. James D: Writing book with H A Philbrick 11/ll/A7/2/62<br />

Bates, Daisy: "Leng Shadow ef Little Reck" ll/4/E9/3/62<br />

Bates. Daisy : Autograph party fer Mrs Bates ll/12/A3/5/62<br />

Bates. Daisy :"Long Shadow ef Little Reck" 10/17/A9/7/62<br />

Boyd. Sue Abbott: "Decanter" is peem collection 07/22/E9/2/62<br />

Brown, Helen Gurley : "Sex and the Single Girl" 06/3/E9/2/62<br />

Campbell. Craig : "From Little Reck to Omaha • • •" 01/13/Bl/2/61<br />

Collier, Calvin L: "First In - Last Out"<br />

05/28/E6/2/61<br />

Creger. Ralph: "This is What We Found"<br />

02/5/A12/7/61<br />

Dresbach. Glenn Ward : Honored by Arts Institute 10/l/B8/7/61<br />

Edringten, Mabel F: "History of Mississippi Co" 06/24/E9/6/62<br />

Farish. Charles L: "Timothy Pine"<br />

02/18/E9/l/62<br />

Farish. Charles L: "Timothy Pine" author dies 06/28/Bl0/2/ 61<br />

Ferd, Edsel: "A Thicket ef Sky"<br />

05/14/E6/2/61<br />

Fudge. Calvin Louis "The Yeung Love • • •" 07 /1/E9/7/62<br />

Gates. Sherweed (Mrs) : "Guide ta the Use ef • • • 11 02/23/A2/2/62<br />

Gathright. P D: "Modern Maturity"<br />

12/16/E8/6/62<br />

Gravley. Ernestine called writer's writer 05/-27 /-ES/3/62<br />

Griffith. Henry : "And"<br />

10/15/EB/1/61<br />

Hall, Andrew M: "Directional Signals en Campus" 06/10/E9/2/62<br />

Harris. Etta Caldwell: "Lest the Harvest • • •" 07/30/E6/5/61<br />

Holiman, Den : "Leese Ends"<br />

12/30/D9/2/62<br />

Hunter, Joseph B: "Glimpses" is devotions beek 09/-1/BlZ/1/62<br />

Law sen, Curtis L: UA student 's novel accepted 05/6/ A9/ 1/ 62<br />

Marinoni, Rosa Zagneni: "Ozarks and Mare • • •" 05/28/E6/5/61<br />

Marinoni. Rosa Zagneni:Feature article en poet 11/26//E4/61/l<br />

12/28/62 A3<br />

12/28/62 A3<br />

6<br />

6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

McClellan. John L: "Crime Witheut Punishment" 06/5/Al/4/62<br />

McClellan. John L; Crime Without Punishment" 10/7/E3/5/62<br />

McClellan. John L: Plans to write book en crime10/12/C14/3/61<br />

McCey. Maurice E: "Rainwater. Sunshine and • • •" OS/27/E9/2/62<br />

McHale. Larry : "Dark Shadows"<br />

05/27/E9/6/62<br />

McMillan. Verne: "On Oleander Street"<br />

10/14/ES/2/62<br />

Petty. Jo: "Apples of Geld"<br />

07/8/E9/3/62<br />

Record, Wilsen: "Little Reck USA"<br />

02/19/E6/6/61<br />

Robertson. Mary Elsie: "Jordan 's Stermy Banks" 04/30/E6/2/61<br />

Rathrock, Thomas: "Old Testament for Lay • • •"<br />

02/19/E6/1/61<br />

Rothrock, Themas : 'Wilderness te Statehood • • • " 03/4/E8/2/62<br />

Sanders. Lee and Nola Green: "Sarah Jane" 09/17/E6/6/61<br />

Schultz, William: "Historical Sketches ef • • •"<br />

10/8/E8/61<br />

Schwartz. Kessel : "New History ef Spanish Lit • • • 1110/29/EB/S/61<br />

Schwartz, Kessel :"New History ef Spanish Lit • • •" ll/5/A5/3/61<br />

Simpson, James B: Simpson tells hew he wrote bk 12/2/E4/l/62<br />

Simpson, James B: Wrote "Hundredth Archbishop" • • 12/2/E4/l/62<br />

Simpson, James B:"Hundredth Archbishop • • •"<br />

12/2/El0/1/62<br />

Snelling. Leis : "Mystery of the Red Gourd" 05/14/E6/5/61<br />

Stuck. Charles A: "Story ef Craighead County" Ol/1/D6/6/61<br />

Turner, Marguerite: "Who 's Who in <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts • • •"10/l/E8/61<br />

Turner, Marguerite :"Who's Who in Ark Arts • • •"<br />

03/9/Bl0/5/61<br />

Webb, Jee: "Training the Tennessee Walking Horse" 08/5A5/3/62<br />

Williams, S Miller: Wins Lewell Grant fer poetry 12/8/A7/7/62<br />

Winslow. Thyra S:Ft Smith native prolific writer 7/16/E2/5/61<br />

see alse Pornography and obscenity<br />

see also Winslew. Thyra Samter<br />

"Battles of the Civil War" is maj er publishing prej ect in Ark<br />

Springdale Penpeint Club finds part-time writing profitable<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Writers Cenf held at Harding College<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Writers Conf award winners listed<br />

Column en <strong>Arkansas</strong> authors and their books<br />

Critic blasts section of ''Battles of the Civil War"<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Writer's Cenf presents awards<br />

BOOMS (Noise)<br />

see Defenses and armed forces<br />

see Neise<br />


see alse Civil War<br />

see also Rivers and lakes<br />

Recount in county treasurer race ends in tie<br />

Eulan Meore. a Republican. declared county treasurer<br />


Blaze ruins three buildings<br />

City cited for its progress in community development<br />


see also Central <strong>Arkansas</strong> Milk Producers Association<br />


Entire refrigerataer-freezer eperatien to move te Ft Smith<br />

Chairman cites favorable business climate in meve te Ft Smith<br />

Decision te move te Fort Smith is final. officials say<br />

l/ 1/61 Dl<br />

4/30/61 E2<br />

6/13/61 Bl<br />

6/13/61 Bl<br />

6/25/61 El<br />

6/25/61 E5<br />

6/ 5/62 A6<br />

1/20/61 Bl<br />

3/ 1/61 Bl<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

8<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

7<br />

4<br />

8/31/61 Al4 6<br />

9/24/61 A4 2<br />

2/ 3/61 Bl<br />

2/ 5/61 Cl<br />

2/12/61 A2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Michigan legislature te probe reason fer move to <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Financing ef plant in <strong>Arkansas</strong> noted by Michigan probers<br />

Chamber official denies firm was lured to <strong>Arkansas</strong> frem Mich<br />

York Division. as well as Norge Division. to move to Ft Smith<br />

Nerge Division may bring 175 men te Fert Smith plan<br />

Move te <strong>Arkansas</strong> begins<br />

Nerge Division plant at Fort Smith te be dedicated<br />

Norge Division plant at Fort Smith dedicated<br />

Design of Fort Smith plant brings honers fer architects<br />


Elected president ef LR Chamber of Commerce<br />

Bowen says LR better due te lessen learned in 1957<br />


Dean ef federal presecuters te retire<br />


see also Traffic accidents and safety<br />


Scouts to trace course ef De Seto across <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Jahn E Stauffer Jr is executive with Pioneer District<br />

Order ef the ArrO'N boosts interest in Scout work<br />

BOYCE. SAM H<br />

see also Attorney General (Ark)<br />


see also Franz Feeds<br />

see also Parks. recreation and tourism<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />

see also Periodicals<br />

Letter en current political affairs<br />

Letter en Cyrus Eaten<br />

Critical of Congressman Dale Alford<br />

Boyd's epinien of Rep Dale Alford (letter)<br />

Fert Smith peet henered<br />

Letter en anti-communism crusades of Mrs Alfred Lippman Jr<br />


Beys listen te lectures. begin veting<br />

Officers elected; Bill Allen named governor<br />

Gov Orval Faubus addresses Beys State<br />

Delegates to Beys Natien selected<br />

Several delegates interviewed en needed govt changes<br />

Thirty cities in Beys State elect officials<br />

Beys State cheeses county ef ficers<br />

David Zerub ef Het Springs, named Governor<br />

Gov Orval Faubus tells Beys Staters about himself<br />

Beys State takes ever Capitol fer half day<br />


see Laber<br />


see alse Historic buildings and sites<br />


see Museums<br />

2/14/61 B12<br />

2/15/61 Bl<br />

3/31/61 Bl<br />

6/ 1/61 Bl<br />

7/ 8/61 A2<br />

8/13/61 Cl<br />

1/11/62 Bl<br />

2/ 2/62 Bl<br />

5/20/62 Cl<br />

10/25/61 Al<br />

10/ 9/62 A2<br />

12/25/62 Al3<br />

4/ 2/61 Al<br />

12/ 9/61 A3<br />

8/12/62 E4<br />

2/19/61 E4<br />

2/24/61 A4<br />

4/14/61 A4<br />

8/25/61 A4<br />

10/15/61 A2<br />

l(}/25/61 A4<br />

6/ 5/61 Al<br />

6/ 8/61 Bl<br />

6/ 9/61 A6<br />

6/10/61 A2<br />

6/11/61 El<br />

6/ 4/62 A6<br />

6/ 5/62 Bl<br />

6/ 7/62 All<br />

6/ 8/62 A3<br />

6/ 9/62 AB<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4<br />

7<br />

3<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

4<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

5<br />

1<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


Arsonist has burned 2 police cars in last 5 menths<br />


see alse Civil WAr<br />


see College graduates<br />


see History (Ark)<br />


see Trademarks. trade names and emblems<br />

BRANDON, BENTON D (Doug)<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also Nursing hemes<br />


Supports writing of new state constitution<br />

Branden attacks opponents ef a new state constitution<br />


see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />


State Rep Brazil suffers heart attack, dies at Morrilton<br />


see also Parks. recreation and tourism<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />

BREWER. JOE R (Mrs)<br />

Mrs Brewer receives honorary doctorate from Smith College<br />


Bricks frem old State Hospital Bldg in demand as antiques<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see also Congress - Senate (Class I)<br />


see also Construction programs, State<br />


City planning maj or annexation<br />

Brinkley scolds Morrilton fer swips in anti-manager ads<br />


see also Construction programs, State<br />

see also Governor (Ark)<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />


see alse Advertising<br />


see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


Lake Village welcomes plant<br />


9/15/61 A2 8<br />

12/ 1/61 Bl 6<br />

10/17/62 BlO 1<br />

2/13/61 Al<br />

6/12/61 A3<br />

1/29/62 B3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3/30/61 A2 4<br />

5/17/-61 All 3<br />

4/27 /61 A7 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Russell. Tommy H<br />


see alse Beeks and writing<br />


see alse Civil rights and discriminatien<br />


see alse Geverner (Ark)<br />


see alse Medicine and health<br />

Former head ef McRae Tuberculesis Sanatorium dies<br />

Editorial en werk ef Dr Brewn<br />


Aide te Gev Faubus is strong admirer of Gen Edwin A Walker<br />


see also Construction pregrams. State<br />

see also Football<br />


see alse Veterans<br />

BRUTALITY, Police<br />

see Police<br />


see alse Conway County<br />


see alse Secretary ef State (Ark)<br />


DevBlllitta Upaya runs Buddhist mission near Clarksville<br />

DevBlllitta Upaya uses name Frank Newton<br />

New Harmony Buddhist Mission located near Clarksville<br />


see Animals<br />


see History (Ark)<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see alse Medicine and health<br />


see also Hendrix College<br />

BUILDING (Censtructien)<br />

House at Conway covered with tin oil cans<br />


see also Housing<br />

Medical building planned fer western LR<br />

Seven stery office bldg going at West 7th and Bishop in LR<br />

7-stery Pike Plaza Building planned for NLR<br />

Medical building te be erected on Univ Ave at LR<br />

National Old Line Bldg te be expanded<br />

555 Bldg at LR sold; new office bldg te be built en site<br />


see alse Capitol Building and grounds (Ark )<br />

see alse Old State House (Ark)<br />

11/16/62 Bl3 3<br />

11/18/62 E2 2<br />

11/12/61 E3 1<br />

3/ 5/61 ClO 4<br />

3/ 5/ 61 ClO 4<br />

6/ 3/62 Al6 5<br />

1/28/62 E5 2<br />

8/ 6/61 AlO 4<br />

12/ 3/61 ClO 3<br />

12/14/61 Cl8 2<br />

2/ 12/62 AlO 1<br />

7/27/62 BlO 1<br />

8/17/62 Bl 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also United States - Government buildings and offices<br />

Senate gets proposal to finance new Revenue Dept Bldg<br />

Proposed state Revenue Bldg draws attention fram legislators<br />

Joel Y Ledbetter presents plan for Revenue Dept Building<br />

ALC favors revenue bonds to finance new Revenue Building<br />

Atty Gen Frank Holt rules bonds can be used fer Revenue Bldg<br />

Swelling clay made cracks in new Justice Building<br />

Charles S Warman te supervise state building program<br />

Bonds fer new Revenue Dept Bldg upheld by high court<br />

Charles S Warman is state 's first building consultant<br />

State asked te buy National Old Line Insurance Bldg<br />

National Old Line Bldg net fer sale. William E Darby says<br />

Cracking of Justice Bldg fault of rare clay that swells<br />

Revenue Building may be lecated off Capital grounds<br />


see Parks. recreation and tourism<br />

BULL. JOHN B<br />

see also Government employees. State<br />

BULLARD. W T<br />

see also Culture and the arts<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />

BUMP. GUY<br />

see also Household furnishing and equipment<br />


Factory to relocate to West Memphis<br />


see also Little Reck Metropolitan Area<br />


Will of Mrs Burgauer affirmed by state Supreme Court<br />


see alse Veterans<br />


see Cemeteries<br />


see alse Treasure trove<br />

BURKS . GENE<br />

see alse Postal service<br />


see also Censtitutien (Ark)<br />

see also Laber<br />


see also Education<br />


Mary K Griggs ef Clinton, dies ef burns<br />


see Parks . recreation and tourism<br />

BURNS. BOB<br />

see also Actors and entertainers<br />

Daughter ef late comedian frem Ark dies of narcotic overdose<br />


1/13/61 All 1<br />

7 /23/61 E5 1<br />

8/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

8/11/61 Al 2<br />

8/11/61 Bl 4<br />

11/ 1/61 Bl2 8<br />

11/ 2/61 Bl 7<br />

1/23/62 Bl 8<br />

3/11/62 Al 2<br />

6/ 1/62 A6 1<br />

6/ 2/62 A2 4<br />

7/14/62 A2 7<br />

12/21/62 Bl 2<br />

8/ 10/62 Bl 4<br />

12/12/61 B4 3<br />

11/26/61 AlO 1<br />

1/ 2/62 AB 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />

BUS AND TRUCK ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Manager Marien G Ward resigns his post<br />

BUSES<br />

see also Transit systems<br />


see alse Governor (Ark)<br />


Proposed Uniferm Commercial Cede completed, new before Senate<br />

Senate passes uniform commercial cede bill<br />

House passes Unif erm Commercial Cede<br />


see also Constitution (Ark)<br />


see Insects<br />


Delma Turner has 4.ooo buttons in her collection<br />

BUTTRAM, W M<br />

see also Commerce Commission (Ark)<br />


see Contracts and purchasing. Govt<br />

BYNUM, BEN<br />

see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />

State Rep frem Chicot County inj ured as cars collide<br />


NLRB finds Byrd's guilty ef unfair labor practices<br />


Byrd has been mayer, state Senator. exposition manager<br />


see also Histery (Ark)<br />

CAB INS<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Education - Caddo District<br />


Caldwell recalls his days with Vice President Garner<br />


Conductor of Bosten group 's 'La Boeheme ' is Arkansan<br />


see Education - Cale District<br />


see also Electric pewer<br />


see Handwriting<br />

CAMDEN<br />

see alse Historic buildings and sites<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see alse Reads<br />


12/16/62 A6<br />

2/12/61 Cl<br />

2/17/61 A9<br />

2/18/61 Al<br />

9-/16/62 E4<br />

2/18/61 AS<br />

12/20/62 Bl<br />

8/26/62 E6<br />

2/10/61 Bl<br />

2/21/61 AS<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Pestal Service<br />

see also Pulaski County<br />

Claims he can determine parentage by father. child ear lobes 12/13/62 A6 l<br />


see al se Beeks and writing<br />


Preps.ring te retire as active head ef Aetna Life agency 12/ 9/62 Cl 1<br />


Marmaduke native has had celerful Army career<br />

3/14/61 Bl 2<br />


see also Banks<br />


Camp Clearferk maintained by LR YMCA<br />

5/17/61 Bl 3<br />

Camp Yorktown Bay en Lake Ouachita cGmpleted<br />

6/ 5/62 Bl 3<br />

Sen Jehn L McClellan te make dedication speech at Yerktewn 6/13/62 A2 2<br />

Tep military brass te help dedicate Camp Yerktewn Bay<br />

6/13/62 A2 2<br />

Many dignitaries attend dedication of Camp Yerktewn Bay<br />

6/17/62 C3 2<br />

CANADA. EUGENE (Bud)<br />

see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />

Stat Rep urges JFK to be mere aggressive teward Cuba<br />

7/26/61 Bl 3<br />

CANCER<br />

see Medicine and health<br />

CANCER SOCIETY. American<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> division elects officials<br />

11/17/61 A12 1<br />

CANDY<br />

see Feed<br />


see Boats and beating<br />


see also Taxation<br />


see Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see Firearms<br />

CAPITAL HOTEL (Little Rock)<br />

see Historic buildings and sites<br />

see Hetels<br />


see also Murders - Caldwell. William N<br />

see also Murders - Hollman. Rey<br />

see also Sex crimes<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Territorial Restoration<br />

Fire in Capital does little damage , fills reems with smeke<br />

Legislature of 1911 met in new Capitol<br />

Bill planned te halt commercial gr9ilth around Capitol Bldg<br />

Grounds extension bill gets 'de pass '<br />

Capital Building te get prayer ream<br />

Ground fer Capitol at present site cost state $1.000<br />

Senate votes te exclude bleck f rem land te be acquired<br />

Bill te permit acquistien ef mere property is withdrawn<br />

Nancy J Hall apposes preposed lecatien of prayer room<br />

1/12/61 Bl 2<br />

1/29/61 El 1<br />

2/19/61 A2 1<br />

2/24/61 Al8 1<br />

2/26/61 A4 1<br />

2/26/61 A4 1<br />

3-/ 2/ 61 A2 1<br />

3/ 8/61 Al 7<br />

3/21/61 Bl 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Heavy stene slabs on Capitol dome are lease<br />

4/ 5/61 Bl<br />

Stenn damages stained glass domes en Capitol<br />

4/27/61 Bl<br />

Outer glass on Capitol dames replaced<br />

5/ 4/ 61 Bl<br />

Liberty Bell replica safely returned to rotunda after lean 5/28/61 E5<br />

Huge mural at Capital restered, te be returned te its arch 11/ 4/61 A3<br />

Paul H Heerwagen painted mural being restered<br />

11/ 4/61 A3<br />

Tentative site chosen fer new Revenue Building<br />

9/ 1/62 A5<br />

Portrait of C G Hall placed in Capitol<br />

10/-18/62 Bl<br />

New Revenue Dept Bldg faces additional cost with soil problem 11/ 9/62 Bl<br />

Employees jostle fer parking slets en greunds<br />

11/11/62 E3<br />


see Hotels<br />


see Education - Caraway District<br />


see also Congress<br />


see alse Weather and storms<br />

CARLSON, T C<br />

see alse University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see alse Robberies and thefts<br />


State lawmaker dies at age 72<br />

Gazette comments en passing ef Mr Carnes<br />

CARNEY, CY<br />

see also Congress - House Dist 3<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />


see also Constructien industry<br />


see also Congress - Reapportionment<br />


see also Alcoholic beverages<br />

Article gives seme history ef county<br />

Article en county 's two courthouses<br />


see also Marriage and diverce<br />

CARRUTH, L H<br />

Carruth had large land holdings in Crittenden Ceunty<br />

Judge settles Carruth estate tax litigatien<br />


see alse Congress - Heuse Dist 6<br />


Under consideration fer high govt pest<br />

Cash named deputy cemmr ef Federal Reusing Adm<br />

Cash fired from FHA j eb ever alleged gambling 2 years age<br />

FHA says Cash fired fer geed ef the housing agencies<br />

Firing ends leng service in gevernment fer Cash<br />


12/21/61 B4<br />

12/24/61 D2<br />

6<br />

7<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

11-/ 4/ 62 ES 2<br />

11/ 4/ 62 E5 2<br />

11/ 3-/61 A2 1<br />

11/ 3/61 A2 1<br />

1/ 8/61 ES 5<br />

2/ 5/61 ES 5<br />

l l/ 21/61 Al 2<br />

11/22/61 Bl 2<br />

11/26/61 E3 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Kidnapping<br />


see alse Educatien Association. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

President ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Education Assn dies at Newport<br />


see also Education<br />

Bell and tewer at Newport te honer Ed Baum<br />

Discalced Carmelite nuns meve into new menastery at LR<br />

Descriptien ef primitive ceremony enclosing discalesced nuns<br />

Ten nuns forsake real world, enter monastery at LR<br />

Sixteen <strong>Arkansas</strong> priests promoted<br />

Honers extended by Pepe Jehn XXIII to 16 <strong>Arkansas</strong> priests<br />

Father Joseph Lauro leaving his beleved hills of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> new has 46 .677 Catholics<br />

LR' S Bishop Edward Fitzgerald left mark at First Council<br />

Rev James F Drane extolls unity movement among Christians<br />

Bishep Albert L Fletcher returns f rem Rome<br />

History ef Our Lady ef Perpetual Help at Altus<br />

CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL (Little Rock)<br />

see Education - Private<br />

see Historic buildings and sites<br />

CATS<br />

see Folklore. folk medicine and superstitien<br />

CAVE CITY .<br />

see also Medicine and health<br />


see also Water<br />

CAVES<br />

Apple Cave near Aurora has interesting history<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> caves are of interest te scientists and 'cavers '<br />

Photographs ef Fitten Cave in Newton County<br />

Univ of Ark spelunkers explore caverns in Ozarks<br />

Diamend Cave especially well-suited fer falleut shelter<br />

Nerth Central Ark caves feund suitable fer fallout shelters<br />

Article en caves in Nerth <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Pulaski Ceunty<br />


see alse Economic development<br />


see alse Bankruptcies<br />


see also Archeology and anthropology<br />

Holiday Inn planned en site of Odd Fellows Cemetery at NLR<br />

Relocation ef graves at Odd Fellows Cemetery at NLR halted<br />

Six mere enter suit te step grave moving at Odd Fellows<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cemeteries Assn holding cenventien in LR<br />

Workers at Paragould cemetery strike. may have lest jobs<br />

Story ef founding of Bidville Cemetery in Crawford County<br />

Nine cemeteries in Benten Ce te be relecated fer Beaver Lake<br />

Removal ef bodies from Odd Fellows Cemetery at NLR halted<br />

10/10/61 BB<br />

2/18/61 A3<br />

10/15/-61 A4<br />

11/ 5/61 AB<br />

11/ 5/61 AB<br />

11/ 8/-61 Bl<br />

12/19/61 A3<br />

8/19/62 E4<br />

8/26/62 E3<br />

10-/ 12/62 A2<br />

10-/13/62 A5<br />

12/12/62 A4<br />

12/30/62 DS<br />

5/14/61 E3<br />

6/18/61 E2<br />

2/ 4/ 62 E5<br />

2l 4/62 E5<br />

4/ 1/62 A4<br />

4/ 1/62 A4<br />

11/ 4/ 62 E4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

4/ 6/61 B6 4<br />

4/ 6/61 B6 4<br />

5/16/61 A6 7<br />

6/13/61 A6 3<br />

8/18/61 A9 4<br />

8/20/ 61 E3 2<br />

9/20/61 Bll 1<br />

10/21/61 A5 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Order asks fer return ef bodies remeved f rem Odd Fellows<br />

New suit expected ever remeval ef bodies at Odd Fellows<br />

New lawsuit filed en relecatien ef Odd Fellows Cemetery<br />

Gray Reck Cemetery near Paris te be mGVed fer Dardanelle Lake<br />

State requires perpetual care fund fer cemeteries<br />

Farmer ewners ef 13 slaves in Russellville cemetery unknown<br />

Three cemeteries in Pepe County being relocated fer lake<br />

Proposed Rest Hills Cemetery turns te court fer permit<br />

Founder ef Sigma Nu fraternity buried in Old Martin Cemetery<br />

Old Martin Cemetery at Mabelvale being restored<br />

Odd Fellows Cemetery at NLR cleared ef bodies fer Holiday Inn<br />

Stary ef Confederate Cemetery at Fayetteville<br />


see Pornography and obscenity<br />


see Education - North Little Reck District<br />

see Pornography and obscenity<br />

see Televisien<br />


see also Fires<br />


Volunteers built fire truck fer town<br />


CAMPA's record praised by expert<br />

CAMPA faces FTC charges ef conspiracy in restraint ef trade<br />

Lawyer fer CAMPA says FTC charges untrue<br />

CAMPA accused ef conspiracy te restrain competition<br />

H S Coleman testifies in FTC probe ef CAMPA pacts<br />

Dairyman says CAMPA gave price favors<br />

FTC hears dairyman testify on milk deal with CAMPA<br />

CAMPA plea fer Borden records denied by federal govt<br />

Hearing en CAMPA resumes<br />

Borden Ce must produce records, FTC rules<br />

CAMPA gives data te justify hauling prices<br />

Two farmers take stand for CAMPA<br />

Sam Dean is en stand all day in FTC hearing<br />

Sales mgr fer Pure Milk Assn testifies in CAMPA hearing<br />

FTC refuses to recess 7-week-old hearing<br />

CAMPA defends cheaper sales of milk te Dean, Borden<br />

Premium price policy halted, CAMPA tells hearing<br />

Hearing transferred to Washington<br />

FTC examiner says CAMPA engaged in restraint of trade<br />

CAMPA seeks federal renewal ef milk order<br />


Central was formerly Conway Baptist College<br />

College at Conway plans expansien<br />


see alse Industrial accidents and safety<br />

Pine Bluff plant hit by strike<br />

Nails scattered on driveway at plant<br />

Plant hiring workers to fill slets of strikers<br />

10/24/61 Bl2 1<br />

11/ 2/61 B6 8<br />

11/ 3/61 B12 7<br />

12/ 1/-61 A2 3<br />

2/15/62 A2 8<br />

3/29/62 Bl 8<br />

3/29/62 Bl 8<br />

4/21/62 BlO 4<br />

5/10/62 Al4 4<br />

5/-10/62 A14 4<br />

6/14/62 Bl2 2<br />

7/ 8/62 ES 2<br />

4/ 2/61 C4 2<br />

2/24/61 BlO 1<br />

5/26/61 Al 5<br />

5/28/61 ClO 2<br />

3/28/62 Bl 8<br />

3/28/62 Bl 8<br />

3/29/62 Bl 5<br />

3/31/-62 AB 7<br />

4/ 6/62 Bl6 3<br />

4/12/62 A2 1<br />

4/-28/62 A3 l<br />

5/- 1/62 Al2 1<br />

5/ 3/62 Dl 8<br />

5/ 8/62 B9 5<br />

5/10/62 Al3 1<br />

5/ll/62 Bl 5<br />

5/15/-62 B4 1<br />

5/17/62 Al6 l<br />

5/19/62 A3 4<br />

12/14/62 A4 1<br />

12/-19/62 Bl 5<br />

11/-23/61 Bl 8<br />

5/ 4/62 Bl 8<br />

3/14/61 Al 4<br />

3/18/61 BlO 2<br />

3/25/61 BS 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Strikers soften their demands<br />

Strike at Pine Bluff plant settled<br />


Leonard and Marie Sherman are accomplished petterers<br />

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Chamber holding 33rd annual session; officers elected<br />

Kenneth Pat Wilsen elected head ef Chamber<br />


see also Chamber ef Commerce. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see alse Little Reck Chamber ef Commerce<br />


SEC orders firm probed fer possible fraud and deceit<br />


see also Congress - Senate (Class I)<br />

see also Education - Pulaski County District<br />

Critical of Dr Ralph Barnhart 's statement en loyalty<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


Wildcat strike at Gressett involves 200 workers<br />


Union county approves bends fer factory<br />

Union County voters approve bends fer expansion<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


Cheatham fined fer failure te file income tax returns<br />

CHEESMAN. W A (Mrs)<br />

see also Music<br />


Employer held net liable fer disease caught en jeb<br />


see also Cemmerce Cemmissien (Ark)<br />


Bias accusation made by Walter Mondale against show exhibit<br />

Jee N Basore says personnel ef firm de net discriminate<br />


Charlette Cherry is Arkanssas 's candidate fer title<br />

Charlette Cherry named Cherry Blessem Princess<br />


see Education - Cherry Valley District<br />


see alse Cherry Blessem Princess<br />

Named to Cotten Carnival Royal Ceurt<br />


Says Mine. Mill and Smelter Werkers unien Red-infiltrated<br />

Wants labor greup branded Cemm.unist-infiltrated organization<br />

Former governor speaks at LR en cemm.unist danger in America<br />


see Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service<br />


3/28/-61 B9<br />

4/ 4/61 Bl<br />

10/17/62 Bl<br />

11/ 8/61 Bl<br />

11/ 9/61 Bl<br />

2<br />

8<br />

2<br />

6<br />

5<br />

5/11/61 Bl 8<br />

4/25/61 A4 5<br />

9/26/61 Bl 7<br />

5/17/61 All 7<br />

10/ 2/62 Bl2 2<br />

5/19/61 A2 6<br />

3/21/61 A2<br />

4/ 5/62 Bl<br />

4/ 5/62 Bl<br />

3/18/62 ES<br />

4/ 3/62 AlO<br />

4/18/62 A8<br />

12/29/-61 A2<br />

1/21/62 F3<br />

10/-16/62 A6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

l<br />

l<br />

5<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Parks , recreatien and tourism<br />


see Children and yeuth<br />


see also Dr awnings<br />

see also Kidnapping<br />

see also Loitering and vagrancy<br />

see alse Lollar. Peter<br />

see also Mental health and diserders<br />

see also Murders - Cex. Willy<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

Murders - Green. Anita<br />

Murders - Henson. Christine<br />

Murders - Horten. Charles David<br />

Murders - Naylor. Douglas Breck and James W Melton<br />

Murders - Shearer. Dennis R<br />

Murders - Smith, Dennis<br />

Murders - Talley. Jee and Irene Talley<br />

Murders - Tayler. Lannie<br />

Murders - Willman. Wayne<br />

Peer<br />

Prisons and prisoners<br />

Pulaski County Junior Deputy Sheriffs<br />

Punishment<br />

Legis defeats child welfare proposal ef Welfare Dept<br />

Baby left en doorstep ef J R Utley heme at Sylvan Hills<br />

Parent s who chained bey. 14, at Hot Springs to be charged<br />

Mr and Mrs Bill Hight chgd in chaining of their son<br />

Ark will turn dewn federal aid te children of the jobless<br />

Juvenile delinquency declined in Pulaski County last year<br />

Nancy L Arendt Long seeks te keep inf ant state wants te take<br />

Two Negro parents bring five sons in to face up to justice<br />

Parent s who give up child fer adoption often want it back<br />

Children at Pentacestal Church have net had polie shots<br />

Pentacostal Church parents obj ect te taking vaccinatiens<br />

Scheel Bd at Het Springs requires polio vaccinations<br />

Flaw found in bill en abandonment of children by fathers<br />

Senate passes amended child abandonment law<br />

NLR city adm alarmed by delinquency ameng youth<br />

Parents liable fer misdeeds ef miner children. high ct rules<br />

NLR students urge Mayor Laman net to punish the innocent<br />

J C Cottons can bring suit ever adoption of grandchildren<br />

NLR Mayer Casey Laman suggests yeuth council en delinquency<br />

Mr and Mrs Clyde J Long give up fight ta keep child<br />

Gordon and Alma Hartrick are long-time fester parents<br />

Trained employees greatest need in hemes fer children<br />

State willing te take ever Pulaski County child care program<br />

LR fire. police officials urge law te curb child neglect<br />

Hot Springs Schoel Bd sets deadline fer pupils to get 'shots '<br />

Pentecostal Church children at Het Springs not vaccinated<br />

2-/ 7-/61 Al 8<br />

2/12/61 A2 6<br />

2/27/61 Al 2<br />

3-/ 1/61 A6 5<br />

3-/ 9/61 Bl 2<br />

3/29/61 A9 2<br />

5/14/61 Al 4<br />

8/ 3/61 C14 4<br />

8/ 6-/61 E5 1<br />

9/ 17/61 A3 1<br />

9/17/61 A3 1<br />

9-/17-/61 A3 1<br />

9/21/61 Al 4<br />

9/22-/61 A2 1<br />

10/31/61 A6 1<br />

11/- 1/ 61 Bl 2<br />

11/- 2-/ 61 A9 1<br />

11/- 7/61 Bl 2<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl2 8<br />

11/ 9/61 Cl2 6<br />

12/24/61 D4 1<br />

1/26/62 AB 3<br />

2/10/62 A5 7<br />

2/11/62 All 1<br />

2/11/62 All 7<br />

2/11/62 All 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Children ef Pentecostals spurn shots. quit Hot Springs school<br />

Ophelia Polk Moore Heme at Helena plans building<br />

Ark leads natien in teen-age mothers<br />

Hepe boy, 10, was chained te building by his father<br />

Mayse Walker sent te prison fer chaining bey<br />

Hand-size baby at Pocahontas survives, now weighs five lbs<br />

Jee Webb plans te open camp fer underprivileged children<br />

Donald Malvaney fined for keeping children out ef scheel<br />

Mulvaneys cite religious beliefs in keeping children at heme<br />

Nur sery estabd at Pulaski Ce Juvenile Adm Bldg<br />

Baby girl abandoned in Fort Smith hospital<br />

Over 100 seek adoption ef abandoned baby girl at Fert Smith<br />

Statistics en girls 17 er younger whe had babies in <strong>1961</strong><br />

Statistics en teen-age mothers. by county (map)<br />

Arch Campbell claims parentage can be determined by ear lobes<br />

Badly beaten bey, 5, made ward ef Miller County court<br />

CHILDREN 'S COLONY , <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Construction programs, State<br />

see also Taxation<br />

Col ony to increase capacity te 320<br />

Funds being raised for chapel at Celeny<br />

Gov Faubus releases funds to ease crisis at Colony<br />

Dr Fay Smith named directer ef education and training<br />

Sen Robert Harvy asks if facilities should expand statewide<br />

ALC gets study ef state 's plan fer retarded children<br />

Admissien of adults te programs irks seme legislators<br />

Funds request draws attack in Legislative Council meeting<br />

Sen Ellis M Fagan referred te facility as a country club<br />

ALC wants accounting ef long-distance calls by David Ray<br />

Sens Ellis M Fagan. Rey L Riales Sr hit Children's Celeny Bd<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette defends role ef Children's Celeny<br />

Legis Ceuncil rej ects bid te set maximum age fer clients<br />

Facility fer Negroes urged by Rep Jim Linder<br />

Gov Faubus says it would be cheaper te take Negroes at Conway<br />

Gaz ette urges facility fer Negrees be built at Conway<br />

Kiwanis Clubs raising funds fer chapel at Colony<br />

Rep Alvis W Stakes would give Colony state parks funds<br />

Gav Faubus opposes admission ef mentally :Unpaired adul ts<br />

Gov Faubus urges continued expansion to meet needs<br />

Four cottages te house 96 children planned<br />

Building to be named for Gev Orval E Faubus<br />

Colony to take Negroes soon on segregated basis, Faubus says<br />

UTC raising funds fer swim peel at Colony<br />

Mosaic fer chapel presented by Federation of Women' s Clubs<br />

Gov Orval Faubus speaks at dedication of building<br />


see Education - Remedial and Special<br />


Article describes celebratien ef Children's Day in Ark<br />


see Animals<br />

2/20/62 Al 3<br />

3/ 7/62 Bl 7<br />

6/ 3/62 E3 5<br />

6/16/62 A3 2<br />

6/27/62 A7 1<br />

7/ 3/62 Bl 2<br />

8/ 5/62 A5 3<br />

10/18/62 Bl 3<br />

10/1&/62 Bl 3<br />

11/18/62 AB 4<br />

11/19/62 C14 2<br />

11/24/62 BS 2<br />

12/ 2/62 E6 1<br />

12/ 2/62 E6 1<br />

12/13/62 A6 1<br />

12/22/62 A2 7<br />

2/ 5/61 Al 7<br />

3/30/61 Bl 2<br />

4/ 6/61 Al 8<br />

6/ 9/61 Bl 1<br />

7/12/61 Bl 6<br />

7/18/61 Bl 4<br />

8/ 2/61 Bl 7<br />

8/ 2/61 Bl 7<br />

8/ 3/61 A3 4<br />

8/ 4/61 Bl 7<br />

8/ 4/61 Bl 7<br />

8/ 6/61 E4 2<br />

8/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

8/16/61 Bl 4<br />

8/17/61 A2 5<br />

8/17/61 A4 1<br />

8/18/61 Bl 8<br />

8/24/61 A2 4<br />

8/25/61 Al 3<br />

8/25/61 Al 3<br />

9/30/61 A2 8<br />

3/ 3/62 A7 4<br />

3/13/62 Bl 8<br />

4/29/62 AB 1<br />

6/24/62 D9 1<br />

10/15/62 Al 4<br />

6/25/61 E2 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

CHINESE IN <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see al se Foreign descent greups<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> has about 200 members ef Christadelphians<br />


Convention adepts reselutien opposing 'Birch-type' activities<br />

First Christian Church at LR rings city's eldest church bell<br />

First Christian at LR completes new facility on Mississippi<br />

History ef the Christian Church in LR<br />

Disciples of Christ holding state conv in Harrison<br />

Cenventien asks ban en further legal gaming in Ark<br />

Cenventien elects officers for next year<br />

Lawsuit seeks te forestall sale of Wright Ave Church at LR<br />

CHRISTIAN CIVIC FOUNDATION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Alcoholic beverages<br />

see also Construction programs. State<br />

see also Gambling<br />

see alse Geverner (Ark)<br />

see alse Horse racing<br />


see alse Peace Corps<br />


see also Parades<br />

Article en 'Twelfth-night. er 'Old Christmas'<br />

LR streets decorated with 100 cedar Christmas trees<br />

Description of Christmas in <strong>Arkansas</strong> in old days<br />

Stories of Christmas miracles in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Maxine Miracle Wasson describes old time Christmases<br />

Mountain-barn folk keep old traditions of Christmas<br />

CHRONICLES OF <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

Note: This series en Ark histery written by Margaret Ress<br />

New Year 's Day ef 1861 feund nation and state tense. uneasy<br />

Civil War separated talkers from do-ers<br />

Time grews shert fer backers of the Union<br />

Gaz ette views the new year with foreboding<br />

Governor 's nemination of 1860 brings split among Dem.ecrats<br />

Uneasy 'normality ' on eve ef battle<br />

Drum-maker suggests a 'buy Arkansan' policy<br />

State moves toward point of no return<br />

Gazette felt Constitution ceuld resolve North-South disputes<br />

Gazette changes line en the biggest issue<br />

Buchanan 's policy : tee much - tee late<br />

Georgia elects route of the secessionists<br />

Family letters shew differences over secession issue in 1861<br />

Christopher C Danley becomes arms buyer<br />

Secessionist party draws new recruits<br />

Secession convention date approaches in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Newly opened telegraph office plays part in secession move<br />

Little Rock Arsenal a small-bare Sumter<br />

6/16/62 A5 1<br />

4/22/61 A2 7<br />

9/ 4/61 A2 3<br />

2/25/62 E5 2<br />

2/25/62 ES 2<br />

4/27/62 Bl 3<br />

4/28/62 A6 5<br />

4/-28/-62 A6 5<br />

5/16/62 B16 4<br />

1/ 1/61 D2 4<br />

11/20/61 Al 3<br />

12/17/61 E4 1<br />

12/16/62 E5 2<br />

12/23/62 D4 1<br />

12/23/62 D6 1<br />

1/ 1/61 D3 6<br />

1/ 2-/ 61 A4 6<br />

l/ 4/61 A4 6<br />

1/ 6/61 A4 6<br />

1/ 8/61 E3 4<br />

1/ 9/61 A4 6<br />

1/11/61 A4 6<br />

1/13/61 A4 6<br />

1/15/61 E3 4<br />

1/16/61 A4 6<br />

1/-18/-61 A4 6<br />

1/20/61 A4 5<br />

1/22/61 E3 4<br />

1/23/61 A4 6<br />

1/25/-61 A4 5<br />

1/27/61 A4 6<br />

1/29/61 E3 3<br />

1/30/61 A4 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Henry M Reeter sends smoke signal to the west<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> begins te batten dewn the hatches<br />

False rum.er tells of reinf ercements fer LR Arsenal<br />

Gev Reeter interposes between meb, troops<br />

Gev Henry M Reeter takes key te Little Reck Arsenal<br />

Excitement at Little Rock Arsenal gradually subsiding<br />

Seizure ef Little Rock Arsenal opposed by both sides<br />

Irregulars meve in on Army 's supplies at LR<br />

Hope ef peace was long time in dying<br />

Voters asked to leak again before leaping<br />

Ark held convention election as South inaugurates its pres<br />

Delegates to secessien conv disclose their allegiances<br />

More delegates te secession conv show their affiliations<br />

Secession convention delegates listed<br />

Secession feeling strong in Ark • Fort Smith stands for Union<br />

Children's crusade in <strong>Arkansas</strong> County<br />

Albert Pike switches te secessionist line<br />

Secession convention settles upon its officers<br />

State awaited word of President Lincoln's inaugural address<br />

Sparring begins in secessien convention<br />

Initial secession motien is entered<br />

President Lincoln' s speech change s minds of many<br />

Convention resolution proposed 8 amdts te reselve controversy<br />

Gov Reeter sends fermal word te convention<br />

Unionists' good faith impeached<br />

Outsiders push the session campaign<br />

Convention continued while secession ordinance debated<br />

Extremists suffer temperary setback in secessien convention<br />

First convention session is adj ourned<br />

Twe sides prepare for shewdown vote<br />

Resolutiens. circulars urge secession as feelings run high<br />

Gazette comes to aid ef Union's defenders<br />

Gazette carries the fight te 'Cossacks '<br />

Gazette firm fer moderates' cause<br />

First US Cavalry at Fort Smith previded generals fer armies<br />

Troops begin some preliminary moves<br />

Letter-writers chafe fer shewdown<br />

U S Army shapes up its defenses en border<br />

Lincoln' s preclamatien final blew to Unionism in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> on brink of secession<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Militia drilling in LR<br />

President Lincoln issues his call te the troops<br />

Northern, Western sections ef state receives news of Sumter<br />

Report frem Sumter changes everything<br />

Arkansans rally te differenct standard<br />

Second convention call made official<br />

Five military units frem Pulaski County leave for Fort Smith<br />

Confederates make counter troop call<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> sends its initial volunteers<br />

Gazette editor outlines military strategy<br />

Cincinnati group seizes arms bound fer Ark ; state retaliates<br />

2/ 1/61 A4 6<br />

2/ 3/61 A4 6<br />

2l 5/61 E3 4<br />

2/ 6/61 A4 6<br />

2/ 8/61 A4 6<br />

2/ 10/61 A4 6<br />

2/1'2:/ 61 E3 4<br />

2/13/61 A4 6<br />

2/15/61 A4 6<br />

2/17/61 A4 6<br />

2/19/61 E3 4<br />

2/20/61 A4 6<br />

2/22/61 A4 6<br />

'l/24/61 A4 6<br />

2/26/61 E3 4<br />

2/27/-61 A4 6<br />

3/ 1/61 A4 6<br />

3/ 3/61 A4 6<br />

3/ 5/-61 E3 4<br />

3/ 6/61 A4 6<br />

3/ 8/61 A4 6<br />

3/10/61 A4 6<br />

3/12/61 E4 4<br />

3/-13/61 A4 6<br />

3/15/-61 A4 6<br />

3/-17/61 A4 5<br />

3/19/61 E3 4<br />

3/20/61 A4 6<br />

3/22/61 A4 6<br />

3/-24/61 A4 6<br />

3/26/61 E3 4<br />

3/27/61 A4 6<br />

3/29/61 A4 6<br />

3/31/61 A4 6<br />

4/ 2/61 E3 4<br />

4/ 3/61 A4 6<br />

4/ 5/61 A4 6<br />

4/ 7/61 A4 6<br />

4/ 9/61 E3 4<br />

4/10/61 A4 6<br />

4/ 12/61 A4 6<br />

4/14/61 A4 6<br />

4/16/-61 E3 4<br />

4/17/61 A4 6<br />

4/-19/-61 A4 6<br />

4/21/61 A4 6<br />

4/23/61 E3 4<br />

4/24/61 A4 6<br />

4/26/61 A4 5<br />

4/2S/61 A4 6<br />

4/30/61 E3 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

May Day revelries take en new sound<br />

Defiant lener breught inte line<br />

Time fer cheesing up on the campuses<br />

Secession convention votes te take Ark eut of the Union<br />

One mere vete fer secession maj ority<br />

Regulators ride in Prairie County<br />

Convention speeds order ef business<br />

1st <strong>Arkansas</strong> Infantry meves en to Virginia<br />

Second thoughts en seizure ef "Argo"<br />

Privateering gets convention's approval<br />

Albert Pike en mission te the Indian country<br />

Convention asks Confederacy 's plans fer defense<br />

Cenventien acts to bridge a new chasm<br />

State troops meve to the western border<br />

The war-like spirit and the word of Gad<br />

Confederacy seeks Ark regiments fer use en Indian frontier<br />

Vigilantes rally in Fulten County<br />

Unrest. confusion beset state banks<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Infantry Regiment en scene in Virginia<br />

Convention adj ourned en June 1. 1861<br />

Union forces fear move toward Caire<br />

Themas C Hindman ready te leave fer Virginia<br />

Encampments set up along Mississippi River<br />

Albert Pike composes popular variation of 'Dixie'<br />

Invincible guards move into Little Reck. camp at Arsenal<br />

CSA President Jefferson Davis sets day ef fasting. prayer<br />

Cherokee Nation says no to involvement in conflict<br />

Missouri events provide background fer situation in Ark<br />

Change of name fer Tetten's artillery<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> divided en use ef troops<br />

State troubled by Indian neutral is ts<br />

McCulloch rallies Arkansans to repel invasion frem Missouri<br />

Feurth ef July observed as usual<br />

News blackout observed in state<br />

Sale of war bends picks up in state<br />

State troops march teward Missouri. meet enemy. win victory<br />

Unien rebuf fed in southern Missouri<br />

Gen McCulloch pulls back te regroup<br />

Forces under Gen McCulloch advance in Missouri<br />

Gen Ben McCulloch shifts encampment to Bentonv ille<br />

Newspapers give accounts of activities involving Arkansans<br />

South sees signs of divine intervention<br />

Gen Wm J Hardee transfers state treeps te Confederacy<br />

State continues te mobilize and deploy<br />

Self-censorship in the <strong>Arkansas</strong> press<br />

Red tape delays troop transfers<br />

Bull Run was decisive Confederate victory<br />

State claims its ewn volunteer mette<br />

State inventories its war materials<br />

Confederates seek aid of Indians<br />

Confederates agree te join forces. march en Springfield<br />

5/ 1/61 A4 6<br />

5/ 3/61 A4 6<br />

5/ 5/ 61 A4 6<br />

5/ 7/61 E3 4<br />

5/ 8/61 A4 6<br />

5/10/61 A4 6<br />

5/12/61 A4 6<br />

5/14/61 E3 4<br />

5/15/61 A4 6<br />

5/17/61 A4 6<br />

5/lr:f/61 A4 6<br />

5/21/61 E3 4<br />

5/22/61 A4 6<br />

5/24/61 A4 6<br />

5/26/61 A4 6<br />

5/28/61 E3 4<br />

5/29/61 A4 6<br />

5/31/61 A4 6<br />

6/ 2/61 A4 6<br />

6/ 4/61 E3 4<br />

6/ 5/61 A4 6<br />

6/ 7/61 A4 6<br />

6/ r:>/61 A4 6<br />

6/11/61 E3 4<br />

6/12/61 A4 6<br />

6/14/61 A4 6<br />

6/16/61 A4 6<br />

6/18/61 E3 4<br />

6/19/-61 A4 6<br />

6/21/61 A4 6<br />

6/23/61 A4 6<br />

6/25/61 E3 4<br />

6/26/61 A4 6<br />

6/28/ 61 A4 6<br />

6/30/61 A4 6<br />

7/ 2/61 D3 4<br />

7/ 5/61 A4 6<br />

7/ 7/61 A4 6<br />

7/ 9/61 E3 4<br />

7/10/61 A4 6<br />

7/12/61 A4 6<br />

7 /14/61 A4 6<br />

7/16/61 E3 4<br />

7 /17 /61 A4 6<br />

7/19/61 A4 6<br />

7/21/61 A4 6<br />

7/23/61 E3 4<br />

7 /24/61 A4 6<br />

7/25/61 A4 6<br />

7/28/61 A4 6<br />

7/30/61 E3 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Score-cards differ en Missouri ambush<br />

Stage is set at Wilson's Creek<br />

Feds steal a march in early morning raid at Springfield<br />

South wen Battle of Wilson's Creek near Springfield, Me<br />

Second-guessing after Battle of Wilson Creek<br />

Ben McCulloch, Sterling Price disagree en strategy<br />

Second-guessing en Battle of Wilsen Creek<br />

Union forces retreat frem Springfield to Rolla<br />

Newspapers laud unit led by William E Woodruff Jr<br />

More dissension on transfer of troops<br />

In camp with the Fourth <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Confederacy missed opportunity to take Missouri<br />

Waiting fer the word from old New Madrid<br />

State prepares for a new kind ef vote<br />

Recruiters meving in on Little Reck<br />

Brig Gen Ben McCulloch falls back to Ca.mp Jackson. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Text ef song written by W J Shumate<br />

War effort hurt by newsprint shortage<br />

Preparations fer school affected by war fears<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> schools planned for 1861 terms<br />

Criticism. charges of cowardice mark Battle of Oak Hills<br />

Arguments ever arms and areas of command<br />

Deployment, transfers, supply cause headaches<br />

Need for guns published as armory established<br />

Problem ef pretectien fer western <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Jealeusy. resentment crep up in command<br />

Military Beard cemes in fer additional criticism<br />

Confederate election of '61 was unusual<br />

Recruiting campaign pushed in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Yankee POWs create mild sensation in state<br />

Soldiers elect officers and get seme clothes<br />

Volunteers hemesick, they decide te disband<br />

Albert Pike calls en Choctaws te join Confederacy<br />

Gen Hardee gets orders to meve his command to Kentucky<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> names 4 members to Confederate Reuse ef Reps<br />

Gev Henry M Reeter calls fer mere volunteers<br />

Army officers seek clothing contributions<br />

State residents urged to operate salt springs<br />

Fame comes te dentist M McClure<br />

Gen Ben McCulloch refuses to march with Gen Sterling Price<br />

Gen Sterling Price meets the enemy near Dry Wood, Me<br />

Gen Sterling Price advances through Missouri<br />

Fall ef Lexington. Me, severe blew to Unien<br />

Unien Gen James H Lane adds te his reputation<br />

Gen Ben McCulloch uses threates te get some wapons<br />

Volunteers sought fer artillery company<br />

Controversy flares ever calling ef Confederate troops<br />

Completion of railraed bridge cheered Little Reck<br />

Kentucky 's neutrality precarieus ; South makes a wrong move<br />

Ab sent state officials urged te return or resign<br />

Third <strong>Arkansas</strong> demonstrates its valer<br />

7/31/61 A4 6<br />

8/ 2/61 B4 6<br />

8/ 4/ 61 A4 6<br />

8/ 6/-61 E3 4<br />

8/ 7/61 A4 6<br />

8/ 9/61 A4 6<br />

8/11/61 A4 6<br />

8/-13/61 E3 4<br />

8/15/-61 A4 6<br />

8/16/61 A4 6<br />

8/18/61 A4 6<br />

8/-20/61 E3 4<br />

8/21/61 A4 6<br />

8/23/61 A4 6<br />

8-/-25/-61 A4 6<br />

8/27 /61 E2 4<br />

8/28/-61 A4 6<br />

8/30-/-61 A4 6<br />

9/ 1/61 B7 1<br />

9/- 2/61 B4 l<br />

9/ 3-/-61 D3 4<br />

9/ 4/61 B3 7<br />

9/ 5-/-61 BS l<br />

9/ 6/61 Al2 1<br />

9/ 7/61 C4 1<br />

9/ 8/61 B6 1<br />

9/ 9/61 B4 1<br />

9/10/61 E3 4<br />

9/11/61 B3 1<br />

9/12/61 B6 1<br />

9/13/61 B6 1<br />

9/14/61 C4 1<br />

9/-15/61 B7 1<br />

9/16/61 B4 1<br />

9/17/61 E3 4<br />

9/18/61 B4 l<br />

9/19/61 B6 l<br />

9/20/61 B6 1<br />

9/21/61 C7 1<br />

9/22/61 B7 1<br />

9/23/61 A6 1<br />

9/-24/61 E3 4<br />

9/25/61 B4 1<br />

9/26/61 B4 l<br />

9/27 /61 B6 1<br />

9/28/ 61 C4 1<br />

9/2'>/61 BB l<br />

9/-30/61 B5 1<br />

10/ 1/61 E6 4<br />

10/ 2/61 B3 1<br />

10/ 3/61 B4 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Little Reck ladies sew and sponsor concerts<br />

Campaigns fer clothing meet good response<br />

Inventers keep busy to meet war demands<br />

Charges ef cowardice at Oak Hills still haunt volunteers<br />

Gen Albert Pike concludes treaty with Cherokees<br />

Invasion threat spurs state recruiting ef ferts<br />

N Y Journal 's report irks the True Democrat<br />

South realizes need for home manufacturing<br />

Needing lead. the South seizes Missouri mines<br />

Wool . cotton present preblems in blockade<br />

Two politicians battle over personal matter<br />

Gen John C Fremont plans all-out campaign against Gen Price<br />

Gen Ben McCullech 's dilemma awakens people of the state<br />

Northern papers mistakenly report Gen Ben McCullech 's death<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> uses prison as war manuf actory<br />

Receivers named for Sequestration Act<br />

Religious meetings held despite war difficulties<br />

Educator establishes language study classes at LR<br />

Gen Thomposen 's Missouri maneuvers touch off panic in NE Ark<br />

Tax-paying big preblem fer moneyless citizens<br />

Confederate currency grabbed up eagerly<br />

Better communication noted in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Little Rock tightens 'pass ' rule fer Negroes<br />

Seized U S land used to back up war bonds<br />

Deposed Missourians vote to join South<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> selects its Canfederate senaters<br />

Three <strong>Arkansas</strong> companies organized inte battalion<br />

Governors. newspapers assail war speculators<br />

News ef federal shipbuilding reaches <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Soldiers keep friends and families informed<br />

War news crowds out reporting en affairs ef Little Rock<br />

Twe views put forth en defense ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Special legislative session convenes; Gov Rector's message<br />

War bond depreciation causes much cencern<br />

Charges of inefficiency plague military board<br />

Heme Guard abolished in favor ef the Militia<br />

Caire and Fulton Railroad faces less of land in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Memphis heme provides care fer ill soldiers<br />

Information en industry sought by Confederacy<br />

Gen U S Grant attacks at Belmont. Mo<br />

Shadow ef suspicion falls on Germans and Irish<br />

Negroes do their part in fund-raising drives<br />

Much progress made in telegraph service<br />

Women's new fashions irritate journal editor<br />

Wagons utilized te take arms, supplies te Fort Smith<br />

New Little Reck daily boasts big circulation<br />

General Grant takes the field against Gen M Jeff Thempsen<br />

Volunteers sign up fer the Fourth <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Col Patrick R Cleburne wins prom.etien to general<br />

Confederates construct fortifications on Mississippi River<br />

Albert Pike gets command of Indian Territory<br />

10/ 4/61 B6 l<br />

10/ 5/61 cs 1<br />

10/ 6/61 BlO 1<br />

10/ 7/61 B4 1<br />

10/ 8/61 E6 4<br />

10/ 9/61 B4 1<br />

10/10/61 B4 1<br />

10/11/61 BS l<br />

10/12/61 C4 l<br />

10/13/61 BlO 1<br />

10/14/61 A6 1<br />

10/15/61 E6 4<br />

10/16-/61 B3 1<br />

10/17/61 B6 1<br />

10/18/61 B5 1<br />

10/19/61 C4 1<br />

10/20/61 B7 1<br />

10/21/61 B4 1<br />

10/22/61 E6 4<br />

10/23/61 B3 1<br />

10/24/61 B4 1<br />

10/25/61 B6 1<br />

10/26/61 C4 1<br />

10/27 /61 BlO 1<br />

10/28/61 B4 1<br />

10/29/61 E6 4<br />

10/30/61 B4 1<br />

10/31/61 B6 1<br />

11/ 1/61 B4 1<br />

11/ 2/61 C6 1<br />

11/ 3/61 B7 1<br />

11/ 4/61 B4 1<br />

11-/ 5/61 E6 4<br />

11/ 6/61 B4 1<br />

11/ 7 /61 B4 1<br />

11/ B/61 B6 l<br />

11/ 9/61 C4 1<br />

11/10/61 BB 1<br />

11/11/61 B4 l<br />

11/12/61 E6 4<br />

11/13/61 B3 1<br />

11/14/61 B6 1<br />

11/15/61 B6 1<br />

11/16/61 ClO 1<br />

11/17/61 BB 1<br />

11/18/61 B4 1<br />

11/19/61 E6 4<br />

11/20/61 C4 1<br />

11/21/61 B6 1<br />

11/22/61 B6 1<br />

11/23/61 B6 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman routs Yankees in Kentucky<br />

Masons and Odd Fellows cenvene at LR<br />

Unien ferces withdraw frem Springfield. Me<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> slew te criticize Gen Ben McCulloch<br />

Anether battalion j eins service ef Confederacy<br />

Unienists from hills face treason charges<br />

Military takes steps te curb speculators<br />

Ex-Arkansan invents new battering ram<br />

Press. Military Beard keep eld feud going<br />

Gazette criticism ef Military Bd brings challenge te Danley<br />

Cemmanders ef militia inspect their units<br />

Journal 's weekly fails te get eff ground<br />

Gen Sterling Price 's aide visits state te enlist treeps<br />

Four entertainments held fer benefit of soldiers<br />

Fourth <strong>Arkansas</strong> leaves Little Rock fer Kentucky<br />

Gen Ben McCulloch 's treeps ge into winter quarters<br />

Conflict between Gens McCulloch and Price arises<br />

Augustus H Garland wins Congressional election<br />

Mechanics unite te fight pay system's hazards<br />

Funds appertiened fer Memphis and Little Reck completion<br />

Solen Borland-James Gee dispute becomes public<br />

Artillery group ferms. meves te Little Rock<br />

Secession almest halts <strong>Arkansas</strong>'s commerce<br />

Jefferson Davis resisted Western Command for Sterling Price<br />

Confederate Congress enacts bonus legislation<br />

12th <strong>Arkansas</strong> Regiment sent to Missouri<br />

Loss of postal system brings South problems<br />

Selan Berland stays in news with erder en finance<br />

Little Reck firm tries te keep prices dewn<br />

Hindman 's Legion invited te ball in Kentucky<br />

Sixth <strong>Arkansas</strong> treated te feast fer Federals<br />

Col Deughlas H Cooper conducts campaign in Indian Territory<br />

Gen Albert Pike takes Indian treaties to Richmond<br />

Newspaper gives report of a Kansas refugee<br />

Newspapers take ·up discussion ef new flag<br />

Southerners examine symbols ef old nation<br />

The 12-months soldiers receive peer treatment<br />

Secret society of Union sympathizers discovered in N Ark<br />

J M Gee 's Fifteenth Ark Infantry enters Army of South<br />

Confederates send Missouri recruiters te Ark te raise troops<br />

Treops ef Cenf Brig Gen M Jeff Thempson refuse te re-enlist<br />

Col Edward W Gantt 's request fer Ark troops denied<br />

Officers hope te put Arkansans in one brigade<br />

Few Arkansans became Confederate generals<br />

Maj Gen Earl Van Deren takes ever Trans-Mississippi District<br />

Several in Ark offer designs fer South's flag<br />

Unsold 186 1 cotton crop presents farm problem<br />

Seuth realizes need to be self-sustaining<br />

LR Mayer William E Ashley re-elected without opposition<br />

Special session of Legis passed plan en tax relief<br />

Facing money crisis. South turns to bends<br />

11/24/61 B7 1<br />

11/25/61 B4 1<br />

11/26/61 E6 4<br />

11/27/61 B3 1<br />

11/28/61 B6 1<br />

11/29/61 BS 1<br />

11/30/61 C4 1<br />

12/ l/'61 BlO 1<br />

12/ 2/ 61 BS 1<br />

12/ 3/61 E6 4<br />

lZ/ 4/61 B4 1<br />

12/ S/61 B4 1<br />

12/ 6/61 B6 1<br />

12/ 7/61 Al8 1<br />

12/ 8/61 BB l<br />

12/ 9/61 B3 1<br />

12/10/61 E6 4<br />

12/11/61 B4 l<br />

12/12/61 B6 1<br />

12/13/61 B5 1<br />

12/14/61 C4 1<br />

12/15/61 BS l<br />

12/16/61 B3 l<br />

lZ/17/61 E6 4<br />

12/18/61 B4 1<br />

12/19/61 B6 1<br />

12/2G/61 B6 1<br />

12/21/61 C6 1<br />

12/22/61 B6 1<br />

12/23/61 A6 1<br />

12/25/61 B5 1<br />

12/25/ 61 D6 4<br />

12/26/61 BS l<br />

12/27 /61 B4 1<br />

12/28/61 C6 1<br />

12/29/61 B6 1<br />

12/3(}/61 A5 l<br />

12/31/61 D6 4<br />

1/ 1/62 BS 1<br />

l/ 2/62 B4 1<br />

1/ 3/62 AB 1<br />

1/ 4/ 62 C6 1<br />

1/ 5/62 B6 1<br />

l/ 6/62 A6 l<br />

1/ 7/62 E6 4<br />

1/ 8/62 B3 l<br />

l/ 9/62 B4 l<br />

1/10/62 AlO 1<br />

1/ 11/62 C4 1<br />

1/12/62 B4 1<br />

1/13/62 A6 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Memphis and Little Reck Railroad epens te Little Rock<br />

Little Reck unprepared for Maxey 's ill soldiers<br />

State sadly lacking in hospital facilities<br />

Newspapers modify attacks en Military Board<br />

Journal tries to divide press foes ef Reeter<br />

War begins te take tell among newspapers<br />

Produce sales controls bring attacks on Solen Berland<br />

Federal Army uses winter months to train troops<br />

Brig Gen Albert Pike returns to state after rept en Indians<br />

Many Arkansans cured at hospital in Memphis<br />

Little Rock business thrives despite war<br />

General and paper effer wool-weaving prizes<br />

Sectional bias distorts news from the Nerth<br />

Gideon J Pillew's claim te fame based en martial career<br />

Confederate. Unien armies plan maj or reorganizations<br />

Samuel Housten sank beat deliberately to thwart Confederates<br />

Rise in cost of living greater at Little Reck<br />

Little Reck man finds new tanning process<br />

Memphis and Little Reck Railroad asks funds to complete line<br />

Need fer small change continuing problem<br />

Confederate Congress holds its first sessiE:>D.<br />

Fall of Fort Henry in Tenn shocks Confederacy<br />

Little Reck realizes need fer a hospital<br />

Changes in command of Ark treeps announced<br />

Arrival of Maj Gen Earl Van Dern curtails recruiting plan<br />

Gov Henry M Rector requests 8,SOO volunteers<br />

Gaz ette attacks Col Edward M Gantt as incompetent. climber<br />

Arrival of two generals brings treeps to pests<br />

Grant takes Fort Donelson. Tennessee<br />

South alarmed by fall of Forts Donelson and Henry<br />

Gen Earl Van Dern gives orders to concentrate troops<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis tarried too long in Springfield<br />

Reports of Price 's retreat reach Col Herbert<br />

South reportedly wins skirmish at Petts Hill<br />

Gen Alexander Asboth sent to take Bentonville<br />

Gen Ben McCulloch 's scorched earth policy draws protests<br />

Gen Curtis orders Asboth to enter Fayetteville<br />

Confederates restless at camp in Beston Mountains<br />

Federal numbers. actions difficult to estimate<br />

New threat of invasion presented in northeast<br />

Mill 011Tners in northwest Ark welcome federal protection<br />

Maj R P Crump 's caval:cy unit honored at Washington<br />

Armies assemble in northwest Ark as prelude to Pea Ridge<br />

Seventeenth <strong>Arkansas</strong> Regiment plagued by disasters<br />

Request of Earl Van Dern boosts state recruiting<br />

Gen Van Dern visits camp to settle dispute<br />

Gen Van Dern begins drive teward federal camps in NW Ark<br />

Union private gathers facts en Price 's camp<br />

Armies moving into position near Bentonville<br />

Bloody Battle of Pea Ridge begins<br />

Van Dern. Curtis review events, await dawn at Pea Ridge<br />

1/14/62 D6 4<br />

l/lS/62 B3 1<br />

1/16/62 B4 l<br />

1/-17/62 B6 l<br />

1/18/62 C6 1<br />

1/19/62 BS 1<br />

1/20/62 A6 l<br />

1/21/62 E6 4<br />

1/22/ 62 B3 1<br />

1/23/62 B4 1<br />

1/24/62 B4 1<br />

l/25/62 C4 l<br />

l/26/62 B7 l<br />

1/27/62 A6 1<br />

1/28/62 E6 4<br />

1/29/62 A6 1<br />

1/30/62 B4 1<br />

1/31/62 B6 l<br />

2/ 1/62 C14 l<br />

2/ 2/ 62 B5 1<br />

2/ 3/62 A6 1<br />

2/ 4/ 62 E6 4<br />

2/ 5/62 B3 1<br />

2/ 6/62 B4 l<br />

2/ 7/62 B4 1<br />

2/ 8/62 C8 l<br />

2/ 9/62 B6 1<br />

2/10/62 A6 1<br />

2/11/62 F6 4<br />

2/12/62 B3 1<br />

2/13/62 B4 1<br />

2/14/62 B4 1<br />

2/15/62 C8 1<br />

2/16/62 B7 1<br />

2/17/62 B3 l<br />

2/18/62 E6 4<br />

2/19/62 B3 1<br />

2/20/62 B4 1<br />

2/21/62 BS l<br />

2/22/62 C6 1<br />

2/23/62 B6 1<br />

2/24/62 A6 l<br />

2/25/62 E6 4<br />

2/26/62 B4 1<br />

2/27 /62 B6 1<br />

2/28/62 B6 1<br />

3/ l/62 ClO 1<br />

3/ 2/62 B7 1<br />

3/ 3/62 A8 1<br />

3/ 4/62 E6 3<br />

3/ 5/62 B4 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gen Curtis moves treeps at Pea Ridge, erders them te held<br />

Gen Ben McCulloch killed at Pea Ridge<br />

Gen Curtis decided en name ef Battle ef Pea Ridge<br />

Seme fantastic accts ef Battle ef Pea Ridge given<br />

Confederates attribute defeat at Leetewn te death ef leaders<br />

Second day ef Battle ef Pea Ridge dawns<br />

Reports on size ef armies at Pea Ridge conflict<br />

Gen Van Dern sends party te negotiate prisoner exchange<br />

Two physicians provide Pea Ridge information<br />

Curtis pretests tactics ef Albert Pike 's Indians<br />

Indians under Albert Pike fought briefly at Pea Ridge<br />

News frem Pea Ridge distributed quite slewly<br />

Confederate retreat frem Pea Ridge was disastrous<br />

Telegraph lines used te advantage ef Curtis<br />

Several divisiens late fer Battle of Pea Ridge<br />

Dead ef beth armies were stacked en ElkHorn Tavern perch<br />

Fire prempts report that dead were burned at Pea Ridge<br />

Curtis moves quarters te get away from Pea Ridge stench<br />

Expedition sent te find Confederate guerrillas<br />

Seuth suffers heaviest in river swamp fighting<br />

Gev Reeter calls special session of Assembly<br />

Nine Union soldiers win Cengressienal medals in <strong>Arkansas</strong> duty<br />

Land sales suspended. land officers ' pay cut<br />

Two <strong>Arkansas</strong> acts encourage growing of grain<br />

Judge Jahn M Tebbetts was staunch unionist at Fayetteville<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis orders troops te behave cautiously<br />

Troops centinue moving although Gen Earl Van Dern gene<br />

Confederate forces make stand belew Columbus. Kentucky<br />

Maj George W Brent investigates evacuation ef New Madrid<br />

Evacuation of Fort Thompson directed by Stewart and Walker<br />

1862 Congress ponders hew to abolish slavery<br />

Sen Robert Ward Jahnsen had great political influence<br />

Rebert Ward Johnson. Henry M Rector wanted Ark men in state<br />

Many non-Arkansans raise troops in state<br />

Federal Gen Jehn Pepe establishes operations base<br />

Lt Cel W D S Cook commanded Twelfth <strong>Arkansas</strong> Infantry<br />

Reports en action en Island 10 unsatisfactory<br />

Gen Pepe gees down river after taking Island 10<br />

Federal treeps visit Osceola te survey region<br />

Planters requested to give plantation bells<br />

With men eff at war. women begin working<br />

Little Reck churches offer bells fer Confederate cannon<br />

Shiloh was ene ef Civil War's bloodiest battles<br />

Thirteenth <strong>Arkansas</strong> Regiment fought in Battle of Shiloh<br />

Two Helena generals direct brigades at Shiloh<br />

Patterson 's 8th <strong>Arkansas</strong> was in Weed 's Brigade<br />

Capital Guards ' role in Battle ef Shiloh described<br />

Federal army begins drive f rem Pea Ridge<br />

Confederate Congress passes Conscription Act<br />

Van Dern meves his treeps to join Johnston, Beauregard<br />

Gen Earl Van Dern issues call fer Texas regiments<br />

3/ 6/62 B6 1<br />

3/ 7 /62 B6 1<br />

3/ 8/62 C6 1<br />

3/ 9/62 B9 1<br />

3/10/62 B3 1<br />

3/11/62 E6 4<br />

3/12/62 B3 1<br />

3/13/62 B6 1<br />

3/14/62 B6 1<br />

3/15/62 C14 1<br />

3/16/62 B6 1<br />

3/17/62 B3 l<br />

3/18/62 E6 4<br />

3-/19/62 B3 1<br />

3/20/62 B4 1<br />

3/21/62 BS l<br />

3/21/62 BS l<br />

3/22/62 CB 1<br />

3-/ 23-/ 62 B7 1<br />

3/24/62 B3 1<br />

3-/25/62 E6 4<br />

3/26/62 B4 1<br />

3/27-/62 B4 1<br />

3/28/-62 B4 1<br />

3-/29/62 cs 1<br />

3/30/62 B6 l<br />

3/31/62 A6 1<br />

4/ 1/62 E6 4<br />

4/ 2/62 B3 1<br />

4-/ 3/62 B4 1<br />

4/ 4/62 B6 1<br />

4/ 5/62 C6 1<br />

4-/ 6-/62 B7 1<br />

4/ 7/62 B3 1<br />

4/ 8/62 E6 4<br />

4/ 9/62 B4 1<br />

4/10/62 B4 1<br />

4/-11/62 BS 1<br />

4/12/62 C9 1<br />

4/13/6.2 B7 1<br />

4/14/-62 B3 1<br />

4/15/62 B7 1<br />

4/15-/62 E6 4<br />

4/16-/62 B4 1<br />

4/17/62 B4 1<br />

4/18/62 B6 1<br />

4/-19/62 C6 1<br />

4/20/62 B6 1<br />

4/ 21/62 B3 1<br />

4/22/62 E6 4<br />

4/23/-62 B4 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Little Reck gets report that Federals are en their way<br />

Albert Pike 's supplies. men shift te Earl Van Darn's use<br />

Buildings in LR used as emergency hespi.tals<br />

Federals take central ef telegraph; news reports hampered<br />

Federal spring drive brings newspaper crisis<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis leaves Pea Ridge area. will attack LR<br />

Curtis ' soldiers find Batesville is delightful<br />

Gen Henry W Halleck takes te field after Battle of Shiloh<br />

Rumors circulate that Jehn S Phelps is governor<br />

Union army 's presence tests loyalty of citizens<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis readies march by planning supply line<br />

Closeness ef Federals brings fears fer cotton<br />

Account of moving of state govt to Hot Springs . Washington<br />

Curtis ' plan te capture LR forces gevt flight to SW Ark<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> papers lead pretest of proclamation<br />

Gov Reeter remains silent until farewell speech<br />

Gen John Selden Roane left in chg te forward troops<br />

Texas troops halt fer rest at Washington<br />

Local women organize te care fer ill soldiers<br />

Two Congressmen return holding hepe fer South<br />

Floods . supply problems deem Curtis ' plan to attack LR<br />

State changes opinion en guerrilla warfare<br />

Gen John Selden Roane declares martial law in Little Reck<br />

Few complaints heard abeut martial law in LR<br />

Gev Henry Reeter, Richard H Johnson plan duel<br />

Editor publishes letters about duel that failed<br />

Charles Ellet ordered to set up steam fleet<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis leaves camp near Searcy Landing<br />

Gen Samuel Curtis sends eut scouts te disperse opponents<br />

Yankees. Confederates complain of brutality<br />

Batesville. Jacksonport publish Union j eurnals<br />

Reorganiz ation begins under conscript act<br />

Conscript Act stirs displeasure<br />

General Hindman gives orders far encounter<br />

Beauregard 's shattered forces retreat frem Shiloh<br />

Beauregard dispatches force to meet advance<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis feared fleet on White River<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis hopes ta capture the gunboat Maurepas<br />

Cavalry unit departs to raid federal camp near Searcy<br />

March is uneventful. so soldiers act feelish<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis seeks to raise 10 regiments<br />

New defense commands created in Trans-Mississippi area<br />

Needing men. Hindman threatens. gets his way<br />

Hindman's men gather arms and ammunition<br />

Memphis surrendered after shert naval fight<br />

Federals break. retreat after Red River incident<br />

Cotten burning started; Hindman eases policy<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis says guerrillas must face death penalty<br />

Albert Pike reluctant to strip his depleted command<br />

Gen Themas Hindman sends treeps. but federals retreating<br />

Col Albert G Brackett sent Federals for feed; party raided<br />

4/24/-6Z BS 1<br />

4/25/-62 BS 1<br />

4/26/-62 C6 1<br />

4/27/62 BB 1<br />

4/28/62 B3 1<br />

4/29/-62 E6 4<br />

4/-30/62 B4 1<br />

5/ 1/62 BS 1<br />

5/ 2/62 B8 1<br />

5/- 3/ 62 Al6 1<br />

5/ 4/62 B8 1<br />

5/ 5/62 B3 1<br />

5/ 6/62 E6 4<br />

5/ 6/62 E6 4<br />

5/ 7/62 B4 1<br />

5/ 8/62 B6 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Steamer Clara Delsen eutruns federal boats<br />

Gunboat <strong>Arkansas</strong> stirs fear in federal hearts<br />

Gen Themas Hindman requests citizen units<br />

Seley sends men te get feed: they meet treuble at Smithville<br />

Federal White River Expeditien opens with St Charles battle<br />

Martial law declared throughout Pulaski County<br />

Neither Price nor Magruder get command ef western theater<br />

Themas C Hindman reorganiz es hospitals at Little Reck<br />

Missouri unit burdened with excess generals<br />

Gen Curtis became nervous when troops did net arrive<br />

Pike County yarn factory ewner irritates his customers<br />

Gen Curtis makes forced march te jein White River Expedition<br />

Gen Albert Rust alters plan to bleck Federals<br />

Fitch sends transports with supplies fer Curtis<br />

Jacksonport residents hostile to Federals<br />

Curtis ' treeps begin march te Augusta<br />

Public lacks reports en Curtis movement of troops<br />

Curtis ' army leaves Augusta fer Clarendon<br />

Cache River battle was see-saw affair wen by Union forces<br />

Curtis pushes fe:cward, has supply problems<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis denies rumors of Monroe Ce depradatiens<br />

Actions of Gen Curtis assailed by both South and North<br />

Gen Cadwallader C Washburn moves eut of Clarendon<br />

Col Powell Clayton 's men made ferced march to Helena<br />

Gen Themas Hindman makes effort to halt march of Curtis<br />

Federal troops capture some camels at Helena<br />

Gen Samuel R CUrtis occupies Helena<br />

Fifteenth Texas Cavalry camps near Batesville<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman issues order setting up martial law<br />

Col B F Danley issues regulatiens fer district<br />

Hindman 's enforcing conscript law forces Unionists to flee<br />

Federal army arrests many civilians in state<br />

Hindman agents scour ceuntryside fer guns<br />

Ironclad ram '<strong>Arkansas</strong>' strikes terror in Union fleet<br />

Defense of Missouri left ta new militia<br />

Gen Samuel R CUrtis giving freedom papers to slaves<br />

Gen Samuel R CUrtis seeks troops ; authorization delayed<br />

Col W Jam.es Morgan authorized to raise state cavalry<br />

Confederates receive arms despite bl ockade<br />

Col James R Shaler takes regiment . received unpepularly<br />

Federal troops frGIIJ. Kansas meve te reclaim Indian Territery<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis named military governor ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Sentiment runs high against orders ef Themas C Hindman<br />

Tham.as C Hindman orders release of federal surgeens<br />

Small Southern force keeps Federals en edge<br />

Col Edward Daniels craves activity, gets rebuke<br />

Many local Negroes j oin Federal march<br />

Gen Albert Pike resigns his command<br />

Four Southern governors meet secretly in Texas<br />

State archives returned to LR after three menths<br />

Many desert Gen Thomas C Hindman: executions end flights<br />

6/13/62 B6 1<br />

6/14/62 C6 1<br />

6/15/62 B6 l<br />

6/16/62 B3 l<br />

6/17/62 E6 6<br />

6/18/62 B4 1<br />

6/19/62 B4 1<br />

6/20/62 B6 1<br />

6/21/62 C6 1<br />

6/22-/ 62 B8 1<br />

6/2.3/62 A6 1<br />

6/24/62 E6 4<br />

6/25/62 B4 1<br />

6/-26/62 BS l<br />

6/27/62 BS 1<br />

6/2&/62 CB 1<br />

6/29/62 BB 1<br />

6/30/62 A6 1<br />

7/ 1/62 E6 4<br />

7/ 2/62 B4 1<br />

7/ 3/62 B4 l<br />

7/ 4/62 B6 l<br />

7/ 5/62 C6 1<br />

7/ 6/62 BS 1<br />

7/ 7/62 B3 1<br />

7/ 8/62 E6 4<br />

7/- 8/62 E6 4<br />

7/ 9/62 B4 l<br />

7/lG/62 B4 1<br />

7 /11/-62 BS l<br />

7/12/62 CB 1<br />

7/ 13-/62 B7 l<br />

7/14/62 B3 1<br />

7/15/62 E6 4<br />

7/16/62 B4 l<br />

7/17/62 B4 l<br />

7 /18/62 B5 1<br />

7/19/62 cs 1<br />

7/20/62 B6 1<br />

7/21/62 B3 1<br />

7/22/62 E6 4<br />

7/23/62 B3 1<br />

7/24/-62 B4 l<br />

7/25/62 B5 l<br />

7-/ 26/62 C6 1<br />

7/27/62 B7 1<br />

7/28/62 B3 l<br />

7/29/62 E6 4<br />

7/30/62 B5 1<br />

7/31/62 Al4 1<br />

8/ 1/62 C4 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Cem.m named by Thomas C Hindman te judge the disleyal<br />

Col James Fleming Fagan resigns cemmissien<br />

Gen Samuel R CU.rtis goes te Helena, puts off march en LR<br />

Ram <strong>Arkansas</strong>'s career ends as her crew destroys her<br />

Gen Alvin P Hevey's division leaves, then returns to Helena<br />

Federal ferce sent to check White River<br />

Former Confederate gives Gen Alvin P Hevey infermatien<br />

Sum.mer of 1862 brought twe big postal changes<br />

Business restrictions by Gen Themas C Hindman resented<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis angered by issuing of free papers<br />

Gen Theophilus H Helmes takes cem.mand at LR<br />

Gen Sterling Price 's men believe they will be in campaign<br />

Gen Theophilus Helmes finds Gen Hindman putting army tegether<br />

Censcriptien increased: many ferced te flee<br />

Arkadelphia filled with sick soldiers<br />

Federal army begins raiding to take cotton<br />

Action in Mississippi hurts <strong>Arkansas</strong> army<br />

Gubernatorial term of Henry M Rector cut short by court<br />

Gen Samuel Curtis gets permission to build fort at Helena<br />

Illinois infantryman tells of activities along Mississippi<br />

Sutlers reap profits; whiskey trade halted<br />

Gen Themas Hindman orders beards to consider vielatiens<br />

Regulation en passports proves very unpopular<br />

Gen Albert Pike returns te heme amid Hindman dispute<br />

King Cotton gains mere significance as economic factor<br />

Gubernatorial campaign begins late in August<br />

Editors offer advice on legislative sessien<br />

Many seek te evade draft; rules tightened<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis sends expedition te take Southern beat<br />

Schools closed by war begin reepending<br />

Slew. uncertain mails create anxiety in state<br />

Gen Frederick Steele takes command with Curtis en leave<br />

Gen Helmes issues order if effort te halt depradatiens<br />

Debts ef Confederacy continue te rise in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Capture ef the Fair Play adds te arms shortage<br />

Blankets, clothes sought anew as sum.mer ends<br />

Gen Theophilus Helmes finds command is deficient in officers<br />

Gen James H McBride premeted<br />

Harris Flanigan wen governor 's race; didn't knew he was in it<br />

Governors ' conclave drafted letter te Jefferson Davis<br />

Federal cavalry raids beat during unleading<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> treeps fought in battle at Richmond. Kentucky<br />

Federals awaiting big march en Little Reck grew restless<br />

Austrian's book gives account ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Hopeful season for Confederates begins to fade<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> troops in Battle of Iuka<br />

Capt Jo 0 Shelby gets brigade under Federals ' neses<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman sends brigade te drive out federals<br />

Gen Sterling Price mr;aits return after Mississippi battles<br />

Most Southerners end action in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Unienist Isaac Murphy departs with Federals<br />

8/ 2/62 C6<br />

8/ 3-/-62 B7<br />

8/ 4/62 A6<br />

8/ 5/62 E6<br />

8/ 6/62 A8<br />

8/ 7/62 B4<br />

8-/- 8-/-62 B5<br />

8/ 9/62 C4<br />

8-/-10-/-62 B9<br />

8/ 11/62 B4<br />

8/12-/62 E6<br />

8-/13/62 B4<br />

8/ 14-/-6 2 B4<br />

8/ 15/62 B6<br />

8-/-16-/-62 C6<br />

8-/17/62 B7<br />

8/18-/62 A6<br />

8/19/62 E6<br />

8-/-20-/-62 B4<br />

8-/-21/62 B4<br />

8-/-22/62 B6<br />

8/23-/-62 C4<br />

8-/24-/-62 B7<br />

8-/-25/62 B3<br />

8-/26/62 E6<br />

8/27/62 B4<br />

8-/-28/62 B4<br />

8/29-/-62 B7<br />

8-/-30-/-62 C4<br />

8/31/62 BB<br />

9/ 1/62 A6<br />

9-/ 2/ 62 D6<br />

9-/ 3/62 B3<br />

9/ 4/62 A9<br />

9/ 5-/-62 B6<br />

9-/- 6-/62 C6<br />

9/ 7/62 B7<br />

9/ 8-/-62 A6<br />

9/ 9/62 E6<br />

9/ l(}/62 AlO<br />

9/ll/62 B6<br />

9/12/62 BS<br />

9-/-13-/-62 C6<br />

9/14/62 B7<br />

9-/-15/62 A6<br />

9/16/62 E6<br />

9-/-17/62 B4<br />

9/18/62 B4<br />

9/19/62 B5<br />

9/20/62 C6<br />

9-/-21/62 BB<br />

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1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Private in Texas unit recalls <strong>Arkansas</strong> march<br />

South 's guerrilla tactics gain preminence during <strong>1962</strong><br />

Leave fer Gen Samuel R Curtis revoked. he assumes command<br />

Gen Eugene A Carr put in command; Steele demands march<br />

Two Federal scouting parties sheet it out near Helena<br />

Confused Texas Unionist finally reaches safety<br />

Prisoner return begins; Arkansan included<br />

Supplies run short; substitutes improv ised<br />

Battle of Corinth is Federal victory<br />

Gen Earl Van Dorn retreats with slight opposition<br />

Gen Theophilus H Helmes assigns stations to men under him<br />

Col Rebert G Shaver leads brigade te Yellville<br />

Salt shortage acute. Gen Theophilus H Helmes takes action<br />

Gen Eugene A Carr takes command ef Army of the Southwest<br />

Rain prevents Gen Theophilus Helmes f rem completing order<br />

Rep Grandison Royston moves to block martial law in <strong>1962</strong><br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Patriot assailed as Henry M Rector sheet<br />

Efforts increased to aid soldiers' families<br />

Reports of life in North influence slaves to stay<br />

Attacked Federals panic. then Southerners flee<br />

Fat Federal 's hiding place in culvert leads to thumping<br />

Maj er John C Wilbur begins march, returns te Missouri<br />

Schofield's Army of the Frontier meves into <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Southerners fall back in Northwest Ark<br />

Union Gen decides net te pursue Jo Shelby at Huntsville<br />

Texas units ordered to mave te Virginia<br />

Confederate Army in Ark increases: readiness doubtful<br />

Col J C Tappan ef Helena, called on Pres Jefferson Davis<br />

Federal Gen Eugene A Carr fears attack<br />

Gen Schofield strikes last blew in Ark ; returns te Missouri<br />

Federal treops meet Fayetteville's 'Wild Bill'<br />

Hungry Unien army finds its own suppl ies<br />

Union men hate te see federal army leave Fayetteville<br />

Unien foraging party taken by surprise<br />

Victorious Confederates flee te safety across river<br />

Federal troops take Current River Ferry<br />

Pike-Hindman centreversy continues as Richmend studies chgs<br />

Christopher Danely suffers inj ury that will preve fatal<br />

Dr Roscoe Jennings. believed dead. manages to get heme<br />

Federal troops revisit Pea Ridge Battlefield<br />

Martial law lifted: civil courts reopened<br />

Two newspapers forced to raise their rates<br />

Legislature convenes minus complete rester<br />

Gev Henry M Rector delivers farewell address<br />

Harris Flanagin inaugurated as governor<br />

Legislature passes act to aid indigent families<br />

Legislature passes slave conscription act<br />

Legislature amplifies govt safety plan<br />

Act ef 1862 suspends state 's collecting ef taxes<br />

True Democrat assails Gov Rector 's adm<br />

General Assembly tries to make state self-sustaining<br />

9/22/62 BS<br />

9/23/ 62 E6<br />

9/24/62 B4<br />

9/25/62 BS<br />

9/26/62 BS<br />

9/27/62 C3<br />

9/28/62 BlO<br />

9/29/62 A6<br />

9/30/62 E6<br />

10/ 1/62 A12<br />

10/ 2/62 B4<br />

10/ 3/62 B6<br />

lo/ 4/62 ca<br />

10/ 5/62 B6<br />

10/ 6/62 A6<br />

10/ 7/62 E6<br />

10/ a/62 B4<br />

10/ 9/62 B6<br />

10/10/62 B5<br />

10/11/62 C6<br />

10/12/62 Ba<br />

10/13/62 A6<br />

10/14/62 E6<br />

10/lS/62 B4<br />

10/16/62 B5<br />

10/17/62 BS<br />

10/-18/62 C6<br />

10/19/-62 B9<br />

10/-20/-62 A8<br />

10/21/62 E6<br />

10/22/62 B4<br />

10/23/62 B6<br />

10/24/62 BS<br />

10/-25/62 C6<br />

10/26/-62 B9<br />

10/-27/62 B4<br />

10/28/62 E6<br />

10/-29/ 62 B4<br />

10/30/-62 B4<br />

10/31/-62 B5<br />

11/ 1/-62 A3 0<br />

11/ 2/62 B9<br />

11/ 3/62 A8<br />

11/- 4/62 E6<br />

11/ 4/62 E6<br />

11/- 5/62 B4<br />

11/- 6/-62 B4<br />

11/- 7/-62 B4<br />

111- 8/62 ca<br />

11/ 9/62 B8<br />

11/-10/62 A6<br />

l<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

General Assembly elects US Senater, feur state officials<br />

State Institute for Bli.nd starts eut en denatiens<br />

Gev Harris Flanagin vetoes bill te help Camden bank<br />

Two new counties created by Legislature in 1862<br />

Gen Samuel R Curtis finds relations grewing uncomfortable<br />

Col Wm Vandever leads force en scouting expedition at Helena<br />

Gen Theophilus H Helmes tries te bolster force, meets trouble<br />

Low water forces Federals te abandon expedition in SE Ark<br />

Federal soldiers raise doubts about <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest expeditien<br />

Themas Hindman units retreat: reorganization started<br />

Gen James Blunt left te held area as Schofield pulls eut<br />

Col J Q Burbridge told to stop supplies fer Gen Schofield<br />

Gen James Blunt sends out scouts; Southern guard retreats<br />

Cavalry rests, begins raid on federal supplies<br />

Battles rage at Cane Hill and Prairie Grave<br />

Gen Jam.es G Blunt takes ever Can Hill camp<br />

Yellville plant damaged, but seen resumes operation<br />

Federals again attack saltpeter works at Yellville<br />

Gen James G Blunt 's army published one paper at Cane Hill<br />

Battle of Prairie Greve stops work en journal<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman issues erders fer discipline in battle<br />

Gen Jehn S Marmaduke threwn back at Cane Hill<br />

Prairie Greve reperts clouded en erganiz atien<br />

Gen D M Freet led ene division at Prairie Greve battle<br />

Gen James G Blunt headed U S force at Prairie Greve<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman heped te feel federal forces by ruse<br />

Gen James G Blunt decides Harrison net reliable in battle<br />

Skirmishes resumed; treeps leave Cane Hill<br />

Fameus Battle of Prairie Greve begins<br />

Capt S P Pittman lived at Prairie Greve, fought in battle<br />

Eyewitness acct of Borden's orchard scene at Prairie Greve<br />

Casualties total 2.574 in Prairie Greve Battle<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman 's strategy wins praise ef enemy<br />

Gen Thomas C Hindman ordered men te kill Unien officers<br />

Fayetteville was uneasy as battle ferce passed<br />

Church, homes become hespital after Prairie Greve battle<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman retreats from Prairie Greve<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman censures unit under C W Adams ' command<br />

Criticism ef fighting by Confederates refuted<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman protests use of Indians at Prairie Greve<br />

Isaac Murphy family target of guerrillas<br />

Confederates leave wounded behind after Prairie Greve<br />

Beth sides claimed victory at Prairie Greve<br />

Gen Themas Hindman flees as Blunt. Herron attack Van Buren<br />

West 's Cenfederte battery shelled Van Buren fer an hour<br />

Van Buren pillaged as Union treops leave<br />

Civilians calm as federal troops reach Van Buren<br />

Gen Thomas C Hindman 's destitute army leaves Van Buren area<br />

High Confederate desertion rate after Prairie Greve explained<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman had te leave the wounded behind<br />

Gen Themas C Hindman 's hungry troops march teward LR<br />

11/11/62 E6 4<br />

11/12/62 B4 1<br />

11/-13/62 B4 l<br />

11/14/62 B5 1<br />

11/15/62 ClO 1<br />

11/16/62 BB l<br />

11/17/62 A6 l<br />

11/18/62 E-6 4<br />

11/-19/62 C4 1<br />

11/20/-62 B4 1<br />

11/21/62 B4 1<br />

11/22;/62 B5 1<br />

11/-23/62 B8 1<br />

11/24/62 A6 1<br />

11/-25-/-62 E6 4<br />

11/26/-62 B4 1<br />

11/27/62 B4 1<br />

11/28/62 Al8 l<br />

11/29/62 C2 1<br />

11/-30/62 B9 1<br />

12/ 1/62 B4 1<br />

12/ 2/62 E6 4<br />

12/ 3/62 B6 1<br />

12/ 4/62 B5 1<br />

12/ 5/62 B6 l<br />

12/ 6/62 A24 l<br />

12/ 7/62 BB 1<br />

12/ 8/62 B4 l<br />

12/ 9/62 E6 4<br />

12/10/-62 B4 l<br />

12/ 10/-62 B4 l<br />

12/-11/62 B5 1<br />

12/12/62 B6 1<br />

12/13/62 A20 1<br />

12/14/62 BlO 1<br />

12/ 15/62 B4 l<br />

12/16/62 E6 4<br />

12/17/-62 B4 1<br />

12/18/62 B6 l<br />

12/19/62 B5 1<br />

12120/62 ca 1<br />

12/21/62 B6 l<br />

12/22/62 B3 1<br />

12/23/62 D6 4<br />

12/24/62 B3 1<br />

12/-25/62 B6 l<br />

12/26/62 BS l<br />

12/27/62 C4 l<br />

12/28/62 B4 1<br />

12/29/62 BlO 1<br />

12/30/62 D6 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Little Reck merale lew as Cenfederates arrive<br />


see also Politics and elections<br />


see Denominatienal names<br />

see Religion<br />

CHURCHES. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Council ef<br />

see Communism<br />


see also Disability Determination Department (Ark)<br />


see also Disability Determination Department (Ark)<br />

CIA. D J<br />

see also Traffic accidents and safety<br />


see Hobbies<br />


see Tobacco<br />

CIRCUS<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

Old-time circus described<br />


see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Community Accompl ishment Contest<br />

see also Finance and budgets. Local Gevt<br />

Billy Free te head <strong>Arkansas</strong> Municipal League<br />


see Banks<br />


see Transit systems<br />


see also Congress - Senate (Class I)<br />


Ceremony at LR makes 28 persens citizens<br />

Thirty-one natural ized in ceremony at LR<br />

Twelve natural ized at Jenesbere<br />


see Civil rights and discriminatien<br />

see Little Reck<br />


see Disasters and emergencies<br />


see alse Baptist Church<br />

see also Basketball<br />

see also Cherokee Village<br />

see alse Colleges and univs - Civil rights<br />

see also Comet Rice Mills<br />

see alse Courts. Federal<br />

see also Education - Civil rights<br />

see also Green. Ernest G<br />

12/31/62 B3<br />

10/ 8/61 E4<br />

10/10/62 Bl<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl<br />

10/26/61 A5<br />

11/ 7/61 A7<br />

1<br />

l<br />

6<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Metropolitan Little Reck Ass ef Free Ministers<br />

see alse Ministerial Association, Greater Little Recek<br />

see alse Murders - Caldwell. William N<br />

see alse Politics and elections<br />

Ark Supreme Ct sets hearing in case ef Negre sit-ins<br />

Review ef Bruce Bennett 's battle against the NAACP<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> has come full circle in segregation. Gazette says<br />

Laws used against 12 Negro student sit-ins called invalid<br />

Column on fate ef several laws approved by 1958 Legislature<br />

Twe legislators speak out fer rights of the accused<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Christian Mevement urges Negro student sit-ins<br />

Amis Guthridge elected president ef Capital Citizens Council<br />

Trials ef Negroes de_layed for study ef effect ef court ruling<br />

Judge William J Kirby considers quashing jury<br />

Quashing of jury would allow more Negroes to serve<br />

Negroes ' jury trials step while state fights ruling<br />

Pine Bluff Citizens Council hears Gen William L Lee<br />

Decision in Luther Bailey case raises new bias issue<br />

Text ef federal ct decision in Luther Bailey case<br />

Ministers urge LR te prepare fer court-ordered integration<br />

LR ministers lack integration plan. Rev Caharles Higgins says<br />

Jury discrimination (ed)<br />

W H Tewnsend obj ects te Judge Kirby 's actien en jury makeup<br />

Jury trials of 31 Negroes delayed until jury matter settled<br />

Charles Parker asks jury trial fer sit-in trial<br />

Negroes chgd with rape ask speedy trial er posting of bend<br />

Request by Negroes fer speedy trial challenges Kirby decision<br />

Three Negroes held on rape chgs demand 3rd guarantee<br />

Further delay in sit-in cases indicated<br />

Judge Wm J Kirby rej ects move to speed Negroes' trials<br />

Negroes file metien asking pupil law edict in LR Dist<br />

Atty Gen Helt asks court te reconsider ruling on juries<br />

State petition in jury cempesitien dispute called illegal<br />

Sit-in cases def erred until September l<br />

Trial ef Dave Lillard delayed by dispute ever juries<br />

Pulaski juries chesen en basis ef race. federal court says<br />

U S Ct ef Appeals upholds ruling Pulaski Ce juries illegal<br />

Ark Supreme Ct denies request ef 3 Negroes fer speedy trial<br />

Negroes held in rape case appeal ta U S Supreme Court<br />

Chancellor Murray 0 Reed voids three 1958 laws aimed at NAACP<br />

Wemen picket Paster Ralph W Seckman at LR lectures<br />

Citizens Council pickets lectures by Rev Ralph W Seckman<br />

Exclusion of Negroes from jury panel in Pulaski is raised<br />

Latest challenge te all-white jury not likely te prevail<br />

Judge Guy Amsler hints that anti-NAACP suit is deemed<br />

Suit sought te bar NAACP frem practicing law in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Judge Henry W Smith urges lawmen te prevent race disturbances<br />

Judge Henry Smith warns that violence will not be tolerated<br />

Judge Guy Amsler says state cannot bar NAACP from federal cts<br />

Negre breaks white pelicy. plays golf at Rebsamen Park course<br />

Negre gelfer left Rebsamen course when requested to de so<br />

l/ l/61 AB 1<br />

1/ 4/ 61 K3 1<br />

1/12/61 A4 2<br />

1/17/61 Bl 8<br />

2/11/61 A4 6<br />

2/26/61 E5 1<br />

3/ 4/61 B6 6<br />

3/ 8/61 BlO 8<br />

3/21/-61 A2 6<br />

3/-22/61 Al 3<br />

3/22/61 Al 3<br />

3/-23/61 Al 3<br />

3/25/61 A3 5<br />

3/26/61 Al 6<br />

3/26/61 A2 5<br />

3/28/61 Bl 8<br />

3/29/61 A6 7<br />

3/30/-61 A4 2<br />

4/ 4/61 A4 4<br />

4/ 4/61 Bl 8<br />

4/11/61 B12 6<br />

4/13/61 Al 4<br />

4/13/61 Al 4<br />

4/14/61 A6 1<br />

4/20/61 6C l<br />

4/20/61 A6 1<br />

4/22/61 A6 5<br />

4/26/61 Bll 3<br />

4/27/61 Bl 8<br />

4/28/61 Bl5 6<br />

5/ 4/61 BB 5<br />

5/ 5/61 Al 2<br />

5/ 5/61 Al 2<br />

5/ 9/61 Bl 8<br />

5/13/61 A2 8<br />

5/14/61 Al 2<br />

5/16/61 All 6<br />

5/ 17/61 All 2<br />

5/17/61 All 6<br />

5/18/61 A5 3<br />

5/19/61 Bl 8<br />

5/19/-61 Bl 8<br />

5/26/61 AB 5<br />

5/31/61 A4 6<br />

5/31/-61 Bl 6<br />

6/ 2/61 Bl 3<br />

6/ 2/61 Bl 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Segregatien is policy. but net law at LR park facilities<br />

Methodist Church Cenf enderses nen-vielent demonstrations<br />

Two Negroes eat at Greyhound lunch counter in LR<br />

Order voiding 1958 anti-NAACP laws issued<br />

CORE group ef Freedom Riders te stop in Little Reck<br />

Feur Freedom Riders jailed at Little Reck fer threat to peace<br />

LR Police Chief R E Glasscock explains arrest of Riders<br />

Threatening crowd ef 400 met Freedom Riders at LR<br />

Freedom Riders surprised by arrest at Little Reck<br />

Freedom Riders te test validity of Act 226 of 1959<br />

LR City Mgr Ancil M Douthit discusses Freedom Rider arrests<br />

Sit-in demonstrators have already challenged Act 226 ef 1959<br />

Arrest of Freedom Riders hurts LR 's recovery record (ed)<br />

Freedom Rider declares he' ll starve in jail to protest<br />

Civic Progress Assn formed to support LR city govt<br />

Some in Civic Progress dislike way Freedom Riders handled<br />

LR city policy en Freedom Riders unchanged. Douthit says<br />

Freedom Riders convicted at LR; penalty suspended<br />

Freedom Riders take jail at LR instead of terms offered<br />

Freedom Riders spend 7-hr freedom at LR resting. making plans<br />

Freedom Riders released at LR. resume trip te New Orleans<br />

Judge Quinn Glever admits he lacks power to send Riders heme<br />

LR Mayor Werner C Knoop asks people ta aveid trouble spets<br />

Strong city pelicy en the Freedom Riders (ed)<br />

Shreveport Journal comments en LR handling ef Freedom Riders<br />

Civic Progress Assn statement draws I S McClinton rebuttal<br />

Rev Jehn Curtis Raines tells why he is a Freedom Rider<br />

Anita Martin says Greyhound driver would net let her en bus<br />

Bus ticket bought at LR terminal window marked fer whites<br />

Notes en Freedom Rider events at LR<br />

Ancil Douthit reiterates defense of arrest ef Freedom Riders<br />

Negroes try tennis game at War Memorial Park courts<br />

Police step Negroes from playing tennis at War Memorial Park<br />

Gav Orval Faubus attends states rights cenf in Mississippi<br />

Mere Freedom Riders arrive at LR witheugh problem<br />

Stuttgart restaurant refused service to Freedom Riders<br />

Freedom Riders leave LR<br />

Encouraging contrast in Freedom rides (ed)<br />

Editors discuss Freedom Riders<br />

L C Bates critical ef NAACP inaction in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Duke Ellington concert at Robinson Auditorium cancelled<br />

Segregated seating at Rebinsen Auditorium pretested<br />

Judgment in F W Woelwerth store sitin delayed 5th time<br />

All three bus stations at LR proclaim desegregated status<br />

Integration of LR parks is goal ef NAACP<br />

George Het11ard is state president ef NAACP<br />

George Heward urges resistance te segregation in Ark<br />

Judge delays judgment in sit-in cases from 1960 demonstration<br />

Weelwerth store at LR was site ef 1960 sit-in demonstration<br />

Pine Bluff Citizens Council hears talk by Dr George S Bensen<br />

Nightriding chg filed against five youths in Dermott area<br />

6/ 2/61 Bl 3<br />

6/ 3/61 A5 1<br />

6/ 4/ 61 C4 5<br />

6/ 8/61 BS 1<br />

7/10/61 Al 4<br />

7/11/61 Al 5<br />

7/11/61 Al 5<br />

7/11/-61 Al 5<br />

7/12/61 Al 2<br />

7/12/61 Al 5<br />

7/12/61 Al 5<br />

7/12/61 P:3 1<br />

7/12/61 A4 l<br />

7/13/-61 Al 4<br />

7/13/61 Al 6<br />

7/-13/-61 Al 6<br />

7/13/61 Al 7<br />

7/13/61 Al 8<br />

7/13/-61 Al 8<br />

7/ 13/-61 P:3 6<br />

7/14/61 Al 7<br />

7/14/61 Al 7<br />

7/14/61 Al 8<br />

7/14/61 A4 l<br />

7/14/61 A4 2<br />

7/14/61 Bl 2<br />

7/15/-61 Al 4<br />

7/16/61 Al 2<br />

7/16/61 Al 2<br />

7/16/61 E5 2<br />

7/17/61 A6 1<br />

7/18/61 Al 3<br />

7/18/61 Al 3<br />

7/20/61 Al 2<br />

7/21/-61 Al 2<br />

7/21/61 Al 2<br />

7/-22/61 A3 4<br />

7/22/61 A4 l<br />

7 /23/61 E4 6<br />

8/-14/-61 AB 2<br />

9/ 1/61 All 4<br />

9/ 1/61 All 4<br />

11/ 1/61 B9 1<br />

11/ 2/-61 Bl 4<br />

11/-13/-61 BS 3<br />

1/ 3/62 P:3 4<br />

1/ 3/62 P:3 4<br />

1/17/62 B14 3<br />

1/17/-62 B2 3<br />

1/31/-62 BlO 3<br />

2/- 2/-62 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

NAACP files brief in case relating te 1958 laws<br />

George Heward Jr jailed briefly en contempt ef ceurt charge<br />

Negrees drep suit against feur 1957 acts<br />

Suit attacking 1957 acts is dismissed<br />

Desegregation of Fert Smith airport may be sought in suit<br />

Desegregation ef all public facilities in LR sought in suit<br />

Wiley Branton is atty fer Negroes in LR desegregation suit<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Council en Human Relations saddened by LR suit<br />

LR may sell er close swimming peels if integration ordered<br />

LR officials shorr.7 little interest in settlement ef suit<br />

Nat Griswold urges LR te desegregate voluntarily. avoid suits<br />

Fort Smith mayer Rebert Brooksher Jr says airport integrated<br />

Facing the issue {ed en suit te integrate LR city facilities)<br />

Negro leaders prepesed comm in lieu ef court action at LR<br />

Traditien centrals use ef LR parks. not written rules<br />

LR City Bd members in quandry ever desegregation suit<br />

LR branch NAACP hears leader urge legal war en discrimination<br />

Gav Faubus meets with three Negro leaders en state jebs<br />

Gev Faubus says suit will cause closing of LR swimming peels<br />

Gaz ette calls fer effort to settle LR discrimination suit<br />

Segregated seating is problem fer Little Reck Auditorium<br />

City Beard passes desegregation lawsuit te its attorney<br />

Gov Faubs reminds that law allows recreatien facilities lease<br />

Hot Springs te farm biracial greup te help selve problems<br />

State law allows govts to dispese ef recreational facilities<br />

Sit-in case at LR new two years eld with no reselutien seen<br />

Ark Supreme Ct take s 4 1958 segregation laws under study<br />

Nancy Hall will cancel Easter services if Negroes en program<br />

Negroes refused program rele at Capitol service en Easter<br />

Irony at Easter (ed en segregated program at Capitol )<br />

Nancy Hall believes desegregation demand is publicity stunt<br />

Nancy Hall says she gets nothing but praise fer her stand<br />

Letters critical ef Nancy Hall en Easter service stand<br />

Pastors urge that Easter program at Capital be canceled<br />

Wiley A Branton leaving Pine Bluff te head veter proj ect<br />

Letters attack Nancy Hall decision en Easter services<br />

NLR asked te plan fer desegregation of all city parks<br />

Easter service scheduled for Capitol steps canceled<br />

Letters en Nancy Hall decision continue<br />

The sunrise service (ed)<br />

LR City Mgr Bd says it has not denied rights te Negroes<br />

NAACP organized boycott of Pine Bluff Kreger Store<br />

Education of illiterate Negroes urged by Charles H Murphy Jr<br />

Capital Citizens Council offers Negroes free ene-way ride<br />

First one-way riders te be taken to Hyannis Pert, Mass<br />

President of Capital Citizens Council is Amis Guthridge<br />

Amis Guthridge says Ted Kennedy will be asked te meet Negroes<br />

Citizens Council says money raised te fly Negroes ta Mass<br />

Ted Kennedy assails Citizens Council 's Negro airlift<br />

Ted Kennedy arranging welcome fer Ark Negro families<br />

Capital Citizens cannot find Negrees who want te go to Mass<br />

2/ 8/62 Bl 4<br />

2/13/62 Al 1<br />

2/15/62 Bl 4<br />

2/ 27/62 Bl 2<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 6<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 8<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 8<br />

3/10/62 Al 2<br />

3/10/62 Al 2<br />

3/10/62 Al 2<br />

3/10/62 Al 2<br />

3/ 10/62 Al 3<br />

3/10/62 A4 2<br />

3/11/62 Al 2<br />

3/11/62 Al 1<br />

3/l'N62 Al 4<br />

3/12/62 BS 1<br />

3/13/62 Al 2<br />

3/13/62 Al 2<br />

3/13/62 A4 1<br />

3/14/-62 Bl 6<br />

3/15/62 A3 1<br />

3/15/62 A3 2<br />

3/15/62 A3 2<br />

3/15/62 A3 2<br />

3/18/62 E3 1<br />

3/20/-62 Bl 2<br />

3/22/62 Bl 2<br />

3/22/62 Bl 2<br />

3/-23/62 A4 2<br />

3/23/62 Bl 2<br />

3/23/62 Bl 2<br />

3/25/62 E2 3<br />

3/27/62 Al 2<br />

3/29/62 A3 l<br />

3/29/62 A4 3<br />

3/30/62 B5 5<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

4/ 1/62 E2 3<br />

4/ 4/62 A4 2<br />

4/10/62 Al 3<br />

4/10/62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 2/62 Al 2<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 2<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 2<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 2<br />

5/- 4/62 Al3 2<br />

5/ 4/62 Al3 2<br />

5/ 5/62 Al 6<br />

5/ 6/62 A3 4<br />

5/ 8/ 62 Bl 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Amis Guthridge sees Negro off fer free ride to Calif<br />

Negro who gees every 2 years takes free ride te Calif<br />

Orval Faubus declines comment on one-way rides fer Negroes<br />

Faur Negrees play gelf at Burns Park without problems<br />

Amis Guthridge finds Negro taker fer trip to Kennedyland<br />

Ted Kennedy te greet LR Negro upon arrival at Hyannis Port<br />

Little Rock Negro David Harris gets welcome at Hyannis<br />

Editorial en reverse freedom riders<br />

Amis Guthridge puts another Negro en bus fer Hyannis Pert<br />

Amis 's boomerang (ed en Guthridge 's reverse freedom riders)<br />

Freedom rider David E Harris gets job in cafe at Hyannis<br />

Dr Richard V Ebert offers te pay return fare ef Negro riders<br />

Fourth jobless Negro take s ride te Hyannis<br />

Jobless white man at Stamps asks te be sent north<br />

Theophilus Pruitt admits police record. blames race trouble<br />

Theophilus Pruitt sent te Hyannis by Capital Citizens Council<br />

Theophilus Pruitt te return to LR from Hyannis<br />

Would-be freedom rider Robert Chandler former mental patient<br />

Hyannis officials to seek ban en free rides north program<br />

Shameful new phase in the reverse rides (ed)<br />

Amis Guthridge sends women with large families te Hyannis<br />

Candidate David A Cox upbraids Am.is Guthridge te his face<br />

Hyannis officials call reverse rides an ev il scheme<br />

Lack ef state leadership allows Amis Guthridge te eperate<br />

Hyannis houses mothers. children in college dorm<br />

Massachusetts geverner sees travesty en human justice<br />

Presbyterian Synod ef Ark condemns reverse freedom rides<br />

Little Rock's loss in reverse ride farce (ed)<br />

Letters te editor discuss reverse freedom rides<br />

Amis Guthridge says Citizens Council slandered in newscast<br />

NAACP field secy L C Bates tries te discourage reverse riders<br />

Oppesitien te reverse freedom rides growing in Little Reck<br />

Couple living in 4 reems offer housing to Bell. 11 children<br />

Rhode Island governor criticizes Ark ever reverse rides<br />

Gov Faubus asks what was done to step f reedem rides South<br />

Sid McMath, Marvin Melton assail reverse freedom rides<br />

Capital Citizens Council sends 3 mere riders te Hyannis<br />

Capital Citizens Council has sent 30 Negroes to Hyannis<br />

Episcopal Bishop Rebert R BrGllln effers to help Negroes<br />

Free rides deceive Negroes. Urban League directer says<br />

Letters to editor discuss reverse freedom riders<br />

Ministerial Assn denounces reverse freedom rides<br />

Reverse freedom rider says Capital Citizens Council lied<br />

Reverse freedom rider Edward Burton leaves fer Hyannis<br />

Amis Guthridge says he 's finally get integration en the run<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong>' 34th reverse freedom rider leaves fer Bosten<br />

Dr Malcolm G Taylor suggests JFK heme fer houslng Negroes<br />

Cape Ced Refugee Relief Comm notes many in Ark embarrassed<br />

James T Karam organizing group to return reverse riders<br />

Amis Guthridge accused ef mis-stating facts<br />

Article en Wiley Branton's new work in Atlanta<br />

5/ 9/62 Al 1<br />

5/ 9/62 Al 2<br />

5/ 9/62 Al 4<br />

5/ 9/62 Bl6 1<br />

5/11/62 Bl 6<br />

5/-12/62 Al 2.<br />

5/13/62 Al 2<br />

5-/13/62 E2 2<br />

5/ 15/62 A5 2<br />

5/-16-/62 A4 l<br />

5/ 16/62 A6 2<br />

5/17/62 Al 3<br />

5/18/62 Bl 5<br />

5/19/62 Al 2<br />

5/19/62 Al 3<br />

5/19/62 Al 3<br />

5/20/62 Al 3<br />

5/20/62 Al 3<br />

5-/21/62 A3 3<br />

5/22/62 A4 1<br />

5-/2'2;/62 Bl 2<br />

5/22/62 Bl 2<br />

5-/22/62 Bl 2<br />

5/23/62 A4 2<br />

5/-23/62 Bl 5<br />

5/23/62 Bl 5<br />

5/24/62 A2 7<br />

5/24/62 A4 l<br />

5/24/-62 A4 3<br />

5/24/62 Bl 6<br />

5-/24/-62 Bl 6<br />

5-/ 24/62 Bl 6<br />

5/24/62 Cll 1<br />

5/24/ 62 Cll 1<br />

5/25/-62 All 2<br />

5/25/-62 All 2<br />

5/26/62 A3 4<br />

5/27/-62 A2 6<br />

5/27/62 A2 6<br />

5/28/62 A12 3<br />

5/29/62 A4 3<br />

5/29/62 Bl 6<br />

5/30/62 A8 5<br />

5/31/62 Bl 3<br />

6/ 2/62 A3 4<br />

6/ 2/62 A3 4<br />

6/ 2/62 A3 4<br />

6/ 2/62 A4 2<br />

6/ 3/62 A2 3<br />

6/ 3/62 A2 4<br />

6/ 3/62 E3 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Cripple gets free ticket as rider number 35<br />

Hyannis jails reverse rider frem <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

James T Karam geing Nerth te aid reverse freedom riders<br />

James T Karam begins riders ' aid trip today<br />

Methedists say reverse rides embarrassment te state<br />

Mr Karam' s missien and leadership 's default (ed)<br />

James T Karam cancels trip to North; 2 mothers plan to stay<br />

Nat R Griswold comments on freedom riders<br />

Arkansan arrives in Indiana; sister critices Citizens Council<br />

Capital Citizens sends unemployed watchman. children te NY<br />

State press comments en James T Karam's new proj ect<br />

Amis Guthridge stresses he promises freedom riders no jobs<br />

Feur more riders leave for Hyannis<br />

Citzens Ceuncil sends goat te freedom riders in Hyannis<br />

SPCA in Massachusetts to rescue goat. send it te farm<br />

Four reverse freedom riders reach Hyannis<br />

Amis Guthridge sends 6 Negroes to Hyannis<br />

Funds for reverse freedom rides exhausted. Guthridge says<br />

Negroes at NAACP rally condemn reverse freedom rides<br />

Six more Negroes fram Ark reach Hyannis<br />

Cress burned en church lawn at Pine Bluff recently<br />

Searcy Daily Citiz en comments on reverse freedom rides<br />

Urban League to advise Negroes of reverse ride problems<br />

Capital Citizens Council sends twe mere Negrees ta Hyannis<br />

Amis Guthridge . Malcolm Tayler, Wesley Pruden attack Faubus<br />

Capital Citizens Council leadership breaks with Gev Faubus<br />

Handbill attacks Gov Faubus as quitter en segregatien<br />

Sit-in cases stemming frem 1960 postponed 8th time<br />

Racists' disavowal is preef he 's free. Gev Faubus says<br />

Capital Citizens says Faubus non-captive by its cheice<br />

Capital Citizens Council denounces Gov Faubus as a deserter<br />

Amis Guthridge responds te chgs in attacks en Gov Faubus<br />

Negroes picket Negre-ewned Fisher 's Barbecuse at LR<br />

White part ef Fishers cooler than fer Negroes, pickets say<br />

Negroes still picketing Fishers Barbecue Restaurant<br />

Owner of Fisher's calls police, but pickets leave<br />

Fisher's Barbeque practices segregation. pickets say<br />

Negroes withdraw pickets at Fisher's Barbecue<br />

Amis Guthridge says lack ef funds slews reverse riders<br />

Negro mother, 2 daughters head north en reverse freedom ride<br />

I S McClinten says Southern demagogues create racial strife<br />

Cases of Woolworth sit-in by students in 1960 postponed<br />

F W Woolworth lunch counter is site of sit-in at LR<br />

Negro college students resume dewntewn LR sit-ins<br />

About 50 Negre college students held sit-in at Woolworth<br />

Bohannon children sue Jefferson Ce deputy ever arrest<br />

Jefferson deputy tells his version of arrest of Behannens<br />

Twenty Negroes continue sit-in at Woolworth 's in LR<br />

Nine sit-in at Walgreen in LR; white man. Negro arrested<br />

William Hansen is white arrested at Walgreen sit-in<br />

William Hansen. Werth Leng get pestpenement in sit-in case<br />

6/ 5/62 Bl<br />

6/ 6/62 A3<br />

6/ 6/62 A3<br />

6/ 7/62 Al<br />

6/ 7/62 All<br />

6/ 7/62 A4<br />

6/ 8/62 Bl<br />

6/ f}/62 A4<br />

6/ 9/62 A5<br />

6/ 9/62 A5<br />

6/10/62 E3<br />

6/12/62 Bl<br />

6/12/62 Bl<br />

6/13/62 Al<br />

6/14/62 Al<br />

6/14/62 All<br />

6/17/62 A12<br />

6/17/62 Al2<br />

6/18/62 B6<br />

6/19/62 A3<br />

6/23/62 Al<br />

6/24/-62 E3<br />

6/26/62 Bl<br />

7/ 1/62 A3<br />

7/11/62 Al<br />

7/11/62 Al<br />

7/11/62 Al<br />

7/11/62 BlO<br />

7/12/62 A13<br />

7 /13/62 A3<br />

7 /28/62 A3<br />

7/31/62 Al<br />

8/21/62 A3<br />

8/21/62 A3<br />

8/24/62 Bl<br />

8/26/62 All<br />

9/ 2/ 62 AlO<br />

9/ 9/62 A4<br />

10/ 6/62 B6<br />

10/ 6/62 B6<br />

10/15/62 B6<br />

10/-17/62 BlO<br />

11/- 8/62 A4<br />

11/ 8/62 A4<br />

11/ 9/62 All<br />

11/ 9/62 Bl<br />

11/10/62 A2<br />

11/10/62 B7<br />

11/29/62 Al2<br />

11/29/62 Al2<br />

12/ 8/62 Bl4<br />

2<br />

6<br />

7<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

l<br />

6<br />

3<br />

3<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

3<br />

7<br />

6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see alse Beeks and writing<br />

see also Chronicles ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Civil War Centennial<br />

see also Menum.ent s. memorials and markers<br />

Original account ef Red River Campaign recalled<br />

Memorial wreath placed en grave of Civil War here David Dodd<br />

Letters ef Dr Junius N Bragg published by his daughter<br />

Relics from <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest made safe fer display<br />

Joel W Strong wrote personal account of the war<br />

Account ef Peace and Censtitutienal Society in Searcy County<br />

Jehn W Morris of Searcy Ce. relates his war experiences<br />

Peace and Constitutional Society members arrested (names)<br />

Peace and Constitutional Society members forced into army<br />

Swerd ef Brig Gen Albert Rust embedded in tree at Camden<br />

Beene County was scene of robbery of wemen and children<br />

John Wertman Morris company fought in NW Ark battles<br />

John Wertman Morris 's story continues<br />

Map shews features. structures at Battle ef Prairie Greve<br />

Article on Leetewn and the Battle of Pea Ridge<br />

Map of Battle of Pea Ridge and photo of Elkhorn Tavern<br />

Body of Confederate Peter Clingman to be moved to Atlanta<br />

Account of killing ef Rev William Shepherd by bushwhackers<br />

Old Wire Read in NW Ark coveted by beth North and South<br />

Article en puzzles made by Rebert K Hall during war<br />

Richard C Rhodes was hanged by bushwhackers. lived to tell it<br />

State never unified in Civil War. John L Fergusen says<br />

Fert Smith 'Grapevine Telegraph ' had Civil War rele<br />

Marker at Bentonville notes amusing incident at Eagle Hotel<br />

Omer R Weaver was first Arkansan killed in the Civil War<br />

Indiana te return Ark flags lest in Civil War<br />

Flags taken in war returned te <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Secend <strong>Arkansas</strong> Mounted Rifles studied by W T Leeper<br />

Iewa has <strong>Arkansas</strong> flag captured at Helena<br />

Letters from war era filled with humor. pathos<br />

Brief history of Battle of Poison Springs<br />

Battle of Prairie Greve re-enacted by Hindman 's Raiders<br />

Brief summary of history of First Arkansaas Infantry Rgmt<br />


Four-year Civil War Centennial opens today<br />

Ceremonies to nete state 's secession frem Union in 1861<br />

Gev and Mrs Faubus te lead grand march at centennial. event<br />

Saline County events mark centennial observances<br />

Cast announced fer re-enactment of secession conventien<br />

Re-enactment ef secession convention set for today<br />

Secession convention re-enacted at Old State House<br />

Jackson County marks entry into Civil War<br />

St Charles marks centennial of Civil War battle<br />


Veteran CCC members get together. discuss their werk<br />

Clearfork Creek dam and camp facilities were built by CCC<br />

l/ 8/ 61 E2<br />

1/ 'f/61 A2<br />

1/11/61 Bl<br />

l/l'l/61 Bl<br />

1/22/61 El<br />

4/ 9/61 E2<br />

4/ 9/61 E2<br />

4/- 9/61 E2<br />

4/ 9/61 E2<br />

5/ 3/61 Bl<br />

6/ 4/61 E2<br />

6/ 4/ 61 E2<br />

6/ 4/61 E2<br />

6/ 4/61 E2<br />

7/ 9/-61 E2<br />

7/ 9/61 E2<br />

7/-30/61 ClO<br />

8/20/61 E3<br />

8/-27/61 E3<br />

11/ 5/61 ES<br />

11/14/-61 Bl<br />

11/23/61 Al3<br />

2/18/62 E4<br />

3/20/62 Bl<br />

4/29/62 E6<br />

5/17/62 A16<br />

6/ 2/62 Al<br />

7/ 1/62 E5<br />

7/ 3/62 Bl<br />

8/26/62 E6<br />

9/ 6/62 Bl<br />

9/ 9/62 ES<br />

9/17/-62 AB<br />

1-/- 8/61 AlO<br />

4-/-30/61 AlO<br />

4/30/61 AlO<br />

4/30/61 AlO<br />

5/ 3/61 All<br />

5/ 6/-61 A6<br />

5/ 7/61 Al<br />

5/16-/-61 Bl<br />

6/13/62 Bl<br />

4/12/61 Bl<br />

5/17-/-61 Bl<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see also Little Reck Zoo<br />

see also Little Reck Zee<br />


see also Suits and claims . Gevt<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />

see also Pel ice<br />


see also Animals<br />

see also Fossils<br />


see also Aviation and aircraft<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />

Wrngle ever alderman ends up in state Supreme Court<br />

Three ousted frem City Council<br />

Ouster of 3 Council members gees te court<br />

Fire destroys four store buildings ; dam.age runs high<br />

Switch to city manager plan being studied<br />

Report given en city manager plan<br />

City Council approves urban renewal project<br />

Federal grant approved for renewal proj ect<br />

Mass meeting of citizens approves urban renewsl proj ect<br />

Voters approve Spadra Park urban renewal proj ect<br />


New plant to be dedicated<br />


State Treasurer dies at age 56<br />


see also Government officials, State<br />

see also Treasurer (Ark)<br />


see Camps and camping<br />


see also Housing<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />


see also National Guard<br />


see also Civil War<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />

Mrs Abe Berkowitz is mayor of Clinton at critical time<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


Clewers says sang about him not true. but he does net obj ect<br />

5/17/61 A6 l<br />

6/21/61 A5 3<br />

6/23/61 AS 1<br />

7/11/61 Bl 7<br />

7/lPf/61 A5 3<br />

8/23/61 BlO 5<br />

8/18/62 A8 8<br />

9-/ 1/62 A3 1<br />

9/20/62 Bl 7<br />

10/17 /62 Bl 8<br />

1/29-/61 AB 1<br />

7/23/61 Al 2<br />

11/21/61 Bl 3<br />

6/ 6/62 Bl 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Hit song. 'Wolverton Mountain ' is about Conway County man<br />

Musical benefit fer Clowers to be held at Morrilton<br />

Clewer attends Wolverton Mountain day event s at Morrilton<br />

CLUBS, Private<br />

see Bars and night clubs<br />

CO-OPERATIVES. Agricultural<br />

see Agriculture<br />

COAL<br />

Changing economic pattern hits Ark coal-mining industry<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Loitering and vagrancy<br />

COBB, OSRO<br />

see also United States - Attorneys<br />

Cobb expresses appreciation for <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


Labor dispute settled, workers to be rehired<br />

Employees vote against Teamsters representation<br />


Coke settlement leads to rehiring 30 striking employees<br />


Four arrested in raid on cock fight near Het Springs<br />

Mr and Mrs George Oster fined for holding cock fights<br />


see also Crime and vice<br />

see also Gambling<br />

see also Governor (Ark)<br />

Offers his aid te Mississippi Gov Ress Barnett<br />


see also Education - Little Reck District<br />

COHN, M M, CO<br />

see also Robberies and thefts<br />


Jew who defied Hitler finds <strong>Arkansas</strong> land of opportunity<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> State College<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> Careers Inc being formed to halt brain drain<br />

Ten LR firms werk te keep Ark college graduates at home<br />

William F Reeter leader in effort te halt Ark brain drain<br />

Salaries are reason fer exodus frem state, column says<br />

Employers begin te go after grads keep them at heme in Ark<br />

Grades, leadership prime necessities fer college graduates<br />

Jehn Brewn Univ radie graduates are world travelers<br />


see alse Museums<br />

College of Ozarks enrollment is 313<br />

Plans fer fall semester announced<br />

College leses NCA accreditatien<br />

6/ 6/62 Bl<br />

8/15/62 Bl<br />

8/19/62 A3<br />

2/ 5/ 61 A4<br />

5/ 14/61 E4<br />

3/29/61 Al<br />

6/ 8/61 AS<br />

3/30/61 Cl6<br />

l/ 4/61 Al2<br />

1/ 5/ 61 Bl<br />

9/21/62 A2<br />

2/26/61 E2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

l<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

4<br />

l<br />

4/ 8/62 Cl 1<br />

4/ 8/62 Cl 1<br />

4/ 8/62 Cl l<br />

4/15/62 Cl 1<br />

4/22/62 Cl 1<br />

4/29/62 Cl l<br />

5/ 6/62 ES 2<br />

1/27/61 Bl 2<br />

8/13/61 C35<br />

4/ 7/62 A7 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

President William S Findley resigns<br />

College names interim head<br />

Dr Don E Davis named president<br />

COLLEGE PRESS ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Journalism<br />


Anti-crime drive helps community te improve<br />


see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> A & M College<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N Cellege<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist College<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cellege<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Polytechnic College<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Teachers College<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State College<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State College. Beebe Branch<br />

Athletics and sports<br />

Central Baptist College<br />

Civil rights and discriminatien<br />

College ef the Ozarks<br />

Construction pregrams, State<br />

Cenway Baptist Cellege<br />

Fort Smith Junior College<br />

Harding College<br />

Hendersen State Teachers College<br />

Hendrix College<br />

Histery (Ark)<br />

Housing<br />

Jehn Brown University<br />

Journalism<br />

Little Reck University<br />

Ouachita Baptist College<br />

Philander Smith College<br />

Robberies and thefts<br />

Shorter Cellege<br />

Southern State College<br />

Substance abuse and traffic<br />

University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Graduate Institute ef <strong>Tech</strong><br />

University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />

Summary ef 1951 Burns-Kibbee report en Ark higher education<br />

New college may be organized at Shumaker Naval Depot<br />

College students hear C of C explain its policy<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Accreditation<br />

see also College of the Ozarks<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Accreditation and Standards<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> State College<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Administration and Management<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A & M College<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />

4/19/62 Cl6 4<br />

4/26/62 Bl 4<br />

6/14/62 Bl 7<br />

4/ 4/ 61 Bl<br />

1/ 3/61 K3<br />

9/29/61 Bl<br />

10/ 3/62 Bl<br />

2<br />

5<br />

8<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Cellege of the Ozarks<br />

see also Harding College<br />

see also John Brewn University<br />

see also Philander Smith College<br />

see also University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Repert charging rivalry retards progress is revived<br />

Creation ef council en higher educ finance favered by ALC<br />

Higher educ finance council would supervise budgets<br />

Beard of Control bill would consolidate colleges<br />

Presidents seek Faubus help to sidetrack overall beard plan<br />

Bill te create beard of control passes committee<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> has long wrestled with idea of everall beard<br />

State Rep Glenn F Walther wants Univ of Ark system fer cells<br />

Henderson pres D D McBrien says educators dislike single bd<br />

Single board for colleges rej ected by House<br />

Repr Lonnie Etheridge te try again fer board en higher educ<br />

Proposed beard should have real pewer. Gazette says<br />

Ark A and M president Jack W Mears favors co-ordinating beard<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Polytechnic president J W Hull opposes overall bd<br />

Rep J H Cottrell Jr to fight fer estab of Higher Educ Bd<br />

New hope fer creation of college beard (ed)<br />

Bills in Legis would create a state Beard of Cantrel<br />

Purpese of Beard of Central outlined in bill<br />

Conflict arises in Legis over prepesed Beard ef Cantrel<br />

Giving real authority to new cellege beard (ed)<br />

Reuse apprGVes bill te estab single beard fer all colleges<br />

Cornell Report ef 1958 rev iewed<br />

Control Beard idea seems near collapse in Legislature<br />

The advisory beard fer state colleges (ed)<br />

Camm en Co-erdinattien of Higher Education Finance proposed<br />

Senate stifles Central Beard by amendment<br />

Compromise developed en Board of Control ; Senate approves<br />

The alternatives en a Cellege Control Beard (ed)<br />

Higher education finance comm appreved by Legis. sent to Gov<br />

Camm on Co-ordination of Higher Education Finance is law<br />

Powers of CCHEF described<br />

Rep Marien Crank advocated CCHEF. J W Hull eppesed it<br />

Gev Faubus appoints first members ef new CCHEF<br />

William E Darby named chairman of CCHEF<br />

E L Angell named director ef CCHEF<br />

E L Angell picked te head CCHEF<br />

College co-ordination (ed en work ef E L Angell)<br />

E L Angell asks fer more time te study college budgets<br />

CCHEF has opportunity te meve inte budget action<br />

Gazette calls CCHEF able advocate fer higher education<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Admissions<br />

see Colleges and univs - Enrollment and retention<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Apprepriatiens<br />

see Colleges and univs - Finance and budgets<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Athletics and Sports<br />

see Athletics and sports<br />

l/ 3/61 A3 5<br />

l/ 5/61 Al2 l<br />

l/ 5/61 Al2 l<br />

1/10/61 A2 5<br />

1/21/61 A3 3<br />

1/26/61 Al 2<br />

1/29/61 C4 l<br />

l/2/61 C4 2<br />

2/ 6/61 Al 4.<br />

2/23/61 Al 5<br />

7 / 5/61 A6 l<br />

7/ 6/61 A4 2<br />

8/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

8/ 9/ 61 Al 3<br />

8/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

8/ 11/61 A4 l<br />

8/25/61 Al 4<br />

8/25/61 Al 4<br />

8/26/61 Al 4<br />

8/26/61 A4 l<br />

8/29/61 Al 2<br />

8/29/61 Bl 2<br />

8/30/61 Al 6<br />

8/30/61 A4 l<br />

8/31/61 Al 2<br />

8/31/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 1/61 Al 3<br />

9/ 1/61 A4 1<br />

9/ 2/61 Al 5<br />

9/10/61 A7 1<br />

9/ 10/61 A7 1<br />

9/10/61 A7 l<br />

9/ 19/61 Bl 4<br />

10/ 3/61 B8 3<br />

2/16/62 Bl 6<br />

3/11/62 Al 4<br />

3/13/62 A4 1<br />

3/17/62 A2 5<br />

11/19/62 A4 1<br />

12-/ 6/62 A6 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Awards and Honers<br />

see alse Harding Cellege<br />

see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Bombs and B001b Threats<br />

see alse Philander Smith Cellege<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Civil Rights<br />

see alse Ouachita Baptist College<br />

see also Philander Smith College<br />

see also University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Contracts and Purchasing<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Curriculum<br />

see also Ark A & M College<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Polytechnic College<br />

see alse Fart Smith Junier College<br />

see alse Little Reck University<br />

see also Ouachita Baptist College<br />

see alse Southern State Cellege<br />

see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Enrollment and Retention<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A & M College<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> State College<br />

see alse College ef the Ozarks<br />

see alse Harding College<br />

see also Little Reck University<br />

see alse Ouachita Baptist College<br />

see also Southern State College<br />

see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

State colleges te use ACT scores fer admission purposes<br />

State 's colleges expect enrollment ef 30.000 this menth<br />

State-supported colleges enrell 20.642<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Exchange and Intnl Pregrams<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pelytechnic Cellege<br />

Foreign students in Ark get together near LR<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Facilities<br />

see also Ark A & M College<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Polytechnic College<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> State College<br />

see alse Censtructien programs . State<br />

see alse Harding College<br />

see also Hendrix College<br />

see alse John Brewn University<br />

see alse Ouachita Baptist Cellege<br />

see alse Philander Smith Cellege<br />

see alse University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Legis Council makes recem.mendatiens en censtructien program<br />

State seeking means te fund college censtructien pregram<br />

Canstructien bends appreved by state Supreme Court<br />

Help fer the colleges (ed en construction bends decision)<br />

4/ 12/61 BB 4<br />

9/ 2/ 62 A7 l<br />

11/18/62 Al2 l<br />

11/28/61 Bl 4<br />

B/13/61 Al 8<br />

1/16/62 Bl 8<br />

1/30/62 Bl 7<br />

1/31/62 A4 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Several maj er buildings te be constructed on campuses<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Finance and Budgets<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N Cellege<br />

see alse Shorter Cellege<br />

see alse University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />

Funding bills introduced in Legislature<br />

Apprepriatien bills pass Legis. ge to Gav Faubus<br />

Editorial en use ef revenue bands far censtructien<br />

Legis has right ta switch state accts fer call fund. ct told<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> sets recerd fer college support<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem wants study of bonded debt ef colleges<br />

CCHEF questiens AEA's proposal fer funding public education<br />

Bonded debt shews large increase; legislators concerned<br />

Budget requests unrealistic, ALC and Gav Faubus say<br />

Legislative Council approves increased funding<br />


see <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Cellege<br />

see University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Fraternities and Sororities<br />

see alse University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Fund Raising and Gifts<br />

see also Harding Cellege<br />

see also Hendrix Colllege<br />

see alse Jahn Brewn University<br />

see also Little Reck University<br />

see also Ouachita Baptist College<br />

see also University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

AFAC reperts rise in donations to private colleges<br />

AFAC distributes $21 ,636 te member colleges<br />

Gift te allaw faculty at AFAC schools te study this summer<br />

AFAC receives $172.248 fer aid te private colleges in state<br />

AFAC raises funds for private colleges in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Colleges and univs - Fund raising and gifts<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - History<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Teachers Cellege<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Housing<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Polytechnic College<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Teachers College<br />

see alse Harding Cellege<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - International Programs<br />

see Celleges and univs - Exchange and intnl programs<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Junior Colleges<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> State College. Beebe Branch<br />

see also Fort Smith Junior College<br />

Pine Bluff may get junior college<br />

State 's new rules may stir changes in junior colleges<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Law Education Programs<br />

Present <strong>Arkansas</strong> Law Scheel at LR is private<br />

UA may ask fer funds to take ever night law school at LR<br />

5/15/62 A2<br />

1/20/61 Al<br />

2/ 3/61 Bl<br />

10/30/61 A4<br />

1/16/62 Bl<br />

3/11/62 A3<br />

6/23/62 A2<br />

9/26/62 Bl<br />

10/- 6/62 A2<br />

11/17 /62 A3<br />

12/ 7/62 Bl<br />

l/ 6/61 Bl<br />

2/22/61 Bl<br />

5/12/61 Bl<br />

1/ 6/62 A2<br />

7/ 4/ 62 A2<br />

2/24/-62 B5<br />

10/-14/62 A4<br />

11/ 2/62 Al<br />

11/ 2/62 Al<br />

1<br />

5<br />

7<br />

1<br />

8<br />

5<br />

1<br />

8<br />

1<br />

1<br />

7<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

The Law Scheel need in LR area (ed)<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Libraries<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> State College<br />

see alse Ouachita Baptist Cellege<br />

see also Philander Smith College<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Mascots<br />

see alse University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Medicine and Allied Health<br />

see also University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Research<br />

see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see alse University of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Graduate Institute ef <strong>Tech</strong><br />

see alse University of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Retention, Student<br />

see Celleges and univs - Enrollment and retention<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Role and Scope<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> State College<br />

see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Graduite Institute ef <strong>Tech</strong><br />

Bill calls fer automatic univ status when criteria met<br />

Summary of previsions ef bills en university status<br />

Gaz ette opposes permissive univ status designation proposal<br />

University status bills impreved. Gev Orval Faubus says<br />

Private colleges retain a key rele<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Salaries and Benefits<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />

Auditors report value of homes of presidents of schools<br />

CCHEF asks salary increases fer teachers<br />

Higher education's case fer better salaries (ed)<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Tests and Grades<br />

see also Colleges and univs - Enrollment and retention<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - Tuition and Fees<br />

State Rep Clarke Kinney urges tuition increase<br />

Gov Faubus opposes raising tuition at state schools<br />

Feur state colleges charge no out-of-state tuition<br />

COLLEGES AND UNIVS - University Status<br />

see Colleges and univs - Role and scope<br />

COLLEGES, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Foundation of Associated<br />

see alse Colleges and univs - Gifts<br />

Brig Gen Hugh Cort retires as executive directer<br />

Col Cletes 0 Bennett named executive secretary<br />


see also Books and writing<br />

COLORED PEOPLE, National Association fer the Advanc<br />

see Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see Negroes<br />


New firm at Magnolia te begin producing pre-built buildings<br />


see also Insurance<br />


Federal govt te review Stuttgart mill 's hiring policies<br />

11/- 3/62 A4 1<br />

1/-18/61 Al 2<br />

1/18/61 Al 2<br />

1/20/61 A4 2<br />

2/ 8/61 A2 4<br />

5/11/61 A4 6<br />

4/30/61 E5 1<br />

12/ 4/-62 Bl 7<br />

12/ 5/62 A6 1<br />

1/28/-61 A3 6<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 4<br />

4/ 6/62 A2 3<br />

9/ 3/-62 A2 6<br />

9/ 3/62 A2 6<br />

5/28/61 ClO 3<br />

4/17/-62 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ban en rice centracts withdrawn by federal govt<br />


see also Railroads<br />

see alse Trucks and trucking industry<br />

Arthur M Shirey Jr resigns frem Cemmissien<br />

Gov Faubus names J Orville Cheney chairman ef Cemmissien<br />

Directer W M Buttram is nationally-known fer his expertise<br />


see alse Business law<br />

5/ 3/62 Bl<br />

10/13/61 Al<br />

10/13/61 Al<br />

1/ 7/62 E5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

l<br />


see Higher Educatienal Finance. Cemmissien en Ce-ordination<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />


see Banks<br />


see also Education - Curriculum and teaching methods<br />

see alse Harding College<br />

Rep Dale Alford wants query made ef Rev Joseph B Hunter<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl<br />

Rev Joseph B Hunter criticized mevie. "Operation Abelitien" 1/ 5/61 Bl<br />

Mr Alford 's challenge te freedom ef speech (ed)<br />

1/ 6/61 A4<br />

Ouachita Baptist Cell students view "Operation Abolition" 1/ 6/61 Bl<br />

State Education Dept employees te view "Operation Abolition" 1/ 7/61 A2<br />

Dr Jeseph B Hunder explains stand en "Operation Abelition" 1/ 8/61 AB<br />

Dr Joseph B Hunder is exec secy ef Ark Ceuncil ef Churches 1/ 8/61 AB<br />

Dr Joseph Hunter would welcome FBI probe. release of findings 1/ 8/61 AB<br />

FBI will net say if known Communists live in Ark<br />

1/11/61 A3<br />

Dr Joseph B Hunter backed by ministers en Operation Abolition 1/24/61 Bl<br />

Court justices. legislators see. appreve Operation Abolition 1/25/61 Bl<br />

LRCTA backs Forrest Rozell, raps American Legion critics 1/29/61 C4<br />

American Legion called fer firing ef Forrest Rozzell<br />

1/29/61 C4<br />

Forrest Rezzell opposed tactics ef "Operation Abolitien" 1/29/61 C4<br />

American Legien endorses film. "Operation Abolitien"<br />

1/30/61 AB<br />

New law makes it illegal to be a Cemmunist in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

l/31/61 A3<br />

Rep Milt Earnhart sponsored bill barring Communists in Ark 1/31/61 A3<br />

State has ne knewn Communists at this time<br />

1/31/61 A3<br />

AF.A President Hugh L Mills supperts 'Operation Abolition' 2/ 7/61 Bl2<br />

AEA Bd ef Directors gives full support te Forrest Rozzell 2/12/61 A3<br />

Michigan gaverner bans shewing of "Operation Abelitien"<br />

4/ 8/61 A2<br />

Charles T Vetter Jr to discuss red techniques at LR conf 4/ 9/61 A7<br />

Strategy fer Survival conference scheduled at LR<br />

4/ 9/61 A7<br />

3 Texas men engage in fist fight over "Operation Abolition" 4/30/61 A12<br />

State Repr Virgil Fletcher communism study in high schools 6/13/61 Bl<br />

Gaz ette fears anti-communism course leads to brain-washing 6/16/61 A4<br />

State to buy "Operation Abolition" fer use in scheels<br />

6/18/61 Al<br />

Editorial en Arch Ferd 's plan te purchase Operation Abolition 6/20/61 A4<br />

Dr Jamed D Bales. Pat Beene collaborate en beek fer teens 6/30/61 Al<br />

Editorial en Strategy fer Survival Cenf at Fert Smith<br />

10/ 9/61 A4<br />

Mrs Alfred E Lippman Jr lectures en fight against Communism 10/10/61 Bl<br />

Ark Federation ef Women's Club te hear one side at a time 10/11/61 A13<br />

Strategy fer Survival group at Fort Smith finds a mission 10/11/61 A3<br />

8<br />

8<br />

l<br />

3<br />

3<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

3<br />

6<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

l<br />

l<br />

4<br />

8<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

l<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Fort Smith Junior Civic League will net spenser Mrs Lippman<br />

Letter an Mrs Alfred Lippman Jr's speech at Fert Smith<br />

Clarification of Fort Smith Junior Civic League action<br />

10/13/61 Bl<br />

10/25/61 A4<br />

10/31/61 A4<br />

Winston G Chandler says U S promotes communism mere than USSR 11/17/61 Bl<br />

Mrs Alfred Lippman Jr writes booklet under her maiden name<br />

Harold F Ohlendorf tells Farm Bureau of communism threat<br />

The Ohlendorf warning te the Farm Federation (ed)<br />

Farm Bureau urges fight against communism<br />

11/19/61 E3<br />

11/21/61 B9<br />

11/22/61 A4<br />

11/22/61 B9<br />

COMMUNITY ACCOMPLISHMENT CONTEST. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see <strong>Arkansas</strong> Community Accomplishment Contest<br />


see Area planning<br />


see also A and A Manufacturing Ce<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

AMF Cycle Division<br />

Adkins-Phelps Seed Ce<br />

Airtherm Products Inc<br />

Allen Canning Ce<br />

Alma Canning Ce<br />

American Greetings Corp<br />

American Oil Ce<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Business Development Corp<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cement Corp<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Chemical Inc<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cotten Mills<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Grain Carp<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Investment Corp<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Ce<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Missouri Power Ce<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Poultry Cooperatives Inc<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Pewer and Light Ce<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Shee Supply Ce<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Valley Industries Inc<br />

Athletic Mining and Smelting Ce<br />

Batesville Rubber Ce<br />

Baxter Laberateries Inc<br />

Birdseye Division, General Feeds<br />

Blades Manufacturing Co<br />

Borg-Warner Corp<br />

Brewn Century Cerp<br />

Burch Plew Works Inc<br />

Byrd's Manufacturing Corp<br />

Central Transformer Corp<br />

Chase Bag Ce<br />

Chase-Grecerd Rubber Ce<br />

Clarksville Shae Corp<br />

Ceca-Cela bottling Co<br />

Columbia Manufacturing Ce<br />

Comet Rice Mills<br />

Ceeper Tire and Rubber Co<br />

Gressett Co<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

6<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alee<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

Curtis Mathes Ce<br />

Daisy Manufacturing Ce<br />

Dantan Ce<br />

DeWitt Shoe Corp<br />

Delight Egg Farms Inc<br />

Dierks Forests Inc<br />

Douglas-Lema.sen Co<br />

Duncan Parking Meter Ce<br />

Dure-Test Corp<br />

Elkhart Products Corp<br />

Emerson Electric Ce<br />

Empire Life Insurance Company of America<br />

Ferd Chair Ce<br />

Fordyce Lumber Ce<br />

Fester Oak Ce<br />

Franklin Electric Ce<br />

Franz Feeds<br />

Further Precessing Inc<br />

Georgia-Pacific Paper Ce<br />

Gerber Products Ce<br />

Gotham Chalkboard and Trim Ce<br />

Grimm Breeder Manufacturing Ce Inc<br />

Grocord Rubber Ce<br />

H and B Canning Ce<br />

HLH Parade Ce<br />

Hays Bros Flooring Co<br />

Hester Mobile Hotnes Corp<br />

Hope Lumber Manufacturing Co<br />

Heward Manufacturing Ce<br />

Hunt. J B. Co<br />

Hurley Co<br />

Hydrel Conveyor Co<br />

Industrial accidents and safety<br />

International Telephone and Telegraph Corp<br />

Interstate Manufacturing Ce<br />

Jacuzzi Brothers Inc<br />

Johnsen County Frozen Feeds Inc<br />

Kellwood Ce<br />

Lake Catherine Footwear Inc<br />

Landers, Frary and Clark<br />

Lashlee Steel Ce<br />

Life and Industrial Companies Inc<br />

Magnet Cove Barium Corp<br />

Mar-Bax Shirt Campany Inc<br />

Matthews, John, Ce<br />

McCoy-Couch Furniture Manufacturing Co<br />

Midwest Casting Corp<br />

Milwhi te Co Inc<br />

Monsanto Chemical Co<br />

Morrilton Cotton Oil Co<br />

National Hem-Lite Inc<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse National Rej ecters Inc<br />

see also Nerth American Car Corp<br />

see also Ohio Rubber Co<br />

see also Orbit Valve Ce<br />

see alse Pan American Southern Corp<br />

see also Phillips-Van Heusen Corp<br />

see also Pioneer Grain and Seed Inc<br />

see also Polk County Garment Manufacturing Co<br />

see also Prescolite Manufacturing Co<br />

see also Price-Fewell Inc<br />

see also Priebe and Sens Inc<br />

see also Prince Gardner Co<br />

see also Razorback Method Inc<br />

see also Reaser-Hill Corp<br />

see also Revere Copper and Brass<br />

see also Reynolds Gas Regulators Co<br />

see also Reynolds Metals Co<br />

see also Scott Valve Ce<br />

see also Selb Manufacturing Corp<br />

see also Sobereff and Sons Co<br />

see also Southern Extrusions Inc<br />

see also Sutten Products Inc<br />

see also Swift and Co<br />

see also Twentieth Century Foods Corp<br />

see also Twin Table and Furniture Ce<br />

see also Villa Mobile Hemes Manufacturing Corp<br />

see also W and A Manuf acturing Ce<br />

see also Waldridge Knitting Mill<br />

see also Ward Body Works<br />

see also Ward Scheel Furniture Ce<br />

see also Western <strong>Arkansas</strong> Telephone Ce<br />

see also Westinghouse Electric Corp<br />

see also Wiederkehr Wine Callers Inc<br />

see also Wilson and Co<br />

see also Windsor Door Ce<br />

see also Yale and Tewne Manufacturing Co<br />

see alse Yoder Manufacturing Ce<br />


see Children and youth<br />


see Reusing<br />


see Veterans<br />


see Gevernment employees. State<br />

see Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also Nerrell. William F<br />

All ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> delegation en hand for opening of session<br />

Arkansans split en rules fight in House<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> delegatien cemments on Kennedy inaugural address<br />

1/ 4/61 Al<br />

1/24/61 Al<br />

1/31/61 Al<br />

4<br />

4<br />

6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ark delegation in Heuse splits 4-2 en Rules Cemm changes<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> delegatien saying little abeut <strong>1962</strong> electien plans<br />

House battle en Rule Cemmittee draws fairly heavy mail<br />

Effigene Lecke Winge was elected te Cengress in 1930<br />

First <strong>Arkansas</strong> weman elected te Cengress was Pearl P Oldfield<br />

Hattie Caraway was twice elected United States senator<br />

Arkansans held key te shaping fereign policy<br />

Delegation attends receptien given by the Kennedys<br />

Delegatien jeins in praise of space flight ef Alan Shephard<br />

Ark delegation cautious en federal aid fer education<br />

AAUW group frem Ark urge delegation te support federal aid<br />

Delegation split en support fer Kennedy program<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> delegation praise Russia's space feat<br />

Ark delegation comments en death ef Reuse Speaker Sam Rayburn<br />

Records ef Ark delegation en voting party line<br />

Ark delegatien small. but has large influence<br />

Reaction ef delegation te JFK' s State ef the Union message<br />

Delegation pleased with JFK budget fer river werk in Ark<br />

Laber rates Ark delegation en key laber votes<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> and Oklahoma delegations farm pewerful blec<br />

GOP te file fer House seats. Winthrop Reckefeller says<br />

Reuse delegatien seeks mere funds fer twe farm pregrams<br />

Ark power in Congress rests heavily en fall electiens<br />

State delegation upset with JFK fer remeving Jehn S Cress<br />

Conservative ratings ef Ark delegation<br />

State delegation batting .500 with President Kennedy<br />

Alex H Washburn sets record straight en Menree Doctrine rept<br />

Why <strong>Arkansas</strong> delegation attained such stature (ed)<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong>1s six members are a powerful bloc<br />

Attendance records ef members listed<br />

Official returns in contested races fer delegation seats<br />

Medicare's ghest present as decters. ethers honer lawmakers<br />

CONGRESS - Heuse Dist 1<br />

E C Gathings te meet with Farm Bureau leaders in Ark<br />

E C Gathingg wages war en blackbirds<br />

E C Gathings expectrs increase in cetten suppert<br />

E C Gathings warns farmers ef union 'menace '<br />

E C Gathings seeks to keep cottonseed preps<br />

E C Gathings at edds with JFK ever bracere wage rule<br />

E C Gathings seeks aid fer flood-damaged cetten planters<br />

E C Gathings polling his dist en JFK pregrams<br />

E C Gathings reports on farm wees in Ark<br />

E C Gathings urges rise in cotton acreage allotments<br />

E C Gathings 1s bill would allew farmers to swap allotments<br />

E C Gathings votes against cellege funds<br />

E C Gathings fights Laber Dept plan te pay Mexican labor mere<br />

E C Gathings addresses pretest meeting en bracere pay<br />

E C Gathings urges court contest ef bracere pay order<br />

E C Gathings seeks te aveid cut in support price for rice<br />

E C Gathings in forefront in drafting new farm bill<br />

E C Gathings prepares te seek selutien on cetten laws<br />

2/ 1/-61 Al 7<br />

2l 4/61 A2 1<br />

2/10/61 AB 4<br />

3/ 5/61 E5 5<br />

3/ 5/61 E5 5<br />

3/ 5/61 E5 5<br />

3/19/61 E5 5<br />

4/23/61 E5 5<br />

5/ 6/61 A5 1<br />

6/ 4/ 61 AlO 5<br />

6/21/61 Bl 5<br />

7/ 2/61 D5 5<br />

8/ 8/61 A2 7<br />

11/17/-61 A2 2<br />

12/17/61 E3 5<br />

1/ 7 /-62 E5 5<br />

1/13/62 A2 1<br />

1/21/62 Al 2<br />

2/ 6/62 A6 3<br />

2-/25/62 E3 5<br />

5/ 1/62 Bl 4<br />

6/13/62 Bl 4<br />

8/19/62 E3 5<br />

8/31/62 Al 3<br />

9/23/62 E3 1<br />

10/21/-62 E3 5<br />

10/24/62 A6 1<br />

11/ 4/62 E2 1<br />

11/-11/62 E3 5<br />

11/18/62 E3 5<br />

11/29/62 A4 6<br />

12/ 1/62 A3 2<br />

2/ 3/61 Bl 3<br />

2/14/61 A6 1<br />

2/15/61 Bl 2<br />

2/22/-61 B7 1<br />

3/ 5/61 ClO 3<br />

3/19/61 C4 4<br />

5/11/61 A2 4<br />

5/14/-61 E5 5<br />

7/ 7/61 Bl 5<br />

9/22/61 Bl 2<br />

1/18/62 B6 2<br />

1/31/62 Al 3<br />

2/16/62 Al 5<br />

3/ 3/62 Al 3<br />

4-/ 5/62 Bl 4<br />

5/ 4/;62 Bl 2 l<br />

6/23/62 Al 6<br />

12/ 9/62 E3 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

E C Gathings will ask cotton legislation convering 1963 crop<br />

E C Gathings told that cotton industry faces price problem<br />

CONGRESS - Heuse Dist 2<br />

Rep Wilbur D Mills seeks cempremise en rul es panel fight<br />

Wilbur Mills rules out tax revision this session<br />

Wilbur Mills te sponsor twe of Kennedy 's anti-recession bills<br />

Jack Files jeins staff ef Wilbur D Mills in Washington<br />

Wilbur Mills helped Dale Alford secure Appropriations pest<br />

Wilbur Mills warns adm. to curb pickerlap cotton imports<br />

Wilbur Mills often presides in House committee ef the whole<br />

Kansas City Star urges Ark to keep Wilbur Mills in Congress<br />

Wilbur Mills in running for Speakership if Rayburn retires<br />

Wilbur D Mills may succeed Sam Rayburn as Speaker<br />

Pell shUNs John McCormack favored for House Speaker<br />

House could make Wilbur Mills <strong>Arkansas</strong> 's first Speaker<br />

Wilbur Mills says crises are product ef atom age<br />

Wilbur D Mills will not be House Speaker<br />

Wilbur D Mills addresses Farm and Ranch Club of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Wilbur Mills pivotal in FJK's plans<br />

Wilbur D Mills addresses <strong>Arkansas</strong> Farm Bureau<br />

Drive begins to put Wilbur Mills in race fer maj ority leader<br />

Wilbur Mills supports Carl Albert fer maj ority leader<br />

Wilbur Mills says dams must be dual purpese<br />

Wilbur Mills plays vital role in federal highway program<br />

Wilbur Mills rej ects GOP scheme te gain House Speakership<br />

Wilbur Mills favors end te welfare chiseling<br />

Wilbur D Mills praised by federal Treasury official<br />

Wilbur Mills calls Kerr-Mills Medicare Act right step<br />

Wilbur Mills not in line fer eventual Hause Speaker<br />

Wilbur D Mills thanks Agri Dept Secy fer rice increase<br />

Wilbur D Mills holds key to success of Kennedy programs<br />

Wilbur Mills meets with JFK to explore coming bills<br />

Wilbur D Mills called obj ect of political courtship<br />

Pell ranks Wilbur Mills among top five in Congress<br />

Wilbur D Mills speaks on trade bill<br />

Wilbur Mills imperils JFK medicare program<br />

Wilbur Mills votes fer college funds<br />

Wilbur Mills busy with trade bill<br />

Wilbur Mills at anvil ef power en big legislation<br />

Tax bill amdts by Wilbur Mills appreved by committee<br />

Wilbur Mills called key to passage of JFK Medicare bill<br />

Wilbur D Mills files fer re-election to House seat<br />

Wilbur Mills ' panel alters trade bill<br />

Wilbur Mills asserts he will not back inceme tax cut<br />

Wilbur D Mills wen personal victory in trade bill passage<br />

Wilbur D Mills shepherds trade bill through House<br />

Wilbur Mills unmoved by tax cut proponents<br />

Wilbur Mills praises JFK for refusing te reduce taxes<br />

Wilbur D Mills deals new rebuff te State Dept plan<br />

Wilbur Mills advises against income tax cut at this time<br />

Wilbur D Mills thinks tax reduction chance is weak<br />

12/-13/62 Bl<br />

12/14/62 A27<br />

1/ 5/61 Al<br />

1/26/61 A5<br />

2/ 4/61 A3<br />

2/19/-61 E5<br />

3/ 7 /61 Al<br />

7/18/61 Bl2<br />

8/27/61 E5<br />

9/ 3/61 D5<br />

9/10/61 ES<br />

10/ 6/61 Al<br />

10/11/61 B6<br />

10/18/-61 Bl<br />

10/-25/61 A2<br />

10/29/-61 E3<br />

11/ 16/-61 A2<br />

11/19/61 E3<br />

11/21/61 Al<br />

11/-23/-61 Al<br />

11/28/61 A2<br />

11/28/61 Bl<br />

11/29/61 Bl<br />

11/30/61 Al<br />

12/ 1/61 Al<br />

12/ 2;/-61 A2<br />

12/ 12/-61 A6<br />

12/12/61 Bl<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl<br />

1/ 4/ 62 A4<br />

1/ 7/62 Al<br />

1/ 8/62 A2<br />

1/19/62 Bl<br />

1/24/62 A3<br />

1/-26/62 Al<br />

1/31/62 Al<br />

3/ 4/62 E3<br />

3/15/62 A4<br />

3/23/62 A3<br />

3/25/62 ES<br />

4/ 17/62 Bl<br />

6/12/62 BlO<br />

6/13/62 Al<br />

6/29/62 Al<br />

6/-29/62 Al<br />

8/ 5/62 E3<br />

8/14/62 Al<br />

10/14/62 E3<br />

11/21/62 BB<br />

11/-27/-62 A4<br />

7<br />

1<br />

3<br />

6<br />

l<br />

5<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

3<br />

l<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

4<br />

6<br />

3<br />

7<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

6<br />

6<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

3<br />

5<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

5<br />

6<br />

8<br />

5<br />

6<br />

5<br />

3<br />

8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Wilbur Mills eppeses tax cut unless spending controlled<br />

Wilbur D Mills wants cempetetive exam fer NLR postmaster jeb<br />

Wilbur D Mills says Kerr-Mills Act catching en<br />

CONGRESS - House Dist 3<br />

J W Trimble seeks lower rates for federal electric power<br />

J W Trimble's bill seeks cheaper power fer Southwest<br />

J W Trimble says Democrats returned te pOW'er just in time<br />

J W Trimble wants gevt to continue turkey purchases<br />

J W Trimble accused of aiding . abetting Communist Party<br />

J W Trimble defended by Gazette as Christian gentleman<br />

Cliften Ganus denies making remark about Rep J W Trimble<br />

Gaz ette insists Clifton Ganus was talking about J W Trimble<br />

Jim Trimble defends federal aid fer Gassville<br />

James W Trimble brings the bacon te his district<br />

James W Trimble warmly praised at Ozark gathering<br />

J W Trimble splits vete en twe Kennedy adm bills<br />

James W Trimble votes fer college funds<br />

Gov Faubus says he may seek seat if J W Trimble doesn' t<br />

J W Trimble files for re-election<br />

J W Trimble's filing fer 10th term is topic of column<br />

J W Trimble foresees ne changes in status of Fort Chaffee<br />

Cy Carney files as GOP candidate for J W Trimble's seat<br />

J W Trimble. Oren Harris seek reads fer their dists<br />

J W Trimble seeks funding for Ozark Dam<br />

J W Trimble wants $500.000 more fer river jobs<br />

Jam.es W Trimble to be honored by Jehn BrEMn University<br />

J W Trimble wants weather reports via telephone av ailable<br />

J W Trimble served as chnin ef state Demecratic Party cenv<br />

Wilbur D Mills wins year-leng fight ever trade bill<br />

Cy Carney calls J W Trimble a rubber stamp fer JFK<br />

J W Trimble says U S in critical times<br />

Cy Carney hits J W Trimble vete en farm bill<br />

J W Trimble Day set at Russellville<br />

Cy Carney calls J W Trimble a big spender<br />

Cy Carney plans 3-day tour ef Third Dist<br />

J W Trimble leading handily in electien returns<br />

J W Trimble wins reelection by big margins<br />

Wilbur D Mills says JFK trade law is eutstanding<br />

J W Trimble hepes te avoid rules battle<br />

J W Trimble seeks expansion. renevatien ef Fort Chaffee<br />

CONGRESS - Heuse Dist 4<br />

Oren Harris offers bill te reduce gas regulations<br />

Oren Harris oppeses threat te curb regulatory agencies<br />

Oren Harris sponsors bill te expand Federal Power Comm<br />

Oren Harris introduces bill giving FCC chamn mere pewer<br />

Oren Harris prepeses overhaul ef FCC<br />

Rep Oren Harris effers segregation amendment<br />

Oren Harris supports scenic read at Rich Mountain<br />

Oren E Harris cenf irms he will seek re-electien<br />

Oren Harris begins werk immediately en hearings<br />

Oren Harris calls pinball machines evil<br />

11/30/62 A5 1<br />

12/ 7/-62 A24 l<br />

12;/14/62 A3 l<br />

1/ 5/61 Al 4<br />

1/18/-61 Bl 2<br />

3/17/61 A2 4<br />

7/ CJ/61 E5 5<br />

7/17/-61 A4 2<br />

7/17/-61 A4 2<br />

7/26/61 Bl 4<br />

7/27/-61 A4 2<br />

7/-28/-61 A3 2<br />

10/ 8/61 E3 5<br />

10/-19/-61 Bl 2<br />

1/-25/62 A2 6<br />

1/31/62 Al 3<br />

2-/ 8/62 Al 4<br />

4/ 8/62 BB 5<br />

4/ 8/62 E5 5<br />

4/12/62 Al 4<br />

5/- 3/-62 Al 6<br />

5/- 3/62 Bl 2<br />

5/- 8/62 Bl 4<br />

5-/-18/-62 A7 4<br />

5-/-20/62 A7 2<br />

7/ 6-/-62 Bl 8<br />

9/15/-62 A4 1<br />

10-/- 5/-62 Al 4<br />

10-/-16/62 A6 4<br />

10-/-18-/-62 Bl 2<br />

10-/-19/62 B13 8<br />

10-/-25/-62 B5 6<br />

10/-27/-62 A9 1<br />

10/-31/62 Bl 2<br />

11/- 7/62 A4 6<br />

11/- 8/62 A14 5<br />

11/- 8/-62 Bl 2<br />

11/-18/-62 E3 5<br />

11/-20/62 Bl 8<br />

1/ 7/-61 A3 5<br />

1/ 8/61 A2 8<br />

3/24/61 AB 1<br />

5/26/-61 AlO 1<br />

6/27/61 BlO 3<br />

9/24/-61 Al 3<br />

12/ 6/61 A7 2<br />

12/29/61 Bl 2<br />

1-/14/62 03 5<br />

1/20/-62 BB 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Oren Harris vetse fer college funds<br />

Oren E Harris writes FCC opposing move ef KA.TV tew"er<br />

Oren Harris files papers te seek 12th term in House<br />

Warren G Lieblong is GOP opponent fer Oren Harris in 4th Dist<br />

Oren E Harris plugs his drug price centrel bill<br />

Oren Harris ' Quality Stabilization Bill criticized (ed)<br />

Oren E Harris tells why business needs regulation<br />

Oren E Harris seeks ban en pinball traffic in commerce<br />

Oren Harris leads very active public life<br />

Oren E Harris sponsors bill en cosmetics. hair dyes<br />

Oren Harris supports scenic drive in Ouachita Mountains<br />

Oren Harris may have duty ef locking deer en dangerous drugs<br />

Oren Harris will work fer tight drug control bill<br />

Warren Lieblong says Oren Harris absence hinders werk<br />

Rep Oren E Harris blocks Reuse attack on radio bill<br />

Oren E Harris te meet with new constituents in his dist<br />

Oren Harris calls en Democrats fer shaw ef unity in electiens<br />

Oren Harris says JFK action en Cuba justified<br />

Frank Jarrett is write-in candidate in 4th Dist<br />

Oren Harris addresses Brotherheed ef Railroad Trainmen<br />

Oren Harris says JFK acted late en Cuba. but is right<br />

Warren Liebleng attacks Oren Harris support of JFK bills<br />

Oren E Harris def eats Warren Lieblong handily<br />

CONGRESS - Reuse Dist 5<br />

Dale Alford wants query ef LR minister. Rev Jeseph B Hunter<br />

Dale Alfred wants US Supreme Ct members reaffirmed every 6 yr<br />

Dale Alford sponsors bill to allow aged to earn $50 per me<br />

Dale Alford names candidates to service academies<br />

Dale Alford assigned te House Appropriations Committee<br />

Wilbur Mills helped Dale Alford get Apprepriations post<br />

Dale Alford proposes tax break fer retired persons<br />

Dale Alford voted against restoration ef Eisenhewer 's rank<br />

Gazette says Dale Alford out ef step en Eisenheiwer vote<br />

Gov Orval Faubus backs Dale Alford 's vote en Eisenhewer<br />

Dale Alford says acting postmaster nominated for LR<br />

Letter en Dale Aferd vote against Eisenhewer rank restoration<br />

Dale Alford backs Ed I McKinley fer LR postmaster<br />

State editors respond to Dale Alford 's anti-Ike vote<br />

Sue Abbott Boyd critical of Dale Alford<br />

Dale Alford defends Gen Edwin A Walker: respects Birchers<br />

Dale Alford supports JFK stand en Cuban communism<br />

Dale Alford opposes medicare administered by Social Security<br />

Dale Alford originally wanted C E Mcswain fer LR postmaster<br />

Dale Alford speaks at dedication of Ricks Armory<br />

Dale Alford attacks Medicare bill in Hot Springs speech<br />

Dale Alford to be main Confederate memorial speaker<br />

Washington rum.or has Dale Alford after J W Fulbright 's seat<br />

Dale Alford raps Army rebuke of Maj Gen Edwin A Walker<br />

Dale Alford ef fers school aid bill without federal control<br />

Dale Alford speech in House def ends Maj Gen Edwin Walker<br />

Dale Alford attacks foreign aid as way to fight communism<br />

1/31/62 Al 3<br />

2-/28/62 A5 l<br />

3/27/62 Bl 2<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 6<br />

5/23/62 Bl 8<br />

5/24/62 A4 2<br />

6/ 3/62 Al 5<br />

6-/21/62 Bl 4<br />

7/ 8/62 E3 5<br />

7/12/62 Bl 3<br />

8/ 9/62 A7 l<br />

8/12/62 E3 5<br />

8/21/62 Al 5<br />

9-/12/62 A2 1<br />

9/22-/62 A5 5<br />

9/23/62 Al2 7<br />

10/ 7/62 A2 5<br />

10/23/62 A9 8<br />

10-/-23/62 Bl 8<br />

10/24/62 A8 4<br />

10/27/62 B9 6<br />

10/28/62 C4 1<br />

11/ 8/62 A14 5<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl 8<br />

1/ 6/61 A5 l<br />

1/19-/-61 Cl2 3<br />

2/l'f/61 A6 4<br />

3-/ 7/61 Al 3<br />

3/ 7/61 Al 3<br />

3/ 10/61 A2 4<br />

3/15/61 Al 6<br />

3/16/61 A4 1<br />

3/17/61 AB 2<br />

3/17-/-61 Bl 6<br />

3/ 19/61 E4 5<br />

3/23/61 Al 3<br />

3/26/61 E4 6<br />

4/14/61 A4 4<br />

4/2G/61 Al 4<br />

4/26/61 Bl 4<br />

5/12/61 Bl 7<br />

5/14/61 E5 5<br />

5/22/61 B5 4<br />

5/30/61 A2 6<br />

6/ 4-/- 61 E5 5<br />

6/11/61 E5 1<br />

6/15/61 Al5 2<br />

6/17/61 A2 6<br />

6/18/61 ES 5<br />

7/ 9/61 A4 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Dale Alferd urges build up of U S military strength<br />

Dale Alford shocked by J W Fulbright memo en military/right<br />

Dale Alford attacks President Kennedy 's mobilization plan<br />

Dale Alford says foreign aid is senseless<br />

The small. wonderful world of Dale Alford (ed)<br />

Dale Alford. Dr Joseph A Norton testify against Medicare<br />

Dale Alford flays memo ef J W Fulbright<br />

Dale Alford says Voters fer the Constitution organized in Ark<br />

Dale Alford applies the reversal principle (ed)<br />

Dale Alferd backers unaware of Voters fer the Constitution<br />

Dale Alford says Veters fer Constitution net a third party<br />

Dale Alford to probe TV advertising<br />

Dale Alford says federal govt hinders anti-communism fight<br />

Barry and Dale (ed en statements on J W Fulbright)<br />

Dale Alford thought to be preparing to challenge Fulbright<br />

Dale Alford may be preparing fer battle against Fulbright<br />

T E Lawrence comments on Dr Alford's new 'ledge '<br />

Dale Alford begins speech with joke about Negroes<br />

Dale Alford calls fer abolition ef modernism in church. state<br />

Dale Alford te check status ef post office job fer McKinley<br />

Dale Alford attempts to linke Radie Swan. anti-Walker paper<br />

Radie Swan ewner hotly denies allegations ef Dale Alford<br />

Rep Dale Alford links social welfare. communism<br />

Of welfare and religien (ed on Alford talk te ministers)<br />

Dale Alferd confused. his charge incredible. Radio Swan says<br />

Sue Abbott Boyd's epinien of Dale Alford (leteer)<br />

Dale Alford applies ample alliteration in speeches<br />

Dale Alford to conduct prebe TV effect on small business<br />

J W Fulbright 's speech apparently aimed at Alford criticism<br />

Dale Alford heads House greup seeking justice fer Gen Walker<br />

Dale Alford repeats Radie Swan charge, gives source<br />

Dale Alferd questions Peace Corps<br />

Dale Alford new supports C E Mcswain Sr fer LR postmaster<br />

Dale Alford 's Radie Swan link hard to find<br />

Dale Alford says Washington approves C E McSwain Sr<br />

Dale Alford sayd U S tee materialistic<br />

Dale Alford plans te speak all ever state during recess<br />

Dale Alferd opposes federal controls en poultry<br />

Dale Alfred silent en Voters fer the Constitution<br />

Dale Alford lashes out at several targets in talk at LR<br />

Dale Alford says Civil War was constitutional fight<br />

Dale Alford lauds speaking eut by patriots<br />

Dale Alford speaks at conv of National Assn of Feed Chains<br />

Alford an business (ed)<br />

Dale Alford does net understand world struggle, Gaz ette says<br />

Dale Alford would apply loyalty tests te get radio license<br />

Dale Alford may seek office ef governor next year<br />

Esther Duckworth responds te Dale Alford en socialism talk<br />

Dale Alford f avers some foreign aid<br />

Dale Alford comments en resignation of Gen Edwin A Walker<br />

Dale Alford says he has net mellewed en foreign aid<br />

7 /20/61 A3 7<br />

7/22/61 A3 l<br />

7/25/61 A7 1<br />

7/26/61 A2 2<br />

7/26/61 A4 1<br />

8/ 4/61 Bl 3<br />

8/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

8/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

8/10/61 A4 1<br />

8/10/61 Bl 2<br />

8/11/61 Bl 2<br />

8/11/61 Bll 5<br />

8/12/61 A2 4<br />

8/13/61 E4 2<br />

8/13-/61 ES 5<br />

8/19/61 A2 3<br />

8/21/61 AA 3<br />

8/22/61 Bl 2<br />

8/ 22/61 Bl 2<br />

8/23/61 A3 7<br />

8/23/61 A7 6<br />

8/23/61 A7 6<br />

8/23/61 Bl 8<br />

8/24/61 A4 2<br />

8/24/61 Bl 2<br />

8/25/61 AA 3<br />

8/27/61 ES 2<br />

8/27/61 E5 5<br />

9/ 1/61 A3 2<br />

9/ 5/61 Al 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Oilman H L Hunt invites Dale Alford to speak at Amarillo<br />

Dale Alford hits at J W Fulbright in talk to American Legien<br />

Dale Alford attends anti-communism lecture at LR<br />

Dale Alford says Edwin A Walker would make a great president<br />

Dale Alford says U S policies schizophrenic<br />

Alford and NATO (ed on Dale Alford stand en foreign aid)<br />

Dale Alford assails critics . taxes. foreign aid. imports<br />

Dale Alford implies foreign aid is treasonous<br />

Dale Alford renews attack on J W Fulbright<br />

Press is anti-American, Dale Alford implies<br />

Dale Alford getting progressively mere extreme. Gazette says<br />

Dale Alford says conservation part ef his put-America first<br />

Dale Alford warmly praised by Sen J Strem Thurmond<br />

Dale Alford may run fer Ark Secretary of State<br />

Dale Alford says he has been asked to run fer governor<br />

Dale Alford announces he will run fer governor next year<br />

Dale Alford reveals he is candidate fer governor of Ark<br />

Dale Alford continues opposition te JFK programs<br />

Dale Alford blasts JFK on two policies<br />

Dale Alford selects 27 candidates for military academies<br />

Dale Alford blasts crop curbs. farm labor proposal in speech<br />

Dale Alford flails Kennedy trade propresal<br />

Dale Aflerd votes with GOP en JFK tax revisien bill<br />

Dale Alferd attacks JFK Medicare bill as social:i:zed medicine<br />

Dale Alford accuses Supreme Ct ef a.mending Constitution<br />

Dale Alferd meves to dislodge Red aid bill<br />

Dale Alford £avers Bailey's bill fer education<br />

Dale Alford may miss chance te name pestmaster at Little Reck<br />

Dale Alford probably will not get te name NLR postmaster<br />

Dale Alford, Hyman G Rickover clash on schools<br />

Editor thinks campaign educated Dr Dale Alferd on agriculture<br />

Dale Alford flails govt stand en Univ of Miss desegregation<br />

Dale Alferd wins high praise frem Rep John Bell Williams<br />

Dale Alford speaks on free enterprise at Hot Springs club<br />

CONGRESS - House Dist 6<br />

Rep William F Norrell seeks old federal bdg for Hot Springs<br />

Rep W F Norrell found uncounscious in his office<br />

Rep W F Nerrell dies at age 64 in Washington<br />

W F Nerrell's traced in his obituary<br />

Editorial on the late Rep W F Norrell of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Special election necesary te fill 6th Dist seat<br />

Capital mourns death of Rep W F Norrell<br />

Congressmen pay last respecte to Rep W F Norrell<br />

Hundreds gather in Ark te pay final tribute te W F Norrell<br />

Hundreds gather in rain to pay final tribute to W F Norrell<br />

Catherine Norrell seeks seat held by her late husband<br />

Gav Faubus delays calling vote to fill W F Norrell seat<br />

Catherine Norrell. Sam D Carsen seek 6th Dist seat<br />

M C Lewis becomes 3rd te enter race for 6th Dist seat<br />

John Harris Jones enters race fer 6th Dist seat<br />

John Harris Jenes files fer Dist 6 seat<br />

11/ 11/61 A4 2<br />

11/11/61 BS 2<br />

11/14/61 A6 3<br />

11/14/61 A6 5<br />

11/17/61 A3 8<br />

11/18/61 A4 2<br />

11/25/61 A7 1<br />

11/29/61 A2 5<br />

11/29/61 A2 5<br />

11/29/61 A2 5<br />

11/30/61 A4 2<br />

12/ 1/61 Bl 3<br />

12/ 3/61 Al 6<br />

12/10/-61 E3 1<br />

12/23/61 A2 2<br />

12/27/61 Al 6<br />

12/27/61 Al 7<br />

1/ 7/62 Al 3<br />

2/ 2/62 B9 7<br />

2/11/62 A12 6<br />

3/13/62 B14 1<br />

3/24/62 B6 2<br />

3/30/62 Al 5<br />

4/16/62 BlO 1<br />

4/19/62 C16 5<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 2<br />

5/11/62 A2 3<br />

5/20/62 E3 5<br />

8/11/62 Al 5<br />

9/16/62 E3 5<br />

9/26/62 A4 1<br />

10/ 2/62 A3 1<br />

11/ 1/62 A32 3<br />

12/27/62 Bl 8<br />

1/ 4/61 Bl 8<br />

2/14/61 Al 3<br />

2/16/61 Al 5<br />

2/16/61 Al 5<br />

2/17/61 A4 2<br />

2/17/61 Bl 7<br />

2/17/61 Bl 8<br />

2/-18/61 BS 6<br />

2/21/61 Al 4<br />

2/21/61 Al 4<br />

2/ 23/61 Bl 6<br />

3/14/61 A3 5<br />

3/23/61 Bl 7<br />

4/ 1/61 A2 6<br />

4/ 2/61 A7 2<br />

4/ 5/61 A9 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

James F Cress files fer 6th Dist seat<br />

Mrs Nerrell doen't need office 's salaty. John H Jenes says<br />

Candidate James F Cress £avers raise in tax exemptions<br />

Sixth Dist te vote en Repr next Tuesday<br />

James F Cress tells TV audience that senierity net an issue<br />

Sixth Dist candidates draw campaigns to end<br />

Catherine Norrell easily defeats 4 oppenents fer House seat<br />

Catherine Norrell prepares te return to Washington<br />

Election returns in special election in Dist 6<br />

Catherine Norrell takes oath. casts first vete in Reuse<br />

Catherine Norrell quiet en plans te seek re-election<br />

Catherine Norrell gets Pestef fice and Civil Service Committee<br />

Catherine D Nerrell te be feted by women at LR<br />

Catherine D Nerrell wants President Kennedy to cut spending<br />

Catherine Nerrell rises in Heuse te laud Ark suffrage rele<br />

Catherine Norrell speaks at Demecratic women 's luncheon<br />

Federal pest rumored likely fer Catherine D Norrell<br />

Catherine D Norrell silent about her political ambitiens<br />

Catherine D Norrell weuld have te run against Oren Harris<br />

Catherine Norrell votes against college funds<br />

Catherine Nerell appeals fer funds fer blackbird control<br />

Catherine Nerrell seeks funds fer fish farm at Kelso<br />

Catherine Norrell attends meeting in LR en <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest<br />

Catherine D Nerrell asks IRS fer report en Dallas Ceunty<br />

Catherine D Norrell at home in Ark fer soul-searching<br />

Catherine D Nerrell te retire from Congress<br />

CONGRESS - Reappertienment<br />

Reapportionment may be handled in special Legis session<br />

Legislature receiving prepesed plans fer redistricting<br />

Eighteen senators back plan endorsed by Reuse<br />

State to lose twe Reps when Congress reappertiened<br />

Dale Alford asks short delay in redistricting<br />

Senator Merrell Gathright staved eff vote en plan<br />

Again. the unhappy redistricting task (ed)<br />

Alford 's weak case {ed)<br />

Ark Senate beats back amdts, passes plan by Raymond L Mays<br />

Gov Faubus surprised by quick vote in Senate<br />

Gov Faubus wants redistricting plan delayed in Legislature<br />

W F Norrell chgs Oren Harris wrote Mays districting plan<br />

W F Norrell thinks ethers in delegation approved Mays plan<br />

Reuse pledges indicate Mays plan heading fer approval<br />

Map shows Mays redistricting plan<br />

Dale Alford used telegrams to plead fer delay in action<br />

Lincoln and Jefferson delegations take plea to Washington<br />

Public hearing set fer Mays plan<br />

Reuse committee passes Mays plan with enly ene change<br />

Altered Mays plan passes beth houses ef Legislature<br />

Plan puts Dale Alford. Wilbur Mills in same district<br />

Plan puts W F Norrell. Oren Harris in same district<br />

.ap shews districts approved by Ark Legislature<br />

Gev Faubus to sign Mays plan. which has now passed Legis<br />

4/ 6/61 A2 2<br />

4/ 9/61 A7 2<br />

4/13/61 AlO 3<br />

4/16/61 Al 4<br />

4/17/61 A2 3<br />

4/18/61 A9 7<br />

4/-19/-61 Al 4<br />

4/20/61 A2 2<br />

4/2(}/61 A2 2<br />

4/26/61 Bl 5<br />

4/3G/-61 ES 6<br />

5/16-/-61 A6 3<br />

7-/-20/61 A3 l<br />

8/ 1/61 B14 7<br />

8/29/61 Bl 5<br />

10-/15/61 A2 6<br />

12/17/61 E3 5<br />

1/21/62 AlO 5<br />

1/21/62 AlO 5<br />

1/31-/62 Al 3<br />

2/ 6/62 A6 3<br />

2/13-/62 A5 1<br />

3/-16/62 A13 l<br />

3/23/62 A6 4<br />

4/15/62 E3 5<br />

4/29/62 Al 6<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl 3<br />

1/10-/61 Al 8<br />

1/11/61 Al 5<br />

1/11/61 Al 5<br />

1/11/61 A2 8<br />

1/12/61 Al 8<br />

1/12/61 A4 l<br />

1/12/61 A4 2<br />

1/13/61 Al 2<br />

1-/13/61 A2 l<br />

1/13/61 A2 l<br />

1/14/61 Al 6<br />

1/14/61 Al 6<br />

1/15/61 Al 8<br />

1/15/-61 A2 4<br />

1/15/-61 E4 l<br />

1/17/61 A2 1<br />

1/-17/61 Bl 4<br />

1/18/61 A3 l<br />

1/19/61 Al 8<br />

1/19/61 Al 8<br />

1/19/61 Al 8<br />

1/20/61 Al 2<br />

1/20/61 Al 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Heartbreaking task has new been done (ed en reappertienment)<br />

Faint possibility remains that state may net lese seats<br />

Gov Faubus signs Mays plan fer reapportionment<br />

State has chance ef regaining one lest House seat<br />

Senate gets plan in case five seats are retained by Ark<br />

Hepe fer exapnding Reuse membership fading fast<br />

T E Tyler te head drive te repeal redistricting law<br />

T E Tyler's aim is to save seat fer Dale Alford<br />

Judge allews 2 legislaters to intervene in suit<br />

Prepestereus scheme te save Alford's seat (ed)<br />

State Rep Virgil T Fletcher vews battle te keep plan<br />

T E Tyler denies he is acting fer Dale Alferd<br />

Editorial en Fletcher's plan to save districts<br />

G D Smith Jr to head group seeking vete en plan<br />

Examining Tyler 's plan (ed)<br />

Redistricting vote petition gets legal approval<br />

Petitions to call vote en redistricting are in circulation<br />

State Sen Knox Nelsen leads campaign fer referral for vete<br />

Petitions have 30,0000 names, T E Tyler says<br />

Deadline set fer petitions on districting law<br />

Prospect of at-large race in <strong>1962</strong> concerns lawmakers<br />

At-large race might create political turmoil<br />

Redistricting vote drive disappointing. T E Tyler says<br />

Laber advised te shun petitiens en redistricting<br />

Efferts te get vote en redistricting plan fares peerly<br />

Redistricting petitions still lack sufficient names<br />

State Repr G D Smith Jr says sufficient petitions filed<br />

Opponents of plan file sufficient petitions te nul lify act<br />

Legislative remedy fer districting problem (ed)<br />

Four Reuse members unhappy at prospect ef statewide race<br />

District principle hs served us well (ed)<br />

Opinien en action in special legis sessien te be rendered<br />

All seats will be contested state-wide if changes net made<br />

Atty Gen Helt likely te rule Legis can pass new plans<br />

Legislators draft new redistricting prepesal<br />

New plan by Rep G D Smith Jr weuld have 2 diets<br />

Gev Faubus wants problem left eut ef special legis session<br />

Editorial en stand ef Gov Faubus en redistricting<br />

Yeung Democrats urge enactment of new districting plan<br />

Ark AG Frank Helt gives three apiniens en redistricting<br />

Way clear fer redistricting (ed)<br />

Statewide candidates must seek specific seats. Atty Gen says<br />

Alternate plan fer redistricting being readied fer Legis<br />

Rep Oren Harris urges Congress to act en enlarging House<br />

Rep Raymond L Mayes releases text ef his redistricting bill<br />

Special session ef Legis seems sure te consider new plan<br />

Ark excluded from bill to expand Hause membership<br />

Gev Faubus calls special Legis session en redistricting<br />

Ark Legislature easily passes districting plan<br />

New districting bill signed into law by Gev Orval Faubus<br />

New 4th Dist dwarfs ethers in size and population<br />

1/20/61 A4 1<br />

1/22/61 E5 5<br />

1/-24/61 Al 2<br />

2/12/-61 A3 1<br />

2/23/61 Bl 2<br />

3/ 5/61 E5 5<br />

4/ 4/61 Al 2<br />

4/- 4/61 Al 2<br />

4/ 4/61 A6 6<br />

4/- 5/61 A4 1<br />

4/ 6/-61 Bl B<br />

4/ 6/-61 Bl 8<br />

4/- 7/61 A4 1<br />

4/ 9/-61 A4 5<br />

4/10/-61 A4 2<br />

4/11/61 Bl 5<br />

4/14/-61 A2 1<br />

4/18-/61 A9 6<br />

4/22/-61 A3 6<br />

4-/25/-61 Bl 2<br />

4/29/61 AlO 3<br />

5/ 7/61 E5 l<br />

5/13/61 A5 7<br />

5/-14/61 AlS 2<br />

5/17/61 A3 6<br />

6/ 4/61 C4 5<br />

6/- 7/61 Bl 3<br />

6/ 8/61 Al 6<br />

6/- / 61 A4 1<br />

6/23/61 All 1<br />

7/- 5/61 A4 1<br />

7/18/61 Bl 5<br />

7/21/61 Bl 3<br />

7/30/61 A5 5<br />

7/-31-/61 A2 4<br />

7/31/-61 A2 4<br />

8/ 1/61 Bl 2<br />

8/ 3/61 A4 2<br />

8/- 3/-61 Bl 2<br />

8/ 6/61 A4 l<br />

8/ 8/61 A4 1<br />

8/ 8/61 A6 6<br />

8/25/61 Al 5<br />

8/25/-61 A3 4<br />

8/27 /61 A2 1<br />

9/ 1/61 AB 2<br />

9/ 6/61 A2 5<br />

9/-15/-61 Bl 2<br />

9/20/61 Al 2<br />

9/22/61 Bl 6<br />

9/ 24/61 A3 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Map shCW"s districts<br />

Number ef voters in twe districts vary widely<br />

Lawsuit seeks te veid redistricting plan (Act 5. <strong>1961</strong>)<br />

The unsettling suit en House Districts Ced)<br />

Redistricting suit could bring upsets in Cengress races<br />

Judge delays ruling on suit seeking te veid redistricting<br />

Ruling delay prevents at-large contests fer Congressmen<br />

Suit was filed by George W Carr. ef Pine Bluff<br />

George W Carr says he has ne ax te grind<br />

CONGRESS - Senate (Class I)<br />

J W Fulbright te be henered with ball by Latin American<br />

J W Fulbright moves te aid JFK's program<br />

J W Fulbright almost named Secretary ef State<br />

J W Fulbright gets at werk en patrenage recommendations<br />

J W Fulbright has been able te benefit bis state ever the yrs<br />

J W Fulbright strengthens hand with new committee assignment<br />

J W and Mrs Fulbright entertain JFK. LBJ. others at luncheon<br />

J W Fulbright says JFK foreign aid plans most effective<br />

J W Fulbright hopes for new policy in Laos crisis<br />

J W Fulbright seeks mere river funds for Ark<br />

J W Fulbright praises JFK action en public facilities loans<br />

J W Fulbright pushes fer agri building in counties<br />

Russian moves undermine UN. J W Fulbright says<br />

Jehn L McClellan te broaden probe ef alleged payoff<br />

W F Norrell is in critical condition fellewing stroke<br />

J W Fulbright seeks rice quota increase<br />

J W Fulbright seeks law te update Fulbright exchange program<br />

J W Fulbright says rich must help pear pay for education<br />

Fulbright and the pres (ed)<br />

J W Fulbright asks for feed stamp pilot proj ect in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

J W Fulbright hails President Kennedy and his aides<br />

J W Fulbright backs support fer JFK in Laes crisis<br />

J W Fulbright asks for soil. water conservation research sta<br />

J W Fulbright seeks expanded agri weather service fer Ark<br />

John L McClellan says missile site strikes invite laws<br />

J W Fulbright says mere than soldiers needed te save Laes<br />

J W Fulbright seeks funds fer forest work in Ark<br />

J W Fulbright leans te using U S troops in Vietnam<br />

J W Fulbright 's irritation hints serieus rift with State Dept<br />

J W Fulbright calls fer broadening of NATO role<br />

Floed in Harrison proves need for study . J W Fulbright says<br />

J W Fulbright favors private summit between JFK. Khruschev<br />

J W Fulbright seeks acreage transfer fer flooded cotten farms<br />

J W Fulbright urges funding fer agri weather reporting<br />

J W Fulbright calls school aid bill turning point fer educ<br />

J W Fulbright prevails on longer terms fer ambassadors<br />

J W Fulbright thinks U S to recognize Korean junta<br />

J W Fulbright praises Kennedy program. sees bright future<br />

J W Fulbright rates high at White House<br />

J W Fulbright wants marshals out of Alabama<br />

J W Fulbright seeks funds fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> agri proj ects<br />

9/24/61 A3 3<br />

10/15/61 A6 l<br />

8/29/62 Al 7<br />

8/30/62 A4 1<br />

9/ i/62 A3 l<br />

9/15/62 Al 2<br />

9/15/62 Al 2<br />

9/15/62 Al 2<br />

9/15/62 A2 4<br />

l/ 1/61 D5 5<br />

1/ 5/61 A2 l<br />

1/ 8/61 ES 5<br />

1/15/61 E5 5<br />

1/15/61 E5 5<br />

1/23/61 A4 1<br />

1/31/61 A3 2<br />

2/ 1/61 A2 8<br />

2/ 3/61 Al7 1<br />

2/ 5/61 C4 6<br />

2/ 7/61 Bl 7<br />

2/13/61 A3 3<br />

2/15/61 A2 1<br />

2/15/61 A3 1<br />

2/15/61 Bl 7<br />

3/ 3/61 AS 1<br />

3/ 3/61 Bl 4<br />

3/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

3/13/61 A4 2<br />

3/16/61 Bl 5<br />

3/18/61 BlO 1<br />

3/27/61 Al 8<br />

3/29/61 Al 3<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl3 2<br />

4/30/61 AlO 4<br />

...,<br />

5/ 1/61 Al J<br />

5/ 3/61 Bl 2<br />

5/ 5/61 Al 5<br />

5/11/61 Al 4<br />

5/12/61 Al 7<br />

5/12/61 Al 8<br />

5/16/61 Al 5<br />

5/16/61 A3 6<br />

5/17/61 Bl 5<br />

5/ 18/61 All 4<br />

5/18/61 A8 7<br />

5/20/61 A2 4<br />

5/21/61 Al 2 1<br />

5/21/61 E5 5<br />

5/23/61 Al 7<br />

5/24/-61 BlO 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

J W Fulbright praises JFK plan en foreign aid<br />

J W Fulbright critical ef new Senate subway system<br />

J W Fulbright seeks pestage stamp henering Pea Ridge<br />

J W Fulbright calls fer prebe ef Dominican Republic situation<br />

J W Fulbright wins reund against Senate subway<br />

J W Fulbright asks hospital aid fund increase<br />

J W Fulbright. Jehn L McClellan seek funds to repair reads<br />

Senate approves Fulbright-McClellan request en reads<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Senaters in no hurry en patronage jebs in state<br />

Fulbright 's counsel en non-intervention (ed)<br />

Speech by J W Fulbright draws wide attention<br />

J W Fulbright says cutting foreign aid program not wise<br />

J W Fulbright draws criticism of Barry Geldwater<br />

J W Fulbright re-election seems assured, Gaz ette says<br />

Dale Alferd shacked by J W Fulbright memo en military/right<br />

J W Fulbright says meme en military/right-wing ties private<br />

J W Fulbright plans en Berlin vetoes by President Kennedy<br />

J W Fulbright sees appreval of foreign aid plan<br />

J W Fulbright supports Mongolia bid fer recognition<br />

Panel headed by J W Fulbright ekays fereign aid bill<br />

Fulbright asks Goldwater te chart victory ever communism<br />

J W Fulbright speaks at opening ef AP&L power plant<br />

J W Fulbright urges blending ef free world into a blec<br />

J W Fulbright did net want to be Secretary of State<br />

J W Fulbright wanted freedom £rem restraints of State pest<br />

J W Fulbright asks U S to take lead in dispute ever Berlin<br />

J W Fulbright says East Germany escape hatch negotiable<br />

West Berlin in uprear ever J W Fulbright 's remarks<br />

J W Fulbright deplores defense in Sen ef 'radical ' forums<br />

Military sponsorship of right-wing speakers worries Fulbright<br />

Gazette cemments en J W Fulbright remark en West Berlin<br />

Editorial en Fulbright challenge ef military in politics<br />

Styles Bridges calls fer probe of Fulbright military memo<br />

J W Fulbright says he dees net advocate closing West Berlin<br />

J W Fulbright fires first shot in foreign aid battle<br />

J W Fulbright ;s ideas are uepia. Barry Geldwaer says<br />

J W Fulbright draws criticism frem Senator Jehn Tewer<br />

John L McClellan receives ever 2.000 letters an labor issue<br />

Dale Alford flays Fulbright memo en military/right<br />

J W Fulbright hears that GOP will try te unseat him next year<br />

Sen Barry Goldwater says GOP cannet defeat J W Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright memen en military was a service. JFK says<br />

JFK and the military (ed en Fulbright memo)<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller rankled by Barry Goldwater remark<br />

J W Fulbright memo blocked Panama seminar. Sen Thurmond says<br />

Congressman supports J W Fulbright en military meme<br />

J W Fulbright steers foreign aid bill ever hurdle<br />

Barry and Dale (ed en statements on J W Fulbright)<br />

North Little Reck Times comes to defense of J W Fulbright<br />

Dale Alford thought to be preparing to chal lenge Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright plans foreign aid bill change<br />

5/27/61 Al 6<br />

5/30/61 Al 4<br />

5/30/61 A2 7<br />

6/ 2/61 Al 2<br />

6/ 4/ 61 ES 5<br />

6/ 6/61 Bl 1<br />

6/15/61 AlB 6<br />

6/16/61 Al 4<br />

6/lB/61 E5 5<br />

7/ 1/61 A4 l<br />

7/ 6/61 A4 6<br />

7/ 7/61 A7 1<br />

7/15/61 Al 4<br />

7/17/61 A4 1<br />

7 /22/61 A3 1<br />

7 /22/61 A3 l<br />

7/23/61 Al 4<br />

7/24/61 Al 3<br />

7/24/-61 A2 l<br />

7/25/61 Al 2<br />

7/25/61 Al 4<br />

7/2B/61 Al 4<br />

7/29/-61 A3 1<br />

7/30/61 ES 5<br />

7/30/61 ES 5<br />

7/31/61 Al 3<br />

Bl 3/61 Al 2<br />

8-/ 3-/61 Al 2<br />

8/ 3/61 Al 8<br />

Bl 3/61 Al 8<br />

8/ 3/61 A4 l<br />

8/ 4/61 A4 1<br />

Bl 4/61 A6 l<br />

Bl 5/61 Al 7<br />

Bl 5/- 61 AS 7<br />

8/ 6/61 Al 2<br />

Bl 6/61 A6 4<br />

B/ 6/61 ES 5<br />

8/ 9/61 Al B<br />

B/10/61 A7 1<br />

8/10/61 A7 1<br />

B/ 11-/61 Al 4<br />

8/11/61 A4 2<br />

8/12/61 A2 2<br />

8/12/61 A2 7<br />

8/13/61 Al6 2<br />

B-/13-/61 A2 7<br />

8/13/61 1 E4 2<br />

BJ 13-/61 E4 6<br />

B/13/61 E5 5<br />

8/15/61 Al 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

J W Fulbright memo on the military affects Louisiana seminar<br />

J W Fulbright urges trade reprisal<br />

Dale Alford may be preparing fer battle against Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright tells military group purpose ef his memo<br />

American tradition and the rele of the military (ed)<br />

J W Fulbright urges that Civil Right Camm be ended<br />

J W Fulbright wants feed stamp plan extended te <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

J W Fulbright 's speech apparently aimed at Alford criticism<br />

J W Fulbright asked te clarify anti-communism seminar views<br />

Leading Canadian magazine heaps praise en J W Fulbright<br />

Gov Faubus 's weekly newspaper steps up attack en Fulbright<br />

Excerpts ef J W Fulbright speech en role of the military<br />

Dr George S Benson calls Fulbright meme comfort to communism<br />

Dr Bensen widens his target sights (ed en cemments)<br />

J W Fulbright says Fort Chaffee slated fer reopening<br />

Memo en military brings flood ef mail te J W Fulbright<br />

Several maj or newspapers endorse J W Fulbright memo<br />

J W Fulbright says US helped created Berlin crisis<br />

J W Fulbright repeats that Berlin crisis blame shared<br />

J W Fulbright to begin tour ef state<br />

Fulbright in London (ed)<br />

J W Fulbright favors chicken-grain swap in food for peace<br />

Fulbright military memo hit by Strategy fer Survival speake r<br />

J W Fulbright blames GOP fer foreign ills<br />

Republicans may run a candidate against J W Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright blasts scare-mongers in talk at LR<br />

J W Fulbright calls cellapse-frem-within idea nonsense<br />

Fulbright gives credit for LRAFB hospital te Jehn McClellan<br />

Fulbright says Marshall Plan kept Europe frem geing Communist<br />

Fulbright says strength of US econ linked te foreign affairs<br />

GOP leader in Me wants study of effects ef Fulbright remarks<br />

Malvern civic clubs held joint meeting to hear J W Fulbright<br />

Fulbright accounts to the felks at heme (ed)<br />

Winston G Chandler disagrees with Fulbright en communism<br />

Gov Faubus appears te have needle out for J W Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright says scare talk benefits Reds<br />

Gev Faubus says he has net taken pot shets at J W Fulbright<br />

Dinner at Ozark pays tribute te J W Fulbright<br />

AF.A Journal editorial praises J W Fulbright fer qualities<br />

J W Fulbright warmly greeted at Ozark appearance<br />

Mrs Alfred Lippman challenges J W Fulbright te debate<br />

J W Fulbright en military in politics and Senator-General s<br />

J W Fulbright addresses <strong>Arkansas</strong> Education Assn convention<br />

J W Fulbright comments en resignation ef Gen Edwin A Walker<br />

Rumors ef Fulbright-Orval Faubus summit denied<br />

J W Fulbright asks VA to review decision en housing leans<br />

J W Fulbright hits hard at 'collapse within' theory<br />

Senator Fulbright addresses Ark State Chamber ef Commerce<br />

Witch hunts sow seeds of distrust. weaken us. Fulbright says<br />

Sen J W Fulbright did net make comment on Gen Edwin A Walker<br />

Where Fulbright finds his greatest strength (ed)<br />

8/-15/61 A2<br />

8/18-/-61 Al<br />

8/19/-61 A2<br />

8/ 22-/-61 A5<br />

8/23/61 E4<br />

8/30-/-61 Bl<br />

8/31-/-61 Al3<br />

9/ 1/61 A3<br />

9/ 2/-61 A3<br />

9/10/61 C3<br />

9/10/61 E5<br />

9/-10/61 E5<br />

9/15/61 A2<br />

9/16-/-61 A4<br />

9/19/61 Al<br />

9/ 24-/-61 E5<br />

9/24-/-61 E5<br />

10/- 1/61 Al<br />

10/ 3/61 A3<br />

10-/- 3/ 61 A3<br />

10-/- 4/61 AA<br />

10/- 6/61 A8<br />

10/- 6/61 Bl<br />

10/ 7/-61 A2<br />

10/ 8/61 E3<br />

10/-10/-61 Al<br />

10/-10/61 Al<br />

10/-10/61 A4<br />

10/10/61 Bl<br />

10/10/61 Bl<br />

10/-10-/-61 Bl<br />

10/11-/-61 A2<br />

10/11/61 A4<br />

10/11/61 A7<br />

10/12/61 A2<br />

10/ 12/-61 Bl<br />

10/17/61 Bl<br />

10/18/-61 Bl<br />

10-/-1/61 Al<br />

10/19/61 Bl<br />

10/20/61 A2<br />

10/22/61 E3<br />

11/ 3/61 Al<br />

11/ 4/ 61 Al<br />

11/ 5/61 E3<br />

11/ &/61 Bl<br />

11/ 9/61 Al<br />

11/- 9/61 Al<br />

11/ 9/61 Al<br />

11/10/61 Al<br />

11/- 10-/-61 A4<br />

5<br />

7<br />

3<br />

l<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

5<br />

5<br />

8<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

l<br />

l<br />

l<br />

8<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gev Orval Faubus backs Fulbright stand en extremists<br />

Dale Alford hits at J W Fulbright in talk te American Legion<br />

Citizens Councils ef America attack J W Fulbright<br />

Winston G Chandler appears te aim communism talk at Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright defends neutral s; defends Fulbright Memorandum<br />

J W Fulbright te dedicate Mar-Bax Shirt Co at Gassville<br />

J W Fulbright praised by State Dept 's Rebert M McClinteck<br />

Rebert M McClinteck says Faulbright helps erase image ef LR<br />

Fulbright says Genge will ge communist if Katanga breaks away<br />

Dale Alford renews attack en J W Fulbright and foreign aid<br />

J W Fulbright takes ne stand on resignation of Gen Walker<br />

J W Fulbright praised by federal Treasury efficis.l<br />

J W Fulbright answers J Strom Thurmend 's claim<br />

J W Fulbright doubts U S te join Common Market<br />

J W Fulbright praises nerth Ark area in speech at Gassville<br />

Fulbright tells Doyle Venable te report communists to FBI<br />

J W Fulbright hits Birchist brand of 'lease talk'<br />

J W Fulbright announces fer re-election<br />

J W Fulbright finds many Arkansans fear communism from within<br />

The Fulbright bid fer another term (ed)<br />

James D Bales letter en Fulbright military memorandum<br />

Dale Alford decision te run for gov may mean Fulbright free<br />

J W Fulbright went to JFK te secure rice allotment rise<br />

Poll ranks J W Fulbright among tep 5 in Congress<br />

J W Fulbright encouraged by developments in Dominican Repub<br />

J W Fulbright backs JFK trade bill<br />

J W Fulbright. Jehn McClellan push Jehn E Miller fer ct post<br />

J W Fulbright making series ef speeches in Ark<br />

J W Fulbright veted against John A McCone fer CIA director<br />

J W Fulbright disturbed by disunity brought by cold war<br />

CIA's beut with J W Fulbright is old story<br />

John L McClellan blasted by James R Hof fa in speech at LR<br />

J W Fulbright says ,federal aid is net socialism<br />

John L McClellan vows to resist speed en urban affairs bill<br />

J W Fulbright asys US holding its own in cold war<br />

J W Fulbright strikes back at right-wing critics<br />

J W Fulbright files fer 4th term as senator frem Ark<br />

J W Fulbright says Barry Goldwater is an opportunist<br />

J W Fulbright says H L Hunt. Billy J Hargis seek his defeat<br />

J W Fulbright defends Rebert S McNamara en censors ' names<br />

The Fulbright candidacy (ed)<br />

J W Fulbright says study ef Gary Powers case proper<br />

J W Fulbright may be named president ef Cornell University<br />

J W Fulbright attacked by rightist literature<br />

J W Fulbright says tariffs imperil farm.er income<br />

John L McClellan opposes urban affairs plan of JFK<br />

J W Fulbright wants pilot feed stamp program for <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

John L McClellan hints at delay in action en urban affairs<br />

J W Fulbright says summit plea immature<br />

J W Fulbright submits bill fer Beaver Dam water outlet<br />

John L McClellan proposes study of cabinet-level science pest<br />

11/-10/61 Bl<br />

11/-11/61 BS<br />

11/12/61 All<br />

11-/-17/61 Bl<br />

11-/-21/61 BlO<br />

11/22/61 A2<br />

11/27/61 A2<br />

11/27/61 A2<br />

11/28/-61 Al<br />

11/29/-61 A2<br />

11/29/61 B4<br />

12/ 2/61 A2<br />

12/ 4/61 Al<br />

12/- 7/61 A2<br />

12/10/61 A14<br />

l 2/ 12/61 Al6<br />

12/-12/61 Al6<br />

12/14/61 Al<br />

12/14/-61 Al<br />

12/16/61 A4<br />

12/19/61 A4<br />

12/31/-61 Al<br />

1/14/62 D3<br />

1/19/62 Bl<br />

1/21/-62 p;J<br />

1/26/62 A2<br />

1/28/62 E3<br />

1/31/62 A8<br />

2/- 1/62 A2<br />

2/ 4/62 A2<br />

2/ 4/ 62 E3<br />

2/ 5/-62 Al<br />

2/ 6/62 A5<br />

2/- 7/62 Al3<br />

2/ 7/62 BS<br />

2/ 8/62 Al<br />

2/ 8/62 Al<br />

2/ 8/62 Al<br />

2/ 8/62 Al<br />

2/ 8/-62 A2<br />

2/-10/62 A4<br />

2/-14/62 p;J<br />

2/14/62 A5<br />

2/-14/62 Bl<br />

2/15/62 A7<br />

2/ 15/62 Bl<br />

2/17/62 A3<br />

2/17/62 A7<br />

2/ 18/62 A2<br />

2/23/62 Bl<br />

2/24/62 A2<br />

8<br />

2<br />

7<br />

6<br />

4<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

6<br />

1<br />

3<br />

5<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

7<br />

2<br />

3<br />

6<br />

8<br />

1<br />

8<br />

5<br />

8<br />

5<br />

3<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

J W Fulbright seft en communism, Rep Garden H Scherer says<br />

John L McClellan principal speaker at Federal Bldg dedication<br />

J W Fulbright seeks funds fer soil and water conservation<br />

J W Fulbright wants seil and water research station in Ark<br />

John L McClellan summoned by defense in James R Hoffa trial<br />

John L McClellan asks ban en strikes at defense bases<br />

J W Fulbright seeks increase in funds fer Ark proj ects<br />

J W Fulbright eppeses amdt ending use of pell tax<br />

Pell tax needed in Ark te help fund educ. J W Fulbright says<br />

John L and Mrs McClellan honored guests at Pearl Mesta party<br />

J W Fulbright makes 3-hr speech against pell tax ban<br />

John L McClellan asks what 's wrong with pell tax<br />

George S Bensen says he may oppose J W Fulbright fer seat<br />

John L McClellan comm rept en organiz ed gambling<br />

J W Fulbright . John L McClellan defend Ark pell tax system<br />

J W Fulbright defends JFK peregatives<br />

J W Fulbright seeks federal funds fer school at Scott<br />

Jehn L McClellan panel probes excessive prfits en missiles<br />

H L Hunt says he will net finance opponent of J W Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright urges aid fer fish farmers<br />

J W Fulbright says literacy test bill violates states ' rights<br />

J W Fulbright speaks en current intnl issues<br />

John L McClellan says missile waste is Pentagon 's fault<br />

John L McClellan critical of power of labor unions<br />

John L McClellan questions profits of missile maker<br />

John L McClellan begins inquiry into grain storage program<br />

J W Fulbright is target of Freedom Forum at Harding<br />

Tom Andersen wants J W Fulbright replaced by George S Bensen<br />

Winston G Chandler considers race against J W Fulbright<br />

Freedom Forum speakers keep up drumfire against J W Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright says his critics just maladjusted<br />

George S Benson still undecided on race against Fulbright<br />

Fulbright says civil rights bill is try te embarrass south<br />

J W Fulbright hits at Senate's pending civil rights bill<br />

John L McClellan is publicity-seeker. James R Hoffa says<br />

J W Fulbright to be opposed by Winston G Chandler in primary<br />

John L McClellan beefing up Billy Sel Estes inquiry<br />

Gev Orval Faubus notes rum.er he will oppose J W Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright. Jahn L McClellan seek te aveid Natl Guard cuts<br />

Winston G Chandl er pays filing fee te oppose J W Fulbright<br />

Dr Kenneth G Jones files as GOP candidate against Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright claims U S shews partiality with aid te Israel<br />

Fulbright 's fees (ed)<br />

George S Bensen decides not to run against J W Fulbright<br />

Senate race had its appeal. Orval E Faubus says<br />

J W Fulbright. John L McClellan fight Natl Guard cutback<br />

J W Fulbright just a 'paper tiger. ' Winston Chandler says<br />

John L McClellan alarmed by trend in federal spending<br />

Some American Legion leaders hope to tarnish Fulbright image<br />

Kenneth G Jones lashes JFK regime en steel. Cuba policies<br />

John L McClellan broadens investigation of Billie Sel Estes<br />

2/24/62 A2 6<br />

2/26/62 Al 5<br />

2/28/62 A3 1<br />

3/ 4/-62 E3 5<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 3<br />

3/ 9/62 A6 1<br />

3/11/62 E3 5<br />

3/17/62 Al 6<br />

3/17/62 Al 6<br />

3/18/62 E3 5<br />

3/23/-62 A6 l<br />

3/24/-62 A2 1<br />

3/28/62 Al 6<br />

3/29/62 Al 4<br />

3/29/62 A7 4<br />

4/- 6/-62 All 5<br />

4/ 7/62 A5 l<br />

4/ &/ 62 Al 5<br />

4/ 8/62 A4 2<br />

4/10/62 Bl 5<br />

4/12/62 Al8 2<br />

4/14/62 A5 7<br />

4/15/62 Cl 2<br />

4/16/62 A5 4<br />

4/18/62 Al 2<br />

4/18/62 Bl 8<br />

4/19/62 Al 3<br />

4/19/62 Al 3<br />

4/20/62 A8 6<br />

4/20/62 Bl 7<br />

4/20/62 Bl 8<br />

4/27/62 Al 5<br />

4/28/62 Al 2<br />

4/28/62 Al 2<br />

4/28/62 A2 4<br />

4/2'Jl62 Al 3<br />

4/-29/-62 A3 4<br />

5/ 1/62 A2 3<br />

5/ 1/62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl3 4<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 6<br />

5/ 3/62 A2 7<br />

5/ 3/62 A4 2<br />

5/ 3/62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 4/-62 Al 3<br />

5/ 4/62 Bl 5<br />

5/ 9/62 Bl 6<br />

5/13/62 A21 4<br />

5/13/62 E3 1<br />

5/15/62 B8 4<br />

5/17/62 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Jehn L McClellan says nation cannot afford Natl Guard cut<br />

Winston Chandler says J W Fulbright naive. uninfermed. deemed<br />

J W Fulbright seeks aid fer fish farmers<br />

Jahn L McClellan prepeses Cengress power te arrest witnesses<br />

J W Fulbright says trade bill aid to U S farms<br />

J W Fulbright spending twe weeks in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Kenneth Jones says enly Republicans will save freedem<br />

J W Fulbright says foreign aid is necessary evil<br />

J W Fulbright te address Ouachita Baptist graduates<br />

Winston G Chandler asks JFK to keep eut ef Senate race<br />

Jehn L McClellan sees <strong>Arkansas</strong> River as his monument<br />

Jahn L McClellan says Billie Sel Estes deals invalid<br />

Jehn L McClellan auther ef beok. "Crime Without Punishment"<br />

Jehn L McClellan te open probe ef Billie Sel Estes case<br />

J W Fulbright gets re-election boost frem Lyndon B Johnsen<br />

Winston G Chandler applauds Senate vote to bar aid to Reds<br />

John L McClellan in ne hurry to fill Appeals Court vacancy<br />

Winston G Chandler asks Lynden Johnsen te apelogize<br />

Winston G Chandler comments net worthy ef reply. LBJ says<br />

John L McClellan to investigate Am Guild ef Variety Artists<br />

J W Fulbright announces $18.8 million lean fer LR renewal<br />

J W Fulbright predicts LR renewal prej ect te help state<br />

John L McClellan werd-whips witnesses in striptease case<br />

Jahn L McClellan flails American Guild ef Variety Artists<br />

Winston G Chandler says gevt is meving to socialistic ferm<br />

Conservative Seciety ta aid Winston G Chandler<br />

Winston G Chandler welcomes support of right-wing group<br />

J W Fulbright opposes sugar bill previse<br />

Winston G Chandler hits J W Fulbright 's foreign views<br />

Winston G Chandler invites Fulbright te bring leftist friends<br />

Winston G Chandler wants te debate J W Fulbright en 10 issues<br />

Jehn L McClellan wants crackdown en crime in entertainment<br />

Jehn L McClellan ready fer Billie Sel Estes investigation<br />

John L McClellan plays morals guardian effectively<br />

John L McClellan says perjury committed in AGVA probe<br />

Winston G Chandler reacts te court ruling en Bible in schools<br />

J W Fulbright hails quick action en crep aid<br />

Conservatives Society unit forms at LR te defeat Fulbright<br />

Jahn L McClellan irked by Jeey Adams charge of 'smear '<br />

J W Fulbright hits at stalemate en school aid<br />

Winston G Chandler gees en TV ta blast Fulbright, justices<br />

Editorial response te Rev M L Maser's criticism of Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright 's panel votes te probe foreign lobbying<br />

J W Fulbright hopes fer cempremise en Cache River proj ect<br />

Winston G Chandler picks tap campaign aides<br />

J W Fulbright epens campaign offices. defends JFK's record<br />

Winsten G Chandler says papers giving him a bad deal<br />

John McClellan says Estes case figure did net kill himself<br />

Chandler's 12 points (ed)<br />

J W Fulbright says federal help vital te Ark<br />

John L McClellan discusses Billie Sol Estes and farm aid<br />

5/18/62 A6 6<br />

5/20/62 A2 1<br />

5/22/62 Bl 8<br />

5/23/62 A12 1<br />

5/24/-62 Cl2 1<br />

5/25/62 All 1<br />

5-/25/62 A3 7<br />

5-/27 /62 E3 5<br />

5/28/62 A3 2<br />

5/31/62 Bl 2<br />

6/ 3/62 E3 5<br />

6/ 4/ 62 BlO l<br />

6-/ 5/62 Al 4<br />

6/ 7/62 A14 1<br />

6/ 8/62 Al 3<br />

6/ 8/62 AlO 6<br />

6/ 8/62 A6 8<br />

6/ 9/62 A9 6<br />

6/ 9/62 A9 6<br />

6/10/62 A13 4<br />

6/12/62 Al 6<br />

6/12/62 Al 6<br />

6/16/62 Al 4<br />

6/20/62 Al 4<br />

6/20/62 Bl 4<br />

6/22/62 A3 7<br />

6/22/62 A3 7<br />

6/23/62 B4 6<br />

6/23/62 BS 5<br />

6/24/62 A6 2<br />

6/24/62 A6 2<br />

6/24/62 A8 1<br />

6/24/62 El 1<br />

6/-24/62 E3 5<br />

6/-26/62 Al 5<br />

6/-26/62 A2 4<br />

6/-26/62 A3 6<br />

6/26/62 Bl4 3<br />

6/-27/62 Al 3<br />

6/28/62 Bl 2<br />

7/ 3/62 A3 6<br />

7/- 4/ 62 A4 1<br />

7/ 7/62 Al 6<br />

7/ 7/62 A2 5<br />

7/10/62 Bl 4<br />

7/11/-62 A2 2<br />

7/12/62 Bl 4<br />

7/13/62 Al 3<br />

7/13/62 A4 2<br />

7/-13/62 Bl2 1<br />

7/14/62 Al 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

J W Fulbright, John L McClellan votes kill medicare bill<br />

J W Fulbright lauds federal activity at electric co-op meet<br />

Winston G Chandler says J W Fulbright offers 'servitude '<br />

J W Fulbright says rept wrong en reserve. Guard cutback<br />

J W Fulbright rakes right wing's scare tactics<br />

Winston G Chandler premises te fight reserve. Natl Guard cuts<br />

Winston G Chandler says J W Fulbright using his platform<br />

John L McClellan ends hearing on science agency<br />

Oilman H L Hunt warmly praises Winston Chandler<br />

Winston G Chandler says Fulbright running scared<br />

J W Fulbright says outside groups aid Winston Chandl er<br />

J W Fulbright' s record is only big issue in Senate race<br />

J W Fulbright endorsed by Pulaski County Dcheel Dist Beard<br />

J W Fulbright endorsed by <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<br />

Winston G Chandler incensed by board endorsement ef Fulbright<br />

John L McClellan charges strike payoff tried<br />

J W Fulbright defends his record in TV address te voters<br />

Winston G Chandler attacks Fulbright record as campaign ends<br />

J W Fulbright easily wins re-election ever Winston G Chandler<br />

J W Fulbright wins reelection<br />

Fulbright 1s victory (ed)<br />

Winston G Chandler carried Van Buren County<br />

John L McClellan charges tep ef ficial tried hiding Estes case<br />

Editorial explains J W Fulbright 's peer shewing in Sebastian<br />

GOP may send Goldwater and Tewer to campaign fer K J enes<br />

J W Fulbright comments on several current issues<br />

J W Fulbright calls for increase in educational exchanges<br />

Dr Kenneth G Jones may have aid of Goldwater and Tewer<br />

Dr Kenneth G Jenes gives women talk en conservatism<br />

Senator Jehn Tewer (Rep. Texas) te campaign fer Kenneth Jones<br />

Gaz ette responds to attack by Kenneth Jones en liberals<br />

John L McClellan says Freeman aides shielded Billy S Estes<br />

Hoover and Fulbright on the United Nations (ed)<br />

Editorials discuse the Fulbright-Jones contest fer Senate<br />

J W Fulbright thinks Goldwater. Tower would fail in Ark<br />

Still trying to walk (ed on GOP drive for Fulbright seat)<br />

Barry Goldwater te speak at LR in behalf ef Kenneth Jones<br />

Kenneth Jones asks equal time en ABC-'IV after Fulbright<br />

Dr Kenneth Jones says GOP must step socialism trend<br />

Fulbright-Jones contest to present <strong>Arkansas</strong> a big show<br />

J W Fulbright ne liberal ; may be Whig, Rey Reed writes<br />

Dr Kenneth Jones to open campaign fer Fulbright seat<br />

Kenneth Jones criticizes Fulbright opposition to Bay of Pigs<br />

J W Fulbright warns US must not take hard military line<br />

Kenneth Jenes asks, J W Fulbright answers with views en Cuba<br />

J W Fulbright names James H Pilkinton campaign manager<br />

J W Fulbright opens campaign headquarters at Hetel Marien<br />

Kenneth Jones says Russia will net fight fer Cuba<br />

J W Fulbright attacks Republicans<br />

J W Fulbright speaks with ambassador in London via Telstar<br />

Kenneth Jenes says Washington. net Moscow biggest danger<br />

7/18/62 Al 7<br />

7/21/62 A2 1<br />

7/-22/62 A2 2<br />

7/22/-62 A2 7<br />

7/23/62 A3 3<br />

7/-24/-62 Bl 5<br />

7/25/62 A3 3<br />

7/-25/62 Bl 8<br />

7 /26/-62 A4 4<br />

7/-26/62 Bl 2<br />

7 /28/62 AlO 6<br />

7/29/62 A12 1<br />

7/-29:/62 A4 6<br />

7/29/62 E2 2<br />

7/-30/-62 Al 5<br />

7/-31/-62 Al 3<br />

7/-31/62 A3 2<br />

7/31/62 A3 2<br />

8/- 1/62 Al 2<br />

8/ 2/-62 Al 8<br />

8/- 2/62 A4 1<br />

8/- 3/62 Bl 8<br />

8/ 4/62 Al 6<br />

8/ 6/-62 A4 1<br />

8/- 8/62 Bl 5<br />

8/- 8/62 Bl 5<br />

8/-14/62 AB 6<br />

8/14/62 Bl 3<br />

8/16/-62 AlO 4<br />

8/- 17/62 Al 5<br />

8/17/-62 A4 2<br />

8/18/-62 Al 6<br />

8/19/62 E2 1<br />

8/-19:/62 E3 2<br />

8/20/62 A2 3<br />

8/20/62 A4 1<br />

8/23/-62 Al 2<br />

8/23/-62 Al 2<br />

8/23/62 B14 4<br />

8/26/62 E3 5<br />

8/26/-62 ES 1<br />

9/ 8/62 A3 2<br />

9/ 9/ 62 A3 5<br />

9/ 9/62 E3 5<br />

9/11/-62 Al 4<br />

9/-11/-62 AS 4<br />

9/11/-62 A5 4<br />

9/12/62 Bl 5<br />

9/-13/-62 Al 3<br />

9/13/62 Al 3<br />

9/13/62 Bl 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Steel executives border en centempt . Jehn L McClellan says<br />

Editerial en Kenneth Jenes statement on American secialism<br />

Mrs William A Snodgrass Jr heads Demecrats fer Janes<br />

Kenneth Jenes says Fulbright has ne concept ef democracy<br />

Sen J W Fulbright epens his race teday at Jenesbere<br />

Kenneth G Janes says Democratic Party is Socialist<br />

Sen J W Fulbright cannot believe Ken Jenes stand far real<br />

J W Fulbright says he favers right 'isims '<br />

Overflew crewd attends dinner fer J W Fulbright at Jenesbore<br />

Kenneth W Jones says Fulbright views make him sick<br />

Physicians in NW Ark erganize te support J W Fulbright<br />

Gev Orval Faubus has high praise fer J W Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright speaks te crowded luncheon at Little Reck<br />

South 'liberal ' en rating scales used by Dr Ken Jones<br />

Sense and nensense in the Senate campaign (ed)<br />

Jehn L McClellan absolves tep USDA chiefs in Estes case<br />

J W Fulbright praises trade bill<br />

J W Fulbright campaigns in Baxter Ceunty<br />

John L McClellan backs Rebert F Kennedy in Heffa row<br />

Mrs L Gardner joins campaign staff of J W Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright calls Univ of Miss riets tragic<br />

Dr Kenneth G Jones ef fers his sympathy to the Seuth<br />

J W Fulbright raps Supreme Ct ruling en segregation in 1954<br />

Dr Kenneth Jenes attacks 14th Amdt te federal constitution<br />

J W Fulbright jekes abeut his electien fee<br />

U S Senator Jehn G Tewer te campaign with Kenneth Jenes<br />

Jehn L McClellan beek tells story of labor investigatiens<br />

Americans fer Censtitutienal Action endorses Kenneth Jones<br />

J W Fulbright jibes at Texans telling Ark hew te run business<br />

Jahn L McClellan appearances te premete his beek<br />

John L McClellan autographs books. reminisces about yeuth<br />

Sen John Tewer arrives teday te aid Ken Janes campaign<br />

Sen John Tewer arrives to help Ken Jones in race fer seat<br />

Sen Jahn Tewer refuses te attack J W Fulbright in Ark<br />

Editerial examines Americans fer Constitutienal Action stand<br />

Jehn C Tewer tells Jonesboro crewd JFK want to be royal<br />

Tower 's contributien te the Senate campaign (ed)<br />

Editorial en campaign ef Dr Kenneth Jenes<br />

J W Fulbright gets works from the poison penmen (column)<br />

Rebert B Snewden spensers poison pen attack en Fulbright<br />

Kenneth Jenes calls vote fer Fulbright a vete fer Kennedys<br />

J W Fulbright attends barbecue in his honer at Malvern<br />

Kenneth Jones repeats charges about 'ene-werlder' fee<br />

Budget deficit near criminal. John L McClellan says<br />

Editorial asks Kenneth Janes to define his use of social ism<br />

J W Fulbright says GOP destroyed South after Civil War<br />

J W Fulbright says overseas bases cemprom.ised Menree Doctrine<br />

Sen Richard B Russell gives J W Fulbright high praise<br />

J W Fulbright says 'The Deeter ' wants push-button Senators<br />

J W Fulbright defends U S foreign aid program<br />

J W Fulbright speaks at dedication ef fish research station<br />

9/15/62 A3<br />

9/18/62 A4<br />

9/18/62 A6<br />

9/18/62 A6<br />

9/21/62 AlO<br />

9/21/62 A2<br />

9/21/62 Bl<br />

9/22/62 AS<br />

9/22/62 AS<br />

9/ 22/62 AS<br />

9/22/62 AS<br />

9/23/62 AlO<br />

9/ 23/62 AlO<br />

9/23/62 E3<br />

9/24/62 A4<br />

9/25/62 Al<br />

9/26/62 A3<br />

9/27/62 A3<br />

9/27/62 A8<br />

9/27/62 Bl<br />

10/ 2/62 A2<br />

10/ 2/62 A3<br />

10/ 5/62 A3<br />

10/ 5/ 62 AB<br />

10/ 7/62 A2<br />

10/- 7/62 A2<br />

10/- 7/62 E3<br />

10/ 9/62 A6<br />

10/ 9/62 Bl<br />

10/10/62 A7<br />

10/11/62 Bl<br />

10/11/62 BlO<br />

10/12/62 Al<br />

10/12/62 Al<br />

10/12/62 M<br />

10/13/62 A2<br />

10/-13/62 A4<br />

10/14/-62 E2<br />

10/14/62 E3<br />

10/14/62 E3<br />

10/-17/62 A2<br />

10/18/62 A6<br />

10/-18/-62 A6<br />

10/18/62 Bl<br />

10/-19/62 A4<br />

10/19/62 Bl3<br />

10/19/62 B13<br />

10/21/62 A2<br />

10/21/62 A8<br />

10/22/-62 A2<br />

10/22/62 A2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

6<br />

6<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

5<br />

8<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

5<br />

6<br />

5<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

6<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

l<br />

2<br />

l<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Legiennaires take issue with J W Fulbright en Monroe Doctrine<br />

J W Fulbright talk te teachers protested by Winston Chandler<br />

J W Fulbright warns Reds that Kennedy means business in Cuba<br />

Aide to Kenneth Jones disclaims knowledge ef ACA agents<br />

J W Fulbright says what Russian ships de is key te crisis<br />

Ne win policy caused Cuban crisis. Kenneth Jones says<br />

J W Fulbright advises waiting te see if US wen Cuban shO"tldewn<br />

Kenneth G Janes welcomes Sen Robert S Kerry te <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Party rally at Fort Smith hears J W Fulbright. J W Trimble<br />

Dr Kenneth G Janes accuses J W Fulbright ef mis-statement<br />

J W Fulbright says he has been consistent en Cuba situation<br />

Chester Lauck does premetienal werk for J W Fulbright<br />

Ken Janes, Barry Goldwater paint Fulbright as 'appeaser '<br />

Sen Barry M Geldwater flies in ta beast Ken Janes candidacy<br />

Senator Barry M Goldwater calls J W Fulbright a 'retreater '<br />

Dr Kenneth Jones gets $5,025 donation from natl GOP fund<br />

Norris Goff obj ects te Lum 'n' Abners spots for Fulbright<br />

Republican attempt te exploit Cuba crisis (ed)<br />

His GOP fees use McCarthyism, J W Fulbright says<br />

J W Fulbright supports stern measures in Cuban crisis<br />

Senator Rebert S Kerr speaks fer J W Fulbright candidacy<br />

Nerris Gaff sends Dr Jones telegram criticizing Fulbright<br />

Jones accuses Fulbright ef misrepresentatien or ignorance<br />

Dr Kenneth G Jones receives denatien from ACA, may return it<br />

Kenneth G Jones says enly issue is liberalism vs. freedom<br />

Sen J W Fulbright defeats Kenneth G Jones in landslide vete<br />

Sen J W Fulbright happy with win ever Dr Kenneth Jones<br />

Campaign against J W Fulbright called 'vicious '<br />

The smashing victory fer Senator Fulbright (ed)<br />

J W Fulbright carries Pulaski County by margin ef 2-1<br />

Election returns in Fulbright-Jones centest (by county)<br />

J W Fulbright says Europe out as mediator between US-USSR<br />

J W Fulbright holds poultry talks with Eur:epean leaders<br />

J W Fulbright asks President ennedy to raise rice acreage<br />

Lausche asks J W Fulbright te probe Red planes ever US<br />

CONGRESS - Senate (Class II)<br />

John L McClellan investigated, turned Griffin brothers loose<br />

John L McClellan's bill woul d give JFK power to reorganize<br />

John L McClellan praises Rebert F Kennedy nomination fer AG<br />

Jehn L McClellan gets down te work en patronage<br />

Jehn L McClellan seeks new life fer Laber-Mgmt committee<br />

James R Hoffa chides John L McClellan en labor wages in Ark<br />

James R Hoffa. John L McClellan engage in exchange ef words<br />

Jahn L McClellan asks broader power in crime prebe<br />

James R Hoffa scathed anew by Jehn L McClellan<br />

John L McClellan says crime syndicates will get trouble<br />

John L McClellan comments en Earl and Ermen Griffin case<br />

John L McClellan objects te increased support fer soybeans<br />

John L McClellan offers bill to unseat James R Hoffa<br />

Jahn L McClellan faces task of finding US atty fer east Ark<br />

Jahn L McClellan addresses National Rehabilitatien Assn cenv<br />

10/22/62 A2 2<br />

10/22/62 B6 5<br />

10/23/62 A2 3<br />

10/23/62 A3 4<br />

10/24/62 AS 2<br />

10/24/62 BlO 8<br />

10/25/62 Al 5<br />

10/27/62 A2 3<br />

10/27/62 A9 3<br />

10/28/62 Al6 3<br />

10/28/62 E3 5<br />

10/30/62 A2 2<br />

11/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

11/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

11/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

11/ 1/62 A2 1<br />

11/- 2/62 A13 3<br />

11/ 2/62 A4 1<br />

ll/ 2/ 62 Bl 8<br />

11/ 3/62 Al 3<br />

11/ 3/62 Al 3<br />

11/ 3/62 A2 2<br />

11/ 3/62 A7 1<br />

11/ 4/ 62 AB 1<br />

11/ 5/62 A6 7<br />

11/ 7/62 Al 8<br />

11/ 7/62 A2 7<br />

11/ 8/62 A6 l<br />

11/ 8/62 A6 l<br />

11/ 8-/62 Cl8 1<br />

11/ 9/62 A4 l<br />

11/20/62 Bl 4<br />

12/- 1/62 A4 7<br />

12/ 6/62 Al9 1<br />

12/ 7/62 A9 2<br />

1/ 1/61 A3 1<br />

1/ 6/61 A3 1<br />

1/-14/61 Al 8<br />

1/15/-61 E5 5<br />

1/19/61 A4 6<br />

1/26/61 A7 1<br />

1/-26/-61 A7 4<br />

1/27/61 A3 1<br />

1/29/61 Al 8<br />

2/ 3/61 A8 5<br />

2/ 7/-61 A2 5<br />

3/22/-61 AlO 4<br />

3-/22/61 AlO 5<br />

3/26/61 A4 7<br />

4/15/61 BS 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Jahn L McClellan irked by unien official Jeseph W Margan<br />

John L McClellan calls missile site strikes 'damnable'<br />

John L McClellan's panel creates scare headlines. labor says<br />

John L McClellan wants marshals out ef Alabama<br />

John L McClellan. J W Fulbright seeks funds te repair reads<br />

Jehn L McClellan renews battle fer budget watchdogs<br />

Senate appreves Fulbright-McClellan request en reads<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Senators in ne hurry te fill patronage jabs in state<br />

Jehn L McClellan tangles with Robert Kennedy en marshal pay<br />

John L McClellan says Gorden M Tiffany unfit for position<br />

Jahn L McClellan objects to cost of Stevenson 's Waldorf suite<br />

John L McClellan wants domestic glass industry protected<br />

John McClellan tells plan te bleck Hof fa machine<br />

John McClellan accuses Ref fa of dragging up 2S-yr-old smear<br />

John L McClellan concerned by preliferatien of committees<br />

Jehn L McClellan to direct new assault en organized crime<br />

Jahn L McClellan speaks at AP&L pewer plant opening<br />

John L McClellan tells his critics te check the record<br />

John L McClellan says some Hat Springs residents to be called<br />

John L McClellan panel ready fer drive en creaked gambl ing<br />

John L McClellan leads battle against Civil Rights Cemm<br />

McClellan panel subpoenaes Het Springs telephone records<br />

McClellan panel hearing testimony on gambling<br />

Witnesses scared. balky as McClellan prebers leek at devices<br />

McClellan panel to hear Owen Madden testimony<br />

John L McClellan nettled by gaming probe witnesses ' silence<br />

C Julian Lytle takes Fifth before McClellan panel<br />

Owen Madden. James Vitro plead Fifth as prebers apply heat<br />

John L McClellan sees stringent bills en illegal gambling<br />

McClellan inquiry cencerns itself with interstate gambling<br />

John L McClellan draws praise fer role as investigator<br />

John L McClellan names curbs needed fer gambling<br />

Editorial en John McClellan proposals te curb gambling<br />

K Barney Levine takes Fifth en betting in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Kenneth Coffelt wants local officials questioned en gambling<br />

McClellan says his panel cannot check intrastate gambling<br />

John L McClellan meves te outlaw strikes at missile bases<br />

John McClellan warns of danger of surrender in Germany<br />

John L McClellan speaks at Central Baptist Church in LR<br />

John L McClellan says US must step retreat frem communism<br />

Jehn L McClellan hits power ef transportation unions<br />

John L McClellan plans to write book en crime<br />

Jahn L McClellan may ga to 8th Circuit Court of Appeals<br />

John L McClellan irked by possible public works cutback<br />

Jehn L McClellan addresses <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Chamber ef Commerce<br />

Sen Jahn L McClellan commented en Gen Edwin A Walker<br />

Jehn L McClellan to make tour of Latin America<br />

John McClellan says incidents in Venezuela exaggerated<br />

John L McClellan calls Latin America tour most rewarding<br />

Jehn McClellan will fight back if Pat Hendersen net confirmed<br />

Jehn McClellan cemrinced Latin aid plan important<br />

4/29/61 A7 3<br />

5-/12-/61 A6 3<br />

5/18/61 A2 6<br />

S/23-/61 Al 7<br />

6/15/61 Al8 6<br />

6/15/61 A3 4<br />

6/16/61 Al 4<br />

6/18/61 ES S<br />

6/20/61 Al 4<br />

6/22/61 A2 1<br />

6/22/61 A2 7<br />

6/3(}/-61 Bl 4<br />

7/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

7/19/61 Bl 6<br />

7/23/61 ES S<br />

7/23/61 ES 5<br />

7/28/61 Al 4<br />

7/2CJ/61 BB 4<br />

8/ S/-61 Al 5<br />

8/20/61 Al 3<br />

8/22/61 Al 2<br />

8/22/61 BlO 6<br />

8/24/61 Al 2<br />

8/26/61 A2 7<br />

8/27/61 Al 3<br />

8/31/61 AlO 2<br />

9/ 1/61 Al 4<br />

9/ 1/61 Al 4<br />

9/ 2/ 61 B8 1<br />

9/ 3/61 A2 7<br />

9/ 3/61 D5 5<br />

9/ 5/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 6/61 A4 2<br />

9/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

9/10/61 A2 3<br />

9/20/61 Bl 2<br />

9/24/61 Al6 5<br />

9/29/61 A3 1<br />

9/29/61 A3 2<br />

10/ 3/61 BB 5<br />

10/11/61 A6 4<br />

10/12/61 Cl4 3<br />

10/22/61 E3 5<br />

11/ 1/61 A6 1<br />

11/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

11/10/-61 Al 4<br />

11/lS/61 Bl 7<br />

12/ 9/61 B7 7<br />

12/10/61 A14 4<br />

12/ 14/61 Al 4<br />

12/14/61 Al5 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Senator McClellan reperts on the 'Alliance ' (ed)<br />

John L McClellan helps dedicate armory at Mountain Home<br />

John L McClellan calls fer lie tests on AGVA pair<br />

John L McClellan favors eutlawing strikes in defense plants<br />

John L McClellan urges JFK net te give an inch en Cuba<br />

John L McClellan calls Kennedy acts way to peace<br />

Jehn L McClellan says probes have benefitted labor<br />

John L McClellan discusses vacancy en appeals court<br />

John L McClellan blames courts fer crime rise<br />

John L McClellan proposes new law to curtail labor 's 'abuses '<br />

John L McClellan raps deficit spending<br />

John L McClellan denies AFLCIO charge he is anti-union<br />

John L McClellan worried by Hoffa's try fer CWA grab<br />

Jahn L McClellan calls Cuban crisis a great victory fer US<br />

John L McClellan speaks en crime and deficit spending<br />

Taxes. spending big issues. John L McClellan says<br />

John L McClellan opposes filibuster rules change<br />

John L McClellan wants cordon around Cuba renewed<br />

John L McClellan sends investigators te scan dock strike<br />


Ark House votes fer Connally Reservation; unsure what it is<br />


see also Government officials. Local<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />

Editerials en proposal fer quickie amendments<br />

Gazette urges care in cheesing proposed amendments<br />

House panel hears proponents of 37 proposed amendment s<br />

Gev Faubus drops drive fer fast revision amendment<br />

Instant amendments and Faubus 1s bargain (ed)<br />

Tetal ef 43 amendments proposed in Legislature<br />

Senate votes 32-1 to call constititienal convention<br />

Whose constitution (ed en Senate vete fer convention)<br />

House by-passes Faubus proposal in cheesing amendments<br />

House kills bill fer calling constitutional convention<br />

Legis sends 4 proposed amendments to Secy ef State<br />

Officials in no hurry to settle 4th amdt question<br />

Repr Virgil Butler says state needs new charter<br />

State Repr David Pryer says new charter would correct evils<br />

David H Pryer. Virgil J Butler want new document written<br />

Problems with 1874 charter listed by Butler and Pryer<br />

Rep Virgil J Butler urges new constitution<br />

New constitution must wait fer awhile (ed)<br />

Rep Virgil J Butler supports David H Pryer call fer reform<br />

Battle shaping up between Reps David Pryer. Paul Van Dalsem<br />

Gazette argues time net right fer new constitution<br />

Virgil Butler continues crusade fer new charter<br />

David J Burleson. Ray S Smith Jr seek to reform charter<br />

Hardy Crexten. Joel Ledbetter join group seeking changes<br />

Paul Van Dalsem suggests Ray S Smith Jr start reforms at home<br />

Gov Faubus comments en drive fer reform<br />

Ray Smith Jr declines help of Paul Van Dalsem in reforms<br />

lZ/15/61 A4 l<br />

12/24/-61 A5 7<br />

6/29/62 Bl8 6<br />

10/22/62 Al 5<br />

10/-27/62 A2 1<br />

10/-28/62 C4 4<br />

10/28/-62 E3 5<br />

11/ 1/62 Bl 5<br />

11/ 9/ 62 Bl 8<br />

11/18/62 A3 7<br />

12/ 1/62 B8 7<br />

12/ 3/62 Al 5<br />

12/ 5/62 A5 7<br />

12/ 9/-62 E3 5<br />

12/11/62 B14 4<br />

12/19/62 A4 1<br />

12/-23/62 B12 4<br />

12/28/-62 A7 8<br />

12/30/62 A7 1<br />

2/25/-61 Al<br />

2/19/61 E4<br />

2/27/61 A4<br />

2/28/61 Bl<br />

3/ 1/61 Al<br />

3/ 1/61 A4<br />

3/ 1/61 A7<br />

3/ 2/61 A2<br />

3/ 3/61 A4<br />

3/ 7/61 Al<br />

3/ 8/61 Al<br />

3/21/61 B4<br />

4/ 14/61 Bl<br />

5/31/61 Bl<br />

6/13/61 A7<br />

7/ 9/-61 Al<br />

7 / 9/61 Al<br />

8/30/61 Bl<br />

9/14/61 A4<br />

9/19/61 BlO<br />

9/24/61 E5<br />

9/28/61 A4<br />

10/26/61 Bl<br />

10/29/61 Al<br />

10-/-29/61 Al<br />

10-/-31/61 Bl<br />

11/ 1/61 Al<br />

11/ 1/61 A7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

l<br />

5<br />

4<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

7<br />

7<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

The Yeung Turks (ed)<br />

Repr Jim Branden jeins call fer new constitution<br />

Virgil J Butler says new constitutien advocates to meet<br />

Rewriting censtitutien new effers little hope fer referm (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus says he could go along with constitutional cenv<br />

Rep David Pryer alarmed by Faubus remarks en convention<br />

Rep Virgil J Butler continues pitch fer revision<br />

Idealist reformers concerned with overtures by Gov Faubus<br />

Judge warns against tampering with 1874 constitution<br />

State Rep David H Pryer urges new canstitutien<br />

Rep Jim Branden outlines timetable fer reform<br />

Legislature referred 4 amdts; only 3 can be en ballet<br />

Committee forms te push fer rewriting ef Censtitutien<br />

Gov Faubus decision not te seek re-election may help reform<br />

Preston W Grace te head committee fer rewriting Constitution<br />

Reps Virgil Butler and David Pryer push fer new charter<br />

Wallace Hurley is vice-pres ef cemm for Constitutional reform<br />

A time te undertake constitutional reform (ed)<br />

Law Dean Ralph C Barnhart warns revision is tough task<br />

Dean Barnhart's counsel en constitutional reform (ed)<br />

UA Law Scheel Dean Ralph C Barnhart commended fer lecture<br />

Voters te decide en 5 prepesed amendments<br />

Charter burdened with antiquated previsions. atty says<br />

Methed and timing in constitutional reform (ed)<br />

Proposed initiated acts. amdts analyzed by Law School dean<br />

Numerous proposals en ballot may cause defeat of all ef them<br />

Voters being asked te appreve 5 amendments<br />

All proposed Amdts failing in late returns<br />

Only voting machine proposal survived at polls<br />


Wage dispute threatens halt to construction in Central Ark<br />

Wage dispute could halt construction work today<br />

Trades strike still in talking stage<br />

Associated General Contractors amends offer te Carpenters<br />

Associated General Contractors. carpenters union agree<br />

Picket routed by students at Springdale's new high scheel<br />

Strike at Univ of Ark involves new dorm fer wemen<br />

Union asks Supreme Ct to void ban on picketing at UA site<br />

Pickets set up at Titan missile sites in labor dispute<br />

NLRB upholds picketing Van Buren school building sites<br />

Carpenters strike in NW Ark slews work on UA proj ects<br />

Union strikers may be replaced in NW <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Buildings and offices. Govt<br />

Rep A W Stokes wants ta divert cell bend money ta trade schs<br />

State Hospital Bd endorses tax en soft drinks<br />

Soft drink industry lining up te def eat proposed tax<br />

Soft drink tax seems deemed before it is even considered<br />

State 's editors look at proposed tax on soft drinks<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Children's Colony supports proposed soft drink tax<br />

Higher education and institutions support soft drink tax<br />

11/ 2/61 A4<br />

12/ 1/61 Bl<br />

1/ 5/62 A2<br />

1/28/62 E2<br />

1/31/62 A7<br />

1/31/62 A7<br />

2/ 2/62 A6<br />

2/ 4/62 E3<br />

2/ 1(}/-62 AS<br />

2/14/62 A7<br />

3/- 1/-62 Bl<br />

3/25/-62 A6<br />

4/ 5/62 Al<br />

4/ 5/62 Al<br />

4/ 5/62 Al<br />

4/ 5-/-62 Al<br />

4/ 5/-62 Al<br />

4/ 6/62 A4<br />

4/25-/-62 Bl<br />

4-/-26/-62 A4<br />

5/ 6/62 E3<br />

7/ 6/62 Bl<br />

7/20/-62 Bl<br />

7/21/62 A4<br />

10/21/62 AlO<br />

10/21/-62 E3<br />

11/ 4/ 62 AlS<br />

11/ 7/62 Al<br />

11/27-/-62 Bl<br />

1/ 1/61 Al<br />

1/ 2/61 Al<br />

1/ 3/61 Al<br />

1/ 5/61 A3<br />

1/ 6/61 Bl<br />

1/-13/61 AlO<br />

2/-20/62 A2<br />

2/20/62 A2<br />

3/ 6/62 Al<br />

8/ 17/62 Bl<br />

8/30/62 Bl<br />

9/ 2/62 A5<br />

1/ 4/61 B7<br />

l/ 7/61 A3<br />

l/ 8/61 Al<br />

1/ 8/61 Al<br />

1/ 8/61 E4<br />

1/13/61 Bl<br />

1/13/61 Bl<br />

2<br />

6<br />

5<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

l<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

5<br />

6<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

8<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

7<br />

7<br />

6<br />

8<br />

8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

College presidents explaining needs te their student bodies<br />

The sef t drink tax (ed)<br />

Seft drink bill shews hew funds weuld be divided<br />

Seft drink tax bill intreduced in House<br />

Seft drink tax runs inte snag in Beuse; rocky read expected<br />

Soft drink supporters give dinner far legislators, push plan<br />

College heads see hope at ballet box fer tax proposal<br />

Editorials ceel teward seft drink tax fer college funding<br />

Fate ef soft drink tax uncertain: may wind up en ballet<br />

Reuse gets bill fer bend plan in place ef soft drink tax<br />

House receives bill that would replace soft drink tax bill<br />

Drink tax foils Gev Faubus ' ew-n construction plans<br />

Ark chapter ef AAUW endorses tax en soft drinks<br />

Bill in Legis would control state building through a comm<br />

Sen Ellis Fagan offered bill fer state Building Cemmissien<br />

Gev Faubus gives State Hospital, Children's Colony priority<br />

Legislator fed up with mail apposing soft drink tax<br />

Building needs reviewed by legislators<br />

Map shews proposed changes in State Hospital buildings<br />

College heads talk up soft drink tax to legislators<br />

Bond backers cite urgent building needs at institutions<br />

Colleges, Univ of Ark list immediate, urgent needs<br />

Reuse penel pins 'do net pass' en soft drink bill<br />

Panel vete en sef t drink tax may have doomed building bends<br />

Public hearing en soft drink tax drew 700 te Hotel Marien<br />

Sh5"1i"dewn due in Reuse en soft drink tax<br />

Bill woul d let State Hospital sell 800 acres for bldg program<br />

Sen J Lee Bearden opposes soft drink tax. sees its def eat<br />

Rep Ray S Smith Jr promotes bill fer bends without drink tax<br />

Editors argue question of tax on soft drinks<br />

Jenesbere. Blytheville residents favor drink tax, pell shOTNS<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> president J W Hull comment s en end to tax fight<br />

Gov Faubus giving thought te alternative te soft drink tax<br />

Soft drink tax dies as backers abandon effort fer passage<br />

Building program claims highest priority (ed)<br />

Bill fer new state Revenue Bld runs into trouble in House<br />

Rep David Pryor wants State Hospital needs met first<br />

Rep Ray S Smith retrieves building bend bill fer mere study<br />

Proposed bend program could damage state, W R Stephens says<br />

Gov Faubus may offer tax on beer. cigarettes fer bldg program<br />

University of <strong>Arkansas</strong> says building needs still urgent<br />

Colleges get Gov Faubus 's plan fer building program<br />

Beer is likely target of tax for new state construction<br />

Gov Faubus presents ambitious building program to Legislature<br />

Public vote en proposed bends required under Faubus plan<br />

Under Faubus plan. every county would receive building funds<br />

Table shews what Faubus plan would provide<br />

Rep W R Stephens killed smaller issue, backs Faubus plan<br />

Beer tax proposal had strings attached, Gov Faubus says<br />

Faubus has alternative plan in case bond plan fails<br />

Faubus ' $78,145,000 program seems to be favored<br />

1/15/61 ClO 3<br />

1/15/61 E4 2<br />

1/17/61 Al 5<br />

1/17/61 Al 5<br />

1/18/61 Al 5<br />

1/18/61 B8 4<br />

1/21/61 A3 1<br />

1/22/61 E4 6<br />

1/25/61 Al 3<br />

1/26/61 Al 2<br />

1/26/61 Al 2<br />

1/26/61 Al 3<br />

1/26/61 Bl 2<br />

1/26/-61 Bl 2<br />

1/26/61 Bl 2<br />

1/27/61 A6 3<br />

1/28/61 Al 6<br />

l/28/61 A3 4<br />

1/29/61 A5 2<br />

1/29/61 ES 1<br />

1/31/61 Al 2<br />

1/31/61 A2 3<br />

2/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

2l 3/61 A5 1<br />

2/ 3/61 Bl 2<br />

2/ 4/61 A3 2<br />

2/ 5/61 A3 1<br />

2/ 5/61 E4 6<br />

21 6/61 A5 7<br />

2/ 7/61 Al 8<br />

2/ 7/61 Al 8<br />

2/ 7/61 Al 8<br />

2/ 7/61 A4 l<br />

2/ 8/61 A2 1<br />

2/ 8/61 A2 1<br />

2/ 9/61 A9 4<br />

2/ 9/61 A9 8<br />

2/11/61 Al 6<br />

2/12/61 A2 1<br />

2/16/61 Bl 8<br />

2/21/61 Bl 5<br />

2/22/61 Al 8<br />

2/22/61 Al 8<br />

2/22/61 Al 8<br />

2/22/61 A2 2<br />

2/22/61 A2 3<br />

2/23/61 Al 3<br />

2/23/61 Al 4<br />

2/23/61 Al 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Need for safeguards in state bend program (ed)<br />

Building plan would raise state debt to $72.52 per persen<br />

Smooth sailing seen fer Faubus bend program<br />

Highlights frem Gov Faubus 's speech en program<br />

Editorials comment en Faubus bend issue proposal<br />

House blocks attempt te rush bend bill through Legis<br />

Faubus 's bend prepaasl passes Reuse. 83-11<br />

Gov Faubus' omnibus censtructien bill hits snag<br />

Faubus forces seek support of teachers en bond issue<br />

Gazette doubts $60.000,000 bend issue desirable<br />

Bend proposal passes Senate, goes to Gov Faubus<br />

Omnibus appropriation bill runs into trouble, pulled dewn<br />

Summary ef Senate debate en $60 million bend issue<br />

Faubus ' actions indicate omnibus building plan on the reeks<br />

Guarding the funds (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus stumps fer bonds in speech te grocers<br />

Faubus bond proposal gets varied reaction frem press<br />

Gov Faubus adds teacher pay raise te construction bill<br />

Senate passes Faubus ' omnibus construction bill<br />

Gazette urges voters to rej ect building program<br />

Faubus says construction program will meet future needs<br />

Gov Faubus signs $17 ,000.000 emnibus construction bill<br />

Farm Bureau president Harold Ohlendorf may lead bond drive<br />

Gov Faubus signs bill fer $60 million bond issue fer program<br />

Educ Cemmr Arch Ferd supports $60 million bend issue<br />

AEA calls Faubus 's bond plan a threat te state education<br />

Gev Faubus insists bond issue best fer Ark and the AEA<br />

AF.A earns gratitude fer bend issue stand (ed)<br />

Rep J H Cottrell filed suit against omnibus appropriation<br />

Suit challenges $16 million 'emnibus ' construction bill<br />

Two teachers, State Police back Faubus in suit<br />

AEA Council backs AEA beard in opposing bend plan<br />

Colleges back Gev Faubus ' $60 million bend plan<br />

Heads of colleges cite need for building program<br />

Gov Faubus left to carry ball en bend issue<br />

Editorial en college support fer bond issue<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist Newsmagazine opposes construction bends<br />

Gov Faubus says he will not cempremise en bend amount<br />

Tie of bond issue to horse racing draws Baptist 's fire<br />

Gov Faubus silent en opposition to his bond program<br />

Rep Virgil T Fletcher wants special session on omnibus bill<br />

Faubus accused of using retarded children as pawns in dispute<br />

Rep J H Cottrell made chg of Faubus use of children<br />

Forrest Rozzell responds ta Faubus charges<br />

Forrest Rozzell using J H Cottrell Jr. Gev Faubus says<br />

Gov Faubus cites plight of Children's Colony . State Hospital<br />

List ef proj ects in abeyance pending court suit outcome<br />

Werk stoppage order includes Children's Colony, armories<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Municipal League backs omnibus bill<br />

Editorial en omnibus construction bill contreversy<br />

Dr Hubert L Minten, ex-AF.A head, backs Faubus bond issue<br />

2/23/61 A4 1<br />

2/26/61 Al 3<br />

2-/26-/61 Al 3<br />

2/ 26/-61 Al6 1<br />

2/26/61 E4 6<br />

3/ 1-/61 Bl 8<br />

3-/ 2/61 Al 5<br />

3/ 2/61 AlO 1<br />

3-/ 2/61 A2 4<br />

3-/ 2;/61 A4 1<br />

3-/ 3/61 Al 5<br />

3-/ 3/61 Al 5<br />

3/ 3/-61 Al 5<br />

3/ 4/61 Al 4<br />

3/ 4/ 61 A4 2<br />

3/ 4/61 B6 3<br />

3/ 5-/61 E4 5<br />

3/ 7/61 Al 6<br />

3/ 8-/61 Al 7<br />

3/ 9/61 A4 1<br />

3/ 9/61 Bl 8<br />

3/16/61 Bl2 1<br />

3/18/61 A2 1<br />

3/18/61 A2 1<br />

3-/19/61 Al 6<br />

3/19/61 Al 8<br />

3/21/61 Al 2<br />

3/21/61 A4 l<br />

3-/24/61 Al 4<br />

3/24/61 Al 4<br />

3/25/61 Al 7<br />

3/26/61 Al 2<br />

3/26/61 Al 2<br />

3/26-/61 Al 2<br />

3/26/61 E5 1<br />

3/28/61 A4 2<br />

3/28/-61 Bl 3<br />

3/28/61 Bl 3<br />

3-/28/-61 Bl 3<br />

3/29/61 Bl 5<br />

3/30/61 Bl 6<br />

3/31/61 Al 6<br />

3/31/61 Al 6<br />

3/31/61 Al 8<br />

3/31/61 Al 8<br />

3/31/61 Al 8<br />

3/31/61 A2 2<br />

3/31/61 A2 2<br />

3/31/61 A2 5<br />

3/31/61 A4 1<br />

3/31/61 Bl 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Work stoppage at proj ects acress state stuns officials<br />

Werk stoppage fault ef Forrest Rozzell. Gev Faubus says<br />

Editorial on Faubus use of children to promote programs<br />

Faubus offer ef deal en Children's Colony angers J H Cottrell<br />

Omnibus suit generating plenty of heat<br />

Children's Colony te keep 35 children while fund search on<br />

Faubus should use emergency fund fer Children's Celeny (ed)<br />

Omnibus suit gets new interventions ; judge blasts delay<br />

Pewerful Faubus backers meet privately en program<br />

Deadline set fer pleadings in omnibus suit<br />

Stenn Whaley says censtructien pregram vital te state<br />

Gov Faubus bitterly criticized opponents ef program<br />

Gev Faubus releases funds te ease Children' s Celeny crisis<br />

Effort under way te bring omnibus suit te trial speedily<br />

Gov Faubus discusses flap ever omnibus bill<br />

Omnibus bill trial sought within feur days<br />

Omnibus bill net devoted exclusively te construction<br />

Strong case againt use ef omnibus bills (ed)<br />

Experts stumble on amnibus bill item fer Children' s Cel eny<br />

NE!IN pleadings filed in omnibus appropriation bill<br />

Beth sides heard in challenge ef emnibus apprepriatien bill<br />

Eugene Warren says omnibus act gives tee much pawer te gov<br />

Gav Faubus may seek poll en $60 million construction program<br />

Three briefs filed in suit ta void omnibus act<br />

Gav Faubus plugs bend issue in Benton speech<br />

Omnibus bill wins first court test; appeal planned<br />

Serious questiens ramain about omnibus Acts (ed)<br />

High court sets date te hear omnibus suit<br />

Faubus waiting fer college presidents te act en bend program<br />

Arnold B Sikes may lead bend drive; Joshua Shepherd the fees<br />

Arch W Ferd wants delay in calling election en bend plan<br />

Omnibus act aid to economy . Frank Helt tells Supreme Court<br />

Yeung Democrats of <strong>Arkansas</strong> back construction program<br />

Harol d F Ohlendorf. Arnold B Sikes te lead bend drive<br />

Gazette commends Joshua K Shepherd for anti-bond leadership<br />

Joshua K Shepherd leads <strong>Arkansas</strong> Committee fer Public Schools<br />

Arnol d B Sikes takes leave of absence to work for bond drive<br />

Park in Mississippi County could be funded from bend issue<br />

Chaise ef Harold Ohlendorf to lead bend campaign (ed)<br />

Construction bond program net conservative. Gaz ette says<br />

Omnibus bill not prohibited. William J Smith argues<br />

Omnibus bill gave Faubus blank check, Gaz ette says<br />

Semeene must pick up the tab , Gazette reminds readers<br />

Bend issue beneficiaries meet. discuss money needs<br />

Henry M Britt questions Omnibus plan, bend issue<br />

Bend issue supporters organiziang costly campaign (ed)<br />

Ark Committee fer Public Schools list obj ections ta bends<br />

Publ ic school forces open fire en construction bends program<br />

Hew the building program developed<br />

Election probably will be in late June, observers say<br />

Late June election would find AEA leaders out of state<br />

4/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

4./ 1/61 Al 5<br />

4/ 1/61 A4 2<br />

4/ 2/61 Al 5<br />

4/ 2/61 Al 5<br />

4/ 3/61 Al 6<br />

4/ 3/61 A4 1<br />

4/ 4/61 Al 7<br />

4/ 4/61 Al 7<br />

4/ .5/61 Al 2<br />

4/ 5/61 A2 2<br />

4/ 6/61 Al 8<br />

4/ 6/61 Al 8<br />

4/ 7/61 Al 7<br />

4/ 8/61 Al 1<br />

4/ 8/61 Al 7<br />

4/ 9/61 E4 1<br />

4l W61 E4 1<br />

4/ 9/61 ES 1<br />

4/11/61 Al 6<br />

4/13/61 Al 5<br />

4/13/61 Al 5<br />

4/14/61 Bl 6<br />

4/15/61 A5 3<br />

4/15/61 B6 1<br />

4/ 19/61 Al 2<br />

4/20/61 A4 1<br />

4/25/61 Bl 7<br />

5/ 5/61 Bl 3<br />

5/10/61 A7 2<br />

5/11/61 A6 1<br />

5/13/61 A3 3<br />

5/14/61 Al5 1<br />

5/14/61 A2 1<br />

5/15/61 A4 1<br />

5/15/61 A4 l<br />

5/16/61 A2 6<br />

5/16/61 A3 1<br />

5/16/61 A4 1<br />

5/16/61 A4 1<br />

5/16/61 Bl 4<br />

5/17/61 A4 2<br />

5/17/61 A4 2<br />

5/19/61 Al 4<br />

5/2G/61 A2 6<br />

5/20/61 A4 2<br />

5/21/61 Al 2<br />

5/21/61 Al 2<br />

5/21/61 A2 2<br />

5/21/-61 E5 1<br />

5/21/61 E5 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gav Faubus lashes at Hemry M Britt 's statement en bond plan<br />

Dr Carl Reng assembles Ark State Cell faculty. staff for talk<br />

Gav Faubus plugs bend plans at meeting at Winreck Farm<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Bankers Assn endorses Faubus bend plan<br />

Arnold B Sikes discusses bend plan with Educ Dept employees<br />

Bankers Assn support fer bend issue rigged, member charges<br />

State colleges need te plan fer 80.000 students, Faubus says<br />

Bends mean millage raise, opponent says<br />

Editorials comment en Faubus 's bend proposal<br />

Pumping the calliope in the bend campaign (ed)<br />

Gov Orval Faubus attacks fees ef construction bend program<br />

Mass mailing of letters supporting bond issue made<br />

Women' s Emergency Camm for Public Education opposes bonds<br />

Univ ef Ark President David W Mullins to boost bonds<br />

Gazette ponders source of financing for bend drive<br />

Gav Faubus seeks role of underdog. Gaz ette says<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist Newsmagazine opposes bend issue<br />

Christian Civic Fdn links bend issue te Hot Springs gambling<br />

Gov Faubus plugs construction bend issue, criticizes Roz zell<br />

Construction trades labor leaders enderse bend pregram<br />

Gov Faubus sympathetic te labor request en wage scale<br />

Fact sheet en censtructien bend effects put eut by AEA<br />

Gov Faubus sets June 27 fer vote en censtruction bends<br />

The issues at stake in election en bends (ed)<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Democratic (Negro) Voters Assn opposes bend issue<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Committee fer Public Schools beeklet hits at bends<br />

Beth sides active after election date set<br />

Ark Supreme Court rej ects Gov Faubus ' Omnibus Act<br />

Fees ef $60,000. 000 bend issue heartened by Omnibus ruling<br />

Joshua K Shepherd. Forrest Rozzell comment on court ruling<br />

State Repr J H Cottrell Jr cemments en overturn of Omnibus<br />

William J Smith comments en overturn ef Omnibus Act<br />

Gov Faubus says fiscal stability endangered by court ruling<br />

Omnibus construction law (Act 442, <strong>1961</strong>) voided by high court<br />

Supreme Court ruling en Omnibus bill came en 4-3 vote<br />

Summary ef previsions of Omnibus construction bill<br />

The fallen Omnibus Act and a special session (ed)<br />

Faubus te await election befere calling Legis into session<br />

Forrest Rozzell replies te criticism of Gov Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus challenges critics te say which prej ect unneeded<br />

Gov Faubus to ge en statewide radio, TV te promote bonds<br />

The geverner cheeses expediency ever duty (ed)<br />

Bond issue eppositien leaders ask questions<br />

Gov Faubus continues attack en Ferrest Rezzell. Eugene Warren<br />

Gev Faubus takes te aizwaves te premete bend issue<br />

Ordinary working man would benefit frem program. Faubus says<br />

Faubus did not answer right questions . Forrest Rozzell says<br />

The cloud from Sheridan (ed en Farm Bureau obj ection)<br />

Faubus dedges real issues. Eugene Warren. Joshua Shepherd say<br />

$7 million bonds fer Helena bridge te cost $14 millien<br />

State Hospital diverts funds after Omnibus Act inval idated<br />

5/24/61 Bl<br />

5/25/61 AlO<br />

5/25/61 Bl<br />

5/25/61 B7<br />

5/27 /61 Al<br />

5/27 /61 Al<br />

5/27/-61 A2<br />

5/28/61 Al3<br />

5/28/61 E4<br />

5/29/61 A4<br />

5/29/61 BS<br />

5/30/-61 Al<br />

5/30/61 Al<br />

5/31/61 Al<br />

5/31/61 A4<br />

5/31/-61 A4<br />

5/31/61 Bl<br />

6/ 1/-61 Al2<br />

6/- 1/61 Bl<br />

6/ 2/61 Al<br />

6/- 2/61 Al<br />

6/ 3/61 Al<br />

6/ 3/61 Al<br />

6/ 3/61 A4<br />

6/ 4/61 /.3<br />

6/ 4/ 61 /.3<br />

6/ 5/61 /.3<br />

6/- 6/61 Al<br />

6/ 6/61 Al<br />

6/ 6/61 Al<br />

6/ 6/61 Al<br />

6/ 6/61 Al<br />

6/ 6/61 Al<br />

6/ 6/-61 Al<br />

6/ 6/61 Al<br />

6/ 6/61 A2<br />

6/ 6/61 A4<br />

6/ 7 /61 Al<br />

6-/ 7/61 Al<br />

6/ 7/61 Al<br />

6/ 7/-61 Al<br />

6/ 7/61 A4<br />

6/ 8/61 Bl<br />

6/ 9/61 Al<br />

6/ 9/61 Al<br />

6/ 9/61 Al<br />

6/ 9/61 A2<br />

6/ 9/-61 A4<br />

6/10/61 Al<br />

6/10/61 Al<br />

6/10/61 Al<br />

2<br />

7<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

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7<br />

7<br />

2<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

7<br />

1<br />

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8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus evades the real issues, Gazette says<br />

Need fer new library at UA challenged by J H Cattrell Jr<br />

Pre-bonds forces release list ef needs at institutiens<br />

Rey Milum chgs state empleyee shakedown fer pro-bends funds<br />

Verbal barrage gees en about Faubus bend plan<br />

Advertisement premetes bends<br />

Text ef the censtructien bend issue law<br />

Gutter tactics generally absent in bend fight<br />

Gov Faubus hits at Rey W Miuam and J H Cottrell Jr<br />

J H Cattrell Jr says bond payments could fall en welfare<br />

Jeshua Shepherd wants study ef needs ef higher education<br />

Welfare Dept Directer Carl Adams disputes Cottrell statement<br />

Gov Faubus says school 'clique' wants 62 pct ef revenue<br />

Forrest Rozzell insists vete fer bonds is vote fer tax rise<br />

Forrest Rozzell says bond issue cannot be justified<br />

Needs ef higher education recognized by AEA, Rozzell says<br />

Welfare Cemmr Carl Adams replies te criticism ef J H Cottrell<br />

Welfare check raise er cut may depend en bend passage<br />

The bend alternative (ed)<br />

T E Lawrence lr opposes bend program<br />

Bend fees attack pressure en welfare clients by Carl Adams<br />

Faubus says Legislature ceuld cut wel fare funds<br />

Gov Faubus says welfare grants te increase regardless of vote<br />

Gev Faubus te seek review of Omnibus Act ruling<br />

Carl Adams ' shacking tactic in bend issue campaign (ed)<br />

Sterm Whaley, Joshua Shepherd debate merits af bond issue<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Municipal League meets with Faubus, endorses bonds<br />

Bond opponents take leaf from Faubus ' book (ed)<br />

Overstating the case fer college building (ed)<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Farm Bureau beard supports bend issue<br />

Bond issue draws approvals. dissents<br />

College presidents. Coach Frank Broyles plead for bend issue<br />

Dr Silas D Snow, Dr David Mullins make pitch fer bends<br />

J W Hull praises bend prepesal as great step forward fer Ark<br />

State Repr Harry W Carter says bond plan risks graft, waste<br />

State Sen Olen Hendrix: faulted for tactics used for bonds<br />

Bend proponents ignore sensible alternatives. Gazette says<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> County Judges Assn backs Faubus bond program<br />

Bend fees turn en heat; Faubus hits old targets<br />

Hew would the state pay the bond issue charges (ed)<br />

Power in hands ef the bend-issuing beard (editorial)<br />

Fees across state pounce en Faubus ' bends as peril to indus<br />

Repr J H Cottrell Jr says use tax could net support bond pay<br />

Gazette says Faubus uses political web-spinning in bond drive<br />

Gov Faubs sits in as Education Dept employees hear bend foe<br />

Joshua Shepherd explains his eppesitien to bend program<br />

Arch W Ford writes 'Dear Teacher ' letter in support ef bends<br />

Forrest Rozzell chides Faubus fer 'petutlant name-calling '<br />

Gov Faubus premises surprise in his telecast teday<br />

Paster Dale Cewling calls vote fer bonds a vote for evil<br />

State Sen Rebert Hays Williams supports bend issue<br />

6/10/61 A4 1<br />

6/11/61 Al 2<br />

6/11/61 Al 2<br />

6/11/61 Al 2<br />

6/11/61 Al 2<br />

6/11/61 AlO 4<br />

6/11/61 A7 1<br />

6/11/61 E5 1<br />

6/13/61 Al 2<br />

6/13/61 Al 2<br />

6/13/61 Al 2<br />

6/13/61 Al 2<br />

6/13/61 A7 2<br />

6/14/-61 Al 3<br />

6/14/-61 Al 3<br />

6/14/61 Al 3<br />

6/14/61 Al 3<br />

6/14/61 Al 3<br />

6/14/61 A4 2<br />

6/14/61 A4 3<br />

6/15/61 Al 4<br />

6/15/61 Al 4<br />

6/15/61 Al 4<br />

6/15/61 Al5 8<br />

6/15/61 A4 1<br />

6/16/61 Al 5<br />

6/16/61 A2 l<br />

6/16/61 A4 1<br />

6/16/61 A4 1<br />

6/16/61 A6 l<br />

6/16/61 Bl 2<br />

6/17/61 Al 4<br />

6/17/61 Al 4<br />

6/17/61 Al 4<br />

6/17/61 A2 5<br />

6/17-/-61 A2 6<br />

6/17-/-61 A4 2<br />

6-/-18/61 A4 3<br />

6/20/61 Al 3<br />

6/20/61 Al 3<br />

6/21/61 Al 4<br />

6/21/61 Al 5<br />

6/-21-/-61 Al 5<br />

6/-21/61 A4 1<br />

6/22/61 Al 2<br />

6/-22/61 Al 2<br />

6/22/61 A1 3<br />

6/22/61 A1 3<br />

6-/-22/61 Al 3<br />

6/22/61 Al 3<br />

6/22/61 A1 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Paul Sullins speaks eut en bend issue dangers (ed)<br />

Supreme Ct asked to reverse its ruling en omnibus act<br />

Faubus attacks newspapers fer eppositien te his bond program<br />

Faubus calls bend opponents moderates and integratienists<br />

Gov Faubus ties fight on bend program te his '57 crisis<br />

Ex-Gov Ben T Laney opposes Faubus bend program<br />

Most state newspapers lambaste Fauubs bend program as unsound<br />

State Repr Marien H Crank takes Faubus stand en bend issue<br />

Faubus backer James E McDaniel eppeses bend issue<br />

Faubus warns SGS funds may be reduced if bend issue fails<br />

The Gazette and the cause ef education (ed)<br />

Editorial en Arch W Ford 's 'Dear Teacher ' letter<br />

UA professor Newton Barnette writes en need fer bond issue<br />

Re-hearing en omnibus act set fer today : foes flay plea<br />

Bend opponents blast Faubus ' speech of 'big surprise'<br />

Bend backers take breather in campaign<br />

UA Student Body President Perter Briggs opposes bend issue<br />

Bend proposal is non-political. Gov Faubus tells VEW<br />

Legis te be called into session seen if bend program passes<br />

Omnibus spending act laid te rest by state Supreme Court<br />

Dr David W Mullins plugs bend issue at Stuttgart<br />

The Faubus surprise in the bend campaign (ed)<br />

Why the big bend plan should be voted down (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus, C Hamiltan Meses take te TV te support bend issue<br />

Natienal Guard, Military Dept urged to support bend issue<br />

Republican State Executive Committee opposes bend issue<br />

Joshua Shepherd lists 4-step plan te meet state 's needs<br />

Olen Hedrix. Hugh Hardin support bend issue<br />

Harald F Ohlendorf answers fees of bend issue<br />

Marketing bend issues complicated. article says<br />

Conway Chamber ef Commerce endorses bond prepesal<br />

Planned use of funds under invalid omnibus act listed<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Cell rating in peril, trustee says<br />

State 's newsppaers speak eut en proposed bend issue<br />

Dangers ef apathy in the bend election (ed)<br />

State 's largest public works program faces voters temerrOrN<br />

J H Cottrell Jr calls fer probe of pre-bond letters to Guard<br />

Bend campaign closes today with television, radie talks<br />

Editor calls lr to Guardsmen an abuse of military authority<br />

List ef supporters. opponents ef bend issue<br />

Gov Faubus sees tax increase if bend issue fails<br />

Army orders investigation of letter en bond issue<br />

Bend fees hit racing link. Faubus tactics<br />

Sid McMath gees en TV to warn of peril in issuing bends<br />

The grave implications in National Guard order (ed)<br />

Arnold Sikes conceded defeat ef bond issue<br />

Joshua K Shepherd comments en defeat of bend issue proposal<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> voters defeat Faubus bond proposal by 3-1 margin<br />

Bend vote listed by counties<br />

Gov Faubus cheerful in wake of bend issue def eat<br />

Legislators convinced veters de net want bends. new taxes<br />

6/22/61 A4 1<br />

6-/22/61 Bl 8<br />

6/23-/61 Al 3<br />

6/23/-61 Al 3<br />

6/23/-61 Al 3<br />

6/23/61 Al 4<br />

6-/23/61 Al 4<br />

6/23/61 Al 4<br />

6/23/61 Al B l<br />

6/23/61 Al 8 1<br />

6/-23/61 A4 1<br />

6/23/61 A4 2<br />

6/23/61 A4 3<br />

6/23/61 Bl 4<br />

6/24/-61 Al 2<br />

6/24/61 Al 3<br />

6/24/61 Al 3<br />

6/24/61 Al 4<br />

6-/24/61 Al 5<br />

6/24/61 Al 5<br />

6/24/61 Al 6<br />

6/24/61 A4 l<br />

6/25/61 Al 3<br />

6/25/-61 Al 6<br />

6-/25/-61 Al 6<br />

6-/25/61 Al 7<br />

6/25/61 Al 8<br />

6/25/61 Al 8<br />

6-/25/61 A4 1<br />

6-/25/61 A4 l<br />

6/25/61 A4 4<br />

6/25/61 A4 4<br />

6/25/61 A4 7<br />

6/25/61 E4 6<br />

6/26/61 Al 2<br />

6/26/61 Al 4<br />

6/26/61 Al 6<br />

6/26/61 Al 8<br />

6/26/61 A4 1<br />

6/26/61 A4 7<br />

6/27/61 Al 6<br />

6/27/-61 Al 7<br />

6/27/61 Al 7<br />

6/27/-61 Al 8<br />

6/-27/61 A4 l<br />

6/28/61 Al 3<br />

6/28/61 Al 3<br />

6/28/-61 Al 7<br />

6/28/61 A2 1<br />

6/2fJ/61 Al 3<br />

6/2fJ/61 Al 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Repr Hardy W Croxton comments en pessible new directien<br />

Building needs still there. Dr Silas D Snew says<br />

Duty attends triumph after bend electien<br />

The people speak (ed en defeat ef bend issue)<br />

Gev Faubus te send no building plans to Legislature<br />

Repr Virgil Fletcher offers building plan<br />

Sid McMath cemes up with program te meet censtructien needs<br />

Sid McMath plan calls fer ne tax. ne bend prepesal<br />

Dr David W Mullins calls for effort to meet state 's needs<br />

An alternative plan fer state building (ed)<br />

Column analyzes defeat ef bend issue<br />

Two new proposals fer state building (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus calls Sid McMath plan 'pretty stupid '<br />

Legislative Council te develop plan fer construction<br />

State can' t afferd the Omnibus Act spirit, Gaz ette says<br />

Repr Virgil T Fletcher ready te abandon his budget-cut plan<br />

Children' Colony bldg pregram expected te resume soon<br />

Gav Faubus wants Legis te stick te plans in omnibus bill<br />

Gev Faubus will net request all funds of omnibus bill<br />

ALC £avers creation of a state construction fund<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem pushes fer construction fund program<br />

Escape at State Hospital stirs hot debate ever emnibus act<br />

Rep J H Cattrell angered by Dr G L Jenes remark en State Hosp<br />

ALC recommends finance program for building fund<br />

Higher education asks ALC for $17 million fer emergency bldg<br />

Plan presented by higher educ tied te ne other state agency<br />

Gav Faubus nen-cemmital en any construction plan<br />

J H Cottrell Jr attacks bend plan ef colleges as phony<br />

Legis Council hears twe ideas for funding needy agencies .<br />

Legislative Council may allew spending of state cushion fund<br />

ALC allocated $800000 fer State Hospital building<br />

List of allocations made by ALC for funding from surplus<br />

Legis Council makes recommendations en items to be funded<br />

Senator Oliver R Williams wants figures en sq feet cost<br />

Legislators having second thoughts about soft drink tak<br />

Gov Faubus outlines plans fer special session of Legislature<br />

Editorial comments en Faubus and the legislative sessien<br />

Funds sought fer fallout shelters fer politicians<br />

Dissent arises early in Legis en Gav Faubus 's plan<br />

Rep J H Cottrell seeks increased funding for State Hospital<br />

Children's Colony funds approved by Jeint Budget Committee<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Educ Assn compiles its pierity list<br />

Joint Budget Committee votes against State Hospital bill<br />

Senate blacks vote en college construction bills<br />

College construction bills sidetracked by Paul Van Dalsem<br />

Senate approves $6 .6 million fer four colleges<br />

Senate approves two varying plans fer building fund<br />

Legis begins passing appropriation bills at Faubus urging<br />

Legis passes all spending bills recommended by ALC<br />

Legis refuses to fund second trade scheel<br />

List ef items funded by special sessien of Legislature<br />

6/29/61 Al<br />

6/29/61 A2<br />

6/29/61 A4<br />

6/29/61 A4<br />

6/30/61 Bl<br />

7/ 1/61 Al<br />

7/ 2/61 Al<br />

7/ 2/61 Al<br />

7/ 2/61 Al<br />

7/ 2/61 04<br />

7/ 2/61 D5<br />

7/ 3/61 A4<br />

7/ 8/61 Al<br />

7/ 8/61 Al<br />

7/ 9/ 61 E4<br />

7/11/61 Bl<br />

7/17/61 A7<br />

7/24/61 Al<br />

7/26/61 A6<br />

8/ 1/61 A2<br />

8/ 1/61 A2<br />

8/ 2/61 Al<br />

8/ 2/61 Al<br />

8/ 2/61 Bl<br />

8/ 8/61 Al<br />

8/ 8/61 Al<br />

8/ 8/61 A6<br />

8/ 9/61 Al<br />

8/ 9/61 Al<br />

8/10/61 A3<br />

8/11/61 Al<br />

8/11/61 Al<br />

8/13/61 Al<br />

8/13/61 E5<br />

8/20/61 E5<br />

8/23/61 Al<br />

8/23/61 A4<br />

8/24/61 Cll<br />

8/25/61 Al<br />

8/25/61 Al<br />

8/26/61 A2<br />

8/29/61 Al<br />

8/29/61 Al<br />

8/29/61 Al<br />

8/30/61 Al<br />

8/30/61 Al<br />

8/31/61 A3<br />

9/ 1/61 Al<br />

9/ '2/61 Al<br />

9/ 2/ 61 Al<br />

9/ 3/61 A2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

8<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2.<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

7<br />

7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

8<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

l<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5<br />

2<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gov Faubus signs bill fer work at Blind and Deaf schools 9/ 8/61 Bl<br />

State Hospital takes steps tGW"ard new buildings<br />

9/ 9/61 A3<br />

Gov Faubus warns he wants ne hint of scandal in programs 9/15/61 A8<br />

Faubus signs bill fer $400.000 Children's Celeny construction 9/l'J/61 Al<br />

Gev Faubus prepeses new plan for college building funds<br />

9/19/61 A6<br />

Cost of censtructien program examined<br />

10/ 8/61 Al<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Educ Assn led fight against construction program 10/ 9/61 Al<br />

Friendly suits test validity ef construction laws<br />

10/28/61 A3<br />


see Credit<br />


Better Business Bureau of Pulaski County does a lot ef geed<br />

Better Business Bureau sued fer libel by King Furniture City<br />


State Supreme Ct upholds denial ef jobber 's permit fer firm<br />


see also Grand National Bakeof f<br />

Mrs Edward F Lipsmeyer wins grand prize in Kellogg contest<br />


see Birth control and abortion<br />


H A Williams Sr gets to keep twice-sold dragline<br />

Sale of dragline was just paper-work. judge rules<br />


see also Education - Administration and management<br />

see also Reads<br />

State auditors want printing centract changes<br />

Low bid resulted in receipt ef contaminated drugs<br />

Senate vetes 3 pct preference fer Ark centracters<br />

Bill requiring counties to take bids soundly defeated in Hse<br />

Cart blanche (ed en defeat ef purchasing lSSi7 fer counties)<br />

Printers kick up ruckus ever way bids are handled<br />

Secretary ef State Nancy Hall seating ever bids controversy<br />

State method of handling printing bids have been ruled legal<br />

Clerks read all day. hardly make dent in printing bids<br />

Public pol icy violated in aw ard of printing contracts (ed)<br />

Reading of printing bids to continue during holiday<br />

Print contracts are decided<br />

Printing contracts ge te 15 companies<br />

Lessons en printing (ed)<br />

Competetive bids cever most ef state's purchases<br />

Court suit says Parkin Printing not eligible fer contracts<br />

Harry W Perkin 's AHC membership is basis ef suit<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Statesman editor asks state te buy 65.000 copies<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Statesman is owned by Gev Orval E Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus vetoes paper-selling scheme of his editor<br />

Gazette comments on Faubus veto of selling papers to state<br />

Gov Faubus says contract with Parkin Printing is proper<br />

Parkin Printing answers suit on contracts<br />

State to held Parkin 's pay until rul ing en contract<br />

Plaintiffs present case in court fer voiding Parkin contracts<br />

7/16/61 El<br />

7/18/62 BlO<br />

2/ 7/61 A7<br />

3/ 2/61 A3<br />

1/ 1/61 A3<br />

1/ 1/61 A3<br />

1/ 1/61 B7<br />

2/21/61 Bl<br />

3/ 2/61 A2<br />

3/ 3/61 Al<br />

3/ 4/61 A4<br />

7/ 1/61 Al<br />

7/ 1/61 Al<br />

7/ 1/61 A3<br />

7/ 2/61 Al<br />

7/ 4/61 A4<br />

7/ 4/ 61 Bl<br />

7/14/61 Bl<br />

7/20/61 Bl<br />

7/23/61 E4<br />

8/ 13/61 Al3<br />

11/25/61 Al<br />

11/25/61 Al<br />

11/26/61 Al<br />

11/26/61 Al<br />

11/29/61 Al<br />

12/ 1/61 A4<br />

12/ 7/61 A2<br />

12/ 9/61 B2<br />

12/22/61 Bl<br />

12/22/61 Bl<br />

6<br />

4<br />

7<br />

4<br />

l<br />

3<br />

4<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

l<br />

6<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

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3<br />

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6<br />

1<br />

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8<br />

8<br />

2<br />

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3<br />

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6<br />

6<br />

5<br />

2<br />

l<br />

3<br />

2<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Harry W Parkin tells ceurt ne influence used in bidding<br />

Gazette calls fer laws forcing purchasing by bids<br />

Court voids· state printing contract with Parkin Printing<br />

Officials at Capital startled by ruling in Parkin contract<br />

Parkin owner' s position on Highway Cemm makes contract void<br />

Gsv Orval Faubus calls ruling "far-fetching"<br />

Ruling on printing contract shakes state officials<br />

The casual attitudes teward the Constitution (ed)<br />

Meat state business net affected by ruling in Parkin case<br />

Parkin Printing files appeal ef ruling en contracts<br />

Editorials en court ruling en Parkin Printing contracts<br />

Parkin Printing case becomes famous fer controversy<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Printing files brief in Parkin Printing case<br />

Atty Gen Frank Helt urges ceurt te den;y printing award<br />

Justice Neill Bohlinger will sit on court in Parkin appeal<br />

Ark Supreme Ct says printing contracts net constitutional<br />

A sound judgment on conflict of interest (ed)<br />

Parkin ruling left disputes unsettled, Gev Faubus says<br />

Conflicts of interest (ed en Parkin Printing Ce case)<br />

State Auditor seeks epinien on three printing contracts<br />

Editorial comment continues en the Parkin Printing ruling<br />

Harry W Parkin resigns ARC pest te submit printing bids<br />

Bids epened en Parkin Printing 's lost jebs<br />

New centreversy arises ever printing contracts<br />

Rebid printing contracts opened<br />

State buying of insurance from legislators attacked in suit<br />

The insurance suit (ed)<br />

Mack Sturgis admits writing Plymeuths out of specifications<br />


see also Bar Association, American<br />

see alse Nerth Central Association ef Colleges and Secondary<br />

Hot Springs selects site fer new convention auditorium<br />


see also<br />

see alse<br />

CONWAY<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

Hairdressers and Cesmetelogista Association, Ark<br />

Square Dance Festival<br />

Pollution, wastes and hazardous materials<br />

Weather and storms<br />

Court approves annexation ef 2,000 acres<br />

Grand jury begins voting inqui::cy at Morrilton<br />

Pepulatien tops 12,000<br />

Article en progress enj oyed by Faulkner County city<br />

Business leaders pledge $100,000 fer industrial park<br />

Judge Wiley Bean declines to order vete list filed<br />


Name changed to Central Baptist College<br />


see also Alcoholic beverages<br />

see alse Morrilton<br />

Election irregularities in special election charged<br />

Geed Government League probes election complaints<br />

12/23/61 A2<br />

1/ 1/-62 A4<br />

1/ 5/62 Al<br />

1/ 5/-62 Al<br />

1/ 5/62 Al<br />

1/ 6/-62 Al<br />

l/ 6/62 Al<br />

1/ 6/62 A4<br />

1/ 7/62 Al<br />

1/ 12/62 Bl<br />

1/-14/62 D3<br />

1/-21/62 A4<br />

2/ 7/62 B12<br />

2/ 9/62 Bl<br />

2/13/62 Bl<br />

2/-27/-62 Al<br />

2/28/62 A4<br />

2/28/62 Bl<br />

3/ 1/62 A4<br />

3/ 1/62 Bl<br />

3/ 4/62 E3<br />

3/30/62 Bl<br />

3/31/62 Al<br />

3/31/-62 Al<br />

4/ 7/62 A3<br />

7/12/62 Bl<br />

7/13/62 A4<br />

12/ 7/62 Bl<br />

2/24/61 A3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1<br />

4<br />

8<br />

2<br />

l<br />

1<br />

2<br />

8<br />

7<br />

1<br />

7<br />

l<br />

4<br />

2<br />

8<br />

5<br />

5<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

7/ 1/61 A3 5<br />

10/ 4/61 Al5 5<br />

11/12/61 All 1<br />

11/-19/61 ES 2<br />

1/18/62 B6 2<br />

6/ 1/62 Al2 1<br />

11/23/61 Bl 8<br />

7/20/61 Al<br />

7/20/61 Al<br />

3<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Merrilton Democrat editor Gene Wirges reperts threats en him<br />

State Rep Leid Sadler says he wen fairly; chgs sore losers<br />

Gaz ette calls Marlin Hawkins and old-style machine boss<br />

Tax Assessor W 0 Hice guilty in assault ef Gene Wirges<br />

Gene Wirges files damage suit against W o Hice<br />

Gene Wirges uses his newspaper te cembat 'political machine '<br />

Seme residents say there is no political machine in county<br />

Suits chal lenge result ef Democratic primary elections<br />

Grand jury commends Sheriff Marilin Hawkins in election case<br />

Grand jury throws eut charges of veting irregularities<br />

Winthrop Reckefeller calls grand jury report shacking<br />

Better Gevernment League takes election wees to Gov Faubus<br />

Gayle Windsor Jr finds group 's appeal to Faubus amusing<br />

Judge Paul X Williams dismisses election suit of Fred Perter<br />

Sheriff Marlin Hawkins donates land fer state trade school<br />

Jury deadlocks on suit filed by Gene Wirges against W O Hice<br />

Suit attacks poll tax book. names Sheriff Marlin Hawkins<br />

Sheriff Marlin Hawkins elected head of Ark Peace Officers<br />

Sheriff Marlin Hawkins in dispute (!Ver Peace Officers pest<br />

Lawsuit challenging listings en pell tax list dismissed<br />

Marlin Hawskins says pell tax suit meant to embarrass him<br />

New pell tax suit set at Merrilten<br />

Third suit en poll list is dismissed<br />

Morrilton Democrat te be auctioned te satisfy judgment<br />

Judge Audrey Strait refuses to halt Morrilton Democrat sale<br />

Marlin Hawkins is target ef lawsuit by Gene Wirges<br />

Dr Stanely C Gutewski attacks 'boss rule' in ceunty<br />

Dr Stanley C Gutewski pay s eff Wirges debt on paper<br />

Dr Stanley Gutowski says payment of Wirges debt net a lean<br />

Calls pouring in to Gene Wirges, Dr Stanley C Gutowski<br />

Gene Wirges ferced to pay $528 ceurt costs te keep paper<br />

Gene Wirges gets te keep paper; new IRS wants part ef meney<br />

Kenneth C Ceffelt lashes out at Marlin Hawkins<br />

Article en Dr Stanley Gutewski of Perryville (Perry County )<br />

Dr Gutowski had never seen Gene Wirges prier to yesterday<br />

Dr Stanley C Gutewski alerts Sheriff Hawkins ef actien<br />

Sheriff Marlin Hawkins says Gene Wirges made his own troubles<br />

Sheriff Hawkins asks court to decide where Wirges money goes<br />

Gene Wirges sues Marlin Hawkins fer part of court costs<br />

Gene Wirges receives Levej ey award in j eurnal ism<br />

Gazette congratulates Gene Wirges en Lovej oy award<br />

Absentee ballet handling violates law, FBI told in complaint<br />

Dale Alferd. Vernen Whitten. Sid McMath file ballet complaint<br />

Gene Wirges takes ballet complaint to FBI in person<br />

Sheriff Marlin Hawkins says ballets handling fellews law<br />

Better Govt League loses attempt ta police polls<br />

A day in the life ef Sheriff Hawkins (ed)<br />

Sheriff Marlin Hawkins sued fer money paid to kin<br />

Gene Wirges asks fer federal help at polls this Tuesday<br />

Gene Wirges tells federal govt violence imminent in county<br />

Wirges says palls te be watched despite judge 's order<br />

7/20/61 Al 3<br />

7/20/61 Al 3<br />

7/24/61 A4 1<br />

8/ 5/61 AS 4<br />

8/ 6/61 A2 3<br />

8/13/61 A8 1<br />

8/13/61 AB l<br />

8/15/61 Bl 6<br />

11/ 1/61 Al 4<br />

11/ 1/61 Al 4<br />

11/ 3/61 Al 6<br />

11/22/61 Al 4<br />

11/25/61 A4 5<br />

12/16/61 B7 7<br />

2/ 19/62 Al 2<br />

3/28/62 Al 7<br />

5/ 18/62 A6 7<br />

6/ 2/62 AS 5<br />

6/ 7/62 A8 4<br />

6/12/62 Bl 7<br />

6/ 12/62 Bl 7<br />

6/16/62 A6 3<br />

6/21/62 A6 2<br />

7/ 3/62 A6 8<br />

7/ 4/62 Al 4<br />

7/ 4/62 Al 4<br />

7/ 5/62 Al 5<br />

7/ 5/62 Al 5<br />

7/ 5/62 A2 1<br />

7/ 6/62 Al 3<br />

7l 6/62 Al 3<br />

7/ 6/62 Bl 3<br />

7/ 6/62 Bl 5<br />

7/ 6/62 Bl 6<br />

7/ 6/62 Bl 6<br />

7/ 7/62 A6 4<br />

7/ 7/62 A6 6<br />

7/11/-62 A2 5<br />

7/12/62 Bl 6<br />

7/17/62 Bl 1<br />

7/-18/62 A4 2<br />

7/25/62 Al 5<br />

7/25/62 Al 5<br />

7/25/62 Al 5<br />

7/25/62 Al 5<br />

7/25/62 A2 l<br />

7/26/62 A4 1<br />

7/29/62 A24 5<br />

7/30/62 Al 2<br />

7/30/62 Al 2<br />

7/30/62 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Request fer federal help at Merrilten turned down<br />

Jim Huett says taxpayer suit against Marlin Hawkins misfiled<br />

FBI sends men te check complaint pell watchers rebuffed<br />

Gene Wirges complained that pell watchers rebuffed<br />

FBI confirms pell watchers turned away in Conway County<br />

Hawkins ' slate ef county candidates wins easily<br />

Petition says Democrats elected Republ ican te committee<br />

Absentee ballets cast in Democratic runoff are in dispute<br />

Gene Wirges charges absentee voters were net really absent<br />

Spokesmen fer L L Dec Bryan and Eugene Gifford cam.plain<br />

Democrats deny seating Republ ican en Democratic committee<br />

Judge delays rulings in three Gene Wirges suits<br />

J G Beudra asks fer ruling en his seat en Democrat panel<br />

State Rep Paul Van Dalsem owned lien on Morrilton Democrat<br />

Rex Paul claims Paul Van Dalsem quoted him erroneously<br />


see Conway County<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see Education - Conway District<br />


see alse United States - Attorneys<br />

COOK. SAM<br />

see also Education - DeWitt District<br />


Federal govt helps ef fert fer plant at Texarkana<br />


see also News and news media<br />


Resigns state jeb te publish paper at Merrilten<br />


see alse Civil rights and discriminatien<br />


see Celleges and univs - Administration and management<br />


see alse Weather and storms<br />


see alse Maid af Cetten<br />

see also Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

CORT, HUGH<br />

see alse Colleges. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Foundatien of Associated<br />

COTI'EN. JOHN NEWTON. Family<br />

see Histery (Ark)<br />

COTTER<br />

see alse Reusing<br />


see Railroads<br />


see Festivals<br />


7/31/62 Bl<br />

7/31/62 Bl<br />

8/ 1/62 Al<br />

8/ 1/62 Al<br />

8/ 2/62 Al<br />

8/ 3/62 A7<br />

8/ 5/62 C4<br />

8/16/62 Al<br />

8/16/62 Al<br />

8/16/62 Al<br />

8/26/62 A2<br />

9/ 8/62 B8<br />

9/12/62 A16<br />

11/ 4/ 62 A2<br />

11/ 5/ 62 A2<br />

2<br />

7<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

6<br />

3<br />

5<br />

l<br />

l<br />

10/21/62 All 1<br />

7/24/6.2 Bl 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />


see else Colleges and univs - Administration and Management<br />

see alse Constructien programs , State<br />

see also Disability Determination Department (Ark)<br />

see alse Geverner (Ark)<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also State Hospital (Ark)<br />


see else History (Ark)<br />

COUNCIL OAKS (Dardanelle)<br />

see Historic buildings and sites<br />


see alse Track and field<br />


see also Hot Springs Gel£ and Country Club<br />

see also North Hills Country Club<br />

COUNTY CLERKS ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Land Department (Ark)<br />

COUNTY JUDGES ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Gevernment officials, Local<br />


see also Government officials, Local<br />


Twelve <strong>Arkansas</strong> counties have dual county seats<br />

COURTS , Federal<br />

see also Education<br />

Ark Legis wants state pewer ta overturn Supreme Ct ruling<br />

Judge John E Miller too old fer Appeals Ct, screeners rule<br />

John L McClellan's pull will determine John E Miller appm.t<br />

Paul Wolfe seeks appmt to federal bench in Ark<br />

Marlin Hawkins , Pat Henderson top contenders fer U S Marshal<br />

BeaL Kidd 's term as marshal expires<br />

John L McClellan will block all appmts if Henderson denied<br />

Nomination of Pat Hendersen fer marshal runs into trouble<br />

Rebert D Smith sworn in as US Atty, Eastern Dist ef Ark<br />

Senaters seek premotion of Judge Jehn E Miller te Appeals Ct<br />

Pat Henderson. Dan M Deuglas nominated for US Marshal<br />

Pat Henderson opposed by Wemen's Emergency Committee<br />

Segregationist activities of Pat Henderson cited by women<br />

Women 's Emergency Committee sends Pat Henderson data te Cong<br />

Women 's Emergency Comm is integrationist erGN. Faubus says<br />

Senate panel te consider Pat Henderson neminatien seen<br />

James T Gooch te be named federal judge in Ark<br />

Pat Henderson, Dan M Douglas confirmed as marshals<br />

Pat Henderson well-qualified fer jeb of marshal<br />

Pat Henderson assumes marshal pest<br />

Age bars Judge Jehn E Miller frem appt to Appeals Court<br />

Bill Penix apptd commissioner at Jonesboro<br />

Judge John E Miller says prison a been fer some inmates<br />

Sen John L McClellan discusses appeals court judgeship status<br />

6/18/61 El<br />

1/27/-61 Bl<br />

3/30/61 Al<br />

4/ 7/61 A2<br />

6/11/61 All<br />

7/ 2/-61 Al<br />

8/ 6/61 AlO<br />

12/14/-61 Al<br />

12/14/-61 Al<br />

1/-13/62 A5<br />

1/28/-62 E3<br />

3/14/62 A3<br />

3/16/62 Al<br />

3/16/62 Al<br />

3/16/62 Al<br />

3/17/62 A3<br />

3/23/62 AB<br />

3/30/-62 Al<br />

4/ 3/62 Bl<br />

4/ 13/62 Bl<br />

4/13/62 Bl<br />

6/ 7/62 Al<br />

6/27/-62 A2<br />

10/17/62 Bl<br />

11/ 1/62 Bl<br />

l<br />

8<br />

5<br />

8<br />

6<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4<br />

4<br />

7<br />

5<br />

l<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

l<br />

l<br />

7<br />

2<br />

5<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

COURTS , State and Lacal<br />

see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see alse Politics and elections<br />

Speculatien en Faubus choice fer appmt ta Helt seat<br />

8/27 /-51 ES<br />

Bill in Legis would cut eff pay if judges held cases tee leng l/29/-61 NJ<br />

Judge James H Pilkington plans te resign fer private practice 2/ 0/61 A2<br />

Bill seeks end te jury trials in municipal courts<br />

2/ /61 Bl<br />

Legis tackles jeb of redistricting court circuits<br />

2/11/61 A7<br />

Bill weuld let judges run fer Congress without resigning 2/ 12/61 A3<br />

Gazette says judges sheuld resign te seek ether offices<br />

2/ 14/61 A4<br />

Bill in Legis would merge chancery and circuit courts<br />

2/24/61 A3<br />

Bill dropped fer judges to seek ether offices while in office 3/ 1/61 A2<br />

Plan to merge state courts hits obs tacles in Legis<br />

3/ l/61 Bl<br />

Circuit, chancery merger much needed, Robert H Williams says 3/12/61 ES<br />

Recerds shew enly 2 judges have been removed from office 4/ 9/61 ES<br />

Paragould Municipal Judge John Watkins chgd with jury tamper 6/ 2/ 61 Bl<br />

Judge Audrey Strait named outstanding <strong>Arkansas</strong> jurist<br />

6/ 9/61 A6<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Bar Assn to study. help solve court problems<br />

6/27/61 Bl4<br />

Judge John Watkins free of jury tampering charge<br />

8/ 2/61 Bl<br />

Judge J Seaborn Helt reported ready te leave Supreme Court 8/17/61 A7<br />

J Seaborn Helt te retire from State Supreme Ct on Sept 4 8/18/61 Bl2<br />

Gav Faubus asks Legis to cerrect race problem with juries 8/23/61 A3<br />

Ark Supreme Ceurt faces heavy werklead during next term<br />

8/29/61 Bl<br />

Legis passes bill te correct jury racial flaw<br />

8/30/61 A6<br />

Retiring Ark Supreme Ct Justice J Seaborn Held lauded<br />

9/ 5/61 A3<br />

Gev Faubus names Neill Bohlinger te complete Helt term<br />

9/ 6/61 Bl<br />

Seven Negroes included en petit jury panel at LR<br />

9/26/61 BS<br />

Wiley W Bean named successer te Chancellor George 0 Pattersen 12/ 3-/-61 A9<br />

Richard Mobley. Gayle Windsor Jr file fer judgeships<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl<br />

J Fred Jenes files fer seat en Supreme Ceurt<br />

2/10-/-62 A5<br />

Grand Jury has almest unlimited power in law enforcement 3/11/62 A3<br />

J Frank Holt files fer seat en ceurt<br />

4/19/62 Bl<br />

T J Gentry files for position on Supreme Court<br />

4/ 26/62 A3<br />

T J Gentry hits Supreme Ct prayer ruling in his campaign 7 /11/62 B9<br />

Editorial critical ef Supreme Ct candidate T J Gentry<br />

7/12/62 A4<br />

George Rase Smith says T J Gentry using false issue<br />

7/26/62 A12<br />

Supreme Ct candidates listed<br />

7/29/62 A12.<br />

George Rose Smith leads T J Gentry fer Supreme Ct seat<br />

8/ 1/62 A2<br />

Frank Holt defeats J Fred Janes fer Supreme Court seat<br />

8/ 2/62 Al<br />

George Rose Smith returned to seat en Supreme Ceurt bench 8/ 2/62 Al<br />

Assoc Justice Jim Johnsen disagrees with ct en opening prayer 9/ 5/62 Bl<br />

Judge Wiley Bean backs Mississippi on segregation<br />

10/ 2/62 A4<br />

Assoc Justice Neil Behlinger honored as tenure ends<br />

12/18/62 AlO<br />


see alse Censtructien programs. State<br />

see alse Pulaski County<br />

COX. DAVID A<br />

see alse Geverner (Ark)<br />


Derm at Girls Training Scheel named fer Mrs Crabaugh<br />

11/ 6/62 A2<br />


1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

l<br />

6<br />

4<br />

7<br />

1<br />

2<br />

8<br />

2<br />

6<br />

5<br />

3<br />

1<br />

6<br />

3<br />

6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

8<br />

8<br />

6<br />

3<br />

4<br />

8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />

Article en dual judicial districts<br />


see alse Agriculture<br />


see alse Religion<br />


see also Colleges and univs - Administratien and Management<br />

see alse Constructien pregrams . State<br />


see Parks , recreation and teurism<br />


Letter on political issues<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />

Gov Faubus cuts prison term ef ex-treasurer Omer E Fears<br />


Disappearance ef Mrs Crawford 5 yrs age still a mystery<br />


see alse Politics and elections<br />


see alse Politics and elections<br />

CREDIT<br />

Bill in state Senate weuld allow interest rate abeve 10 pct<br />

Senate passes bill lifting ceiling en censumner credit rate<br />

Consumer fergetten in the usury bill. Gazette says<br />

Gev Faubus says consumer credit bill may not be tee bad<br />

Streng resistance f erm.ing in House te time pay bill<br />

Young Democrats blast proposed raise in time pay fees<br />

Automobile dealers behind bill allowing carrying charge<br />

Under Rey Milum 's bill. carrying chg is net interest<br />

Senate expunges record en bill en installment buying<br />

Car sale voided because of usurious interest rate<br />

Interest en nete ef Rial Moter Parts ruled usurieus<br />


see alse Beeks and writing<br />


see also Cockfighting<br />

see also Darneille, Steckten Van Buren<br />

see also Gambling<br />

see also Hilderbrand, Jee<br />

see alse Kidnapping<br />

see also Murders<br />

see also Pornography and obscenity<br />

see also Prisons and prisoners<br />

see also Prestitutien<br />

see alse Pulaski County<br />

see also Robberies and thefts<br />

see also Sex crimes<br />

see alse Sheetings<br />

see also Treasure trove<br />

10/ 1/61 E5 2<br />

6/26/62 A4 3<br />

5-/17/61 Bl 8<br />

3/ 3/62 Al 4<br />

1-/20/61 Al 4<br />

2/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

2/ 10/61 A4 l<br />

2/ 10/61 Bl 3<br />

2/11/61 A5 l<br />

2/12/61 A4 l<br />

2/23/61 BlO 3<br />

2/23/ 61 BlO 3<br />

3/ 10/61 A2 l<br />

2/20/62 Bl 2<br />

10/ 5/62 Bl4 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ex-Arkansan Willis E Hirsch has long string ef jail sentences<br />

Texarkana pelice held nine beys in crime spree<br />

Chicago Daily News reperted mobster gathering in Het Springs<br />

Het Springs officials say gang gathering did not take place<br />

Negro gang at LR known as The Untouchables<br />

The Untouchable gang charged in beating Negro youth<br />

LR murder rate up in 1960<br />

Rogers pelice capture 5 escaped youths frem Missouri<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> convict Rey Kimes escapes frem Missouri jail<br />

Oklahoma police nab Rey Kimes<br />

Kenneth Coffelt wants state crime comm in legislative call<br />

Gov Faubus includes crime comm idea in call ef Legislature<br />

Gov Faubus makes no recemmendatien en crime commission<br />

Legislature handles bill for crime comm with kid gleves<br />

Paul Van Dalsem blocks bill te create crime commission<br />

Legislators unsure ef Kenneth Coffelt 's motives en crime comm<br />

Negro youth gang called The Untouchables going to trial<br />

Court delays trial of six ef The Untouchables<br />

Hot Springs to arrest 'undesirables ' during racing season<br />

Charles (Lucky) Luciano spent much time in Hot Springs<br />

The Untouchables gang sentenced te prison terms<br />

Crime figures shew increase in LR<br />

Crime rate at LR rises<br />

Crime Comm should be under control ef Legis. C Kinney says<br />


Rep Clark Kinney promotes prepesed Crime Cemmissien<br />


1/28/61 A3<br />

2/ 9/61 Bl<br />

3/ 3/61 Bl<br />

3/ 3/61 Bl<br />

7/ 1/61 A3<br />

7 I 2/61 A.Q<br />

7/25/61 Bl<br />

8/ 7/61 Al<br />

9/- .5/61 A3<br />

9/-12/61 AS<br />

9/16/61 A2<br />

9/17/61 Al<br />

9/19/61 Al<br />

9/20/61 Al<br />

9/21/61 Al<br />

9/24/61 ES<br />

12/17/61 A15<br />

12/19/61 Bl4<br />

1/24/62 Bl<br />

1/27/62 BS<br />

4/ 4/62 Bll<br />

5/29/62 Bl<br />

8/-28/ 62 A7<br />

12/ 1/62 A3<br />

11/25/61 A2<br />

6<br />

8<br />

4<br />

5<br />

5<br />

7<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

7<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

6<br />

8<br />

1<br />

8<br />

6<br />

2<br />

3<br />

see also Philander Smith College<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />

see also Rivers and lakes<br />


Move under way te build new courthouse and jail<br />


5/24/62 A7 2<br />

see alse Cengress - House Dist 6<br />


see also United States - Federal Communications Commission<br />

Cress and Fuller families have interests in Eureka Springs 10/15/61 E3 5<br />


Fire destroys J enes Funeral Chapel 4/ 5/61 Bl 5<br />


see also Education - Crossett District<br />

see also Georgia-Pacific Cerp<br />

Article en monster building at Crossett firm<br />

Company te double its electric generatieng power<br />

Firm may be sold te Geergia-Pacific Corp<br />

Crossett says Georgia-Pacific Corp of fer tee lew<br />

Tesan challenges effort ef Georgia-Pacific to take ever<br />

President says his family will sell te Georgia-Pacific<br />

Sale clesing set fer July 9<br />

NLRB says Crossett uses unfair labor practices<br />

2/ 12/61 El l<br />

2/16/61 A6 l<br />

4/24/62 B9 6<br />

4/26/62 ca s<br />

6/21/62 Bl 2<br />

6/25/62 A2 1<br />

6/28/62 Bl 3<br />

7/ 3/62 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Georgia-Pacific Corp purchase of company assured<br />

NLRB examiner says beth Crossett. union are wrong<br />

Tewn of Crossett bids misty-eyed farewell to Crossett Co<br />


see Education - Crossett District<br />


see also Archeology and anthropology<br />


see Traffic accidents. vielatiens and safety<br />


see also Constitution (Ark)<br />

see also Construction programs. State<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />


LR woman drove children from perch during hailstorm<br />

Dehumaniz ation (ed en woman who drove children frem perch)<br />


see alse Children and youth<br />


Honored by University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

CUFFMAN, J C<br />

see also Inventions and inventors<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Beeks and writing<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Music<br />

Art Center te feature works of LR native James S Morris<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts. Center seeks 5.000 members<br />

Paintings of the late Adrian Brewer to be shown in LR<br />

Ark Arts Center to shew works ef Luciano Guarnieri<br />

Adrian Brewer Memorial Exhibit honors outstanding artist<br />

Fourth annual <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Festival scheduled at LR<br />

Fort Smith moving forward in field of culture and the arts<br />

Betty Dortch Russell paintings en display at UAMC<br />

Works by <strong>Arkansas</strong> atists en display at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

Heward H Whitlatch sculpture exhibit opens in LR gallery<br />

Renaissance of art in Ark near epidemic stage<br />

Little Reck Univ excited by grewth of the arts and culture<br />

Helen Terry Marshall and sen. Fred. display art at LR<br />

Clarksville artist Mrs W A Gagon paints familiar scenes<br />

Fourth annual <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Festival ef the Arts scheduled<br />

C Byron Smith Jr te shew his vine sculpture during Festival<br />

Bust ef Count Pulaski created by Sascha A S Schnittmann<br />

Festival of the Arts opens today<br />

Carrol Clear became artist after illness cut baseball short<br />

Festival of the Arts schedule listed<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Festival opens ; winners listed<br />

Arts Festival abstractions irk some pa trans<br />

Lethar Krueger calls debates on abstract painting silly<br />

7/ 9/62 Al 6<br />

7/10/62 Al5 8<br />

7 /11/62 Bl 3<br />

4/27 /61 Bl<br />

4/30-/-61 E4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5/28/61 A4 4<br />

1-/ 1-/-61 A4 2<br />

1/15-/-61 A5 1<br />

1-/-29/61 A16 1<br />

2/ 2/61 Bl 6<br />

2/ 5/61 E2 1<br />

2-/ 19/61 A4 1<br />

2-/-21/61 Bl 2<br />

3/ 2-/ 61 C18 4<br />

3-/ 3/61 A13 6<br />

3-/ 5/61 E2 4<br />

3/12/61 A4 l<br />

4/ 2/61 El 1<br />

4-/ 5/61 A9 3<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

4/23/61 E2 1<br />

4/25/61 Bl 5<br />

4-/-28/61 All 2<br />

4/30/61 Al 2<br />

4/3G/ 61 A15 3<br />

4/30/61 A4 l<br />

5-/- 1/61 A3 1<br />

5/ 3/61 Al 3<br />

5/ 4/61 A3 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Het Springs painter Harry Kunasch discovers realism his field<br />

Pepular vete winners at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Festival ef Arts named<br />

Univ ef Ark arts graduates make comfortable living<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center to expand museum building<br />

Jim Cheadle chooses reek mosaics for his medium<br />

Marj erie Lawrence to give 2 concerts at Petit Jean Arts Fair<br />

Morrilton te honor Marj orie Lawrence with two special days<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> arts and crafts on display at Petit Jean fair<br />

Mrs Muriel B Christison to head <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

Petit Jean Arts and Crafts Fair described<br />

Construction ef $600.000 <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center te begin soon<br />

Mrs Myrl Charlesworth ef West Fork. creates art from stamps<br />

Medel of proposed <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

War Eagle Arts and Graf ts Fair building te be erected<br />

Muriel B Christison is directer of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

Artist Townsend Wolfe teaches course at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center groundbreaking today at MacArthur Park<br />

The Arts Center (ed)<br />

Ground broken fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

Fourth Annual Delta Art Shew attracts 61 exhibitors<br />

Feature article en Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair at War Eagle<br />

Origin of Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair<br />

Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair is operated by Blanche Elliett<br />

Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair has eutgrewn space<br />

Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair exhibits many talents<br />

Vera Stagg Fulton will leaves eil painting te Arts Center<br />

Delta Art Exhibition winners announced<br />

Works of architect I Granger McDaniel displayed<br />

Mrs Eva Jane Pearson helps develop talents of ethers<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center Director Muriel B Christison resigns<br />

Vincent Herodes sculptures from weed<br />

Betty Dortch Russell. Marge Helman win mural campetitien<br />

Brenda Bullion shews premise in painting and sculpture<br />

Alan R Symonds te serve as interim admr<br />

Lyle Ward paintings and drawings ge en exhibit in LR<br />

LRU instructor Josephine Graham has shOW'ing at NY gallery<br />

Artmebile donated te <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

David and Winthrop Rockefeller and Barton Fdn gave artmebile<br />

Calder mobiles en display at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

Helen Marshall. sen Fred Marshall. show art werk at UAMC<br />

Painting owned by Jim L Hankins may be Homer original<br />

Maria Regnier is silversmith artisan<br />

W T Bullard building cellection of art glass<br />

Baptist Hospital has cultural program fer student nurses<br />

Josephine Graham's subj ects fer painting are old buildings<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Festival ef the Arts opens Sunday in LR<br />

Expanded State Festival ef Arts opens in LR<br />

Complete program fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Festival listed<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> prsves a mecca fer glass collectors<br />

Josephine Graham wins artists exhibition at Festival<br />

List of award winners at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Festival of the Arts<br />

5/ 4/61 Bl 6<br />

5/ 8/61 A9 8<br />

5/ 14/61 E2 1<br />

5/23/61 A93<br />

6/ 2/61 A6 1<br />

6/18/61 A7 7<br />

6/22/-61 Bl 3<br />

6/25/61 AB 3<br />

6/25/61 ClO 2<br />

6/27/61 Bl 2<br />

7/ 8/61 B5 l<br />

7/12/61 Bl 2<br />

7/13/61 Bl 2<br />

7/18/61 BB 7<br />

8/ 3/61 Bl 4<br />

8/ 10/-61 Bl 5<br />

8/20/61 Al6 4<br />

8-/20/61 E4 1<br />

8/21/61 Al 5<br />

10/29/61 Al 2<br />

10/29/61 E5 2<br />

10/29/61 E5 2<br />

10/-29/61 E5 2<br />

10/31/61 Bl 3<br />

11/ 1/61 Bl 3<br />

11/ 2/61 B6 8<br />

11/ 3/61 Bl6 2<br />

11/12/61 E5 2<br />

11/14/61 BlO 4<br />

11/15/61 B10 4<br />

11/26/61 E4 3<br />

11/28/61 BlO 2<br />

12/10/61 E4 l<br />

12/14/-61 Bl 2<br />

1/14/-62 B14 6<br />

2/ 4/ 62 ClO 2<br />

2/20/62 A3 7<br />

2/20/62 A3 7<br />

2/25/62 AB 3<br />

3/ 4/62 A4 5<br />

3/ 4/ 62 A7 2<br />

3/21/62 Bl 3<br />

4/ 1/62 AlO 3<br />

4/15/62 E4 4<br />

4/22/62 E4 4<br />

4/27/62 B20 l<br />

4/29/62 Al 4<br />

4/29/62 All 1<br />

4/29/62 E4 1<br />

4/30/-62 A3 1<br />

4/30/-62 A3 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Warren helds 5-day festival of the arts<br />

Ben Durian is accomplished weedcarver<br />

Edwin Brewer will open NLR hospital 's art program<br />

Hospitals makes space available fer art exhibitions<br />

Art by Jehn M Heward marked by power. versatility<br />

Jehn M Heward heads art dept at <strong>Arkansas</strong> AM&N College<br />

Clarence Cash Jr shOW"s high premise as painter<br />

Brenze statue ef Diana stolen from Same Peck Hetel courtyard<br />

Prairie Greve Clothesline Fair held; young artist discovered<br />

Column discusses artists at Prairie Greve Clothesline Fair<br />

Art scheel to open at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

Interest in art blessems in <strong>Arkansas</strong> County<br />

Fert Smith Art Center housed in antebellum mansion<br />

Fifth annual Delta Art Exhibitien going en<br />

Feature article en Pine Bluff Festival of the Arts<br />

Woodcarver Jehn M Stalker is real artist in his f:i.eld<br />

Ozark Arts and Crafts Fair at War Eagle thrills visitors<br />

Delta Art Exhibition wen by New Orleans graduate student<br />

Column en exhibitors at Ozarks Arts and Crafts Fair<br />

Ed and Mary Bernhardt make obj ects from sassafras weed<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center asks LR fer $50 .000 budget<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center Artmebile te take art te the people<br />

Ida Rice Rogers visits Middle East in search of art pieces<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center theater te present first preductien<br />

Arts Center Theater 's first presentatien hailed<br />

Artist Mayme Heard Hostetter paints oil wells<br />

Arts Center member teurs new artmebile during dedication<br />

Themas Hart Benton dedicates Arts Center artmebile<br />

Gev Orval Faubus. Winthrop Rockefeller attend artmebile event<br />

Themas Hart Benton talks bluntly abeut abstract art<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Orchestra Society production is a sellout<br />


see Presbyterian Church<br />


see also Loitering and vagrancy<br />


see Loitering and vagrancy<br />


New plant at Benton te produce TV sets. ether electrenics<br />


see also Handwriting<br />


Pat Sharp is <strong>Arkansas</strong> Dairy Princess<br />


see Agriculture<br />

see Central <strong>Arkansas</strong> Milk Producers Association<br />


Buys assets of Ranger Beet and Shae Ce<br />

Union vete sought at Daisy plant at Rogers<br />

Unien speaker te address Daisy workers<br />

Daisy workers rej ect union by vete of 378 te 164<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 3<br />

6/ 6/62 Bl 2<br />

6/17/62 B4 2<br />

6/17/62 E4 2<br />

7/ 8/62 E4 1<br />

7/ 8/62 E4 l<br />

8/12./62 E5 2<br />

8/16/62 Bl 7<br />

9/ 5/62 Bl 2<br />

9/ 6/62 Bl 2<br />

9/12/62 Bl 3<br />

9/18/62 Bl 3<br />

9/30/-62 E4 1<br />

10/ 7/62 A2 4<br />

10/28/62 E4 1<br />

10/28/62 E5 2<br />

11/ 1/62 Bl 2<br />

11/ 2/62 AlO l<br />

11/ 2/62 Bl 2<br />

11/ 2/62 Bl 2<br />

11/15/62 A4 1<br />

11/18/62 Al 3<br />

11/18/62 E4 l<br />

12/ 5/62 A9 l<br />

12/ M62 A14 3<br />

12/ 9/62 E5 2<br />

12/14/62 A3 2<br />

12/14/62 A3 2<br />

12/14/62 A3 3<br />

12/16/62 A7 1<br />

12/17/62 A2 3<br />

9/l'J/62 B8 1<br />

6/24/62 ClO 2<br />

2/11/61 Al 3<br />

3/20/62 A6 2<br />

3/23/62 Bl 4<br />

5/19/62 A2 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Cass S Heugh calls industrial climate in Ark ideal<br />

DALEY, 0 L JR<br />

5/24/62 A7 3<br />

see also Lenders Service Company Inc<br />


see alse Taxation<br />

Ceunty demonstrates its desire te be progressive<br />


11/25/62 B5 2<br />

see also United States - Army Cerps of Engineers<br />

DAMS<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


Ernie Deane describes visit te Dumas clothing plant<br />

Dumas manufacturer plans te open plant for Negro werkers<br />


Fire destroys Coger Drug Stere<br />


2/ 7/61 Bl<br />

8/23/61 Bl<br />

12/ 8/62 A3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

see alse Celleges and Univs - Administration and management<br />

Donates funds fer wing en athletes' dorm at Univ ef Ark<br />


8/23/62 B2 2<br />

see alse Government bends and investments<br />

see also Histeric buildings and sites<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />

see also Hotels<br />

Tewn threws party te henor <strong>Arkansas</strong> Valley Industries Inc<br />

City gets Urban Renewal agency<br />


3/24/61 Bl<br />

9/23/61 A2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

see Railroads<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Parks . recreatien and tourism<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


Homburg Gang member had run-in with Ark lawmen<br />

Seattle police sheet. kill, Darneille after return frem Ark<br />


5/16/61 Al<br />

5/16/61 Al<br />

4<br />

4<br />

see alse Av iation and aircraft<br />

DAUGHTERS OF 1812<br />

Gov Faubus addresses state meeting ef Society<br />


Article en Cherokee Village resident<br />

DAVIS, DON E<br />

3/16/62 Bl<br />

4/25/62 Bl<br />

5<br />

2<br />

see also College ef the Ozarks<br />


see alse Lenders Service Company Inc<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N Cellege<br />


see also Nigeria<br />


Parent group epens state's 1st center fer handicapped Negrees 12/ 7/61 A15 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />

DEAD<br />

Body of Mrs Alma Summers stripped of $300 worth ef jewelry<br />

Mrs Alma Summers had been buried in Jacksonville cemetery<br />

Another grave robbed at Jacksonville. body of weman missing<br />

Grave robber hunt at Jacksonville yields tools. clothes<br />

Clues scarce in robberies at two graves at Jacksonville<br />

Airman Jerry Reynol ds. 22. arrested in Jacksonville cases<br />

Body of 17-yr-old girl taken from cemetery is recevered<br />

Police say Jerry Reynolds confessed to taking bodies<br />

Airman Jerry Reynolds committed for mental tests<br />

Legis toughens penalties for grave robbing<br />

Jerry Reynolds ruled mentally ill. net legally responsible<br />

Jerry Reynolds to remain in State Hospital indefinitely<br />

Jerry Reynolds to be sent to VA hospital in Topeka<br />

DEAN. JAY HANNAH (Dizzy Dean)<br />

Dean reminisces about his career in LR appearance<br />

DEATHS<br />

see also American Oil Co<br />

see also Asphyxiation and suffocation<br />

see also Basketball<br />

see also Fires<br />

see also Insects<br />

see also Nursing hemes<br />

see also Police<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

Alford. Li.llian Shirley<br />

Allbright. William Watson<br />

Allen. Charles Forrest<br />

04/21/AB/4/61<br />

11/8/BB/2/61<br />

06/2/ A8/3/62<br />

Ame. William Knex<br />

07/16/Al/7 /62 07/17/ A4/2/62<br />

Andersen. Jeseph Hubert<br />

Bailey , Jereme Abbott Jr<br />

Bankston. Marvin Stewart<br />

Barney . Iley M<br />

Barten. Dudley S<br />

Batsen. Reese E<br />

Bauer. Willie Cooper<br />

Beasley . Frank<br />

Beeby . Charles B<br />

Benj amin. George H Sr<br />

Berry. A Y Sr<br />

Berry . James E<br />

Bohannon. John Herndon<br />

Bordeaux. Kate Mercer<br />

Botsford, Harriet Emily<br />

Bourne. Emily Bayle<br />

Bowman, W A<br />

Boyd, Horace George<br />

08/26/B5/3/ 196 l<br />

02/25/B6-/-4/6 l<br />

08/31/A14/3/61<br />

04/11/BlO/l/62<br />

O'J/12/Al3/l/61<br />

09/19/B9/2/62<br />

04/2'J/B7/2/61<br />

03/12/C4/3/61<br />

10/14/A9/1/61<br />

04/ 10/Al/6/62<br />

04/4/B12/2/62<br />

07 /27/C9/4/61<br />

05/ 19/B14/4/62<br />

06/4/C4/l/61<br />

02/06/13/BS/4/62<br />

Ol-/-10/B8/3/61<br />

04/15/BS/2/61<br />

10/23/A9/3/61<br />

Bragg. Frederic Capron Sr<br />

Breeding. J E<br />

11/29/B/2/62 l'l/1/A4/2/62<br />

06/12/B9/5/62<br />

1/ 6/61 A3 2<br />

1/ 6-/-61 A3 2<br />

1/ 7/61 Al 6<br />

l/ 8/61 B6 5<br />

1/ 9/61 A5 6<br />

1/11/61 Al 3<br />

1/11/61 Al 3<br />

1/11/61 Al 3<br />

1/12/61 A12 1<br />

2/ 4/ 61 Al 5<br />

3/14/61 Bl4 4<br />

3/14/61 Bl4 4<br />

6/14/61 A7 4<br />

12/ 7/61 B2 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Breadhead, Ann Carelyn Bryant<br />

Brooksher. William Riley Jr<br />

Brown. Fleyd B<br />

Brown. Fred I<br />

Brown. Juanita Arrington<br />

Brysen1 Fred Robertson<br />

Burgess. Thomas E<br />

Burke . J Graham<br />

Burrew, Elizabeth A<br />

Busey. Samuel T<br />

Bylander1 Ernest Gerhardt<br />

Cale, Walter Sr<br />

Canaday . Paul 0<br />

Carter, Fred<br />

Carter. Rollin H<br />

Cashion, Elbert Thomas Sr<br />

Castleberry. Rex<br />

Cheney , James Edward<br />

Chesnutt. Charles Raphael<br />

Clark. Edward V<br />

Clayton. James Edgar<br />

Clear, Thom.as Jefferson<br />

Coffman, John Franklin<br />

Coffman, Victor<br />

Cohen. Mabel<br />

Cele. Ken Sr<br />

Cennell, Claude A<br />

Ceek. J C<br />

Ceeper. Claude Fenell<br />

Crabtree, Minnie Paratine<br />

Crain, J H<br />

Crawford, H P<br />

Growly. James 0<br />

Day . Herbert J<br />

Dees, Ben Weedall<br />

Deweedy . T Sorrells<br />

Diemer, Viola Haven<br />

Denham. Jahn Rey<br />

Douglas. Frank C<br />

Duckett. John C<br />

Dunklin, Irby W<br />

Duty . Claude<br />

Dyke . Nathaniel Jr<br />

Early, N D<br />

Eason. Elmer A<br />

Easen1 William J<br />

Edrington. William B<br />

Eiermann. Frederick William Anthony<br />

Ell is, Cecil 0<br />

Engstrem. Jehn Edwin<br />

Estes, Kenner L<br />

10/30/AS/3/61<br />

03/29/C18/3/62<br />

10/6/AB/5/62<br />

04/15/Al/4/62<br />

09/ 14/B8/ 3/61<br />

07/24/-Al/4/61<br />

09-/ 1 l/Al0/3/61<br />

06/15/Bll/4/62<br />

12/l/Bl4/3/62<br />

07/24/B9/ l/62<br />

04/20/Al0/3/62<br />

1 1/28/BB/4/62<br />

03/ 10/A5/4/6 2<br />

Ol/2/B7/l /62<br />

05/ll/Bl2/l/62<br />

10/-30/AB/1/61<br />

02/4/B3/3/61<br />

03/5/B3/3/62<br />

l l/30/-C20/ 12/ 61<br />

04/3/BB/ 1/62<br />

03/1/BB/3/62<br />

05/4/Cl4/2/61<br />

07/16/All/2/61<br />

03/2/Cl6/l/61<br />

01/22/AB/2/61<br />

04/25/Al0/2/ 61<br />

62/01/11/Cl2/3<br />

10/31/A4/2/61<br />

03/15/AlS/3/61<br />

02/16/Al0/4/62<br />

12/27/Bl/2/62<br />

10/25/Bl0/2-/61<br />

07/24/B9/2-/62<br />

10/25/Bl0/4/61<br />

06/4/C4/2/61<br />

09/14/Al2/l/62<br />

02/10/BS/3/62<br />

01/4/ A12/2/61<br />

09-/22/A7/3/62<br />

03/6/All/'};/61<br />

l 1/4/C3/2/62<br />

06/5/A14/6/62<br />

12/23/Bl 2/7/62<br />

12/11/B6/2-/61<br />

03/30/A4/2/62<br />

08/1/Bl0/2/61<br />

06/ 10/BS/2/ 61<br />

05/1/B4/4/62<br />

Ol/3/B9/3/61<br />

11/21/Al0/1/62<br />

003/9/B6/1/61<br />

01/10/BB/3/61<br />

06/24/A5/4/61<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Etheridge, Y W<br />

Evans, Preston, L<br />

Faisst, Bernard<br />

Falls, Andrew Nail<br />

Farish, Charles L<br />

Farmer, B J<br />

Faulkner, Thomas H<br />

Fausett, Carey Blanton<br />

Ferguson, Edna Heed<br />

Fergusson, John P<br />

Fleeman, E C<br />

Fleniken, A R<br />

Fletcher, Paul Wilson<br />

Flewers, Flavy Clayton<br />

Freeze, William Joe<br />

Galbraith, Fred F<br />

Gardner, Lacurgius<br />

Garrison, Horace<br />

Garrett, Ernest Perry Jackson<br />

Ginocchio, Robert E<br />

Gladney , Deanl d W<br />

Goodier, George<br />

Gez a, L M<br />

Grant, Elmer Upchurch<br />

Greene, Glendine Hill<br />

Greene, Joseph Allen (Mrs)<br />

Gregg, Ida<br />

Grisham, Lamar W<br />

Groves, William M<br />

Hale, Ruth Finne<br />

Hall, C E<br />

Hall, Joe S<br />

Hall, Orville J<br />

Hamilton, Nathaniel M<br />

Hamilton, William Perter Sr<br />

Harned, William S<br />

Harrell, Den W<br />

Harris , J W<br />

Harris, Patrick C<br />

Harrison, M J<br />

Hart, Bernard Ellis<br />

Hayes, C Van<br />

Haynes, Earle<br />

Hefner, Carsen E (Mrs)<br />

Hegarty. Charles K Sr<br />

Hendricksen, James William<br />

Henry , Themas F<br />

Heuer. Tate C<br />

Hickey , George Martin<br />

Hilton, L L<br />

Hines, Robert F<br />

07/20/A3/5/61<br />

02/ 15/Bl 4/4/61<br />

07/30/Al4/2/61<br />

08/24/Bl l/l/62<br />

06/28/Bl0/2/61<br />

10/24/Bl0/62<br />

03/18/A7/2/61<br />

03/15/B.5/1/62<br />

01/27 /A9/ 2/61<br />

05/29/B4/3/61<br />

02/5-/Al/6/62<br />

03/15/A15/4/61<br />

07/8/b6/3/61<br />

12/19/Bl0/4/61<br />

07/19/B9/2/61<br />

10/24/BB/ 4/61<br />

11/9/Al0/2/61<br />

10-/5/BB/2/61<br />

06/9/ A5/ l/62<br />

08/15/Bll/7/62<br />

10/ 1/A8/ 2/61<br />

01/24/B8/3/61<br />

Ol/8/C4/4/61<br />

07/11/Bl/6/62 07/13/A4/ 2/62<br />

10/8/Al06/61<br />

05/16/A6/1/61<br />

04/l7/A13/2/62<br />

12/ l/Bl4/5/62<br />

04/16/A14 3/61<br />

08/23/A3/4/62<br />

03/29/ClB/1/62<br />

05/S/Bll2/61<br />

09/28/B8/3/61<br />

07/6/AB/3/62<br />

05/30/B9/4/62<br />

05/13/B8/3/62<br />

10/24/B8/5/61<br />

03/26/Bl0/2/62<br />

06/7-/AB/2-/61<br />

09/8/B7-/4/62<br />

07/ l8-/B8/l/61<br />

04/ 18/A9-/8/61<br />

04/18/Bl0/1/62<br />

08/27/C3/2/61<br />

11/6/B7/l/61<br />

04/8-/ A16/2/62<br />

12/7/B12/4/62<br />

Ol/l0/B8/3/61<br />

12-/28/C12/l/61<br />

04/28/Bl5/4/61<br />

04/ 10/AB/3/6 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Hedge. George L<br />

Holyfiel d. William E<br />

Herne. Themas A<br />

Hurley. Walter F Jr<br />

Hutchins. Arthur Lemuel<br />

Isenman. Charles H<br />

Izard. Emma Cotten<br />

Jackson, Walter A<br />

Jewell. James R<br />

Johnsen. Arthur P<br />

Johnsen. Paul<br />

Johnsen. William E<br />

Jones, Bertha<br />

Janes, James M<br />

Jones, Neel H<br />

Keatts, Henry<br />

Kelly. Charles Elton<br />

Kelly, James W<br />

Kincannon. Pettus A<br />

Kinney , Mabel Ford<br />

Kolb, William Burg<br />

LaGrone, T A<br />

Lackey , G Hendrix<br />

Lackey , George Washington<br />

Lander. Roswell Sears<br />

Laney . Fred A<br />

Langley. J 0<br />

Lasley, Paul Augustus<br />

Lauck, Wi.lliam J<br />

Lawrence, Ernest G<br />

Lemley , Clarence Edward<br />

Lemley , William Kendall<br />

Lincoln. Benj amin H<br />

Livingston, John J<br />

Legan. Bruce<br />

Luker, William V<br />

Mabry, Helman<br />

Mallery . George Leonard<br />

Mann, Lewis Preston<br />

Martineau, Andrew C<br />

Mathis, Themas L<br />

May . J Kelly<br />

McClinteck, Rebert Smith<br />

McCervey , Annie Maude<br />

Mccown. R M<br />

McCullough. Albert William<br />

McEachin. R E<br />

McGill, Jehn Themas<br />

McHenry . Martin Josiah<br />

Mcilrey, William Hayden<br />

McKinney , Rebecca Hinton<br />

01/30/B8/2/62<br />

09/ 21/B13/1/62<br />

02/3/Bl6/3/61<br />

10/25/A14/3/62<br />

1 f>/ 24/Bl0/2/62<br />

10/23/A9/6/61<br />

04/15/BS/61<br />

02/11/All/2/62<br />

10/13/Bl2/4/62<br />

04/19/Bl0/61<br />

OCJ/22/A7/5/62<br />

04/15/BS/4/61<br />

12/28/BB/2/62<br />

10/30/Bl2/2;/62<br />

06/8/Al0/3/62<br />

06/26/B9/5/62<br />

07 /16/All/2/ 61<br />

01 /22/B5/3/-62<br />

02/-25/B6/1/61<br />

07/9/B6/4/62<br />

11/10/B13/1/61<br />

01/10/Bl 0/2/62<br />

03/ 14/Bl0/5/6 2<br />

05/20/Al l/-4/6 2<br />

08/27 /B6/3/62<br />

12/8/BS/2/62<br />

06/16/Bl0/5/61<br />

3/25/A3/8/ 6 l<br />

07/10/Al5/4/62<br />

06/17/B5/-5/-61<br />

12/17-/-C4/2/61<br />

10/28/C3/5/62<br />

07/ 14-/-A7-/-2/ 62<br />

03/9/Bl3-/-4/62<br />

08/3/B6-/-2/61<br />

07/-2/AS/-2/61<br />

10/20/Bll/6/61<br />

04/29/B7/3/-61 04/30/-A12-/-4/61<br />

09/12/ A13/3/61<br />

09/ 6/B8/3/62<br />

05/28/-B6/2/61<br />

06-/-23/Al2/ 1/61<br />

OC)/ 10/-B4-/-2/62<br />

12/ 4/Bl0/2-/-61<br />

09/9/A7-/-2/61<br />

07/20/A7/3-/-61<br />

05/29-/-B4/2/61<br />

12/7/C14/3/61<br />

04/19/A3/2/62 4/-20/A4-/-2/62<br />

03/19/Al4/1/61<br />

11/21/Al0/2/62<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

McMillan David Williams<br />

Meinecke , Orval Henry<br />

Meux. Clarence D<br />

Miller. Archie Ray<br />

Miller. Charles Beverly<br />

Mitchell. R Bland<br />

Mobley, Henry E<br />

Montgomery, Mary McRae<br />

Meere, Guy Allen<br />

Morehead. Connor<br />

Muldrew. Milten W<br />

Myers. Louis Rebert<br />

Neill, Ernest<br />

Nelsen, Mary H<br />

Nelsen. W F<br />

Newton. Themas Willoughby Sr<br />

Norwood. Belle<br />

Norwood. Raymond Anderson<br />

Oateut. Walter Hollaway<br />

Orr, Raymond T<br />

Ottenheimer, Hannah Berger<br />

Paisley, Henry Lewis<br />

Paladino, Angele A<br />

Paladino, Tony<br />

Parke . Augustus Winfield<br />

Parker. David E<br />

Parker, L A<br />

Passmore. Daniel Frederick (Mrs)<br />

Patterson. George 0<br />

Peacock, Arthur L<br />

Pettigrew, Marien Dewoody<br />

Petway, 0 W<br />

Phillips, Mel<br />

Pierce. Glenroy Nelsen<br />

Pitner, Charles Grey<br />

Pittman. Harrison V<br />

Pelle. John T<br />

12/3/BB/4/62<br />

04/ll/B12/1/61<br />

10/-3/ Al 9/ 4/-62<br />

Ol/1/A7/2/61<br />

11/27/AB/4/62<br />

03/8/Bl0/1/61<br />

04/4/A6/3/61<br />

08/28/A4/3/62<br />

3/28/A7/2/-61<br />

10/9/B4/5/-62<br />

05/-22/ A5/l/61<br />

03/-10/-A5/2/62<br />

ll/22/A9/ 2/62<br />

11/14/BlO/'l/61<br />

0C)/18/B3/4/62<br />

10/21/A9/4/62<br />

05/-18/AS/-61<br />

10/12/B13/3/62<br />

04/15/BS/3/61<br />

11/21/Al0/4/62<br />

10/-1/Al2/2/ 61<br />

06/-5/Al2/3/-61<br />

l 1/-16/Bl3/-1/62<br />

03/11/A6/3/-61<br />

09/11/-Al0/-2-/61<br />

08/-5/A2/-3/-61<br />

Ol/20/B7/3-/-61<br />

09/7/B8/1/61<br />

l l/30/C20/4/6 l<br />

10/-11/-Bl2/-4/61<br />

03/7-/-Bl0/2/62<br />

05/-14/-AS-/-3/61<br />

03-/-12/C4/2/61<br />

08/12/B6/1/61<br />

12/9/B7/2/61<br />

03-/-13/B7/-2/61<br />

Ol-/-10/B8/ 1/61<br />

Porter, Q Lamar<br />

Petts. John Gane<br />

Price, Rose Stein<br />

Queen, J F<br />

03/14/Bl0/3/62 03/15-/-A4/-2/62<br />

02/25/B0/2-/-61<br />

01/16/AB-/2/62<br />

10/7/-A12-/ 2-/62<br />

Radcliffe. Jay Vincent<br />

Ragon, Absolum Newten<br />

Rand, Benj amin A<br />

Rankin, Bob<br />

Rapp, Jesse Carlisle<br />

Red. Jee<br />

Reed. Sidney L<br />

Rephan. Edward I<br />

06/10-/-BS/3/-61 06/11/E4/2/61<br />

02/3/-B16/1/61<br />

04/26/Al0/1/61<br />

04/11/A7-/2/-61<br />

11/ 16/-B13-/ 2/-62<br />

01/27 /Bl0/-3/61<br />

02/ 10/-Al2/3/61<br />

09/3/ AS-/3-/-62<br />

Reyburn, Samuel W<br />

Rialses. Les L<br />

06/8-/Bl/6/62 06/-9:/ A4/-2/ 62<br />

08-/-23/AB/2/61<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Riegler. Tennie Elizabeth French<br />

Rivers. Annie Wilkerson<br />

Rogers. William F<br />

Regers. William Jude<br />

Resen. Harry R<br />

Rethert. Huge C<br />

Row. Roy Sr<br />

Rowell. Albert<br />

Royer. Ca.reline<br />

Rudolph. Tracy T<br />

Rushing. Henry Andersen<br />

Rushing . Walter Scott<br />

Ruthven. Roderick McKenz ine<br />

Sanderlin. Roy L<br />

Sargent. James W<br />

Saunders. Earl L<br />

Self. W D<br />

Shaw. Helen E<br />

Sheedy , Anna Bertner<br />

Shiras. Ennes B<br />

Short. Ona Carter<br />

Sigman, Vivian Mariah<br />

Simpson. Kelly Edgar<br />

Smallwood. John Marshall<br />

Smith, Henry King<br />

Sparks. Albert Reuel<br />

Sparks. Albert Reul<br />

Spessard, Earle A<br />

Stanford. John Mitchell<br />

Stanley. Joseph Sr<br />

Stecker. George Patrick<br />

Tayler. Harve J Sr<br />

Tayler. Oscar<br />

Terrell. Marvin T<br />

Terry. Ann Hemmelrath<br />

Thalheimer, Sol Sr<br />

Themas. Ira Benyen Sr<br />

Thompson. George D<br />

Thompson. William M<br />

Thorn. Harvey B Sr<br />

Timberlake. John C<br />

Tewnsend. Albert Ewell<br />

Trice. Frank A<br />

Tucker, D A<br />

Tull. Howell Van Buren<br />

Tyson. Ardis<br />

Upton. Neva McMillan<br />

Vencill. Edward (Boeger Red)<br />

Vinz ant. William Broadfoot<br />

Volker. Frank J<br />

Walther. Gorden Glenn<br />

05/13/BB/2/62<br />

08/ 14/Al0/2/ 61<br />

01/ 18/A7/2/61<br />

10/15/A3/8/61<br />

03/ 18/C4/3/62<br />

Ol/3/B6/5/ 62<br />

12-/2/Al4/3/62<br />

09/2/A7/5/61<br />

03-/14/Bl0/6/61<br />

Ol/ 15/BB/ 2/61<br />

05/31/-AS/4/61<br />

01/1/Al/3/62 Ol/2/A4/2/62<br />

05/14/B6/3/62<br />

06/3/B7/3/61<br />

04/27/C14/4/61<br />

05/3/A6-/5/62<br />

09/1/Al/7/62<br />

10/6/BB/ 2/61<br />

08/4/AB/3/62<br />

02/28/BB/2/61<br />

Ol/12/B9/2/ 62<br />

05/5/A7/2/62<br />

11/10/B13/3/61<br />

01/19/C4/3/62<br />

Ol/31/A7/2/61<br />

05/l/A9/3/61<br />

l 96 1/4l30/A12/2/61<br />

07/9-/B6/2/62 07/12/A4-/ 2/62<br />

10/27-/BB/3/61<br />

09/20/Al 2/2/61<br />

12/22/Bl0/2/61<br />

03/24/B7/4/62<br />

12/8/BB/4/62<br />

10/ 10/B8/3/61<br />

02/ 19/BB/2/62<br />

12/9/C4/2/62<br />

l0/14/C4/2/62<br />

05/9/Bll/-5/62<br />

12/21/Bl0/-4/62<br />

l0/4/B8/4/62<br />

03/10/AS/ l/62<br />

11/13/Bl0/1/62<br />

02/25/Al0/3/62<br />

10/ 14/A9/2/61<br />

05/20/B7/3/61<br />

10/19/Al0/2/62<br />

09/2/A7/2/61<br />

1(.}/-23-/ A2/2/61<br />

10/14/C4/3/62<br />

11/29/B7/3/62<br />

09/ 15/B7 /3/62<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Weddington, Ralph Eilert<br />

Weinmann, Jeanne Fox<br />

Wharten, Joseph Burleson<br />

Whiteside. Frederick William<br />

Wickard, Charles Phillips<br />

Wiley, Dayle<br />

Wiley. Joseph Stuart<br />

Williams, Esmend L<br />

Williams, J Lee<br />

Williams. Stephen Herace<br />

Williamsen, Marvin<br />

Wilsen, Charles William<br />

Wilsen, Eloise F<br />

Wilson. James Oscar<br />

Yancey , L B<br />

Yarbrough, Walter L<br />

Yates, Jenab E<br />

Zeek, Harold Richard (Ted)<br />

Fires take tragic tell in <strong>Arkansas</strong> each year<br />

DEBT. Consumer<br />

see Credit<br />


see Basketball<br />


NLR Scheel Beard member killed in collisien<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Military Academy<br />

see also Aviation and aircraft<br />

see alse Land and real estate<br />

see also McConnell, Jehn P<br />

see also Pine Bluff Arsenal<br />

see also Roads<br />

08/3/B6/3/61<br />

08/7/Al4/3/62<br />

06/23/BS/2/62<br />

08/15/Bl0/3/61<br />

11/20/Bl2/3/62<br />

08/27/A2/6/62<br />

02/16/B6/5/61<br />

01/26/Bl2/2/61<br />

6/18/A12/2/61<br />

10/4/Bl2/ 4/61<br />

03/3/B5/1/61<br />

04/26/Al0/3/61<br />

11/ 2 9/B9/4/6 l<br />

03/31/B7/1/62<br />

03/3/B5/3/61<br />

06/13/Bl0/2/61<br />

02/4/B6/l/62<br />

05/8/B5/3/61<br />

Construction begins on first of 18 Titan II missile siles<br />

Ground broken fer first of 18 Titan Missile sites<br />

70th Strategic Reconnissance Wing at LRAFB te be transferred<br />

Farewell te the 10th (ed)<br />

Truscen Division gets $5.000,000 Titan contract<br />

Army conducts tour ef 1st site fer Titan sile (phete)<br />

Titan Missile bedy te be raised at LR fer public viewing<br />

SAC anniversary observed at LR and at LRAFB<br />

Col Clifford J Van Sickle to head state Army reserve<br />

Col George E Gleber is new commander ef LRAFB<br />

Command changes at LRAFB announced<br />

Little Reck complaints of sonic boems disturb Air Force brass<br />

Titan II missile installations in Ark may be scrapped<br />

Defense Dept says Titan work te proceed as planned<br />

LR cam.plaints of booms come £rem area where plane fell in 160<br />

LRAFB to get new $1 , 900,000 hospital<br />

Bid opening set fer 2nd phase ef Titan proj ect<br />

Inside view of a Titan Missile silo<br />

More Titan II missile silo bids opened<br />

3/25/62 E6 1<br />

12/26/61 Al 3<br />

l/ 4/61 Bl<br />

1/10/61 A2<br />

1/17/61 Al<br />

1/18/61 A4<br />

l/26/61 AS<br />

2/22/61 Bl<br />

3/12/61 A6<br />

3/17/61 Al<br />

3/17/61 Bl<br />

4/ 9/61 A2<br />

4/-30/61 A2<br />

5/ 2/61 A7<br />

5/ 9/61 Bl<br />

5/10/61 Bl<br />

5/20/61 A7<br />

6/28/61 Bl<br />

6/28/-61 Bl<br />

7/ 7/61 Bl<br />

7/ 8/61 Al<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

8<br />

3<br />

3<br />

7<br />

6<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

7<br />

1<br />

6<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Funds fer a hospital at LRAFB deleted from bill<br />

LRAFB spending in central Ark totals $3 .6 million annually<br />

Army considering reopening Fort Chaffee<br />

Gen Clyde D Eddleman visits Fort Chaffee<br />

Titan II proj ect te cost govt $100,000,000<br />

Arm.y verifies that Fort Chaffee may reopen<br />

LR, NLR listed as possible targets fer atomic attacks<br />

Funds for LRAFB hospital restored te military bill<br />

Two military units in Ark alerted to possible call<br />

First phase ef Titan siles almost completed<br />

Titan II missile shaft may be cause ef wells lasing water<br />

Men of 916th unit take mobilization in stride<br />

Gallup of Natl Guard, Reserve brings Cold War te 6 Ark areas<br />

SAC stands ready at LRAFB<br />

Flap over speech by Maj Calvin L Callier is column tepic<br />

Sen J W Fulbright says Fert Chaffee slated for reopening<br />

Fort Chaffee reopening cenf irmed<br />

Mere state units activated<br />

Army reveals that Fort Chaffee te get 17,000 traeps<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Razorback Harald Harton granted deferment<br />

Gev Faubus says he will dischrge no Guardsman called te duty<br />

President Kennedy asks to see film ef Heber Springs event<br />

Military and civilians muster to reopen Fort Chaffee<br />

New hospital at LRAFB to bring better medical care to base<br />

NLRB hears charge against unien. missile base workers<br />

Peak training lead at Fort Chaffee te be 9,000<br />

Last members of Army Surgical Unit leave Little Reck<br />

Fert Chaffee gets first shipment of recruits<br />

Description. phetes ef Titan facility under construction<br />

Air Force will keep 70th Reconnaissance Wing at LRAFB<br />

148th Hospital Unit leaves fer Chaffee and year's duty<br />

Pine Bluff Arsenal celebrating 20th anniversary of founding<br />

Titan missile workers lose lawsuit against union<br />

Fort Chaffee employs 1,280 civilians<br />

Col Robert W Streng Jr new commander for LRAFB<br />

Col Rebert W Strong Jr takes ever at LRAFB<br />

Titan base workers net covered by FLS Act . judge rules<br />

Kentucky 's lOOth Division adjusts te life at Fort Chaffee<br />

Defense Dept considering end to training at Fort Chaffee<br />

Laber dispute halts work en Titan missile silo near Conway<br />

Completion of first Titan silo due June 25<br />

Col Robert W Streng Jr is new commander ef LRAFB<br />

Army to keep Fort Chaffee epen, JFK says<br />

Eighteen <strong>Arkansas</strong> Titan bases te be operational in 1963<br />

Navy to stage A-defense exercise in War Memorial Stadium<br />

Judge dissolves order barring Titan silo site pickets<br />

Fort Chaffee may lose lOOth Division seen, column says<br />

LRAFB to lose 70th Strategic Recennissance Wing<br />

LRAFB is state 's biggest business<br />

Fort Smith getting water plant from Fort Chaffee<br />

Titan Missile Wing activated at LRAFB<br />

7-/22/61 A2 3<br />

7/27/61 Bl 3<br />

7/30/-61 Al 3<br />

8-/ 1/61 Bl 5<br />

8/- 3/61 A6 1<br />

8/ 4-/61 Bl 2<br />

8/15/-61 Al 7<br />

8/15/61 Bl 6<br />

8/17/-61 Al 5<br />

8/18/61 A9 1<br />

9/ 9/ 61 A2 4<br />

9/10/61 A5 1<br />

9/10-/61 A5 6<br />

9/-10/61 E2 1<br />

9/17 /61 ES 3<br />

9/19/61 Al 4<br />

9/20/61 Bl 7<br />

9/20/61 Bl 7<br />

9/-21/-61 Bl 8<br />

9/23/61 Al 2<br />

9/23/61 Al 2<br />

9/30/61 A7 5<br />

10/ 1/61 A3 1<br />

10/ 1/61 Bl 3<br />

10-/ 3/61 A3 2<br />

10/ 7/61 A2 1<br />

10/10/61 Bl 5<br />

10/18/61 A2 8<br />

10-/20/61 Bl 2<br />

10/-24/61 Bl 8<br />

10-/28/61 Al 3<br />

10-/29/61 C3 7<br />

11/ 2/61 B6 5<br />

11/ 5/-61 Cl 6<br />

11/16/61 Cl5 1<br />

11/21/61 AlO 1<br />

11/22/61 BlO 5<br />

12/ 3/61 Al5 2<br />

1/27 /62 Al 5<br />

2/ 1/62 Bl 2<br />

2/ 2/ 62 Bl4 1<br />

2/ 8/62 Bl 2<br />

2/21/62 Bl 5<br />

3/ 6/62 Al 3<br />

3/11/62 E4 1<br />

3/15/62 A5 3<br />

3/18/62 E3 5<br />

3/22/62 Bl 8<br />

3/25/62 E4 l<br />

4/ 3/62 AB 1<br />

4-/ 3/62 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Phase I werk at Titan sites nearly finished<br />

No changes in Fort Chaffee foreseen<br />

State assured that Fert Chaffee will net close<br />

Fort Chaffee te become a permanent field artillery base<br />

Electrical workers walk off jobs at missile sites in Ark<br />

Werk near end en first ef 18 Titan II silos<br />

Engineers turn Titan site ever te Air Force<br />

Air Force Reserve group has tough, complex job<br />

Missile age sparks grewth of Little Reck Air Force Base<br />

Guard callup at this time not expected, Gov Faubus says<br />

Table Reck, Bull Shoals da.tns get armed guards in Cuba crisis<br />

Expansion, renovation ef Fort Chaffee sought<br />

Army fires Honest John rocket at Camp Chaffee; first fer Ark<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


Writer of books for juveniles drowns at Little Rock<br />


Deal finished fer $1, 000,000 plant at Hope<br />


see also Rivers and lakes<br />

Urges support for wilderness act in Congress<br />


see Culture and the arts<br />

DEMOCRATIC (NEGRO) VOTERS ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Construction programs , State<br />


see also Bauman's Men's Shep<br />

see alse Civil rights and discri.m.inatien<br />

see al sa Nudism and nudity<br />


see also Little Reck<br />

DENTAL ASSOCIATION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Dentistry and dental health<br />


Gev Faubus vetoes funds fer eut ef state study fer dentists<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Dental Assn meeting in LR<br />

Gav Faubus tells dentists to try again en education bill<br />

Fluoridatien by all t€Mns urged by Ark Public Health Assn<br />

Ark Denatl Assn holding state cenventien<br />

Flying Dentists Assn combines profession with pleasure<br />


Dr Emanuel Cheraskin addresses Ark Dental Assn convention<br />


see Dentistry and dental health<br />


see alse Livestock Sanitary Beard (Ark)<br />


see also Railroads<br />


see Dead<br />

4/ 8/62 A5<br />

4/12/62 Al<br />

5/25/-62 Bl<br />

6/13/-62 Al<br />

7/- 3/62 Al<br />

7 / 7/-62 A5<br />

8/ 5/62 A4<br />

8/26/62 E4<br />

10/14/62 E4<br />

10/24/62 A2<br />

10/26/62 Bl<br />

11/20/62 Bl<br />

12/ 16/62 A2<br />

7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

8<br />

5<br />

1/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

2/10/-62 A2 5<br />

5/ 2/62 A4 5<br />

3/17/61 B12 1<br />

4/12/-61 Bl 4<br />

4/12/ 61 Bl 4<br />

5/11/61 Bl 6<br />

4/ 8/62 A9 1<br />

4/22/62 E4 1<br />

4/10/62 A6 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

DEWITT<br />

see alse Laber<br />


see Educatien - DeWitt District<br />


DeWitt residents indicate they de net want union at factery<br />

Chamber ef Commerce te study turnover at plant<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see Parks , recreation and tourism<br />


see alse Stephens Inc<br />


see alse Names. Persenal<br />

DIEHL. J F<br />

Dr Diehl attends science meeting in Russia<br />


Gypsum wallboard plant planned near Nashville<br />

Ernie Deane writes en leng history ef company<br />


see also Weight and weight Centrel<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> teen-agers ' diet surveyed<br />


Cengressienal secretary retires after 25-yr career<br />


Dr Thomas F Dilday asks help in locating mising wife<br />

Investigators call fer help in search fer missing woman<br />

Mrs Dilday's body found in attic of her heme<br />


see Fossils<br />


see alse Newton Ceunty<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


Bureau allegedly created se Olen R Churchill can be fired<br />

J H Cattrell Jr says Churchill is political enemy ef Faubus<br />

Olen Churchill's brother, L J Churchill ran against D Alford<br />

Olen R Church is brether ef Repub L J Churchill ef Dover<br />

Olen R Churchill heads a section of Vecatienal Rehabilitation<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem favors removal ef Olen Churchill<br />

Gov Faubus comments en legislation affecting Olen Churchill<br />

Dept allegedly formed te get rid of Olen R Churchill, a Repub<br />

Faubus te sign bill creating Dept inte law<br />

Harold Overbey reportedly will head new department<br />

Harold Lee Overbey named te head agency<br />


see also Rehabilitation Center, Hot Springs<br />


see also Telephone service<br />

2/19/61 A2<br />

10/ 5/61 A8<br />

11/19/61 A8<br />

3/31/62 A8<br />

12/ 5/62 Bl<br />

11/- 4/ 62 A14<br />

7/ 2/61 D5<br />

10/23/62 A8<br />

10/28/62 A3<br />

10/31/62 A4<br />

9/21/61 Al<br />

9/21/61 Al<br />

9/21/61 Al<br />

9/21/61 Al<br />

9/21/61 Al<br />

9/21/61 Al<br />

9/-22/-61 Al 1<br />

10/-10/61 BB<br />

10/10/-61 B8<br />

10/ 10/-61 B8<br />

10/-11/61 Bl<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

2<br />

l<br />

5<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

LR pelice arrest 2 fer sounding false fire alarm<br />

LR City Bd appreves standing reward en false alarms<br />

State has 13 stared hospitals around state<br />

Eudora offers te dig holes for fallout shelters<br />

Fallout shelter sales in LR is slew<br />

Ten schools in Ark have radiation fallout shelters<br />

Money sought fer politicians ' bomb shelters<br />

Gaz ette questions size ef fallout shelter at Huntsville<br />

LR plans mobile radio net far nuclear attack<br />

Many fallout shelter owners prepared te repel neighbors<br />

Fallout shelter plan at LR called inadequate<br />

Little Reck scheel admrs told shelter plans needed<br />

Fallout shelters at Winthrop Rockefeller home studied<br />

Community falleut shelter being built in suburban LR<br />

Fallout shelter building booming in Ark<br />

Plans fer bembpreef state shelter at LR abandoned<br />

Survey to locate suitable fallout shelters in state<br />

Plans for shelters at 3 Little Rock schools cancelled<br />

Survey to mark fallout facilities throughout state<br />

SW Ark counties to locate workable community fallout shelters<br />

Army Engineers select 375 bldgs in Pulaski as fallout shelter<br />

Newport in uprear after police seized Civil Defense guns<br />

State offers medical self-help course ef A-attack survival<br />

Civil Defense plan fer LR scheels to be tested<br />

Caves, dams in Ozarks could be used as fallout shelters<br />

Schools go through civil defense drills<br />

Little Reck sounds air raid warning sirens weekly<br />

LR City Mgr Bd names members te serve if needed in attack<br />

Basement ef new Federal Office Bldg in LR is fallout shelter<br />

Many areas in Ark will be shelterless if attack com.es<br />

Wheat wafers and water te be fallout shelter fare<br />

Rule at public shelters te be first come, first served<br />

Stewart K Presser named Civil Defense directer fer Ark<br />

Bids awarded en massive fallout shelter at Huntsville<br />

LR has 47 buildings ready to serve as shelters<br />

Feed, medical kits arriving fer use in public shelters<br />

Two mines in Izard County could shelter 200,000<br />

Little Reck has 135,389 shelter places<br />

Little Reck's City Hall fully equipped as a shelter<br />

Ark CD office beseiged with calls en nuclear war preparation<br />

Mere supplies moved te Civil Defense shelters<br />

CD rushes shelter procurement<br />

LR schools to held civil defense drill<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> caves called natural fallout shelters<br />


2/ 5/61 Bl<br />

2/ 7/61 A5<br />

1 l 2/61 A2<br />

8/16/61 Al<br />

8/16/61 A8<br />

8/20/61 Al6<br />

8/24/61 Cll<br />

8/26/61 A4<br />

10-/ 5/61 A3<br />

10/22/61 E3<br />

10/27/61 Bl<br />

11-/ 3-/61 A5<br />

11/ 5/61 A20<br />

11-/ 8/61 Bl4<br />

11/18/61 A3<br />

11/21/61 AlO<br />

11/30/61 Cl8<br />

12-/ 7/61 Bl<br />

12/10/61 E3<br />

l/ 7/62 AB<br />

1/28/62 Al5<br />

2/11-/62 Al<br />

3/18/62 A4<br />

3/29/62 Bl<br />

4/ 1/62 A4<br />

4/ 4/62 Bl<br />

4/15-/62 E5<br />

4/26/62 BlO<br />

5/27/62 A14<br />

1/ 2/62 Al<br />

7/ 4/62 Bl<br />

7/10/62 Al<br />

8/ 2/62 A3<br />

8/25/62 A3<br />

9/ 6/62 Al<br />

10/ 7/62 AlO<br />

10/14/62 AlO<br />

10/14/62 AlO<br />

10/18/62 A3<br />

10/24/62 Al<br />

10/26/62 Al5<br />

10/28/62 Al<br />

10/28/62 A9<br />

11/ 4/62 E4<br />

2<br />

l<br />

5<br />

6<br />

2<br />

7<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

l<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

5<br />

5<br />

4<br />

8<br />

5<br />

5<br />

l<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

6<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

see Catholic Church<br />


see Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see Medicine and health<br />



DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Papers denounce Ark Legis for rej ecting vote fer residents<br />

Ark was only state te turn dOW'n vete fer citizens<br />


see Marriage and divorce<br />


see alse Middle South Utilities Inc<br />


Debsen left established career te study medicine<br />

DODD. DAVID 0<br />

see alse Civil War<br />


Ex-Arkansan. civic leader dies in New Yerk<br />


see also Race tracks<br />

Matinee racing at Seuthland te be allowed for first time<br />

Thomas A Griffin asks court to lift ban frem Southland track<br />

Thomas and George Griffin win right te return te track<br />

DOGS<br />

see Animals<br />

see Deg racing<br />

see Police<br />

see also Animals<br />


see Education - Della:rway District<br />


see Museums<br />


see Teys and playthings<br />


see also Little Reck University<br />


see also Geverner (Ark)<br />

see also Revenue Department (Ark)<br />


see alse Veterans<br />


see alse Veterans<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />


Heads City Beautiful campaign in LR<br />


see alse Courts. Federal<br />


see alse Rivers and lakes<br />


United Aute Workers seeks unien at Marianna plant<br />


see alse Civil rights and discrimination<br />

DOVER<br />

see also Indians. American<br />

2/ 4/61 A2<br />

4/ 2/61 E4<br />

5/ 6/62 E4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

l<br />

11/22/61 BlO 5<br />

6/21/61 Bl<br />

9/ 7/62 Bl<br />

11/15/62 A3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

7<br />

3/16/61 B12 2<br />

1/18/61 A3 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />


State native heads New York Life Inusurance Ce<br />


see also Music<br />


see Gambling<br />

DOWNTOWNER MOTOR INN (Little Reck)<br />

see Hetels<br />


Art ef 'water witching ' almost old as the hills<br />

DRAINAGE, Land<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />

DRAMA<br />

see Theater and drama<br />


see also Catholic Church<br />


see also Books and writing<br />


see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see Automobiles and automobile drivers<br />


see al.so Swimming<br />

Mrs Evelyn Selveig Kehkes, author of juvenile boeks , drewns<br />

Four fishermen drewn in Old River Lake near <strong>Arkansas</strong> City<br />

Dicus brothers drown in ditch near Paragould<br />

Catholic High Sr Burch V Raley drowns en class outing<br />

Garry Casey ef Wayten. drowns in pend<br />

Four children drewn in ditch near Marianna<br />

Yeuth drowns in river at LR; body net yet recovered<br />

Body of LR youth recovered frem <strong>Arkansas</strong> River<br />

Three 8-yr-old boys drawn in pool at Fort Smith<br />

Four drown in beating accident en Lake Hamilton<br />

Twe children drawn in stock pend near Cabot<br />


see alse Contracts and purchasing. State<br />

Ark Pharmaceutical Assn cenv hears talk by Oren Harris<br />

Pharmaceutical Assn opposes Medicare<br />

Four physicians in Ark received drug Thalidomide<br />

Thalidomide taken by 110 persons in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Druggests teld te fellow law en prescription refills<br />


see Traffic accidents Vielatiens and safety<br />


Nathaniel Barker, Robert D Holly engage in duel<br />

DUKE , PAUL 0<br />

see also Little Reck Metropolitan area<br />

see alse Nerth Litte Reck<br />

Column traces career of NLR alderman<br />

5/17/62 Bl 5<br />

7/29/62 E6 1<br />

1/ 9/-61 Al 5<br />

3/12/61 Al 6<br />

4-/30/-61 AB 1<br />

5-/24/61 A2 4<br />

7 /24/61 A2 2<br />

8/ 8-/61 A6 1<br />

8/ 11/61 A2 2<br />

8/12/61 A7 4<br />

4/ 9/-62 Al 5<br />

5/ 6/62 Al 7<br />

8/ 5/62 A8 5<br />

5/23/62 Bl 8<br />

5/24/62 AlO 4<br />

7 /31/62 Al 4<br />

8/ 8/62 AlO 4<br />

12/27/62 A2 4<br />

4/ 6/61 Al 8<br />

12/10/-61 A12 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Alderman wins slander suit filed ever deg dispute<br />

DUMAS<br />

see alse Reusing<br />


see alse Robisnen, Dan<br />


Conway native, creator ef Dunaway Gardens in Georgia. dies<br />


Harrison firm may provide meters fer all NYC<br />


see also News and news media<br />


see also News and news media<br />

DUNN, E F<br />

see alse Education - Pulaski County District<br />


see alse Secretary of State (Ark)<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


Light bulb firm considers plant in Little Reck<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


Letter te editer en segregated Easter program<br />


see Trees and shrubs<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


see History (Ark)<br />


Three men inj ured in blast near Tuckerman<br />


see Medicine and health<br />

EAGLES<br />

see Wildlife<br />


see also Communism<br />


Earth tremer felt at Fayetteville and Northeast Ark<br />

Excerpts f rem centemperary accounts of New Madrid earthquake<br />

New Madrid quake was state 's worst disaster<br />

EASTER<br />

Description of Easter observance in the eld days<br />

EASTERN STAR, Order ef<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Chapter names officers at 86th annual meeting<br />

Officers installed at 87th sessien of state OES<br />


see alse Civil rights and discriminatien<br />


10/17/62 BlO 1<br />

12/13/61 Bll 5<br />

6/24/62 All 1<br />

12/ 3/61 Al 5<br />

3/25/62 E2 3<br />

6/26/62 A2 3<br />

2/ 3/62 B3 8<br />

3/11/62 E5 2<br />

3/11/-62 E5 2<br />

4/ 2/61 E2 1<br />

12/ 9/61 A2 4<br />

12/ 8/62 P:3 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Forests and forestry<br />


Annual progress report en Ark economy<br />

Newport 's grewth aided by manufacturing<br />

Manufacturing income exceeds agriculture in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Manufacturing replaces agri as largets single income source<br />

Jeb total in state registers increase<br />

Factery payrolls listed (by county)<br />

Statistics en employment and income<br />

Retail sales sets new high (listed by county )<br />

Statistics en economic state ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

State made gains in several areas. report says<br />


see also Gevernm.ent bends and investments<br />

see also Rivers and lakes<br />

see also Shumnaker Naval Ammunition Depot<br />

1960 was record year for gaining new jobs in state<br />

More tax breaks will net help lure indus. Chas F Smith says<br />

New tax favors to lure industry called unlikely this year<br />

Schools, industries called key to Little Rock growth<br />

Gov Faubus. AIDC take opposite stands en tax lures fer indus<br />

Lack of large site cost NLR a new industry<br />

AIDC fretting ever relations with Gov Orval Faubus<br />

Gov Orval Faubus says he is not at odds with AIDC<br />

Mar-Bax Shirt Co case tests validity of Act 2 (1960)<br />

Marien and Baxter County jointly financed Mar-Bax under Act 2<br />

Opponents ef Mar-Bax financing raise several points in court<br />

Joint financing of Mar-Bax Shirt Ce upheld by court<br />

Legis passes bill allowing local govts to issue revenue bends<br />

Funds bill gives Governor say in hiring AIDC experts<br />

Little Reck gets its first maj or plant since 1957<br />

A large new industry after long dreuth (ed en LR industry)<br />

AIDC ponders depressed area aid implications fer Ark<br />

Act 9 (1960) is effective industry lure other states envy<br />

UA trying te get Arkansans te talk about state 's problems<br />

Russellville raises funds in drive fer industrial grO"#lth<br />

Twe industries te locate at Springdale<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Future series to draw 50.000 participants<br />

Pat Caviness te leave AIDC for federal jeb<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller urges state to great ecenemic efforts<br />

Clean water in quanity may aid Ark in search fer industry<br />

Group in Marien and Baxter County file brief en Mar-Bax bonds<br />

Future ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> discussed at meeting at LR<br />

Arguments en Mar-Bax financing presented te Ark Supreme Ct<br />

Ark Supreme Ct asked te clarify joint financing of industry<br />

Wayne L Besecker joins staff of AIDC staff<br />

Industrial bends tep $39 million<br />

AIDC Comtnissieners turn their checks back te AIDC Foundation<br />

Ark Supreme Ct rules 2-ceunty financing fer factory valid<br />

AIDC wants te handle all state planning<br />

Federal. state govt agencies discuss Area Redevelopment Act<br />

1/-15/61 Fl 1<br />

4/18/61 Bl 3<br />

9/24/61 Al 2<br />

9/27/61 A4 1<br />

9/29/61 B12 1<br />

10/2Z/61 A3 2<br />

12/12/61 B9 1<br />

8/19/62 AB l<br />

9/ 2/62 D3 5<br />

11/22/62 Bl 8<br />

1/ 1/61 BlO 1<br />

1/ 4/ 61 Bl 7<br />

1/ 4/61 Bl 7<br />

1/ 8/61 A4 1<br />

1/2[}/61 A3 l<br />

1/20/61 BB 1<br />

1/22/61 ES 1<br />

1/24/61 Bl 7<br />

1/31/61 B7 1<br />

1/31/61 B7 l<br />

1/31/61 B7 1<br />

2/ 5/61 Al 6<br />

2/ 5/61 Al4 1<br />

2/18/61 A5 4<br />

2/25/61 Al 4<br />

2/25/61 A4 l<br />

2/26/61 ES 1<br />

3/11/61 Al 7<br />

4/16/61 Al 2<br />

4/22/61 BB 1<br />

4/29/61 A7 4<br />

4/30/61 Cl2 2<br />

5/ 3/61 A2 2<br />

5/ 3/61 A3 5<br />

5/ 5/61 BlO 1<br />

5/13/61 A5 5<br />

5/14/61 A3 1<br />

5-/16-/61 Bl 2<br />

5-/16/61 Bl 2<br />

5/21/61 A2 5<br />

5/28/61 Al4 1<br />

5/28/61 E5 3<br />

5/30/61 Bl 7<br />

6/17/61 A3 7<br />

7/12/61 BB 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

State lands 8.511 jobs<br />

Little Reck getting first big plant in feur long years<br />

Gassville is first te get Area Redevelopment Act aid<br />

Aid to Gassville reuses anger ef US Rep Rebert P Griffin<br />

Federal aid fer Gassville defended by J W Trimble<br />

Gassville ' breaks ' really new ground (ed)<br />

Gassville called key in JFK's campaign against peverty<br />

GOP lashes at Gassville grant as union buster<br />

AIDC certifies Lonoke as prepared for industrial development<br />

First <strong>Arkansas</strong> Development Finance Cerp aids indus growth<br />

Madison County 's plan wins ARA approval<br />

Little Reck trying te land federal water pollution laboratory<br />

AIDC takes leek at best use fer state 's raw materials<br />

AFLCIO head Geerge H Ellisen takes W P Rock te task en wages<br />

Gassville's grant fer factory touched off widespread talk<br />

AIDC wins cut in freight rate fer steel shipped by rail<br />

Tax experts disagree en tax lures ta attract industry<br />

Business comm.unity in uprear ever remarks ef Tham.as E Harris<br />

Laber leader Them.as E Harris derides quality ef new plants<br />

Repr Gayle E Windsor Jr butted heads with Themas E Harris<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> asked te join 9-state pact te secure industry<br />

A call fer a new regienal alliance<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller werks fer in-state precessing of agri<br />

AIDC seeking ways te help ailing industries<br />

LR Chamber asks native sens to epen firms in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

St Louis judge erders twe firms te return te Missouri<br />

William P Reck concerned by order fer plants te return te Me<br />

William P Reck speaks as AIDC directer<br />

Gov Faubus calls judge 's erder en factories 'far-fetched '<br />

State may enter case ef f acteries ordered te return te Me<br />

Tightening restrictions on idustrial movement (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus backs indust develp amdt by Rep Jack Oakes<br />

AIDC conducting industrial preparedness pregram around state<br />

Annual progress report f rem around state<br />

List of new plants announced fer Ark during past year<br />

Fart Smith Jr Coll trains workers fer industry<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Industrial Policy Comm organiz ed by businessmen<br />

Northwest Ark net represented en Industrial Development Camm<br />

Availability of gas tags state as site fer big industries<br />

AIDC says decentralizing ef industry is slew-<br />

FADFC is a broad-based capital credit "bank"<br />

FADFC meeting attracts tap leaders in politics. finance<br />

FDAFC has large role in economic development<br />

Rebert McCord urges county-wide effort fer Pulaski County<br />

NE Ark group bidding fer industry through organiz ation<br />

Metroplan gives report on sites fer Pulaski County industry<br />

Six east Ark counties te f erm economic development assn<br />

C ef C wants Rep in Capital to secure defense contracts<br />

Osceola develops plan te wee. win worthy industries<br />

Tax benefits to attract industry to be discussed by AIDC<br />

Attracting new industry and setting tax rates (ed)<br />

7/-15/61 Al 7<br />

7/19/61 A4 1<br />

7/25/61 Bl 2<br />

7/27/61 Al 5<br />

7/28/61 A3 2<br />

7/28/61 A4 1<br />

7/29/61 Al 3<br />

8/10/61 Bl 3<br />

8/17/61 A2 1<br />

8/26/61 B4 1<br />

8/3 1/61 Bl 2<br />

10/ 1/61 Al 2<br />

10/-10/-61 B7 1<br />

10/-18/-61 Bl 8<br />

10/29/-61 Cl 1<br />

11/ 4/61 Al 3<br />

11/ 8/61 Bl 7<br />

11/12/61 Cl 1<br />

11/12/61 Cl 1<br />

11/12/61 Cl 1<br />

11/22/61 Bl 8<br />

11/24/-61 A4 1<br />

lZ/- 1/61 Bl 8<br />

12/ 9/61 A7 6<br />

12/24/-61 Al 4<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl 2<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl 2<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl 2<br />

1/ 4/62 A2 5<br />

1/ 4/62 A2 5<br />

1/ 4/ 62 A4 1<br />

1/13/62 A2 3<br />

1/17/62 Bl 2<br />

1/21/62 Fl 1<br />

1/-21/62 F2 1<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl 2<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl 8<br />

2/ 9/62 Bl 8<br />

2/11/62 Cl 1<br />

2/18/62 E3 1<br />

3/ 9/62 Bl2 1<br />

3/ 9/62 Bl2 1<br />

3/- 9/62 Bl2 l<br />

4/ 4/ 62 Bl6 1<br />

4/19/62 Bl 7<br />

4/22/62 Al4 1<br />

5/ 4/ 62 A7 1<br />

5/ 6/62 Al6 7<br />

5/13/62 Cl 2<br />

5/-15/-62 Bl 5<br />

5/16/62 A4 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Tax break for lecal industries discussed by AIDC<br />

Osceela cheesey about plants coming te area<br />

Industrial climate in Ark ideal, Cass S Hough says<br />

Highly skilled jebs net opening up (ed)<br />

NLR Chamber ef Cemmerce gears up to premete industrialization<br />

Sid McMath encourages recruitment of higher paying industries<br />

State hopes to lure defense industries te Ark<br />

City spirit. potential brings plants te Fort Smith<br />

Vecatienal educators back ARA training programs<br />

Federal judge voids his order fer 2 plants te return to Me<br />

Lack ef applicants may cest Leneke a large factory<br />

Sufficient workers found fer Leneke plant<br />

Legislators angry with AIDC Chmn Winthrop Reckef eller<br />

William P Reck te leave AIDC executive directer jeb<br />

AIDC still needs Winthrop Rockefeller (ed)<br />

Editorials urge keeping Winthrop Rockefeller as AIDC chief<br />

River work could include state in space program<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> moves ahead en proj ects te spur ecenemy<br />

Ark had a geed year with industrial grewth, C ef C reports<br />


Resort and hem.esites being developed at Greers Ferry Lake<br />


see alse Stocks and bends<br />


see also Inventions and inventors<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


Nate: Subdivisions by dist fellow subdivisions by subj ect<br />

see also Children and youth<br />

see also Communism<br />

see alse Education Asseciatien. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Teachers Asseciatien. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Traffic. accidents violations and safety<br />

Judge changes mind, rules teachers net state empleyees<br />

AEA holding meeting en accomplishments of General Assembly<br />

Seme legislators irked by AEA meetings en session's work<br />

Seme classrooms evercrewded. ethers have sparse attendance<br />

Indebtedness by districts at record high<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Comm fer the Public Schools seeks impreved education<br />

Joshua K Shepherd is leader in imprevem.ent efforts<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Cemmittee decides vigorous action needed<br />

Scheel needs under study by six groups<br />

Scheel forces. Gov Faubus offer three censtitutienal amdts<br />

AEA pol icy statement defends freedoms<br />

AEA Exec Secy Forrest Rozzell flays Faubus adm<br />

Forrest Rozzell urges teachers to get involved in politics<br />

Gazette lists governors with better records than Faubus<br />

League of Women Voters opposes amdt on race mixing in schools<br />

AEA president-elect is Amy Jean Greene<br />

5/17/-62 A12 7<br />

5/20/-62 E3 1<br />

5/24/-62 A7 3<br />

6/ 2/-62 A4 1<br />

6/ 6/-62 B9 1<br />

6/ 8/62 Al 4<br />

6/14/62 Bl 8<br />

6/-20/-62 Bl 2<br />

8/22/62 Bl 5<br />

10/18/62 Al 6<br />

10/27 /-62 A2 4<br />

11/ 2/62 A3 7<br />

11/-10/62 Al 3<br />

11/-10/62 Al 3<br />

11/12/62 A4 1<br />

11/-18/-62 E3 2<br />

12/ 6/62 Bl 4<br />

12/16/-62 E3 5<br />

12/23/62 A3 6<br />

6/25/-61 Cl<br />

1/ 8/61 A9<br />

4/-23/61 ES<br />

4/23/61 E5<br />

4/30/61 AB<br />

7/ 7/61 Bl<br />

11/ 9/61 A9<br />

11/ 9/61 A9<br />

11/11/-61 A7<br />

1/16/62 B8<br />

3/ 4/62 Al<br />

3/11/62 A4<br />

3/18/62 Al<br />

3/18/-62 Al<br />

3/24/62 A4<br />

4/ 3/62 AB<br />

4-/ 8/62 A16<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

8<br />

6<br />

6<br />

1<br />

8<br />

2<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

6<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

State PTA Congress epens 3-day sessien this week<br />

.AEA has plenty of signatures fer ballet proposals in Nevember<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> faces a shortage of teachers<br />

Gaz ette advises voters te think carefully about AEA proposals<br />

AEA files petitions fer vete en education measures<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> te have 16,000 teachers next fall<br />

Smal ler rural schools face teacher shortage<br />

AF.A will push guaranteed fund act despite ALC opposition<br />

Forrest Rozzell says Act 1 push en funding net slowed<br />

Number ef dists in Ark shews sharp decline<br />

Forrest Rozzell says fees of Act 1 tipped hand en money plans<br />

.AEA convention will draw 8,000 teachers te LR<br />

AF.A Council en Educ meets, approves legislation<br />

Gov Faubus, AEA leaders meet, come out smiling<br />

Faubus and the AF.A seek a conciliation (ed)<br />

EDUCATION - Accreditation and Standards<br />

Ark ranks second frem last in latest NEA listing<br />

EDUCATION - Administration and Management<br />

see alse Education - Cadde District<br />

see also Education - Conway District<br />

see also Education - DeWitt District<br />

see alse Education - Fort Smith District<br />

see also Education - Little Reck District<br />

see alse Educatien - Nerth Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - Pulaski Ceunty District<br />

Beene Ceunty drops pest of county school supervisor<br />

Alex H Washburn wants county sueerviser posts abolished<br />

Supts in Hempstead Ce want county supervisor pest kept<br />

Alex H Washburn begins drive te abolish pest ef co supervisor<br />

County school supervisor jebs slewly fading from scene<br />

Candidates filing fer school board pests in LR Dist<br />

Results of school elections around state<br />

All Negro candidates fer beard seats defeated<br />

Negro wen school beard pest in Jefferson County<br />

Results ef elections around state en bends, millage rates<br />

Elections in twe Conway County scheel dists challenged<br />

4/15/62 K3<br />

5/27/62 A2<br />

5/27/62 E4<br />

5/29/62 A4<br />

6/21/62 A6<br />

7/ 6/62 Bl<br />

8/24/62 Bl<br />

9/16/62 Al<br />

9/22/62 Al<br />

9/25/62 K3<br />

10/17/62 Bl<br />

10/2B/62 A<br />

12/16/62 A9<br />

12/21/62 Al<br />

12/22/62 A4<br />

2/16/61 Bl<br />

5-/ 5/61 Bll 5<br />

11/12/61 AB 3<br />

11/18/61 BS 2<br />

12/ 8/61 Bl 8<br />

9/30/-62 A6 1<br />

11/10/62 Al 4<br />

12/ 5/62 K3 1<br />

12/ 6/62 A2 5<br />

12/ 7/62 A2 4<br />

12/ 9/62 Al5 1<br />

12/29/62 A2 7<br />

EDUCATION - Admission Requirements<br />

Senate approves age six as minimun to enter school<br />

New law requires child te be 6 yrs old to enter school<br />

2/ 1/61 A6<br />

2/ 7/61 Bl<br />

3<br />

8<br />

EDUCATION - Awards and Honers<br />

see alse Education - Little Reck Disrict<br />

High Scheel Press Assn awards announced 4/30/61 A4 7<br />

Simms McClintock ene of 10 named fer Natl Teacher ef the Year 12/20/62 Bl 2<br />

EDUCATION - Calendars and Schedules<br />

see alse Education - Little Reck<br />

EDUCATION - Censorship<br />

see also Education - Pulaski County District<br />

Letters hit Gazette fer stand en censorship in schools 6/ 2/ 61 A4 3<br />

EDUCATION - Civil Rights<br />

see also Education - Dollarway District<br />

see also Education - Fort Smith District<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

5<br />

2<br />

6<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Educatien - Gesnell District<br />

see alse Educatien - Hat Springs District<br />

see alse Educatien - Little Reck District<br />

see alse Educatien - North Little Reck District<br />

see alse Education - Pine Bluff<br />

see alse Educatien - Private<br />

see alse Education - Pulaski County District<br />

Faubus request fer funds fer le' gal aid te dists (ed)<br />

1/-13/-61 A4<br />

Wemen 's Emergency Committee attacks two Faubus prepesals 2/ 3/61 A12<br />

Gov Faubus signs bill voiding beard recall law ef 1958<br />

2/- /61 Bl<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> te join Louisiana in scheel desegregation brief 5/18/61 A2<br />

Negroes attend mixed classes in ten districts<br />

9/24/61 A2<br />

Proposed amdt would allow students te leave integrated school 4/- 3/62 Af3<br />

Eleven scheel districts te be integrated by 225 Negroes<br />

8/30/62 A6<br />

Integrated schools in Ark enroll 249 Negroes<br />

9/30/-62 All<br />

Arndt 51 may kill pupil assignment act. AF.A atty says<br />

10/17/62 Bl<br />

Proposed Amdt 51 would net force integrated schools<br />

10/-17/62 Bl<br />

Why Amdt 51 is worse than worthless (ed)<br />

10/18/62 A4<br />

Proposed Amdt 51 defeated by voters<br />

11/27/62 Bl<br />

EDUCATION - Consolidatien<br />

see also Education - Ash Flat District<br />

see also Education - Bodcaw District<br />

see also Education - Cale District<br />

see also Educatien - Cherry Valley District<br />

see also Education - Gill District<br />

see also Education - Hardy District<br />

see also Education - Keiser District<br />

see alse Education - Laneburg District<br />

see also Education - Little Reck District<br />

see alse Education - Nerth Little Rock District<br />

see also Educatien - Osceola District<br />

see al so Education - Starr District<br />

see also Education - Waldron District<br />

see also Educatien - Willisville District<br />

see alse Education - Wilsen District<br />

Gev Faubus apposes cempulsery school consolidation<br />

Can censelidatien be left te districts (ed)<br />

Apparent apathy te scheel redistricting (ed)<br />

Mrs Kenneth Starnes attacks annexation view ef Gazette<br />

The clear achievements in school redistricting (ed)<br />

Legislatien te speed school mergers urged by Marvin Melton<br />

Censolidatien need (ed en Marvin Melton's statement)<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> cuts its districts te 418<br />

Voluntary conselidatien difficult to achieve (ed)<br />

Consolidation issue rising again in Ark<br />

Article examines arguments fer consolidation of dists<br />

Consolidation bill may be befere 1963 Legislature<br />

The Faubus opportunity en school canselidatien (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus eppeses compul sory consolidation fer any reasen<br />

Faubus en censelidation (ed)<br />

Forrest Rozzell urges school consolidation. teacher raises<br />

1/13/61 A2<br />

1/14/61 A4<br />

2/21/61 A4<br />

3/16-/-61 E4<br />

3/22-/-61 A4<br />

5/19/61 Bl<br />

5/21/61 E4<br />

10/-2/61 El<br />

2/ 9/62 A4<br />

4/ 6/-62 A4<br />

10/ 7/62 El<br />

10/20/62 A2<br />

10/21/62 E2<br />

10/23-/-62 A9<br />

10/26/62 A6<br />

11/ 1/62 Bl<br />

3<br />

4<br />

8<br />

7<br />

l<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

6<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

7<br />

1<br />

8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Selling consolidatien (ed)<br />

New approach te censelidatien may be in the making<br />

State penal izes districts that consolidate<br />

State Educ Commr A W Ferd is neutral en censelidatien<br />

Arch W Ferd takes cue from Gev Faubus en censelidatien (eel)<br />

Children pay fer the state' s consolidatien lag. column says<br />

Nevada County : a case study in censolidatien<br />

EDUCATION - Contracts and Purchasing<br />

see Education - Administration and management<br />

EDUCATION - Cooperative Proj ects<br />

House passes bill al.lawing school-sharing of services<br />

Legis appreves plan fer dists to share resources<br />

Gov Faubus signs bill al.lowing dists te share facilities<br />

EDUCATION - County Supervisors<br />

see Education - Administration and management<br />

EDUCATION - Curriculum and Teaching Methods<br />

see also Education - Arkadelphia District<br />

see al.so Education - Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - North Little Reck District<br />

see alse Education - Timbe District<br />

House appropriates funds fer driver education courses<br />

ALC te study mandatory lessens in communism<br />

Why 'Americanism ' (ed en call fer teaching about communism)<br />

The pandora's be:x ef anti-cemmunism (ed)<br />

Lennie Etheridge lr on teaching communism in the schools<br />

Arch W Ferd says state needs no crash program en communism<br />

Ferd 's seund advice (ed en statement en teaching communism)<br />

Arch Ferd supports stripping frills from phys educ programs<br />

The vigilantes (ed en demand fer anti-communism classes)<br />

Educators should shape curriculum, Gazette says<br />

Ark Legislative Council approves study en communism education<br />

Legis panel favers leaving curriculum matters te educators<br />

Mrs Alfred Lippman complains te ALC about textbook in use<br />

Educatien Committee (ALC) gives cause for pride (ed)<br />

Editorial chides Mrs Alfred P Lippman Jr en criticism ef book<br />

Gov Faubus agrees with ALC approach te teaching communism<br />

Mrs Alfred Lippman Jr writes en appearance befere ALC<br />

Life Line speaker at LR urges mere teaching en cemmunism<br />

Peucher 's approach (ed)<br />

ALC te hear twe plans en teaching communism<br />

ALC told teachers must be free te teach controversial subj ect<br />

State has 2 men en natl panel on study of communism<br />

Forrest Rozzell writes en place of dissent in freedom<br />

Conference en teaching language sponsored by AEA<br />

Council formed te premete econemic study in schools<br />

Survey being done en heritage studies in schools<br />

Foreign language classes shew steady gr01Yth<br />

Economics teaching plan outlined fer state educators<br />

Article en method of teaching math te young children<br />

Helen Terry Marshall deplores level ef art educ in Ark<br />

Report reveals curriculum lack in smaller scheel dists<br />

11/ 2/62 A4<br />

11/18/62 E3<br />

11/25/-62 E3<br />

11/28/-62 A2<br />

12/ 2/-62 E3<br />

12/ 2/62 E3<br />

12/ 9/62 E3<br />

1/20/61 Al<br />

1/27/-61 Bl<br />

2/ 3/61 A6<br />

2/24/-61 Al<br />

7/15/61 A2<br />

7/16/61 E4<br />

7/18/-61 A4<br />

7/20/61 A4<br />

8/12/61 A7<br />

8/14/61 A4<br />

8/20/-61 E5<br />

9/14/61 A4<br />

10/29/61 E2<br />

11/ 7/61 Al<br />

11/ 7 /61 Al<br />

11/ 7 /61 Al<br />

11/ 8/61 A4<br />

11/10/61 A4<br />

11/10/-61 Bl<br />

11/14/-61 A4<br />

11/14/61 A6<br />

11/16/61 A4<br />

11/1/61 A3<br />

11/26/61 A3<br />

12/ 8/61 Bl<br />

12/11/61 A4<br />

1/31/62 Bl<br />

2/28/62 A6<br />

3/ 3/62 A3<br />

3/ 4/ 62 ES<br />

4/17/62 Bl<br />

10/ 7/62 A9<br />

11/ 2/62 Bl<br />

12/ 'U62 E3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

4<br />

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6<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

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1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

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3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

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3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

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2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

EDUCATION - Discipline and Safety Preblems<br />

see alse Educatien - Bismarck District<br />

see also Education - Nerth Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - Pine Bluff District<br />

see also Education - Rogers District<br />

Carrell County PTA asks program te selve truancy problem<br />

Mother chgd with assault. stabbing ef bus driver<br />

EDUCATION - Drepeuts and Retentien<br />

Seven out of ten first graders in Ark fail te finish high sch<br />

Reducing drepeut rate is critical . Gaz ette says<br />

Mere effort urged te halt drep-euts<br />

State faces big problem with school drep-euts<br />

EDUCATION - Elections<br />

see Education - Administration and management<br />

EDUCATION - Facilities<br />

see also Education - Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - Menifee District<br />

see alse Education - North Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - Pulaski Ceunty District<br />

see also Education - Sheridan District<br />

Mere parents beginning to fret ever school frills<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> schools need 2.696 additienal classrooms<br />

Education Dept helps schools make best use ef facilities<br />

Scheel constructien faces dramatic changes<br />

EDUCATION - Faculty and Staff Discipline<br />

see also Education - Pulaski County District<br />

EDUCATION - Faculty and Staff Dismissal<br />

see alse Education - DeWitt District<br />

EDUCATION - Federal Aid<br />

see Education - Finance and budgets<br />

EDUCATION - Finance and Budgets<br />

see also Education - Benton District<br />

see alse Education - Jenesbore District<br />

see alse Education - Little Reck District<br />

see alse Education - Pulaski County District<br />

Cemmr A W Ford wants federal aid without federal control<br />

Catholic Bishop Albert Fletcher raps federal aid to education<br />

Expenditures fer public schools and per pupil. 1880- 1960<br />

Schools may get only half ef $10 million Legis appreved<br />

State Beard of Educ adopts education budget fer <strong>1961</strong>-62<br />

Arch W Ferd asks Congressmen te support federal aid bill<br />

State raises scheel budget by $1 million<br />

Arch Ferd says funds increased 10 pct annually fer 7 years<br />

Educ Cemmr Arch W Ford plugs fer federal aid bill<br />

Arch W Ford disappointed at failure of federal aid bill<br />

Education Dept te try te recover $2 .592.000 in Omnibus Act<br />

Gov Faubus says extra million found fer school budgets<br />

Scheel forces begin drive in Legis fer mere funds<br />

AEA sizes up state needs. gives its own priority list<br />

Lieut Geiv Nathan Gorden rules 2 school bills net in call<br />

Ark Educ Assn te make study of diversion ef school funds<br />

3/12/62 A7<br />

12/16/62 A3<br />

3/ 7/62 Al<br />

3/ 8/62 A4<br />

4/18/62 A3<br />

4/22/62 Al<br />

10/ 8/61 E3<br />

1/14/62 A4<br />

5/20/62 A4<br />

11/11/62 ES<br />

1/22/61 A4<br />

2/21/61 Bl<br />

3/ 9/61 Al<br />

3/24/61 A3<br />

3/27/61 Al<br />

5/19/61 Bl<br />

6/13/61 A2<br />

6/14/61 Bl<br />

7/18/61 A5<br />

7/19/61 A2<br />

7/19/61 Bl<br />

8/25/61 Al<br />

8/26/61 Al<br />

8/29/61 Al<br />

8/30/61 Al<br />

9/23/61 Al<br />

1<br />

5<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

7<br />

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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Fifty-three dists ask for millage raises<br />

Veters te decide en 46 bend issues; 60 millage increases<br />

Election results en bend issues. tax measures<br />

List of bend issues approved and rej ected by dist voters<br />

State doubles school budget over 10 years<br />

A defective approach te scheel financing (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus willing te negotiate school fund formula<br />

The illusory remedies in earmarked funds (ed)<br />

Cest per pupil in public school reaches $261 in Ark<br />

AF.A may use initiated act ta get set amt ef taxes fer educ<br />

AF.A Council vetes te fester guaranteed finance plan<br />

AF.A will try initiated act fer half ef revenues fer educ<br />

Defining the issues in earmarking fer schools (ed)<br />

Arch Ferd testifies fer federal school aid, minus strings<br />

3 dists may lose federal aid when children go to base scheels<br />

Arch W Ferd stands his ground befere US House panel<br />

Constitutional amdt s prepared on school financing<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> PTA Congress supports federal aid te education<br />

Schoel surplus funds of $1 .5 million forecast fer month 's end<br />

Public school debt at record high<br />

Initiated Act 1 (earmarking educ funds) will have opposition<br />

State Beard of Education may eppose earmarking funds<br />

State analyzes AEA preposal. sees difficulty<br />

State Educ Bd declines te take stand en earmarking tax funds<br />

Gov Faubus may be considering alternative to AEA finance plan<br />

Hew net to appropriate (ed en AF.A school funding plan)<br />

AF.A schoel fund prepesal has ne defenders en ALC<br />

Proposed school budget shews need fer Act 1, F Rozzell says<br />

Higher education' s CCHEF questions AEA' s funding proposal<br />

Act 231 (196 1) earmarks certain local funds fer teacher pay<br />

Several school boards seek exemptien frem Act 231 (196 1)<br />

AF.A officers mail letters urging passage of Initiated Act l<br />

Joshua K Shepherd defends Initiated Act 1 previsions<br />

Legislative Council, Univ ef Ark trustees eppese Act 1<br />

Gov Faubus calls Initiated Act 1 'wrong '<br />

Scheel tax increases sought by 58 districts<br />

Joshua K Shepherd attacks fees of Initiated Act 1<br />

Proponents of Initiated Act 1 point te other earmarked funds<br />

AF.A urges teachers to push fer adeptien of Initiated Act 1<br />

Higher Educ Dept votes against Act l<br />

Joshua K Shepherd attacks logic of college greup on Act 1<br />

Initiated Act l defeated<br />

School finances up to Governor. Legislature<br />

Defeat ef proposals does net lessen need fer meney (ed)<br />

Iniated Act l on dedicated taxes fer educ defeated at polls<br />

Local dists to pay higher interest en bonds. E F Dunn says<br />

Sixty diets te vote on bend issues<br />

10/-17/-61 Bl<br />

12/ 3/61 Al<br />

12/ 6/61 A7<br />

12/ 7/-61 A2<br />

12/17/61 Al<br />

3/ 6/62 A4<br />

3/ 6/62 Bl<br />

3/ 7/-62 A4<br />

3/ 9/-62 Bl<br />

3/10/62 Al<br />

3/11/62 Al<br />

3/25/-62 Al<br />

3/-27/62 A4<br />

3/29/62 Bl<br />

3/31/62 A8<br />

4/ 8/62 E5<br />

4/11/-62 Bl<br />

4/-18/-62 Bl<br />

7/12/62 Al<br />

8/10/62 Bl<br />

8/-17/-62 Al<br />

9/ 2/- 62 D3<br />

9/-10/-62 Al<br />

9/-11/-62 Bl<br />

9/12/62 Al<br />

9/12/62 A4<br />

9/15/-62 Al<br />

9/25/62 Bl<br />

9/25/62 Bl<br />

10/ 3/-62 Bl<br />

10/ 3/-62 Bl<br />

10/- 4/ 62 Bl<br />

10/-14/62 Al<br />

10/-14/-62 A2<br />

10/-15/62 Al<br />

10/-16/-62 Bl<br />

10/-21/62 Al<br />

11/- 1/-62 AlO<br />

11/ 2/62 Bl<br />

11/- 3/-62 A2<br />

11/ 4/ 62 A2<br />

11/- 7/-62 Al<br />

11/-18/-62 A12<br />

11/-18/62 E2<br />

11/27/-62 Bl<br />

11/30/62 Al<br />

12/ 2/62 A23<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

l<br />

5<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

8<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

8<br />

1<br />

5<br />

6<br />

5<br />

3<br />

8<br />

2<br />

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4<br />

4<br />

7<br />

4<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

EDUCATION - Fires<br />

see also Education - Alma District<br />

see also Education - Cherry Valley District<br />

see also Education - Jessieville District<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Education - Little Reck District<br />

see alse Education - Norphlet District<br />

see also Education - Oark District<br />

see also Educatien - Timbe District<br />

EDUCATION - Feed Services<br />

Five scheels clean up kitchens after warnings from state<br />

EDUCATION - Gifts<br />

see also Educatien - Gressett District<br />

see also Education - Fort Smith District<br />

EDUCATION - Kindergarten<br />

Kindergarten in public schools is goal ef state educators<br />

Cem.mr Arch W Ferd says state must plan fer kindergarten<br />

EDUCATION - Private<br />

Catholic High at LR set te open spacious new facility<br />

Catholic High Scheel at LR to be dedicated<br />

Negro Catholic school at Pine Bluff to take whites<br />

EDUCATION - Religious Issues<br />

see also Children and youth<br />

U S Supreme Ct outlaws reading of official prayers in schools<br />

U S Supreme Ct ruling may abrogate Ark statute on Bible<br />

State politicians react to ruling en official school prayers<br />

Rev Braxton B Swayer urges letter campaign on ban on prayers<br />

Ruling en prayers may net affect Bible reading in Ark schools<br />

State will ask rehearing en Supreme Ct ruling en prayer<br />

Very Rev Charles A Higgins welcomes prayer ban in public sch<br />

State press comment s en U S Supreme Ct prayer ruling<br />

Ministers group in LR seeks to impeach Supreme Ct justices<br />

Rev M L Moser Jr leader in meve te impeach Supreme Ct<br />

State 's editers comment en Supreme Ct ruling en prayers<br />

Rev W O Vaught Jr enderses Supreme Ct ruling en prayer<br />

Drive en in Ark te impeach US Supreme Ct ever paryer ruling<br />

P L Oliver lr supperting separation ef church and state<br />

EDUCATION - Remedial and Special<br />

Jacksonville Convalescent Ctr te educate crippled children<br />

Failure te help underachievers is weakners. Arch Ford says<br />

Children's Convalescent Center educates handicapped children<br />

EDUCATION - Reorganization and Reform<br />

see also Education - Caraway District<br />

see alse Education - Hoxie District<br />

see also Education - Monette District<br />

see also Educatien - Vanndale District<br />

Split-term schools dying eut in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Marvin Melton says state must improve schools<br />

Divided terms still used by 30 dists fer 500 students<br />

Educators ponder longer term fer schools. colleges<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> still has 91 ene-roem schools<br />

EDUCATION - Retirement<br />

see also Housing<br />

Bill in Legis would add Social Security fer teachers<br />

Gev Faubus wants state's share ef retirment pay cut to 5 pct<br />

Gev Faubus wants teachers placed under Social Security<br />

11/29/62 Al6<br />

6/18/61 ES<br />

12/ 5/62 Bl<br />

1/22/61 Al3<br />

2/26/61 A3<br />

4/ 3/62 A2<br />

6/26/62 Al<br />

6/26/62 Al<br />

6/26/62 A2<br />

6/27/62 Bl<br />

6/27/62 Bl<br />

6/27/62 Bl<br />

6/29/62 Bl 8<br />

7/ 1/62 E3<br />

7/ 3/62 A3<br />

71 3/62 A3<br />

7/ 8/62 E3<br />

7/11/62 Bl<br />

8/21/62 A5<br />

8/27/62 A4<br />

3/19/-61 E5<br />

12/ 3/61 Al3<br />

4/ 1/62 E4<br />

1/15/61 Al<br />

1/-15/-61 B7<br />

5/-31/61 Bl<br />

1/21/-62 E4<br />

4/-20/62 Bll<br />

1/25/-61 B8<br />

1/31/-61 Al<br />

1/31/-61 Al<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

2<br />

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DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Revised retirement plan for teachers appreved by legis panel<br />

Controversy over state funds fer teacher retirement continues<br />

Retirement System bills favored by teachers introduced<br />

State retirement centributien ef 5 pct favored by Faubus<br />

Gev Faubus slaps pension plan of teachers. hints at veto<br />

AEA rallying forces en teacher retirement issue<br />

Forrest Rezzell strikes back at Gev Faubus en retirement bill<br />

Gev Faubus sees possible truce en teacher retirement<br />

Senators advance AF.A pension bill proposal<br />

State share ef teacher retirement coming te shewdewn in Legis<br />

Editorial discusses teacher retirement controversy<br />

Gov Faubus mails his views en retirement to 15.000 teachers<br />

Teacher retirement issue coming to a head teday<br />

Winston G Chandler files taxpayer's suit ever retirement law<br />

Senate votes 33-1 fer retirement plan favored by AF.A<br />

Forces of Gev Faubus win Hause vote delay on teacher fund<br />

Gev Faubus declines to appear before House en educ bill<br />

House invites Forrest Rozzell to ceme explain 'his ' bill<br />

Rozzell instructed by AEA bd net te go te House mtg<br />

Rozzell's failure te appear angers Faubus forces in House<br />

Bill in Senate weuld trim Teacher Retirement System rells<br />

Bill weuld drep 4 greups frem retirement system entirely<br />

Proposed bill weuld remove nan-teaching members ef ATRS<br />

Prepesed law would adversely affect AEA's Forrest Rozzell<br />

Gov Faubus explering compromise en Teacher Retirement bill<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem slews Teacher Retirement bill in House<br />

Faubus 's compromise (ed)<br />

AEA strongly eppeses Faubus recommendation en retirement<br />

Tax diversion is real issue en retirement fund. teachers say<br />

Scheel forces fail to budge Faubus stand en retirement bill<br />

Delay ef Reuse vete en retirement bill seen as setback<br />

AEA leaders don't serve teachers ' best interest. Faubus says<br />

Grant County teachers send Faubus letter en retirement plan<br />

The Assembly 's choice en teacher retirement (ed)<br />

Reuse palling teachers en retirement plan preferences<br />

Senate votes te keep Johnie Burnett in Teacher Retirement<br />

Faubus and the AF.A (ed)<br />

Sen Charles L George questions beth teacher retirement plans<br />

Gev Faubus revises retirement offer: teacher poll is off<br />

AEA rejects Faubus effer en teacher retirement bill<br />

Gov Faubus calls fer probe of Teacher Retirement System<br />

Editorial en refusal ef AEA to surrender en retirment plans<br />

Beaten twice. Gev Faubus tackles teachers again<br />

AEA panel. Women 's Emergency Comm eppese Faubus proposal<br />

Johnsen County Teachers Assn backs AF.A en retirement<br />

Teacher pension feud discussed<br />

Faubus shew'down with teachers due in Legislature today<br />

Teachers overwhelmingly vote fer A teacher retirement plan<br />

House passes AEA teacher retirement plan: defeats Faubus'<br />

Repr Paul Van Dalsem threatens filibuster en retirement bills<br />

Compromise may call fer 2-yr delay in retirement law changes<br />

2/ 1/61 Al 6<br />

2/ 4/6 1 A3 3<br />

2l 8/61 Al 2<br />

2/ 8/61 Al 2<br />

2/ /-61 Al 2<br />

2/10/61 Al 3<br />

2/10/61 Al 3<br />

2/10/61 Al 3<br />

2/10/61 Al 4<br />

2/11/61 A3 7<br />

2/13/61 A4 1<br />

2/14/61 Bl 4<br />

2/15/61 Al 2<br />

2/15/61 Al 2<br />

2/16/61 Al 2<br />

2/16/61 A2 l<br />

2/16/61 A2 1<br />

2/16/61 A2 1<br />

2/16/61 A2 1<br />

2/16/61 A2 1<br />

2/16/61 Bl 5<br />

2/16/61 Bl 5<br />

2/16/61 Bl 5<br />

2/16/61 Bl 5<br />

2/17/61 Al 8<br />

2/17/61 Al 8<br />

2/18/61 A4 2<br />

2/19/61 Al 2<br />

2/19/61 Al 2<br />

2/21/61 Al 5<br />

2/22/61 Al 5<br />

2/22/61 Al 6<br />

2/22/61 A3 1<br />

2/22/61 A4 1<br />

2/23/61 Al 6<br />

2/23/61 A2 2<br />

2/23 /61 A4 2<br />

2/23/61 AB 1<br />

2/24/61 Al 8<br />

2/-25/61 Al 7<br />

2/25/61 Al 7<br />

2/25/61 A4 l<br />

2/26/61 Al 4<br />

2/26/61 A2 1<br />

2/26/61 A2 1<br />

2/26/61 A3 l<br />

2/28/61 Al 3<br />

2/28/61 A2 1<br />

3/ 1/61 Al 8<br />

3/ 1/61 A3 1<br />

3/ 2/61 Al 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus cracks whip . Hause appreves his teacher retirement<br />

Senate vetes commission to study teacher retirement system<br />

Gov Faubus says public awakened. eppeses AEA pensien plan<br />

AEA panel appears reluctant to deal with Gov Faubus<br />

The governor 's blitzkrieg on teacher retirement Ced)<br />

Gov Faubus pushes his teacher retirement bill through Senate<br />

Gov Faubus sent Senate letter premising veto of AEA bill<br />

Summary of Senate debate on teacher retirement bill<br />

Legislature votes raise in pensions of retired teachers<br />

Senate puts emergency clause en teacher retirement bill<br />

Gov Faubus used full farces te beat AEA retirement plan<br />

Gov Faubus' premises te teachers during primary (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus signs his teacher retirement. vetoes AEA versien<br />

Teachers may vote en Social Security participation this fall<br />

Forrest Rozzell says AEA made every effort to deal with Gev<br />

Public scheel teachers to vote en adding Social Security<br />

Teachers .vote fer Social Security participation<br />

AEA goal is te ger retirment system embedded in constitution<br />

Lawsuit en AEA inclusion in retirement system te be heard<br />

Winston Chandler challenged AEA inclusion in retirement plan<br />

Suit being heard on AEA membership in teacher retirement<br />

Arndt 53 en teacher retiremnt has backing ef A W Ford<br />

Amdt 53 has laudable geal , but bad public policy, ed says<br />

Forrest Rozzell berates Gev Faubus fer switch en Amdt 53<br />

Gov Orval Faubus says he did net switch en Amdt 53<br />

Amdt 53 trailing in late returns<br />

Def eat ef Arndt 53 blamed en AEA by Gev Orval E Faubus<br />

Voters defeat proposed amdt en Teacher Retirement System<br />

Proposed Arndt 51 protected students whe rej ect integration<br />

Proposed Amdt 53 (teacher retirement) defeated<br />

Teacher Retirement System sale ef bends blamed for high rates<br />

AEA panel asks Legis te pass legislation intended by Amdt 53<br />

Teacher Retirement System financing can be settled, Bell says<br />

EDUCATION - Salaries, Benefits. Etc<br />

see also Education - Forrest City District<br />

see also Education - Hazen District<br />

see also Education - Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - North Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - Pulaski County District<br />

Teachers net el igible fer Workmen's Cempensatien under ruling<br />

Teachers ' premised funds cut $500,00, Forrest Rezzell says<br />

Gov Faubus adds teacher pay raise to construction bill<br />

Teachers deg Education Department en raises<br />

Teachers being shortchanged en raises. Forrest Rozzell says<br />

Gev Orval Faubus replies to Forrest Rozzell with 'haw haw '<br />

Teacher pay net funny , Forrest Rozzell repl ies te Faubus<br />

ALC refuses to pass recommendation for $2 million raise<br />

Forrest Roz zell scoffs at Gev Faubus' premise en salaries<br />

Teachers pay political tell, Forrest Rezzell says<br />

Faubus wording prevents Legis considering teacher bonus<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Teachers ruled inel igible fer workmen 's cempensatien<br />

State Educ Bd agrees te be lenient en teacher salary law<br />

NEA ranks Ark 49th in size ef teacher salaries<br />

Unexpected rise in revenue found: teachers to get bonus<br />

Cemm.r Arch W Ferd asks release ef extra million fer teachers<br />

Forrest Rozzell foresaw teacher bonus plan year in advance<br />

Bonus fund ef $1 millien passed en te school districts<br />

Gazette says funds withheld fer political purposes<br />

EDUCATION - Split terms<br />

see Education - Reorganiz ation and reform<br />

EDUCATION - Statistics<br />

Statistics en teachers in Ark schools<br />

Statistics en years ef service by <strong>Arkansas</strong> teachers<br />

Arch Ferd newsletter tells of advances in education<br />

State has gained 12,683 children in last two years<br />

EDUCATION - Textbooks and Teaching Aids<br />

see also Education - Fayetteville District<br />

see also Education - Ola District<br />

Legis te study free textbooks fer high school students<br />

Free textbooks fer high schools would cost $2.5 million<br />

EDUCATION - Transportation<br />

State finds 372 school buses without heat<br />

Bill in Legis seeks increase in transportation aid<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem undees transportatien aid vete<br />

EDUCATION - Alma District<br />

Fire destreys Central Elementary at Alma<br />

EDUCATION - Arkadelphia<br />

Arkadelphia leases land fer forestry study proj ects<br />

EDUCATION - Ash Flat District<br />

Ash Flat and Hardy Dists may merge<br />

Hardy and Ash Flat voters approve merger ef districts<br />

EDUCATION - Benton District<br />

Benton dist facing financial crisis, official says<br />

Voters asked to approve 15-mill increase fer bldg program<br />

EDUCATION - Bismarck District<br />

Supt Rey Ray Watson accused of beating a student<br />

EDUCATION - Bedcaw District<br />

Bodcaw , Laneburg. Cale, Willisville Dists plan te merge<br />

EDUCATION - Caddo District<br />

Six indicted in Caddo Scheel District election<br />

EDUCATION - Cale District<br />

Bodcaw . Laneburg. Cale, Willisville plan to merge<br />

EDUCATION - Caraway District<br />

District seeks return to split terms<br />

Caraway did not have te submit split term issue fer vote<br />

EDUCATION - Cherry Valley District<br />

Cherry Valley rej ects consolidation with Wynne Dist<br />

Cherry Valley High School destroyed by fire<br />

EDUCATION - Civil Rights<br />

Faubus proposal would become part ef state constitution<br />

Gov Faubus seeks new measure te maintain school segregation<br />

9/12/61 Bl 2<br />

9/12/61 Bl 8<br />

1/ 9/62 A6 5<br />

5/23/62 Bl 3<br />

6/ 2/62 Al 6<br />

6/10/62 E3 1<br />

6/12/62 Al 3<br />

6/15/62 A4 2<br />

3/26/61 A3 7<br />

4/ 9/61 AlO l<br />

11/ 5/61 Al 7<br />

7/11/62 Bl 2<br />

3-/11/62 A3 1<br />

8/17/62 AB l<br />

1/ 4/61 Bl 8<br />

1/25/61 Bl 4<br />

2/15/61 Bl 5<br />

2/13/62 A3 5<br />

2/11/61 A6 8<br />

3/16/61 A6 1<br />

12/16/62 E3 1<br />

1/21/61 AB 2<br />

12/ 3/61 A9 5<br />

11/ 3/61 A2 4<br />

12/ 2-/62 AB 1<br />

5/ 2/61 Bl2 6<br />

12/ 2/62 AS 1<br />

9/27/62 Bl 8<br />

10/23/62 AB 1<br />

5-/ 2/62 A2 4<br />

12/13/62 Bl 2<br />

1/11/61 Al 8<br />

1/11/61 Al 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus proposal already in state law in four different acts<br />

Reuse rej ects Faubus prepesal en school segregation<br />

Amdt prevides educ fer children refusing integrated schools<br />

Gev Faubus proposed amdt en children refusing integration<br />

Sen passes amdt en children refusing integrated schools<br />

Gov Faubus favors dividing school plants along racial lines<br />

Gov Faubus says courts may make segregation amdt necesary<br />

Editorial critical ef Senate passage ef Faubus bill<br />

Entire Pulaski House delegation voted against Faubus measure<br />

Faubus proposal says ne child must attend integrated school<br />

House gives Faubus segregation prepesal spot en ballet<br />

Creating false hope (ed en Faubus ' segregation plan)<br />

EDUCATION - Conway District<br />

Hays Gibson rehired as superintendent of Conway District<br />

EDUCATION - Crossett District<br />

Crossett Cempany donates $157 . 000 te expand school<br />

EDUCATION - DeWitt District<br />

DeWitt Dist Bd action seen as aimed at Coach Sam Coek<br />

Dismissal of 4 DeWitt High Scheel teachers draws pretests<br />

DeWitt taxpayers group files suit against school beard<br />

Suit against DeWitt board alleges favoritism<br />

Suit alleges beard engages in illegal activities<br />

Supt Harold Bretherten, School Bd, named in taxpayer suit<br />

Buildings casting $350.000 dedicated<br />

Local businessmen testify they were net offered bids<br />

Court defines school suit issue: two charges dismissed<br />

Board president def ends purchasing procedures<br />

Voters elect directer who favors open competitive bidding<br />

Chancellor Dawson tells beard te alter business policy<br />

DeWitt Scheel Bd fires head f eetball coach Sam Cook<br />

Fired DeWitt Coach Sam Cook honored by about 100 residents<br />

EDUCATION - Dollarway District<br />

Dollarway Scheel Bd offers details en desegregation plan<br />

Dollarway Dist 1s test plan unfair. Negroes charge<br />

Dellarway School desegregation case te be heard next month<br />

Dellarway Dist teld plan fer 2nd grade may need altering<br />

Judge J Smith Henley accepts Dellarway desegregation plan<br />

Both sides in Della:rway Dist case look for final settlement<br />

Dollarway Dist begins registering first graders under plan<br />

Negro bey seeks admission te Dolla:rway Elementary<br />

Second Negro registers te enter Dellarway Scheel next fall<br />

Dellarway Scheel Dist rej ects two Negro students<br />

Dellarway Scheel Dist asked te accept 4 Negroes<br />

Dollarway Scheel Bd hears Negroes' request fer transfer<br />

Beard assigns 2nd Negro te Dolla:rway school<br />

Negroes object te pupil assignments fer <strong>1961</strong><br />

Court schedules hearing en desegregation case<br />

District 's desegregation plan ineffective. Judge Henley says<br />

Judge J Smith Henly te hear testimony of 5 Negro students<br />

Atty calls number ef pupils peer gauge fer desegregation<br />

Desegregatien plan lags . Federal Judge J Smith Henley notes<br />

1-/12/61 A4 2<br />

3/ 7/61 Al 7<br />

3/ 8/61 Al 8<br />

3/ 8/61 Al 8<br />

3/ 8/61 Al 8<br />

3/ 8/61 A2 1<br />

3/ 8/61 A2 1<br />

3/ 8/61 A4 1<br />

3/ 9/ 61 Al 8<br />

3-/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

3/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

3/11/61 A4 l<br />

1/12/62 A2 4<br />

11/23/61 Bl 5<br />

3/29/61 Bl 2<br />

3/29/61 Bl 2<br />

5/19/61 Al 7<br />

5/19/61 Al 7<br />

8/ 1/61 Bl 4<br />

9/28/61 Bl 2<br />

10/17/61 Bl 5<br />

11/28/61 Bl 7<br />

11/29/61 A2 1<br />

12/ 1/61 Al2 1<br />

12/ 6/61 A7 7<br />

12/29/61 Bl 8<br />

3/17/62 B2 4<br />

3/2CJ/62 B3 5<br />

3/12/61 Al 3<br />

4/ 1/61 A3 6<br />

4/15/61 AS 2<br />

5/ 6/61 A9 l<br />

5/13/61 Al 5<br />

5/14/61 AlO 1<br />

5/29/61 B5 1<br />

5/30/61 Bl 1<br />

5/31-/61 Bl 6<br />

6/16/61 Al 2<br />

6/17/61 A2 1<br />

6/23/61 A8 5<br />

7 /16/61 A2 5<br />

7/22/61 A2 3<br />

8/ 2/61 Bl4 3<br />

8/ 5/61 AS 1<br />

8-/20/61 A9 3<br />

8-/22/61 Bl 7<br />

8/26/61 Al 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Judge orders twe mere Negroes admitted to white schools<br />

Two Negre children may net be eligible te attend white scheel<br />

Mr and Mrs York were fired when they enrolled children<br />

Parents ef York children have net moved te Denver<br />

Scheel official says 4 Negroes can enrell<br />

Calm marks Negroes ' entry in Dellarway school<br />

Negroes to appeal Federal Judge Gordon Young 's ruling<br />

Judge rej ects Dist request te transfer Negro bey to Negro sch<br />

George Heward will ask his daughter be meved to Dellarway<br />

Dellarway Scheel Bd delays decision en integration<br />

Dollarway Dist faces suit by George Heward<br />

Dellarway Scheel will net reconsider admitting Sarah Haward<br />

Desegregation ef Dellarway teacher staff asked by Heward<br />

George Heward asks ct to order daughter meved te Dollarway<br />

Dollarway Scheel Bd says teacher integration net relevant<br />

George Heward Jr cannot intervene in Dellarway staffing<br />

Negro students at Dellarway Elementary reduced to tw o<br />

Dellarway Dist may net need desegregation plan. judge says<br />

Federal ct halds hearing on Sarah Hor.vard. Dellarway case<br />

George Haward Jr states his case in Dellarway Schoel case<br />

Dellarway School Dist asks year renewal ef school plan<br />

Dellarway School Bd ordered to admit Sarah Heward. Negro<br />

Judge says Dellarway net making enough desegregation progress<br />

One Negro remains in Dellarway Elementary School<br />

EDUCATION - Fayetteville District<br />

Fayetteville may get closed-circuit TV system<br />

EDUCATION - Forrest City District<br />

Forrest City supt angered by promise of teacher bonus<br />

EDUCATION - Fort Smith District<br />

Fert Smith Schoel Bd wants grand jury probe of schools<br />

Fort Smith funds use to be probed by grand jury<br />

Fort Smith plan te rebuild Negro school draws pretest<br />

Only 10 pct of eligible Fort Smith Negroes cheese integration<br />

Grand Jury probe at Ft Smith finds only Preston Rase guilty<br />

Suit cites pupil placement law in dispute ever child 's meve<br />

Bids opened fer building of Southside High School<br />

Ed Louise Ballman donates funds fer classrooms at Ballman<br />

Fart Smith Dist feels pinch as population grewth spurts<br />

EDUCATION - Gill District<br />

Gill Scheel Dist consolidated with Marianna Scheel Dist<br />

EDUCATION - Gosnell District<br />

Blytheville AFB school setup hit by NAACP<br />

NAACP 's L C Bates will take AFB complaint to Justice Dept<br />

Negro students frem Blytheville AFB sent to Negro school<br />

Students £rem AFB should attend Gosnell schools. NAACP says<br />

Air Force says hands tied in Blytheville AFB school case<br />

Gosnell Dist enrolls twelve Negro students<br />

EDUCATION - Hardy District<br />

Hardy and Ash Flat voters approve merger ef dists<br />

EDUCATION - Harrisburg District<br />

New high scheel te be all-electric<br />

8/26/61 Al 7<br />

9/ 1/61 Bl 7<br />

9/ 3/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 3/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 5/ 61 A2 5<br />

9/ 6/61 A2 1<br />

9/23/-61 A2 4<br />

11/ 7/-61 AB l<br />

6/- 6/62 A7 1<br />

6/27/62 B9 6<br />

7/18/62 Bl 6<br />

8/ 9/62 Al4 4<br />

8/18/62 Al 7<br />

8/18/62 Al 7<br />

8/25/-62 A3 3<br />

8/31/62 AlO 1<br />

9/ 1/62 AS 6<br />

9/ 7/62 Bl 7<br />

9/ 7/-62 Bl 7<br />

9/14/62 A24 4<br />

9/15/-62 A3 3<br />

10/26/-62 A12 1<br />

10/-26/62 Al2 1<br />

12/13/62 Bl 3<br />

6/-24/62 ClO 4<br />

6/-16/62 A2 1<br />

2/10/61 Bl 3<br />

3/- 1/61 Bl 4<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

4/13/61 A2 1<br />

12/ 3/61 A4 7<br />

12-/21/61 Bl 7<br />

12/28/61 Bl 5<br />

9/ 9/62 FlO 1<br />

4/17/62 Bl 2<br />

1/28/-62 Al 5<br />

1/28/-62 Al 5<br />

1/28/62 Al 5<br />

1/28/62 Al 5<br />

1/-31/62 Bl 2<br />

9/ 6/62 Bl 2<br />

12/16/62 E3 l<br />

10/-27/61 A3 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

EDUCATION - Hazen District<br />

Hazen Scheel Bd labels AEA dictaterial<br />

Haz en teachers will not be paid while attending AEA cenv<br />

Hazen Schoel Bd often outspoken en controversial subj ects<br />

Hazen Scheel Bd sparked by Jerry J Screeten<br />

Haz en Scheel Board does battle with <strong>Arkansas</strong> Education Assn<br />

EDUCATION - Hot Springs District<br />

see also Children and youth<br />

Negroes seek admission to Hot Springs elementary school<br />

NAACP calls fer integration of Het Springs schools. hespital<br />

EDUCATION - Hexie District<br />

Hoxie Dist drops split terms<br />

Hoxie residents who favor split term threaten board recall<br />

Hoxie Dist will return to split term<br />

EDUCATION - Jessieville District<br />

Jessieville Dist gym destroyed by fire<br />

EDUCATION - Jonesboro District<br />

Jonesboro seeks to solve school financing preblems<br />

Jonesboro Dist may chg tuition to finish out school year<br />

Jenesbere citizens face problem ef funding fer 9-month terms<br />

Crisis in Jenesbere (ed en voter rej ection ef 12-mill rise)<br />

Jonesboro raises $4.284 in donations to keep scheels open<br />

Jenesbere PTA plans house-to-house canvass fer school funds<br />

Jonesbere receives $13. 224 in drive to keep schools open<br />

Jonesboro PTA drive adds $9. 197 more te fund collectien<br />

Jenesboro drive fer donations te keep scheel epen nears end<br />

Jenesbere assured ef full scheel year as fund goal reached<br />

Jenesbere te seek 10-mill increase in taxes<br />

EDUCATION - Keiser District<br />

Consolidation ef Keiser and Wilsen Dists rej ected by voters<br />

EDUCATION - Lake City District<br />

see alse Basketball<br />

EDUCATION - Laneburg District<br />

Bodcaw. Laneburg. Cale. Willisville plan to merge<br />

EDUCATION - Little Rock District<br />

see also Basketball<br />

LR Schoel Bd faces multitude of serious problems<br />

Bombing convictions of Jesse R Perry, John T Coggins stands<br />

J R Perry. J T Coggins found guilty IN 1959 Labor Day bombing<br />

LR School Bd office, mayor 's office, city car bombed in 1959<br />

Atty fer E A Lauderdale Sr argues state evidence insufficient<br />

E A Lauderdale chgd in 1959 dynamiting of LR Scheel Bd office<br />

LR Dist Bd re-elects officers<br />

Jesse R Perry, Jehn T Coggins to enter prison today<br />

E A Lauderdale Sr conviction in bombing case affirmed<br />

Ark Supreme Ct Justice Jim Johnsen dissents en E A Lauderdale<br />

E A Lauderdale Sr did net get fair trial , Jim Johnsen writes<br />

Annexation of area in west edge of LR Dist subj ect of talks<br />

Jee T Robinson Schoel area te fight adding land to LR Dist<br />

High points of U S Appeals Ct ruling in LR Dist case<br />

LR Dist using pupil assignment laws illegally. court rul es<br />

4/27/61 A6 1<br />

4/27/61 A6 1<br />

5/ 7/61 Al4 1<br />

5/ 7/61 A14 1<br />

5/ 7/61 A14 1<br />

8/31/62 AlO 4<br />

12/17/62 B6 7<br />

5/19/62 B9 7<br />

7 l 4/62 BlO 5<br />

7/13/62 Bl 3<br />

2/18/61 A5 3<br />

l/ 5/61 AB 4<br />

l/ 7/61 A7 8<br />

1/13/61 A2 3<br />

1/16/61 A4 2<br />

1/21/61 A2 7<br />

2/ 1/61 P3 3<br />

2/ 5/61 C4 5<br />

2/ 9/61 A2 7<br />

2/14/61 Bl 7<br />

2/22/61 Bl 2<br />

4/ 6/-61 A6 3<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl 5<br />

12/ 2/62 A8 1<br />

1/ 8/61 Al<br />

1/10/61 Bl 2<br />

1/10/61 Bl 2<br />

1/10/-61 Bl 2<br />

1/17/-61 Bl2 6<br />

1/17/61 Bl2 6<br />

1/27/61 Bl 6<br />

2/- 2/61 Bl 2<br />

2/14/61 Al 4<br />

2/21/61 Bl 6<br />

2/21/61 Bl 6<br />

2/28/61 Al 3<br />

3/ 2/61 Cl3 1<br />

3/ 3/61 Al 8<br />

3/ 3/61 Al 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Excerpts frem LR Dist case ruling by US Court of Appeals<br />

E A Lauderdale's lawyers ask rehearing in bombing case<br />

LR Dist beard disturbed by U S Appeals Court ruling<br />

Addressing problem in new scheel decision (ed en LR Dist)<br />

Ted Lamb assails his fellow LR Dist members en desegregation<br />

Three colleagues of Ted Lamb score his blast at LR Beard<br />

US Appeals Ct te study suits against Eugene G Smith estate<br />

Ark Supreme Ct upholds cenvictien ef Macee A Binns Jr<br />

Macee A Binns Jr convicted ef dynamiting Carletta Walls heme<br />

Ne vete will be held en merger ef Pulaski Dist with LR Dist<br />

Ark Supreme Ct reversal ef Macee A Binns Jr conviction (ed)<br />

LR Dist te convert Rightsell Elementary te school fer Negroes<br />

Kenneth Starnes blocks transfer ef 2 scheels te LR Dist<br />

Gazette says Pulaski Dist shoul d yield suburban scheols<br />

Meadewcliff and Brady scheel areas want te j ein LR Dist<br />

Pulaski Dist agrees fer LR ta annex twe scheels<br />

LR Dist te accept Meadowcliff and Brady Elementary Schools<br />

Ted Lamb criticizes LR Dist Bd record en Negro enrollment<br />

E A Lauderdale Sr going to prison next menth en bomb charges<br />

Brief history ef public education in LR<br />

Rightsell Schoel ence served scions ef elite of Little Reck<br />

NAACP raps LR Dist shift ef Rightsell te Negro scheel<br />

Annexation of 2 areas te LR Dist will slaw merger pressure<br />

Gev Faubus asked to grant leniency fer E A Lauderdale Sr<br />

Ted Lamb says time fer LR te stand up te meral ebligatiens<br />

Negroes and whites pretest LR Dist plan fer Rightsell Scheel<br />

Whites fear property value drep if Rightsell Schoel changed<br />

LR Dist may integrate junior highs this fall<br />

LR Dist Bd president Everett Tucker Jr comment s en ministers<br />

Kenneth Starns . Winston Chandler oppose ceding te LR Dist<br />

Pulaski Dist Bd formally cedes 2 areas te LR Dist<br />

Summary ef actions at LR Dist Bd meeting<br />

Editorial discusses differences among LR Scheel bd members<br />

Pine Bluff Commercial eppeses clemency fer E A Lauderdale Sr<br />

E A Lauderdale Sr begins serving prison term in bombing case<br />

Beth factions in LR Dist school fight claim victory<br />

Claim filed fer infermatien reward in Labor Day 1959 bombing<br />

Reward ef $25 .000 in Labor Day bemb case delayed by suit<br />

Macee Binns Jr may ge free en chg ef dynamiting Walls heme<br />

High court alters decision en Macee A Binns Jr case<br />

New trial ordered fer Maceae A Binns Jr in bombing case<br />

LR Dist studies program fer gifted children<br />

Appeals ct restores suits against Eugene G Smith estate<br />

LR Dist Bd hires 14 Negro teachers for Rightsell Elementary<br />

LR group pretesting Rightsell change asks dist-wide changes<br />

LR Chamber urges dismissal ef suit ever bomb case reward<br />

Judge Gordon E Yeung placed in charge ef LR desegregation<br />

Macee A Binns Jr retrial delayed by race issue en juries<br />

LR Police Dept rej ects share of Laber Day bombing reward fund<br />

LRSD change of Rightsell leaves big area without white school<br />

LR Dist 7th graders to undergo physical checkup<br />

3/ 3/-61 A2 1<br />

3/ 3/61 A2 3<br />

3/- 4/61 Al 2<br />

3/ 4/61 A4 1<br />

3/- 5/61 Al 5<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 4<br />

3/10/61 Bl 8<br />

3/14/61 Al 3<br />

3-/14/61 Al 3<br />

3/ 15-/61 A3 1<br />

3/15/61 A4 1<br />

3/16/61 Al 3<br />

3/16/61 A9 1<br />

3/18-/61 A4 1<br />

3/21/61 Al 7<br />

3/21/61 Al 7<br />

3/22/61 Al 2<br />

3/23/61 A3 2<br />

3/25/61 Al 3<br />

3/26/61 A14 1<br />

3/26/61 A14 1<br />

3/26/61 A2 1<br />

3/26/-61 A4 l<br />

3/28/61 Bl l<br />

3/29/61 Bl4 1<br />

3/30/61 Al 5<br />

3/30/61 Al 5<br />

3/-30/-61 Al 7<br />

3/30/-61 A3 3<br />

3/30/-61 Bl 7<br />

3/30/-61 Bl 7<br />

3/31/61 Al2 l<br />

4/ 1/61 A4 1<br />

4/- 2/-61 E4 6<br />

4/- 4/61 Bl 7<br />

4/- 6/61 A2 1<br />

4/ 8/61 Al 5<br />

4/15/61 A2 3<br />

4/23/61 A5 l<br />

4/25/61 Bl 7<br />

4/-25/-61 Bl 1<br />

4/28/61 A2 1<br />

4/28/61 Bl 4<br />

4/29/61 Al 3<br />

5/ 2/61 Bl 5<br />

5/ 2/-61 B12 1<br />

5-l 3/61 A3 1<br />

5/ 3/61 BS 3<br />

5/- 5/61 Bl 5<br />

5/11/61 Bl 2<br />

5/14/61 Al2 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

LR Scheel Bd still undecided en fall integratien plan<br />

About 2.000 sign pretest ef making Rightsell a Negro school<br />

LRSD class crowding f erced Rightsell cenversien decision<br />

Rightsell area residents still hope te persuade LRSD beard<br />

LRCC distributes reward money in bombing case. holds names<br />

Whites te give LRSD Bd petitions opposing Rightsell change<br />

LRSD bd plans te stick by plan on Rightsell Elemenatry Scheel<br />

LRSD bd silent en plans fer junier high integration<br />

LRSD bd suddenly postpones action en Rightsell change<br />

LRSD to begin desegregation in junior highs this fall<br />

LRSD bd upholds plan to convert Rightsell to Negro school<br />

LRSD bd fulfilled obligation in Rightsell school case (ed)<br />

Group at LR to continue fight te keep Rightsell School white<br />

The Rightsell choice (ed)<br />

Wiley A Branton critical of LRSD bd en j r high integration<br />

Judge Garden E Yeung tells LRSD to explain pupil assignments<br />

LRSD policy on desegregation hurts Negees. Wiley Branton says<br />

LRSD bd actions point te slower integration plan<br />

Reassignment requested by 15 Negroes in LRSD<br />

Judge G Yeung turns down request the LRSD reassign Negrees<br />

LRSD Beard faces moral issues. Seuth 's tradition<br />

Threat made on life ef LRSD Beard Chmn Ted Lamb<br />

Patrons plan suit te halt conversion of Rightsell Scheel<br />

Everett Tucker Jr exp ects calm in LRSD integratien this fall<br />

LR Schoel Bd te hear pleas for transfers<br />

Ten Negroes ask LRSD fer transfer to white schools<br />

LRSD ekays funds for werk at 'Old Gibbs ' fer overflew<br />

Three convicted in bombing of school offices seek freedom<br />

Meadewcliff and Brady areas transferred te LR District<br />

Greup renews plea not te convert Rightsell to Negro school<br />

Hall High sr John G Wilkes wins army award fer experiments<br />

Floyd W Parsens chosen as superintendent<br />

Supt Terrell E Powell te return te Hall High as principal<br />

Fleyd W Parsens says teachers core ef a geed scheel system<br />

Gazette comments en selection ef Floyd W Parsens as supt<br />

Scheel Bd vetoes pleas ef 15 Negroes en assignments<br />

Beard kills elementary interscheel athletic program<br />

Beard rej ects plan fer grade school physical education<br />

Administration Building at 8th. Louisiana te be sold<br />

Capital City Business Cell makes high bid en Adm Bldg<br />

Old adm bldg sold te Capital City Business College<br />

Central High Student Council prepares fer school opening<br />

Supt Floyd W Parsons reports fer duty<br />

PTA te press fer physical education in grade scheel<br />

Hearing en Rightsell Elementary Scheel case ends<br />

Scheel Bd upheld in decision to convert Rightsell school<br />

NAACP lawyer argues 48 Negroes in white scheels insuf ficient<br />

Citizens Councils predict Little Reck te resegregate<br />

Preperty owners te appeal Rightsell decision by court<br />

Parents in newly annexed area unhappy with decision<br />

Scheel Bd appreves budget ef $6 .7 millien<br />

5/17/61 All 1<br />

5/17/61 All 8<br />

5/20/61 A4 6<br />

5/20/61 A7 6<br />

5/21/61 Al3 5<br />

5/23/61 Bl2 1<br />

5/24/61 Al5 1<br />

5/24/61 AlS 5<br />

5/ 26-/-61 Al 6<br />

5/ 26-/-61 Al 8<br />

5/27/61 Al 2<br />

5/27/61 A4 2<br />

5/28/61 Al2 2<br />

5/28-/-61 E4 1<br />

5/30/-61 A3 1<br />

6/ 1-/61 A13 1<br />

6/ 3/61 BB l<br />

6/ 4/61 Al 4<br />

6/10/61 A3 l<br />

6/14/61 Bl 4<br />

6/18-/61 A3 1<br />

6/18/61 A3 1<br />

6/20/61 Bl 7<br />

6/27/61 Bl 2<br />

6/28/61 Bl 2<br />

6/29/61 Bl 7<br />

6/30/61 A2 1<br />

7/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

7 / 2/61 A9 1<br />

7/14/61 A2 4<br />

7/16/61 Al2 1<br />

7/19/61 Al 2<br />

7/19/61 Al 2<br />

7/19/61 Al 3<br />

7/20/61 A4 l<br />

7/25/61 Al 5<br />

7/28/61 A3 1<br />

7/28/61 A3 1<br />

8/ 1/61 Bl 6<br />

8/ 5/61 B5 1<br />

8/12/61 A2 5<br />

8/13/61 El 1<br />

8/16/61 Bl 3<br />

8/16/61 Bl 8<br />

8/22/61 B4 1<br />

8/24/61 A3 1<br />

8/24/61 Bl 8<br />

8/27/61 A6 1<br />

8/29/61 A6 7<br />

8/29/61 Bl 2<br />

9/ 1/61 AlO 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Supt Floyd W Parsons outlines his scheel philosophy<br />

Wiley A Branton attacks total number ef Negroes in white sch<br />

Amis Guthridge claims school bd vielates segregation law<br />

Integration quietly expands with 46 Negroes in 8 schools<br />

What school reopening means to Little Reck (ed)<br />

'!'we Negroes go back to Negre schools<br />

Federal ct appraves schoel bd's pupil assignment fer year<br />

Sound decision on pupil assignments (ed)<br />

Amis Gutheridge asks speedy trial in Eugene G Smith estate<br />

Suit against Eugene Smith estate grew out of desegregation<br />

Amis Guthridge satisfied beard complies with Act 7<br />

E A Lauderdale Sr was convicted ef bombing School Dist office<br />

E A Lauderdale Sr's prison term reduced by Gav Orval Faubus<br />

Editorial en action of Gev Faubus in E A Lauderdale case<br />

Scorecard on bombers involved in Labor Day 1959 violence<br />

Court affirms sentence of Odell Ments in bombing Walls home<br />

Women's Emergency Committee decides to continue work<br />

Administrative offices moved to East Side Junior High School<br />

Raise sought in school tax<br />

City atty asks dismissal ef suits against Eugene Smith estate<br />

Wiley A Branton will net appeal latest desegregatien ruling<br />

Terrell E Powell calls placement law desegregatien keystone<br />

Floyd W Parsens calls fer quick remedy ef low teacher pay<br />

Beard endorses proposed raise in teacher pay<br />

Gen Edwin A Walker receunts his actiens in LR Central case<br />

Ted Lamb files fer re-election te school board<br />

Ted Lamb led drive to get schools open in 1959 in LR<br />

Special course en communism opposed by Supt Fleyd W Parsons<br />

J H Cottrell Jr te file fer election te school beard<br />

Gazette pleased that Lamb and Cottrell te seek beard seats<br />

Admr of Eugene G Smith estate seeks dismissal ef suit<br />

Dr James G Stuckey te oppose Ted Lamb fer board seat<br />

Chamber of Commerce te honer about 150 honor students<br />

Dr James G Stuckey says Dale Alford called him about running<br />

Dr Stuckey 's silence en maj or school issues (ed)<br />

Charles C Walker notes that Horace Mann schalers not honored<br />

Floyd W Parsens would lengthen school year to gain depth<br />

Beyond the platitudes (ed en Floyd W Parsons adm)<br />

<strong>Tech</strong>nical High Scheel te operate at present site l mere year<br />

Fire damages 10 rooms at Gibbs Elemtary (Negro) Schoel<br />

Herbert Odell Ments sentenced fer bombing Carlotta Walls heme<br />

Residents of Rightsell Schoel area appeal te high court<br />

Letter jackets to be awarded fer scholastic achievement<br />

Dr James G Stuckey calls Ted Lamb an extremist<br />

Ted Lamb 1 s service to the city schools (ed)<br />

Ted Lamb re-elected te school bdi tax raise appreved<br />

Campaign fer beard was free of eld defiance ef law ideas<br />

Ted Lamb carries all five wards in election<br />

New junior high te be built at Barber and East 21st<br />

Scheel Board acts on several items en agenda<br />

Macee A Binns Jr chgd in 1960 bombing of Carletta Walls heme<br />

9/ 1/61 A8<br />

9/ 1/61 Bl<br />

9-/ 3/61 A5<br />

9/ 6/61 Al<br />

9/ 6/61 A4<br />

9/ 7/61 Cl3<br />

9/10/61 Al<br />

9/12/61 A4<br />

9/13/61 BlO<br />

9/13/61 BlO<br />

9/13-/61 BlO<br />

9/14/61 Al<br />

9-/14/61 Al<br />

9/15-/61 A4<br />

9/15/-61 AB<br />

9-/19/-61 BS<br />

9/27/-61 Bl<br />

9/30/61 A5<br />

10/ 4/61 Al<br />

10/24/61 Bl2<br />

10/25/61 Al<br />

10-/-25/ 61 Bl<br />

10-/26/61 Bl<br />

10/27 /-61 Al<br />

11/ 3/61 Al<br />

11/ 4/ 61 Al<br />

11/ 4/61 Al<br />

11/ 5-/-61 A7<br />

11/ 6/61 A2<br />

11/ 7/61 A4<br />

11/10/61 B13<br />

11/11/61 Al<br />

11/12/61 Al<br />

11/12/61 A3<br />

11/14/61 A4<br />

11/17-/61 A4<br />

11/21/61 BlO<br />

11/22/ 61 A4<br />

11/25/61 A5<br />

11/29/61 A8<br />

ll/29/61 BlO<br />

11/30/61 Bl<br />

12/ 1/61 A6<br />

12/ 1/61 BB<br />

12/ 3/61 E2<br />

12/ 6/61 Al<br />

12/ 7/61 A4<br />

12/ 7/61 Bl<br />

12/20/61 Bl<br />

12/21/61 Bl<br />

1/ 4/62 B6<br />

7<br />

6<br />

2<br />

3<br />

l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

6<br />

6<br />

l<br />

l<br />

l<br />

8<br />

2<br />

6<br />

6<br />

7<br />

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2<br />

2<br />

6<br />

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5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

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2<br />

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1<br />

3<br />

7<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

6<br />

l<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PJ1.£E COL<br />

Macee Binns s Herbert Odell Ments chgd in Walls heme bembing<br />

Christine Poindexter ef CHS ene ef 10 best US teachers<br />

Court denies bid te dismiss suits against Eugene G Smith<br />

Suits against Eugene G Smith were filed in 1959<br />

Bayonet incident suit stemming from 1957 to be heard<br />

Ruling on suits against the late Eugene G Smith appealed<br />

Libel suit filed by LR teachers during 1959 recall withdrawn<br />

LR Scheel Bd concerned ever U S court desegregation rulings<br />

Rebert N Berry nurtures young scientists at Hall High School<br />

Conversion ef Rightsell (LR) te Negre school pretested<br />

Property owners say Rightsell change lowers property values<br />

Ark Supreme Ct upholds conversion of Rightsell te Negro sch<br />

LR Schoel Bd assigns 36 Negroes te six schools<br />

LR Schoel Dist desegregation shertln in statistics<br />

LR Scheel Dist te be sued te speed up integration pace<br />

Wiley A Branton discusses planned suit against LR Schoel Dist<br />

LR Scheel Bd foll01r1ing natl law in geed faith. editorial says<br />

LR Dist desegregation pace defended by twe beard members<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt te remain atty fer Binns in bemb case<br />

LR Dist will place 1feund ' money in general fund<br />

State 's main witness against Maceo A Binns Jr is in prisen<br />

LR Dist gees te centralized buying to save meney<br />

Dam.age suit in bombing of Mayer Werner Kneop 's office dropped<br />

Mayer Werner Knoop 's office was bombed en Labor Day 1959<br />

LR Dist begins year with 21 .265 pupils<br />

Dr John A Harrell Jr is candidate for LR Dist Board<br />

Article shONs where money goes in LR Dist operations<br />

Pine Bluff students chgd in painting walls at Hall High<br />

Natl TV program. Redhook revisit LR Central High School<br />

Gev Faubus calls CBS-'IV piece en Central High 'propaganda '<br />

LR Chamber of Commerce dinner cm.its Horace Mann seniors<br />

Everett Tucker. Dr M A Jackson seek LR Dist Beard seats<br />

LR Dist buying lets at 800 West Markham fer adm of fices<br />

Dr Louis E Tolbert Jr seeks LR Dist bd seat<br />

Wiley A Branton preparing suit in LR Scheel Dist case<br />

Nine suits against the late Eugene G Smith te be tried<br />

Suits against Eugene G Smith stem from Central High in 1957<br />

Campaigning fer LR beard seats quiet<br />

LR Dist Bd explains reasons fer downtown site fer adm offices<br />

Businessmen rally te support Everett Tucker Jr for LR bd<br />

Candidate Sara Murphy hits LR Dist adm bldg site choice<br />

Issues and candidates in LR school election (ed)<br />

Candidates fer LR beard seats winding up campaigns<br />

LR Dist voters elect Everett Tucker Jr. Dr J A Harrel Jr<br />

Gav Faubus restores rights of E A Lauderdale<br />

LR Dist candidate endorsed by segregationists loses<br />

LR Dist affected by westward growth of city<br />

Eugene G Smith estate suits consolidated. trial date set<br />

Consolidation of schools in Pulaski County urged<br />

LR Dist Bd elects officers<br />

Negro dissuaded frem joining LR Dist scheol band<br />

1/ 4/62 B6<br />

1/26/62 Al<br />

2/10/62 B6<br />

2/10/62 B6<br />

2/14/62 B8<br />

3/ 1/62 Bl<br />

3/20/62 A7<br />

4/22/62 All<br />

4/ 22/62 A17<br />

5/ 1/62 A2<br />

5/ 1/62 A2<br />

5/15/62 Bl<br />

5/23/62 Al<br />

5/24/62 Al<br />

5/24/62 Al<br />

5/24/62 Al<br />

5/25/62 A4<br />

5/25/62 Bl<br />

5/31/62 Bl<br />

6/16/62 A2<br />

6/21/62 BB<br />

8/17/62 Al3<br />

8/23/62 ClO<br />

8/23/62 ClO<br />

9/ 5/62 A3<br />

9/ 8/62 Al<br />

10/ 7/62 El<br />

10/12/62 A6<br />

10/25/62 A12<br />

10/26/62 A15<br />

11/ 7/62 Bl<br />

11/11/62 A4<br />

11/13/62 Bl<br />

11/14/62 Al<br />

11/15/62 Al2<br />

11-/-15/62 A3<br />

11/15/62 A3<br />

11/25/62 A9<br />

11/27/62 B3<br />

11/28/62 A4<br />

11/29/62 Bl<br />

11/30/62 A6<br />

12/ 2/62 Al7<br />

12/ 5/62 Al<br />

12/ 5/62 Bl<br />

12/ 6/62 AfJ<br />

12/16/-62 AlO<br />

12/-20/62 B7<br />

12/21/62 Al<br />

12/21/62 A15<br />

12/ 21/-62 Al5<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

l<br />

2<br />

4<br />

l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

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8<br />

3<br />

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2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

5<br />

1<br />

6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Negrees jein LR Dist school clubs. Wiley A Branton teld<br />

LR Dist Supt Floyd W Parsons explains overrun on bldg funds<br />

LR Dist building budget everspent by $805,000<br />

Single scheol dist in Pulaski Co seems inevitable. Dunn says<br />

Race issue was present in school election at Little Reck<br />

J R Beeker school in LR Dist may remain all-Negro<br />

LR Dist names new school fer the late J R Booker. a Negro<br />

New junior high scheel in LR named fer J R Booker. a Negro<br />

Negroes evenly divided in voting for LR Dist Bd members<br />

EDUCATION - Magazine District<br />

J D Leftwich donated $12,000 teward cest of new- high school<br />

New high school to be dedicated<br />

EDUCATION - Menifee District<br />

Menifee Dist bids opened fer school and underground shelter<br />

New high school will net be built underground as planned<br />

EDUCATION - Monette District<br />

Menette and Caraway Dists seek return te split terms<br />

EDUCATION - Morrilton District<br />

Grant recd to provide training fer retarded students<br />

EDUCATION - Newport District District<br />

Influx of migrant children taxes district budget<br />

EDUCATION - Norphlet District<br />

Gymnasium at Negro school burns<br />

EDUCATION - North Little Reck t:>l •.f.ri c.-t<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Laymen Inc ask fer course in patriotism<br />

Scheel Bd rej ects Doyle Venable's plan on patriotism<br />

•'<br />

12/21/62 Al5 6<br />

12/23/62 A3 4<br />

12/23/62 A3 4<br />

12/23/62 A5 l<br />

12/23/62 D3 1<br />

12/28/62 A3 6<br />

12/28/62 A3 6<br />

12/28/62 A3 6<br />

12/30/62 D3 1<br />

10/15/61 All 3<br />

10/15/-61 All 3<br />

5/27/61 A2 3<br />

11/-17/61 A8 4<br />

9/27/62 Bl 8<br />

7/ 6/61 Bl 2<br />

10/ 1/61 A13 5<br />

12/ 5/62 A2 1<br />

9/ 1/61 B16 1<br />

9/15/61 Bl6 3<br />

Ambey and Meadow Park may jein NLR Dist<br />

Playground suit against Pulaski Dist settled fer $40,000<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Laymen protest NLR Dist use of 2 books in libraries<br />

NLR Dist te expand program for handicapped students<br />

School Bd to accept Amboy . Meadow Park into District<br />

Teaching the heritage (ed)<br />

Bend issue may be sought fer building fallout shelters<br />

Schoel Bd kills campaign te step students driving to schoel<br />

Dr Harvey T Brewn files fer . seat held by Branch T Fields<br />

Issues in school election<br />

District faces desegregation lawsuit<br />

NLR Dist teachers will net get bonus. Supt F B Wright says<br />

NLR teachers te receive extra $45 ; Wright says pay . not bonus<br />

NLR High Scheel class of 1932 holds reunion<br />

Biographical sketch of NLR Supt F B Wright<br />

NLR Dist te annex Indian Hills Subdivisien<br />

Group of patrons in NLR pick three-man slate of directors<br />

NLR candidate challenges grew to reveal its doubts abeut bd<br />

Fight developing ever NLR beard seats<br />

NLR Dist incumbents returned to beard positions<br />

Ridgeroad coach quits. says campaign role questioned by supt<br />

NLR School Bd accepts resignations of two coaches<br />

EDUCATION - Oark District<br />

Elementary school building destroyed by fire<br />

4/ 14/61 B18 1<br />

4/lf}/61 Bll 1<br />

5/28/61 AlO 3<br />

6/14/-61 A7 l<br />

8/11/61 B16 3<br />

9/17/61 A4 2<br />

10/13/61 B9 l<br />

11/10/61 Al l 1<br />

11/15/-61 B14 4<br />

12/ 3/61 A3 1<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 7<br />

6/- 8/62 B18 4<br />

6/23/62 A5 1<br />

6/24/62 B6 2<br />

8/ 5/62 All l<br />

10/10/62 BlO l<br />

11/27/62 Bl4 1<br />

11/-28/62 B14 l<br />

11/29/62 Al6 1<br />

12/ 5/62 Al 6<br />

12/20/62 C20 1<br />

12/21/62 Bl6 1<br />

12/20/61 AlO 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

EDUCATION - Ola District<br />

Ola Dist teacher. pupils develop their awn museum<br />

EDUCATION - Omaha District<br />

see also Medicine and health<br />

EDUCATION - Osceola District<br />

Osceola Dist invites neighboring dist te talk censelidatien<br />

EDUCATION - Pine Bluff District<br />

Negroes urge integration of Pine Bluff High School<br />

Negroes seek school policy and plans on desegregation<br />

Integration talks scheduled<br />

NAACP group net satisfied by scheel bd response<br />

Wiley Branton asks if bd intends to force Negroes to sue<br />

Students charged in painting wall at Hall High School in LR<br />

EDUCATION - Pulaski County District<br />

see alse Education - Little Reck District<br />

see also Education - North Little Reck District<br />

Pulaski Dist watchdog group votes net to disband<br />

Pulaski Dist sells $1.soo.000 in construction bends<br />

Kenneth Starnes says Pulaski Dist Supt E F Dunn controls bd<br />

Negro knifed in back during class at scheel at Scott<br />

Pulaski Dist premises Oak Greve a new jr-sr high school<br />

Suit filed against Pulaski Dist ever playground accident<br />

Pulaski Dist teachers premised pay raise if money available<br />

Feud ever Jee T Robinson principal Alton Williams erupts<br />

Petitions with 500 names seek ouster ef Alton Williams<br />

Pulaski County Dist bends sold<br />

Editorial en Doyle K Venable. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Layman and censorship<br />

Supt E F Dunn says Alton Williams to be transferred<br />

Bids seught en high school fer Negroes at sweet Heme<br />

New high school fer Negroes te be built at Sweet Heme<br />

Scheel Bd gives Alton Williams chance to pretest transfer<br />

Beard backs transfer of principal Alton Williams<br />

John W Maxwell replaces Alton Williams at Robinson<br />

Alton Williams resigns fram district<br />

Beard decides te invite J W Fulbright ta address teachers<br />

Teacher pay raise contingent on federal aid<br />

Supt Dunn. Winston Chandler disagree en anti-communism course<br />

Board asks fer 3-mill increase<br />

Schoel Bd endorses idea of anti-communism programs in schools<br />

Scheel Bd rej ects plan for programs en cemmunist peril<br />

IRS investigating tax exemption claimed fer school buses<br />

The trial assemblies (ed on anit-cemmunism assemblies)<br />

Contract let fer new junior-senior high school at Oak Greve<br />

Mark H George Jr files fer beard seat<br />

Rev M L Moser Jr accompanies George te file fer beard seat<br />

Board candidate urges teaching of communism<br />

Tilmon L Waters re-elected te beard; millage passes<br />

Beard begs dawn in arguments. delays action<br />

Kenneth Lorance is one ef few male elementary teachers<br />

Winston G Chandler urges stricter audit of Pulaski Dist funds<br />

Pulaski Supt E F Dunn chgs Winston G Chandler needling him<br />

5/29/62 Bl 3<br />

3/16/61 A6 2<br />

9/15/61 Bll 8<br />

11/ 5/61 A8 1<br />

11/ 9/61 Bl 2<br />

11/15/61 A2 1<br />

11/15/61 A2 l<br />

10/12/62 A6 4<br />

1/ 6/61 Bl 5<br />

1/18/61 Bl 3<br />

3/- 8/61 A6 l<br />

4/ 5/61 BB 1<br />

4/12/61 Af3 6<br />

4/ 16/61 A5 1<br />

5/ 5/61 A9 l<br />

6/ 9/61 Bl 6<br />

6/ 9/61 Bl 6<br />

6/ 9/ 61 Bl 8<br />

6/12/61 A4 2<br />

7/ 8/ 61 A3 l<br />

7/14/61 A2 1<br />

7/14/61 A2 l<br />

7/14/61 A2 2<br />

7/21/61 Bl 2<br />

7/23/61 A4 3<br />

8/ 2/61 B14 l<br />

8/ 2/61 B14 l<br />

8-/ 2/61 Bl4 1<br />

9/14/61 A4 2<br />

10/ 3/61 Al 6<br />

10/11/61 A7 1<br />

10/11/61 A7 l<br />

10/11/61 A7 2<br />

10/13/61 A4 1<br />

10/18/61 BlO 3<br />

11/15/61 A6 1<br />

11/15/61 A6 1<br />

11/30/61 Cl5 2<br />

12/ 6/61 A7 1<br />

12/-15/61 A12 1<br />

12/17-/61 ES 2<br />

2/14/62 A5 1<br />

2/15/62 A8 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Winsten G Chandler asks prebe te settle rift with E F Dunn<br />

Negre high scheels in Pulaski County have 200 secret agents<br />

Pulaski Dist Bd member Kenneth Starnes resigns<br />

Issues emerging in Pulaski Dist scheel dispute<br />

District faces desegregatien lawsuit<br />

Pulaski Dist feud between Winsten Chandler, E F Dunn heats up<br />

Winston G Chandler says he has preef ef waste ef funds<br />

Pulaski Dist Bd dispute revolves around Dunn, eppenents<br />

Pulaski County dists may suppert building a technical high<br />

Pulaski Dist Bd hints at truce in audit scrabble<br />

Pulaski Dist Supt E F Dunn, Winsten Chandler debate prices<br />

Winston Chandler sees 'impasse ' in Pulaski Dist finances<br />

Winsten G Chandler fails te put waste blame en E F Dunn<br />

Vandals damage Sylvan Hills High Scheel<br />

Jacksonville Jr High may face integratien problem next year<br />

Pul aski Ce Dist rehires Supt E F Dunn; W Chandler ab sent<br />

Winston G Chandler calls fer probe ef Pulaski Dist purchasing<br />

Winston G Chandler incensed that beard endorsed J W Fulbright<br />

Pulaski Co Dist Bd meets secretly, renews bus insurance<br />

Three Negroes enrell in Jacksonville schools<br />

Hearing audience approves tax rise fer Pulaski County Dist<br />

Winsten Chandler pretests talk by J W Fulbright to teachers<br />

Pulaski Dist fiscal policies may be reviewed by Grand Jury<br />

Winston G Chandler challenges Pulaski Dist Bd minutes<br />

Winston G Chandler will tape Pulaski Dist Bd meetings<br />

Winston G Chandler asks state te audit Pulaski School Dist<br />

Pulaski Dist voters elect beard members. pass millage<br />

Winston G Chandler, ether bd members continue feud<br />

The basic problem in Pulaski Rural Scheel Dist (ed)<br />

EDUCATION - Rogers District<br />

Heme ef principal Howard Sutten vandal ized; he will resign<br />

EDUCATION - Sheridan District<br />

Sheridan Dist 's East End patrons threaten te quit dist<br />

Architect 's drawing ef windowless school planned fer Sheridan<br />

EDUCATION - Stamps District<br />

German exchange student Cerd Cordes graduates at Stamps<br />

EDUCATION - Star District<br />

Closing ef ene-reem school at Star upheld by Supreme Court<br />

EDUCATION - Timbo District<br />

Timbe Dist teaches French in elementary schools<br />

Timbe Dist Schoel destroyed by fire<br />

EDUCATION - Vanndale District<br />

Vanndale Dist vetes te keep split school term<br />

EDUCATION - Viola District<br />

see also Basketball<br />

EDUCATION - Waldren District<br />

Scott County reduced 46 dists te 1 (Waldren)<br />

Waldren is only county-wide district in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

EDUCATION - White Hall District<br />

White Hall teacher cemplains that AF.A membership required<br />

EDUCATION - Willisville District<br />

2/16/-62 AlO 3<br />

2/25/62 A3 l<br />

2/28/62 A6 1<br />

3/ 2/62 A4 1<br />

3/- 9/62 Al 7<br />

3/16/-62 Al 4<br />

3/-16/62 Al 4<br />

3/18/62 cs 4<br />

3/23/-62 A3 6<br />

4/11/62 A7 l<br />

4/11/-62 A7 4<br />

4/-15/62 Al6 1<br />

5/11/62 A3 3<br />

5/22/62 B14 1<br />

6/ 1/62 Al3 4<br />

6/13/62 AlO 1<br />

7/30/-62 Al 5<br />

7/30/-62 Al 5<br />

9/ 1/62 A3 4<br />

9/- 7/62 A2 l<br />

9/25/62 Bl 4<br />

10/-22/62 B6 5<br />

11/-18/62 A8 4<br />

11/28/62 A3 2<br />

11/28/-62 A3 2<br />

12/ 1/62 A2 1<br />

12/ 5/62 Al 7<br />

12/21/62 Al2 3<br />

12/-24/62 A4 1<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

11/-30/62 A8 3<br />

12/16/-62 A9 4<br />

5/17/-62 Bl 2<br />

1/-16/62 Bl 5<br />

6/15/61 Al6 2<br />

3/ 1/-62 Bl 6<br />

5/ 9/62 Bll 7<br />

4/ 6/62 Bl 5<br />

4/ 6/62 Bl 5<br />

5/21/61 A4 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Bodcaw . Laneburg. Cale. Willisville plan te merge<br />

EDUCATION - Wilsen District<br />

Censelidatien ef Keiser and Wilsen Dists rej ected by voters<br />

EDUCATION - Wonderview District<br />

12/ 2/62 AB<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl<br />

1<br />

5<br />

Wenderview Dist patrons vete te help bus drivers pay back tax 1/21/61 JU 7<br />

EDUCATION ASSOCIATION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Communism<br />

see also Congress - Senate (Class I)<br />

see also Education<br />

see also Housing<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Trade schools<br />

G F Castleberry nominated AEA president; ether offices listed<br />

93rd annual meeting te bring s.ooo educators to LR<br />

Convention opens en quiet note<br />

Educator previews education in year 2000<br />

U S Senator J W Fulbright addresses cenventien<br />

Confidence in the AEA (ed)<br />

Leu Ceuch named head of Classroom Teachers Dept<br />

Hays Gibson comments en goals of AF.A<br />


see Education Department (Ark)<br />


see alse Government empleyees<br />

Bill in Legis requires Cammr te have decterate<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem attached requirement fer doctorate<br />

Arch W Ferd 's job rescued by Gev Orval Faubus<br />

A red letter day fer Paul Van Dalsem (ed en Ferd 's tenure)<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem says Arch Ferd net werth $10,000<br />

Legis raised Arch Ferd 's salary while Paul Van Dalsem away<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem makes ne effort to reduce Ferd pay<br />

Arch Ford 's salary raised again<br />

House rej ects pay raise fer Cemmr Arch Ferd<br />

Repr Paul Van Dalsem led fight against Ferd salary raise<br />

Editorial en Paul Van Dalsem fight on Arch Ferd 's salary<br />

Hubert L Ferguson ef Conway apptd to bd by Gev Faubus<br />

Edward Garden ef Morrilton. apptd te state Beard of Education<br />

EDUCATION. Adult<br />

State Educ Dept schedules adult schooling on trial basis<br />

Adult education is a growing program in Little Reck<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> urged to remeve frills frem adult education program<br />


State-operated network prepesed by state committee<br />

Gov Faubus signs educational TV bill into law<br />

KATV offers studio tower fer educational television station<br />

Pine Bluff leaders call KATV offer a 'gimmick'<br />

KATV's offer accepted; state plans program fer network<br />

Building at Texarkana offered te Cemm.<br />

Progress en network awaits FCC decision en KATV meve request<br />

AF.TC Beard te hear experts en ETV SYSTEMS<br />

First station in Ark to be in eperatien by next year<br />

1/18/61 A2<br />

10/2/-61 A3<br />

11/ 1/61 Bl<br />

11/ 2/61 Al<br />

11/ 3/61 Al<br />

11/ 3/61 A4<br />

11/ 3/61 Bl<br />

11/ 3/61 Bl<br />

1/26/61 A2<br />

1/26/61 A2<br />

2/ 8/61 Al<br />

2/ 9/ 61 A4<br />

9/61 A4<br />

2/<br />

2/12/-61 ES<br />

2/15/61 Bl<br />

3/ 1/61 Bl<br />

3/ 7/61 Al<br />

3/ 7/61 Al<br />

3/ 8/61 A4<br />

10/-20/-61 All<br />

3/13/62 Bl<br />

7/14/-61 JU<br />

12/ 3/61 E4<br />

3/20/62 A6<br />

l/20/61 C14<br />

3/ 9/61 A5<br />

1/-24/-62 AB<br />

1/26/62 Bl<br />

3/23/62 A3<br />

3/24/-62 AS<br />

5/ 4/-62 AS<br />

6/ 3/62 AlO<br />

6/ 9/62 A3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2.<br />

7<br />

2.<br />

2<br />

3<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

5<br />

6<br />

5<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

7<br />

8<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Greup te study educational 'IV setup in Texas<br />

ALC refuses te authorize budget fer prepesed statien<br />

State Sen Tam Allen calls prej ect a 'frill we can't afford '<br />

Gev Faubus favors educational TV as seen as pessible<br />

Gov Faubus says budget still pending<br />


see also Architecture and architects<br />


see alse Reusing<br />


Fire destroys twelve buildings<br />

Voters rej ect urban renewal program<br />


Fire damages plant<br />


see also Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see Politics and elections<br />

ELECTIONS, Contested and Disputed<br />

see Cenway County<br />

see Miller County<br />

see Newton County<br />

see Paragould<br />

ELECTIONS, Schoel<br />

see Education - Administration and management<br />


US Rep J W Trimble seeks lower rates fer federal power<br />

Group urges Gev Faubus te push fer PSC probe ef rates in Ark<br />

AP&L 1s giant Helena power plant nears cempletien<br />

Blytheville group wants prebe of Ark-Me rates en power, gas<br />

Rich Mountain Co-op gets lean fer expansion ef service<br />

Blytheville group wants shGWdewn ever power rates<br />

Blytheville is served by <strong>Arkansas</strong>-Missouri Power Ce<br />

AP&L to be part ef giant power grid in seven states<br />

NLR City Council seeks abeut $840.000 refund frem AP&L<br />

Lawyer files suit fer NLR seeking refund frem AP&L<br />

NLR City Council appreves pact with AP&L fer electric power<br />

AP&L says NLR owes them $214.896<br />

AP&L steam generating plant at Helena to be dedicated<br />

NLR alderman Den W Garrison wants suit against AP&L dropped<br />

AP&L plant at Helena has world's largest generator of kind<br />

FPC approves AP&L purchase ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Utilities Ce<br />

Ground broken fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> Electric Ce-ep plant at Ozark<br />

AP&L generating plant at Helena dedicated<br />

AP&L offers te swap power with TVA<br />

Gas turbine generator at Park Plaza watched by industry<br />

NLR Mayer Laman takes up suit against AP&L<br />

AP&L says NLR drops mere in arrears en bill due<br />

AP&L te build 667 mere miles ef power lines (map)<br />

9/ 9/62 A2 1<br />

12 .<br />

/ 6/62 A3 l<br />

12/ 6l62 A3 1<br />

12/ 7/62 Bl 5<br />

12/ 7/62 Bl 5<br />

4-/ 17/62 Bl<br />

8/15/62 A7<br />

7/10/61 Al<br />

8<br />

l<br />

8<br />

l/ 5/61 Al 4<br />

1/14l61 A2 6<br />

2/ 5/61 El 1<br />

2/15/61 Bl 6<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 3<br />

3/12-/61 Al 4<br />

3/12/61 Al 4<br />

4/13/61 Bl 8<br />

4-/19/-61 B14 1<br />

4/21/61 Bl4 1<br />

4/25/-61 BS 6<br />

6/ 2-/ 61 Bl8 4<br />

6/ 4/61 A2 1<br />

6/ 8/61 Cl2 4<br />

6/18/61 A3 7<br />

6/21/-61 A3 5<br />

71 1/61 A2 1<br />

7/28/61 Al 4<br />

8-/24/61 Bl 2<br />

8-/30-/61 Bl 5<br />

8-/30/61 B14 5<br />

8/31/61 Cl4 5<br />

9/-12/61 Bl 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Rates in Ark top national average<br />

Court rules AP&L must pay Weodruff Electric fer territory<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> electric co-operatives hears talk by Stuart Udall<br />

Ce-operatives urged te build power plant in east <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Calico Reck studies buying AP&L system in city<br />

Calico Reck wants public system as aid te only local industry<br />

Calico Reck would give Hayes Bros Flooring Ce lewer rates<br />

AP&L , North Little Reck in dispute ever electric rates<br />

AP&L , rural co-ops sign pewer pacts<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> ce-ops seek lean te build steam plant at Augusta<br />

Harry W Oswald explains plan fer ce-ep pawer network<br />

Marshall may try te buy AP&L facilities in town<br />

AP&L income rose in <strong>1961</strong> despite drop in pewer sales<br />

Blast wrecks power plant at Jenesbere<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Electric Co-ep plant at Ozark te cost less<br />

Fitzhugh Steam Generating Plant at Ozark under construction<br />

Fitzhugh generating plant at Ozark is gas-fired<br />

Water from <strong>Arkansas</strong> River will cool Fitzhugh Steam Plant<br />

AECC asks $24.2 million lean fer Fitzhugh plant at Ozark<br />

AP&L denies making pact with co-ops<br />

Higher electric bills explained<br />

AP&L joins group that will exchange power<br />

Ce-ops continue plans te expand despite linking systems<br />

Computers quickly switch lines ta continue power flew<br />

AP&L seeks lower rates fer all-electric hemes<br />

REA approves $22 million loan for AECC steam plant at Augusta<br />

Electric bill in Ark remains above national averagee<br />

AP&L alters rates: lawyer T J Genntry says PSC denied facts<br />

Pumped-storage facilities may be built along <strong>Arkansas</strong> River<br />

REA admr Nerman M Clapp addresses Ark State Electric Ce-ep<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Electric Co-operatives hear talk by Jerry Veerhis<br />

Gov Faubus tells Ark State Electric Ce-ops he solves problems<br />


see also Defenses and armed forces<br />

ELECTROCUTION (Accidental)<br />

NLR Electric Dept lineman electrocuted<br />

New-ten County man electrocuted while wiring TV set<br />

Man killed by electrical shock at Fordyce<br />

Pair killed while meving TV antenna<br />

Man killed when he grabbed live wire across highway<br />

Legan County man killed while installing TV antenna<br />


Man trapped in Federal Office Bldg elevator 35 minutes<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


Indiana plant to locate branch in Fayetteville<br />

Fayetteville raising funds te assist in purchase ef site<br />


see Parks, recreation and tourism<br />


10/-26/61 Bl<br />

11/ 7 /61 A7<br />

12/ 5/61 Al<br />

12/- 6/-61 Bl<br />

12/-21/61 Al<br />

12/-21/61 Al<br />

12/21/61 Al<br />

2/14/62 A6<br />

3/-27/-62 Bl<br />

4/ '5/-62 Al<br />

4/- 5/62 Al<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl<br />

5/- 6/62 Cl<br />

5/ 8/62 Bl<br />

5/-29/-62 Bl<br />

5/-31/-62 A5<br />

5/31/62 AS<br />

5/31/62 A5<br />

6/ 6/62 Bl<br />

6/- 7/62 A5<br />

8/ 5/-62 Cl<br />

8/22/62 Al<br />

8/23/62 Bl<br />

9/16/62 Cl<br />

10/11/-62 Bl<br />

10/20/-62 Al<br />

10/-26/62 Bl<br />

11/-10/-62 Al<br />

11/-12/62 A2<br />

12/- 4/62 A3<br />

12/- 4/-62 BB<br />

12/ 5/-62 B9<br />

7<br />

l<br />

3<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

8<br />

8<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

5<br />

5<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4/ 11/61 Bl2 4<br />

2/ 6/-62 Bl 3<br />

9/-15/-62 A2 5<br />

12/- 7/62 Bl 6<br />

12/-24/62 A3 8<br />

12/27/-62 Bl 2<br />

1/-26/-62 Bll 4<br />

8/ 2/61 Bl<br />

8/23/-61 Bl<br />

4<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Culture and the arts<br />


Ellis was considered by JFK fer Interior Secretary<br />

Apptd te advisory panel ef the Intnl Ce-operation Adm<br />

Ellis charges private power companies are waste-makers<br />


Former dean of Univ of Ark College of Agriculture dies<br />

Gaz ette eulogizes Dr Lippert<br />


see alse History Cemmissien (Ark)<br />


see alse Economic development<br />

see alse Laber<br />

see alse Medicine and health<br />


see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also Railroads<br />


see Robberies and thefts<br />


see Disasters and emergencies<br />


Physician appeals fer mere caution by ambulance drivers<br />

New read code set fer drivers of ambulances<br />


Paragould plant workers on strike<br />

Strikers at Paragould teld to return er lese jebs<br />

Negotiators fail at Paragould plant<br />

Vandalism. gun incidents may be linked te strike<br />

Emerson offers reward fer data en vandal ism<br />

Shotgun blasts that ripped two vehicles linked te strike<br />

Emerson suit charges union violence at Paragould<br />

Talks futile in walkout at Emerson<br />

Strike deadleck continues<br />

Striking workers te ask Gov Faubus fer help<br />

Unien enj oined frem violence at Paragould plant<br />

Union leader joins effort te end strike<br />

Twe accused of violating strike order<br />

Three mere face charges at Paragould<br />

Workers rej ect firm' s rehiring prepesal<br />


see Land and real estate<br />


IRS says Empire owes $280,000 in taxes<br />


see also Government employees<br />

James L Bland praises Orval Faubus and job gains in state<br />

Federal govt gives raises te 618 employees at ESD<br />

James Bland ties Gev Faubus te new cempensatien plan request<br />

James Bland warns employees net te tear dewn ESD image<br />

1/- 8/61 ES 5<br />

9/ 3/61 D5 5<br />

11/ 3/61 Bl 2<br />

1/15/62 Al 3<br />

1/16/62 A4 2<br />

2/ 2/61 Bl<br />

3/29/61 Bl<br />

6/21/62 Bl<br />

6/26/62 BlO<br />

6/27 /62 B9<br />

6/29/-62 Bl<br />

6/30/62 A2<br />

7/10/62 A2<br />

7/11/62 Bl<br />

7/12/62 Bl<br />

7/17/62 Bl<br />

7/22/62 AlO<br />

7/27/62 Bl<br />

8/ 7/62 A2<br />

8/ 11/62 Al<br />

8/12/62 A6<br />

11-/ 1/62 All<br />

3/25/61 BB<br />

11-/11/61 Al<br />

12-/ 9/61 A5<br />

12/ 9/61 A5<br />

12-/ 9/61 A5<br />

8<br />

8<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

l<br />

2<br />

5<br />

7<br />

l<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Empleyees resign at Jenesbere; one cites falsified job data<br />

The new chapter in ESD's troubles (ed)<br />

James L Bland denounces Gazette fer publishing article<br />

James L Bland admits repert en padding ef figures is true<br />

ESD Advisory Council named by Gev Orval Faubus<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


Dr Edward Teller te speak at seminar en nuclear energy<br />

Dr Wernher von Braun te speak at nuclear seminar in Het Sp gs<br />

Werner Ven Braun speaks at Het Springs energy conf<br />

Dr Edward L Teller speaks at Het Springs conference<br />


see also United States - Army Corps of Engineers<br />

National Engineers Week observed<br />

ENGINEERS. Army Corps of (US)<br />

see United States - Army Carps of Engineers<br />


see Actors and entertainers<br />


Ozark sayings often drawn from calamities<br />

Ozark hills still have lasts of eld sayings in use<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> Diecese meeting in Het Springs<br />

Helena te be site of next Diocese meeting<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> delegates voted against end te capital punishment<br />

Rev Jehn Maury Allin named bishop coadjutor ef Mississippi<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Episcopalians call fer rise in evangelism<br />

Diocese of <strong>Arkansas</strong> transacts business at 90th annual cenv<br />

Hillspeak spreads a message of love and faith<br />

Site near Eureka Springs is headquarters fer Hillspeak<br />

Dean Charles Higgins welcomes ban en prayer in schools<br />

Rev Beb G Jones te serve cengregatiens in the Arctic<br />

Emery Washington. a Negre. erdanied priest<br />


see Property, Unclaimed<br />


9/29/62 Al<br />

10/ 1/62 A4<br />

10/ 6/62 Al<br />

10/ 6/-62 Al<br />

10/16/62 Bl<br />

8/17/61 Bl<br />

8/20/61 Al4<br />

8/31/61 Bl<br />

9/ 1/61 Al<br />

2/18/62 C2<br />

3<br />

l<br />

1<br />

2<br />

Lj.<br />

5<br />

3<br />

7<br />

4<br />

1<br />

5/21/61 E2 5<br />

12/ 3/61 E5 2<br />

1/27/61 Bl 5<br />

1/28/61 A3 1<br />

3/20/-61 Al 3<br />

9/ 8/61 Bl 7<br />

1-/26-/62 Bl 8<br />

1-/27/62 A5 l<br />

6/10-/62 E4 l<br />

6/-10/62 E4 1<br />

6/29/62 Bl8 4<br />

8/16/62 Bl 6<br />

9/ 1/62 A3 7<br />

Atty Judson N Hout explains Estes rele in Blytheville houses 5/29/62 A6 2<br />


see also Education - Curriculum and Teaching Methods<br />

EUDORA<br />

see also Disasters and emergencies<br />


see also History {Ark)<br />

see alse Hotels<br />

see also Treasure-trove<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />


see also Little Reck Metropolitan Area<br />

EVANS, BOB<br />

see also Publicity and Parks Cemmissien (Ark)<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

EV ANS. EARL E<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />


see alse University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />


Preminent <strong>Arkansas</strong> sports figure dies at NAIA teurney<br />


Senate-Hause panel approves refurbishing ef Mansien<br />

George Golden te re-decerate interier ef mansion<br />

Elegant furnishings recently added te mansion<br />


Arkansans-At-Large listed aleng with their firms<br />

Ferty-three Arkansans-At-Large return fer visit<br />

Arkansans-At-Large line up fer photo<br />

The native sens (ed)<br />


see alse Government officials. State<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />


see alse American Oil Refinery<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Power and Light Ce<br />

see alse Bombs and bemb threats<br />

see alse Dynamite<br />

see also Electric power<br />

see alse United States - Government buildings and offices<br />

Black gunpowder ignites, wrecks car. burns twe beys<br />

Cause ef railroad explesien at Traskweed still unknEll'tln<br />

Isaac Turner lases suit over blown-up house<br />


see alse World's Fair. 1964-1965<br />

Gav Faubus may seek funds fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> Livestock Exposition<br />

Gev Faubus appeals te Legis te fund livestock shows<br />

House passed bills funding state. regional and county fairs<br />

Sen Rey W Milum reminds Senators state fair is private<br />

Senate fees ef Faubus kill funding ef fairs<br />

Faubus maneuver means fair funds must stay in treasury<br />

Gov Faubus tells balky Senate that fair funds tied up anyway<br />

Senate kills funding ef fairs in last heur ef sessien<br />

AEA attys te check legality of tying up unappropriated funds<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Livesteck Show (special sectien)<br />

Cold rain dampens expesitien epening<br />

Talent and beauty centests highlight day at State Expe<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Fair queen is Judith Eddins<br />

Fairs losing favor with same state legislators<br />

Ark has spent $5 millien in 23 years en fairs<br />

White County opens fair season<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Livesteck Expesitien opens<br />

Special sectien en 23rd <strong>Arkansas</strong> Livestock Expesitien<br />


see also Children's Celeny . Ark<br />

see alse Censtructien pregrams. State<br />

3/14/61 B4<br />

1/26/61 Cl4<br />

3/16/61 A9<br />

12/ 3/61 E3<br />

10/12/62 Bl<br />

10/12/62 Bl<br />

10/13/62 A2<br />

10/13/62 A4<br />

6/20/61 Bl<br />

6/23/61 A6<br />

11/28/62 B9<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

l<br />

2<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

l<br />

1<br />

2<br />

9/16/61 AS l<br />

9/19/61 Al 3<br />

9/-20/61 Al 3<br />

9/-20/-61 Al 3<br />

9/20/61 Al 3<br />

9/21/61 Al 3<br />

9/-21/-61 Al 3<br />

9/22/61 Al 7<br />

9/23/61 Al 7<br />

10/- 1/61 Fl l<br />

10/ 3/61 Bl 7<br />

10/ 5/61 Al 3<br />

10/ 8/61 A4 5<br />

10/15/61 E3 1<br />

8/22/62 B9 1<br />

9/ 2/62 AlO 3<br />

9/30/-62 Al 4<br />

9/30/62 Fl 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Pulaski Ceunty<br />

Women's Emergency Commettee disagrees with FAgan stand<br />

FAIRS<br />

10/ 1/61 E3 2<br />

see Expesitiens and fairs<br />

FALLOUT. Atomic<br />

see Pellutien, wastes and hazardous materials<br />

FALLS (Accidents)<br />

Hot Springs businessman killed in fall at hotel<br />

Body ef Marcus Jim Acord ef Hartman. found at base ef cliff<br />


10/17/61 A2<br />

12/10/61 A7<br />

5<br />

4<br />

- see also Disasters and emergencies<br />


see also National Food Stares Inc<br />


Louis V Johnsen Jr sentenced fer abandoning his family<br />


9/30/62 A3 2<br />

see also Beeks and writing<br />

FARM BUREAU , <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Agricultural extension work<br />

see Agriculture<br />

see Construction programs. State<br />


see Land and real estate<br />


Veteran ASTC prof esser dies after brief illness<br />


2/26/61 B2 8<br />

see also Faubus. Orval E. Foundation<br />


see also Faubus. Orval E. Foundation<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

Gev Faubus says Farrell may as well get feet wet in politics<br />

Farrell E Faubus seeks election to House f rem Madison County<br />

Says he would like te be governor some day<br />

Yeung Faubus echoes his father 's famous line<br />

Pressure by Gev Faubus alleged in Farrell's legislative race<br />

Governor denies pressure in behalf of Farrell Faubus<br />

Faubus wins election ta state Legislature<br />

Says Orval Faubus decisien net te seek re-election welcome<br />


6/-17/61 A3<br />

6/lC)/61 A2<br />

6/21/61 Bl<br />

6/21/61 Bl<br />

6/26/61 A2<br />

6/27/61 Bl<br />

6/28/61 Al<br />

4/ 2/62 A2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

6<br />

8<br />

1<br />

see also Faubus. Orval E, Foundation<br />

see alse Governor (Ark)<br />

FAUBUS, ORVAL E, Feundatien<br />

Faubus family sets up f dn te restere Greasy Creek scheel bldg<br />

Orval E Faubus attended Greasy Creek school near Combs<br />

William J Smith is first dener te feundatien<br />

FAUGHT. ALMON (Mrs)<br />

4/14/62 A2<br />

4/14/62 A2<br />

4/14/62 A2<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

see alse Governor (Ark)<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />

Rival factions ef Democratic Committee schedule meetings<br />

Rival Democratic factions set filing fees<br />

3/25/61 Al<br />

3/26/61 A15<br />

4<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Trial set in Democratic Party feud in county<br />

Warring Democrats make rules (2 sets) fer vete<br />

Clerk 0 P Ward refuses to recognize 3 new voting precincts<br />

Democratic Party feud flares anew<br />

Judge rules Guy H Jones Sr cannot serve as party chairman<br />

Guy H Jenes asks State Supreme Ct te rule he chairs Dem Comm<br />

Guy H Jones denied party pest by Ark Supreme Court<br />


see also Museums<br />

Exhibition ef historic items draws several visitors<br />


see alse Parks . recreation and teurism<br />


see alse Hotels<br />

see also Libraries. Public<br />

Court rules en territory city may annex<br />

Article on Shulertewn and Clint and Clifton Murphy<br />

Origin of name of Shulertewn<br />

Albert L Trent responsible for city's many maple trees<br />

New type ef city gevt proposed by committee<br />

Fire causes heavy damage te two stores<br />


see Education - Fayetteville District<br />


see also Folkkore. folk medicine and superstition<br />


see Education - Finance and budgets<br />

see Grants in aid<br />

FEDERAL BUILDING (Jonesboro)<br />

see United States - Government Buildings and Offices<br />

FEDERAL BUILDING (Little Rock)<br />

see United States - Buildings and offices<br />


see United States - Federal Bureau ef Investigation<br />


see United States - Federal Reserve Bank<br />


see also Libraries. Public<br />

Fergusen has been generous dener te Ark scheels, hospitals<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


see also History Com.mission (Ark)<br />

see alse Parks. recreation and tourism<br />

Historian says state never unified in Civil War<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />

FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS . <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Culture and the arts<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> Poultry Festival held at Batesville<br />

5/ 3/61 A2 5<br />

7/16/61 A12 6<br />

7/26/61 B9 7<br />

7/30/61 ClO 2<br />

8/ 5/61 A2 3<br />

2/ 6/62 B8 6<br />

4/10/62 A7 7<br />

9/ 6/61 Bl 2<br />

1/14/61 B4<br />

6/ 7/61 Bl<br />

6/16/61 Bl<br />

10/24/61 Bl<br />

11-/12/61 A7<br />

10/ 2/62 Bl<br />

4/24/61 B8<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

5<br />

11/23/61 Al3 1<br />

5/21/61 A2 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Mickey Lambers is <strong>Arkansas</strong> Poultry Princess<br />

Heward County Peach Festival resumes after 15-yr halt<br />

Meunt Nebo Chicken Fry hears talk by politicians<br />

White River Water Carnival plans announced<br />

Dianna Bernice Arey crowned Queen White River<br />

Tentitewn Grape Festival celebrates 63rd annual run<br />

Ludwig holds interesting celebration<br />

Yellville schedules 16th annual turkey calling contest<br />

National Cotten Picking Contest begins today<br />

National Cetton Picking champion is E D Neighbors<br />

World Duck Calling Contest winners<br />

Five poultry festivals scheduled fer this spring<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Poultry Festival te be staged today<br />

Pink Temate Festival features political speeches<br />

Jahnsen Ceunty Peach Festival opens temerraw<br />

Sixteenth Mount Nebe Chicken Fry scheduled<br />

Fried chicken. politics served at Mount Nebo Chicken Fry<br />

Batesville's White River Water Carnival features beauties<br />

Tentitewn holding 64th annual Grape Festival<br />

White River Water Carnival draws thousands to Batesville<br />

Natl Cetton Picking Contest te be staged at Blytheville<br />

Donna Axum is queen ef Natl Cetten Picking Contest<br />

E D Neighbors named national cotton picking champion<br />


see Sex crimes<br />


see also Congress - House Dist 2<br />


Gov Faubus opposes cities. towns raiding read funds<br />

Senate passes bill to increase counties share ef gen revenues<br />

Gov Faubus irked by general revenue diversion to counties<br />

Reut ef the 'slickers ' (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus says he will net place cities en par with counties<br />

Gov Faubus signs bill to increase turnback funds te counties<br />

Cities lasing eut to counties in bid for state money<br />

Heme Rule amdt premeted by Gaz ette<br />

Legis refers proposal to remeve limit en cities ' taxing power<br />

Passage of censtitutienal amdt 50 only hepe, speaker says<br />

Proposed canst amdt 50 would remove millage restrictions<br />

Cities prepare to seek relief again (ed)<br />

Ark Municipal League intends te fight fer share of taxes<br />

Gov Faubus favors amdt te let cities increase taxes<br />

Counties get biggest share of state turnback funds<br />

Lawsuit seeks te block proposed Amdt 50 en local finances<br />

Backers of Amdt 50 ballot title not defective<br />

BackeRs ef Amdt 50 accused ef deceptive campaign<br />

Use of taxes to sell Amdt 50 defended by Glenn G Zimmerman<br />

A leek at the arguments in Amdt 50 debate (ed)<br />

Cities claim need fer $250 million appropriation<br />

Amdt 50 fails in vote<br />

Legislative Council vetoes another try fer tax limit change<br />

6/11/61 Al 5<br />

6/30/61 Bl 2<br />

7/20/61 A3 7<br />

8/18/61 Bl 3<br />

8/20/61 Al 4<br />

8/20/61 El 1<br />

9/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

10/10/61 A7 2<br />

10/12/61 A2 2<br />

10/14/61 A2 1<br />

l'l/ 3/61 B4 5<br />

Z/ 4/62 ClO 3<br />

6/ 8/62 Bl 4<br />

6/17/62 Al 3<br />

7/12/62 Bl 4<br />

7/15/62 A13 4<br />

7 /19/62 Al 5<br />

8/12/62 Al4 1<br />

8/12/62 A3 3<br />

8/19/62 A3 3<br />

9/30/62 A5 l<br />

10/ 6/62 A2 3<br />

10/ 7/62 AB 2<br />

1/12/ 61 Al<br />

2/11/61 Al<br />

2/11/61 A3<br />

2/ 12/61 E4<br />

2/16/61 AlO<br />

2/16/61 AlO<br />

2/26/61 Al3<br />

2/26/61 E4<br />

3/10/61 Al<br />

4/17/62 A3<br />

4/17/62 A3<br />

4/18/62 A4<br />

5/10/62 Bl<br />

5/12/62 A3<br />

5/19/62 A3<br />

10/17/62 Bl<br />

10/17/62 Bl<br />

10/21/62 Al2<br />

10/27 /62 B9<br />

11/ 1/62 A6<br />

11/ 4/62 Al7<br />

11/ 7 /62 zl<br />

11/14/-62 AB<br />

6<br />

7<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

8<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

8<br />

6<br />

3<br />

1<br />

l<br />

4<br />

l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Cities, towns face task of 'selling ' tax increase<br />

Proposed Amdt 50 defeated<br />

ALC balks at increasing funds far cities and tewns<br />

Stonewal l Van Dalsem and municipal aid (ed)<br />

ALC approves higher city budget formula<br />

Paul Van Dalsem says he will be genereus with 'city beys '<br />

Editorials en prepesed repeal af law on printing expense acct<br />


see also Colleges and univs<br />

see also Education - Finance and budgets<br />

Two-year outlay put at $836 million<br />

List of appropriation bills approved by Legislature<br />

Maximum state can spend is $745 million<br />

State collects $1.226 .416 from Oaklawn Park<br />

Agencies warned net to spend all ef extra money<br />

State collects $13,694.633 in taxes in May<br />

Comptroller's office says state revenue leaking geed<br />

State tax surplus in treasury is $10,212,178<br />

Tax intake in state up by $6 million<br />

State 's surplus hits $11 million<br />

Faubus. legislators discuss splitting ef surplus funds<br />

Faubus made mere premises than funds will cover. Gaz ette says<br />

Gov Faubus will participate in surplus funds distribution<br />

Re-enter Mr Faubus (ed en plan te help distribute surplus)<br />

Cast ef credit illustrated by 1941 read bend issue<br />

Cushion fund and its uses explained<br />

A need fer caution in earmarking funds (ed)<br />

Tax revenue up by $1 .3 million in November<br />

Christmas came early fer state agencies<br />

Revenue Stabilizatien Act challenged in court suit<br />

Suit against Revenue Stabilizatien Act filed by James Hooker<br />

Suit en Revenue Act is harassment ef his adm. Faubus says<br />

Political circles surprised by attack en five acts<br />

Editorial analyzes challenges of five acts<br />

Ceurt freezes Gov Faubus ' emergency fund in finance suit<br />

College construction bands law approved by state Supreme Ct<br />

Chancellor denies request te nullify 5 state fiscal laws<br />

The fiscal act ruling (ed)<br />

Gov Ben T Laney responsible for Revenue Stabilization Act<br />

Revenue Stabilization Act result of 1945 financial morass<br />

State files strong reply te suit attacking fiscal acts<br />

Ark. ceuld save cash by improving credit. study shews<br />

Revenue matches expenditures in <strong>1961</strong><br />

Unexpected rise in revenue feund; benus for teachers planned<br />

Five key laws upheld by Ark Supreme Ceurt<br />

Court ruling en finance laws called gratifying<br />

Tax collections running ahead ef estimates<br />

Agencies advised te build 'cushion funds ' fer lean months<br />

Tax collection of $168.000,000 will set record<br />

Cost of state gevt last year set at $5 .3 million<br />

Gev Faubus orders all padding stripped from budget reque sts<br />

11/18/62 Cl<br />

11/27 /62 Bl<br />

12/ 7/62 Bl<br />

12/ 8/62 A4<br />

12/22/62 AB<br />

12/22/62 AB<br />

12/30/62 D3<br />

3/10/61 Al<br />

3/19/61 AB<br />

3/2'2/61 A2<br />

4/12/61 A6<br />

5/12/61 Bl<br />

6/ 2/61 Bl<br />

6/-13/61 A7<br />

6/21/61 Al<br />

7/ 1/61 Al<br />

7/ 4/61 Al<br />

7/12/61 Bl<br />

7/13/61 A4<br />

8/ 1/61 Al<br />

8/ 2/-61 A4<br />

8/ 6/61 Cl<br />

8/24/-61 AlO<br />

8/27/61 E4<br />

12/ 1/-61 Bl<br />

12/10/61 E3<br />

1/19/62 Bl<br />

1/20/-62 Al<br />

1/20/62 Al<br />

1/21/62 Al<br />

1/21/62 E2<br />

1/25/62 Bl<br />

1/30/62 Bl<br />

2/ 7 /62 Al<br />

2/ 8/62 A4<br />

2/25/62 Al<br />

2/25/62 Al<br />

5/ 4/62 AB<br />

5/ 6/62 A3<br />

5/13/62 E2<br />

5/23/62 Al<br />

5/29/62 Al<br />

5/-30/62 A4<br />

6/ 1/62 Al<br />

6/ 2/62 A3<br />

6/-29/62 Bl<br />

8/ 7/62 Bl<br />

8/-22/62 Bl<br />

l<br />

5<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

2<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

8<br />

1<br />

6<br />

4<br />

4<br />

7<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

7<br />

1<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

8<br />

7<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

6<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

2<br />

8<br />

8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Tax receipts shew rise. except fer inceme tax<br />

Gev Faubus calls fer tighter centrels en state spending<br />

Increase in income forecast fer 1963-65 period<br />

Gov Faubus expects $14.1 million rise in state revenues<br />

Gev Faubus makes recemmendatiens en state budgets<br />

A geed Faubus budget. with a notable flaw (ed)<br />

ALC continues hearings on budgets<br />

State tax take shews increase ef $1 .1 millien<br />

ALC fellows Faubus 's desires in appreving budgets<br />

ALC acts en budget requests ef 32 state agencies<br />

ALC appreves mere fer higher educ. but net cities<br />

ALC budget session had 'harmony ' as usual ; little dissent<br />


see alse Lenders Service Company Inc<br />


Ozarks ' whittling man<br />


Finkbeiner is here in Fuerte Rice<br />

Resigns pest with Fuerte Rice Meat Packing Ce<br />

Finkbeiner cemplains te U S Reuse panel en TV sponsorship<br />


Sheriffs te ask Legislature fer curb en sale ef pistols<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Retail Hardware Assn opposes pistol sales bill<br />

Capital Citizens Council premetes 'right te bear arms '<br />

Federal agents seize weapons from William F McLaughlin<br />


see also Little Reck<br />

NLR Mayor Casey Laman blasts bill te shorten firemen 's day<br />

Russellville firemen devise automatic warning network<br />

Senate defeats bills en salaries. liability ef firemen<br />

NLR Dept patches up fire trucks<br />

FIRES<br />

see also Allen Cannning Co<br />

see also Batesville<br />

see also Capitol Building and Greunds (Ark)<br />

see also Clarksville<br />

see also Colleges and univs - Fires<br />

see also Crossett<br />

see also Danville<br />

see also Education - Fires<br />

see also El Dorado<br />

see also El Dorado Brick Ce<br />

see also Fayetteville<br />

see also Forest and brush fires<br />

see also Gibson Oil Well Cementing Co<br />

see alse Green Forest<br />

see also Harrison<br />

see also Heber Springs<br />

see also Helena<br />

see also Historic buildings and sites<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

10/ 2/62 Al<br />

10/30/62 Bl<br />

11/14/-62 Bl<br />

11-/27/62 Bl<br />

11/27/62 Bl<br />

11/28/62 A6<br />

11/30/62 Bl<br />

12-/ 1/62 A3<br />

12/ 5/62 Bl<br />

12/ 6/62 A3<br />

12/ 7/62 Al<br />

12/ 9/62 Al<br />

10/25/61 Bl<br />

1/17/61 Bl<br />

10/ 2/61 AS<br />

12/ 8/61 Bl<br />

2/ 8/61 A7<br />

2/14/-61 B9<br />

2/26/61 ES<br />

8/29/62 A2<br />

1/22/61 AlO<br />

2/ 6/61 AlO<br />

2/23/61 A2<br />

7/27/61 Cl6<br />

4<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

l<br />

7<br />

5<br />

4<br />

2<br />

7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

3<br />

l<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see al.se<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

Hepe Lumber Manufacturing Ce<br />

Hetels<br />

Jacksonv ille<br />

Jenesbere<br />

Little Reck<br />

Magnolia<br />

Malvern<br />

Marvell<br />

Merril ton<br />

Morrilton Cotten Oil Ce<br />

Mount Ida<br />

Murders - Wallace, Henry<br />

Newport<br />

Norphlet<br />

North Hills Country Club<br />

North Little Reck<br />

Perry Equipment Ce<br />

Pioneer Grain and Seed Inc<br />

Presbyterian Church<br />

Prisons and prisoners<br />

Pruitt Hide and Fur Ce<br />

Rail reads<br />

Raz orback Method Inc<br />

Searcy<br />

Sherrill<br />

Sterling Stores<br />

Trumann<br />

Warren<br />

Yellville<br />

Standard Ice Ce<br />

Mountain View man dies in heme fire<br />

Child dies in fire at Dermott<br />

Child dies in fire at Camden<br />

Child dies f rem burns<br />

Four children die in house fire at El Dorado<br />

Farmer dies in house fire at Harrisburg<br />

Five children die in fire at Texarkana<br />

Party-line talker delayed rept of fire fatal to five<br />

Waldren Junior High Scheel destroyed by fire<br />

Infant dies in Manchester heuse fire<br />

Child dies in fire at Booneville<br />

Twe children killed in fire at Streng<br />

Elderly man dies in house fire at LR<br />

Two children die in blaze at NLR heme<br />

Man dies in fire at Fert Smith heme<br />

Infant dies in fire at Monticello<br />

LR resident dies in home fire<br />

Mr and Mrs Rex Ledford faund guilty in fire at their heme<br />

Baby dies in house fire at Stuttgart<br />

Christine Martin dies in heme fire at Texarkana<br />

Parthenon man dies in house fire<br />

1/ 4/ 61 A12 5<br />

1/12/61 A2 8<br />

1/18/61 Bl 5<br />

1/19/61 Bl 8<br />

1/22/61 Al 7<br />

1/23/61 A2 2<br />

l/-27/61 Al 2<br />

1/28/61 A2 6<br />

l/28/-61 BS 3<br />

Z/ 2/ 61 A9 4<br />

2/ 4/ 61 B3 3<br />

3/ 1/61 A7 1<br />

3/ 1/61 B14 4<br />

3/10/61 Al 4<br />

3/11/61 A2 8<br />

3/11/61 B6 4<br />

3/29/61 B14 4<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl 7<br />

4/23/61 A2 1<br />

7/-18/61 Bl 7<br />

7/22/61 K3 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Benton child dies in house fire<br />

Three children die in heuse fire at North Little Rock<br />

Twe elderly sisters die in heuse fire near Judsonia<br />

Action against parents urged in cases of false alarms<br />

Prison term fer Mr and Mrs Rex W Ledf erd in arson affirmed<br />

NLR blaze fatally burns elderly man<br />

Three Negroes die in fire at Cotton Plant<br />

Pine Bluff Negro dies in fire<br />

Three Negro children burn to death at Cotten Plant<br />

Home fire near Risen kills f eur Negroes<br />

Disabled veteran dies in fire at LR heme<br />

Fire kills couple near Marked Tree<br />

Man dies in fire at heme near Hope<br />

Fire kills Heward James Stracner, of Leneke<br />

Jee Layne dies in house fire at Siloam Springs<br />

Infant Benita K Trimble dies in heme fire<br />

Bedy of child feund in ruins of burned apartment bldg at NLR<br />

List of state 's worst residential fires in terms of deaths<br />

Ten in Andrew Paladino family near Center Ridge die in fire<br />

A loss shared (ed on Paladino family deaths)<br />

Center Ridge community mourns less of Paladino family<br />

Child died when clothing caught fire<br />

Four children die in heme fire at Pine Bluff<br />

5 children in Orville Scott family at Charleston die in fire<br />

Building housing radie statien at Paris burns<br />

Article en fire safety measures<br />

Child dies in house fire at Warren<br />

Felix: Keiffer burns to death in heme<br />

Fires take tragic tell in <strong>Arkansas</strong> each year<br />

Juanita Harp, five children inj ured in blast and fire<br />

Fert Smith man dies in heme fire<br />

Three die in hous fire at Kestene (Ouachita County)<br />

Mrs Delia Lee Barnes killed in fire at Lake City<br />

Two children die as fire hits NLR frame home<br />

Mississippi County child dies in house fire<br />

Blaze ruins big tewbeat an Ouachita River at Mere Bay<br />

Eunice Culpepper dies in apartment fire at Magnolia<br />

Man dies in trailer fire at Mountain Heme<br />

Three die in fire at Menette<br />

Fire kills resident ef trailer heme at Trumann<br />

Grannis house fire kills three<br />

Three die, nine hurt in fire at Phillips County farmhouse<br />

Child died when kerosene stove exploded, father hurt<br />

Twe infants die in heme fire at NLR<br />

NLR fire that killed children was result of kerosene heater<br />

Two infants die in fire set by children<br />

Blind man burns to death in fire at Natural Steps<br />

Pine Bluff child dies in closet ef his heme<br />

Couple die in heuse fire at Parkin<br />

W A Churchwell dies in house fire at Bradford<br />

William Tell Kendrick and sister. Mary Kendrick. die in fire<br />

8/ 9/61 A2 4<br />

10/ 7 /61 A5 4<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl 4<br />

11/11/61 Al 6<br />

11/28/61 A6 l<br />

12/ 7/61 Al 3<br />

12/14/61 C18 6<br />

12/ 15/61 Bl 2<br />

12/15/61 Bl 5<br />

12/ 16/61 A3 1<br />

12/28/61 Bl 5<br />

12/30/61 A8 3<br />

l/ 1/62 B7 7<br />

1/ 9/62 A2 2<br />

1/10/62 BlO 3<br />

1/11/-62 B4 7<br />

1/-12/62 B9 4<br />

1/16/62 Al 7<br />

1/16/62 Al 7<br />

1/17/62 A4 2<br />

1/17/62 Bl 2<br />

l/ 18/-62 AS 1<br />

1/20/62 A2 l<br />

1/27/62 Al 6<br />

1/28/62 A17 3<br />

2/ 4/62 E4 1<br />

2-/ 7 /62 Bl 3<br />

3/21-/62 A7 2<br />

3/25/ 62 E6 1<br />

4/ 3-/62 Bl 4<br />

4/16/62 A2 8<br />

5/18-/62 A2 3<br />

5/22/62 Bl4 6<br />

6-/15/62 Bl 5<br />

7/28/62 B7 8<br />

8/17/62 A2 8<br />

9/ 8/62 A3 1<br />

11/ 2/62 Bl4 l<br />

11/ 7/62 Bl 4<br />

11/11/62 A17 3<br />

11/12/62 A2 4<br />

l l/ 14/62 Bl 2<br />

11/19/62 A2 3<br />

12/- 4/62 A3 1<br />

12/ 6/62 cs 4<br />

12/ 7/62 A2 6<br />

12/ 9/62 Al5 8<br />

12/-16/-62 A12 2<br />

12/21/62 A4 3<br />

12/26/62 A2 1<br />

12/29/62 A2 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see Ecenmnic development<br />

FIRST NATION.AL BANK (Springdale)<br />

see Banks<br />


see Banks<br />


Firm gains control ef Participating Annuity Life Ins Ce<br />


Bankers Preferred Life Insurance merges inte First Security<br />


Frank McCartney operates minnow farm at Remmel<br />

Fish farm program under way at Kelso<br />


see also Rehabilitation Center, Hot Springs<br />


see Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see also Wildlife<br />


see also Alcoholic Beverage Control Department (Ark)<br />


see Caves<br />


see also Catholic Church<br />


see alse Civil War<br />

Use of state flag in ads fer proposed amdt called illegal<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see also Assaults<br />

FLEEMAN, E C<br />

see also Deaths<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />


Fleet sent to Siberia by military during 1918-1920 period<br />


see also Education<br />


see also Communism<br />

see also Cengress - Reapportionment<br />

see also Construction programs. State<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Population and vital statistics<br />


see also Berry. Hem.er F<br />

FLOODS<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


Bank at Osceola files evictien suit against lean co<br />

5/28/61 Cl 2<br />

10/21/62 Cl 3<br />

12/ 3/61 E4 5<br />

Z/13/62 A5 l<br />

10/11/62 Bl 3<br />

11/18/62 ES 2<br />

3/19/61 C3 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Federal govt te hear 92 witnesses in income tax case<br />

Flerida counsel allowed $6.000 by federal judge<br />

Fleridaa werth $10 million less than tax claims<br />

Debt refinancing plan approved<br />

Court studies lean Th0tnas Florida says he made to brothers<br />

Decision gives $30.400 te Th0tnas P Florida ef Osceola<br />

Metien seeks dismissal of indictment<br />

Federal judge says Andrew J Florida tee ill te be tried<br />

Attorneys clash in talks en Florida case procedure<br />

Federal govt has $11.708,925 tax suit against Feridas<br />

Tax suit te begin after three yrs of legal maneuvering<br />

IRS wins skirmishes as stage set for trial<br />

Judge allews $17, 000 mere in Florida case<br />

Attorneys feud aver stipulation<br />

Land dealings take limelight in Florida brothers case<br />

Federal govt completes case, Fleridas file 21 motions<br />

Defense begins testimony in case<br />

Auditor says Florida firms ewe $114,552 in taxes<br />

Trial recesses after Floridas enter exhibits<br />

Mere exhibits given te ceurt in tax trial suit<br />

Fund entries net correct, accountant fer Fleridas says<br />

Judge says Florida case will be tried er dropped seen<br />

Fleridas get approval to pay $20,000 fer accounting services<br />


Peony in yard at Little Reck is ever 150 years old<br />


Flewers enriched yeung lives<br />


see Dentistry and dental health<br />


see Dentistry and dentists<br />


see Folklore. felk medicine and superstitien<br />


Bentenville barber Fred Smith is leading folk singer<br />

Description ef Ozark Folk Festival events at Eureka Springs<br />

Oz ark Folk Festival continues<br />

Adolph and Augusta Kukler te pl ay zither at Waco festival<br />

Article en music ef Adolf and Augusta Kukler<br />

Fifteenth annual Oz ark Folk Festival opens at Eureka Springs<br />

Ernie Deane column en Ozark Folk Festival activities<br />

Oz ark Felk Festival described as big success<br />

Many participants at Ozark Folk Festival are youths<br />


see alse Dowsing<br />

Felk beliefs about the weather<br />

Newton Ceunty man tells ef rain of frogs and fish in tornado<br />

Article on sassafras tea as medicine<br />

Old time remedies used to restore hair<br />

Folk remedies for certain ailments<br />

Superstitions about cats<br />

5/17/61 Bl 2<br />

5/25/61 A9 4<br />

5/25/61 A9 5<br />

9/ 8/61 Bl 3<br />

9/ 15/61 Bl 2 l<br />

10/18/61 A2 7<br />

11/23/61 AS l<br />

12/13/61 Bll 7<br />

2/24/62 A2 2<br />

2/24/62 A2 2<br />

3/ 4/62 A2 l<br />

3/ 6/62 Bl 6<br />

3/ 8/62 Bl 4<br />

3/15/62 Bl 2<br />

3/28/62 Bl 3<br />

3/29/62 A2 1<br />

4/10/62 BB 5<br />

4/11/62 Bl 8<br />

4/26/62 A2 l<br />

6/ 8/62 Bl 4<br />

7/17/62 A2 4<br />

10/25/62 Bl 4<br />

12/28/62 Bl 4<br />

4/27/61 AB 6<br />

3/ 8/62 Bl 2<br />

1-/ 8/61 E3 1<br />

10/20/61 Bl 2<br />

10/25/61 Bl 2<br />

5-/ 1/62 A2 7<br />

9/23/62 E4 1<br />

10/21/62 FlS 2<br />

10/26/62 Bl 2<br />

10/30/62 Bl 2<br />

10/31/62 Bl 2<br />

1/29/61 E2<br />

1/29/61 E2<br />

3/18/62 E6<br />

4/ 1/62 E6<br />

4/ 8/62 ES<br />

4/ 8/62 E5<br />

l<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ozarks insects have a felklere all their awn. Wm Hewe writes<br />

Fred Star lists seme Ozark superstitiens<br />

Cera Pinkley-Call responds to William H Hewe article<br />

Same 'superstitiens ' are enly tall tales. letter says<br />

George Featherstenhaugh fell fer tall tale about buffalo<br />

Superstitiens about planting seasens<br />

Fishing lore ef the Ozarks<br />

Mullein is geed for everything<br />

Old folk beliefs include spiders<br />

Folk tale ef the Ozarks about a rooster named Ring-Teeter<br />

Folk medicine remedies fer rabies patients<br />

Sample felk tales about peeple bitten by mad dogs<br />

Superstitions about Fridays and the number 13<br />

Butterfly weed was used fer medicinal purposes<br />

Lowly nettle bad many uses as medicine<br />

Sayings and superstitions die hard in the Ozark hills<br />

Remedies used by hill folk to thwart witches<br />

Superstitions about hatmaking<br />

Column en Vance Randolph. ether felklerists ef the Oz arks<br />

FONDREN. L B (Mrs)<br />

see also Birth control and abortion<br />

FOOD<br />

M L Greer makes fine candy at Kopper Kettle at Van Buren<br />

Health Dept to set regulations on water content in hams<br />

Health Beard adepts ruling en drier hams<br />

Culinary and canning note en peke 'sallet 1<br />

Recipes fer dishes that include reses<br />

Greek Orthedex Church at LR holds sale ef Greek feed<br />


Feed peisoning kills mether ef 14 at Heber Springs<br />

Bad feed £ells 300 students at Ark AM&N College<br />

Feed poisoning probe at Ark AM&N f eiled by cafeteria workers<br />

Ark AM&N officials deny effert made to stall probe<br />


see Peer<br />

4/15/62 E4<br />

4/15/62 E6<br />

5/ 1/62 A4<br />

5/ 1/62 A4<br />

5/ 6/62 E5<br />

5/ 6/62 E6<br />

5/13/62 E6<br />

5/20/62 E5<br />

6/ 3/62 E6<br />

6/17/62 E6<br />

6/24/62 E6<br />

6/24/62 E6<br />

7/ 8/ 62 E6<br />

8/ 5/62 E5<br />

8/ 12/62 E6<br />

8/19/62 E6<br />

10/28/62 E5<br />

11/18/62 E5<br />

12/12/62 Bl<br />

4/ 5/61 Bl<br />

4/ 7/61 Al<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> end Powell McClellan named Little All-American<br />

High scheel All-State selectiens<br />

Powell McClellan named te 2 All-America teams<br />

Univ ef Ark faces Alabama in Sugar Bewl teday<br />

Univ ef Ark Razerbacks fall to Alabama in Sugar Bowl. 10-3<br />

Preview of <strong>1962</strong> college and high scheel season in Ark<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State Teachers College wins AIC championship<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Razerbacks te meet Mississippi in Sugar Bewl<br />

All-AIC team named<br />


Firm believed to be Columbia County 's eldest firm<br />

FORD. ARCH W<br />

see alse Censtructien programs, State<br />

see alse Education<br />

see alse Educatien Department (Ark)<br />

see also Government empleyees<br />

Ferd te head U S Council ef Chief State Schoel Officers<br />

FORD . EDSEL<br />

see also Beeks and writing<br />

Letter en memorizing poetry as form ef punishment in schools<br />

Humorous side ef noted poet seen in some peems<br />


see also Agricultural extension werk<br />


Large firm at Fordyce te be seld<br />


see Historic buildings and sites<br />


Bew Hung Lee to be allowed to j ein parents at Lake Village<br />

Pelish immigrants settled at Marche in Pulaski Ceunty<br />

Mrs Frank Lulky te visit sen in Russia after 50-yrs apart<br />

Mrs Frank Lulky reunited with sen on visit to Russia<br />


American Legion opposes discussion groups en foreign pelicy<br />

FOREIGNERS IN <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

Iranian student at <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> gives dinner fer 200 friends<br />


Abeut 600 acres of timber destroyed in Lake Wedington area<br />

Big forest fire near Batesville brought under central<br />

Fine imposed on Belton Cecil over grass fire will stand<br />

Fire burns ever hundreds ef acres near Morrilton<br />

Paris area hit by forest fire<br />

Brush fire at Springdale damages at least six hemes<br />

Crews battle forest fires in three counties<br />

Ranger falls from 40-ft cliff while fighting Newton Ce fire<br />

FOREST QUEEN. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Axum, Donna<br />

Photographs ef regional final ists fer title<br />


see also Wildlife<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> moves ahead in tree productien<br />

12/ 7 /61 B2<br />

12/ 7/61 B4<br />

12/ 8/61 B4<br />

1/ 1/62 Bl<br />

1/ 2/62 Al<br />

8/26/62 Fl<br />

11/18/62 B6<br />

11/23/62 Bl<br />

11/25/62 B4<br />

3/16/61 Bl<br />

11/18/62 Al2<br />

4/15/-62 A4<br />

8/19/62 E4<br />

9/15/62 A2<br />

3/17/61 Al<br />

7/ 9/61 El<br />

10/-15/62 Al2<br />

11/15/62 C22<br />

8/15/61 Bl4<br />

1/21/61 A2<br />

4/-21/61 Bl<br />

10/19/61 A2<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl<br />

2/ 6/62 Bl<br />

2/13/62 A2<br />

3/29/62 A2<br />

3/30/62 A2<br />

11/24/62 A3<br />

8/27 /61 ClO<br />

1-/ 8/ 61 El<br />

4<br />

l<br />

8<br />

6<br />

7<br />

1<br />

3<br />

8<br />

5<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

3<br />

6<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

6<br />

2<br />

7<br />

1<br />

3<br />

6<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Counties get $924.414 frem Ouachita, Ozark Forest sales<br />

2/22/61 Bl<br />

Huge walnut tree cut in 1887 (photo)<br />

10/ 8/61 E6<br />

Dr Rebert M Echols heads USDA's new forestry research program 11/ 8/61 AB<br />

Sixty-two pct of <strong>Arkansas</strong> is in timber<br />

11-/l/61 Al<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> was first Seuthern state to get a national forest 12/10/61 E5<br />

St Francis is <strong>Arkansas</strong>' newest national forest<br />

12/10/61 E5<br />

Much ef Ouachita Natl Forest covered by mining claims<br />

6/17 /62 E3<br />

Ozark hills could produce valuable crop of trees<br />

11/11/62 E4<br />


City has made much progress ever past few years<br />

2-/18/62 E5<br />


see Education - Forrest City District<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />


see Defense and armed forces<br />


see also Archeology and anthrepelegy<br />

see also Civil War<br />

see also Culture and the arts<br />

see also Economic development<br />

see also Historic buildings and sites<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

Bob Brooksher elected mayer<br />

Bob Brooksher wins recourt in mayor 's race<br />

Urban Renewal Agency sets boundaries fer renewal area<br />

Urban Renewal planning funds received<br />

Group teurs Little Rock 's urban renewal proj ects<br />

Group gets facts en urban renewal in LR visit<br />

Residents obj ect te Urban Renewal proj ect<br />

Oklahomans renew fight to tax part of Fort Smith<br />

Urban Renewal fees seek vete on plans<br />


Judge fines three unien leaders fer contempt ef court<br />

NLRB examiner recommends rehiring, pay fer 186 workers<br />


see also Trade scheels<br />

Scheel expands its curriculum<br />

Fort Smith JC trains workers fer industry<br />


see Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see Historic buildings and sited<br />


see Education - Fort Smith District<br />


see Music<br />


Oyster. sharks ' teeth found in Clark Ceunty<br />

Mastadon jawbone feund en <strong>Arkansas</strong> River sandbar<br />

Mastadan jawbone was found near Fart Smith<br />

4-/ 5/61 Bl<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl<br />

4-/25/61 Bl<br />

7-/- 6/61 Bl<br />

11/29/61 A6<br />

12/ 3/61 Cl<br />

11/24/62 BlO<br />

12/ 5/62 All<br />

12/22./62 A2<br />

8/23/61 Bl<br />

5/24/62 A6<br />

8/13/61 A15<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

l<br />

2<br />

7<br />

3<br />

5<br />

8<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

5<br />

7<br />

6<br />

2<br />

7<br />

2<br />

7/16/61 Al2 1<br />

6/29/62 A2 6<br />

6/29:/62 A2 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Dinosaur skeleton being excavated near Delight in SW <strong>Arkansas</strong> 9/16/62 AlO 3<br />


see Children and youth<br />


Boat paddles from Conway plant seld world-wide<br />


12/13/61 Bl 2<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Valley Industries Inc<br />

FOX. SALLY<br />

see also Apparel and dress<br />


Announces she has incurable f erm of cancer<br />

Love of the meuntains. humer . mark announcemnt ef cancer<br />

Returns te hospital fer treatment<br />

Lists things for which she is thankful<br />

FRANKE I s INC<br />

10/21/62 E6<br />

10/21/-62 E6<br />

11/ 4/62 E6<br />

11/18/62 E6<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

see Restaurants<br />


County divided into 2 dists because ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> River<br />


Plant to locate at Siloam Springs<br />


Union asks buyer boycott of Franz ; court steps it<br />

Feed Handlers lose round in court in Kreger Stores action<br />

Union told to step handing out leaflets at Kreger Stores<br />

Kroger drops union suit it filed against leafleteers<br />


see also Colleges and univs - Fraternities and sororities<br />

Univ of Ark registrar Carter A Short is natl Blue Key officer<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Business Development Corp<br />

see also Champion and Co<br />

see also Lenders Service Company Inc<br />

see also Livestock and peul try<br />

see also Murders - McCool , J Thurman<br />

see also Stocks and bends<br />

see also Villa Mobile Hemes Manufacturing Cerp<br />

Four Texarkana men chgd in swindle of 81-yr-old minister<br />

Mrs Sharon Sellers gets 3-yr-term in hot check case at Mena<br />

Ira Celeinan Roberts chgd in $17 ,500 con game<br />

Woman at LR leses $560 in pigeen drop game<br />

Pigeon drep game casts woman $3 , 200 she saved fer heme<br />

Woman reports loss ef $1200 to swindlers<br />

Negro man reports he was slicked eut of $500<br />

Bogus agents sell Grand Ole Opry tickets at two cities<br />

see alse Stecks and bands<br />

Sellers ef bogus Grand Ole Opry tickets face charges<br />

Warner Heward Frith. Van Adams chgd with kiting checks<br />

Three men chgd in livestock swindle at Morrilton<br />


8/27/61 El<br />

10/ 7/61 B7<br />

11/22/61 A6<br />

11/23/61 Bl<br />

11/23/61 Bl<br />

ll/24/61 BlO<br />

9/ 9/62 A8<br />

1<br />

2<br />

7<br />

8<br />

8<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1/26/61 Cl4 3<br />

5/ 4/61 Bl 2<br />

1/17/62 K3 3<br />

2/16/62 AlO 1<br />

4/ 3/62 B3 6<br />

9/ 8/62 B12 2<br />

9/ 18/-62 A6 l<br />

9/30/-62 Al4 1<br />

00/ /62<br />

10/ 3/62 Bl 5<br />

11/15/62 Bl 2<br />

11/25/62 A2 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />


see Wages and salaries<br />


see also Cities and tewns<br />


see Harding College<br />


see also Communism<br />


see Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see also Agriculture<br />

FRENCH IN <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see History (Ark)<br />


see Railroads<br />

FROGS<br />

see Jumping Frog Jubilee<br />


Jenesbere te buy plant, rent it te Frolic<br />


Ralph Banta of Green Forest. is noted apple-grewer<br />


see also Football<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


see also Agricultural extension work<br />


see alse Congress - Senate (Class I)<br />


see also Libraries, Public<br />


Biographical sketch ef f ermer Congressman f rem <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


Wife of former Rep Claude A Fuller dies at Eureka Springs<br />


see also Murders - Fuller. Sue Helen<br />

FULMER, W L SR<br />

see alse Medicine and health<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />


Elected head ef national ESD employees group<br />


see also Pulaski County<br />


Burial funds law validity tested in suit filed in court<br />

10/ 7/61 A2<br />

10/21/62 E5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1/15/61 E2 5<br />

10/ 8-/61 AlO 3<br />

7/ 8/ 61 A3 5<br />

3/24/ 61 Bl3 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Judge upholds act requiring holding of pre-paid funeral funds<br />

Ruebel Funeral Heme plans new bldg en West Markham<br />

Buddhist funeral at Clarksville may have been first fer Ark<br />

Marianna funeral heme has kept embalmed bedy since 1909<br />

Ark Medical Center refuses body at Marianna mortuary<br />

Baby kept 53 years at Marianna may be that of William Kerr<br />

Tommy Meon may end up in UAMC after all<br />

Tommy Moon finds heme at last in Univ of Ark Medical Center<br />

Mrs Thomas Peck says Tommy Moon is her father. George Berry<br />

Funeral services planned for George Clark Berry<br />

George Clark Berry 'Tammy Moon' buried at Vanndale Cemetery<br />

FUR<br />

see also Wildlife<br />


see Heuseheld furnishings and equipment<br />


New plant at Russellville to test new poultry products<br />


Cenvention at LR te draw 12.000 girls to city<br />


Members told to stay in school and in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

GALENA<br />

see also Mines and minerals<br />


see History (Ark)<br />


Bookies at Hot Springs robbing state of revenue. Gev told<br />

Gev Faubus asks efficials te closed dewn Hot Springs bookies<br />

Hot Springs bookies operating wide epen, Gev Faubus told<br />

State Sen Q Byrum Hurst says bookie reperts net true<br />

Unwritten cede says Hot Springs beekies close during racing<br />

Lid clamped en beekies. Hot Springs officials say<br />

FBI seize 5 slet devices at Het Springs<br />

Dr L V Rowe files civil rights suit against Vapors Night Club<br />

Dr L V Rowe says he was falsely imprisoned at Vapors Club<br />

Gerald Vandeslice made party te lawsuit against Vapers Club<br />

2 slet machines seized at Silver Dollar tavern at Hot Springs<br />

9 slot machines seized at Het Springs Gelf and Ceuntry Club<br />

Parade Magazine lists LR as farmer home of gambling syndicate<br />

Slet machines confiscated in third raid at Het Springs<br />

Gambling discussed in hearing en Vapors suit by Dr Rowe<br />

Vapors Night Club denies holding Dr L V Rewe against his will<br />

Rebert F Kennedy cites Het Springs in rackets testimony<br />

Christian Civic Fdn will try te ban gambling in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Court drops rights suit by Dr L V Rawe against Vapors Club<br />

Biographical sketch ef Owen V Madden<br />

Ot.\ren V Madden reportedly subpoenaed in Hot Springs probe<br />

U S Senate prebers reportedly probing Hot Springs gambling<br />

Rumers flying en resasens fer gambling probe at Het Springs<br />

Sen John L McClellan sets crime probe in Washington<br />

Phone records at Het Springs subpoenaed by Sen McClellan<br />

8/ 4/61 Bll<br />

12/17/61 Cl<br />

6/ 3/62 A16<br />

8/31/62 AlO<br />

9/ 2/ 62 A5<br />

9/ 4/62 A2<br />

9/ 5/62 Bl<br />

9/ 7/62 All<br />

9-/-27/-62 Bl<br />

10/ 7 /62 AB<br />

10/-15/-62 A2<br />

6<br />

3<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

7/13/61 B6 2<br />

3/11/-62 A12 1<br />

3/13/62 Bl 2<br />

3/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

3/ 8/6 1 Al 3<br />

3/ 8/ 61 Al 3<br />

3/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

3/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

3/19/61 A2 7<br />

3/31/-61 Al2 3<br />

4/ 8/-61 A3 l<br />

4/ 8/61 A3 l<br />

5/ 6/61 A9 l<br />

5/20/61 Al 3<br />

5/-20/61 Al 3<br />

5/23/61 A3 3<br />

5/26/61 AB 3<br />

5/27/61 A2 6<br />

5/27/-61 A2 6<br />

6/ 7/61 Al 4<br />

6/ 8/ 61 A3 3<br />

7/ 2/61 A2 2<br />

7/25/-61 Al 3<br />

7/25/61 Al 3<br />

7/25/61 Al 3<br />

7/-30/61 E5 1<br />

8/ 5/-61 Al 5<br />

8/22/61 BlO 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

C J Lytle of NLR. subpoenaed by McClellan committee<br />

Owen Madden te testify bef ere U S Senate panel<br />

Beekies at Hot Springs and LR clesed up en eve of inquiry<br />

C Julian Lytel takes Fifth before Senate cemmittee<br />

Owen Madden. James Vitro take Fifth Amdt before Senate panel<br />

Hot Springs gamblers fret about U S Senate inquiry effect<br />

The repugnant concept of legalized gambling (ed)<br />

Pulaski Sheriff£ L C Yeung says co free ef syndicted gambl ing<br />

Court tells LR te preve Legion Post machines are fer gambling<br />

Kenneth Coffelt wants county officials questioned en gambling<br />

Pulaski grand jury probing gambling. liquor vielatiens<br />

The grand jury inquiry (ed en Pulaski County probe)<br />

Judge William J Kirby cites 4 persons ov er Coffelt allegation<br />

Churchmen urge residents to demand probe ef gambling<br />

Report that Dutch students saw gambling in Pulaski checked<br />

U S Senate panel cannot check intrastate gambling<br />

Conway W Helmes charged in gambling probe<br />

Pulaski grand jury questions three witnesses en gabling<br />

Grand jury finds no syndicated gambling in Pulaski County<br />

The unimpressive report of the county grand jury (ed)<br />

Bets totaling $1.5 million reported by state 's bookies<br />

Gaming counts cost Meese Club mgr $300<br />

Slet machines seized at Het Springs Country Club destroyed<br />

Hot Spings gambling net concern te maj ority . Gov Faubus says<br />

Illegal Hot Springs gambling net state problem. Faubus says<br />

The Hot Springs problem (ed en Faubus statements)<br />

Head ef Christian Civic Fdn asks U S prebe of Het Springs<br />

Rev W 0 Vaught calls fer halt to law violation in Hat Springs<br />

Ed Masters ef NLR fined fer allowing poker game in his heme<br />

Baptist State Cenv urges cleanup of vice and crime in state<br />

U S Atty Gen Rebert F Kennedy promises probe of Hot Springs<br />

Rebert F Kennedy has ne plans fer probe of Hot Springs<br />

Alleged gambling closes new cafe near Lake Village<br />

Sen Q Byrum Hurst te push fer legalized gambling in state<br />

Gazette urges cleanup of illegal gambling in Hot Springs<br />

Fine upheld in seizure of slot machines at NLR Meese Club<br />

Machines seized at Legion Pest legal. Grand Jury says<br />

Slot machines seized at NLR Meese Club destroyed<br />

Two mere slot machines ordered destroyed<br />

Two more slot machines destroyed in Pulaski County<br />

Raid at LR nets three en bookie charges<br />

Ministerial Assn charges widespread gambling in Pulaski Co<br />

Two assessed fines fer gambling operation at Dick's Place<br />

LR city employee te be fired in pinball raid case<br />

Pinball machines are headache fer NLR officials<br />

Pulaski Co Grand Jury wants laws en gambling passed<br />

Sid McMath takes issue with rept he allowed gambling<br />

Sports Illustrated says Hot Springs gambling wide-open<br />

Eight held to Circuit Ct en pinball payoff counts<br />

Downtown Printing Co of Hot Springs named in U S Senate rept<br />

U S Senate comm rept links Owney Madden to Dewntewn Printing<br />

8/ 23/61 Al 6<br />

8/27 /61 Al 3<br />

8/27/61 All 1<br />

9/ 1/61 Al 4<br />

9/- l/61 Al 4<br />

9/ 3/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 8/61 A4 l<br />

9/ 9/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 9/61 A2 2<br />

9/10/61 A2 3<br />

9/12/61 Al 5<br />

9/-13/61 A4 1<br />

9/14/61 Bl 2<br />

9/15/61 Bl2 3<br />

9/19/61 A6 5<br />

9/20/-61 Bl 2<br />

9/-21/-61 C14 1<br />

9/23/61 Al 6<br />

9/-26/61 Al 3<br />

9/27 /-61 A4 1<br />

9/27/61 AB 3<br />

10/ 6/61 Al4 1<br />

10/21/61 A5 3<br />

11/ 1/61 Al 3<br />

11/ 1/61 Al 3<br />

11/ 2/61 A4 2<br />

11/ 2/61 Bl 6<br />

11/ 9/61 A2 2<br />

11/ 9/61 Cl2 2<br />

11/10/61 Al 7<br />

12./13/61 Bl 3<br />

12/14/-61 A3 4<br />

1/ 8/62 A2 l<br />

2/- 3/62 A2 1<br />

2/ 4/62 E2 1<br />

2/14/-62 A6 1<br />

2/ 1'5/62 C20 1<br />

2/16/-62 Al 3<br />

2/17/62 A7 1<br />

2/20/62 BS 6<br />

2/25/-62 Al 2<br />

2/27/62 Bl 6<br />

2/27/62 Bl 8<br />

3/ 2/62 Bl 8<br />

3/ 4/ 62 Al 4<br />

3/ 6/-62 Al 4<br />

3/ 18/-62 AlO 6<br />

3/ 18/62 AlO 6<br />

3/28/62 Bl4 1<br />

3/29/62 Al 4<br />

3/29/62 Al 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

K Barney Levin 's Westweed Club has given up gambling<br />

Eleven defendants accused of running gaming house at LR<br />

Christian Church calls fer ban ef further legal gaming in Ark<br />

Black market tax en illegal gambling to be offered te Legis<br />

Black market tax en illegal gambling called hypocritical<br />

Kenneth Ceffelt chgs Gev Faubus blocked crime comm creation<br />

Gov Faubus maintains Het Springs gambling is a local problem<br />

Article en wide-epen gambling at Het Springs<br />

Crewds line up te gamble at Vapors Night Club. article says<br />

Southern Club in Hot Springs has 44 slot machines<br />

Gambling at Het Springs shewn in photos<br />

Het Springs mayer. pastors disagree en city 's gambling<br />

Hot Springs ' crime and erganiz ed gambling (ed)<br />

Report reveals illegal wagers off in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Andrew S Bass charged by FBI in West Memphis<br />

Julius Gerard Jr convicted of permitting gambling at club<br />

Police raid Red Gate Supper Club near Little Rock<br />

Witness says he paid Andrew S Bass $50 per week in payoffs<br />

Andrew S Bass found guilty, given three years<br />

Andrew S Bass to appeal his conviction<br />

Gaming school allegedly operating at Hot Springs<br />

Grand Jury te leek into gambling at Het Springs<br />

Grand Jury may consider legality of cashing checks at clubs<br />

Understanding the issue in legalized gambling (ed)<br />

Sentinel-Record comments en gambling in spa city<br />

Grand Jury probe ef gambling in Ark begins<br />

Grand Jury cleses prebe ef gaming; refuses to indict<br />

Hot Springs officials hail Grand Jury verdict en gambling<br />

Church forces gearing up to oppose legalized gambling<br />

The federal investigation en Hat Springs gambling (ed)<br />

Churchmen ef Ark reveal plan fer fighting move en gambling<br />

Methodist and Baptist leaders head anti-gambling forces<br />

Editorials discussing gambling issue<br />

West Memphis night clubs closed; ne presecutien planned<br />

IRS seizes pinball devices at LR. NLR fer lack of stamp<br />

Ralph Underhill apposes gambling in Ark<br />

State drops charges against three men<br />

Etwin L McDonald says effort te legalize gambling unl ikely<br />

Editorials en Hat Springs gambling situation<br />


see alse Land and real estate<br />

see also Wildlife<br />

Gov Faubus switches Truman Baker frem G&FC te Highway Comm<br />

Sam Helt apptd to Comm by Gev Faubus<br />

Sam Helt was net a Faubus supporter in 1954<br />

G&FC crew cut trees at Lake Atalanta; residents angered<br />

G&FC crews did net cut white oaks at Lake Atalanta<br />

Stanley McNulty named to Comm<br />

Athel Hill ef Bass. seeks remeval of game warden 0 R Willis<br />

Athel Hill's suit alleges false imprisonment<br />

Budget blacked by Rep Paul Van Dalsem<br />

4/ 1/62 Al<br />

4/ 13/62 Bll<br />

4/28/62 A6<br />

5/27/62 E3<br />

6/ 1/62 A4<br />

6/ 7/62 Bl<br />

6/12/62 A4<br />

6/17/62 Al<br />

6/17/62 Al<br />

6/17/62 Al<br />

6/17/62 A3<br />

6/28/62 Bl<br />

7/15/62 E2<br />

8/17/62 Al<br />

9/ &/ 62 A5<br />

10/ 9/62 BlO<br />

10/29/62 A2<br />

11-/- 6/62 Bl<br />

ll/ 7/62 Bl<br />

11/18/-62 A2<br />

11/-25/62 Al<br />

11/-28/62 Al<br />

11-/29/-62 Al<br />

12/ 9/62 E2<br />

12/ 9/62 E3<br />

12/12/62 Bl<br />

12/14/62 Al<br />

12/14/-62 Al<br />

12/15/62 A2<br />

12/15/62 A4<br />

12/16/62 A3<br />

12/ 16/62 A3<br />

12/16-/-62 E3<br />

12/18/-62 Bl<br />

12/20/62 Al<br />

12/20/-62 A6<br />

12/20/62 B7<br />

12/30-/-62 A5<br />

12/30/62 D3<br />

1/18/61 Al<br />

1/18/61 Al<br />

1/18/61 Al<br />

12/13/61 A6<br />

12/21/61 Bl<br />

5/10/-62 Bl<br />

10/12/62 B6<br />

10-/-12/62 B6<br />

11/ 1/62 Bl<br />

2<br />

7<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

l<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

5<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

8<br />

6<br />

6<br />

3<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

8<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

7<br />

5<br />

5<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Legislators order increase in budget fer trapping predaters<br />

ALC cuts 40 key jebs frem 1963-64 budget; reduces salaries<br />

Pelitics seen in actiens ef ALC against G&FC staff<br />

State says Athel Hill lacks right to sue G&FC<br />

GAMES<br />

see alse Gambling<br />

Article en puzzles made by Civil War soldier<br />

Heep and pusher game made by Ark La Village<br />

Piggett bans pinball machines because children lese money<br />

Piggett loses in ceurt test en pinball machines<br />

GANGS<br />

see Crime and vice<br />


see also Metien pictures<br />


see alse<br />

see alse<br />

GAR<br />

see<br />

Congress - House Dist 3<br />

Harding Cellege<br />

Wildlife<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />

GARDEN CLUBS. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Federation of<br />

see also Veterans<br />

Annual cenventien elects officers. committees<br />


Former County Collector Ray Ow'en paroled f rem prison<br />

Fermer Ceunty Judge H C Warren freed of remaining three chgs<br />

Ex-baseball great Lon Warneke seeks ef fice ef county judge<br />

GOP apposes reduction in number ef townships<br />

Len Warneke seeks county judge pest as independent<br />

Circuit judge approves plan te abolish all tewnships<br />

Only 11 tewnships abolished by order<br />

County Judge Henry Murphy wants Warneke petitions rechecked<br />

Ark Supreme Ct upholds ruling against former county judge<br />

Len Warneke wins county judge pest in receunt<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />

GARRETT. U G<br />

see also Hempstead County<br />

GAS<br />

see Oil and gas<br />

GAS9 Natural<br />

see Oil and gas<br />


see Petroleum products<br />

see also Petroleum. products<br />


see also Economic development<br />


Gasten left established career te study medicine<br />


11/ 1/62 Bl 2<br />

11/27/62 Al 2<br />

11/27/62 Al 2<br />

11/30/-62 AB 4<br />

11/ 5/ 61 E5 2<br />

12/10/61 C2 4<br />

5/16/62 Bl 2<br />

8/28/62 A2 3<br />

5/ 7/61 Dl5 4<br />

2/ 2/61 A2 1<br />

1/ 5/62 Bl 5<br />

8/ 18/62 A2 2<br />

8/22/62 A6 2<br />

9/ 5/62 A6 5<br />

9/-11/62 Bl 2<br />

9/ 12/62 Bl 8<br />

9/ 28/62 Bl 2<br />

10/ 2/ 62 Bl 2<br />

11/ 9/62 Bl 2<br />

5/ 6/62 E4 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Books and writing<br />


see alse Cengress - Reuse Dist 1<br />


see alsa Congress - Redistricting<br />


see alse Boeks and writing<br />


see alse Rel igion<br />


State repr calls fer study of free high scheel textbooks<br />


see Legislature (Ark)<br />

see Legislature (Ark)<br />

GENTRY. T J<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Ce<br />

see also Courts. State and local<br />

see alse Electric power<br />

see also Rail reads<br />


Mississippi embayment once extended te site ef Little Reck<br />

Geologic chart shows evolution ef the Ouachita Mountains<br />

High Ouachitas were once part ef inland sea bettem<br />

Highway cut near Benton reveals interesting f ermatiens<br />

Read cuts at Lake Maumelle shaw interesting f ermatiens<br />

Article on reek formations along US 71 near Mountainburg<br />

Geologist Charles G Stene studies LR area reeks. minerals<br />

Natural bridge formation at Harrison (photo)<br />


see also Education<br />


G-P buys Imperial Bag and Paper Ce at Pine Bluff<br />

Pine Bluff plant to expand<br />

Officials discuss plans fer newly-acquired Crossett Ce<br />

Acquisitien of Crossett plant opens new markets fer G-P<br />


Gerber plans large plant at Fort Smith<br />

Daniel F Gerber says firm never finishes plant. just expands<br />


see alse Peace Cerps<br />

GERMANS IN <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see History (Ark)<br />

GERRARD. W H<br />

see also Junior Chamber of Commerce<br />


see also History {Ark)<br />


Geyer left established career te study medicine<br />

GHOSTS<br />

see Apparitions<br />


3/11/62 A3 1<br />

1/ 8/61 E2 1<br />

12/10/61 E4 4<br />

12/10/61 E4 4<br />

3/25/62 ES 2<br />

4/ 8/62 E5 2<br />

4/22/62 E5 2<br />

7/15/62 E4 4<br />

10/21/62 E6 1<br />

9/ 6/61 B7 1<br />

6/28/62 Bl 3<br />

7/19/62 Bl 4<br />

7/21/62 A2 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Fire at El Dorado facility dees $100,000 damage<br />


see alse Educatien - Conway Ditrict<br />

see alse Governor (Ark)<br />


LR Gideons teld of werk in placing Bibles in Ceylon, India<br />


see also Conway County<br />


see Education - Gill District<br />


May er Jee Cloud remains en job; ne one else will take it<br />


Girls State epens with 865 in attendance<br />

Three sets of twins are delegates<br />

Girls elect mayors<br />

Governor chosen, ether officers elected<br />

Comments by delegates en current issues<br />

First Girls State fer Negroes scheduled<br />

Counties pick their ef ficers<br />

Delegates te Girls Nation chosen<br />

GLASS<br />

see also Culture and the arts<br />

Beb Baty has creamer collection of ever 2,000 items<br />


see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see alse Agricultural Stabilization and Censervatien Service<br />


see also World War II<br />


see also Lauck, Chester<br />


see also Executive mansion (Ark)<br />


see alse Southwest Securities Inc<br />


see alse Congress - Senate (Class I)<br />

GOLF<br />

Richard Sikes fights way te Publinx finals<br />

Richard Sikes wins National Publinx title at Detroit<br />

Richard H Sikes invited te Masters Teurnament<br />

Richard H Sikes plays in Masters Teurnament<br />

Richard H Sikes ef Springdale favored in Riverdale 4-ball<br />


see alse Courts. Federal<br />

GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Roads<br />


see History (Ark)<br />


6/13/61 A7 3<br />

8/27/62 A2 l<br />

11/16/62 Bl 2<br />

6/11/61 A16 1<br />

6/12/61 Al 6<br />

6/13/61 Bl 4<br />

6/16/61 Bl 6<br />

6/18/61 El l<br />

2/14/62 Bl 4<br />

6/14/62 A3 6<br />

6/17/62 Al2 3<br />

7/23/61 E2 1<br />

7/15/61 B2 6<br />

7/17/61 Bl 4<br />

3/11/62 B2 l<br />

4/16/62 B2 3<br />

5/27/62 B3 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Apptd te State Beard ef Educatien<br />


see also Lieutenant Governor (Ark)<br />


see Education - Gosnell District<br />


Plant boosts economy of Marked Tree<br />


see Government departments and agencies (Ark)<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />

Bills in Legis propose sale of industrial bonds held by state<br />

Senate passes bill to revoke bend authority<br />

Reuse bill calls fer pay-as-you-go bend plan fer building<br />

Dardanel le asks state Finance Bd ta buy indus revenue bonds<br />

State buys Dardanelle's industrial bonds<br />

State funds draw no interest<br />

Gazette calls fer interest en state funds in banks<br />

Banks holding funds of state are kept secret<br />

List ef banks holding deposits ef state money<br />

State should get interest from money in banks. ed says<br />

The central issue en state bank deposits (ed)<br />

State Treasurer decides size ef deposits fer each bank<br />

State Treasurer candidate says he would change deposit system<br />

A non-political system in bank deposits (ed)<br />

Interest en state funds (ed)<br />

Gaz ette insists state should get interest en bank deposits<br />

How other states put idle funds te work (ed)<br />

Idle funds for Revenue Bldg cannot be invested under law<br />


see also Alcoholic Beverage Control Department (Ark)<br />

see also Apiary Beard (Ark)<br />

see also Banking Beard (Ark)<br />

see alee Claims Cemmissien (Ark)<br />

see also Commerce Commission (Ark)<br />

see also Disability Determinatien Dept (Ark)<br />

see also Disability Determination Department (Ark)<br />

see alse Education Board (Ark)<br />

see also Education Department (Ark)<br />

see also Empleyment Security Division (Ark)<br />

see also Game and Fish Cemmissien (Ark)<br />

see also Health Beard (Ark)<br />

see also Health Department (Ark)<br />

see also Higher Educatienal Finance. Commission en • • •<br />

see also Highway Department (Ark)<br />

see also Highway Department (Ark)<br />

see also History Commission (Ark)<br />

see also Industrial Development Cemmissien (Ark)<br />

see alse Labor Department (Ark)<br />

see also Land Department (Ark)<br />

see also Medical Board. <strong>Arkansas</strong> State<br />

3/13/62 Bl<br />

2/23/62 Bl<br />

1/19/61 Bl<br />

1/25/61 Al<br />

1/26/61 Al<br />

4/11/61 Bl<br />

4/ 12/61 BB<br />

6/ 4/61 E5<br />

7/11/61 A4<br />

9/16/61 A3<br />

6/10/62 Al<br />

6/19/62 A4<br />

6/20/62 A4<br />

6/20/62 A6<br />

6/20/62 A6<br />

6/21/62 A4<br />

6/26/62 A4<br />

7/10/62 A4<br />

7/27/62 A4<br />

9/16/62 E3<br />

5<br />

2<br />

8<br />

4<br />

2<br />

8<br />

6<br />

l<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

l<br />

l<br />

1<br />

4<br />

l<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Merit System Council (Ark)<br />

see also Oil and Gas Cem.missien (Ark)<br />

see alse Parden and Parole Beard (Ark)<br />

see also Public Service Commission (Ark)<br />

see also Publicity and Parks Commission (Ark)<br />

see also Racing Commission (Ark)<br />

see also Teacher Retirement System (Ark)<br />

see alse Welfare Department (Ark)<br />

see alse Workmen 's Compensation Cemm.issien (Ark)<br />

Senate passes bill te curb absenteeism at beard meetings 1/28/61 A2 5<br />

Column discusses filling ef commissions pests 5/28/61 E5 1<br />

Gov Faubus te fill about 170 vacancies in his 5th term 12/26/62 A9 1<br />


County employees have been under state retirement system 2 yr 5/21/61 A6 1<br />

Little Reck will keep its ewn retirement plan 6/ 1/61 A13 3<br />


Ark Empleyment Security Div employees face Hatch Act charges 1/14/-61 Al 2<br />

ESD employees accused ef violating law in Faubus campaign 1/14/-61 Al 2<br />

Gev Faubus doubts five ESD employees guilty 1/15/61 Al 7<br />

Five ESD employees identified in Hatch Act case 1/16-/-61 A2 4<br />

Federal govt says it can preve charges of ESD shakedewn 1/17/61 Bl 2<br />

ARD says pay raises would cost $1. 2 million under bill 1/2'2;/61 A4 7<br />

ESD employees. state rej ect Hatch Act vielatiens charges 1/25/61 Bl 8<br />

Municipal employees ask Legislature fer pensien plan 1/29/-61 AB 1<br />

Bill in Legis weuld increase county employees salaries 1/31/61 A3 3<br />

State Hospital Supt Granville L Jenes says no politics there 2/12/61 E4 3<br />

State Hospital political policy is similar to Hatch Act 2/12/61 E4 3<br />

Legis sets up job classification and analysis system 3/10/61 A2 1<br />

Five ESD empleyees face April hearing en Hatch Act chgs 3/31/61 Bl 8<br />

Unnamed senator 1 s son reportedly te get job without exam 4/ 2/61 E5 l<br />

Arnold B Sikes takes leave ef absence te work in bond drive 5/ 16/61 A2 6<br />

ESD empleyees testify donatiens fer Faubus were solicited 6/ 7/61 Al 3<br />

Summary of testimony by ESD empleyees en Faubus campaign fund 6/ 7/61 Al 3<br />

Five ESD officials testify they did net solicit Faubus funds 6/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

Hatch Act hearing raises grave question (ed) 6-/- 8/61 A4 l<br />

Faubus fund solicitor Jehn B Bull has say en hiring 6/10/61 Al 5<br />

Merit System Council uses Jehn B Bull as oral examiner 6/10/61 Al 5<br />

John B Bull holds pest despite ban against political activity 6/11/61 Al 6<br />

Haw Faubus machine uses its pewer (ed on ESD and Hatch Act) 6-/-11/61 E4 1<br />

Daughter ef Forrest Rozelle lands state job for summer 6/11/61 ES 1<br />

Merit Council backs Faubus fund-raiser Jehn B Bull 6/13/61 Bl 2<br />

Sen Rudolph Bates takes job as ESD auditor; sees ne conflict 8/ 5/-61 A2 2<br />

Senator Rudolph Bates can held ESD job. Merit Council says 8/ 6/61 Al 3<br />

Senator Rudolph Bates quits ESD jeb 8/24/61 Al 4<br />

Gaz ette cemments en resignation ef Sen Rudolph Bates 8/27/-61 E4 2<br />

Mrs A Hall Allen Jr. withess in Hatch Act case. resigns 9/30/61 Al 4<br />

Case ef Mrs Allen and the ESD headsmen (ed) 10/ 2/ 61 A4 1<br />

Gov Faubus denies knowledge ef Mrs Allen' s ESD resignation 10-/- 4/61 A2 1<br />

ESD Admr J L Bland silent en resignation ef Mrs Allen 10/ 7/61 A2 6<br />

Mr Bland 's silence (ed on resignatien ef Mrs A Hall Allen) 10/ 8/61 E2 l<br />

Civil service examiner advises 3 in ESD vielated Hatch act 10/11/61 Al 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Firing ef ESD 's Luke Arnett. Charles Weed, Wm Watkins asked<br />

Paul F Hegan testified he refused te give te Faubus campaign<br />

Paul F Hegan will not say if he has resigned ESD positien<br />

Paul F Hegan had been transferred from Russellville office<br />

Paul F Hegan has resigned ESD jeb<br />

Hatch Act chickens ceme heme ta roost (ed)<br />

Three ESD empleyees act te keep jobs in Hatch Act case<br />

AAUW te ask Knnedys te probe case ef Mrs Allen<br />

Gov Orval E Faubus defends ESD for its efficiency<br />

Gov Orval Faubus says AAUW pretests of ten and regularly<br />

Keeping score on ups and dewns ef ESD witnesses in Hatch Act<br />

AAJJP protest in case ef Mrs Allen brings enly one reply<br />

ESD employee Jee T Hirscheider's jeb abelished<br />

Jee T Hirscheider testified in Hatch Act hearings in June<br />

AAUW branch sends 16 telegrams to Washington in pretest<br />

ESD firing of Jee Hirscheider prempts AAUW telegrams<br />

Joe B Hirscheider appeals his case te Merit System Council<br />

Hearing fer Jee T Hirscheider called off<br />

William Watkins. ESD figure in Hatch Act case. resigns<br />

Federal govt reviBr.7ing Hatch Act case and ESD<br />

ESD relents. rehires Jee T Hirschider whe had been fired<br />

AAUW urges probe of alleged reprisals against ESD employees<br />

ESD employee Charles F Weed feund guilty in Hatch Act case<br />

ESD empleyees Luke Anett. William Wat sen guilty in Hatch case<br />

Gazette cem.ments en Hatch Act vielatiens at ESD<br />

ESD Admr James L Bland silent on suggested dismissal ef three<br />

Fear hampers prebe of ESD<br />

Gov Faubus assails prebe in ESD, backs accused efficials<br />

Gov Faubus contends ESD prebe aimed at him personally<br />

The ESD scandal (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus orders end te personal use of state cars<br />

ESD empleyees who violated Hatch Act still en state payroll<br />

U S Civil Service Comm asks status ef ESD employees<br />

Pelitical leyalties and a $51,300 loss (ed en ESD case)<br />

Gov Faubus says he has done nething about ESD Hatch Act case<br />

U S Civil Service awaits reply frem. Gev Faubus on ESD case<br />

ESD hires first Negrees fer white collar jebs<br />

Funds te be withheld from ESD because ef Hatch Act vielatien<br />

Gev Faubus te keep Arnett. Wood in ESD jobs. lese funds<br />

AAUW hits flouting ef order in ESD Hatch Act case<br />

Rey Reed speculates en Faubus motive fer Negroes in ESD posts<br />

Gov Faubus meets with Negro leaders en state empleyment<br />

Editorials critical ef Faubus keeping two officials in pests<br />

State empleyees anxious about Faubus re-election decision<br />

State Educ Commr Arch Ford cautions workers en politics<br />

Gov Faubus keeps ESD vielaters on payrell despite cast<br />

ESD Hatch Act case is a machine in action. Gaz ette says<br />

Editorial en Gov Faubus and the ESD Hatch Act violation<br />

Text of US Civil Rights Comm finding in Hatch Act case<br />

ESD empleyees net fired, funds net cut over Hatch Act case<br />

ESD penalties en Hatch Act case coming seen<br />

10/-11/61 Al 3<br />

10/11/-61 A2 1<br />

10/11/61 A2 1<br />

10/12/61 A2 1<br />

10/12/61 A2 1<br />

10/12/61 A4 l<br />

10/-20/61 Bl 8<br />

10/29/61 A2 4<br />

11/ 1/61 B8 5<br />

11/ 1/-61 BB 5<br />

11/- 5/61 E3 1<br />

11/22/61 A2 8<br />

12/14/61 Al 4<br />

12/14/61 Al 4<br />

12/17/61 A3 1<br />

12/17/61 A3 l<br />

12/19/61 Bl4 1<br />

12/28/61 A3 1<br />

12/29/-61 Bl 2<br />

12/31/61 Al 6<br />

l/ 5/-62 Al 5<br />

1/ 7/62 Af3 5<br />

1/16/62 Al 4<br />

1/16/62 Al 4<br />

1/-17/-62 A4 1<br />

1/17/-62 Af3 1<br />

1/19/62 Al 2<br />

1/-19/62 Al 2<br />

1/-19/62 Al 2<br />

1/20/62 A4 2<br />

2/10/62 A2 7<br />

2/16/62 Al 3<br />

2/17/62 Al 7<br />

2/17/62 A4 l<br />

2/-20/62 Bl 8<br />

2/24/62 B6 3<br />

3/ 2/-62 Bl 6<br />

3/ 6/62 Al 6<br />

3/ 7/62 Al 6<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 7<br />

3/11/-62 E3 1<br />

3/13/62 Al 2<br />

3/18/62 E3 2<br />

4/ 1/62 E3 1<br />

4/10/62 A3 7<br />

5/12/62 Al 5<br />

5/13/62 E2 1<br />

5/16/62 A4 2<br />

5/16/62 E4 6<br />

5/25/-62 Al .5<br />

6/ 1/62 Al 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

State ferfeits $30, 600 te keep ESD empleyees en payrell<br />

Dr Granville L Jones says politics cest him State Hosp job<br />

State Hespital empleyees received pay raise this month<br />

Pelitical fees unite in appeal for pay raises<br />

Statehouse pres achieve status eutside <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Gov Faubus wants pay raise fer lewer paid employees<br />

ALC passes ARD budget witheut raises fer officials<br />

Retirement pay authorized fer Rey W Milum. 20 ethers<br />


Sheriffs vote ta try again fer end to pay limits in charter<br />

Sheriffs Assn wants pay raise plan pegged to county size<br />

Ceunty Clerks Assn endorse proposal fer raising pay<br />

County judges view critics as innocently ignorant<br />

Proposed Amdt 52 would allew higher salaries fer officials<br />


see also Attorney General (Ark)<br />

see also Auditor (Ark)<br />

see also Gevernor (Ark)<br />

see alse Land Commissioner (Ark)<br />

see also Land Department (Ark)<br />

see also Lieutenant Gevernor (Ark)<br />

see also Secretary of State {Ark)<br />

see also Treasurer (Ark)<br />

Date fer taking office has been muddled ever the years<br />

Arndt to lift bar en pay endorsed by <strong>Arkansas</strong> Bar Assn<br />

Officials send Christmas greetings<br />

Many officials. employees paid higher salary than Governor<br />

Challenge may be made ef ef ficials holding military cemms<br />

State Auditor Jimmmie Jones also holds National Guard comm<br />

State Treasurer L A Clayton is active in Naval Reserve<br />

Taxpayer suit challenges expense accts fer govt officials<br />

Proposed Amdt 52 would allew salary increase for efficials<br />

Gazette endorses Amdt 52<br />

State flag use in advertising Amdt 52 called illegal<br />

Arndt te allew higher salaries fails<br />

Suit en public relations activities funds dismissed by judge<br />

Prepesed Amdt 52 defeated<br />


see Politics and elections<br />


see Politics and elections<br />

GOVERNOR (Ark)<br />

see also Executive Mansion (Ark)<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />

Faubus met with Reynol ds officials te help keep plant open<br />

Gov Orval Faubus celebrates Slst birthday<br />

Orval E Faubus becomes state 's first 4-term governor today<br />

Faubus says college finance board measure in Legis not his<br />

Faubus names two assistants liaison te Legislature<br />

Legislators divided ever Faubus speech at opening session<br />

Description ef House chamber during Faubus speech<br />

6/29/-62 Al 3<br />

7/24/-62 Bl 1<br />

7/31/62 Bl 4<br />

9/19/62 Bl 8<br />

9/30/62 E3 1<br />

10/-24/62 Bl 5<br />

12/ 6/62 A3 1<br />

12:/20/-62 Bl 4<br />

1/12/61 Bl 2.<br />

1/13/61 Bl 4<br />

1/15/-61 ClO 1<br />

11/25/61 Al 4<br />

9/16/62 A7 1<br />

1/ 8/61 ES l<br />

6/10/-61 A3 6<br />

12/24/61 D3 1<br />

1/14/-62 D3 1<br />

1/28/-62 E3 1<br />

1/28/62 E3 1<br />

1/28/62 E3 1<br />

7/ 4/62 A2 6<br />

9/16/62 A7 l<br />

9/20/62 A4 l<br />

10/ 11/62 Bl 3<br />

11/- 7 /-62 Al 5<br />

11/27/62 Al 3<br />

11/27/-62 Bl 5<br />

l/ 6/-61 Al 3<br />

1/- 8/61 A9 7<br />

1/10/61 Al 4<br />

1/10/61 Al 5<br />

1/10/-61 A2 l<br />

1/11/61 Al 6<br />

1/-11/-61 Al 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus asks Legis fer law te plug dike around sch segregation<br />

Summary of maj er ideas presented to Legis fer consideration<br />

The issues emerging in Faubus inaugural (ed)<br />

Faubus apposes raiding read funds by cities and counties<br />

Faubus praises Lawrence Blackwell; non-commital en re-appmt<br />

Faubus wants delay in appreval ef Congressional redistricting<br />

Senate 's quick vote en redistricting Cengress surprises Gov<br />

Faubus reaffirms eppositien to compulsory scbeol mergers<br />

Faubus to skip inauguration of President John F Kennedy<br />

4 ESD employees accused ef violating Hatch Act in campaign<br />

Faubus plan fer welfare is advanced by White House Conf panel<br />

Group urges Faubus to push fer PSC prebe ef electric rates<br />

Faubus doubts five ESD employees violated Hatch Act<br />

Change in Faubus inaugural noted between 1955. <strong>1961</strong><br />

Faubus defends his county vehicle license tax plan<br />

Appoints Sam Holt to Game and Fish Comm<br />

Appoints lengtime crony Truman Baker to Ark Highway Comm<br />

Sam Helt was net a Faubus supporter in 1954<br />

Paying political debts (ed en recent appmts to commissions)<br />

Faubus may try te save Shumaker Depet from being sold<br />

Faubus supports end te state purchase of industrial bonds<br />

Faubus will sign Mays plan fer Congressional reapportionment<br />

Faubus disagrees with AIDC on tax concessions te lure indus<br />

Faubus defends naming Truman Baker to Highway Cemmissien<br />

Gov Faubus meets privately with college heads en tax plan<br />

College heads want Faubus aid to defeat overall beard plan<br />

AIDC fretting ever relations with Governor Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus signs Congressional reapportionment plan<br />

Gov Faubus says he is net at odds with AIDC<br />

Faubus building program blocked by issue ever soft drink tax<br />

Faubus endorses Sam Rayburn plan to enlarge Rules Committee<br />

Faubus plans te keep state eut of sale of Shumaker Depot sale<br />

Faubus asks Univ ef Ark te continue football with Ole Miss<br />

Faubus gives State Hospital, Children's Celeny funds priority<br />

Faubus concerned by tax cuts proposed in Legis<br />

Lawmakers sheM unconcern fer Gov Faubus ' plans<br />

Gov Faubus having legis reapportionment plan drawn up<br />

State turnbacks and Mr Faubus 's duty (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus tells why speedy changes in constitution needed<br />

Faubus wants state 's share of teacher retirement cut te 5 pct<br />

Faubus wants teachers placed under Social Security System<br />

Faubus premises to seek mere funds fer Ark A M & N College<br />

Gazette opposes Faubus plan fer quick constitutional amdts<br />

Faubus favors control ef billboards along interstate reads<br />

Faubus opposed te raising tuition at state colleges, univ<br />

Women's Emergency Committee attacks two Faubus proposals<br />

Faubus questions motive of tax cut advocates<br />

Faubus comments on centreversy ever teacher retirement funds<br />

Article en methed Faubus used te reappartien Legislature<br />

Gazette commends Faubus stand en reducing state taxes<br />

Faubus te study method fer financing construction program<br />

1/11/-61 Al<br />

1/11/-61 Al<br />

1-/-11/-61 A4<br />

1/12/61 Al<br />

1/12/61 Al<br />

1/13/61 A2<br />

1/13/61 A2<br />

1/13/61 A2<br />

1/-13/61 A2<br />

1-/-14/61 Al<br />

1/14/61 A2<br />

1/14/61 A2<br />

1/15/-61 Al<br />

1/15/61 ES<br />

1-/17/-61 B3<br />

1/18/61 Al<br />

1/18/-61 Al<br />

1/18/61 Al<br />

1/19/61 A4<br />

1/19/61 AB<br />

1/19/61 Bl<br />

1/20/-61 Al<br />

1/20/61 A3<br />

1/20/61 Bl<br />

1/21/61 A3<br />

1/21/61 A3<br />

1/22/61 E5<br />

1/24/61 Al<br />

1/24/61 Bl<br />

1/26/-61 Al<br />

1/26/-61 AS<br />

1/26/61 A5<br />

1/26/61 B2<br />

1/27/61 A6<br />

1-/-27-/-61 Bl<br />

1/29/61 Al<br />

1/29/61 AS<br />

1/29-/-61 E4<br />

1/-31/61 Al<br />

1/31/61 Al<br />

1/31/61 Al<br />

1/-31/61 Bl<br />

2-/ 1/61 A4<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl<br />

2-/ 3/61 A12<br />

2/ 3-/61 Bl<br />

2-/ 4/61 A3<br />

2/ 5-/61 A9<br />

2-/ 5/-61 E4<br />

2-/ 7/-61 Al<br />

8<br />

8<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

6<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

6<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

8<br />

5<br />

1<br />

8<br />

l<br />

3<br />

l<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

6<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

6<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

6<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gov Faubus signs into law leng list ef new acts<br />

Gov Faubus. teachers disagree en retirement funding<br />

Gev Faubus says bills fer university status improved<br />

Faubus slaps teacher pension plan. hints at vete<br />

Faubus signs repeal of schoel board recall act ef 1958<br />

Faubus believes free elector law helped JFK<br />

Forrest Rozzell strikes back at Faubus en teacher retirement<br />

Gov Faubus signs highway bond bill<br />

Gov Faubus says change in consumer credit limit not tee bad<br />

Faubus says costly govt reforms net necessary<br />

Angered by news leak. Faubus belittles Brooks Hays appmt<br />

Faubus says Brooks Hays about as valuable as 5-yr-old child<br />

President Kennedy consulted Faubus before Hays appmt<br />

Faubus may turn to tax en beer. cigarettes to finance bldgs<br />

Faubus irked by general revenue diversion to counties<br />

Faubus attack on Brooks Hays draws Gazette response<br />

Faubus and voting (ed en statement en election system)<br />

Faubus moves to settle highway fund wrangle<br />

Faubus mailing his views on retirement to 15.000 teachers<br />

Faubus signs 16 bills. 4 resolutions<br />

Editerial discusses Faubus ' problems with the Legislature<br />

Faubus signs bill increasing turnback funds te counties<br />

Faubus will not place cities en funding par with counties<br />

Faubus presents his plan fer censtructien at colleges<br />

Gov Faubus seeks compromise en Teacher Retirement bill<br />

Faubus wants War Memorial Stadium Comm enlarged<br />

Legis lets Faubus decide en sales tax en indus equipment<br />

Faubus signs 21 measures passed by Legis<br />

AIDC funding bill gives governor say in hiring consultants<br />

Faubus compromising to avert legislative logj am<br />

Editorials on Faubus and his quickie amendments prepesal<br />

Politicians wonder why Faubus blew his stack ever Hays appmt<br />

Schoel forces fail te budge Faubus stand en retirement bill<br />

AF.A leaders den't serve teachers ' best interests. Faubus says<br />

Faubus presents ambitious construction program to Legislature<br />

Gov Faubus addresses joint session ef the Legislature<br />

Grant County teachers send Faubus letter en retirement plan<br />

Editorial analyzes Faubus stand on teacher retirement<br />

Beer tax fer construction program had strings . Faubus says<br />

Faubus has second construction plan if first one fails<br />

Faubus plan fer state construction program gains f aver<br />

Faubus and the AEA (ed)<br />

Faubus signs bill reducing industrial exemptions to use tax<br />

Faubus agrees to teacher retirement cempremise offer<br />

AEA rejects Faubus offer en teacher retirement bill<br />

Faubus calls for investigation ef Teacher Retirement System<br />

Smooth sailing seen fer Faubus bond program<br />

Beaten twice, Faubus tackles teachers again<br />

Highlights f rem Faubus speech en state constructien pregram<br />

Faubus remarks en Breaks Hays draw editorial comment<br />

Faubus ties Ark AM&N funds to hiring ef Earl E Evans<br />

2/ 7/61 Bl 8<br />

2/- 8/61 Al 2<br />

2/ 8/61 A2 4<br />

2/ 9/61 Al 2<br />

2/ 9/61 Bl 8<br />

2/ 9/61 B9 2<br />

2/10/61 Al 3<br />

2/10/61 Bl 2<br />

2/10/-61 Bl 3<br />

2/10/61 Bl 5<br />

2/11/61 Al 4<br />

2/11/61 Al 4<br />

2/11/61 Al 4<br />

2/11/61 Al 6<br />

2/11/61 A3 4<br />

2/12/61 E4 1<br />

2-/ 12/61 E4 2<br />

2/14/61 Al 2<br />

2/14/61 Bl 4<br />

2/14/61 Bl 8<br />

2/15/61 A4 2<br />

2/16/61 AlO 1<br />

2/16/61 AlO 1<br />

2/16/61 Bl 8<br />

2/17/61 Al 8<br />

2/17/61 B2 3<br />

2/18/61 A2 1<br />

2/18/61 A5 1<br />

2/18/61 A5 4<br />

2/19/61 Al 3<br />

2/19/61 E4 6<br />

2/19/61 E5 5<br />

2/21/61 Al 5<br />

2/22/61 Al 6<br />

2/22/61 Al 8<br />

2/22/61 Al 8<br />

2/22-/61 A3 1<br />

2/22/61 A4 1<br />

2/23/61 Al 3<br />

2/23/61 Al 4<br />

2/23/61 Al 4<br />

2/23/61 A4 2<br />

2/23/61 Bl 8<br />

2/24/61 Al 8<br />

2/25/61 Al 7<br />

2/25/-61 Al 7<br />

2/26/61 Al 3<br />

2/26/61 Al 4<br />

2/26/61 A16 1<br />

2/26/61 E4 7<br />

2/28/61 Al 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Teachers overwhelmingly rej ect Faubus plan on retirement<br />

Faubus drops plan fer speedy revision of constitution<br />

Governor 's teacher retirement bill defeated by House<br />

Faubus admits letter en Ark AM&N. but denies threat<br />

Instant amendments and Faubus 's bargain (ed)<br />

Compromise may delay teacher retirement changes fer 2 yrs<br />

Faubus cracks whip; Hause passes his teacher retirement bill<br />

Faubus says public awakened, eppeses AEA pensien plan<br />

Faubus forces seek support of teachers on bend issue<br />

AF.A panel appears reluctant to deal with Gov Faubus<br />

The governor 's blitzkrieg en teacher retirement (ed)<br />

Peevish Faubus may indicate building program en the reeks<br />

Faubus stumps fer construction bends in speech te grecers<br />

Faubus adds teacher pay raise te construction bill<br />

Reuse rej ects Faubus ' proposed school segregation amdt<br />

Faubus pushes his teacher retirement bill through Senate<br />

Faubus told Senators he would veto AEA retirement bill<br />

Faubus allows repeal of free elector law without his action<br />

Faubus asks officials te close Hot Springs bookie operations<br />

Faubus proposed amdt en children refusing integrated schoels<br />

Faubus f avers dividing scheel plants aleng racial lines<br />

Faubus says courts may make segregated scheel amdt needed<br />

Faubus ' proposal en school segregation to be en ballet<br />

Proposal says no child has te attend integrated school<br />

Faubus signs bill fer state te start educational 'IV<br />

Faubus pleased with treatment Legislature gave his program<br />

Faubus says his construction program will take care of future<br />

Faubus says he alene makes decisions in his administration<br />

Repert had said William J Smith is a second governor<br />

Faubus summoned full forces to beat AEA retirement prepesal<br />

Faubus get everything he wanted frem Legis; had te push hard<br />

Faubus favors medical care plan financed by Social Security<br />

Faubus premises to teachers during Dem primary (ed)<br />

Faubus delays call of election to fill Cengressienal seat<br />

Faubus signs his teacher retirement bill, vetoes AEA version<br />

Gov Faubus signs long list of bills passed by Legislature<br />

Gov Faubus signs numerous bills into law<br />

Faubus backs Dale Alford vote en restoring Eisenhower's rank<br />

Faubus says he is unconcerned by anything I S McClinten says<br />

Orval Faubus wonders what 'Faubusism.' means<br />

Writers use word, 'faubus. ' as a verbs<br />

Faubus vetoes closing of Confederate Heme at LR<br />

Faubus vetoes several bills passed by Legislature<br />

Faubus vetees some. but net all. free ferry bills<br />

Gev Faubus signs long list of measures passed by Legis<br />

Faubus vetoes bill fer flat aute license fee rates<br />

Gov Faubus signs several bills into law<br />

Faubus signs bill fer proposed $60 million bend issue<br />

Faubus replies te AEA attack en his construction bond program<br />

Legislators not counting Gev Faubus eut after all<br />

Construction bend issue best for AEA and Ark. Faubus says<br />

2/28/-61 A2 1<br />

3/ 1/61 Al 4<br />

3/ 1/-61 Al 8<br />

3/ 1/61 Al2 1<br />

3/ 1/61 A4 1<br />

3/ 2/61 Al 6<br />

3/ 2/61 Al 8<br />

3/ 2/61 A2 7<br />

3/ 2/61 B2 4<br />

3/ 3/61 Al 6<br />

3/ 3/61 A4 1<br />

3/ 4-/61 Al 4<br />

3/ 4/61 B6 3<br />

3/ 7/61 Al 6<br />

3/ 7-/61 Al 7<br />

3/ 7/61 Al 8<br />

3/ 7/61 Al 8<br />

3-/ 7/61 Bl 3<br />

3-/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

3-/ 8/61 Al 8<br />

3/ 8/61 A2 1<br />

3/ 8/61 A2 l<br />

3-/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

3-/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

3/ 9/61 A5 1<br />

3/ 9/61 A5 2<br />

3/ 9/61 Bl 8<br />

3/10/61 A2 4<br />

3-/10/61 A2 4<br />

3-/12/61 Al4 l<br />

3/12/61 A9 l<br />

3/12/61 ES 5<br />

3-/13/61 A4 1<br />

3/14/61 A3 5<br />

3-/15/61 Al 8<br />

3/15/61 Al 8<br />

3/16/61 Bl2 1<br />

3/17/61 A8 2<br />

3/17/-61 A8 2<br />

3/17/-61 A8 2<br />

3-/17/61 A8 2<br />

3/17/-61 B12 1<br />

3/17/61 Bl2 l<br />

3/17/61 B12 l<br />

3/17/61 Bl2 l<br />

3/18/61 Al 4<br />

3-/18/61 Al 4<br />

3/18/61 A2 l<br />

3/19/61 Al 8<br />

3/19/61 ES 1<br />

3/21/61 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gazette cemmends AEA fer opposing Faubus on bond issue<br />

Faubus left to carry ball on construction bend issue<br />

Gev Faubus urged te grant leniency to E A Lauderdale Sr<br />

No cempremise en construction bend amount . Faubus says<br />

Faubus silent en opposition te his bend issue plan<br />

Faubus gives up bodyguard as threats en life diminish<br />

Faubus does net plan special legis session en omnibus bill<br />

Faubus accused of using children as pawns in omnibus dispute<br />

Rep J H Cottrell makes harsh attack en Faubus and his style<br />

Forrest Rozzell responds to Faubus charges<br />

Forrest Rozzell using Rep J H Cottrell Jr. Faubus says<br />

Faubus blames Forrest Rozzell for construction stoppage<br />

Editorial en Faubus use ef children to premete his programs<br />

Faubus offer of deal en Children 's Celeny angers J H Cottrell<br />

Faubus concerned at atheism rise among college students<br />

Faubus meets privately with monied backers en bldg program<br />

Faubus bitterly critical ef opponents on construction program<br />

Faubus releases funds to ease Children 's Colony crisis<br />

The Governor yields (ed en funds for Children' s Colony )<br />

Faubus names L D Blair head ef Werk.men 's Compensation Comm<br />

Gov Faubus names Dan D Stephens atty fer PSC<br />

Gov Faubus discusses flap over emnibus apprepriatien bill<br />

Gazette disputes Faubus en legality of emnibus bills<br />

Faubus tells dentists te try again on dental educ bill<br />

Faubus calls States Rights Party claim en Jews ridiculous<br />

Faubus says he has first-hand knowledge of German atrocities<br />

Gov Faubus te skip meeting in Hawaii. costs cited<br />

Mr Faubus corrects the Thunderbelters (ed en NSSP writing)<br />

Forrest Rozzell says AEA made effort te deal with Faubus<br />

Faubus may have pell made en $60 millien centructien plan<br />

Mrs E L Bishep gives Faubus 'the facts' en Eichmanm trial<br />

Faubus plugs his censtructien bend program in speech<br />

Addresses National Rehabilitation Assn cenventien<br />

Faubus fears Shumaker te end up in junk pile. asks U S help<br />

Omnibus apprepriatien bill wins first court test<br />

Faubus carries plea en Shumaker Depot to President Kennedy<br />

Faubus says state may lease Shumaker Naval Ammunition Depot<br />

Faubus irked by AIDC stand en Shumaker Naval Ammunition Depot<br />

Faubuses will participate in Civil War centennial event<br />

Faubus waits on college presidents en bond issue election<br />

Faubus replies te Forrest Rozzell with 'haw haw'<br />

Teacher pay net funny , Forrest Rozzell tells Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus to seek disaster aid fer flood. ternade victims<br />

Faubus voluntarily testified fer Gaz ette in libel suit<br />

Gov Faubus seeks federal disaster funds fer 41 counties<br />

Faubus says state agencies well off even without budget raise<br />

Faubus backs idea ef 18-mile-leng park in Mississippi Ceunty<br />

Gov Faubus steps into <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Co rate dispute<br />

National Civil Defense directer visits with Faubus<br />

Faubus censures Rebert Kennedy fer action in Alabama pretest<br />

Faubus says freedom-rider movement backed by Justice Dept<br />

3/21/61 A4<br />

3/26/61 E5<br />

3/28/61 Bl<br />

3/28/61 Bl<br />

3/29/61 Bl<br />

3/29/61 Bl<br />

3/30/61 Bl<br />

3/31/61 Al<br />

3/31/61 Al<br />

3/31/61 Al<br />

3/31/61 Al<br />

4/ 1/61 Al<br />

4/ 1/61 A4<br />

4-/ 2/61 Al<br />

4-/ 3/61 Al<br />

4/ 4/ 61 Al<br />

4/ 6/61 Al<br />

4/ 6/61 Al<br />

4/ 6/61 A4<br />

4-/ 6/61 A7<br />

4/ 8/61 Al<br />

4/ 8/61 Al<br />

4/ 9/61 E4<br />

4/ 12/61 Bl<br />

4/13/61 Bl<br />

4/13/61 Bl<br />

4/ 14/61 A2<br />

4/14/61 A4<br />

4/14/61 Bl<br />

4/ 14/61 Bl<br />

4/15/61 Al<br />

4/15/61 B6<br />

4/ 15/61 B6<br />

4/18/61 Al<br />

4/19/61 Al<br />

4/19/61 Bl<br />

4/22/61 A6<br />

4/27/61 A6<br />

4/30/61 AlO<br />

5/ 5/61 Bl<br />

5/ 9/61 Al<br />

5/10/61 Al<br />

5/11/61 A2<br />

5/11/61 B6<br />

5/13/61 A2<br />

5/13/61 A3<br />

5/16-/61 A3<br />

5/17/61 Al<br />

5/17/61 Bl<br />

5/23/61 Al<br />

5/23/61 Al<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

8<br />

8<br />

5<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

7<br />

8<br />

8<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

7<br />

1<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

5<br />

6<br />

4<br />

l<br />

8<br />

5<br />

2<br />

8<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

8<br />

1<br />

l<br />

7<br />

1<br />

4<br />

6<br />

7<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gov Faubus tells A & M seniers to have courage<br />

Faubus lashes at Henry M Britt 's statements an bend pregram<br />

Henry M Britt says Faubus ' acts are fair game fer comment<br />

Faubus sees state GOP reorganization is ineffectual<br />

Celleges need te plan fer 80,0000 students, Faubus says<br />

Faubus speaks frankly about his personal views on integration<br />

Gov Faubus attacks foes ef constructien bend program<br />

Gazette says Faubus seeks rele of underdog in bonds case<br />

Faubus plugs bond issue. Omnibus bill, hits at F Rozzell<br />

Faubus meets with construction trades labor leaders en bonds<br />

Faubus sets June 27 for vote on construction bend issue<br />

Faubus in sember meed after court voids Omnibus Act<br />

Faubus says J H Cottrell Jr may lead attack on stabilization<br />

Faubus lashes into critics Forrest Rozzell, Hugh B Patterson<br />

Faubus remarks draw reply frem Forrest Rozzell<br />

Faubus tells bend issue critics to say what proj ect unneeded<br />

Faubus to await election before calling Legis session<br />

The governor cheeses expediency ever duty (ed)<br />

Editorial en Faubus appointees and the Hatch Act<br />

Faubus continues attack en Forrest Rozzell. Eugene Warren<br />

Faubus takes te airwaves to premote construction bends<br />

Werking man would benefit from construction program. Gov says<br />

Faubus did net answer right questions . Forrest Rozzell says<br />

Gev Faubus addresses Boys State<br />

Eugene R Warren. Joshua Shepherd reply te Faubus criticism<br />

Faubus evades real issues in bond proposal . Gazette says<br />

Hew Faubus machine uses its pew-er (ed on ESD and Hatch Act)<br />

Gov Faubus warmly praised by Rev Billy James Hargis<br />

Faubus hits at bond critics Rey W Milam and J H Cottrell Jr<br />

Gov Faubus takes peke at federal govt role in scheels<br />

Gov Faubus says school 1 clique" wants 62 pct of revenue<br />

Faubus reassures welfare clients ef raise in benefits<br />

Faubus says Legis could cut welfare funds for proj ects<br />

Faubus to ask fer review of ruling en Omnibus Act<br />

Faubus wins Ark Municipal League endorsement of bond issue<br />

Bend issue opponents take leaf frem Faubus book (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus attacks America 's foreign aid program<br />

Faubus sets special election in Madison County fer repr<br />

Fees of bend issue pounce en Faubus assertion ef no new tax<br />

Gazette says Faubus uses political web-spinning in bend drive<br />

Mr Faubus and usury (ed en Faubus attack on Sen Milum)<br />

Faubus sits in as Joshua K Shepherd addresses Educ Dept<br />

Faubus premises surprise in telecast supporting bend issue<br />

Forrest Rozzell chides Faubus fer 'petutlant name-calling '<br />

Faubus attacks newspapers for opposing his bond program<br />

Faubus calls bend opponent s moderates and integratienists<br />

Faubus ties fight en bond program te his '57 crisis<br />

Mest state newspapers lambaste Faubus bend plan as unsound<br />

Faubus warns SCS their funds may be reduced if bonds fail<br />

Bond opponents blast Faubus ' speech of 'big surprise'<br />

Faubus tells VFW his proposed bend pregram is non-political<br />

5/23/61 A3 2<br />

5/24/61 Bl 2<br />

5/26/61 A5 1<br />

5/26/61 Bl 4<br />

5/27/-61 A2 4<br />

5/28/-61 E5 2<br />

5/29/61 BS 2<br />

5/31/61 A4 1<br />

6/ 1/61 Bl 1<br />

6/ 2/61 Al 7<br />

6/ 3/61 Al 7<br />

6/ 6/61 Al 6<br />

6/ 6/61 Al 6<br />

6/ 7/61 Al 6<br />

6/ 7-/61 Al 6<br />

6/ 7/61 Al 6<br />

6/ 7/61 Al 6<br />

6/ 7/61 A4 1<br />

6-/- 8-/61 A4 1<br />

6/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

6/ 9/ 61 Al 8<br />

6/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

6/ 9/61 A2 2<br />

6/ 9/61 A6 4<br />

6/10/61 Al 5<br />

6/10-/-61 A4 1<br />

6/11/61 E4 1<br />

6/12/61 A2 2<br />

6/13/61 Al 2<br />

6/13/61 A2 5<br />

6/13/61 A7 2<br />

6/15/-61 Al 4<br />

6/15/61 Al 4<br />

6/15/61 A15 8<br />

6/16/61 A2 1<br />

6/16/61 A4 l<br />

6/16/61 A8 4<br />

6/17/61 A3 4<br />

6/21/61 Al 5<br />

6/21/61 A4 1<br />

6/21/61 A4 2<br />

6/22/61 Al 2<br />

6/22/61 Al 3<br />

6/22/61 Al 3<br />

6/23/61 Al 3<br />

6/23/61 Al 3<br />

6/23/61 Al 3<br />

6/23/61 Al 4<br />

6/23/61 A18 l<br />

6/24/61 Al 3<br />

6/-24/61 Al 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

The Faubus surprise in the bend campaign (ed)<br />

Faubus accused ef pressure in son's legislative race<br />

Faubus sees tax increase if bend issue fails<br />

Bend fees hit racing link. Faubus tactics<br />

Faubus denies he exerted pressure in son's legislative race<br />

Faubus bend proposal defeated by 3-1 margin<br />

Faubus has suffered two setbacks at polls in last 8 months<br />

Gov Faubus cheerful about less of bend issue election<br />

Faubus suffered personal defeat en bend issue. Gazette says<br />

The people speak (ed en defeat of bend issue)<br />

Embittered Faubus te send ne building plans ta Legislature<br />

Faubus believed weakened by defeat ef bend issue<br />

Repr Paul Van Dalsem asks Faubus te delay legis session<br />

Gaz ette suggests Faubus may be seeking delay of legis session<br />

Faubus calls Sid McMath censtructien plan 'pretty stupid '<br />

Faubus commutes sentence ef bombers over prosecutor ebj ectien<br />

Faubus made no move te lighten term ef J D Sims in bomb case<br />

Faubus shuffles membership ef state Racing Commission<br />

Faubus. legislators discuss splitting of funds surplus<br />

Faubus made mere premises than funds will cover. Gaz ette says<br />

Faubus appearnace en natl B&PW program brings pretests<br />

P&PW invitation te Faubus defended by Fannie Hardy<br />

Faubus says he will speak at B&PW cenventien in Chicago<br />

Gov Faubus speaks at Meunt Nebo Chicken Fry<br />

Faubus wants Legis te stick te plans in omnibus bill<br />

Faubus gets standing ovation fren B and PW natl convention<br />

Resolution againts Faubus appearance defeated by B and PW<br />

Faubus will net request all funds in veided omnibus bill<br />

Faubus cites Negroes in govt jobs in Ark<br />

Faubus says B and P W gave him a fine reception<br />

Faubus attacks foreign aid in speech to American Legion<br />

Income tax withholding plan has favor ef Faubus<br />

Gev Faubus will participate in state funds decision<br />

Faubus wants Cengressienal redistricting left eut of session<br />

Faubus comments en Jee Hilderbrand escape frem State Hospital<br />

Re-enter Mr Faubus (ed en plan te help distribute surplus)<br />

Faubus reasoning on Cengressienal reapportion (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus non-cemmital en state construction program<br />

Gov Faubus sets date fer start of special Legis session<br />

Faubus pondering what subj ects to place in Legis call<br />

Forrest Rozzell scoffs at Faubus premises en teacher salaries<br />

Gev Faubus dedicates Phillips-Van Heusen plant at Des Arc<br />

Gev Faubus delays start of legis session by three days<br />

Faubus endorses bonds fer Jacuzzi Brothers plant at LR<br />

Gov Faubus favors admitting Negroes to Children's Colony<br />

Faubus hits welfare aid te methers ef illegitimate children<br />

Gov Faubus writes call fer special session of Legislature<br />

Gov Faubus outlines plans fer special session ef Legislature<br />

Forrest Rozzell warns Faubus AEA to resist 'pork barrels'<br />

Text of Faubus call fer special session of Legislature<br />

Faubus 's disinterest in the college reform (ed)<br />

6/24/61 A4 1<br />

6/26/61 A2 4<br />

6/27/61 Al 6<br />

6/27/61 Al 7<br />

6/27 /61 Bl 6<br />

6/28/61 Al 7<br />

6/28/61 Al 7<br />

6/29/61 Al 3<br />

6/29/61 A4 1<br />

6/-29/61 A4 2<br />

6/30/61 Bl 8<br />

7/ 2/61 D5 1<br />

7/ 6/-61 Al 6<br />

7/ 7/61 A4 2<br />

7/ 8/61 Al 2<br />

7/11/61 Al 4<br />

7/11/61 Al 4<br />

7/11/61 A5 2<br />

7/12/61 Bl 7<br />

7/13/61 A4 2<br />

7/14/61 Al 4<br />

7/-14/61 Al 4<br />

7 /15/61 Al 2<br />

7/20/61 A3 7<br />

7/24/61 Al 5<br />

7/24/-61 A3 3<br />

7/25/61 Bl 3<br />

7/26/61 A6 5<br />

7/26/61 Bl 8<br />

7/26/61 Bl 8<br />

7/29/61 Al 2<br />

7 /31/61 Al 6<br />

8/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

8/- 1/61 Bl 2<br />

8/ 2/61 Al 2<br />

8/- 2/-61 A4 2<br />

8/ 3/61 A4 2<br />

8/ 8/61 A6 4<br />

8/12/61 Al 5<br />

8/15/61 Al 4<br />

8-/15/61 Al 4<br />

8/16/61 Bl 2<br />

8/17/61 Al 3<br />

8/17/61 AlO 5<br />

8/17/61 A2 5<br />

8/19/61 A2 1<br />

8/22/61 Al 6<br />

8/23/61 Al 5<br />

8/23/61 A2 1<br />

8/-23/61 A2 3<br />

8/23/61 A4 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gev Faubus addresses special session of Legislature<br />

Gov Faubus tells Legis extra millien feund for education<br />

Faubus says fees in Legis act out of animosity ta him<br />

Faubus says he has no program before Legislature<br />

Gov Faubus slaps at some foreign aid programs<br />

Gazette questions size ef fallout shelter at Huntsville<br />

Gazette cemments en Faubus speech te Legislature<br />

Faubus plans te stay clear ef legislative disputes<br />

Gev Faubus unfurls the big whip. Legislature falls in line<br />

Faubus and leadership (ed)<br />

Inside Orval Faubus (ed)<br />

Faubus directs fire at Sen Marshall Shackleford and J 0 Meere<br />

Gov Faubus labels 8 state senators 'chronic aginners '<br />

Editorial en Faubus ' name-calling ever Legis session<br />

Gev Faubus appoints Neill Bohlinger te Ark Supreme Court<br />

Clarence Bell. John Moore, John Eldridge fire back at Faubus<br />

Faubus hints at reprisal by removing Texarkana tax break<br />

Faubus says Sen Clarence E Bell in bed with 'obstructionists '<br />

Editorial en Faubus branding of 8 senators as ebstructienists<br />

Faubus signs numerous bills passed by Legis<br />

Newspaper owned by Faubus steps up attack en J W Fulbright<br />

Faubus names Mark E Woolsey chief ceunsel fer PSC<br />

Gov Faubus fires salve at foreign aid, sinful mothers<br />

Faubus agrees peer should werk if jobs available<br />

Faubus trims prison term ef E A Lauderdale Sr<br />

Lauderdale was convicted ef bombing LR Schoel Bd effice<br />

Faubus and Lauderdale (ed)<br />

More acts signed by Gev Faubus<br />

Faubus warns he wants no hint of scandal in building program<br />

Faubus may include trade school , livestock shews in call<br />

Faubus lists 12 items fer special session of Legislature<br />

Faubus cluttered agenda fer Legislature. Gazette says<br />

Delay in signing bills may be weapen fer 2nd legis session<br />

Faubus use ef State Police noted in column<br />

Faubus claims credit fer approval for speech by Maj Collier<br />

Faubus addresses special session of Legislature<br />

Faubus tells Legis her.\' te get trade scheel by simple maj ority<br />

Faubus asks Legis te fund livestock shews<br />

Faubus makes no recemmendatien en creation ef crime cemm<br />

Faubus signs Children's Celeny construction appropriation<br />

Geverner 's message te the special session (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus names first members ef CCHEF<br />

Faubus says he has no central ever Legislature. joins laugh<br />

The Governor changes the rules of the game (ed)<br />

Faubus accused of plet to have Olen R Churchill ousted<br />

Faubus maneuver ties up fair funds until they are appreved<br />

Gov Faubus disposes ef all bills f rem first special session<br />

Faubus comments on new law that may get rid of Olen Churchill<br />

Faubus recounts 3rd legis session; some bitterness noted<br />

Gov Faubus signs Congressional districting bill into law<br />

Comment en Faubus philesephy en lecal laws<br />

8/25/61 Al 3<br />

8/25/61 Al 3<br />

8/26/61 Al 3<br />

8/26/61 Al 3<br />

8/26/61 Al 3<br />

8/26/61 A4 2<br />

8/28/61 A4 l<br />

8/29/61 A2 2<br />

9/ 1/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 2/61 A4 2<br />

9/ 5/61 A4 2<br />

9/ 6/61 AlO 1<br />

9/ 6/61 AlO 1<br />

9/ 6/61 A4 2<br />

9/ 6/-61 Bl 8<br />

9/ 7/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 7/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 7/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 7/61 A4 2<br />

9/ 9/61 A3 3<br />

9/10/61 ES 1<br />

9/13/61 A13 5<br />

9/13/61 Bl 5<br />

9/13/61 Bl 8<br />

9/14/61 Al 6<br />

9/14/61 Al 6<br />

9/15/61 A4 1<br />

9/15-/61 A8 3<br />

9/15/61 AB 7<br />

9/16/61 A5 1<br />

9/17 /61 Al 7<br />

9/17/61 A4 1<br />

9/17/61 A8 1<br />

9/17/61 ES 2<br />

9/17/61 ES 3<br />

9/19/61 Al 2<br />

9/19-/61 Al 2<br />

9-/19/61 Al 3<br />

9/19/61 Al 4<br />

9-/19-/61 Al 4<br />

9/19/61 A4 1<br />

9/19/61 Bl 4<br />

9-/2r>/61 Al 4<br />

9-/20-/61 A4 1<br />

9/21/61 Al 2<br />

9-/21/61 Al 3<br />

9/21/61 A7 3<br />

9-/22/61 All 1<br />

9-/22/61 All l<br />

9-/22/61 Bl 6<br />

9-/24/61 ES 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gev Orval Faubus jeins in praise ef JFK speech at UN<br />

Southern Governors Cenf passes over Faubus fer chairman<br />

Dedicates new paved read frem Scranton te Midway<br />

Gov Faubus net tee worried by rebuff from Southern Governors<br />

Gov Faubus shakes hands with departing Natienal Guard unit<br />

Faubus says he knows nothing of ESD resignatien ef Mrs Allen<br />

Gov Faubus says private nursing homes give inferior care<br />

W E Beaumont Jr takes issue with Faubus en nursing homes<br />

Not all nursing hemes bad. Gov Faubus says<br />

Faubus names Harold L Overbey te bead Disability Dept<br />

Faubus appears te have needle out fer Sen J W Fulbright<br />

Gov Faubus names J Orville chmn of Commerce Commission<br />

Nursing heme operator berates Gev Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus says he has net taken pet shots at J W Fulbright<br />

Faubus names beard te oversee student college leans<br />

Gov Faubus te spend a few days at Huntsville<br />

Gov Faubus says funds available fer new parks<br />

Faubus appts Hubert L Fergusen te state Educatien Beard<br />

Gov Faubus has ne plans te meet JFK at Fert Smith<br />

Gov Faubus doubts gevt referm preposals of much value<br />

Faubus disagrees with taking vote frem welfare clients<br />

Speculatien abeut possible candidates next year begins<br />

Gov Faubus introduces President Kennedy at Fort Smith<br />

Editorial en Faubus oppesitien to referm ef politics. gevt<br />

Gov Faubus says gambling at Het Springs net a state problem<br />

Faubus defends ESD. under attack in Hatch Act allegations<br />

Faubus says AAUW pretests eften and regularly<br />

The Hot Springs problem (ed)<br />

Faubus names E E McLees acting head of Revenue Dept<br />

Faubus says GOP call fer bi-partisan state bds preposterous<br />

Faubus at Jenesbore fer dedication of shoe firm<br />

GOP1s Henry M Britt attacks Faubus criticism of GOP manifesto<br />

Gev Faubus dedicates Higden Bridge at Greers Ferry Reservoir<br />

Rumored Fulbright-Faubus summit denied<br />

Faubus agrees with ALC decision en teaching communism<br />

Faubus agrees with J W Fulbright en extremism<br />

ESD Admr James L Bland warmly priases Faubus leadership<br />

Editorial en Faubus remarks on the military and politics<br />

Gov Faubus says faith. family ties are answer to communism<br />

Gov Faubus speaks with Japanese spiritual leaders<br />

Municipal League vote en PSC seen as slap at Gov Faubus<br />

Faubus and the Japanese (ed)<br />

Faubus praised Municipal League. struck at press<br />

Faubus has reservations about election of PSC<br />

Arkansans do not have inferiority complexes, Faubus says<br />

Gov Faubus dedicates read bypass at Siloam Springs<br />

Young Demecrats group talks ef f reedem from Gov Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus attacks U S f ereign pelicy in Farm Bureau talk<br />

Conway County group takes election wees te Gov Faubus<br />

Gev and Mrs Faubus celebrate 30th wedding anniversary<br />

Faubus asked te work with 9-state pact fer indus grewth<br />

9/27/61 A4<br />

9/28/61 Al<br />

9/3(}/61 A5<br />

10/- 1/61 E3<br />

10/- 3/61 Bl<br />

10/ 4/ 61 A2<br />

10/10/-61 A3<br />

10/10/-61 A3<br />

10/11/61 A6<br />

10/-11/61 Bl<br />

10/-12/61 A2<br />

10/13/-61 Al<br />

10/15/61 E2<br />

10/17/61 Bl<br />

10/-18/61 A6<br />

10/19/61 A3<br />

10/19/-61 Bl<br />

10/20/61 All<br />

10/-20/61 Bll<br />

10/26/-61 A5<br />

10/28/61 Bl8<br />

10/29/61 E3<br />

10/30/61 Al<br />

10/-30/61 A4<br />

11/ 1/61 Al<br />

11/ 1/61 BB<br />

11/ 1/61 BB<br />

11/- 2/ 61 A4<br />

11/ 2/61 Bl<br />

11/ 3/61 Bl<br />

11/ 3/61 BlO<br />

11/ 5/61 AB<br />

11/ 5/61 C3<br />

11/ 5/61 E3<br />

11/-10/61 Bl<br />

11/10/61 Bl<br />

11/11/61 Al<br />

11/12/61 E2<br />

11/-14/-61 A6<br />

11/14/61 A6<br />

11/-15/61 Al<br />

11/-15/61 A4<br />

11/15/-61 A6<br />

11/16/61 Cl6<br />

11/17/61 Bl3<br />

11/18/61 A2<br />

11/-19/-61 E 3<br />

11/21/61 B9<br />

11/22/61 Al<br />

11/-22/61 A6<br />

11/22/-61 Bl<br />

2<br />

3<br />

6<br />

1<br />

7<br />

l<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1<br />

7<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1<br />

8<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

7<br />

7<br />

8<br />

2<br />

3<br />

8<br />

7<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

6<br />

8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Cuban trained at Commonwealth te take over country , gov says<br />

Gazette pekes fun at Faubus memory of Cuban at Cenunenwealth<br />

Gayle Windser Jr amused by Cenway Co group appeal te Faubus<br />

Editor asks state te buy 65,000 copies ef Faubus newspaper<br />

Gov Faubus vetoes paper-selling scheme of his editor<br />

Faubus urges that care be taken te give welfare te needy only<br />

Ark AM&N choir dedicates Battle Hymn ef Republic te Faubus<br />

Gazette comments en Faubus vete of sale of papers te state<br />

Conference en Relation ef Religion te Higher Educ criticized<br />

Faubus tells about 'front ' group meeting at Mount Magazine<br />

Gov Faubus is target fer virtually all charitable drives<br />

Faubus exploits issue of aid fer illegitimate children (ed)<br />

Faubus says state contract with Parkin Printing is preper<br />

Faubus treats Winthrop Rockefeller 's political acts lightly<br />

Faubus premised te increase welfare rolls. T E Lawrence says<br />

Gov Faubus dedicates Rogers Hall at State Hospital<br />

Moral Re-armament movement says it is endorsed by Faubus<br />

Faubus often gets incensed over welfare aid under ADC program<br />

Faubus hails federal program te check welfare program abuse<br />

William E Brawn denies try to change Faubus en segregation<br />

Faubus will pretest any attempt te reduce National Guard<br />

Gov Faubus says he criticized wrong Brawn<br />

Faubus remark en Dr Brwn t.ilas diversienary. Gazette says<br />

Ct says Faubus acting officially in Trinity Nursing Heme case<br />

Dale Alford says he has been approached about seeking office<br />

Gov Faubus helps dedicate Mountain Heme's new armery<br />

Dale Alford announcement that he will run is surprise<br />

Dale Alford reveals he is a candidate fer governor of Ark<br />

Text of Dale Alford 's announcement he will seek office<br />

Dale Alford says he has been planning race fer a long time<br />

Speculation made of break between Alf erd and Faubus<br />

Dale Alford says he is in race to stay<br />

Observers say Dale Alford may have felt squeezed out<br />

Gazette comments en Dale Alford mev-e<br />

Gov and Mrs Faubus leave fer Sugar Bawl game<br />

Faubus says his hard-cere eppesitien backing Dale Alferd<br />

W 0 Vaught Jr. Hugh B Patterson support Alford. Faubus says<br />

W 0 Vaught, Hugh Patterson calls Faubus statement wreng<br />

Marvin Melton. W K Ingram say they may seek office<br />

Why Dale Alford is running for geverner (ed)<br />

Dale Alford decision damages Faubus image<br />

Faubus supporters have ne fear of Dale Alford in race<br />

Dr Alford discards cenventien in announcement (column)<br />

Gov Orval Faubus criticizes federal ct en f actery order<br />

Order fer factories to return te Missouri irks Gov Faubus<br />

Candidate Dale Alford to speak at LR banquet<br />

Gov Faubus comments en ceurt ruling on printing contracts<br />

Gov Faubus named comm ta study participation in World 's Fair<br />

Dale Alford warns against "one-man rule"<br />

Lee Smith says Breaks Hays weuld net stand up fer his dist<br />

Editorials comment en Dale Alford candidacy<br />

11/25/61 A4<br />

11/25/61 A4<br />

11/25-/61 A4<br />

11/26/61 Al<br />

11/29/61 Al<br />

12/ 1/61 Al<br />

12/ 1/61 Al<br />

l'U 1/61 A4<br />

12/ 3/61 A2<br />

12/ 3/61 A2<br />

12/ 3/61 E3<br />

12/ 5-/-61 A4<br />

12/ 7/61 A6<br />

12/ 7-/-61 A6<br />

12/ 8/61 A4<br />

12-/ 8-/61 Bl<br />

12/ 9-/61 BS<br />

12/11/61 A4<br />

12/13/61 Bl<br />

12/15/61 Bl<br />

12-/15/-61 Bl<br />

12/16-/-61 A3<br />

12/-19-/-61 A4<br />

12/19/61 Bl<br />

12/22/61 A2<br />

12/24/61 A5<br />

12/27/61 Al<br />

12/27/61 Al<br />

12/27/61 Al<br />

12/28/61 Al<br />

12/28/61 Al<br />

12/28/61 Al<br />

12/28/61 Al<br />

12/28/61 A4<br />

12/29/61 A3<br />

12/-30/61 Al<br />

12/30/-61 Al<br />

12/30-/-61 Al<br />

12/30/-61 A2<br />

12/30-/-61 A4<br />

12/31-/-61 Al<br />

12/31/61 Al<br />

12/31/61 03<br />

1/ 4/62 A2<br />

1l 4/ 62 A2<br />

1/ 4-/-62 BlO<br />

1/ 6/62 Al<br />

1/- 6/62 A2<br />

1/ 7/62 A8<br />

1/ 7/-62 E2<br />

1/ 7/62 ES<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

5<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

2<br />

6<br />

8<br />

2<br />

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4<br />

2<br />

7<br />

2<br />

7<br />

6<br />

7<br />

7<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

8<br />

1<br />

8<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

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1<br />

3<br />

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5<br />

3<br />

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2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus-Alford political split discussed by Dr Lee Smith<br />

Gov Faubus unaware ef any mismanagement at Rehab Center<br />

Gev Faubus inspects penitentiary and Negro Boys Scheel<br />

T E Lawrence lr en Drs Lee Smith. Dale Alferd and Medicare<br />

John F Wells challenged credentials of Dale Alford<br />

Faubus backs industrial develop amdt proposed by Jack Oakes<br />

Dr Lee Smith explains Dale Alferd 's liberal votes in past<br />

Faubus assails Hatch Act probe of ESD, backs accused<br />

Faubus contends probe ef ESD aimed at him personally<br />

Faubus sees suit against Revenue Act as harassment of adm<br />

The ESD scandal (ed)<br />

John F Wells addresses lr to Dr U Lee Smith en Dale Alford<br />

Dale Alford would quit race if US House membership expanded<br />

Faubus says KATV will donate tower fer educ TV if move comes<br />

Dale Alferd denies any intention of leaving race<br />

Legal attacks en adm may influence Faubus decision<br />

Illness forces Gav Faubus ta cancel talk to Sheriff 's Assn<br />

Pine Bluff leaders say KA.TV sold Faubus 'bill of goods '<br />

Gev Faubus tells newsmen he has stopped smoking<br />

Faubus says Ted Woods fired at Publicity and Parks fer cause<br />

Faubus warms up to Yeung Turks who want new constitution<br />

Gov Faubus asks audit ef Publicity and Parks Commission<br />

Seme advocates ef constitution reform concerned by Faubus<br />

Editorials remark en Faubus hint ef fifth term try<br />

Six names bandied about en possible candidates fer geverner<br />

Gov Faubus says he might run fer Cong if J W Trimble doesn 't<br />

Faubus announces plans fer Withr6117 Spring State Park<br />

Faubus orders end te private use of state-owned cars<br />

Gov Orval Faubus wants free horse racing passes ended<br />

Gov Faubus signs petition fer voting machines<br />

Dale Alford sidesteps dispute with Gev Faubus en statements<br />

Gov Faubus accuses Dale Alford of saying Faubus net ta run<br />

Faubus criticizes Dale Alford fer saying he is net running<br />

Welfare grant increase interpreted as sign Faubus to run<br />

Welfare raise ef $5 per month approved by Gev Orval Faubus<br />

Political loyalties and a $51,300 less (ed en ESD case)<br />

Gov Faubus blasts pre-marital sex talk at Univ of Ark<br />

Gazette welcomes increased welfare checks (ed)<br />

Faubus says he has done nothing about ESD Hatch Act case<br />

Gev Faubus praises Morrilton as site fer state trade school<br />

Gazette comments on Dale Alford 's soft answer to Faubus<br />

Gov Orval Faubus repeats indignation at sex lecture at UA<br />

Trucking complaints stem from competition, Gov Faubus says<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller says Faubus gave nation black eye in 157<br />

Gov Faubus fractured rib in fall in bathtub<br />

Faubus says Winthrop Rockefeller may be reminded ef remarks<br />

Faubus says ruling in Parkin case left disputes unsettled<br />

Faubus asks if Sid McMath wants to compare administratiens<br />

Children's Colony bldg te be named fer Gov Faubus<br />

Gev Faubus. schoel forces of fer conflicting educ finance plan<br />

Faubus tells US Civil Service Comm ESD employees en payroll<br />

1/ 7 /62 ES 3<br />

1/10/62 A2 1<br />

1/10/62 A2 2<br />

1/11/62 A4 3<br />

1-/-12/62 A4 3<br />

1/13/62 A2 3<br />

1/16/62 A4 3<br />

1/19/62 Al 2<br />

1/19/62 Al 2<br />

1/20/62 Al 2<br />

1-/-20/62 A4 2<br />

1/21/62 E2 3<br />

1/21/62 E3 5<br />

1/24/62 AB 3<br />

1/24/62 Bl 2<br />

1/24/62 Bl 8<br />

1/25/62 A2 4<br />

1/26/62 Bl 2<br />

1/30/62 Bl 2<br />

1/30/62 Bl 6<br />

1-/-31-/-62 A7 1<br />

2/ 3/62 B3 7<br />

2/ 4/62 E3 1<br />

2/ 4/ 62 E3 2<br />

2l 4/62 E3 5<br />

2/ 8/62 Al 4<br />

2-/- 9/62 Bl 3<br />

2/10/62 A2 7<br />

2-/-10/62 A5 4<br />

2/16/62 A3 6<br />

2/17/62 Al 3<br />

2/17/62 Al 3<br />

2/17/62 Al 4<br />

2/17/62 Al 6<br />

2/17/62 Al 6<br />

2/-17/62 A4 1<br />

2/18/62 Al 3<br />

2/19/62 A4 1<br />

2/20/62 Bl 8<br />

2/20/62 B12 3<br />

2/21/62 A4 2<br />

2/22/62 Bl 8<br />

2/24/62 A5 7<br />

2/25/62 A5 4<br />

2/27/62 Al 2<br />

2/28/62 A6 2<br />

2/28/62 Bl 7<br />

3/ 2/62 A9 3<br />

3/ 3/62 A7 4<br />

3/ 4/ 62 Al 2<br />

3/ 6/62 Al 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gev Faubus willing te negotiate en school funding formula<br />

Faubus keeps Arnett. Weed in ESD jobs despite funds less<br />

'Laz arus ' Faubus and the ESD case (ed)<br />

AAUW protests Faubus flouting of erder in ESD Hatch Act case<br />

Letter defends Faubus fer speaking out on sex talk at UA<br />

Wallace D Hurley rents space fer headquarters fer gev race<br />

Wilton R Stephens will net seek governor 's office this year<br />

Faubus motive fer hiring Negroes at ESD is topic of column<br />

Faubus orders dept heads te curtail travel at public expense<br />

Faubus meets with Negro leaders en state jobs fer blacks<br />

Faubus says desegregation suit will close LR swimming peels<br />

Faubus def ends beard in apportioning state Legislature<br />

Faubus disagrees with Ark Supreme Ct en Legis apportionment<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt plans bid fer governor 's office. rept says<br />

Faubus appts Edward Gorden to State Education Beard<br />

Faubus says Children's Colony to take Negroes seen<br />

Faubus still coy on plans fer re-election<br />

Gov Faubus seeks compromise en bracere wage boost<br />

Faubus says law provides 'out ' fer parks being desegregated<br />

Streng economy net built ef starvation pay , Faubus says<br />

Faubus urges public te aid inmates released from facilities<br />

Gov Faubus addresses Daughters ef 1812<br />

Gov Faubus links ancestry te several early wars in America<br />

Faubus says Women 's Emergency Comm is integratienist group<br />

Faubus adm flayed by AEA Exec Secy Forrest Rozzell<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt announces candidacy fer office ef governor<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt makes seven pledges fer campaign platform<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt pledges te reveal present adm corruption<br />

Column on Faubus order te reduce travel expenses<br />

Editorials criticize Faubus fer keeping ESD officials in pest<br />

Faubus invokes God. patriotism. service in reply to Rozzell<br />

Gov Faubus, Forrest Rozzell criticize each ether<br />

Marvin Melten backers donate $25,000 fer possible race<br />

Hottest rumor in town says Faubus will net seek re-election<br />

Faubus sees little chance Dale Alford can be elected<br />

Orval Faubus says newspapers abuse. lie about him<br />

Dale Alford ef ficially files fer geverner<br />

Dale Alford says he has no John Birch membership<br />

Atty Gen Frank Helt may make race if Faubus does net<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt will demand equal time unless Faubus pays<br />

Orval Faubus te reveal his political plans en Saturday<br />

Orval Faubus keeps guessing game geing en political plans<br />

Desha Sheriff Rebert S Meere may run if Faubus does net<br />

Faubus 's big shaw (ed en coming announcement ef plans)<br />

Orval E Faubus now expected to run fer fifth term<br />

Orval E Faubus te reveal his political plans today<br />

Biographical sketch traces rise of Orval E Faubus<br />

Democratic primary election results in Faubus campaigns<br />

Orval E Faubus is product of populist movement<br />

Gev Faubus reads letter from weman fearing welfare less<br />

Gov Orval E Faubus announces he will net seek re-election<br />

3/ 6/62 Bl 4<br />

3/ 7/62 Al 6<br />

3/ 8/62 A4 1<br />

3/ 9/62 Al 7<br />

3/10/-62 A4 5<br />

3/11/62 A3 7<br />

3/11/-62 Cl 1<br />

3/11/62 E3 1<br />

3/-11/62 E3 1<br />

3/13/-62 Al 2<br />

3/13/62 Al 2<br />

3/13/62 Al 6<br />

3/13/62 Al 6<br />

3/13/-62 Bl 2<br />

3/13/62 Bl 5<br />

3/13/-62 Bl 8<br />

3/14/62 A7 4<br />

3/15/62 Al 3<br />

3/15/62 A3 2<br />

3/16/62 Al3 7<br />

3/16/62 Bl 4<br />

3/16/62 Bl 5<br />

3/16/62 Bl 5<br />

3/17/62 A3 1<br />

3/18/62 Al 2<br />

3/18/62 Al 4<br />

3/18/62 Al 4<br />

3/18/62 Al 4<br />

3/18/62 E3 1<br />

3/18/62 E3 2<br />

3/20/62 Al 4<br />

3/20/62 Al 4<br />

3/21/62 Bl 8<br />

3/24/62 Al 5<br />

3/27/62 Al 7<br />

3/27 /62 Bl 6<br />

3/27/62 Bl 8<br />

3/27/62 Bl 8<br />

3/28/62 Al 6<br />

3/28/62 Al 8<br />

3/28/62 Al 8<br />

3/29/62 Al 4<br />

3/29/62 Al 5<br />

3/-29/62 A4 2<br />

3/30/62 Al 4<br />

3/31/62 Al 2<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 5<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 5<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 5<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 7<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Orval E Faubus mentiens Forrest Rozzell. Erwin L McDonald<br />

Orval E Faubus says he will leave office te rest. write<br />

Orval Faubus recites accomplishments in televisien address<br />

Segregation discussed by Faubus in retirement address<br />

Orval E Faubus says he felt like he did when war ended<br />

Winthrop Reckefeller considers Faubus announcement political<br />

Forrest Rozzell wanted voters ta turn Faubus eut<br />

Reactien te Faubus decisien not to run is mixed<br />

Farrell Faubus says Governor 's decision welcomed by family<br />

Looking te the future after the Faubus years (editorial)<br />

Faubus talks in general about future plans out of office<br />

Marvin Melten sets up temporary campaign headquarters at LR<br />

Faubus and the feds (ed)<br />

Of 'machine ' candidates (ed)<br />

Faubus favored Ark participation in World 's Fair<br />

Orval Faubus pledges net to help or hinder any candidate<br />

Trumann residents raise funds fer Marvin Melton campaign<br />

Wilton R Stephens does not close door en possible race<br />

Faubus criticizes press. integration. foreign aid program<br />

Faubus says he is tempted to seek another term<br />

GOP rally at Fayetteville calls for Win Rockefeller race<br />

Winthrop Reckefeller te disclose his pelitical plans seen<br />

Henry M Britt willing te be GOP candidate again this year<br />

Reckefeller candidacy would be taken seriously, Gaz ette says<br />

Faubus enemies disappointed by retirement . Rey Reed writes<br />

Mr Faubus retires (editorials in state press)<br />

Governor Faubus takes a backward glance (ed)<br />

Dem Party Chmn Tom Harper not worried about Rockefeller<br />

Rockefeller could be tough te beat. Orval Faubus says<br />

Ark needs born-again Christian fer Gev. James T Karam says<br />

James T Karam resisting requests to run fer Geverner<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt files fer gev . brothers will pay fee<br />

Mixed feelings (ed en Faubus decision net to seek re-election<br />

Gov Faubus warmly praised in letter te editor<br />

T E Lawrence tells why Faubus decided not te run<br />

Marvin Melton resigns State Chamber pest; may seek office<br />

Marvin Melton says funds rolling in fer campaign<br />

James T Karam will not be a candidate<br />

Carl Adams says Faubus reconsidering decision net to run<br />

A tearful Marvin Melton pulls out ef race fer governor<br />

Draft-Faubus mGVement may be under way<br />

J Frank Holt says he will net be a candidate<br />

Marvin Melton has net officially announced fer governor<br />

Odell Dorsey te announce candidacy<br />

Orval E Faubus refuses comment en developments in race<br />

Rebert S Meere withdraws from contest; backs draft-Faubus<br />

Candidate field is thin; several ask net to be considered<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt says Faubus 'draft ' just a 'sideshow '<br />

Dale Alford speaks to Jacksonville B&P Women's Club<br />

Faubus will seek fifth term this year. Win Rockefeller says<br />

Winthrep Reckefeller says he will not be a candidate<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 7<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 7<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 7<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 7<br />

4/ 1/62 Al 8<br />

4/ 1/62 A2 2<br />

4/ 2/62 Al 6<br />

4/ 2/ 62 Al 6<br />

4/ 2/62 A2 1<br />

4/ 2/62 A4 1<br />

4/ 3/62 Al 6<br />

4/ 3/62 Al 6<br />

4/ 4/62 A4 1<br />

4/ 4/62 A4 2<br />

4/ 5/62 A5 6<br />

4/ 5/62 Bl 8<br />

4/ 5/62 Bl 8<br />

4/ 5/62 Bl 8<br />

4/ 6/62 AlO l<br />

4/ 7/62 Al 3<br />

4/ 7/62 Al 8<br />

4/ 7 /62 Al 8<br />

4/ 7 /62 A2 1<br />

4/ 8/62 E2 2<br />

4/ 8/62 ES 1<br />

4/ 8/62 ES 2<br />

4/ '$/62 A4 1<br />

4/10-/-62 Al 4<br />

4/10/-62 Al 4<br />

4/10/62 Bl 2<br />

4/10/62 Bl 2<br />

4/10-/-62 Bl 8<br />

4/11/62 A4 1<br />

4/11/62 A4 3<br />

4/11/-62 A4 5<br />

4/ 11/62 BlO 3<br />

4/12/62 A2 3<br />

4/12/62 A8 5<br />

4/13/62 Al 7<br />

4-/14/62 Al 2<br />

4/14/62 Al 2<br />

4/14/-62 Al 2<br />

4/14/62 Al 2<br />

4/14/-62 Al 2<br />

4/14/62 Al 2<br />

4-/14/62 Al 2<br />

4/14/62 Al 3<br />

4/14/62 A2 4<br />

4/14/62 A3 5<br />

4/15/62 Al 2<br />

4/15-/-62 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Odell Dorsey fermally announces fer gov in TV speech<br />

Governor 's race becomes big guessing game<br />

Threat ef Faubus re-entry ties up campaign funds<br />

State press continues to comment en Faubus decision<br />

Time ef challenge as primaries near (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus says he will run again if physical check okay<br />

Marvin Melton hints that he may seek effice<br />

Orval Faubus gets standing ovation from labor leaders<br />

Orval Faubus tells labor group he may seek re-election<br />

Orval Faubus undergoing physical exam at Oschner Clinic<br />

TV stations may have te charge Faubus fer his 'farewell' talk<br />

The talk ef 'draft' and whence it comes (ed)<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt angered by meeting ef Sid McMath supporters<br />

Marvin Melton has decided te make race fer governor<br />

Sid McMath's supporters raising funds to encourage him te run<br />

Sidney McMath speaks en upcoming gubernatorial primary<br />

Madison County friends raise filing fee for Gev Faubus<br />

The premising turn in the governor 's race (ed)<br />

Dale Alford opens headquarters in Grady Manning Hotel<br />

Gov Faubus calls frem clinic. says he is feeling fine<br />

Sid McMath fund grGWing. but he plays it coy en plans<br />

Marvin Melton formally enters race: pledges active campaign<br />

Gov Orval Faubus returns frem Oschner Clinic<br />

The Melten candidacy and what it means (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus gees into seclusion with ne hint of his plans<br />

Time for political decisions will arrive in next 10 days<br />

Editorials discuss possible re-entry ef Faubus in race<br />

Editorials discuss Winthrop Rockefeller decision not te run<br />

David A Cex, a farmer from Weiner. files fer governor<br />

Kenneth Coffelt fears Faubus trick at filing deadline<br />

Marvin Melton depends en his northeast Ark friends<br />

Sid McMath te take te TV to reveal his plans<br />

Big race wide open with one week te deadline<br />

Faubus trying to dry up funds fer ethers, Sid McMath charges<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says Faubus adm pressures potential doners<br />

Sid McMath, Kenneth Coffelt claims amuse Gav Orval Faubus<br />

Wallace Hurley says his campaign has net gotten off greund<br />

Kenneth Coffelt pays filing fee, blasts away at Faubus adm<br />

Gov Faubus pretests planned cut in Natienal Guard<br />

Rolfe Eldridge . Vernen H Whitten will seek neminatien<br />

Dale Alford says he has been running as a submarine<br />

Cost of campaigning (ed)<br />

Sid McMath makes decision, will announce plans en Tuesday<br />

Rolfe Eldridge withdraws as candidate<br />

Gev Faubus dedicates shirt plant at Gassville<br />

Faubus supporters seek to foment trouble at AMC, union told<br />

Sid McMath te reveal plans en statewide radio, TV tonight<br />

Vernen H Whitten pays filing fee fer governor 's race<br />

Faubus notes rum.er he will oppose Sen J W Fulbright fer seat<br />

Gov Faubus visits Ark Cengressienal delegation<br />

Gov Faubus denies chg his friends wanted AMF strike<br />

4/ 15/62 A2<br />

4/ 15/62 A2<br />

4/15/62 E3<br />

4/ 15/62 E3<br />

4/15/62 E5<br />

4/ 16/62 Al<br />

4/16/62 Al<br />

4/16/62 Al<br />

4/16/62 Al<br />

4/ 16/62 Al<br />

4/16/62 Al<br />

4/16/62 A4<br />

4/18/62 Al<br />

4/ 18/62 Al<br />

4/18/62 Al<br />

4/18/62 Al<br />

4/18/62 A2<br />

4/19/62 A4<br />

4/ 19/62 Bl<br />

4/19/62 Bl<br />

4/19/62 Bl<br />

4/20/62 Al<br />

4/20/62 Al<br />

4/20/62 A4<br />

4/21/62 A3<br />

4/22/62 Al<br />

4/22/62 E3<br />

4/22/62 E3<br />

4/24/62 Al<br />

4/25/62 Bl<br />

4/25/62 Bl<br />

4/25/62 Bl<br />

4/26/62 Bl<br />

4/27 /-62 Al<br />

4/27/62 Al<br />

4/27/62 Al<br />

4/27 /-62 Al<br />

4/27/-62 A2<br />

4/27/62 Bl<br />

4/28/62 Al<br />

4/-28/62 A2<br />

4/28/-62 A4<br />

4/-29/62 Al<br />

4/29/62 Al<br />

4/29/62 A3<br />

4/30/62 Al<br />

5/ 1/62 Al<br />

5/ 1/62 Al<br />

5/ 1/62 A2<br />

5/ 1/62 A2<br />

5/ 1/62 Bl<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

2<br />

1<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

5<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

8<br />

6<br />

5<br />

2<br />

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4<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Sid McMath enters race fer Dem nemination fer governor<br />

Fayetteville pharmacist Willis Ricketts files as GOP hopeful<br />

Orval Faubus te seek 5th term. Washingten friends say<br />

GOP 's Henry Britt rules out race fer governor this year<br />

Sid McMath refers te Faubus dynasty of fear<br />

Sidney McMath cites Faubus record in several areas<br />

Vernon H Whitten endorses veting machines<br />

Kenneth Coffelt fires opening salve in campaign fer gevernor<br />

Kenneth Coffelt limits campaign donations to $300 per person<br />

Wallace Hurley files fer lieut gev . not fer governor<br />

W Harold Sadler files fer GOP nomination fer office<br />

Nine men seek election to governor 's office<br />

Orval E Faubus asks for 5th term as governor<br />

Orval Faubus lists seme issues in campaign ahead<br />

Pessible return ef Virgil Blossom mentioned by Faubus<br />

Faubus in trouble (ed)<br />

Promising outlook fer the summer campaign (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus pays fer radio, TV time used fer 'retirement ' talk<br />

Gev Faubus says he hopes Republicans vote in awn primary<br />

US Senate race had its appeal. Orval Faubus says<br />

Gov Faubus mostly nonpolitical in speech to LR Rotary Club<br />

Faubus allews AHC te name its next commissioner<br />

Unien leader clarifies remark en Faubus and AMC Cycle strike<br />

T E Lawrence comments en re-surfacing of Gev Faubus<br />

Vernen H Whitten denounces UA ban en political candidates<br />

Gov Faubus criticizes policies of Kennedy adm<br />

Blessem bit (ed en Faubus ' inveking name of Virgil Blossom)<br />

Faubus re-entry in race pleases beth enemies and friends<br />

Orval Faubus spent twe fast-paced days in Washington. D C<br />

Sid McMath invites candidates to join him at Fayettecille<br />

Kenneth C Ceffelt, Marvin Melton reserved in stand en UA ban<br />

Faubus refuses comment en ene-way rides fer Negroes<br />

Faubus says he could be defeated. but net in bad shape now<br />

Editorial en Faubus handling of AHC appointments<br />

Gev Faubus appts James T Karam te Banking Board<br />

Fayetteville rally ta hear McMath. Melton and Whitten<br />

Faubus defends keeping ESD vielaters ef Hatch Act en job<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt chgs Gev Faubus sold eut te JFK<br />

Gav Faubus £avers amdt ta allow cities te raise taxes<br />

Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten take swipes at Univ ef Ark ban<br />

Sid McMath favored by Wern.en 's Emergency Committee<br />

Vernen Whitten draws criticism ef Wemen's Emergency Committee<br />

Vernen Whitten says he will provide relief en inceme tax<br />

Column lists Orval Faubus ' fees in previous elections<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt calls WEC approval ef McMath grave sodding<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says Billy Sol Estes counterparts in Ark<br />

Editorial en ESD Hatch Act violation and Gev Faubus<br />

Text ef U S Civil Right Comm finding in Hatch Act case<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt fires at Parele Beard and PSC<br />

Orval Faubus takes up smeking again<br />

Sid McMath. Marvin Melton. Vernon Whitten blast Faubus pewer<br />

5/ 2/62 Al 5<br />

5/ 2/ 62 Al 6<br />

5/ 2/62 Al 6<br />

5/ 2/62 Al 7<br />

5/ 2/62 Al 7<br />

5/ 2/62 Al 7<br />

5/ 2/62 A6 2<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 4<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 4<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 5<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 6<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 8<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 8<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 8<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 8<br />

5/ 3/62 A4 1<br />

5/ 3/62 A4 l<br />

5/ 3/62 D2 4<br />

5/ 4/62 Al 3<br />

5/ 4/62 Al 3<br />

5-l 4/62 A3 7<br />

5/ 4/ 62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 4/62 Bl3 3<br />

5/ 5/62 A4 3<br />

5/ 6/62 Al 6<br />

5/ 6/62 A2 3<br />

5/- 6/62 E2 2<br />

5/ 6/62 E3 1<br />

5/ 6/62 E3 5<br />

5/ 7/62 Al 7<br />

5/ 8/62 B4 7<br />

5/ 9/62 Al 4<br />

5/ 9/62 Al 4<br />

5/10/62 A4 2<br />

5/10/62 Bl 7<br />

5/11/62 Bl 8<br />

5/12/62 Al 5<br />

5/12/62 A2 7<br />

5/12/-62 A3 2<br />

5/12/62 A3 5<br />

5/13/62 Al 2<br />

5/13/62 Al 2<br />

5/13/62 A2 7<br />

5/13/62 E3 l<br />

5/14/62 A2 2<br />

5/16/62 Bl 4<br />

5/16/62 E4 2<br />

5/16/62 E4 6<br />

5/17/62 A12 6<br />

5/17/62 Bl 2<br />

5/18/62 Al 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten continue attack en UA policy<br />

Dale Alferd says he will answer vicious rumers. falseheeds<br />

Candidates shy B!ilay frem. integrated athletics at Univ of Ark<br />

Sid McMath favors scheel conselidatien<br />

Mrs David D Terry sets meeting fer McMath to discuss educ<br />

Dale Alford spikes rumers he will withdraw from contest<br />

Dale Alford 's headquarters will be traveling house trailer<br />

Three men speak with the veice ef reason (ed)<br />

Orval Faubus talks about war experiences<br />

Faubus adm near moral bankruptcy. Vernen Whitten charges<br />

About 500 college students volunteer to work fer Sid McMath<br />

Dale 's surfacing (ed)<br />

Sid McMath addresses wemen at heme of Mrs David D Terry<br />

Candidate David A Cox upbraids Amis Guthridge te his face<br />

Unexpected finding of mere revenue may be political<br />

Faubus fees suspect additienal revenue find is trick<br />

Leadership vacuum allews Amis Guthridge te speak fer Ark (ed)<br />

David Cex endorses AF.A education funding plan<br />

Gev Faubus en read tour. recounts betterments under his adm<br />

Kenneth Coffelt questions AHD airplane teur. educ surplus<br />

Gov Faubus asks what was done te halt freedom rides South<br />

Sid McMath. Marvin Melten assail reverse freedem rides<br />

GOP candidate W Haral d Sadler calls fer cenversien of Dems<br />

Dale Alford shews off his campaign 'wagon '<br />

VJSrvin Melton quits race. says fund seurces fear Faubus<br />

Orval Faubus believes he will pick up Melton supporters<br />

Gov Faubus tells state workers net ta accept campaign funds<br />

All candidates see windfall in Marvin Melton's supporters<br />

David A Cox te spend only his ewn meney in primary<br />

Sid McMath defends AHD past. says he wanted politics eut<br />

A realistic appraisal of Melton's withdrawal (ed)<br />

Sid McMath blasts class conflict. fear tactics<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt names his wife campaign manager<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> making big strides under his adm. Gev Faubus says<br />

Dale Alford tells his program fer progress<br />

Dale Alferd skips race stand in appeal fer Negro vote<br />

Gev Faubus criticized by Christian Civic Fdn en gambling<br />

Another objection raised to Faubus ' teacher 'bonus '<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt to stay en Macee A Binns Jr bomb case<br />

Sid McMath makes nen-pelitcal talk te religious group<br />

Deft Coffelt Ced en handling ef segregation question)<br />

Sid McMath says people fed up with Orval Faubus<br />

Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten field questions in Jenesbero<br />

Dale Alford says it is time fer Faubus te retire<br />

Gov Faubus had endorsement ef Ark State Cenf ef Painters<br />

Sid McMath hits record of ESD<br />

State Chamber of Commerce poses 9 questions fer candidates<br />

State press comments on Marvin Melton's withdrawal<br />

Kenneth Coffelt refuses to appear after painters okay Faubus<br />

Ark State Painters Cenf say they did net endorse Faubus<br />

Sid McMath appeals te teachers fer support<br />

5-/ 18-/-62 Al 3<br />

5/ 18/62 Al 4<br />

5/18/-62 A2 1<br />

5/18-/62 A2 1<br />

5/-18-/-62 A2 5<br />

5/19/-62 Al 7<br />

5-/19-/-62 Al 7<br />

5/19/62 A4 1<br />

5/20-/62 AlO 2<br />

5-/-20/62 A2 1<br />

5/20/-62 K3 5<br />

5-/-20/62 E2 2<br />

5/22/62 A5 3<br />

5/22/62 Bl 2<br />

5-/-23/-62 Al 3<br />

5-/-23-/62 Al 4<br />

5-/23-/62 A4 2<br />

5-/-23/62 A6 1<br />

5/24/62 K3 4<br />

5/24/62 K3 8<br />

5-/25-/62 All 2<br />

5/25/62 All 2<br />

5/25-/62 K3 7<br />

5/25/62 Bl 5<br />

5/26/62 Al 8<br />

5-/-26/62 Al 8<br />

5/26/62 K3 3<br />

5/27/62 Al 3<br />

5/27/62 Al 3<br />

5/27/62 Al 3<br />

5/27-/-62 E2 1<br />

5/29/62 Bl 2<br />

5/29/62 Bl 3<br />

5/30/62 A2 5<br />

5/30/62 Bl 5<br />

5/30/62 Bl 6<br />

5/31/62 Al 2<br />

5/31-/-62 Al 3<br />

5/31/62 Bl 8<br />

5/31/62 Bl 8<br />

6-/ 1/62 A4 2<br />

6/ 1/62 Bl 8<br />

6/ 1/62 Bl 8<br />

6-/ 3/62 A14 1<br />

6/ 3-/62 A2 1<br />

6/ 3/62 A2 1<br />

6/ 3/62 A2 2<br />

6/ 3/62 E3 2<br />

6-/ 4/ 62 K3 1<br />

6-/ 5/62 A8 3<br />

6/ 6/62 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Vernen Whitten claims he was effered bribe te quit race<br />

Christian Civic Feundatien eppeses election ef Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus cenfirms Painters Cenf did net endorse him<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt charges Faubus blocked crime comm creatien<br />

Jaunty . politicking Gev Faubs dedicated Guien Ferry<br />

Dale Alford premises tax reform if he is elected<br />

Sid McMath calls fer recruiting of higher paying industries<br />

Gov Faubus answers questions at Beys State appearance<br />

GOP must held primary since twe candidates seek office<br />

Dale Alford declines forum appearance without Gev Faubus<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt kick-off rally te be held at Conway<br />

Dr L E Drewrey urges defeat ef Faubus: cites Medicare support<br />

Sid McMath attacks W R Stephens as pewer behind Faubus<br />

Sid McMath releases list ef banks holding state deposits<br />

Five candidates attack Faubus recerd at ferum in Fart Smith<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt cemes eut swinging te epen his race<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt ignores Vernen Whitten and David Cox<br />

Orval Faubus weuld net change any ef his maj er decisiens<br />

Gov Faubus. Treasurer L A Clayton say McMath wronged them<br />

State Treasurer L A Clayton says he dcides en bank deposits<br />

Gov Faubus maintains Het Springs gambling is a lecal problem<br />

Orval Faubus seeks labor vote at Pine Bluff<br />

Gov Faubus. Sid McMath trade barbs en bank deposits<br />

Kenneth Coffelt ties Faubus to liquer. utility. gambling<br />

Sheriff Robert E Moore 's work fer Faubus draws rebuke<br />

Vernen H Whitten 's prime obj ect is ousting Gev Faubus<br />

Money and power (ed)<br />

Blytheville group announces eppesitien te Gev Faubus<br />

Political timing ef release ef teacher bonus funds (ed)<br />

Dale Alferd says Faubus claims fer pregress net legitimate<br />

Kenneth Coffelt criticial ef the PSC under Faubus adm<br />

David Cex blames Gov Faubus fer his ruined fish fry<br />

Sid McMath hits at 'unholy' tieup ef politician and meney<br />

Gev Faubus says Sid McMath is out of touch<br />

Gov Orval Faubus expresses pride in his unequaled record<br />

AFLCIO's COPE condemns Orval Faubus regime<br />

Candidates meet. laugh. then attack each ether at festival<br />

Summary ef remarks of 6 candidates at Pink Tem.ate Festival<br />

Sid McMath gets specific en accusations against W R Stephens<br />

AFLCIO lists ways Faubus adm has harmed working people<br />

Summary ef candidates ' remarks to laber group<br />

Mrs Bessie Coffelt serves as husband 's campaign manager<br />

Faubus prospects appear werse than previeusly<br />

State press cemments en governor 's race<br />

Sid McMath says he would review utility rate increases<br />

Jim Tem Smith. Floyd E Bradberry manage Alford campaign<br />

State Treasurer L A Clayton critical ef McMath en funds<br />

Sid McMath says Faubus adm is abusing pewer. cites cases<br />

Orval Faubus is expendable. Dale Alford says<br />

Vernen Whitten claims state still losing population<br />

Orval Faubus addresses American Baptist Assn cenventien<br />

6/ 6/62 Al 2<br />

6/ 6/62 A2 1<br />

6/ 6/62 A3 4<br />

6/ 7 /62 Bl 2<br />

6/ 7/62 Bl 4<br />

6/ 7/62 Cl2 2<br />

6/ 8/62 Al 4<br />

6/ 8/62 A3 1<br />

6/ 8/62 A6 7<br />

6/ 9/62 A2 1<br />

6/ 9/62 AS 3<br />

6/ 9/62 AB 3<br />

6/10/62 Al 3<br />

6/10/62 Al 3<br />

6/10/-62 Al 4<br />

6/10/-62 Al 5<br />

6/10/62 Al 5<br />

6/11/62 Al 3<br />

6/12/62 Al 4<br />

6/12/62 Al 4<br />

6/12/62 A4 l<br />

6/12/62 BlO 5<br />

6/13/62 Al 7<br />

6/13/62 A6 1<br />

6/ 13/62 A6 1<br />

6/13/62 A6 1<br />

6/14/-62 A4 2<br />

6/14/-62 Bl 4<br />

6/-15/62 A4 2<br />

6/15/62 Bl 4<br />

6/15/62 Bl 7<br />

6/16/62 Al 4<br />

6/16/62 A3 1<br />

6/16/62 A3 3<br />

6/16/62 A3 3<br />

6/17/62 Al 3<br />

6/17/62 Al 3<br />

6/17/-62 Al 3<br />

6/17/62 Al 4<br />

6/17/62 A12 1<br />

6/17/-62 A12 1<br />

6/-17/62 A4 3<br />

6/-17/-62 E3 1<br />

6/17/62 E3 2<br />

6/18/-62 A2 1<br />

6/ 19/62 A3 1<br />

6/19/62 Bl 8<br />

6/20/62 Bl 7<br />

6/20/62 Bl 8<br />

6/20/62 Bl 8<br />

6/20/62 Bll 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Dale Alferd gives his ideas on taxes and utilities<br />

Dale Alford tells why . when he breke with Orval Faubus<br />

COPE attack on him will balance out. Gev Faubus says<br />

Vernen Whitten would change aute license sales procedure<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt says Faubus backs state slate of candidates<br />

Dale Alford prenuncments called peculiar by <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<br />

Most Republicans vote in Democratic primary. GOP leader says<br />

Republican candidate W Harold /Sadler leaves race for gov<br />

Orval Faubus gives his version of Dale Alford 's opposition<br />

Dale Alford challenges Faubus to explain welfare pay delay<br />

Vernon Whitten says he contributed most good ideas<br />

Sid McMath asks why state shoul dn 't get interest on deposits<br />

Sid McMath' s prepared text does net match speech. editor says<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt pledges read imprevement program<br />

Sadler's withdrawal (ed)<br />

Faubus inconsistencies on federal funds and the welfare state<br />

Marvin Melton still net officially out of race<br />

Cross-burning incident at PB crops up in race<br />

Dale Alford dares Faubus to debate en reasen fer eppesitien<br />

Dale Alford's brether. Boyce. calls Faubus a liar<br />

Marvin Melton 's name off ballot<br />

Orval Faubus says Congressional districting upset Dale Alfred<br />

Faubus decries national debt in talk te veterans group<br />

Sid McMath propeses beard te distribute state funds te banks<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt says Faubus tune nearing an end<br />

Dale Alferd says bend prepesal caused rift with Faubus<br />

Faubus to open campaign in Union. enly county he lest in 1960<br />

Vernon Whitten praises lawsuits on expense accts of legis<br />

Vernon Whitten's three sons join in campaign<br />

Exit Mr Melton (ed)<br />

Warren Eagle Democrat says it is time fer a change<br />

Sid McMath says rural reads losing funds<br />

Dale Alford critical ef high ceurt ruling en school prayers<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt reacts to court ruling on school prayers<br />

Bank president Sam Bowman critical of McMath on state funds<br />

Central Trades Council at Camden supperts Faubus<br />

Gev Faubus opens campaign headquarters<br />

Vernon Whitten says special interests support Faubus<br />

Faubus comments en state. natl debt is editorial topic<br />

Faubus does not let facts get in his way. Gazette says<br />

Dale Alford urges expansion of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Highway Commission<br />

David A Cox criticizes Dale Alford absences en vital votes<br />

Gov Faubus bestows planning priority en six watersheds<br />

Campaign manager fer Gev Faubus is State Sen Clarence E Bell<br />

Lance Alwerth. Mrs Almon Faught are Faubus campaign aides<br />

Ted Morley. J L Bland join Faubus re-election campaign<br />

Former Razerback place kicker Mickey Cissell jeins McMath<br />

Dale Alferd calls teacher benus effert te buy votes<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt says McMath. Alferd. Faubus all same<br />

Vernen Whitten puzzled by Clarence Bell work fer Faubus<br />

State employees want te remain under Faubus umbrella. ed says<br />

6/21/62 Al<br />

6/21/62 Al<br />

6/21/62 A2<br />

6/21/62 A2<br />

6/21/62 A2<br />

6/21/-62 A4<br />

6/2l/62 Bl<br />

6/21/62 Bl<br />

6/22/62 Al<br />

6/22/62 A3<br />

6/22/62 A3<br />

6/22/62 A3<br />

6/22-/62 A3<br />

6/22/62 A3<br />

6/22/-62 A4<br />

6/-22,/62 A4<br />

6/22/62 Bl<br />

6/23/62 Al<br />

6/23/62 Al<br />

6/23/62 Al<br />

6/23/62 Al<br />

6/23/62 Al<br />

6/23/62 Al<br />

6/24/-62 A2<br />

6/24/-62 A3<br />

6/24/62 A3<br />

6/24/62 A3<br />

6/-24/62 A3<br />

6/24/62 A3<br />

6/24/62 E2<br />

6/24/62 E3<br />

6/25/62 A2<br />

6/26/62 A2<br />

6/26/62 A2<br />

6/26/62 A4<br />

6/26/62 Bl<br />

6/26/62 Bl<br />

6/26/62 Bl<br />

6/27/62 A4<br />

6/27 /62 A4<br />

6/27/62 A5<br />

6/27 /62 Bl<br />

6/27/62 BB<br />

6/28/62 Al<br />

6/28/62 Al<br />

6/28/62 Al<br />

6/28/62 Al<br />

6/28/62 A3<br />

6/28/62 A3<br />

6/28/62 A3<br />

6/28/62 A4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4<br />

5<br />

1<br />

8<br />

8<br />

4<br />

l<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

8<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

8<br />

1<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

l<br />

1<br />

3<br />

8<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

6<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ark Highway Comm appeses Alford plan fer expansion<br />

Faubus brings up 1957 Little Reck scheel crisis<br />

Faubus calls Women 's Emergency Comm integratienist greup<br />

Faubus says Dale Alferd splitting states rights greup<br />

Gev Faubus centers his attack en Sid McMath in speech<br />

Gev Faubus defies fees te find flaws in his administration<br />

Gov Faubus mentions ban en prayer in public schools<br />

Length ef time in ef fice net important. Gov Faubus says<br />

Political reunion ef Mr Faubus and Mr Bell (ed)<br />

A grid star's rele (ed en Lance Alwerth work fer Faubus)<br />

Dale Alferd charges Truman Baker profited in armory deal<br />

Sid McMath campaign prepares film fer use in race<br />

Kenneth Coffelt gives his version of Alford-Faubus split<br />

Kenneth Ceffelt weuld support Whitten in a runoff<br />

Vernen Whitten. Kenneth Coffelt hit Faubus en gambling issue<br />

Vernen H Whitten says Faubus skirted shortcomings<br />

Dale Alford says Orval Faubus rekindling race issue<br />

The Faubus speech (editorial analyzes opening speech)<br />

Dale Alford challenges Orval Faubus to debate issues<br />

Faubus charges Sid McMath helped bring federal treops te LR<br />

Faubus says Dale Alford ewes fer last two campaigns<br />

Faubus says Sid McMath annointed by <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<br />

Sid McMath says W R Stephens hurts industry. little peeple<br />

Sid McMath tells how W R Stephens gets gas rate increases<br />

W R Stephens is ruler ef <strong>Arkansas</strong>. Sid McMath charges<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt. Vernen H Whitten blast Faubus. Arkla Gas<br />

Forrest Rozzell says Clarence Bell won 't change teacher vete<br />

Pine Bluff Commercial backs Vernen Whitten; flays Faubus adm<br />

Building Trades Council lauds. endorses Gev Faubus<br />

Citing history fer candidate Faubus (ed)<br />

David A Cox finally fries his fish. feeds 250 at Newport<br />

Coffelt asks Robt F Kennedy te explain bomb plet at LR in '60<br />

Faur candidates reply te gambling. liquor questions<br />

Gazette calls fer issues that are worth discussing<br />

Coffelt claims he could net get cigarette tax records<br />

Revenue Cemmr Ted Denham says he told Coffelt records epen<br />

Vernen Whitten opens headquarters . asks fer funds<br />

Dale Alford would prorate funds in state banks<br />

Clarence Bell surprised Faubus named him campaign manager<br />

Kenneth Coffelt asks about tax funds cigarette dealers pay<br />

Vernen Whitten names 5-man beard ta run race<br />

Sid McMath accuses Faubus ef using big lie technique<br />

Dale Alford says welfare aid increase net Faubus ' doing<br />

Faubus campaign names staff wemen in six counties<br />

Kenneth Coffelt blasts gambling. liquor<br />

Portia picnic crowd hears hopefuls in state race<br />

Gov Faubus to endorse AEA funding proposal for education<br />

Dale Alford wants change in way state funds deposited<br />

Dale Alferd dares Faubus te tell all en Searcy armery sale<br />

Gov Faubus def ends his record against attacks ef opponents<br />

Sid McMath says Faubus group net inv incible<br />

6/28/62 Bl<br />

6/29/62 Al<br />

6/29/62 Al<br />

6/29/62 Al<br />

6/29/62 Al<br />

6/29/62 Al<br />

6/29/62 Al<br />

6/29/62 Al<br />

6/29/62 A4<br />

6/29/62 A4<br />

6-/29/62 AB<br />

6/29/-62 AB<br />

6-/29/62 A8<br />

6/2'if/62 AB<br />

6/ 2'if/62 AB<br />

6/29/62 AB<br />

6/30/62 Al<br />

6-/30/62 A4<br />

7/ 1/62 Al<br />

7-/ 1/62 Al<br />

7/ 1/62 Al<br />

7/ 1/62 Al<br />

7/ 1/62 Al<br />

7-/ 1/62 Al<br />

7/ 1/62 Al<br />

7/ 1/62 Al<br />

7-/ 1-/62 A2<br />

7/ 1/62 A2<br />

7/ 1/62 A2<br />

7/ 1/62 E2<br />

7/ 2/62 Al<br />

7/ 2/62 A2<br />

7-/ 2/62 A3<br />

7/ 2/ 62 A4<br />

7/ 3/62 Bl<br />

7/ 3/62 Bl<br />

7-/ 3/62 Bl<br />

7/ 3/62 Bl<br />

7/ 4/ 62 AlO<br />

7/ 4/62 All<br />

7/ 4/62 Bl<br />

7/ 4/62 Bl<br />

7/ 4/ 62 Bl<br />

7/ 4/62 Bl<br />

7/ 5/62 A3<br />

7/ 5/62 A3<br />

7/ 6/62 Al<br />

7/ 6/62 A4<br />

7/ 6/62 A6<br />

7/ 6/62 A6<br />

7/ 6/62 A6<br />

8<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

l<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4<br />

7<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

6<br />

l<br />

6<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

4<br />

4<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

8<br />

1<br />

1<br />

6<br />

l<br />

l<br />

1<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ceffelt attacks Paul Van Dalsem, Marlin Hawkins am.eng ethers<br />

Kenneth Ceffelt lauds Gutewski 's actiens<br />

Kenneth Coffelt praises physician whe saved Merrilten paper<br />

Orval Faubus tells veters te pick best man fer ef fice<br />

Vernen Whitten says Ted Donham led Faubus fund-raiser<br />

David Cox Vernen Whitten, W H Ricketts answer questionnaire<br />

Kenneth Coffelt want s early primaries in ceoler weather<br />

Faubus campaigner will not resign from Dem Wern.en pest<br />

Dale Alford scores meve ef Faubus te AEA pesitien<br />

Faubus 's faulty plea fer idle state funds (ed)<br />

Vernen Whitten has recording out called "The Whitten Twist"<br />

Dale Alferd asks Faubus to preve WEC ever endorsed Alford<br />

Elecrical Werkers Assn votes te commend Gev Faubus<br />

Sid McMath to put out filmed ad fer himself<br />

Vernen Whitten would call constitutional convention<br />

Faubus group picks leaders fer women<br />

Democratic Women's Clubs to decide if Faubus leader te resign<br />

Faubus ence said tee many charges make critics skeptical<br />

Kenneth C Ceffelt points to rise in taxes under Faubus<br />

Sid McMath blasts party rule on voting as anti-independent<br />

Gev Faubus te dedicate new ANG armory at Forrest City<br />

Vernen Whitten chg that Faubus forces demanded funds denied<br />

Orval Faubus makes Sid McMath target in Conway speech<br />

Burglars ransack desk ef Sid McMath at his heme<br />

Candidates show disregard for Mack-Blackwell Amendment<br />

Faubus and debt (ed en claims of reduced state debt)<br />

Dale Alford will continue attack on Faubus as a millionaire<br />

T E Lawrence reviews the Faubus record<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says State Police campaigning fer Faubus<br />

Candidates strike eut at each ether in campaign appearances<br />

Dale Alford asks if Faubus awns fourth of Fereman Cement Co<br />

Faubus criticizes Sid McMath 's campaign film<br />

Faubus says Sid McMath spent tee much time out of state<br />

Faubus suggests Sid McMath would attend NAACP meetings<br />

Gev Faubus apposed closed Democratic primaries<br />

Sid McMath fund-raiser draws 474 to Marien Hotel breakfast<br />

Amis Guthridge , Malcolm Tayler, Wesley Pruden attack Faubus<br />

Capital Citizens Council leadership breaks with Gov Faubus<br />

Handbill attacks Gov Faubus as quitter en segregatien<br />

Lance Alworth. Clarence Bell claim State Police after speeder<br />

Dale Alford charges Gev Faubus scaring welfare clients<br />

Gev Faubus says Wemen' s Emergency Comm urged Alferd race<br />

Cost of running Geverner 's Mansien criticized by Sid McMath<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt wees Republicans. premises to aid them<br />

Lance Alwerth featured en TV shew supporting Faubus<br />

Vernon H Whitten hits role of Ted Denham in Faubus campaign<br />

Mr Faubus ' disavowal ef the party purge (ed)<br />

GOP candidate Willis H Ricketts plugs 2-party system<br />

Faubus says McMath used prison labor. food at Mansien<br />

Integrationists, segregationists buffet him, Faubus says<br />

Racists ' disavowal is preef he 's free, Orval Faubus says<br />

7/- 6/-62 Bl 5<br />

7/ 6/-62 Bl 5<br />

7/ 6/-62 Bl 5<br />

7/- 7/-62 A3 1<br />

71- 7/62 A3 1<br />

7/- 7/-62 A3 2<br />

71 7/62 A3 2<br />

7/ 7/62 A3 3<br />

7/ 7/-62 A3 4<br />

7/- 7/-62 A4 1<br />

7/- 8/62 Al 3<br />

7/ 8/-62 A2 1<br />

7/ 8/62 A2 1<br />

7/- 8/62 A2 1<br />

7/- 8/62 A2 1<br />

7/ 8/62 A2 3<br />

7/ 8/62 A2 4<br />

7/- 8/-62 A2 4<br />

71 8/62 A2 4<br />

7/ 8/-62 A2 6<br />

7/- 8/ 62 A3 1<br />

7/- 8/62 A3 1<br />

7/ 8/62 A3 5<br />

7/- 8/62 A7 6<br />

7/ 8/62 E2 1<br />

7/- 8/62 E2 2<br />

7-/ 9/62 A3 1<br />

7/ 9/62 A4 3<br />

7/10/62 Al 7<br />

7 /10/62 Bl 7<br />

7/10/-62 Bl 7<br />

7/10/-62 Bl 7<br />

7/-10/62 Bl 7<br />

7/10/62 Bl 7<br />

7-/10/62 Bl 7<br />

7/10/-62 Bl 7<br />

7/11/-62 Al 3<br />

7/11/62 Al 3<br />

7/-11/-62 Al 3<br />

7 /11-/62 Al 4<br />

7 /11/-62 AlO 1<br />

7 /11/-62 AlO 1<br />

7-/11/62 AlO 2<br />

7/11/62 AlO 2<br />

7/11/62 AlO 2<br />

7/11/62 AlO 3<br />

7/11/-62 A4 l<br />

7/11/-62 Bl 5<br />

7/lZ/62 Al3 1<br />

7/12/-62 A13 1<br />

7/12/62 Al3 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt wees veters ef North <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Dale Alferd wants agri preduct precessers te come te state<br />

State empleyees must hand out Faubus stickers. McMath says<br />

Wilten R Stephens replies te charges ef candidates<br />

Sid McMath vews decent living fer Arkansans<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says Faubus seld out te JFK; rakes tax rise<br />

Vernon Whitten favors univ status fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Cellege<br />

Gev Faubus stumping in East <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Dale Alford blasts US Supreme Ct, two opponents<br />

Amis Guthridge says Faubus asked he and Tayler te Mansion<br />

Capital Citizens says Faubus non-captive by its choice<br />

Jimmie Karam says he delivered no message te Amis Guthridge<br />

Taxpayer suit against Clarence Bell called harassment<br />

Faubus ' time machine (ed)<br />

Dale Alford declares a runoff is certain in primary<br />

Dale Alford says Faubus camp wants Sid McMath in runoff<br />

Dale Alford would increase turnback funds te lecal gevts<br />

Dictatorship up te voters. Sid McMath warns<br />

Lance Al.worth completes his work with Faubus campaign<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says he sees more people, spends less meney<br />

Gev Faubus appeals fer support by state 's teachers<br />

McMath chgs W R Stephens pressured Russellville te drop case<br />

Sid McMath charges arkla 'deal ' en Junction City gas rate<br />

Faubus says McMath weuld allew gambling syndicate in<br />

Faubus says McMath weuld try fer relative responsibility law<br />

Gov Faubus hits at Sid McMath, laughs at David Cox<br />

Kenneth Coffelt finishes 64-stop swing, criticizes costs<br />

Vernon Whitten says he would name women te tep pests<br />

Dale Alford chgs political appointees favored at institutiens<br />

Sid McMath blasts Clarence Bell 's figures fer teachers<br />

End ef the affair (ed en Faubus-Capital Citizens splitup)<br />

Issues in race seem irrelevant in many cases<br />

Pine Bluff receptien fer Gev and Mrs Faubus draws 2,000<br />

Runoff seems certain, Kenneth C Coffelt says<br />

Dale Alford charges customers paying for Arkla subsidiaries<br />

Vernen Whitten says Faubus lures backing ef public officials<br />

Sid McMath's aim is te build county reads with federal funds<br />

Gov Faubus would approve univ status fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Coll<br />

Vernen Whitten plans talkathen<br />

Gev Faubus premises te fight US Supreme Court prayer ruling<br />

Searcy armory deal is on the level, Gov Faubus says<br />

McMath en reads (ed)<br />

Dale Alferd attacks Faubus fund, tax increases<br />

Sid McMath continues drive fer better county reads program<br />

All 6 Democratic candidates attend Meunt Nebo Chicken Fry<br />

Vernen Whitten expects 5 candidates te blend platforms<br />

Sid McMath charges Faubus has net kept pace with jeb benefits<br />

Vernon Whitten covers many issues in Fort Smith speech<br />

Dale Alferd dees not share Faubus view of Searcy armory deal<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says he will fire 7.500 state empleyees<br />

Campaign office ef David A Cex does net have telephone<br />

7/-12/62 A13 3<br />

7 /-12/-62 Al3 4<br />

7/-12-/62 B13 3<br />

7/-13/-62 Al 4<br />

7/13/62 A3 1<br />

7/13/62 A3 2<br />

7/13/62 A3 4<br />

7/13/62 A3 5<br />

7/-13/62 A3 6<br />

7/13/-62 A3 7<br />

7/13/-62 A3 7<br />

7-/13/62 A3 7<br />

7/ 14/62 Al 3<br />

7/14/-62 A4 l<br />

7/14/62 AS 1<br />

7/14/62 AS 1<br />

7/14/-62 AS 1<br />

7/14/-62 A5 3<br />

7/14/-62 A5 4<br />

7/14/62 AS 5<br />

7/15/-62 A2 1<br />

7/15/-62 A2 1<br />

7/15/-62 A2 1<br />

7/15/62 A2 2<br />

7/15/62 A2 2<br />

7/15/-62 A2 2<br />

7/15/-62 A2 5<br />

7/15/-62 A2 5<br />

7/15/62 A2 6<br />

7/15/62 A2 8<br />

7/15/62 E2 2<br />

7/-15/62 E3 l<br />

7/16/62 A2 6<br />

7/17 /62 Bl 2<br />

7/17/62 Bl 4<br />

7/17/62 Bl 6<br />

7/17/62 Bl 7<br />

7/17/62 Bl 8<br />

7/18/-62 A3 1<br />

7-/-18/-62 A3 2<br />

7/18/62 A3 3<br />

7/18/62 A4 2<br />

7/18/62 A7 1<br />

7/-18/62 Bl 2<br />

7/-19/62 Al 5<br />

7/19-/62 Al 5<br />

7/19/62 A3 1<br />

7/-19/62 A3 l<br />

7/-19/62 A3 3<br />

7/19/62 A3 6<br />

7/19/62 A3 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

The McMath film (ed)<br />

Governor's race full of new tactics<br />

Fifth term threat overhanging <strong>Arkansas</strong> (ed)<br />

Levy political rally dedicated to Dale Alford this year<br />

Incumbent and field (ed)<br />

Sid McMath corrects editorial en his reads program<br />

Faubus talks 'conspiracy ', integratien. reads and papers<br />

Gov Faubus says he has rural reads program<br />

Gov Faubus says fees gang up against him<br />

David A Cox arrested at Springdale en drunkenness charge<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says he can win in runoff<br />

Sid McMath calls his read pregram plan sound<br />

Vernen Whitten asserts his lumber business was successful<br />

Sid McMath en band-shaking teur at Pine Bluff<br />

Seil tillers are close te Ged. Gev Faubus says<br />

Hew the Faubus machine can be overturned (ed)<br />

David A Cox says he has seen all ef NW Ark he wants te see<br />

Faubus' <strong>Arkansas</strong> Statesman costs the people. McMath says<br />

Gov Faubus says race pits him and Sid McMath<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says he would clamp lid en gambling<br />

Dale Alford says State Police ream state fer Faubus<br />

Vernen Whitten labels fight en Faubus as revolution<br />

Russellville Mayer C A Hughes responds te charges in campaign<br />

A 10-ceunt indictment ef the Faubus record (ed)<br />

Pistol-packing David A Cex arrested at Harrisburg<br />

Feature articles en the 6 candidates fer Dem neminatien<br />

Dale Alferd attacks rivals in race. offers his pregram<br />

Clarence E Bell predicts Faubus victory in all 75 counties<br />

Dale Alford accused of posing befere crE:Md he did not address<br />

Sid McMath weuld visit JFK to premete <strong>Arkansas</strong> rivers program<br />

Kenneth Ceffelt cites politics in Pine Bluff read decision<br />

Sid McMath says public pays fer ads in Faubus newspaper<br />

Vernen Whitten says Gov Faubus abuses. uses public officials<br />

Dale Alford terms Faubus record as mest corrupt in history<br />

Gev Faubus praises ewn record. hits at Sid McMath<br />

The read programs (ed)<br />

Derisive Faubus gets laughs. criticizes press<br />

Faubus reception at Marien Hotel brings out large cre1111d<br />

Editorial en lack of telephenes at David Cox headquarters<br />

Governor and publisher (ed)<br />

Dr Granville L Jenes writes bitter lr te Faubus ever job less<br />

Claude Carpenter Jr is field secy fer Dale Alferd campaign<br />

Dale Alford blasts Faubus letter mailed to elderly voters<br />

Sid McMath says W R Stephens money will try te turn tide<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says he is enly one able te beat Faubus<br />

Orval Faubus credited with national welfare program change<br />

Faubus says McMath weuld use troops te force integration<br />

Faubus says Sid McMath invited federal troops te LR in 1957<br />

Whitten, Alford and McMath complain of Conway Ce procedures<br />

Sid McMath warmly received by large crewd at Harrison<br />

Dr Dale Alford endorsed by Wynne Progress<br />

7/19/62 A4 1<br />

7/19/62 A4 6<br />

7/20/62 Al 3<br />

7 /20/62 Al8 4<br />

7/20/62 A4 2<br />

7/20/62 A4 3<br />

7/20/62 A6 1<br />

7/-20/-62 A6 1<br />

7/20/62 A6 4<br />

7 /20/62 A6 5<br />

7/20/62 A6 5<br />

7/20/62 A6 5<br />

7/'20/62 A6 6<br />

7/20/62 A6 7<br />

7/20/-62 Bl 2<br />

7/21/62 Al 3<br />

7/21/62 Al 4<br />

7/21/62 AB 1<br />

7/21/62 AB 1<br />

7/21/62 AB 3<br />

7/21/-62 AB 4<br />

7/21/62 AB 4<br />

7/21/62 B7 4<br />

7/22/62 Al 3<br />

7/22/62 Al 3<br />

7/22/62 AlO 1<br />

7/22/62 All l<br />

7/22/62 Al l 2<br />

7/-22/62 All 2<br />

7/22/62 All 2<br />

7 /22/62 All 3<br />

7/22/62 All 4<br />

7/22/62 All 4<br />

7/22/62 A14 1<br />

7/22/62 A2 6<br />

7 /22/62 E2 1<br />

7/23/62 Al 4<br />

7/23/62 Al 4<br />

7/23/62 A4 1<br />

7/24/62 A4 2<br />

7/24/62 Bl 1<br />

7/24/62 Bl 2<br />

7 /24/62 Bl 2<br />

7/24/62 Bl 2<br />

7/24/62 Bl 4<br />

7/24/62 Bl 6<br />

7/24/62 Bl 8<br />

7 /24/62 Bl 8<br />

7/25/62 Al 5<br />

7/-25/62 All 1<br />

7/25/62 All 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus tells crowds Sid McMath will ferce integratien<br />

Vernen Whitten says he 's mederate ameng extremists. puppet<br />

Kenneth Coffelt takes Faubus jibe. strikes back<br />

Dale Alferd blasts Faubus record en states' rights<br />

David A Cox irked by whispers. details his arrest record<br />

Letter frem Dr Jenes net mentioned by Faubus at Benton<br />

Faubus charges Gazette news blackout en his campaign<br />

Sid McMath clear favorite of Negroes at LR rally<br />

Faubus endorsed by farmer president of Ark (Negro) Educ Assn<br />

Letter details Calico Rock preparation fer Faubus visit<br />

Vernen Whitten says Faubus leads law defiance<br />

AEA pres Hays Gibson says Faubus act harmed retirement system<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says Faubus surrendered te truckers<br />

Dale Alferd reminds voters of McMath-Faubus adm links<br />

Dale Alford says Faubus 'moved in' en his campaign schedule<br />

David A Cox says he will sell farm to finance runef f race<br />

Rain, sound equipment failure nearly ruined Faubus rally<br />

Sid McMath maps expanded plan fer industry<br />

Gov Faubus has resisted effort fer state interest en funds<br />

Gov Faubus accused of selective accounting en govt employees<br />

Faubus links J W Hull. president ef Aransas <strong>Tech</strong>. to his adm<br />

Faubus says Dale Alferd premised same twe jobs te 54 men<br />

Faubus says Vernon Whitten dismissed from State Police jeb<br />

Orval Faubus calls fer sufficient votes te avoid runef f<br />

Orval Faubus says his opponents directed by Hugh Patterson<br />

Dale Alford hits Faubus absenteeism record<br />

Dale Alford pledges aid te county . city workers<br />

Kenneth Coffelt speaks fer hour en Fort Smith TV station<br />

Vernen Whitten 's visit causes sir at Capitol ; workers shy<br />

Capital Citizens Council to explain its split with Faubus<br />

Russell C Roberts ef Conway . accompanies Sid McMath<br />

Sid McMath campaigns at rally at Manila<br />

Gov Faubus answers questions telephoned te TV studio<br />

Sem.e Faubus critics say phones at TV studio rigged<br />

Dale Alford enly ene te oppose restoring Eisenhewer rank<br />

Dale Alford preud he voted 'no' against Eisenhaw"er rank<br />

Faubus pledges 18-mile lake fer Northeast Ark<br />

John Norman Harkey says he was warned net te introduce McMath<br />

Sid McMath dares Orval Faubus te debate<br />

Vernon Whitten invites Faubus to release state police record<br />

Vernon Whitten says his name net en Phillips County ballet<br />

Capital Citizens Council denounces Faubus as a deserter<br />

Dale Alford gees extra 22 miles trying fer 9 votes<br />

The Faubus record en teacher retirement (ed)<br />

Must the gevernership be closed ta all ethers (ed)<br />

Sid McMath says he ran because he knew 'barons '<br />

Vernen H Whitten doubts ethers can win runoff with Faubus<br />

Dale Alford says Faubus has no authority en pestal jobs<br />

Dale Alferd says Faubus regime is state 's worst<br />

Dale Alford says Faubus spreading untruth<br />

Gev Faubus closes campaign at Jenesbero; praises his adm<br />

7/25/62 All 3<br />

7/25/62 All 4<br />

7/25/62 All 5<br />

7/25/62 Al l 6<br />

7/25/62 All 7<br />

7/25/62 A4 l<br />

7/25/62 A4 2<br />

7/25/62 B9 4<br />

7/26/-62 Al 5<br />

7/26/62 A4 3<br />

7/26/62 Bl 1<br />

7/26/62 Bl 2<br />

7/26/62 Bl 3<br />

7/26/62 Bl 5<br />

7/26/62 Bl 5<br />

7/26/62 Bl 6<br />

7/26/62 Bl 6<br />

7/26/62 Bl 8<br />

7/27/62 A4 1<br />

7/27/62 A4 2<br />

7/27/62 AS 1<br />

7/27/62 A5 1<br />

7 /-27/62 AS 1<br />

7/27/-62 AS 1<br />

7/27/62 AS 1<br />

7/27 /62 AS 3<br />

7/27 /62 AS 3<br />

7/27/62 AS 4<br />

7/-27/62 AS 4<br />

7/27/62 AS 5<br />

7/-27/62 AS 6<br />

7/27/62 AS 6<br />

7/27/62 A5 7<br />

7/27/62 AS 7<br />

7/28/62 Al 3<br />

7/28/62 Al 3<br />

7/28/62 Al 4<br />

7/28/62 Al 5<br />

7/28/62 Al 5<br />

7/28/62 Al 7<br />

7/28/62 Al 7<br />

7/28/62 A3 l<br />

7/28/62 A3 6<br />

7/28/62 A4 l<br />

7/29/62 Al 3<br />

7 /29/62 Al 3<br />

7/29/62 Al 3<br />

7 /29/62 Al 6<br />

7/29/62 Al 6<br />

7/2W62 Al 6<br />

7/29/62 Al 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Kenneth Coffelt says he is at deer ef runoff<br />

With racism gene, campaign back te nermal ; Faubus is issue<br />

Sid McMath answers questions. Jimmy Driftweod sings<br />

Sid McMath answers questions called in te TV shew<br />

What <strong>Arkansas</strong> needs in its next governor (ed)<br />

Four candidates te clese campaign with TV appearances<br />

Campaign fer Democratic neminatien ends in blaze ef oratory<br />

Capital Citizens Council Bd did net appreve attack en Faubus<br />

Duty ef the citizen is to vote teday<br />

Reply of Amis Guthridge te chgs en attacks on Faubus<br />

Vote ef 400,000 expected in Democratic primary<br />

Gev Faubus answers 88 questions on eve ef election<br />

Official denies politics in pay raise at State Hospital<br />

Sid McMath hopeful urban returns will put him in runoff<br />

Faubus hailed by hunderds as election returns mount<br />

Dale Alford says late returns will give him runoff spot<br />

Article reviews campaign for Democratic nomination<br />

Gov Faubus has 17 , 000-vote edge ; runeff in deubt<br />

Kenneth C Coffelt running in 5th place. concedes defeat<br />

Vernon Whitten takes 'wait and see' attitude on returns<br />

David A Cox invites ether losers in election te his bash<br />

Gov Faubus gees te Capitol te claim his fifth term<br />

Gov Faubus will not be forced inte runoff<br />

Top foes may ask recounts ef huge Faubus maj erities<br />

Vernon H Whitten says beek is closed until future date<br />

Gov Orval Faubus wins 5th term without runoff<br />

Faubus' fifth term and the eppesitien 's role (ed)<br />

Election returns (by county )<br />

Dale Alford huddles with advisers. has net conceded defeat<br />

Sid McMath drops idea of recount, concedes te Gov Faubus<br />

Little Rock's voting in the governor 's race (ed)<br />

A governor 's tenure (ed)<br />

Dale Alferd congratulates Faubus en election win<br />

With fifth term. Orval Faubus is king again<br />

List of counties giving Faubus largest maj ority<br />

State 's editors comment en election<br />

Gov Faubus differs with ceurt. intervenes to save bond<br />

Dale Alferd runs second in race with most returns counted<br />

Final vote count gives Faubus 51.6 pct• Sid McMath is second<br />

A final critique en the ef ficial returns (ed)<br />

Final. official election returns listed (by county )<br />

Column speculates on possible Faubus race in 1964<br />

State press comments en re-election of Faubus<br />

Gav Faubus may try te revive plan fer state Agriculture Dept<br />

Charge of disturbing peace against David Cox dropped<br />

Gov Faubus probably will head Southern Governors Cenf erence<br />

J T Stevens appeared in ads fer both Faubus and McMath<br />

Faubus to preside at discussion at Southern Gevernors Assn<br />

Faubus urges that all padding be stripped frem agency budgets<br />

Faubus supports end te pell tax as voting requirement<br />

Gev Faubus opposes National Guard reorganization plan<br />

7/29/62 Al<br />

7/29/62 Al<br />

7/29/-62 A25<br />

7/29/62 A25<br />

7/30/62 Al<br />

7 /-30/-62 Al<br />

7/31/62 Al<br />

7/-31/62 Al<br />

7/31/62 Al<br />

7/-3 1/-62 Al<br />

7/31/62 Al<br />

7/31/62 A16<br />

7/31/62 Bl<br />

8/ 1/62 Al<br />

8/ 1/62 Al<br />

8/ 1/62 Al<br />

8/ 1/-62 Al<br />

8/ 1/62 Al<br />

8/ 1/62 Bl<br />

8/ 1/62 Bi<br />

8/ 1/62 Bl<br />

8/ 2/62 Al<br />

8-/- 2-/62 Al<br />

8/ 2/62 Al<br />

8-/ 2/62 Al<br />

8/ 2/62 Al<br />

8-/ 2/ 62 A4<br />

8/ 2/62 Bl<br />

8-/- 3/62 Al<br />

8/ 3-/-62 Al<br />

8/ 3/62 A4<br />

8-/- 3/62 A4<br />

8/ 4/62 Al<br />

8/ 5-/62 AlO<br />

8/ 5/62 E3<br />

8/ 5/62 E3<br />

8/ 7/62 Bl<br />

8/ 8/62 Al<br />

8/10/62 Al<br />

8-/-10/-62 A4<br />

8/10/62 A5<br />

8/12/62 E3<br />

8/12/62 E3<br />

8/17-/-62 A3<br />

8/-18-/62 A3<br />

8/19:/62 E3<br />

8/19/62 E3<br />

8/20/62 B7<br />

8/22/62 Bl<br />

8-/28/62 Al<br />

8/28/62 A7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

7<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

8<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

4<br />

6<br />

7<br />

7<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

8<br />

l<br />

2<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1<br />

2<br />

8<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

6<br />

5<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

6<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

8<br />

5<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gov Faubus speaks abeut welfare programs and illegitmacy<br />

Gov Faubus repeats attack en welfare at Het Springs meeting<br />

Faubus sees little shading f rem JFK te Nelsen Rockefeller<br />

Luther Hedges beek tells of Faubus and crisis ef 1957<br />

Faubus praise ef Marvin Griffin is issue in Georgia pelitics<br />

Demecratic candidates file expense account statements<br />

Gov Faubus honored by National Breiler Ceuncil<br />

GOP candidate Willis H Ricketts epens race tonight<br />

Willis H Ricketts efficially opens campaign in Fayetteville<br />

Faubus may be considering alterntive te AEA school fund plan<br />

Welfare benefits increase announced by Gov Orval Faubus<br />

Faubus says Democrats in Ark running against the Rockefellers<br />

Summary ef Faubus address te state Demecratic Party cenv<br />

Gazette pleased that Faubus friend defeated in Georgia<br />

The old dance routine (ed en Faubus speech at Dem cenv)<br />

Faubus remarks en farm surpluses draw Gazette reply<br />

Gazette calls fer legislative opposition to Gav Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus wishes Mississippi Gov Ress Barnett well<br />

U S usurping taxing rights, Gov Orval Faubus says<br />

Faubus support of Ress Barnett. Marvin Griffin (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus trims life terms ef twe slayers in prison<br />

Gov Faubus defers his decision en testing feed stamp plan<br />

Gov Faubus has high praise fer Sen J W Fulbright<br />

Gov Faubus vetoes state's paying fer World's Fair exhibit<br />

Attends barbecue fer Democrats in Baxter Ceunty<br />

Faubus says Kennedy may turn Seuth into wasteland for Dems<br />

Faubus alerts State Police, Natl Guard to be ready for action<br />

Faubus fears turmeil in Ark ever Mississippi race problems<br />

Gov Faubus undecided en testing feed stamp plan<br />

Faubus remarks en Mississippi problem criticized<br />

Gov Faubus is one ef enly two governors supporting Barnett<br />

Gov Faubus may not be named head of Southern Governors Cenf<br />

Gov Faubus tells natl TV audience he is a moderate<br />

Southern Governors Cenf elects Gav Faubus as chairman<br />

Orval Faubus blames federals fer violence at Ole Miss<br />

Mr Faubus finally wins the chair (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus urged te approve feed stamps plan<br />

Willis Ricketts pledges removal ef sales tax en feed items<br />

Willis Ricketts reveals his plan fer judicial reform<br />

Gov Faubus calls Initiated Act 1 'wrong '<br />

Gov Faubus speaks at dedication ef Children's Colony<br />

Members of ESD Council appointed by Gov Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus praises progress and kicks these eld fees<br />

Gov Faubus repeats joke about JFK's death a Southern hol iday<br />

Gov Faubus defends Amendement 51 proposal<br />

Faubus te study tree cutting in Black River preserve<br />

Willis Ricketts calls fer tax ref erms<br />

Willis Ricketts says campus rally vetoed by Univ of Ark<br />

The Faubus opportunity en school consolidation (ed)<br />

Gev Faubus apposed to forced school mergers for any reasen<br />

Willis Ricketts hints Faubus kept him ef f Univ of Ark campus<br />

8/28/-62 Bl 4<br />

8/29/62 A2 1<br />

8/31/62 Bl2 6<br />

9/ 2/62 DlO 1<br />

9/ 5/62 Bl 6<br />

9-/- 7-/-62 Bl 5<br />

9/ 7 /62 BlO 1<br />

9/ 8/62 A3 1<br />

9-/- 9/ 62 A3 5<br />

9/ 12-/-62 Al 6<br />

9/14/62 Al 2<br />

9-/-14/62 Al 3<br />

9-/-14/62 Al 3<br />

9-/-14-/-62 A4 2<br />

9/15/62 A4 1<br />

9/17/-62 A4 1<br />

9/17/62 A4 1<br />

9/18/62 Al 2<br />

9/18/62 A5 2<br />

9/21/62 A4 2<br />

9-/-21/-62 Bl 2<br />

9/22/62 A2 1<br />

9/23/62 AlO 1<br />

9/25/62 Bl 2<br />

9/-27/62 A3 1<br />

9/28/62 A2 1<br />

9-/-29-/-62 Al 6<br />

9/29/62 Al 6<br />

9/29/62 A2 3<br />

9/29/62 A2 8<br />

10/ 2/62 A2 7<br />

10/ 3/62 A5 1<br />

10/ 3/62 A9 4<br />

10/ 5/62 All 2<br />

10/ 6/62 A3 7<br />

10/ 7/62 E2 1<br />

10/10/62 Bl 8<br />

10/14/62 A2 7<br />

10/14/-62 A2 7<br />

10/15/62 Al 4<br />

10/15/62 Al 4<br />

10/15/62 Bl 4<br />

10/17-/-62 A9 1<br />

10/17/62 A9 1<br />

10/18/62 Bl 8<br />

10/19/62 B4 6<br />

10/-20-/-62 A2 8<br />

10/21/62 AS l<br />

10/21/62 E2 1<br />

10/23/62 A9 7<br />

10/23/62 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus calls blockade ef Cuba "step in right direction"<br />

Gov Faubus says ne Natl Guard callup set fer now<br />

Gov Faubus raps JFK. but says GOP worse<br />

Win Rockefeller had ne part in forming AIDC. Gov Faubus says<br />

Faubus says Win Rockefeller appreved treeps in LR in 1957<br />

Faubus irked by prej ectien ef Ark pepulatien less<br />

Gov Faubus says he did net bleck U of A rally by Ricketts<br />

Faubus seeks pay raise fer lewer-paid state employees<br />

Faubus anticipates no immediate Guard callup in Cuba crisis<br />

Faubus calls CBS-'IV shaw en LR 'damn propaganda piece '<br />

Gov Faubus te be briefed en Cuban crisis<br />

Faubus en censelidatien (ed)<br />

Willis Ricketts calls at ABC office. asks Fitch 10 questions<br />

After briefing en subj ect. Faubus says Cuba crisis grave<br />

Willis Ricketts pledges merit system fer all jobs<br />

Ricketts ' service {ed)<br />

Gov Faubus offers cure fer Cuban problem<br />

Gov Faubus opposes appointment of county assessors<br />

Tighter centrals on state spending requested by Gev Faubus<br />

Faubus names Dan D Stephens asst supt ef prison system<br />

ALC resists Faubus plan fer funding Water Pollution Central<br />

Faubus uses emergency fund to pay prison supt asst Stephens<br />

State Sen Cliftan Wade serves as governor for one day<br />

Faubus apposes Act 1. backs Amdt 51 and 52<br />

Willis H Ricketts wants ABC Beard's Rella Fitch fired<br />

Endorses re-election of State Rep Paul Van Dalsem<br />

Faubus supported Amdt 53 before primary . then switched<br />

Forrest Rozzell deplores cynical moral ity of Faubus<br />

Faubus says he did not switch sides en Amdt 53<br />

Gav Faubus defeats Willis Ricketts in landslide<br />

Calls Democratic landslide slap in face ef Win Rockefeller<br />

Faubus blames defeat of Amdt 53 en AEA<br />

Orval Faubus carries Pulaski Co by 2-1 margin in voting<br />

Faubus says meed ef voters indicates ne tax ncrease in 1963<br />

ALC turns dewn Faubus request fer raise for Rella Fitch<br />

Faubus recommends closing of state Confederate Heme<br />

Gov Faubus calls higher educ budget requests unreal istic<br />

Gov Faubus reduces life sentences of six murderers, rapist<br />

Faubus challenges any state te match his record<br />

Gov Faubus says Ark better; jibes at U S<br />

Faubus clears way fer feed stamp test in Independence Co<br />

Vernen H Whitten probably will not sue Faubus for slander<br />

Faubus recommendations en state budgets<br />

Gov Faubus expects $14.1 million rise in state revenues<br />

A good Faubus budget. with a notable flaw (ed)<br />

Plan to expand aid te retarded persons pleases Gov Faubus<br />

Gov Faubus defeated Willis Ricketts. 225,590 to 82,674<br />

Faubus calls Natl Guard reorganization plans unacceptable<br />

Faubus restores rights of Lauderdale in civil rights bombing<br />

Faubus says he has been busy solving problems in state<br />

Faubus favors setting up educational TV as soen as possible<br />

10/23/62 BlO 3<br />

10/24/62 A2 l<br />

10/24/62 A2 6<br />

10/24/62 A2 6<br />

10/24/62 A2 7<br />

10/24/62 A3 3<br />

10/24/-62 Bl 4<br />

10/24/62 Bl 5<br />

10/25/62 Bl 8<br />

10/26/-62 Al5 4<br />

10/-26/62 A17 4<br />

10/26/62 Af> 1<br />

10/26/62 Bl 5<br />

10/27/62 A9 4<br />

10/-28/62 C4 1<br />

10/29/62 A4 2<br />

10/30/62 Bl 2<br />

10/30/62 Bl 3<br />

10/30/62 Bl 7<br />

11/ 1/62 A4 1<br />

11/ 1/62 Bl 3<br />

11/ 2/62 Al3 4<br />

11/ 2/ 62 A3 6<br />

11/ 4/62. Al 4<br />

11/ 4/ 62 Al3 1<br />

11/ 4/-62 A2 2<br />

11/- 5/62 Al 3<br />

11/ 5/62 Al 3<br />

11/ 6/62 A2 3<br />

11/ 7/62 Al 6<br />

11/ 8/62 Al4 6<br />

11/ 8/62 A14 6<br />

11/ 8/62 Cl8 1<br />

11/ 9/62 A4 2<br />

11/16/62 Bl 8<br />

11/16/62 Bl 8<br />

11/17/62 A3 1<br />

11/-17/-62 A5 3<br />

11/17/62 B7 6<br />

11/20/-62 A4 1<br />

11/20/62 Bl 2<br />

11/21/62 A5 3<br />

11/27/62 Bl 7<br />

11/-27/62 Bl 7<br />

11/28/62 Af> 1<br />

11/28/62 B9 4<br />

11/-29/62 A4 6<br />

12/ 5/62 A2 l<br />

12/ 5/-62 Bl 2<br />

12/ 5/62 B9 1<br />

12/ 7/62 Bl 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faubus says gasoline tax increase suggested te him<br />

12/12/62 Bl<br />

What Faubus found on the Capitol steps (ed en gas tax talk) 12/13/62 A6<br />

Welfare abuse assailed by Gav Faubus in Paragould talk<br />

12/14/62 AlB<br />

Faubus is first te tour Arts Center 's new artmebile<br />

12/14/62 A3<br />

A J Mess is candidate te head Welfare Dept. Faubus says 12/15/62 AS<br />

Agency heads present Faubuses with player piano fer Christmas 12/20/62 Bl<br />

Faubus. AEA leaders meet. come out smiling<br />

12/-21/62 Al<br />

Faubus grants clemency te 2 embezzling officials<br />

12/22/62 Al<br />

Faubus and the AEA seek a conciliation (ed)<br />

12/22/62 A4<br />

Faubus appointees dominate state boards and com.missions 12/26/62 A9<br />

Faubus faces task of filling about 170 beard, comm pests 12/-26/62 A9<br />

What ef the future in <strong>Arkansas</strong> politics (ed on appointments) 12/27/62 A6<br />


see Executive Mansion (Ark)<br />


see also Constitution (Ark)<br />


see University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Graduate Institute ef <strong>Tech</strong>nology<br />

GRADY MANNING HOTEL (Little Rock)<br />

see Hotels<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


Donates funds fer Little Reck Univ <strong>Library</strong> books<br />


see Courts. State and local<br />


Writer describes visit to ghost tewn in SE Ark<br />


Frances S Spooner wins $1,000 Pillsbury bakeeff<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Water<br />


see alse Agricultural extensien werk<br />

Article en creeks in ceunty with edd names<br />

Plans fer new ceurtheuse appreved by Querum Court<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


Federal-aid programs sent $86 .038,000 to Ark last year<br />

GRASS<br />

Johnsen grass has seme friends. many enemies<br />


see Dead<br />

GRAVEL RIDGE (Pulaski County)<br />

see also Water<br />

Pulaski County cemmpunity censidering incorporation<br />

Incerporatien case gees te County Judge<br />

2/ 4/62 A3<br />

11/15/62 Bl<br />

9/19/62 Al<br />

7/22/62 E6<br />

12/30/62 A3<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

5/28/61 E5 5<br />

2/12/61 ClO 2<br />

12/ 9/61 A7 2<br />

2/ 8/62 Cl6 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ceunty judge denies petitions fer incorperatien<br />


3/29/62 Cl3 2<br />

see Cemeteries<br />


Henered by UA Medical Center<br />


6/11/62 A3 1<br />

see Ministerial Asseciatien. Greater Little Reck<br />


Fire destroys drug store bldg in town<br />


First Negro grad of CHS claims bias in heusing in Michigan<br />


3/13/61 A2<br />

12/ 7/61 A17<br />

1<br />

1<br />

see alse Beeks and writing<br />


see alse Negroes<br />


see alse Education<br />

GREER0 M L<br />

see alse Feed<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Land and real estate<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


see alse Medicine and health<br />


see also Werm farms<br />


Pulaski Bar Assn satirizes politics and pol iticians<br />


5/25/62 K3 1<br />

see also Laber<br />


see alse Laber<br />


see also Little Rock<br />


Griffin estate settles tax dispute with IRS<br />


12-/22/61 Bll 1<br />

see also Ecenemic devel opment<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


New Jersey firm moving eperatiens to Rogers 1/25/61 BB 3<br />


Malvern residents send Mrs Griswold te Italy te visit family 4/ 8/62 Al 6<br />


see also Civil rights and discriminatien<br />


Firm planning El Derade plant if bonds pass<br />

4/ 5/61 Bl 8<br />

GROVE. T.V AN H<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Hendrix College<br />


Warns against military takeover of govt<br />


see Traffic accidents and safety<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />

GUNS<br />

see Firearms<br />


see Blass Ce<br />


see alse Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see alse Educatien - Little Rock<br />


see alse Conway County<br />

see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />

GYPSUM<br />

see Mines and minerals<br />


Van Buren firm bought by H L Hunt interests<br />

HADFIELD, 0 D JR<br />

see alse Birch, Jehn, Society<br />


Cenventien te bring 1,500 te Little Reck<br />

Annual meeting te draw 3,000 te Little Reck<br />


see also Politics and elections<br />

Elected secretary ef Yeung Democrats Club of America<br />

HALL OF FAME, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Athletics and sports<br />


see alse Beeks and writing<br />

HALL, CLARIS G (Crip)<br />

see alse Capitol Building and grounds<br />

Death takes Secy ef State 'Crip ' Hall. dean ef Ark officials<br />

Obituary lists maj er accomplishments of Mr Hall<br />

Legislators te attend funeral ef Secretary ef State<br />


see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see alse Secretary of State (Ark)<br />

see also Treasurer (Ark)<br />


Account of eld-time celebratien<br />


see also Little Reck<br />


see alse Politics and elections<br />

Elected officer in Southwestern Lumbermen 's Assn<br />


see Parks, recreation and tourism<br />

3/15/62 Al 5<br />

3/ 8/61 B9 8<br />

10/20/61 A2 3<br />

10/21/-62 Cl 2<br />

12/10/61 A14 4<br />

1/15/61 Al 6<br />

1/-15/61 Al 6<br />

1/16/61 Al 4<br />

10/29/61 E5 3<br />

1/22/61 A4 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see alse Highway Department (Ark)<br />


Dr Hancock hunts with bew and arrOl\7 in Alaska<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Scheel fer the Deaf<br />

see also Day care centers fer children<br />

see also Education<br />

see alse Rehabilitatien Center, Hot Springs<br />

Southwest Rehabilitatiien Ctr fer the Blind highly praised<br />

Southwest Rehabilitation Ctr for the Blind is Liens prej ect<br />

Charlene Terry paints. types with her tees<br />

J C Williams turns to art after disabling injury<br />

Alvin Curtis attended high scheol by intercom. is graduating<br />

Enterprises fer the Blind te dedicate three new buildings<br />

ASTC speech clinic produces miracle of speech fer child<br />

Interview with deaf ASTC ceed Anne Andersen<br />

Article en blind trainee Betty Hardcastle at Rehab Center<br />

Guide dogs bring 'light' te world of darkness<br />

College prep students study at Southwest Rehabilitation Ctr<br />


Raymend F DaBell is one of nation's foremost calligraphers<br />


see alse United States - Farmers Heme Administration<br />


see alse Culture and the arts<br />


see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see also Land Depaatment (Ark)<br />


Pert Autherity ef Pine Bluff sets hearing<br />

Pine Bluff groups enderse plan fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> River port<br />

Group ekays barber plan fer Pine Bluff<br />

Site near LR recommended fer Arkanssas River pert facilities<br />

Five sites studied fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> River pert at LR<br />

Planning fer Little Reck pert facilities continues<br />

LR panders ways, means te push land acquisition fer pert<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />


Memphis residents attack Harding heusing prepesal<br />

Harding Cellege film. "Communism en the Map" called distorted<br />

George S Bensen defends film en spread ef Communism<br />

Editorial en film, 'Communism en the Map"<br />

College shares in Sterling Merten estate<br />

Anti-Red film te be shown at 22nd annual Freeedem Forum<br />

Outline ef program fer annual Freedem Forum<br />

George S Bensen urges US adept sterner anti-red attitude<br />

Freedom Forum cites liberalism. labor. high taxes, etc<br />

Freedom Forum told report ef Russian 'space walk ' is heax<br />

9/30/62 E5 2<br />

1/16/61 A2 3<br />

1/16/61 A2 3<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 2<br />

4/ 4/ 61 Bl 3<br />

5/21/61 El 1<br />

5/25/61 AlO 2<br />

10/15/61 ES 2<br />

11/19/61 E44<br />

1/ 7/62 ES 2<br />

5/13/62 E4 1<br />

9/ Z/62 D4 1<br />

10/21/62 ES 1<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl 2<br />

1/13/61 A1 8 3<br />

4/21/-62 A3 1<br />

11/29/62 Bl 5<br />

12/ 2/ 62 Cl 2<br />

12/ 5/62 A13 3<br />

12/26/62 A3 6<br />

2/23/61 A9<br />

2/2S/61 A3<br />

2/28/61 Bl<br />

3/ 6/61 A4<br />

3/18/-61 A9<br />

4/18/61 Bl<br />

4/18/61 Bl<br />

4/-19/61 A3<br />

4/-20/61 A7<br />

4/20/61 A7<br />

7<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Norman Themas says NEP greater threat than John Birch Saciety<br />

George Bensen denies Harding werk tied te John Birch Society<br />

Opium is sabotage weapon of Red China. Freedom Forum told<br />

The Harding philosophy (ed)<br />

George Benson urges lecal efforts to curb Reds<br />

College paper wins tap ACPA award<br />

Memphis approves Harding plan fer expansien there<br />

Gazette reporter gets semantics lesson at Freedom Forum<br />

Harding preserves cornerstone of Galloway College<br />

The Reporter calls Harding seat of right wing movements<br />

The Reporter charges draw reply f rem Dr George S Bensen<br />

Harding-type programs harmful . columnist writes<br />

Clifton L Ganus quoted as saying Jim Trimble abets communism<br />

Gaz ette defends Jim Trimble as Christian gentleman<br />

James D Bales lists his qualifications fer writing beak<br />

Presidnet George S Benson receives American Legien award<br />

Editorial on Dr Ganus 's attack en J W Trinmble challenged<br />

Gene E Rainey writes en separation of powers at Searcy<br />

H W Jinske writes en Dr Cliften L Ganus and J W Trimble<br />

Dr Clifton Ganus denies making statement abeut J W Trimble<br />

Gazette insists Dr Ganus was talking about J W Trimble<br />

Dr George S Bensen attacks Gaz ette in anti-communism talk<br />

Summary ef speech by Dr George Benson te American Legion<br />

Gazette comments on speech by Dr George S Benson<br />

Letter en Harding and the National Education Program<br />

Dr James D Bales ' anti-Mermen comments draw letter te editor<br />

James D Bales says no anti-Mermen drive under way there<br />

Letter to editor supports Harding stance en issues<br />

Harding prepares for opening of fall semester<br />

President George Bensen discusses possible US-Russia war<br />

George S Bensen blasts Fulbright memo as comfort te communism<br />

Dr Bensen widens his target sights (ed)<br />

New dormitory fer women opens<br />

NEP and William P Campbell get Freedoms Foundation awards<br />

President George S Bensen to retire<br />

Freedom Forum headquartered at Harding College in Searcy<br />

George S Bensen. James D Bales speak at Freedem Forum<br />

Eddie Rickenbacker. Tom Andersen are Freedom Forum speakers<br />

Speakers turn guns on J W Fulbright; want George S Bensen<br />

Tom Andersen says J W Fulbright shoul d be impeached<br />

George S Benson te study Latin politics<br />

NEP Harding College sponsors Freedom Forum<br />

Twenty-third Freedom Forum is biggest yet<br />

Clarence W Manion attacks J W Fulbright at Freedom Forum<br />

Forum speakers continue drumf ire against J W Fulbright<br />

J W Fulbright says Freedom Forum critics just maladjusted<br />

Freedom Forum told hew to combat 'Reds ' in own communities<br />

George Benson sorry partisan politics get into Freedom. Forum<br />

James D Bales lr en Harding Cell rele in political issues<br />

P L Oliver questiens Harding College education<br />

Letters en Harding College teachings<br />

4-/-20/61 A7 4<br />

4-/-21/61 Bl 6<br />

4/21/61 Bl 6<br />

4-/-22/61 A4 2<br />

4/22/61 BB 1<br />

5/ 3/61 Bl 5<br />

5/ 4/61 C14 8<br />

5/14/61 ES 2<br />

6/14/61 Bl 2<br />

7/14/61 Bl 4<br />

7/14/61 Bl 4<br />

7/15/61 A3 7<br />

7/17/61 A4 2<br />

7/17 /61 A4 2<br />

7/-17 /61 A4 6<br />

7/23/61 A3 1<br />

7/23/61 E4 3<br />

7/25/61 A4 3<br />

7/25/61 A4 4<br />

7/-26/61 Bl 4<br />

7/27/61 A4 2<br />

7/29/61 Al 2<br />

7/29/61 Al 2<br />

7/31/61 A4 1<br />

8/ 1-/61 A4 3<br />

8/ 1/61 A4 4<br />

8-/- 5/-61 A4 5<br />

8-/ 9/ 61 A4 4<br />

8/13/61 Al5 1<br />

8/16/61 BlO 3<br />

9/15/61 A2 4<br />

9/16/61 A4 1<br />

9/ 17/61 All 2<br />

2/22/62 Bl 3<br />

3/- 7 /62 A6 l<br />

4/18-/-62 A3 6<br />

4/18/62 A3 6<br />

4/19/-62 Al 3<br />

4/19/62 Al 3<br />

4/19/62 Al 3<br />

4/19/62 A2 2<br />

4/19/62 A2 3<br />

4/19/-62 A2 3<br />

4/20/62 Bl 7<br />

4-/-20/62 Bl 7<br />

4/20/-62 Bl 8<br />

4/21/62 A2 1<br />

4/21/62 A2 l<br />

5/ 6/62 E2 3<br />

5/ 8/62 A4 4<br />

5/14/62 A4 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Seventh annual Americanism Seminar attracts 150 students<br />

Harding wins tep award for student yearbook<br />

Harding sets $2 million goal fer building program<br />

Suit ever textbook names George S Bensen. Clifton Ganus Jr<br />

Thomas H Stevenson filed suit against Harding. officials<br />

Twe tsp efficials sued ever unfinished book<br />

Harding Coll asks dismissal of suit ever textbook<br />

HARDWARE ASSOCIATION. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Retail<br />

see also Firearms<br />


see Education - Hardy District<br />


see Telephone service<br />


LRU professor tells of his trip through Berlin wall<br />


see also Geverner (Ark)<br />

see alse Insurance<br />


see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />


Hargis speaks at LR. sees Reds abounding, lauds Faubus<br />

Hargis vs Churchill (ed)<br />

Calls secret meeting of supporters in LR<br />


see also Governor (Ark) Jy28<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />


see also Education - Little Reck District<br />


see also Books and writing<br />


see also Congress<br />


see also Congress - House Dist 4<br />

see also Congress - Reappertienemnt<br />


see alse Ecenemic development<br />


see Education - Harrisburg District<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />

see also Railroads<br />

see also Rivers and lakes<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

Urban Renewal work planned for Harrison<br />

Residents te vote en bond issue fer Urban Renewal<br />

Lean approved fer Crooked Creek urban renewal proj ect<br />

Fire destroys Midwest Supermarket building<br />

Harrison gets grant fer urban renewal work<br />

6/12/62 Bl 2<br />

10/24/62 A8 2<br />

10/31/62 Bl 4<br />

12/ 4/62 Al4 4<br />

12/ 4/62 A14 4<br />

12/ 4/62 Al4 4<br />

12/27/62 Bl 4<br />

9/20/62 Bl<br />

6/12/61 A2<br />

6/13/61 A4<br />

5/11/62 Al<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

7<br />

5/25/61 Bl 2<br />

9/27/61 Bl 5<br />

10/ 6/61 Bl 6<br />

12/29/61 Bl 7<br />

6/ 8/62 AlO 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see alse Athletics and sports<br />


see also Phetegraphy<br />

HARTRICK. GORDON. Family<br />

see alse Children and yeuth<br />


see also Children's Colony (Ark)<br />


see also Mente Ne<br />


see alse Alcoholic Beverage Central Department (Ark)<br />

see alse Trademarks. trade brands and loges<br />


see Gevernment empleyees. State<br />


see Nursing hemes<br />


see also Cenway Ceunty<br />

see also Ceurts. Federal<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />


see alse Electric power<br />

Hays ordered te cease unfair labor practices<br />


Under consideration fer high govt pests<br />

Apptd Asst Secy ef State fer Congressional Relations<br />

Hays appointed te State Department pest<br />

Angered by news leak. Gev Orval Faubus belittles Hays<br />

Gov Faubus says Hays about as valuable as 5-yr-eld child<br />

President Kennedy consulted Gev Faubus before appointment<br />

The Hays appointment and integrity 's reward (ed)<br />

Hays called prophet with honer in the TVA country<br />

Senate panel praises Hays. approves State Dept post<br />

An exercise in educatien fer Hays (letter te editor)<br />

Editorial cemment en Hays vs Faubus<br />

Hays te held reunien with his old cengressienal staff<br />

Washington Pest hails Hays stand in Little Reck crisis<br />

Hays has warm praise fer Peace Corps<br />

Hays says he is enj eying hard werk of new j eb<br />

Hays ' stories liven staff conferences<br />

Hays says U S sheuld help Latin America develop independence<br />

Hays en government (quotes)<br />

Alabama critics ef moderate stand may reduce Hays audience<br />

Hays given standing ev atien after Alabama Bar Assn speech<br />

Pitch-hits fer Styles Bridges at New Hampshire event<br />

Hays tells humereus story about <strong>Arkansas</strong> family fracas<br />

Hayes named special assistant ta President Jehn F Kennedy<br />

12/21/61 Bl 2<br />

1/ 8/61 E5 5<br />

2/10/61 Al 7<br />

2/11/61 Al 3<br />

2/11/61 Al 4<br />

2/11/61 Al 4.<br />

2/11/61 Al 4<br />

2/12/61 E4 1<br />

2/16/61 A4 7<br />

2/17/61 A9 5<br />

2/24/61 A4 3<br />

2/26/61 E4 7<br />

2/26/61 E5 5<br />

2/26/61 E5 5<br />

3/ 5/61 A2 6<br />

3/18/61 A5 l<br />

3/19/61 E5 5<br />

5/14/-61 A4 6<br />

7/ 9/61 E5 5<br />

7 /15/61 B4 7<br />

7 /30/61 ES 5<br />

9/ 3/61 D5 5<br />

9/17/61 ES 5<br />

11/27/61 Al 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Hays requested job change ; says new post is prem.etien<br />

Hays will be principal speaker for Kennedy adm policies<br />

Hays te take eath as JFK assistant<br />

Hays take oath. makes JFK laugh<br />

New post fer Hays is part of JFK hope te reach people<br />

Hays paid courtesy call on Pope John XXIII in the Vatican<br />

Says right-wing extremists de not represent America 's soul<br />

Dr Lee Smith says Hays did not stand up for his dist in 1957<br />

T E Lawrence defends Hays frem Dr Lee Smith 's criticism<br />

Special asst te President Kennedy to tour nation<br />

Interview with special asst to President John F Kennedy<br />

Says nation backs JFK in fight with steel industry<br />

Represents JFK at National Rifle Assn banquet<br />

Hays schedules speeches in Ark<br />

Hays to speak at Arkadelphia Chamber of Commerce dinner<br />

Hays says right will prevail in the South<br />

Speaks at dinner honoring Tuberculosis Assn worker<br />

Says Mississippi will adjust te desegregation<br />

Hays played a role in Cuban crisis<br />

Church, state need contact, Hays asserts<br />


see Education - Hazen District<br />

HEALTH<br />

see Medicine and health<br />

HEALTH BOARD (Ark)<br />

Samuel Auburn Walker is board president fer <strong>1961</strong><br />

Beard marks 80 years of pregress<br />


see alse Feed<br />

see alse Medicine and health<br />

Bureau of Vital Statistics keeps numereus records<br />


Fire destroys three warehouses<br />


Painted huge mural being restored at State Capitol<br />


Nineteen members sued by another member ever inj uries<br />

Sixteen members settle their part of lawsuit by Rey C Mess<br />


Gazette editer honored en his 90th birthday by XV Club<br />

HELENA<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />

see also United States - Government buildings and offices<br />

Fire hits Negro residential area; five homes destroyed<br />


Piggott, Ark, played part in author 's life and work<br />

Ernie Deane recalls encounter with Hemingway<br />


see also Alcoholic beverages<br />

Taxpayers group begins prebe into county affairs<br />

County gets back truck that was obj ect of court suit<br />

11/28/61 Al 5<br />

11/28/61 Al 5<br />

12/ 1/61 A2 2<br />

12/ 2/61 Al 3<br />

12/ 3/61 E5 5<br />

12/14/61 A8 4<br />

1/ 5/62 A2 8<br />

1/ 7/62 E2 3<br />

1/11/62 E4 3<br />

1/14/62 D3 5<br />

4/ 1/62 E3 5<br />

4/ 14/62 A5 2<br />

4/ 15/62 E3 5<br />

9/23/62 E3 5<br />

9/30/62 A5 1<br />

10/ 2/62 Bl2 3<br />

10/ 3/62 Bl 7<br />

10/ 4/62 Bl 2<br />

11/ 4/62 E3 5<br />

11/22/62 Al4 4<br />

2/ 17/61 Bl<br />

2/19/61 El<br />

4/ 9-/61 El<br />

3/26/61 AB<br />

11/ 4/61 A3<br />

1/14/61 A3<br />

2/ 5/61 AA<br />

11/25/62 Al5<br />

1/23/61 Al<br />

7/ 3/61 Al<br />

7/- 4/ 61 Bl<br />

3/15/61 A3<br />

3/23/61 A3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

7<br />

4<br />

2<br />

8<br />

1<br />

6<br />

3<br />

3<br />

8<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Another suit filed against U G Garrett. ex-County Judge<br />

Grand jury probes adtn ef ex-county judge U G Garrett<br />

Feurth taxpayer suit filed against U G Garrett<br />

Grand Jury indicts farmer County Judge U G Garrett. 2 others<br />

Former County Judge U G Garrett on trial in funds case<br />

Jury acquits U G Garrett<br />

Jury clears U G Garrett of new charges<br />


see also Censtructien programs , State<br />

see al so Music<br />

Plans announced fer opening of fall semester<br />


see al so Courts. Federal<br />


see also Little Reck Chamber ef Commerce<br />


see also Veterinary medicine<br />


see also Robberies and thefts<br />

College receives $50.000 donation<br />

Freshmen included in program fer the gifted<br />

Plans fer fall semester opening announced<br />

New phy sical educ building honors Ivan H Grave<br />

H F Buhler donates property worth $2,500,000 to Hendrix<br />

H F Buhler comments on his gift te Hendrix<br />

Gift property ef H F Buhler identified<br />

H F Buhler says he gave Hendrix mere property than listed<br />

Ivan H Greve Gymnasium dedicated<br />

Mere deeds recorded in turnover ef H F Buhler's gift<br />

Long-range campus beautification proj ect begins<br />

Dr Marshall T Steel discusses increasing Hendrix enrellment<br />

College to dedicate Trieschmann Fine Arts Bldg<br />

Hendrix epens Trieschmann Fine Arts Building<br />

Hendrix congratulated on new fine arts building<br />

Campus beautification proj ect under way<br />


see alse Censtructien programs . State<br />


see also Prisons and prisoners<br />


see alse Little Reck<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


Purchases Reaser-Hill Corp at Jacksonville<br />


see History (Ark)<br />


Albert Ballard of Streng, judged mentally ill<br />

Wes Ballard ruled mentally ill<br />


4/ 9/61 A6 4<br />

5/12/61 Bl 5<br />

6/16/61 Bll 8<br />

6/23/61 AB 1<br />

7 /-18/61 AS 3<br />

7/1'}/61 Bl 6<br />

7 /20/61 A2 5<br />

8/13/61 A12 4<br />

1/26/61 C16 8<br />

2/26/61 A2 2<br />

8/13/61 A7 2<br />

10/12/61 A8 2<br />

11/10/61 Al 2<br />

11/10/61 Al 3<br />

11/14/61 Bl 4<br />

11/15/61 AB 4<br />

11/28/61 B3 8<br />

12/13/61 AlO 6<br />

12/31/61 A6 5<br />

4/ 5/62 K3 8<br />

9/15/62 A2 7<br />

9/19/62 Bl 3<br />

9:/ 21/-62 A4 1<br />

10/ 7 l62 E5 2<br />

12/12/61 Al 2<br />

4/-13/61 Bl 9<br />

5/16/61 B12 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Cul ture and the arts<br />


Thomas L Andrews who died in rescuing bey. is henered<br />

Prather O'Neal receives award frem Red Cress<br />


Blytheville trailer firm is bankrupt<br />

Blytheville holds mortgage, net title. referee says<br />

HICE, W 0<br />

see also Conway County<br />

HIGDEN<br />

Descriptien ef town that meved eut of lake 's way<br />


see also Education<br />


see Celleges and univs<br />

HIGHER EDUCATIONAL FINANCE, Cemmissien en Co-erdina<br />

see Celleges and universities<br />

see Colleges and univs<br />


see Advertising<br />

see Highway Department (Ark)<br />


see Land and real estate<br />

see also Reads<br />

Friends urge second term en ARC fer Lawrence Blackwell<br />

Gov Faubus requested te re-appoint Lawrence Balckwell to AHC<br />

Lawrence Blackwell not re-appointed te AHC<br />

Longtime Faubus crony Truman Baker apptd to ARC<br />

History of AHC appmts since 1952<br />

Paying political debts (ed en Faubus appmt ef Truman Baker)<br />

Truman Baker served en ARC frem 1949-1953<br />

Gov Faubus def ends naming Truman Baker to AHC<br />

State editors comment en Truman Baker appmt to AHC<br />

Doubts grow in Legis that AHC is politically independent<br />

Reduction frem 99 to 21 job classifications not for layoffs<br />

Every county getting a state highway building<br />

Directer F R Oliver incensed by hint of highway scandal<br />

Gov Faubus lets Highway Comm name its next commissiener<br />

Wayne Hampton named te AHC<br />

Gazette sees election year ruse in Wayne Hampton appmt<br />

Apparent disregard fer Mack-Blackwell (ed)<br />

William E Huie named safety directer<br />

Women meving into professional jobs once held by men<br />

Last appointee ef Gev Cherry attends final AHC meeting<br />


Stuttgart farmer fined fer never filing any income tax<br />


Needs physical. mental health, State Hespital says<br />

Gov Orval Faubus comments en escape of Hilderbrand<br />

Involved in thwarted escape attempt about 10 days age<br />

Legend revived as Hilderbrand escapes frem State Hospital<br />

10/12/62 Bl3 4<br />

12/ 5/62 Bl 2<br />

6/16/62 B6 7<br />

10/ 9/62 Al 5<br />

7/ 6/61 Bl 2<br />

1/ 1/61 BlO 6<br />

1/12/61 Al 6<br />

1/18/61 Al 3<br />

1/18/61 Al 3<br />

1-/18/-61 Al 4<br />

1/19/61 A4 2<br />

1/19/-61 Bl 2<br />

1/20/61 Bl 8<br />

1/29/61 E4 6<br />

2/ 5/61 E5 1<br />

5/14/61 E5 1<br />

1/12/62 Bl 2<br />

2./11/62 F3 1<br />

5/ 4/62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 9/62 Bl 7<br />

5/10/-62 A4 2<br />

7/ 8/62 E2 1<br />

9/ 7/62 Bl 4<br />

10/ 7 /62 E3 1<br />

12/20/62 A5 2<br />

3/27/62 Al 5<br />

1/20/61 Bl 4<br />

8/ 2/61 Al 2<br />

8/ 2/61 Al 2<br />

8/ 2/61 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Over 700 names were en petitien for release ef Hilderbrand<br />

Parole Bd denied pardon despite petition from area residents<br />

Escape sparks hat debate over State Hospital spending policy<br />

Frances Standridge says she is through with Hilderbrand<br />

Hilderbrand continues te elude officers<br />

The Hilderbrand escape (ed)<br />

Search fer Hilderbrand centered in Dover area<br />

Search of Hilderbrand heme fails te disclose fugitive<br />

Officers getting fewer tips. Pope County sheriff says<br />

Police capture Hilderbrand at father 's home north of Dover<br />

Till Hilderbrand (ed)<br />

Hilderbrand admits guilt. gets 5 years in prison<br />

Hilderbrand chgd fer State Hospital escape on Aug 1. <strong>1961</strong><br />

HILL, JACK<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Investment Carp<br />

HILL. LYLE 0<br />

see also Reaser-Hill Corp<br />


see Episcopal Church<br />


Hindman wills $400.000 te Ark fer memerials to T C Hindman<br />

Little Reck and Helena also te share in Hindman bequest<br />

The Hindman memorials (ed)<br />

LR Museum of Science and History wants share of funds<br />

Helena studies hew to spend its $250.000 left by Hindman<br />

Hindman was not well-known in Helena. his birthplace<br />

Money cannot be distributed until March 1963<br />

Univ ef Ark should get substantial share of estate<br />

Bequest of $50.000 te LR may go fer park at the little reek<br />


see also Hindman. Biscoe<br />

Assassination ended career ef stormy general . politician<br />

Elizabeth Biscoe Nethern is Hindman descendant at Helena<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />


Tells hew Bob Burns ' baz ooka came te be invented<br />


see also Government employees. State<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Territorial Restoration<br />

see also Hotels<br />

see alse Old State House (Ark)<br />

Carl Otto Brack heme built in 1910 te be demolished<br />

Ringgold Hause. built at Batesville in 1827 . is razed<br />

Vandervoort Hetel at Paragould to be razed<br />

Vandervoort Hotel at Paragould hosted famous persons. groups<br />

Storm toppled trees on lawn of historic Trapnall Hall at LR<br />

Col David D Terry Sr is chmn of group seeking to save Quapaw<br />

Historic district in LR to be called the Quapaw Quarter<br />

LR Housing Authority panel wants to save outstanding bldgs<br />

Bl 2/61 Al 2<br />

Bl 2/61 Al 2<br />

8/ 2/61 Al 3<br />

8/ 3/61 Al 3<br />

8/ 3/61 Al 3<br />

8/ 3/61 A4 2<br />

S/ 4/61 Bl 2<br />

8/-13/61 A2 l<br />

11/-17/-61 Bl4 3<br />

10/- 6/62 Al 5<br />

10/10/-62 A4 2<br />

11/ 2/ 62 B2 5<br />

11/24162 B.5 6<br />

3/23/61 Al 4<br />

3/-23/61 Al 4<br />

3/24/61 A4 2<br />

3/24161 A6 3<br />

4/ 2/61 Al2 3<br />

4/ 2/61 Al2 6<br />

4/ 6/61 Bl 5<br />

5/27/61 A3 2<br />

11/21/62 Bl 2<br />

4/ 2/61 Al2 3<br />

4/- 2/61 Al2 6<br />

2/15/ 61 A12 1<br />

2/19/61 All 2<br />

3/ 6/61 A1 2 1<br />

3/15/61 Bl 4<br />

3/15/61 Bl 4<br />

4/27/61 Bl 2<br />

6/ 4/ 61 Al 2<br />

6/ 4/ 61 Al 2<br />

6/ 4/61 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

108-yr-eld Knoble Brewery at Fort Smith restored<br />

Knoble Brewery at Fert Smith restered by C H Wertz Jr<br />

House subcommittee appreves Fert Smith Natl Historic Site<br />

House passes bill te estab Fort Smith National Historic Site<br />

U S Senate approves Fort Smith Natienal Historic Site<br />

Claim made that leg cabin in NLR was Jehn Clendenin heme<br />

Leg cabin feund when house in NLR dismantled<br />

Waxhaws at Fayetteville is 125-yr-eld heme of Gov A Yell<br />

Old Water Pump Station at NLR may be condemned<br />

Fert Smith Natl Historic Site bill signed by JFK<br />

Terry Bldg at LR to be tern down<br />

Deed te Fert Smith Historic Site te be given te JFK<br />

Historic preservation official to visit LR<br />

Restoration expert teurs Little Reck sites<br />

Historic railroad depet at Het Springs torn dewn<br />

History af Fort Smith Historic Site<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Landmark Seciety fermed to preserve landmarks<br />

Group seeks te resteree eld Het Springs Opera House<br />

Friends seeks funds te save Hot Springs Opera House<br />

Fordyce Mineral Springgs shown in drawing<br />

Fire destroys historic Lee Robertson house at Ogemaw<br />

Drawing ef W R Pearsen & Ce mill at Thornton in the 1890s<br />

Funds sought te buy old courthouse at Jacksenpert<br />

Council Oaks of Territory days still stand at Dardanelle<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Normal College bldg at Paragoul d in 1891 (sketch)<br />

Meve te save old courthouse at Jacksonport begins<br />

Old Catholic High bldg at LR to be tern down (photo)<br />

Administration bldg at Scheel fer the Deaf te be tern dawn<br />

Baucum home at LR te be used for Continental Restaurant<br />

Old print shE7.Vs Unien Depot at Stuttgart<br />

Ancient buildings at State Hospital te be tern dGW"n (phete)<br />

Sketch of eld Merrill Institute at Pine Bluff<br />

Fort Smith waterfront in Civl War times (sketch)<br />

St Francis Lumber Ce mill in 1891 (sketch)<br />

Twenty houses chosen fer preservation in LR's Quapaw Quarter<br />

Pine Bluff's water and light works in 1891 (sketch)<br />

Stuttgart's 'Metropolitan block' in 1890 (sketch)<br />

Horse-drawn car stables ef Wiley Jones at Pine Bluff (sketch)<br />

Sketch ef Camden in 1890s<br />

Old Hetel Trulock at Pine Bluff shewn in sketch<br />

Moore Hotel at Lewisville te be tern dewn<br />

Brick cottage constructed in 1838 still stands in LR<br />

Garland-Brough house at 1404 Scott St in Little Reck (photo)<br />

Ab salom Fawler residence at LR (photo)<br />

Samuel Montgomery Weaver house at LR (photo)<br />

Charles J Lincoln heuse at LR (pheto)<br />

Old Martin Cemetery at Mabelvale is historic burial ground<br />

Andersen Mills house at LR (phete)<br />

Capital Hotel (phete)<br />

Capital Hotel 's iron front was made in Europe<br />

Old Washington contains historic buildings<br />

7/30/61 A2 7<br />

7/30/61 A2 7<br />

8/12-/61 A7 4<br />

8/23-/61 Bl 2<br />

9/ 2-/61 B7 5<br />

9/ 3-/61 A4 1<br />

9/ 3-/61 A4 l<br />

9/13/61 Bl 2<br />

9/13/61 B14 2<br />

9/ 14/-61 Bl 2<br />

10/ 6/61 A8 3<br />

10/27/61 Bl 5<br />

10/29/61 K3 5<br />

10/31/61 A2 l<br />

11/ 9/61 Bl 2<br />

11/-19/61 ES 2<br />

11/25/61 A5 7<br />

11/26/61 Al2 7<br />

12/ 8/61 Bl 2<br />

1/ 7 /62 E6 1<br />

1/-12/62 A2 3<br />

1/14/62 D6 l<br />

1/18/62 B6 3<br />

1/19/-62 Bl 2<br />

1/21/62 E6 l<br />

1-/24/62 Bl 2<br />

1/25/62 Al3 4<br />

1/25/62 Bl 3<br />

1/28/62 C3 3<br />

1/28/62 E6 l<br />

1/29/62 B3 2<br />

2/ 4/62 E6 l<br />

2/18/62 E4 4<br />

2-/18/62 E6 1<br />

2/ 19/62 BB 5<br />

2/25/62 E6 2<br />

3/ 4/ 62 E6 1<br />

3/11/-62 E6 l<br />

3-/ 18/62 E6 1<br />

3/25-/-62 E6 l<br />

3/29/62 Bl 2<br />

4/ 8/-62 E6 l<br />

4/ 15/62 E6 1<br />

4/22/62 E6 1<br />

4/29/62 E6 l<br />

5/ 6/62 E6 1<br />

5/10/62 Al4 4<br />

5/13/62 E6 l<br />

5/20/62 E6 2<br />

5/20/62 E6 2<br />

5/27 /62 ES 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Fred Miller cottage at Little Rock (phete)<br />

White River scene at Calica Reck in earlier days<br />

Old ferry on White River at Buf fale City (photo)<br />

Picture of group at mountain spring near Pineville<br />

Old Opera House at Hot Springs te be razed<br />

Picture of pre-Civil War farmhouse near Melbourne<br />

Nelsen's Ferry en White River (photo)<br />

McFadden house at Arkadelphia moved te Benton<br />

Column discusses history ef McFadden house<br />

Charles Miner Tayler mansion at LR tern down<br />

Article en trees en property ef historic sites in LR<br />

Pilgrim Rest Church bldg meved te Saline County , restored<br />

Quapaw Quarter te restudy list of old hemes ta be included<br />

Old Baucum plantation heme east of NLR destroyed by fire<br />

HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Group holding its 20th annual convention in Camden<br />


see alse Historical Association, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

HISTORY (Ark)<br />

see also Beeks and writing<br />

see also Cemeteries<br />

see also Chronicles of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Civil War<br />

see also Fossils<br />

see also Historic buildings and sites<br />

see also Mente Ne<br />

see also News and news media<br />

see also Treasure trove<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

Document given Restoratien is Wm Fulten appmt as secretary<br />

Document signed by President Andrew Jackson given te state<br />

Several descendants of William S Ful ton live in LR<br />

Territorial Restoration gets document signed by Pres Jackson<br />

Early ad for St Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad<br />

Pine Bluff in 1890 (photo)<br />

Legislature of 1911 met in new Capitol building<br />

M E Oliver sketch of early days in the Ozarks<br />

Panther killed in Japton area (Madison Ce) 1887 (photo)<br />

Stomping barn in the Ozarks (drawing)<br />

Sheeting match in the Ozarks (illus)<br />

Puncheon house in the Ozarss (drawing)<br />

David Dale Owens drawing of natural dam on Lee's Creek<br />

Cress tie making in the Ozarks (illus)<br />

Shaving horse (illus)<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Midland Railroad completion might have changed hist<br />

Little Reck Cotten Exchange and Little Reck Board of Trade<br />

Sketch of Slew Tom Mill near Wittier<br />

Article en old Little Reck and Fort Smith Railroad<br />

Bey Scouts to trace De Seto trail across <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Illustration of feet-power weed lathe in use at Viela<br />

Bruten Williams family lived under bluff in Madison County<br />

5/27 /62 E6 1<br />

6/ 10/62 E6 1<br />

6/17/62 E6 l<br />

6/24/62 E6 2<br />

7/ 4/62 Bl 2<br />

7/ 8/62 E6 2<br />

7/29/62 E6 1<br />

9/ 8/62 A2 2<br />

9/11/62 Bl 3<br />

9/ 14/62 Bl 5<br />

10/ 7/62 E4 l<br />

10/ 9/62 Bl 3<br />

10/17 /62 "3 l<br />

11/30/62 AB 2<br />

4/23/61 A7 5<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl<br />

1/15/61 E3<br />

1/22/61 E3<br />

1/29/61 El<br />

1/29/61 E3<br />

2/ 5/61 E2<br />

2/12/61 E2<br />

2/1'}/-61 E3<br />

2/26/61 E2<br />

2/26/61 E3<br />

3/12/61 E3<br />

3/19/61 E3<br />

3/26/61 El<br />

3/26/61 E2<br />

3/26/61 E3<br />

3/29/61 Bl<br />

4/ 2/ 61 Al<br />

4/ 2/61 E3<br />

4/ 9/61 E3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

4<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

l<br />

2<br />

6<br />

l<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Mentien ef Izard family. early settlers and leaders in Ark<br />

Mentien ef Jehn Newton Cotten family. Ark pioneer settlers<br />

Dr William Henry Sims was early settler of SW Ark<br />

Journal ef Mary Owen Sims tells of Judge Jehn Quillin family<br />

Mary Owen Sims. William Henry Sims. were early residents<br />

Pertrait ef Josephine Owen Quillin painted by Jehn Henry Byrd<br />

Circus came te Drakes Creek in 1893 (sketch)<br />

Tom and Mary Self represent early Ozark settlers<br />

Tub mill built by Bill Emerten near Bexley (Newton County)<br />

William Hawkins water-mill built en War Eagle in 1830 (illus)<br />

Helena as tewn appeared in 1890 (phete)<br />

Feud alm.est stole Ouachita River frem Camden<br />

Tate family settled in Camden in 1810<br />

Edward V Clark credited with creating Ark Highway 7<br />

War Eagle Mills operated by Sylvanus Blackburn (sketch)<br />

Apple Cave near Aurora has interesting history<br />

Story ef bridges in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Erskine and his 5 dogs killed by bear at Big Point Mountain<br />

Erskine killing by bear was en Hurrican Creek, Crawford Ce<br />

Friedrich Gerstaecker hunted bear, ether game near Combs<br />

Sequoyah lived at Dwight Mission<br />

Site ef historic Dwight Mission te be covered by lake waters<br />

Boathouse was center of water recreation at LR in early days<br />

Gallaway College histery recalled<br />

Account of last steamboat to reach Arkadelphia 50 years ago<br />

Peter Van Winkle saw mills near War Eagle described<br />

Sketch of pioneer heme en Drakes Creek<br />

European settlers helped build <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

1890 photo of Federal Building at Helena<br />

Old ghost tewn of Schaberg is scene ef reunion<br />

Jonesbere's Main Street in 1890 (phete)<br />

Pine Bluff's Second Ave in 1890 (photo)<br />

Cotten Plant in 1886 (photo)<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> was a rough place in early days. John Fergusen says<br />

Tentitawn 's beginnings summarized<br />

Morrilton in 1887 (sketch)<br />

Ferry activity at Dardanelle in 1880s (photo)<br />

LR land bought by Judge John J Clendenin in 1846 sold<br />

Brief history ef early days of Frankl in County<br />

Paris Academy in 1887 (photo)<br />

Washington County history and outlaws discussed<br />

Marble marker notes visit of Gen and Mrs U S Grant to LR<br />

Brief history of Legan County<br />

History of the <strong>Arkansas</strong> prison system<br />

Old drawing shew-s penitentiary when it was at LR<br />

Capt B C Blakeley's beat 'Border City ' at Fort Smith (sketch)<br />

History ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Penitentiar1<br />

Craighead County 's dual court districts reflect history<br />

Fort Smith's Garrisen Avenue in 1880's (sketch)<br />

Famous case ef ex parte Garland involved Augustus H Garland<br />

Huge walnut leg en way to Sebastian lumber mill (photo)<br />

4/15/61 B5 4<br />

4/15/61 BS 4<br />

4/16/61 E2 l<br />

4/16/61 E2 l<br />

4/ 16/61 E2 l<br />

4/16/61 E2 l<br />

4/16/61 E3 1<br />

4/23/61 E3 l<br />

4-/23/61 E3 l<br />

4/30/61 E2 l<br />

4/30/61 E3 l<br />

5/ 3/61 Bl 2<br />

5/ 3/61 Bl 2<br />

5/ 4/61 Cl4 2<br />

5/ 7/61 E3 l<br />

5/14/61 E3 1<br />

5/21/61 El l<br />

5/21/61 E3 l<br />

5/21/61 E3 1<br />

6/ 4/ 61 E3 l<br />

6/ 5/61 BB 5<br />

6/ 5-/61 BB 5<br />

6/11/61 E2 4<br />

6/14/61 Bl 2<br />

6/20/61 Bl 3<br />

6/25/61 E3 l<br />

7/ 2/61 d3 l<br />

7/ 9-/61 El l<br />

7/16/61 E3 l<br />

7/23/61 A4 2<br />

7/23/61 E3 l<br />

7/30/-61 E3 l<br />

Bl 6/61 E3 l<br />

8/16/61 Bl4 5<br />

8/20/61 El l<br />

8/20/61 E3 1<br />

8/27/61 A2 l<br />

8/27/61 ClO 7<br />

8/-27/61 El l<br />

9/10/61 E3 l<br />

9/13/61 Bl 2<br />

9/14/61 A2 7<br />

9/17 /61 El l<br />

9/17/61 E2 l<br />

9/17 /61 E2 l<br />

9/17/61 E3 1<br />

9/24/61 E2 l<br />

10/ 1/61 E5 2<br />

10/- 1/61 E6 l<br />

10/ 8/61 El l<br />

10/ 8/61 E6 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

History ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nermal College at Jamestown<br />

Merchants Bank at Fert Smith, 1887 (sketch)<br />

Sketch of Big Reck in early days<br />

Faulkner County Courthouse in the 1890s (phote)<br />

Brief histery ef Dis.mend Jee Reynolds and his railroad line<br />

Print ef Crewley's Ridge scene in 1893<br />

Early <strong>Arkansas</strong> murders recalled in talk te history group<br />

History of French fortifications at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Psot in 17S8<br />

Names of several French settlers at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest mentiened<br />

Photo of Branch Normal Scheel at Pine Bluff in the 1890s<br />

Article discusses fur trapping in early days<br />

Rockport, en Ouachita River (sketch of early days)<br />

Stuttgart 's Main Street in 1890s (sketch)<br />

William E Woodruff dreve last spike in Memphis & LR Railroad<br />

History ef estab ef Christian Church in LR<br />

Lawrence County history reviewed<br />

Old black kettle was familiar sight in pioneer hemes<br />

History ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> County 's two county seats<br />

State 's first steam-powered sawmill was at Helena<br />

North Little Reck breaks away fram Little Reck<br />

Early journal s recorded accounts of large buffalo herds<br />

Founding ef University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Old Washington buildings and artifacts reveal history<br />

Shrine to be built at site of first sermon in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Account of career ef Ark, Okla lawman James F (Bud) Ledbetter<br />

James F (Bud) Ledbetter began lawman career at Ceal Hill<br />

James F (Bud) Ledbetter cleared Caal Hill saloon of rewdies<br />

Johnson Ce Sheriff Bud McConnell hired James F Ledbetter<br />

White River was ence a maj or waterway fer shipping<br />

Article briefly discusses Smackever's early eil boom days<br />

Cabin heme in the Ozarks (photo)<br />

Description ef scheel days in the eld days<br />

Jonesboro Stave Mill (photo)<br />

History of theater and drama in Ark summarized<br />

Scene at Buffalo City. in early 1900s<br />

Article en big oil boom at Smackover 40 years age<br />

Description ef oil field fire in Unien County in 1922<br />

Legislators once traded their postage stamps for liquor<br />

Legislators were once paid $5 per day<br />

Sen John Keel sponsored bill requiring hotel quilts 9 ft long<br />

Berryville public square at turn of the century (photo)<br />

Evangelist Sam P Jones and the Jenesbere saleenkeeps<br />

Carry Nation brings her famous crusade to Eureka Springs<br />

Account ef Carry Nation visit to town of Mena<br />

Martin L Stoufer fashioned jewelry box £rem part of gallows<br />

Old gallows at Fort Smith was built by Martin Luther Stoufer<br />

Scene fram interior of Harrison Times effice about 1900<br />

Harvey C Couch persuaded President F D Roosevelt to visit Ark<br />

Highway paved, homes painted prier te visit by FDR in 1936<br />

Pres F D Roosevelt spoke at state's eldest Baptist church<br />

Pres Franklin D Roosevelt spoke at Baptist Church at Rockport<br />

10/lS/61 E4 4<br />

10/15-/-61 E6 l<br />

10/29/-61 E6 2<br />

11/ 5/-61 E6 1<br />

11/ 9/61 Bl 2<br />

11/12/61 E6 l<br />

11/20/-61 ClO 1<br />

11/26/61 ES 2<br />

11/-26/61 ES 2<br />

12/10/61 E6 l<br />

12/17/-61 ES 2<br />

12/24/-61 D6 l<br />

12/31/61 D6 1<br />

1/14/-62 D6 4<br />

2/25/62 E5 2<br />

2/26/62 ES 2<br />

3/25/62 E5 1<br />

4/ 1/62 E5 2<br />

4/12/62 Bl 2<br />

4/29c/62 Al5 1<br />

5/ 6/62 E5 2<br />

5/10/62 Bl 2<br />

5/27/62 E5 2<br />

6/23/62 AS l<br />

6/24/62 E4 1<br />

6/24/-62 E4 1<br />

6/24/62 E4 l<br />

6/24/-62 E4 1<br />

7/15/62 E5 2<br />

8/26/62 ES 2<br />

8/26/62 E6 l<br />

9/ 2/62 D5 2<br />

9/ 2/62 DS 2<br />

9/16/62 E4 1<br />

9/30/62 E4 2<br />

10/10/62 Bl 3<br />

10/14/-62 E5 2<br />

11/ 4/ 62 El4 1<br />

11/ 4/ 62 E14 1<br />

11/ 4/62 El 4 1<br />

11/11/62 E6 1<br />

11/18/62 ElO 4<br />

11/25/62 A4 1<br />

ll/2S/62 E4 l<br />

11/25/62 E5 2<br />

11/25/62 ES 2<br />

11/25/62 E6 1<br />

12/ 2/62 ElO l<br />

12/ 2/ 62 ElO 1<br />

12/ 2/ 62 ElO 1<br />

12/ 2/62 ElO 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Fert Smith 's past being uncovered at Belle Pointe<br />

Clyde Dollar Jr has been active in uncovering Fort Smith hist<br />

David Frederick letters en Grand Prairie life in late 1800s<br />

David Frederick lr tells ef U S Grant visit te <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

FDR spoke at Methodist Church in Reckpert. letter says<br />

Henry 's Chapel Methodist Church was built in 1817<br />

Mere en historic Methodist church at Rockport<br />

Dutch Mills (Hermannsburg) was settled by Germans<br />

Dutch Mills history reviewed in article en Hermannsburg<br />

Article en St Paul Branch ef Frisce Railroad<br />

St Paul (Madison County) was terminus ef railroad (photos)<br />

Harry L Wlliams adds te record on Roosevelt's Rockport visit<br />

Geedfellews Club formed at Jonesboro ta aid the needy<br />

White Eagle Mine at Yellville at turn of the century (photo)<br />

America 's notables appeared at Het Springs Opera House<br />

Hot Springs Opera House was center of social life fer years<br />

Sketch ef Grand Opera Hause at Het Springs in 1888<br />

Ozarks leg cabin is a monument to the past<br />

Wild game was plentiful in Jenesbere markets some 60 yrs age<br />


Director Jehn G Fergusen discusses werk ef Cemmissien<br />

Dr Matt L Ellis named chairman<br />

CSA money donated te Camm is one ef world's mest complete<br />

Harry B Selmson was dener ef CSA money collection<br />

John L Ferguson instrumental in gift of CSA meney collection<br />

Valuable historical papers donated by A Heward Stebbins<br />

Directer John L Fergusen cemments en Stebbins donation<br />


Firm building canning plant at Van Buren<br />

HOAXES<br />

see al.so Apparitions<br />

see al.so Vinson, Charles (Mrs)<br />


see also Buttens<br />

see also Toys and playthings<br />

Leslie J Miller collects cigar bands<br />


Donates land fer state park at Withrert.7 Spring (Madison Ce)<br />


see also Algeria<br />


Ordained a Methodist deacon<br />


Secretary of Commerce to speak at Hepe event<br />

Secretary Hedges to speak at Newport<br />

Hedges tells poultry industry te seek werld markets<br />

Discusses hew states get industry<br />


see also Congress - Senate (Class II)<br />

see al.so Laber<br />


12/ 2/62 ES 1<br />

12/ 2/62 E5 2<br />

12/ 6/62 Bl 2<br />

12/ 7/62 Bl 2<br />

12/ 8/62 A4 4<br />

12/ 9/62 E2 3<br />

12/ f}/62 E3 3<br />

12/11/62 Bl 2<br />

12/11/62 Bl 2<br />

12/16/62 E5 2<br />

12/16/62 ES 2<br />

12/18/62 A6 3<br />

12/23/62 DlO 3<br />

12/23/62 D6 l<br />

12/30/62 D4 l<br />

12/30/62 04 l<br />

12/30/62 D4 5<br />

12/30/62 06 1<br />

12/30/62 D9 3<br />

1/15/61 El<br />

6/20/61 Bl<br />

11/28/61 Bl<br />

11/28/61 Bl<br />

11/28/61 Bl<br />

2/24/62 A5<br />

2/24/62 A5<br />

10/18/61 Bl<br />

1<br />

6<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

l<br />

3<br />

2<br />

9/ 3/61 Dl 1<br />

2/ 9/ 62 Bl 3<br />

6/ 2/ 61 Bl3 4<br />

5/20/62 C12 3<br />

5/24/62 Bl 5<br />

5/26/62 A2 3<br />

5/27/62 A2 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Government employees<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Special sectien covers upcoming seasen at Oaklawn<br />

Attendance, betting down at Oaklawn Park this seasen<br />

State cellects $1,226,416 frem Oaklawn<br />

Pastor group at LR ask cancellatien of extra racing days<br />

Gov Orval Faubus wants free pases te Oaklawn ended<br />

Preview ef <strong>1962</strong> racing season at Oaklawn<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist hits anew at racing, effect en state<br />


Senate vetes down bill funding premiums fer horse shew<br />

HORTICULTURE SOCIETY, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Dr Dwight M Meere te address fall meeting ef Seciety<br />


see alse Defense and armed forces<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


see also Actors and entertainers<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

Civil rights and discriminatien<br />

Convention facilities and cenventiens<br />

Crime and vice<br />

Gambling<br />

Historic buildings and sites<br />

History (Ark)<br />

Hotels<br />

Parks, recreation and tourism<br />

Hot Springs National Park celebrates 129th birthday<br />

Urban Renewal planning grant recd fer dewntewn proj ect<br />

Hot Springs unique ameng <strong>Arkansas</strong> cities<br />

City undergoes 'face-lift '<br />

Bathhouses moderniz ing therapeutic facilities<br />

Maj estic Hotel building first maj or bathhouse in 40 years<br />


see also Gambling<br />


see Parks, recreatien and tourism<br />


see Rehabilitation Center, Hot Springs<br />


see Children and yeuth<br />

see Education - Het Springs District<br />


Earl F Yeargan named agent ef maj er unien<br />

HOTELS<br />

see also Histeric buildings and sites<br />

see alse Histery (Ark)<br />

Glenn Hetel at NLR condemned as unsafe<br />

Hazel Hotel at Newport destroyed by fire<br />

Narrews Hotel at Beaver destroyed by fire<br />

Downtowner Meter Inn te open today in LR<br />

2/12/61 Fl<br />

3/16/61 Bl<br />

4/ 12/61 A6<br />

7 /11/61 Bl<br />

2/10/62 A5<br />

2/11/62 Gl<br />

4/12/62 Bl<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

8<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2/10/61 Bl 4<br />

10/14/62 Dl4 3<br />

4/ 19/61 Bl 2<br />

8/15/61 A2 6<br />

9/19/61 Bl 3<br />

12/31/61 D5 2<br />

7/ l/62 A4 1<br />

8-/26/62 A2 6<br />

9/ 2/62 A5 7<br />

1/ 5/61 ClO 4<br />

1/29/61 A2 1<br />

2/ 2/61 A6 2<br />

2/18/61 A6 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Dewntewners at Little Reck is fifth in chain<br />

NLR te get $1 millien Holiday Inn<br />

Article en Pless Hetel at Dardanelle<br />

Grady Manning at LR gets new leek with celerama<br />

Fire damages Park Hetel at Little Reck<br />

Capitol Hill Apartment Hetel seeks te add £leers. expand<br />

Beard delays approval ef Capital Hill proj ect<br />

Capital Hill Apartment Hotel sold to LR syndicate<br />

Capital Hotel marker notes 1880 visit of Gen U S Grant<br />

Marien Hetel gets new leek with extensive remodeling<br />

Park Hotel in Het Springs is outstanding retirement hotel<br />

Large motel te be built east of Hot Springs en Gulpha Creek<br />

Dewntewner Inn at LR te add 52 rooms<br />

Article en the new Mountain Inn at Fayetteville<br />

Coachman 's Inn signs pact with union<br />

The New Orleans at Eureka Springs is run as Danish hotel<br />

Imperial 400 Motels to build 87-unit motel in LR<br />

Union defeat at Downtowner Meter Inn set aside<br />

Albert Pike Hotel workers turn dewn unien<br />

NLRB orders new union electien at Dewntewner Metel<br />

Velda Rose Tewers te be built at Hot Springs<br />

Drive-in. fly-in motel may be built at LR's Adams Field<br />

Albert Pike Hetel agrees te new vote en unioniz ing<br />


see also Pardon and parole<br />


see also Libraries. Public<br />


see also Daisy Manufacturing Ce<br />


Guy Bump family back in business making fine chairs<br />

5 generations ef Bump family involved in recking-chair making<br />


see al se Laber<br />

Winreck Enterprises plans new addition ef 457 hemes at LR<br />

Article explores disruption of families in slum clearance<br />

Planner Gerald J McLinden wants rEM housing fer NLR<br />

Den Manes joins LR Housing Authority staff<br />

Lonoke County Reusing Authority created<br />

Pulaski Planning Comm rej ects plan for Meadowlark development<br />

Big apartment complex planned fer West Reck area at LR<br />

J Wythe Walker, G Themas Eisele own Reck View Develep Corp<br />

Poinsett County money fer housing frozen<br />

Winreck Enterprises buys land fer West Reck develepment<br />

North Little Rock has 872 acres of slum areas<br />

Photographic evidence of housing slums in NLR<br />

Old heuse at NLR occupied by as many as 40 persons at a time<br />

Weedruff Electric Co-op offers lean fer Lake Forest proj ect<br />

Publ ic housing prej ect appreved by federal govt<br />

Dumas te seek aid te construct units<br />

Same LR whites fear they will be replaced by Negroes<br />

2/18/61 A7 1<br />

3/28/61 A7 4<br />

3/30-/61 Bl 2<br />

4/ 7/61 A6 7<br />

6/- 4/ 61 Al 2<br />

6/18/61 A4 4<br />

6/20/-61 Bl 3<br />

8/ 3/61 Cl2 7<br />

9/14/61 A2 7<br />

9/14/-61 A3 3<br />

10/-15/-61 E4 1<br />

11/-27/61 A3 4<br />

2/ 6/62 B7 1<br />

2/ 9/-62 Bl 2<br />

5/25/62 A20 3<br />

7/22/62 E4 1<br />

8/ 8-/62 Bl 2<br />

8/25/62 A5 8<br />

9-/ 7-/62 All 3<br />

10/14/-62 A9 1<br />

10/-14/62 Cl 3<br />

10/16/62 Bl 7<br />

10-/30/62 A3 6<br />

l/-31-/61 BB<br />

8/28/-62 Bl<br />

1/ 5/61 A3<br />

1/ 8/61 Cl<br />

2/-15/-61 B7<br />

2/19/61 AlO<br />

2/22/-61 A6<br />

2/24/61 Bl<br />

3-/ 5/61 Al<br />

3/ 5-/61 Al<br />

3-/ 9/61 A5<br />

3-/12/61 A6<br />

4/ 2/61 Al<br />

4/ 2/61 A2<br />

4/ 2/61 A2<br />

4/26/-61 Bl<br />

6/ 2/61 Bl<br />

71 2/61 /-3<br />

7/ 2/61 D2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

7<br />

6<br />

l<br />

8<br />

5<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

2<br />

6<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Apartment cem.plex near Getter to house 540 persons<br />

NLR Authority and City Council rift flares anew<br />

Trumann takes giant step by meving to public housing program<br />

LR Housing Authority accepts proposal en Dunbar proj ect<br />

Walnut Ridge drops plans for public housing proj ect<br />

NLR Housing Authority resigns en masse. cites 'expediency '<br />

LR Housing Authority has been in operation 20 years<br />

NLR Housing Authority urged te add Negre member<br />

NLR May er W H Laman names Negre te Housing Authority Beard<br />

W S Clements heads NLR Housing Authority<br />

AF.A may build apartment house for retired teachers<br />

John Matthews Ce plans maj or development at Jacksonville<br />

Heme at Batesville made of two eld MePac depots<br />

Summit House te be built at 400 North Univ in LR<br />

Summit Reuse te include luxury penthouses<br />

Presbyterian group to build retirement village at LR<br />

Over one-third of hemes in Ark lack flush toilets<br />

Statistics en housing in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Philander Smith Cell will build. awn. operate apartments<br />

Village Square Inc fdn set up te build Philander Smith apts<br />

Pleasant Valley formed to develop large tract in West LR<br />

Walton Heights subdivisien being developed by Winreck<br />

State 's first condominium being built on Lake Hamilton<br />

Twelve-story apartment bldg fer elderly te be built at NLR<br />

Philander Smith Cell erganized Village Square Inc<br />

New eppertunities in housing fer Negrees Ced)<br />


see Festivals<br />


see Restaurants<br />


Nashville veters appreve bends fer construction of plant<br />


see also Educatien - Della:rway District<br />

see also Negroes<br />


see alse Culture and the arts<br />


see alee Legislature (Ark)<br />


see Educatien - Hoxie District<br />


see also Conway County<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Ce<br />

see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see alse Legal profession<br />


see also Highway Department (Ark)<br />

HULL. GENE<br />

7 /27/61 Bl 7<br />

8/16/-61 BlO l<br />

8/28/61 Al 3<br />

8/31/61 .A3 3<br />

9/ 7/61 Bl 6<br />

9/ 9/61 K3 l<br />

9/14/61 Bl2 2<br />

9/16/61 A5 7<br />

9/26/-61 BB 1<br />

10/ 3/61 Bl2 2<br />

10/19/61 Bl 2<br />

2/ 1/-62 Bl 2<br />

2/18/62 ES 2<br />

5/18/62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 18/-62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 23/62 All 2<br />

6/17/62 A4 6<br />

6/17/62 A4 7<br />

8/ 9/62 cs 3<br />

8/ 9/62 CB 3<br />

8/19/62 Cl 1<br />

8/26/62 Cl 1<br />

9/ 9/62 Cl 1<br />

11/18/-62 C2 4<br />

12/29/62 K3 3<br />

12/30/62 D2 1<br />

8/16/61 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also<br />

HULL, J W<br />

Railroads<br />

see alse Colleges and univs - Administration and Management<br />

see alse Censtructien programs . State<br />

see also Governor (Ark)<br />

HUMAN RELATIONS, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Council en<br />

see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />

HUMOR<br />

see al.se Wit and humer<br />

HUNT, H L<br />

Hunt appears te be turning his attention te <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Says he will net finance opponent ef J W Fulbright<br />

World 's richest man speaks at Little Reck<br />

Praises J W Fulbright eppenent. Winston G Chandler<br />

HUNT, J B, CO<br />

Johnnie B Hunt ef LR, building rice plant at Stuttgart<br />


see alse Hunt. J B. Co<br />


see University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />

see also Communism<br />

see al.so Congress - House Dist 5<br />

see also Japanese in the United States<br />


see Wildlife<br />


see Black Bear Hunting Ledge<br />

see Heine Duck Club<br />


see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Secend union election te be held at Camden plant<br />

Second union vote set<br />

Hurley is maj or publ isher of school yearbeeks<br />


see al.se Censtitutien (Ark)<br />

see also Governor (Ark)<br />

see also Lieutenant Governor (Ark)<br />


Mrs Hurst has led colorful, exciting life<br />


see also Gambling<br />

see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />


Early editer ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist Advance dies<br />


Jenesbere chesen fer nev.7 plant<br />


see alse Paor<br />


11/11/61 A4<br />

4/ 8/62 A4<br />

4/ 8/62 A4<br />

7/26/62 A4<br />

8/25/61 Bl<br />

2/19/61 A4<br />

3/ 9/ 61 Bl<br />

9/ 3/61 Dl<br />

11/ 4/62 E5<br />

12/27/61 Bl<br />

8/ 1/62 Bl<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

7<br />

4<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Van Rippy, David Reginald<br />


see alse Pellutien. wastes and haz ardous materials<br />

Judge rules en atty fee fer Parker Parker in 1936 case<br />

Parker Parker suit involved Dardanelle Sewer Imp Dist Ne. 1<br />

Parker Parker takes case fer mere fees to federal court<br />

Parker Parker gets fee in 1936 case<br />

INCOME, Personal<br />

see Wages and salaries<br />


Treasurer Beulah Kelly refuses to quit office pending audit<br />


see also Veterans<br />

INDIANS, American<br />

see alse Archeology and anthrepelegy<br />

see also Museums<br />

see also Treasure-treve<br />

Quapaws to get $900 each fer yielding land in Ark in 1824<br />

Lake will cover site ef Dwight Mission (Pepe County)<br />

Twelve Quapaws return to Saline County fer ceremony<br />

Cast-iron kettle used by Sequoyah on display at Dever<br />

Osage win land compensation claim in Ark<br />

Mr and Mrs P E Turner retire frem teaching Indians<br />


Twe men drcwn when scaffolding collapsed into river<br />

Weaver Leen Maj ors killed at Central Transformer Ce<br />

Worker killed at C J Herner Ce at Pine Bluff<br />

Cecil Bynum killed in accident at Riverside Furniture Mfg<br />

Grader eperated by father kills boy, 18<br />

White Reck man killed by read grader<br />


see alse Economic develepment<br />

see alse Shumaker Naval Ammunitien Depot<br />

see alse Taxation<br />

see also Rivers and lakes<br />

INDUSTRIAL POLICY COMMITTEE, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Ecenemic development<br />


see Negre Beys Industrial Scheel (Ark)<br />


see Medicine and health<br />

INGRAM. W K<br />

see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see Cruelty<br />


see alse Chemicals<br />


see also Folklore. felk medicine and superstition<br />

Victories scored in battle against fire ants<br />

1/12/62 K3<br />

1/12/62 K3<br />

2/ 1/62 C6<br />

2/ 3/62 B6<br />

l/ 4/61 Al<br />

5/25/61 Bl<br />

6/ 5/61 BB<br />

5/ 6/62 A14<br />

6/29/62 Bl<br />

12/ 6/62 Bl<br />

12/ 9/62 E4<br />

1/ 7/61 K3<br />

7/16/61 A12<br />

12/16/61 A2<br />

10/15/62 A2<br />

10/2()/62 Al 1<br />

10/26/62 A2<br />

5/ 1/62 BB<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

7<br />

1<br />

4<br />

8<br />

5<br />

B<br />

4<br />

l<br />

1<br />

23 2

DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Stamps man killed by wasp sting<br />

Wasp sting kills Legan Ceunty farmer<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> being invaded by beautiful menarch butterflies<br />


see Credit<br />


see alse Contracts and purchasing. Govt<br />

see alse Werkers cempensatien<br />

Dr William Smith attacks view ef Fannie Hardy en health ins<br />

Insurance Commr Harvey G Combs disowns views ef Fannie Hardy<br />

Insurance Cemmr Harvey G Combs rej ects suburban area rate<br />

Safer meterists subsidize risky drivers in Ark<br />

Insurance firms limiting their right te veid aute policies<br />

Article en <strong>Arkansas</strong> ' 6 actuaries<br />

Medical malpractice insurance cests rising<br />

Proposal made fer penalty against uninsured meterists<br />


see alse Insurance<br />


see also Bankers Pref erred Life Insurance Ce<br />

see also First Security Life Insurance Ce<br />

see alse Taxation<br />

Bill in Legis requires foreign firms to invest in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Senate defeats measure en non-resident fire insurance firms<br />

Southern Natl Life Insurance Ce at LR seld<br />

Firms use eld charters to increase their 'age '<br />

INTEREST (Money)<br />

see Credit<br />


see also Shumaker Naval Ammunitien Depot<br />


see Educatien - Stamps District<br />


Electrenic firm te be located at Camden<br />


Agricultural ecenemist in Taiwan visits Ark en study teur<br />

Dutchmen find Americans rich, friendly. reasonable<br />

Pierre Emanuelli visits Ark<br />


Plant te locate at Morrilton if bends approved<br />

Conway County residents te vote on bends fer factory<br />


see alse Colleges and univs - Research<br />

T Sorrells Dewoody ef Pine Bluff. develeped Mexana Powder<br />

Dr Charles R Meyers invents device te aid contact lens users<br />

John F Scett. 16, finds faster way ta make glucose<br />

John F Scott. 16, receives patent notice en glucese method<br />

Dr Howard J Barnhard develops new X-ray methed<br />

J C Cuffman ef Malvern designs new sunlamp<br />

Arthur D Williams invents eutdeer cooking device<br />

Yoder Mfg Ce at LR makes water ski fer sitting dewn<br />

7/ 6/62 B14 2<br />

9/22/62 AS 3<br />

10/ 7/62 ES 4<br />

3/30/61 Bl<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl<br />

10/20/61 Bl<br />

12/ 1/61 Al<br />

12/ 2/61 A3<br />

12/24/61 A5<br />

2/18/62 Cl<br />

12/19/62 Bl<br />

2/24/ 61 Al<br />

2/24/61 A2<br />

1/-19/62 BB<br />

9/30/62 Cl<br />

9/29/62 A3<br />

4/15/61 A2<br />

9/17/-61 A2<br />

5/23/62 Bl<br />

11/15/62 Bl<br />

12/25/62 A5<br />

1/ 4/-61 A12<br />

5/26/-61 Bl<br />

6/ 7/61 B14<br />

7/ 4/61 B14<br />

7/20/61 Bl<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl<br />

1/28/62 Cl<br />

3/18/62 cs<br />

4<br />

8<br />

8<br />

4<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

8<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

2<br />

5<br />

4<br />

6<br />

6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Dr Locke F Edmondson designs methed fer protecting milk<br />

David D Percifull invents schoel bus safety device<br />

IRANI.ANS IN <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see Foreigners in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Mines and minerals<br />


see also Wildlife<br />

IZARD , MARK. Family<br />

see History (Ark)<br />


see also Civil War Centennial<br />

see alse Historic buildings and sites<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


see alse State Hospital (Ark)<br />

JACKSON. M A<br />

see also Education - Little Rock District<br />


see alse Historic buildings and sites<br />


see also Parks. recreation and tourism<br />

see also Pollution<br />

see alse Reaser-Hill Corp<br />

City 's first budget adopted<br />

Fire destroys J Roland Williams Lumber Ce<br />


see also Education - Remedial and Special<br />


see alse Rivers and lakes<br />


Pump firm may locate facility at Little Reck<br />

Jacuzzi to open $1 million plant at LR to make pumps<br />

Plant requires $1.400.000 bond issue<br />

LR vote en bends may come next month<br />

Gaz ette urges LR voters to appreve funding proposal<br />

LR Chamber of Cemmerce pushes fer approval of bonds<br />

Gov Faubus endorses bend issue<br />

Company efficials already at werk in LR<br />

Gaz ette urges passage of bends<br />

Bend approval could end industrial dreuth fer Little Reck<br />

Backers ef bond issue outline reasons te vote<br />

Bends approved in light vete<br />

Plant lease signed; bids are next<br />

Pickens Bond Construction Ce te build LR plant<br />

Contract signed fer construction of plant at LR<br />

Entire Jacuzzi clan visits <strong>Arkansas</strong> plant<br />

JAILS<br />

see Prisons and prisoners<br />


6/24/62 E4 l<br />

11/24/62 Al 5<br />

1/31/61 A2<br />

11/22/61 A2<br />

1/14/61 B4<br />

2/25/61 Al<br />

5/18/61 A12<br />

7/13/61 Bl<br />

8/12/61 A4<br />

8/13/61 Al<br />

8/17/61 AlO<br />

8/19/61 A2<br />

8/20/61 Al<br />

8/20/61 A6<br />

8/22/61 Al<br />

8/23/61 Al<br />

11/ 8/61 Bl<br />

12/15/61 Bl<br />

1/16/62 Bl<br />

11/ 4/62 A18<br />

5<br />

4<br />

6<br />

4<br />

1<br />

8<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

8<br />

2<br />

5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Treasure treve<br />

JAMESTOWN (Ark)<br />

see History (Ark)<br />

JAMISON. W L<br />

see alse Politics and elections<br />


Dr Joseph B Hunter urges upkeep ef cemetery at Rohwer<br />

National monument status to be sought for Rohwer shrine<br />

About 20.000 were held in relocation camps at Rohwer. Jereme<br />

Memorial service te be held at Rohwer Relocation Center<br />

Monuments at Rehwer {phete)<br />

Rohwer Relocation Cenete services honer Nisei dead<br />

Ex-inmates plant trees at Rohwer Relocation Camp site<br />


see also Congress<br />

JASPER<br />

see alse Water<br />


see Junior Chamber of Commerce<br />


Civil rights suit against Sheriff Harold Norton dismissed<br />


see Religion<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />


see Education - Jessieville District<br />


Underwood College Jewelrs file menepely suit against Balfour<br />

JEWS<br />

see also States Rights Party. National<br />

Congregation ef Temple B'nai Israel honer Rabbi Ira Sanders<br />

Honoring Dr Sanders (ed)<br />


Under consideration fer Asst Postmaster General position<br />

NAACP obj ects to Postoffice Dept jeb fer Jinks<br />

Gets postal pesitien in Washington. D C<br />


Charles Murff plans. 3.600-mile goodwill run<br />


see Birch. Jehn. Society<br />


see also College graduates<br />

Rebert W Hyde matches gifts of Jehn Brewn Univ alumni<br />

Announces plans fer fall semester<br />

Letters urge students te overthrew Jehn Brown Univ adm<br />

John Brewn Univ's $3 million building plan approved<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Laber<br />


4/24/61 A4<br />

5/ 7/61 E4<br />

10/15/61 ES<br />

10/15/61 ES<br />

10/lS/61 ES<br />

10/16/61 A2<br />

4/30/62 A2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4/21/61 Bl8 1<br />

6/28/61 Bl 5<br />

5/16/61 A3 3<br />

5/17 /61 A4 2<br />

1/ 8/61 ES 5<br />

2/24/61 Bl 2<br />

4/ 7 /61 Bl 5<br />

6/26/61 AlO 2<br />

3/16/61 A5 1<br />

8/13/61 A17 l<br />

3/30/62 Bl 2<br />

12/16/62 A14 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Plant gets loan of $140.000 fer censtructien<br />

2/22/61 Bl<br />

Clarksville frozen fruit plant epens<br />

7/20/61 Bl<br />

Article en new industry at Clarksville that processes peaches 12/31/61 D4<br />


see News and news media<br />


see Festivals<br />


see also United States - Internal Revenue Service<br />


see also Ceurts, State and local<br />


see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />

Assoc Justice backs Mississippi segregation stand<br />

Predicts Univ of Mississippi to stay segregated<br />

Assoc Justice visits Oxford. Miss. with Sen James 0 Eastland<br />


Johnsen uses speech to Bar Assn fer plug fer J W Fulbright<br />

Vice President in Hot Springs te address <strong>Arkansas</strong> Bar Assn<br />

Asked by Winston Chandler to apologize fer Fulbright support<br />

Says Winston Chandler comments not worthy ef reply<br />


Named asst US Atty fer Eastern Dist of Ark<br />


see also United States - Federal Housing Administration<br />


see also Architecture and architects<br />


see also Government employees<br />

see alse State Hospital (Ark)<br />

JONES, GUY H (Mutt)<br />

see also Faulkner Ceunty<br />

see also Legal pref essien<br />

JONES, H FAY<br />

Honored by UA Medical Center<br />


see Courts, State and local<br />

JONES, JIMMIE (Red)<br />

see alse Auditor (Ark)<br />

see alse Government officials, State<br />


see alse Cengress - Reuse Dist 6<br />


see alse Cengress - Senate (Class I)<br />

Fears less of individual freedoms te big gevernment<br />


Ceurt upholds will leaving property te woman<br />

JONES, SAM<br />

see else Land Department (Ark)<br />

JONES, SAM P<br />

see alse Histery (Ark)<br />

9/22/62 A2<br />

9/22/62 A2<br />

10/12/62 A2<br />

6/ 8/62 Al<br />

6/ 8/62 A7<br />

6/ 9/62 A9<br />

6/ 9/ 62 A9<br />

3/21/61 Bl<br />

6/11/62 A3<br />

1/28/62 E2<br />

11/14/61 A7<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

6<br />

3<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see alse Tuberculosis Sanaterium (Ark)<br />


Ex-president ef UA sees state 's problems unchanged<br />


3/1/62 A3 l<br />

see also Histery (Ark)<br />

see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />

see alse Weather and storms<br />

Fire heavily damages Brokerage Department Store at J enesbere 3/10/61 Bl8 5<br />


see Educatien - Jenesbere District<br />

JORDAN. D W<br />

Undertaker admits tax evasion. is fined $5.000<br />

12/ 7 /62 A23 l<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> College Press Assn announces winners<br />

5/ 4/62 Al2 3<br />

Patrick J Owens receives Hillman Award fer widely read werk 5/ 4/62 Bl 2<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gaz ette wins award from Univ of Missouri<br />

5/ 5/62 AB 1<br />

Gaz ette commends Patrick J Owens en Hillman Fdn award<br />

5/ 6/62 E2 2<br />


see Museums<br />


see Weather and storms<br />


see Amusements and entertainmnt<br />

see Taxation<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> entry in Calif event is named "Arkie"<br />

5/16/62 A6 6<br />


see alse Sheetings<br />

City to get grant fer 192-acre Urban Renewal project<br />

12/ 7/61 A2 7<br />


Creates models ef cannon<br />

7/23/61 El 1<br />


Bob Blackwood named Outstanding Yeung Man in Ark<br />

2/26/61 A3 4<br />

W H Gerrard named state's top young farmer<br />

2/26/61 A3 4<br />

National meeting to be held in LR in January<br />

11/20/62 A9 4<br />

Oklahoma Jaycees ask that Heward K Smith be barred as speaker 11/20/62 A9 4<br />

Jaycees ignere plea. keep Hewark K Smith as speaker<br />

11/21/62 Bl 6<br />

Ten Outstanding Yeung Men named fer awards in LR in January 12/30/62 AB 1<br />


see also Communism<br />


see Pellutien. wastes and hazardous materials<br />


see Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see Legal pref essien<br />


see Ceurts. State and lecal<br />


see al.se Children and youth<br />

see alse Pulaski County Junior Deputy Sheriffs<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see alse Banking Beard (Ark)<br />

see also Civil rights and discriminatien<br />

see alse Governor (Ark)<br />

Will stick te church work. skip race fer geverner<br />

KEEL, JOHN<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> admiral due te retire<br />


see Education - Keiser District<br />


see alse Algeria<br />


Ottenheimer Brothers Mfg Ce merges into new firm<br />


see alse Birth control and abertien<br />


see Retail stores<br />


Preminent LR businessman dies in Heuston<br />

Tribute frem <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<br />


Madison County native prem.eted to Brig Gen in Army<br />


see alse Civil rights and discrimination<br />


President Kennedy to visit Fort Smith briefly, make speech<br />

JFK will get deed te Fort Smith Historic Site while in city<br />

Gov Orval Faubus introduces President Kennedy at Fort Smith<br />

Thousands cheer Kennedy en stop at Fert Smith<br />

Editorial en brief remarks at Fert Smith<br />

Over 2,000 greet President Kennedy upon return to Fort Smith<br />

Kennedy visit and words cheered Fort Smith<br />


see alse Laber<br />

U S Atty Gen to address <strong>Arkansas</strong> Bar Association<br />


see alse Banks<br />

KERBY, J C<br />

see also Stocks and bends<br />


see History (Ark)<br />

KIDNAPPING - Pearson. Harold<br />

Wille D Carrigan gets 36-yr term in kidnapping of Pearson<br />

KIDNAPPING - Simpson, Garry Duayne<br />

Patricia Vivian Cash held in kidnapping ef Garry Simpson, 4<br />

Probe of taking of Garry Duayne Simpson continues<br />

Tep witness in Simpson case missing<br />

Patricia Vivian Cash chgd with kidnapping of Garry Simpson<br />

Federal charge of kidnapping filed against Patricia Cash<br />

4/12/62 AB<br />

3/24/61 A2<br />

9/12/61 B9<br />

4/10/-62 Al<br />

4/-11/62 A4<br />

3/15/61 Bl<br />

10/19/61 Al<br />

10/27/-61 Bl<br />

10/30/61 Al<br />

10/30/-61 Al<br />

10/31/61 A4<br />

10/31/61 Bl<br />

11/ 5/61 E3<br />

5/ 4/-61 Bl<br />

1/24/61 Bl<br />

2/28/62 Al<br />

3/ 1/62 A6<br />

3/ 2/ 62 A2<br />

3/ 3/62 A3<br />

3/15/62 Bl<br />

s<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5<br />

7<br />

7<br />

l<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

8<br />

4<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Patricia Vivian Cash te get psychiatric examination<br />

Patricia Vivian Cash sentenced te 4-yr term<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

KIMES. ROY<br />

see also Crime and vice<br />


see Education - Kindergarten<br />


see alse Consumer protection<br />

Knm. MARTIN L SR<br />

Rev King te speak in church at LR<br />


see alse Crime Cemmissien (Ark)<br />

see alse Stocks and bends<br />

State Rep Kinney writes en state finances<br />


see also North Little Rock<br />


see alse Children 's Coleny . <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see alse University of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />

KNIVES<br />

Famed Bowie knife comes back te Washington<br />


see Historic buildings and sites<br />


Carrell Tax Collector missing<br />

Knowles feund safe in Oklahema<br />

KOLB . JAMES M<br />

see alse Medicine and health<br />


see Food<br />

KREBS. LEO J<br />

see also World's Fair. 1964-1965<br />


see alse Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see alse Franz Feeds<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />


see alse Medicine and health<br />


see alse Folk music<br />


see also Folk music<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />

LABOR<br />

see also AMF Cycle Division<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Co<br />

4/ 6/62 A20 3<br />

5/30/62 Bl 8<br />

3/ 2/61 Bl 7<br />

3/10/62 A4 3<br />

5/22/62 Bl 3<br />

2/23/61 AB 1<br />

2-/ 24/61 AB 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Poultry Coeperative Inc<br />

Batesville Rubber Ce<br />

Bauman 's Men's Shep<br />

Blades Manufacturing Co<br />

Cemeteries<br />

Chase Bag Ce<br />

Ceca-Cola Bottling Ce<br />

Congress - Reappertienment<br />

Construction industry<br />

Crossett Co<br />

Daisy Manufacturing Ce<br />

DeWitt Shoe Corp<br />

Defenses and armed forces<br />

Deuglas-Lemason Ce<br />

Economic development<br />

Emerison Electric Ce<br />

Franz Foods<br />

Hays Bros Flooring Ce<br />

Hurley Ce<br />

Lake Catherine Footwear Inc<br />

Martin-Marietta Corp<br />

Monsanto Chemical Co<br />

National Rej ectors Inc<br />

Ohio Rubber Ce<br />

Prescelite Manufacturing Ce<br />

Price-Fewell Inc<br />

Railroads<br />

Restaurants<br />

Restaurants<br />

Rivers and lakes<br />

Sutten Products Ce<br />

Twin Table and Furniture Ce<br />

United States - Federal Mediation and Conciliation<br />

United States - Government buildings and of fices<br />

University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Vireo Manufacturing Cerp<br />

Ward Bedy Works Inc<br />

Western <strong>Arkansas</strong> Telephone Co<br />

Wilsen and Ce<br />

Earl and Erm.on Griffin are target ef Justice Dept prebe<br />

Griffin brothers are business agent ef Plumbers. Pipe Fitters<br />

Sen Jehn L McClellan turned Griffin brothers leese<br />

US Atty Gen Robt F Kennedy te talk with Earl . Ermen Griffin<br />

Earl and Ermen Griffin backed by Plumbers, Pipefitters Lecal<br />

Unemployment climbs te 6 pct in Central <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Earl Griffin has support ef his Mermen church<br />

Bill te make unions subj ect te lawsuits introduced in Legis<br />

Employment drep werst in five years<br />

Union agent fined fer net acquiring license at DeWitt<br />

Cities fight te harness unien growth in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Many municipal leaders believe unions inhibit indus grO'W'th<br />

1/ 1/61 A3<br />

l/ 1/61 A3<br />

1/ 1/61 A3<br />

1/ 1/61 A3<br />

1/ 7/61 A2<br />

1/ 8/ 61 Al<br />

1/ 9/61 A3<br />

1/24/61 Bl<br />

1/27/61 B9<br />

2/ 4/ 61 Al<br />

2/ 5/61 Al<br />

2/ 5/61 Al<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

l<br />

6<br />

6<br />

l<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Earl and Erm.en Griffin accused ef breach ef trust<br />

Sen Jehn L McClellan comments en Griffin case<br />

State has 413 laber unions<br />

Unemployment tapering off in Central Ark<br />

ESD survey shews emigrant families want te return te Ark<br />

Ark must have braceres te harvest cetten crep. Congress teld<br />

Jobless rate impreves in state<br />

Bureau ef Employment Security checking housing fer Mexicans<br />

Farmers may lose Mexican laborers if housing net impreved<br />

Farmers teld Bracero supply net in danger<br />

Phillips County to get mere Mexican migrants fer cetten crep<br />

Unemployment level qualifies 4 counties fer depressed aid<br />

Ermen Griffin re-elected business agent ef Plumbers local<br />

Springdale Laber Center fer migrants described<br />

Mexican workers reportedly paid less than legal minimun<br />

Rept that bracere laber underpaid in Ark was an error<br />

Non-agricultural employment shewed a gain in June<br />

Employment rolls climbing in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> quota of Mexican workers reduced<br />

Survey of right-to-work in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Johnsen County classified as blight area<br />

AFLCIO te test state agency shep ban in right-te-werk law<br />

Teamsters Lecal 878 violated rules in electien, rept says<br />

Public airing ef election chgs scored by Teamsters lawyer<br />

Dissident greup names slate fer Teamsters election<br />

Organized laber may have unrewarding political time next year<br />

Teamsters Union re-elects Odell Smith president of lecal<br />

Teams ters Unien President James Heffa te speak at LR<br />

Mr and Mrs James R Hoffa te be honored at LR<br />

James R Hoffa blasts Sen Jehn L McClellan in talk at LR<br />

Mr Hoffa's visit (ed)<br />

U S Laber Dept proposes Ark farmers pay Mexican laborers more<br />

About 500 east Ark farmers pretest higher bracere pay<br />

Congressmen surprised by number of braceros used in Ark<br />

Few braceres te come te Ark this year, John E Crain Sr says<br />

Gev Faubus asks compromise en bracero wage boost<br />

Bracero rate ef pay for Ark set at 60 cents<br />

Editerial comments en increased pay fer Mexican laborers<br />

Ark Supreme Ct says union can picket one job ever another<br />

Earl F Yeargan is labor leader who stays en move in Ark<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> quota of Braceres is 6,000 men<br />

Uniens trying te organize northwest Ark cempanies<br />

Unien organiz ers view their work in northwest <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Farm labor panel head urges geed relations with migrants<br />

Influx ef new plants in NW Ark contributes te unempleyment<br />

AFLCIO's COPE to hear talks frem 13 political candidates<br />

AFLCI0 1s COPE condemns Orval Faubus regime<br />

AFLCIO censures Gev Faubus, decides net ta endorse any one<br />

State 's labor leaders never say die en 'Right te Werk '<br />

Manpower training schools being set up in Ark<br />

AFLCIO adepts 16-point Program of Progress fer <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

2/ 7/61 A2<br />

2/ 7/61 A2<br />

2/10/61 Bl<br />

2/ 11/61 A3<br />

2/26/61 ClO<br />

3/10/61 Bl<br />

3/22/61 Bl<br />

5/ 3/61 Bl<br />

5/ 3/61 Bl<br />

5/ 4/ 61 Bl<br />

5/19/61 Bl<br />

6/16/61 Al<br />

6/22/61 A3<br />

7/16/61 El<br />

7/20/61 Bl<br />

7/26/61 A2<br />

7/29/61 B6<br />

9/ 1/61 BlO<br />

9/ 2/61 B7<br />

10/ 1/61 Cl<br />

10/ 7/61 A2<br />

10/15/61 Cl<br />

ll/17/61 Bl<br />

11/-18/61 A3<br />

11/19/-61 A12<br />

11/26/61 F3<br />

12/21/61 A6<br />

1/20/62 Al<br />

2/ 4/62 A6<br />

2/ 5/62 Al<br />

2/ 6/62 A4<br />

2/16/62 Al<br />

3/ 3/62 Al<br />

3/ 6/62 Bl<br />

3/ 8/62 Bl<br />

3/15/62 Al<br />

3/30/-62 Al<br />

4/ 1/62 E3<br />

4/ 3/62 A9<br />

4/22/62 Al5<br />

5/16/62 A6<br />

5/17/62 Bl<br />

5/ 18-/-62 Bl<br />

5/24/62 A3<br />

5/31/62 Bl<br />

6/16/62 A7<br />

6/17/62 Al<br />

6/17/62 Al2<br />

6/-24/62 Cl<br />

6/28/62 A2<br />

7/22/62 A3<br />

5<br />

7<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

8<br />

7<br />

7<br />

5<br />

2<br />

7<br />

8<br />

1<br />

2<br />

6<br />

l<br />

1<br />

6<br />

l<br />

3<br />

6<br />

8<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> queta ef Braceros is 12.000<br />

Star City dreps anti-labor law<br />

Businessmen must raise sights. salaries, W F Reeter says<br />

Prebers check rept en Star City repeal of anti-union law<br />

ARA says it was unaware ef Star City's anti-unien law<br />

Empleyment hits new peak in state<br />

Clarence R Thornbrough tells why he opposes right to werk law<br />

Reps David Burleson, Paul Van Dalsem question Thornbrough<br />

George Ellisen nominated to head state AFLCIO another term<br />

State AFL CIO convention meeting at Hotel Marien<br />

AFLCIO hears UAW secy-treasurer address on pirating industry<br />


see also Laber<br />


see alse Rivers and lakes<br />

Obj ects to transfer ef part ef Newten County to Madison<br />


Grand Jury to probe alleged vete fraud in Demecratic primary<br />

Jack McClenden sets eff prebe of conduct of election<br />

Fifty quiz zed in vote inquiry<br />

Five indicted fer vete fraud in Democratic primaty<br />


Workers turn dewn unien<br />


Employees vote dswn union<br />


see Education - Lake City District<br />

LAKES<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


see also Maumelle<br />

see also North Little Reck<br />

NLR public libraty named fer Laman<br />

Public libraty at NLR named fer Laman<br />

LAMB , TED<br />

see alse Educatien - Little Reck District<br />


Named <strong>1961</strong> <strong>Arkansas</strong> Poultry Princess<br />


Honored by Little Reck Junior Chamber of Commerce<br />


see alse Harbors, perts and marinas<br />

see also Indians. American<br />

see alse Parks. recreation and tourism<br />

see alse Reads<br />

Suit entered te purchase land fer Titan missile complex<br />

Marshall Stanley wants $20 m.illien fer land taken by ARD<br />

Owner receive award fer farm taken fer Greers Ferry Lake<br />

Morrison-Quirk now awns 20,000-acre farm at Weona<br />

Tschudy Farms at Weena seld to Morrison-Quirk Grain Cerp<br />

Tschudy Farms consists ef 13,000 acres ef land<br />

8/24-/62 A2<br />

9/17-/62 1'3<br />

9/28/62 Al 2<br />

9/30/62 Al6<br />

10/21/62 A9<br />

10-/27/62 BB<br />

11/15-/62 Bl<br />

11-/15/62 Bl<br />

11/27/62 B9<br />

ll/27/62 B9<br />

11/28/62 Bl<br />

2/ 8/61 A4<br />

8/23-/62 Bl<br />

9-/ 9/62 E3<br />

9-/12/62 Bl<br />

10/-26/62 Bl<br />

10-/28/61 1'3<br />

3/ 3/61 Bl<br />

7<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

7<br />

8<br />

3<br />

6<br />

12/12/62 Bl6 3<br />

12/31-/62 1'3 1<br />

6-/11/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 1/62 C6 5<br />

l/ 8/61 A4 6<br />

1/15/61 al 2<br />

1/18/-61 Bl 8<br />

1-/26/61 Bl2 8<br />

1/26/61 Bl2 8<br />

1/26/61 Bl2 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Mrs RGW"ena Bend awarded $38, 225 fer land taken fer highway 1/-26/61 B7<br />

Highway Comm uphel d by state Supreme Ct in condemnatien case 1/31/-61 AS<br />

Marshall Stanley 's suit te be heard teday<br />

2/- 6/-61 A2<br />

Marshall Stanley defends $20 millien claim as land value 2/- 7/61 Bl<br />

Highway appraisers testify Stanley land werth $3 ,500<br />

2/- 8/61 A14<br />

Two file suit against AHD, seek pay fer Prethe land<br />

2/ 8/61 B12<br />

Jury places $30,000 price en land of Maria E Bragg at LR 2/ 9/61 All<br />

Marshall Stanley claim te $20 millien goes te jury<br />

2l 9/61 A2<br />

Marshall Stanley awarded $150,000 by jury<br />

2/10/-61 Al<br />

Federal Compress wins $215,000 fer land taken fer I-40<br />

2/16/61 BlO<br />

U S govt awns 9 pct ef land in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

3/-15/61 Bl<br />

Federal govt &Wns 9 pct of land in state<br />

3/19/61 Cl<br />

Ark Supreme Ct rules Beulah Sherman awns Phillips Co land 3/-21/61 Bl<br />

High court upholds land payment in Petit Jean airport case 3/28/61 AS<br />

Group picked by judge helps with Greers ferry land cases 4/ 2/61 ClO<br />

Greers Ferry greup sets value en land taken fer lake<br />

4/11/-61 A7<br />

Conservationists want U S govt te keep land at Lake Nerferk 4/23/61 A15<br />

Public scrambling te buy land areund Lake Nerferk<br />

4/-23/61 A15<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Game and Fish Camm wants excess Nerferk land<br />

4/-27/61 A2<br />

Third trial ordered in case ef Helen J Cook's land in Chicot 5/ 2/61 Bl<br />

Jack W Rich awarded $325,000 fer land taken fer I-40<br />

7/-l'd/61 Bl2<br />

Valuable property at Markham. Rodney Parham net fer sale 10/-22/61 Al<br />

Panel named te begin trials on land values at Greers Ferry 11/19/-61 A8<br />

Surveys tell a story of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

11/-19/61 E4<br />

Camm recommends federal gevt pay $7 1.007 fer Cleburne Co land 1/ 3/62 B7<br />

Marshall Stanley 's award fer land taken reversed by ct ruling 1/ 9/-62 B8<br />

Court rules 200-ft strip at Alpena has no G"Wner<br />

2/ 6/-62 Bl<br />

Disputed Alpena land is <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Ozarks RR right-of-way 2/ 6/62 Bl<br />

Paul Van Dalsem suit claims Army Engineer dikes hurt his farm 3/ 2/-62 Bll<br />

Paul Van Dalsem lases suit over dikes<br />

3/- 3/62 A6<br />

Berryville te sue Ark and Ozarks ever track. right-of-way 3/15/62 AlO<br />

MePac wins Pepe County land lawsuit involving oil and gas 5/17/62 A12<br />

Panel values land taken for Greers Ferry project at $211.150 6/ 8/62 Bl<br />

NLR awned land under Central Fire Station all along<br />

8/21/-62 A8<br />

Marshall Stanley takes his suit back to court<br />

11/ 9/62 Bl<br />

Trials set en value of land taken for Greers Ferry Reservoir 11/27 /62 A8<br />

Advance money in condemnation cases may carry interest due 12/ 4/62 Bl<br />

High Court rules couple must pay $32,000 interest to AHD 12/11/62 Bl<br />

Earl Watts ef Tilly. seeking to reclaim land IRS seized. sold 12/18/-62 AlO<br />

Federal judge dismissed Watts case while he was at another ct 12/18/-62 AlO<br />


see Land Department (Ark)<br />


Land Office funds stir House battle in budget session<br />

Legislators decide net to call Cammr Sam Jones in fer talks<br />

Sam Jones announces fer fourth term as Land Cemmissiener<br />

Candidate Paul Hanshaw says Sam Jones violates eath<br />

Sam Jones defeats Paul Hanshaw fer Commissioner<br />

ALC panel recommends Land Office be abolished<br />

Sam Jones would be stripped ef most duties under proposal<br />

Members ef ALC shy away frem proposal te end Land Office<br />

1/31/61 Bl<br />

1-/31/61 Bl<br />

4/ 1/62 A3<br />

7/-26/62 Bl<br />

8/ 2/62 Al<br />

11/29/62 A4<br />

11/29/62 A4<br />

11/30/62 Bl<br />

5<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

l<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

l<br />

8<br />

1<br />

l<br />

6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

8<br />

1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

7<br />

1<br />

l<br />

7<br />

7<br />

8<br />

4<br />

8<br />

4<br />

4<br />

6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE<br />

COL<br />

Rep J H Cattrell Jr closely questiens Commr Sam Jones<br />

ALC pares Land Office 's budget request<br />

Sam Jenes predicts budget to be restored by Legislature<br />

Ark County Clerks Assn spars over Land Office dispute<br />

Failure to keep geed travel records makes audit difficult<br />

Economy and the Clerks (ed on proposed abolition of Dept)<br />

Gaz ette favors abolishing Land Department<br />


Fert Smith plant te be expanded<br />

LANDMARK SOCIETY. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Historic buildings and sites<br />

LANE. BOB<br />

see also Aviation and aircraft<br />


see also Banks<br />


see Education - Laneburg District<br />

LANEY, BEN T<br />

see also Construction programs , State<br />

Responsible fer Revenue Stabilization Act ef 1945<br />


My stery cloaks case of missing Little Reck businessman<br />


Ground broken fer new plant at Benton<br />


see alse Legal pref essien<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Dees promotional work fer Sen J W Fulbright<br />

Norris Goff objects te involving him in J W Fulbright ads<br />

Norris Goff sends telegram to Dr Jones criticizing Fulbright<br />


see also Education - Little Reck Distric<br />

see also Shootings<br />


Oak Forest Washerette considers customer always right<br />

Oak Forest Washerette operated by Ernest Berryhill<br />


see alse Catholic Church<br />


Ernie Deane column en 'Mother of Counties '<br />


see Nursing hemes<br />


see alse Culture and the arts<br />

LAWRENCE 1 T E<br />

Letter opposes proposed censtructien bend program<br />

Supports U S Supreme Ct decision en segregated schools<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


12/ 1/62 A7<br />

12/ 7/62 Bl<br />

12/ 8/62 A3<br />

12/20/62 Cl3<br />

12/22/62 Af3<br />

12/23/62 D2<br />

12/26/62 A6<br />

2/16/61 B6<br />

2/25/62 Al<br />

1/ 4/61 Bl<br />

1<br />

6<br />

3<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2/ 1/62 C20 5<br />

10/30/62 A2<br />

11/ 2/62 Bl3<br />

11/ 3/62 A2<br />

4/30/61 Cl<br />

4/30/61 Cl<br />

2/25/62 E5<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

l<br />

2<br />

6/14/-61 A4 3<br />

11/16/62 A6 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see Legal pref essien<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


see alse Buildings and offices. Govt<br />

see alse Censtitutien (Ark)<br />

see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />

State repr recovering f rem heart attack<br />


see alse Rivers and lakes<br />

LEEPER. W T<br />

Shreveport oilman frem Sevier Ceunty is Civl War historian<br />


Article en enly surviving bldg at once-thriving town<br />


Donated $12.000 fer new high scheel at Magazine<br />


see Colleges and univs - Legal education programs<br />


see also Gridiron Shew<br />

see alse Libraries. Law<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Trial Lawyers Association formed<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Bas Assn meeting in Hot Springs<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Bar announces awards at cenventien<br />

Ark Bar Assn endorses amdt te lift curb en officials ' pay<br />

Lawyers raising funds te build Bar Center at LR<br />

Rebert W Laster takes law pesitien in Jenesbere<br />

Craig Spangenberg gives lawyers tips en cheesing a jury<br />

Edward L Wright named head ef ABA Reuse ef Delegates<br />

Vice President Lynden Johnsen te address Ark Bar Assn cenv<br />

Lynden B Johnsen plugs fer J W Fulbright re-election in talk<br />

Federal Judge Sarah F Hughes of Dallas addresses Bar Assn<br />

Harry E Meek named state 's outstanding lawyer<br />

Derethy Orsini ef LR. heads nation's women attorney s<br />

Guy H (Mutt) Jones fined fer being tardy in federal court<br />


see Legal pref essien<br />


see alse Accounting and accountants<br />

see alse Alcoholic beverages<br />

see also Archeelegy and anthrepelegy<br />

see also Area planning and renewal<br />

see alse Automobiles and automobile drivers<br />

see alse Banks<br />

see alse Braz il. Clay<br />

see alse Business law<br />

see also Children and youth<br />

see also Colleges and univs<br />

see alse Communism<br />

see also Congress - Reappertienment<br />

see alse Connally Reservation<br />

3/10/62 B7 1<br />

7/ 1/62 ES 2<br />

7/ 9/ 61 E2 l<br />

10/15-/61 All 3<br />

4/11/61 Bl2 1<br />

6/ 4/61 A14 1<br />

6/ / 61 A6 l<br />

6/10/61 A3 6<br />

7/1'$/-61 BlO 4<br />

1/ 1/62 A2 6<br />

1/26/62 Bl 2<br />

2/22/62 Bl 6<br />

6/ 7/62 Al 6<br />

6/ 8/62 Al 3<br />

6/ 9-/62 A2 5<br />

6/17/62 A9 2<br />

7/2/62 A9 3<br />

10/24/62 Bl4 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see al se<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see al so<br />

see al so<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see alse<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

Constructien programs . State<br />

Courts, Federal<br />

Courts. State and Local<br />

Credit<br />

Crime and vice<br />

District ef Columbia<br />

Deg racing<br />

Education<br />

Education - Curriculum and teaching methods<br />

Educatien Department (Ark)<br />

Executive Mansion (Ark)<br />

Expositions and fairs<br />

Finance and budgets. Local govt<br />

Firearms<br />

Firemen<br />

Game and Fish Commission {Ark)<br />

Government employees. State<br />

Government empleyees. Local<br />

History (Ark)<br />

Horse Shew Association<br />

Horse racing<br />

Insurance industry<br />

Labor<br />

Land Department (Ark)<br />

Medicine and health<br />

Negro Beys Industrial Scheel (Ark)<br />

Parks . recreatien and teurism<br />

Petroleum products<br />

Politics and elections<br />

Pornography and obscenity<br />

Premiums and trading stamps<br />

Presidential election<br />

Railroads<br />

Reads<br />

Stadiums and arenas<br />

Taxation<br />

Weights and Measures Division (Ark)<br />

Werkers compensation<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem calls fer hard look at industry tax break<br />

Sen Chas F Smith says mere tax breaks fer indus net needed<br />

Sixty-third General Assembly opens temerrew<br />

The '61 Assembly and the breath of change (ed)<br />

Voting machine in Hause is outdated<br />

Session epening today te be f ermal and routine<br />

Sen Clifton Wade named president pre tem ef Senate<br />

Legis convenes with Congressional redistricting en minds<br />

Legislators divided in opinion ef Gev Faubus' speech<br />

Faubus speech gets 15-secend applause. standing ovation<br />

J H Cottrell wages futile battle en patronage fer Reuse<br />

The issues emerging in Faubus inaugural (ed)<br />

Reform-aimed measures fill House hepper<br />

l/ 4/61 Bl 7<br />

1/ 4/61 Bl 7<br />

1/ 8/61 Al 7<br />

1/ 8/61 E4 1<br />

1/ 8/61 E5 1<br />

1/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

1/10/61 Al 6<br />

1/10/61 Al 8<br />

l/11/61 Al 6<br />

1/11/61 Al 7<br />

1/11/61 Al 7<br />

1/11/61 A4 l<br />

1/12/61 Al 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Several measures filed in Reuse<br />

House reappertionemnt plan being drawn<br />

Legislators te attend funeral ef Secy ef State C G Hall<br />

Summary ef action en bills<br />

Legislators try te curb lobbying during sessions<br />

Session runs smeothly during first week<br />

Marien H Crank edges closer te Reuse Speaker fer 1963 session<br />

Richard Themposn urges Legis te curb patronage abuses<br />

Rumers adrift ef payef fs<br />

Copies ef NSRP newspaper placed en desks anger lawmakers<br />

Gazette comm.ends Legis fer respense te NSRP material<br />

Legislators teur state institutions at Conway<br />

Rural faction reasserts strength in beth houses<br />

Gov Faubus having reappertienment plan drawn before bd meets<br />

Feference te 'junk ' mail divides Mississippi County members<br />

Legis approves resolution calling fer balanced federal budget<br />

Reappertienment plan would affect only twe counties<br />

Reapportionment formula a secret<br />

Growth short-changed in reapportionment . Gazette says<br />

Several bills approved by each heuse<br />

Reapportionment plan was political. Gaz ette says<br />

Session has been routine during first four weeks<br />

Lengthy article en method Gov Faubus used fer reappertienment<br />

Suit asks state Supreme Ct te reapportion Reuse<br />

Apprepriatien bills cleared by Senate<br />

House passes numerous bills. ethers introduced<br />

Summary ef action in Legis during past week<br />

Legis voted geed retirement plan for members 4 yrs age<br />

Several bills passed. ethers introduced fer consideration<br />

Several proposals introduced in Legislature<br />

Lobbying en truck weight limits is at high level<br />

House group studies revision ef rules<br />

Several proposed laws introduced in House<br />

Gov Faubus using cempremise to avert legislative logjam<br />

Rep Ode Lee Maddox commended fer leading fight fer educ bill<br />

Several bills introduced<br />

Gov Faubus addresses jeint session of Legislature<br />

Newton County Rep W D Baker suffers heart attack at heme<br />

Apportionment Bd answers suit ever reapportionment formula<br />

Reapportionment plan challenged in court<br />

Legislative Council. Joint Auditing Comm members chosen<br />

Four issues remaining before 63rd General Assembly<br />

Influence of pressure groups assailed by Gazette<br />

Repr Raymond E Mays seeks reform ef House procedures<br />

Search fer equity in reapportionment (ed)<br />

Suit contesting apportionment of Hause is amended<br />

Russell Elred te head ALC: Joel Y Ledbetter gets no. 2 pest<br />

Illegal vote caused House to pass aute license fee increase<br />

The 63rd Assembly's record of failure (ed)<br />

Q Byrum Hurst, Ray S Smith Jr head LJAC<br />

The final travesty en adj ournment day (ed)<br />

1/13/61 A2 1<br />

1/13/61 A2 2<br />

1/16/61 Al 4<br />

1/18/61 Al 5<br />

1-/19/61 AlO 3<br />

1/22-/61 Al 2<br />

1/22/61 E5 1<br />

1/22/61 ES l<br />

1/22/61 ES 1<br />

1/24/-61 BB 7<br />

1/26/61 A4 2<br />

1/27/61 Bl 6<br />

1/29/-61 Al 5<br />

1/29/61 A5 1<br />

2/ 1/61 A6 1<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 7<br />

2/ 2/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 3/-61 Al 2<br />

2/ 3/61 A4 1<br />

2/ 3/61 Bl 2<br />

2/ 4/61 A4 1<br />

2/ 5/61 Al 3<br />

2/ 5/61 A9 1<br />

2/ 7/61 Al 7<br />

2/ 7/61 Bl2 1<br />

2/ 8/61 A2 1<br />

2/12/-61 Al 4<br />

2/12/61 E5 1<br />

2/15-/61 A6 1<br />

2/15/61 Bl 8<br />

2/16/61 A7 4<br />

2/17/61 A9 3<br />

2/18/61 Al 5<br />

2/19/61 Al 3<br />

2/lCJ/61 E5 1<br />

2/21/61 Al 6<br />

2/22/61 Al 8<br />

2/22/61 Bl 8<br />

2/28/61 Bl 2<br />

3/- 3/61 Bl 6<br />

3/ 3/61 Bl 7<br />

3/ 5/61 E4 1<br />

3/ 5/61 E4 2<br />

3/ 5/61 E5 1<br />

3/ 6/61 A4 1<br />

3/ 7 /61 A5 1<br />

3/ 9/61 Bl 5<br />

3-/10/61 Al 6<br />

3/10/61 A4 1<br />

3/10/61 Bl 6<br />

3/11/61 A4 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Legis was genereus in apprepriatins<br />

Maneuvering en vote machine legislation described<br />

Speaker J P Bethell explains why recorded vete stands<br />

Pulaski delegation evaluates themselves and the Legis<br />

Editors review the legislative record<br />

Court suits challenge reappertienment plan<br />

Special session seems inevitable<br />

Chairmen and vice chairmen fer standing committees chosen<br />

Repr David Pryer seeks funds for UA study of county govt<br />

Farrell Faubus may seek state repr seat from Madison Ce<br />

Repr Paul Van Dalsem asks Faubus to delay calling session<br />

Gazette wonders if Faubus is net the one seeking delay<br />

Special session delayed fer ALC study ef censrtructien needs<br />

Repr J H Cottrell Jr seen as maverick eager fer higher office<br />

Column recalls ether meeting of Legis is middle ef summer<br />

Amid bickering. ALC approves fund hearings fer Aug 1-8<br />

Construction program opponents absent f rem ALC meeting<br />

One construction program opponent calls· ALC meet a trap<br />

A political emergency (ed)<br />

Dual holding ef state offices due fer a court test<br />

Legislators cannot serve twe masters (ed)<br />

ALC hears funding requests frem college heads<br />

ALC considers use ef cushion fund<br />

ALC making recommendations en building fund<br />

ALC in shouting sessien ever division ef surplus funds<br />

ALC in shouting session over proposed teacher salary raise<br />

ALC hears twe plans to stretch surplus<br />

Gev Faubus sets special session start fer Aug 21<br />

ALC refuses te ask Gev Faubus te broaden scope ef session<br />

ALC makes recemmendatiens fer college construction program<br />

The issues confronting the General Assembly (ed)<br />

Legislators have problem ef not reading enough. column says<br />

Gev Faubus ponders items to place in call fer session<br />

State fund allocations (ed en work of Legislative Council)<br />

Gov Faubus delays calling special session by three days<br />

State wanders what to expect from special session<br />

Urgent needs for the Legislature te consider (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus writes call fer special session<br />

Gov Faubus outlines plan fer special session agenda<br />

Text of Gav Faubus ' call ef special session<br />

Funding bills will need 75 pct vote. Atty Gen Helt rules<br />

Gov Faubus addresses Legis,reveals extra funds fer educ<br />

The special session and what 's te be done (ed)<br />

Scheel forces begin drive fer mere education funds<br />

Faubus says opposition in Legis is to his political future<br />

Gov Faubus says he has no program before special session<br />

J H Cottrell Jr leads fight te reduce patronage fund<br />

Sen Clifton Wade skeptical about opinion on votes needed<br />

Special session lacks cehesien and direction<br />

Legislature te decide votes needed to pass money bills<br />

Hause action en bills summariz ed<br />

3/12/61 Al 7<br />

3/12/61 ES 1<br />

3/14/61 A3 1<br />

3/16/61 A8 2<br />

3/19/61 E4 6<br />

3/23/61 Bl 5<br />

4/ 2/61 E.5 1<br />

5/ 6/61 BS 6<br />

5/13/61 A2 6<br />

6/15/61 Al 4<br />

7/ 6/61 Al 6<br />

7/ 7/61 A4 2<br />

7/ 8/61 Al 2<br />

7/ 9/61 ES 1<br />

7/16/61 E5 l<br />

7/18/61 Al 5<br />

7/18/61 Al 5<br />

7/18/61 Al 5<br />

7/19/61 A4 2<br />

8/ 6/61 E4 l<br />

8/ 7/61 A4 1<br />

8/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

8/10/61 A3 l<br />

8/11/61 Al 2<br />

8/12/61 Al 2<br />

8/12/61 Al 2<br />

8/ 12/61 Al 3<br />

8/ 12/61 Al 5<br />

8/13/61 Al 6<br />

8/13/61 Al 8<br />

8/13/61 E4 1<br />

8/13/61 E.5 1<br />

8/15/61 Al 4<br />

8/15/61 A4 2<br />

8/17/61 Al 3<br />

8/20/61 Al 6<br />

8/-20/61 E4 l<br />

8/22-/61 Al 6<br />

8/23/61 Al 5<br />

8/23/61 A2 3<br />

8/24/61 Al 5<br />

8/25/61 Al 3<br />

8/25/61 A4 1<br />

8/26/61 Al 2<br />

8/26/61 Al 3<br />

8/26/61 Al 3<br />

8/26/61 A2 3<br />

8/26/61 A5 l<br />

8/27 /61 Al 2.<br />

8/28/61 Al 3<br />

8/29/61 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Lieut Gev Nathan Gerden backs Atty Gen Helt en votes needed<br />

House begins voting en appropriatien bills<br />

House def eats f eur apprepriatien bills advised by Faubus<br />

Rep Harry W Carter seeks te extend special session<br />

Rep David H Pryer pushes bill te bar cenf lict ef interests<br />

Gev Faubus unfurls the big whip. Reuse falls in line<br />

Reuse economy forces ' victery reversed. bills passed<br />

SUllllnary ef actien in Legislature<br />

Senate passes funds bill fer Children' s Celeny<br />

Special sessien comes te a clese<br />

Rep Jehn P Bethell storms Senate te lobby fer trade school<br />

Senate rebuffs Rep John P Bethell en trade school bill<br />

House of Reps ask Cengress te push for nuclear testing<br />

Secend special session planned fer Sept 18<br />

Lawmakers attack Gazette en rept of Faubus cracking whip<br />

Successes and failures in the special session (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus labels 8 senators 'chronic aginners '<br />

Marshall Shacleford Jr. John O Moore draw ire of Gov Faubus<br />

Sen Clarence E Bell replies to being branded 'obstructionist'<br />

Sens John 0 Meore. John Eldridge fire back at Faubus charge<br />

Editorial en Faubus branding of 8 senators as obstructionists<br />

David H Pryer calls state a political mudhole<br />

David H Pryer raps apathy ef veters<br />

David H Pryer predicts scandals in 2 counties in weeks<br />

Paul Van Dalsem. Aubrey Mccasland hit Pryer talk ef scandal<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem says his peeple easily satisfied<br />

Gov Faubus signs mere acts inte law<br />

Secend special sessien set fer Sept 18<br />

Trade scheel , livesteck shEMs may get 2nd chance in Legis<br />

Gev Faubus includes 12 items in call fer legis session<br />

Rep Jehn P Bethell will net give up en trade school bill<br />

Gov Faubus cluttered agenda, Gaz ette says<br />

Rep Clarke Kinney urges Faubus te act en bills now<br />

Second special session ef <strong>1961</strong> starts teday<br />

Faubus tells Legis haw to get trade scheol by simple maj erity<br />

Gov Faubus addresses special session<br />

Gov Faubus asks Legis te fund livestock shOW"s<br />

Senate sends 'ebstructienists' ta tell Faubus session ready<br />

Cengressienal districting plan passes easily in beth heuses<br />

Crime cemmissien bills get kid gleve reception in Legis<br />

Senate fees ef bill for livestock shei;;rs beat down bill<br />

Gov Faubus says he has ne control ever Legis, joins laughter<br />

Legislature easily passes bill fer a second trade scheel<br />

The Governor changes the rules ef the game (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus acts en all bills passed by 1st special session<br />

Eight 'obstructionists' refuse te yield en funding fairs<br />

Reuse spends last day of session in horseplay<br />

Gev Faubus shews some bitterness over session just ended<br />

A record of success in the speicial session (ed)<br />

Bonus pay ef $100 each drawn by 22 senators<br />

Paul Van Dalsem eften abject ef horseplay on clesing day<br />

8/29/61 A2 1<br />

8/31/61 Al 2<br />

8/31/61 Al 2<br />

8/31/61 K3 4<br />

8/31/61 K3 7<br />

9/ 1/61 A1 2<br />

9/ 1/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 1/61 Al 3<br />

9/ 2-/ 61 Al 2<br />

9/ 2/61 A1 2<br />

9/ 2/61 Al 3<br />

9/ 2/61 Al 3<br />

9/ 2/61 A1 7<br />

9/ 2/61 A2 1<br />

9/ 2/61 A2 3<br />

9/- 3/61 D4 l<br />

9/ 6/61 AlO 1<br />

9/ 6/61 AlO 1<br />

9-/ 7/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 7/61 Al 2<br />

9/ 7/61 A4 2<br />

9/13/61 A2 2<br />

9/13/61 A2 2<br />

9/14/61 Bl 8<br />

9/14/61 Bl 8<br />

9/14/61 Bl 8<br />

9/15/61 A8 3<br />

9/15/61 Bl 2<br />

9/16/61 AS 1<br />

9/17/61 Al 7<br />

9/17/61 A8 4<br />

9/17/61 E4 1<br />

9/18/61 Al 5<br />

9/18/61 Al 5<br />

9/19/61 Al 2<br />

9/-19/-61 Al 2<br />

9/19/61 Al 3<br />

9/ 19/61 A6 4<br />

9/20/61 Al 2<br />

9/20/61 Al 3<br />

9/20/-61 Al 3<br />

9/20/61 A1 4<br />

9/20/61 Al 5<br />

9/20/61 A4 1<br />

9/21/61 A7 3<br />

9/22/61 Al 7<br />

9/22/61 Al 7<br />

9/22/61 All l<br />

9/22/61 A4 l<br />

9/23/61 Al 3<br />

9/24/61 E5 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Anti-clique representatives report quiet progress<br />

W R Stephens will seek re-electien fram Grant County<br />

Seven Pulaski County reps file in body fer re-election<br />

Virgil T Fletcher seeks Senate seat<br />

Rep Hardy W Crexten files fer re-election<br />

Eugene Bud Canada files fer Q Byrum Hurst 's Senate seat<br />

Sen Q Byrum Hurst files fer re-election<br />

Atty Gen Frank Holt defends house dists under reapportionment<br />

Repr E C Fleeman dies while in Florida<br />

Eugene Helleway te seek House seat held by Farrell Faubus<br />

GOP strategists seek 12 seats in 1963 session<br />

Brothers Jehn and E W Hargett seek same House seat<br />

Gov Faubus disagrees with Ark Supreme Court on apportionment<br />

Ark Supreme Ct everrules beard on Legislative apportienemnt<br />

Urban areas gain seats under Ark Supreme Ct ruling<br />

The new apportionment of representation (ed)<br />

Benton D (Doug) Branden Jr files fer House seat<br />

Farrell E Faubus will net seek re-election te House seat<br />

Editorials on Supreme Ct decision en House seats<br />

Editorials comment en court ruling on apportietiment<br />

Sen Oliver R Williams will not seek re-election<br />

Some members irked by AEA circulation ef their records<br />

ALC shuns fight with AEA ever voting records<br />

Legislators getting sensitive te AEA taking issues te veters<br />

Calling the rell (ed en AEA' s alleged 'purge list')<br />

Rep Ben Bynum seeks te restrict numer ef seats in ene county<br />

Big step backward in eur appertieilI!lent (ed en Ben Bynum plan)<br />

Republ icans te seek seats in Legislature<br />

Several candidates file in Pulaski County<br />

List of Republicans filing fer seats<br />

AAUW eut te keep Rep Paul Van Dalsem off Legislative Council<br />

Richard Thompson to finance candidates to clean up Legis<br />

Pulaski Ce delegation pre. con and mum on AAUW and Van Dalsem<br />

Suits contest pay fer travel te ALC and beard meetings<br />

Editorial en lawsuit over expense accounts<br />

Most Pulaski Hae candidates say Van Dalsem ne friend to co<br />

Lawmakers respond te suit on expenses<br />

Clarence E Bell sued ever expense account<br />

Suit claims Leid Sadler. E L Mosley hold dual ef fices<br />

Suit filed ever Paul Van Dalsem's expense account<br />

John P Bethell added te suit en expense accounts<br />

Election results in Democratic primaries<br />

Results of voting en House races<br />

Results ef votes in Senate races<br />

Seme incumbents defeated in House and Senate elections<br />

Rep-elect Roscoe Brewn were shees out campaigning<br />

Ralph Underhill says he refused te bow te Truman Baker demand<br />

Rep Ralph Underhill says Truman Baker orchestrated his defeat<br />

Ralph Underhill says liquor. gambling forces defeated him<br />

Gayle Windsor Jr defeated by Gary Eubanks fer House seat<br />

Defeat of Gayle Windsor Jr disappoints Gazette<br />

11/12/61 AS 1<br />

11/22/61 A6 3<br />

1/ 4/ 62 Bl 8<br />

1/18/62 Bl 2<br />

1/22/62 A3 7<br />

1/31/62 A2 8<br />

2/ 3/62 A2 1<br />

2/ 4/62 A3 1<br />

2/ 5/62 Al 6<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl 6<br />

3/ 4/ 62 AS 1<br />

3/ 7/62 Bl 2<br />

3/13/62 Al 6<br />

3/13/62 Al 8<br />

3/13/62 Al 8<br />

3/14/-62 A4 1<br />

3/16/62 Bl 2<br />

3/23/-62 Al 3<br />

3/25/62 E3 2<br />

4/ 1/62 E3 3<br />

4/11/62 A2 4<br />

4/20/62 Bl 5<br />

4/21/62 A3 6<br />

4/22/62 A12 3<br />

4/-23/62 A4 2<br />

4/-27/62 Bl 5<br />

4/2/62 E2 1<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 7<br />

5/ 3/62 A9 1<br />

5/ 3/62 Bl 4<br />

5/25/62 A13 1<br />

5/25/62 Bl 2<br />

5/27/62 All l<br />

6/23/62 Al 4<br />

6/25/62 A4 1<br />

6/26/62 A3 l<br />

7/13/62 Bl 5<br />

7/ 14/-62 Al 3<br />

7 /21/62 A2 6<br />

7 /21/62 A2 6<br />

7/25/62 Bl 1<br />

8/ 1/62 A7 1<br />

8/ 2/62 A9 1<br />

8/ 2/62 A9 7<br />

8/ 3/62 A7 1<br />

8/ 5/62 C4 4<br />

8/ 8/62 A4 3<br />

8/ 8/62 A4 3<br />

8/-14/62 M 3<br />

8/15/62 Al 6<br />

8/16/62 A4 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Legislature certain of 36 new faces at next session<br />

Holding ef dual elective effice by J H Cettrell Jr challenged<br />

Suit filed te remove state Rep J H Cottrell Jr from office<br />

David Pryer tells ef Yeung Turks plan te reform politics<br />

W R Stephens sets sights en House Speaker post<br />

The House 's mortgage (ed en selitciting Speaker vetes)<br />

W R Stephens gets pledge ef Pulaski delegation<br />

W R Stephens has vetes fer 1965 Speakership<br />

Electing a utility head Speaker ef the House (ed)<br />

Rep Ben Bynum still seeking 1965 Speaker pest<br />

Pulaski House delegation suppert fer W R Stephens explained<br />

Harrison paper opposes W R Stephens for Reuse Speaker<br />

Gazette calls fer restoring independence in 1963 sessien<br />

Ex-Senator Richard Thompson attacks extravagance<br />

Chancellor rules J H Cottrell Jr can hold state. school pests<br />

William J Smith tells of suit en redistricting Legislature<br />

Dr Stanley C Gutowski seeks seat held by Paul Van Dalsem<br />

Paul Van Dalsem crashes rally fer Republican Stanley Gutowski<br />

Paul Van Dalsem awned Merrilten Democrat lien. Gutowski says<br />

Gov Faubus endorses re-election ef Paul Van Dalsem<br />

Twenty Democrats have GOP eppenents<br />

Legislative Council begins teur of state institutions<br />

Legislative Council continues tour of institutions<br />

Legislators praise profit-making prison system<br />

Legis Council teurs Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Boonevile<br />

ALC reprimands Laber Cemm.r Thornbrough en right to werk stand<br />

Congressienal committee pattern adopted by Reuse of Reps<br />

Number of committees reduced frem 69 to 24<br />

Panel posts picked by House members<br />

ALC gives 3 big lobbies preview ef how they may fare<br />

Legislative Council abdicated comm.en sense. Gazette says<br />

Challenge te service en state bds by legislators dismissed<br />

Suit had challenged dual roles ef E L Mealey. Leid Sadler<br />

Stonewall Van Dalsem and municipal aid (ed)<br />

ALC budget session had few dissenters<br />

Max Howell te be Senate president pro tem in 1963 session<br />

Jim Atkins lr en antics of Rep Paul Van Dalsem<br />

Membbers ef House standing committees named<br />

W L Ward Sr. 82, will be dean ef Legislature<br />


IRS claims Lehigh e.wes mere than the $296 .413 he wen at track<br />

Trial ef Lehigh te start tomerrow in federal court<br />

Court to study dispute over winnings at Venezuela race track<br />

IRS tax claim en race winnings dismissed by federal court<br />


James C Davis. 0 L Daley Jr, Roy Finch Jr accused of fraud<br />

Lean case figures ' plea dismissed as 'frivolous '<br />

Same 41000 persons allegedly paid Lenders to secure leans<br />

Thirty-six form.er officials and salesmen indicted<br />

Eight company officials slated te enter pleas Tuesday<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> men plead innocent in fraud case<br />

8/19/-62 AlO 1<br />

8/23/-62 All 5<br />

8/23/62 All 5<br />

9/ 6/62 Bl 5<br />

9/ 7/62 Al 5<br />

9/ 8/62 A4 2<br />

9-/ 9/62 Al 2<br />

9/13/62 Al 6<br />

9/14/62 A4 1<br />

9/14/62 Bl 4<br />

9/16/62 E3 1<br />

9/16/62 E3 2<br />

9/17/62 A4 1<br />

9/21/62 A4 3<br />

10/ 2/62 B8 1<br />

10/ 5/62 Bl 4<br />

10/12/62 A6 1<br />

10/12/62 A6 l<br />

11/ 4/-62 A2 1<br />

11/ 4/-62 A2 2<br />

11-/ 6/62 Bl 7<br />

11/ 8/62 A2 7<br />

11/ 9/62 AB 1<br />

11-/ 9/62 AB 1<br />

11/11/62 A9 2<br />

11-/-15/62 Bl 7<br />

11/17/62 AS 1<br />

11/17/62 A5 1<br />

11/18/62 Al3 1<br />

11/29/62 A4 1<br />

11/30/62 A6 2<br />

12/ 5/62 A20 1<br />

12/ 5/62 A20 1<br />

12/ 8/62 A4 1<br />

12/ 9/62 Al 4<br />

12/10/62 A2 3<br />

12/ 13/62 A6 3<br />

12/23/62 AlO 1<br />

12/30/62 A3 1<br />

9/17/61 Al 6<br />

9/17/61 Al 6<br />

9/ 19/-61 BlO 5<br />

12/30/61 Al 3<br />

1/ 7/61 Al 6<br />

1/ 7/61 A2 6<br />

1/ 7/61 A2 6<br />

1/ 7/61 A2 6<br />

1/22/61 A12 4<br />

1/25/61 Bl 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Mail fraud trial ef Lenders and 30 individuals continues<br />

Farmer says Lenders firm failed in lean<br />

Lawyer warned against deal with Lenders. weman testifies<br />

Fraud case counts cut by court<br />

Eye-rolling by witness Ida Maye Kindy pretested<br />

Texan tells ceurt ef Lenders lean deal<br />

Witness tells of chasing official ef Lenders<br />

Witness tells of 'pep talks ' by Lenders<br />

Client learns ef Lenders bankruptcy while testifying in court<br />

Agent tells of training by lean firm<br />

Judge rej ects severance bid in fraud case<br />

Judge rej ects defense plea in fraud case<br />

Postal official heard in fraud trial<br />

Rey Finch Jr testifies in fraud trial<br />

Lenders is a subsidiary ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Business Development Corp<br />

Trial nears end after 18 weeks ef testimony and argument<br />

Testimony in case ends<br />

Case gees te federal jury in Bismarck. N D<br />

North Dakota jury finds 20 guilty of mail fraud<br />

Sentencing in fraud trial begins<br />

Alan C Springer. 13 ether sentenced<br />

LEOLA<br />

Grant County tewn works te selve its problems<br />


see Robberies and thefts<br />


see also Attorney General (Ark)<br />


see also Congress - Senate (Class II)<br />

LEWIS. H LEE<br />

Lewis family to gather fer reunion at Little Reck<br />

24 descendant s of minister attend Lewis family reunien<br />

Several family members are pastors. er evangelists<br />

LEWIS. M C<br />

see alse Congress - Reuse Dist 6<br />


Fermer state peet laureate dies at 87<br />


see alse Historic buildings and sites<br />


see alse Geverner (Ark)<br />

see alse Little Reck<br />

see alse Nursing hemes<br />

see alse University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


Little Reck residents have access te several libraries<br />

Ark <strong>Library</strong> Assn to open conf with re-enactment of 1911 conf<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Library</strong> Ass opens convention<br />

Ark <strong>Library</strong> Assn re-enacts 1911 convention<br />

Ark <strong>Library</strong> Assn names officers fer next year<br />

Jam.es G Fergusen henered fer denatiens te libraries<br />

4/ 5/61 Bl 4<br />

4/ 6/61 ca 4<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl 5<br />

4/ 11/61 A7 4<br />

4/12/61 A8 6<br />

4/14/-61 A6 2<br />

4/20/61 A7 7<br />

4/21/61 Al 2<br />

4/26/-61 A6 1<br />

4/28/-61 B20 2<br />

4/-29/61 A6 1<br />

5/ 4/61 C14 5<br />

6-/14/61 Bl 8<br />

7/19/-61 A3 2<br />

7/20/61 A5 1<br />

7/20/61 AS 1<br />

7-/22/61 A8 2<br />

8/- l/61 A3 1<br />

8/10/61 Al 4<br />

9/26/61 Bl 4<br />

9/27/61 A8 1<br />

10/22/61 E4 1<br />

12/22/62 A5 4<br />

12/26/62 A4 7<br />

12/-26-/62 A4 7<br />

4/20/61 A7 3<br />

1/22/61 E2 1<br />

9/24/61 B8 3<br />

10/ 1/61 A4 5<br />

10/ 2/61 AS 3<br />

10/- 8/61 Al2 5<br />

3/18/-62 cs l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ark <strong>Library</strong> Assn ends 40th annual sessien with electien<br />

Mrs Karl Neal named president-elect ef SW <strong>Library</strong> Assn<br />

LIBRARIES, College and University<br />

see Colleges and univs - Libraries<br />

LIBRARIES, Law<br />

Pulaski County te set up law library at 314 West Markham<br />

LIBRARIES, Private<br />

see also Robinson, Jee T<br />

LIBRARIES, Public<br />

Dedication ef new library at Marshall set<br />

New bldg at Marshall is gift ef Jim G Fergusen<br />

Fayetteville's new library ta be named fer Roberta Fulbright<br />

Five counties plan te enlarge library systems<br />

Rogers library te be paid fer by Heugh Family Foundation<br />

LR Public patrons check eut mere non-fiction than fiction<br />

Searcy County <strong>Library</strong> te be dedicated<br />

Jim G Fergusen henered by Searcy County fer gift ef library<br />

Arkadelphia has beautiful library building<br />

Little Reck Public furnished with nen-tippable chairs<br />

Little Reck seeks legal aid te recover 700 overdue volumes<br />

Librarian explains why LR Public taking legal actien<br />

Overdue, stolen boeks being returned te LR Public<br />

LR Public having little luck retrieving everdue books<br />

LR Public seeks law en failure te return beeks<br />

Mr and Mrs Jim Fergusen made Marshall library possible<br />

Little Reck Public 's new bldg nears cempletien (phete)<br />

Perry County has new library<br />

LR Public <strong>Library</strong> needs mere inceme and books<br />

Western Union will collect everdue books at LR Public<br />

LR Public <strong>Library</strong> nearing completion<br />

Jenesbere-Craighead <strong>Library</strong> Bldg planned<br />

LR Public starts get-tough plan on borrower cards. everdues<br />

Delay in completion of LR Publ ic 's bldg explained<br />

North <strong>Arkansas</strong> Regional wins $1,000 Fisher Award<br />

NLR te name library ef Mayer Casey Laman<br />

Stuttgart to dedicate new library<br />

Users of Pulaski-Perry Regional Lby beekm.ebile brave weather<br />

Mrs Clare Speer recalls NLR's first public library<br />

W F Laman Public <strong>Library</strong> in NLR dedicated<br />

LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Libraries<br />


see alse Congress - Hause Dist 4<br />


Nathan Gorden files fer ninth term<br />

Wallace Hurley files fer Dem neminatien<br />

Nathan Gordon easily wins re-election<br />


Firm and three affiliates declared bankrupt<br />

Bankruptcy Ref Lee Cazert Sr names panel to study finances<br />


9/26/62 Bl 2<br />

10/30/62 BB 1<br />

1/31/61 A7 5<br />

1/ 9-/61 BS 4<br />

1/ 9/61 BS 4<br />

2/16/61 A9 6<br />

2/26/61 A7 1<br />

4/13/61 Bl 4<br />

4/16/61 Al 4<br />

4/16/61 ClO 5<br />

4/-24/61 BB 5<br />

5/24/61 Bl 2<br />

5/26/61 AB 6<br />

6/21/61 A2 7<br />

6/22/ 61 Bl 5<br />

6/27/61 Bl4 5<br />

7/28/61 A2 4<br />

10/11/61 B6 4<br />

11/21/61 Bl 3<br />

11/26/61 A2 3<br />

12/ 5/61 Bl 3<br />

2/21/62 Bl 2<br />

3/31/62 A2 7<br />

4/ 8/ 62 A2 7<br />

4/11/62 A2 3<br />

9/27/62 A3 3<br />

9/30/62 Al 1<br />

12/ 7/62 Bl 3<br />

12/12/62 Bl6 3<br />

12/16/62 A20 3<br />

12/23/62 D4 l<br />

12/31/62 A3 1<br />

12/31/-62 A3 1<br />

3/29/62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 5<br />

8/ Z/62 Al 8<br />

1/14/61 Al 7<br />

2l 1/61 BO l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

1 Wayne Duke killed by lightning while werking en farm<br />


Old courthouse tern down<br />


Arkansan R A Scott witnessed assassination ef Lincoln<br />


see alse Children's Celeny . <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Police<br />


see also Handicapped<br />

Tep Lien visits Little Reck club<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Liens geing te meeting at Nice. France<br />


see al so Birch, John, Society<br />

see also Congress - Senate (Class I)<br />

see also Education - Curriculum and teaching methods<br />


Supt ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Tuberculosis Sanatorium dies ef heart attack<br />


see also Contests and prizes<br />


see Oil and gas<br />

LIQUOR<br />

see Alcehelic beverages<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see also Advertising<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pewer and Light Ce<br />

see al so Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see also Cenventien facilities and conventiens<br />

see also Ecenemic development<br />

see also Government employees. Lecal govt<br />

see also Historic buildings and sites<br />

see also Housing<br />

see also Little Reck Metrepelitan Area<br />

see also Parking facilities<br />

see also Parks. recreation and tourism<br />

see al so Pollution, wastes and hazardous materials<br />

see also Pornography and obscenity<br />

see alse Retail Stares<br />

see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />

see alse Springs<br />

see also Transit systems<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

see alse Westinghouse Electric Cerp<br />

Five independent agencies te garner $3 .25 million this year<br />

Spelling ef Fillmore Street corrected after 47 years<br />

Pulaski Heights families eppese plans for new water tank<br />

Completion of Univ Ave will help clear up traffic snarls<br />

7/21/61 Bl<br />

2-/ 2/62 Bl<br />

2/18/62 E6<br />

10/11/61 Bl<br />

6/ 3/62 A4<br />

1/28/62 Al6<br />

3/ 2/61 A3<br />

1/ 1/61 A5<br />

1/ 4/61 Al<br />

1/10/61 A8<br />

1/11/61 Bl<br />

6<br />

6<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Bill in Legis would thwart annexatien plans of LR<br />

Glenn F Walter's bill en annexation appears dead in Legis<br />

University Av e widening satisfies mest merchants<br />

Walther bill would stifle LR growth. Gaz ette says<br />

Glenn F Walther to withdraw bill en annexatien vetes<br />

Map shows area proposed fer annexatien<br />

Annexation ef 17 .8 square miles on west side approved by ct<br />

Foes ef annexation plan appeal ef ruling<br />

Raymond Rebsamen reminds business leaders ef planning needs<br />

Editorial en ruling en annexation<br />

Fire destroys 4 businesses in 6500 bleck ef West 12th<br />

Lean ef $6 million appreved fer High Street Urban Renewal<br />

University Av e wees laid te lack of planning<br />

Gaz ette comments en High Street Urban Renewal funding<br />

Chancellor appreves annexation ef 17.8 square miles<br />

Obie bank duns city fer $1 debt incurred in 1873<br />

Rural citizens to appeal annexation ruling<br />

Pulaski Heights residents win hassle; water tank plan ended<br />

Annexation opponents file appeal notice<br />

City ends year in the black<br />

Ambitious capital imprevements program slewed by funds dearth<br />

Faes ef annexatien ask judge te reverse his decision<br />

Annexatien settled (ed)<br />

Cantrell Road bears name of Deadrick Cantrell, an attorney<br />

Cantrell Read being widened by original centracter<br />

Antiquated laws still en books at LR are interesting<br />

Annexation fees seek extensien fer hearing<br />

Judge grants mere time fer eppenents ef annexation fees<br />

Apartment-shopping center planned fer Dunbar area<br />

Manager Bd waives law en sidewalks fer new federal building<br />

Manager Bd waives law en fire safety fer LRU building<br />

Sidewalk rule waiver approved by City Mgr Beard<br />

Planners proj ect rapid gru.vth of high-rise buildings<br />

Developer Elbert E Fausett wants to use read in Boyle Park<br />

Judicial question raised in suit ever annexatien<br />

City atty agrees with fees ef 17 .8 sq mi annexation<br />

Civic Progress Assn fermed te support city govt<br />

Judge rej ects latest moves by fees en annexation ef 17 .8 mi<br />

Henry M DeNeble werks to solve traffic problems<br />

Remodeling of downtown LR planned<br />

Population shifting to west and southwest<br />

Explosion. fire damages buildings en Cantrell Read<br />

Funding received fer vast East End Urban Rennewal Prej ect<br />

Central Urban Renewal Project plans detailed<br />

Plan to revitalize LR aimed at pulling trade<br />

Plan prevides fer return te central LR from suburbia<br />

LR urged to have soundly based police, firemen pensions<br />

City workers warned net to expect salary raises<br />

East End Civic League president urges election by wards<br />

Desegregation blight fading with time; grG'i.lth stressed<br />

City manager system tries te be sure human touch is there<br />

1/20/61 Bl 2<br />

1/21/61 Al 4<br />

1/22/61 Al 3<br />

1-/23-/ 61 A4 1<br />

1/-24/61 Bl2 1<br />

1/27/-61 Al 4<br />

1/27/61 Al 6<br />

1/27 /-61 Al 6<br />

1/27/61 Bl 3<br />

1/28/61 A4 2<br />

1/31/61 B12 4<br />

2/- 2-/61 Al 2<br />

2/ 2/ 61 Cll 1<br />

2/ 3/61 A4 2<br />

2/ 4/61 B2 3<br />

2/ 8/61 Bl 2<br />

2/ 8/ 61 Bl 4<br />

2-/18/61 A5 1<br />

3/ 3/61 Bll 3<br />

3/19/61 All 1<br />

3/26/61 K, 1<br />

4/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

4/ 9/61 E4 1<br />

4/16/61 A7 1<br />

4/16/61 A7 1<br />

4/-30/61 El 1<br />

5/20/61 A7 3<br />

5/26/61 Bl 8<br />

5/28/61 A12 2<br />

6/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

6/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

6/ 6/61 AlO 7<br />

6/11/61 Cl 1<br />

6/15/61 A18 1<br />

6/30/61 K, l<br />

7/ 8/61 K, 4<br />

7/13/61 Al 6<br />

7/18/61 Bl 8<br />

7/30/61 E2 1<br />

8/ 6/61 A4 6<br />

8/13/61 A4 l<br />

8/17/61 A2 7<br />

8/24/61 Bl 5<br />

9-/ 3/61 A2 3<br />

9/ 4/-61 A2 1<br />

9/ 5/-61 A8 1<br />

9/10/61 Al 4<br />

9/10/61 A6 l<br />

9/18/61 K, 7<br />

9/-24/61 A6 6<br />

10/ 1/61 AlO l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Central Urban Renewal proj ect held up by federal rule<br />

Residents on West Markham protest commercial inroads<br />

Markham area residents told development cannot be halted<br />

Little Rock Urban Renewal werk leads nation, UFA head says<br />

City's Urban Renewal pregram gets rave notices<br />

LR leads in Urban Renewal werk<br />

Rebert H W Welch Jr calls urban renewal socialistic scheme<br />

City files argument fer prepesed 17 .8 square-mile annexation<br />

New zoning proposal draws little criticism<br />

City manager seeks raise in garbage fees<br />

Garbage fee raised te $1.25 by Board<br />

City Mgr Bd adepts stringent budget ef $4,381,650<br />

Comparison of budget items fer <strong>1961</strong> and <strong>1962</strong><br />

Ark Supreme Ct approves annexation of 17 .8 square miles<br />

City moves swiftly to previde fire, police fer annexed area<br />

Central Little Reck Urban Renewal plan approved by City Bd<br />

City moves ahead with plans to extend service te annexed area<br />

Rewards in sight in annexation (ed)<br />

City gains new shape, size with annexation<br />

Fees ef annexation of 17.3 sq miles ask rehearing in court<br />

Ark Supreme Ct denies rehearing en 17 .8 sq mile annexation<br />

University Park renewal proj ect proposed<br />

Proposed municipal parking authority raises 'socialism ' cry<br />

Annexed area adds 17 ,833 te pepulatien<br />

City's pepulatien is 125,646<br />

Water Supt L A Jacksen retiring after 38 yrs in system<br />

Central Urban Renewal Proj ect lean ef $18.8 million approved<br />

Bright premise lies in Central prej ect (ed)<br />

University Park urban renewal plan study approved<br />

Scott Hamilton Drive honors the late Mr Hamiltan<br />

Slander suit filed against Alderman Paul 0 Duke<br />

Planning agency seeks annexatien ef 14.2-mile area<br />

Ancil M Douthit prefers 15.2 mile annexation<br />

Ray Winder. Lee H Griffin, Harold E Hensen Jr seek beard seat<br />

Central Little Reck Urban Renewal plan begins<br />

Dr William H Tewnsend and Samuel E Williamsen Jr seek bd seat<br />

William Tewnsend is first Negro te seek office since 1951<br />

Dr William H Townsend says he is in race ta win<br />

Harry W Smith will net be certified as City Mgr Bd candidate<br />

City blessed with thousands of trees planted earlier<br />

City budget put at $4.8 million<br />

Two dewntewn stores damaged by fire<br />

Dr William H Townsend defeated for beard seat<br />

Harold E Hensen Jr, Ray Winder win City Bd races<br />

Harold E Hensen Jr, Ray Winder elected te City Mgr Bd<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center seeks increase in budget<br />

New City Bd members committed to program<br />

Record budget of $4 .8 million adopted<br />

LR studying 1928 amdt as possible solution te money problems<br />

Circuit Clerk files unapproved plats. zoning group says<br />

Dunbar Urban Renewal proj ect gets final okay fer work<br />

10/ 8/61 Al 2<br />

10/15/61 Al 2<br />

10/18/61 B14 4<br />

10/20/61 Al 4<br />

11/ 5/61 E3 5<br />

11/19/61 Cl 1<br />

11/19/61 E3 3<br />

11/21/61 Bl 8<br />

11/21/61 Bl4 1<br />

11/26/61 Al 3<br />

12/ 5/61 All l<br />

12/14/61 Cl2 1<br />

12/17/61 A12 1<br />

12/19/61 Al 2<br />

12/19/61 Al 3<br />

12/19/61 A7 1<br />

12/20/-61 AlO 1<br />

12/20/61 A4 l<br />

12/24/61 A3 l<br />

l/ 5/62 Bl 8<br />

1/16/62 Af3 4<br />

2/10/62 A4 2<br />

2/20/62 Bl 4<br />

2/24/62 Al 8<br />

3/ 6/62 Bl 5<br />

6/ 6/62 Bl4 1<br />

6/12/62 Al 6<br />

6/13/62 A4 l<br />

6/20/-62 A2 2<br />

6/24/62 Af3 2<br />

6/26/62 Bl4 2<br />

8/-24/62 A3 1<br />

8/25/62 A5 2<br />

9/ 9/62 Al 2<br />

9/14/62 Bl 4<br />

9/ 16/62 Al 4<br />

9/16/62 Al 4<br />

9/17/62 A3 6<br />

9/29/62 A3 l<br />

10/ 7/62 E4 1<br />

10/17/62 A3 7<br />

10/17/62 A9 3<br />

11/ 7/62 A4 1<br />

11/ 7/62 A4 1<br />

11/ 8/62 C7 l<br />

11/15/62 A4 1<br />

11/18/62 Af3 1<br />

11/20/-62 A9 3<br />

12/16/62 A16 1<br />

12/20/62 Bl 7<br />

12/28/62 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

University Ave has become Cinderella street of Little Reck<br />


see Defenses and armed forces<br />


see alse Little Reck Cotton Exchange<br />


see Pornography and obscenity<br />


see alse Walker. Edwin A<br />

Annual tour to visit Dallas<br />

Arkansans greeted in Dallas<br />

Report on tour te Dallas<br />

CEO Boyd Ridgway resigns<br />

Resignation of Boyd Ridgway is less to LR (ed)<br />

William E Henderson is new executive directer<br />

W S Mitchell elected presidenti directors selected<br />

Scholastic achievement honers omit Horace Mann seniors<br />


see Theater and drama<br />


Cotten Exchange has declined. but hopes fer improvement<br />

Exchange was preceded by Little Reck Beard of trade<br />

Leng-time expleyee August Probst recalls history of exchange<br />

Secretary-treasurer August Probst Sr dies<br />


John P Matthews chairs Metropolitan Area Planning Comm<br />

Metropolitan Area Planning Comm te study industry this year<br />

Metropolitan Area Planning Comm issues study en business<br />

Stuart Eurman named directer of Metreplan<br />

John P Matthews. Housten Burford leaders in drive fer merger<br />

Merger ef Little Reck. Nerth Little Rock planned by group<br />

North Little Rock's division from Little Rock explained<br />

The resurgent plan fer a municipal merger (ed)<br />

Changing name ef Little Reck suggested<br />

Little Reck-North Little Reck merger plan gets mixed reviews<br />

LR City Bd ef Directors approve idea of merger with NLR<br />

North Little Reck ef ficials attack merger idea<br />

NLR Alderman Paul Duke calls merger plan socialism<br />

North Little Reck Times comments en prepesed LR-NLR merger<br />

NLR mayer supports seme aspects ef proposed merger<br />

Preliminary research begins en merger ef city services<br />

Metroplan sets up 15 community areas and policies fer develep<br />


see Ministerial Association. Greater Little Reck<br />


see Museums<br />


see Libraries. Public<br />


see Education - Little Reck District<br />


12/30/62 A5 3<br />

4/16/61 El 2<br />

4/20/-61 Bl 3<br />

4/21/61 Bl 2<br />

5/17/61 Al 4<br />

5/18/61 A4 2<br />

5/26/61 AlO 3<br />

10/20/62 Al 7<br />

11/ 7/62 Bl 8<br />

3/26/61 E2 1<br />

3/26/61 E2 1<br />

3/26/61 E2 1<br />

4/19/61 BlO l<br />

1/19/61 Bl 4<br />

1/19/61 Bl 4<br />

1/19/61 Bl 5<br />

5/28/61 A6 1<br />

4/-29/62 Al 8<br />

4/29/62 Al 8<br />

4/29/62 Al5 1<br />

5/ 1/62 A4 l<br />

5/ 2/62 A4 l<br />

5/ 6/62 Al 2<br />

5/ 6/62 Al 3<br />

5/ 6/62 Al 3<br />

5/ 7/62 A4 2<br />

5/ll/62 B18 2<br />

7/27 /62 Bl 8<br />

8/ 7/62 A3 2<br />

11/25/62 A8 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Athletics and sports<br />

see alse Culture and the arts<br />

Gus Ottenheimer heads Little Reck University Feundatien<br />

LRU needs mere than Donaghey Fdn funds . James H Penick says<br />

LRU receives G W Blankenship 's cellectien ef Lincoln material<br />

Gazette cemmends G W Blankenship fer gift te LRU<br />

Graham R Hall donates funds fer LRU <strong>Library</strong> beek fund<br />

Feature article en grEMth ef LRU<br />

LRU te effer degrees in business educ, music educatien<br />

LRU sets enrollment record of 1780<br />

LRU library benefits frem fund-raisers<br />


see Little Reck University<br />


Sloth donated te zee. zebras produce young<br />

Civitan Club building railroad for children at zee<br />

Mountain lien bites tails off her twe effspring<br />

Jaguar named Pally dies<br />

Pet deer with mean temper winds up in zee<br />

Parks Directer W K Ame abjects to giving land fer highway<br />

Gazette urges Highway Cemm te spare zee land wanted fer ramp<br />

Alligator, Big Arkie1 suffering from fungus<br />

Big Arkie ne better; laboratory tests planned<br />

Big Arkie shews improvement<br />

Directer Raymend A Squires makes animal trades at cenvention<br />

Twenty mallards given te zee<br />

Kangaroo born at zeo<br />

Zoe acquires its first black leopards<br />

Big Arkie en read to recovery<br />

Two yeung yak added te animal cellectien<br />

Civitan Club installs train at Kiddie Zee at park<br />

Big Arkie is well again<br />

Entry fee being considered<br />


see also Peterson Breeding Farm<br />

see also Taxation<br />

Peultrymen sue Swift and Ce ever drug furnished in feed<br />

Cattle at Cherry Hill (Polk County) hit by rabies<br />

Pelk1 four ether counties under rabies alert<br />

USDA purchases 2,550,000 lbs ef broilers fer lunch program<br />

Wilton R Stephens adds 5 buffaloes te his cattle herd<br />

Sam Gilbert ranch has Longhorn steers. American bison<br />

Article en growth of broiler industry at Springdale<br />

Rogers area beef cattle swindle tied to ring<br />

LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Expositions and fairs<br />


Politics may have scuttled plans fer non-political panel<br />


see also Legislature (Ark)<br />


4/15/61 A5 6<br />

5/ 4/61 A12 7<br />

5/11/61 Cl4 7<br />

5/15/61 A4 1<br />

21 4/62 A3 7<br />

2/25/62 E4 1<br />

8/11/62 A2 4<br />

10/20/62 A2 2<br />

12/ 2/62 A4 6<br />

5/14/61 A6<br />

9/10/61 C3<br />

11/26/61 A3<br />

12/ 2/61 A6<br />

12/ 3/61 C3<br />

12/30/61 A3<br />

1/ 3/62 A4<br />

1/ 6/-62 Al<br />

1/17/62 A2<br />

1/24/62 Bl<br />

3/11/62 AS<br />

3/17 /62 A3<br />

3/23/62 Bl<br />

3/28/62 Bl<br />

4/ 4/62 Bll<br />

5/14/62 Al<br />

6/13/62 Bl<br />

8/ 9/62 Bl<br />

11/ 1/62 A3<br />

7/18/61 Bl<br />

10/- 4/61 A6<br />

10/ 6/61 B7<br />

10/20/-61 A3<br />

4/25/-62 Bl<br />

5/13/62 ES<br />

6/ 3/62 E5<br />

9/12/62 BlO<br />

4<br />

5<br />

4<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

5<br />

5<br />

7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

5<br />

7<br />

4<br />

4<br />

6<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

7<br />

2/12/61 ClO 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Finance and budgets. Lecal govt<br />

see also Pelitics and elections<br />

Repr David Pryer seeks ALC appreval for county govt study<br />

ALC approves study ef lecal government eperatiens<br />

ALC vetees any funds to pay for study of county govt<br />

The sacred courthouse and Mr Pryer 's study (ed)<br />

Eleven cities have tried for manager rule; four succeed<br />

Cities have taxing eptiens if voters refuse te change constit<br />

Ceunty Judges Assn adepts new constitution<br />

County Judges assn re-elects Ray Sikes as president<br />

The 'enviable system' of county government (ed)<br />

Counties must publish accounting ef funds expenditure<br />


Apptd sheriff ef Ashley County<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />

Article en Logan's two county seats<br />

LOOOS<br />

see Trademarks. trade names and logos<br />


see also Prostitution<br />

Bentonville curfew takes youths off streets at 10 p.m.<br />

Pepe County curfew issued; rise in juvenile crime cited<br />

Curfew set fer youths at Coal Hill<br />


Medical plight of LR child touches hearts of sailors en ship<br />

Sailors seek way to assist stricken bey<br />

Weather delays mercy flight te Chicago clinic<br />

Postcards £rem Germany give hope to parents of Peter Lollar<br />

Trip to Chicago hospital rescheduled<br />

Oft-delayed mercy flight is begun<br />

Infant to undergo operation in about two weeks<br />

Lollar doing fine after surgery in Chicago<br />

Crew ef cruiser Little Reck donates $3 .700 to Lellars<br />

Secend operation performed en young Lollar<br />

Yeung Lollar undergoes 4th ef 6 operations scheduled<br />

LONOKE<br />

see also Ecenemic development<br />


Grand jury fails to indict. but pleads fer honest elections<br />


see also Housing<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />

LOONEY. A C<br />

see alee Archeology and anthropology<br />


see Stene County<br />


Mrs Loughborough is descendant ef William S Fulton<br />

Main leader in Territorial Capitol restoration dies<br />

5/13/61 A2 6<br />

6/16/61 Bl 8<br />

6/17/61 Al 5<br />

6/-18/-61 E4 1<br />

8/ 6/61 Al3 1<br />

11/26/61 Al 4<br />

11/26/-61 Al2 l<br />

11/-26/61 A12 l<br />

11/27/61 A4 1<br />

10/- 2/62 Bl 8<br />

3/ 2/62 Bl 3<br />

9/17/61 El 1<br />

2/17/61 A9 4<br />

10/10/62 Al 6<br />

12/ 8/62 A3 3<br />

5/27 /61 A3 6<br />

5/27/61 A3 6<br />

6/ 0/61 A6 4<br />

6/10/61 A3 2<br />

6/13/61 Bl4 6<br />

6/16/61 A6 2<br />

6/17/61 B4 5<br />

6/28/61 Bl 7<br />

7/ 1/61 A3 2<br />

7 /19/61 Bl 2<br />

10/26/61 A5 7<br />

3/ 4/61 Al 2<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl 5<br />

12/11/62 AlO l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Funeral plans announced<br />

A weman' s great work (ed)<br />

Will creates trust fer Resteratien Commission<br />

Legacies te history (ed)<br />


see Railreads<br />


see also Pardon and parole<br />


see also Basketball<br />

LUCIANO. CHARLES (Lucky)<br />

see also Crime and vice<br />

LUCK. H L<br />

see also Arkadelphia<br />

LUDWIG<br />

see also Festivals<br />

LUM 1N1 ABNER<br />

see also Lauck. Chester<br />


First Lutheran Church at LR suspends Rev Gorden Winred<br />

Rev Winred speaks te <strong>Arkansas</strong> Laymen<br />


Firm plans move te industrial park<br />


see also Gambling<br />


Gen MacArthur cheeses Virginia over LR as his burial site<br />

MacArthur premises to send relics te museum at Little Rock<br />

Mrs Walter Riddick Sr asks MacArthur fer museum items<br />

Gen MacArthur visited by Ark military officers in NYC<br />


see Taxation<br />


see also Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service<br />


see also Pulaski County<br />

MADDEN. OWEN B (Owney )<br />

see also Congress - Senate (Class II)<br />

see also Gambling<br />


see also Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />

see also Newton County<br />

Republican voters in Venus Township find no ballots<br />

GOP to drop complaint over Venus Tewnship problems<br />

GOP worker taken into custody by county sheriff<br />


see Education - Magaz ine District<br />


12/12/62 AlO 4<br />

12/12/62 A6 2<br />

12/21/62 A21 3<br />

12/26/62 A6 2<br />

6/24/61 A2<br />

6/24/61 A2<br />

6/11/61 Cl<br />

1/ 4/61 A4<br />

1/26/61 Bl<br />

1/26/61 Bl<br />

2/19/61 E2<br />

6/28/61 Al<br />

6/30/61 Al<br />

11/ 7 /62 Bl<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

6<br />

6<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Faces $1 millien trespass suit filed by Natienal Lead Corp<br />


Fire at Thrifty Store may be arsen-related<br />

Bends voted fer municipal improvements<br />


Henered by UA Medical Center<br />


Scarlett Cornwell among finalists<br />


see Hot Springs<br />


see Insurance<br />


see also Police<br />

Fire heavily damages business<br />


see also Robberies and thefts<br />


see alse Harding Cellege<br />


see also Economic development<br />

Marien and Baxter Counties sell $535,000 in bends fer plant<br />

Businessmen raising $12,000 te start censtructien<br />

Ark Supreme Ct uphol ds 2-ceunty financing fer factory<br />

Factory at Gassville dedicated by Gev Orval E Faubus<br />

MAR CHE<br />

see also Foreign descent groups<br />


see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />


see also Substance abuse and traffic<br />


see Harbors, perts and marinas<br />


see also Periodicals<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />

MARION HOTEL (Little Reck)<br />

see Hotels<br />


see Monuments, memorials and markers<br />

MARKS Family<br />

Descendants ef pioneer family hel d 85th reunion<br />


Divorce ef Benj amin and Peeda Carrell voided by high court<br />

New law requires 60-day residency bef ere diverce filing<br />

Divorcee Olive Hegan te get half ef Greater LR Steckyards<br />

Rebert L Lewis faces perj ury chg in effert te obtain divorce<br />


see also Electric power<br />


1/ 3/62 A3<br />

4/ 5/61 Bl<br />

5/24/61 A2<br />

6/11/62 A3<br />

12/ 7/62 A2<br />

8/20/61 Al<br />

5/ 6/61 B6<br />

5/23/61 Bl<br />

5/30/61 Bl<br />

4/29/62 A3<br />

7 / 8/62 C2<br />

1/17/61 Bl<br />

3/ 2/61 All<br />

12/19/61 BlO<br />

3/17/62 A7<br />

7<br />

5<br />

3<br />

l<br />

2<br />

3<br />

6<br />

2<br />

7<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

l<br />

4<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Culture and the arts<br />

MARSHALL. HELEN (Terry)<br />

see alse Culture and the arts<br />

see also Culture and the arts<br />

see also Education - Curriculum and teaching methods<br />

MARSHAL S. Federal<br />

see Courts. Federal<br />


see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see alse World War II<br />


NLRB to held union election at Titan sites in Ark<br />

Workers at Titan silos choose UAW as their union<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />

Three stores hit by fire<br />


see also Colleges and univs - Mascots<br />


see Fossils<br />


see also Little Reck Metropolitan Area<br />


see also Housing<br />


NLR may purchase 5,300-acre site for industrial park<br />

NLR Mayer Casey Laman to sk special vote en Maumelle plan<br />

Private firm offers te buy property. NLR Mayer Laman says<br />

Perry Equipment Ce makes bid for Maumelle<br />

North Little Reck plans te buy site from Perry Equipment<br />

Perry Equipment Ce purchases Maumelle Ordnance Works<br />

Perry Equipment interested in chemical mfg equipment<br />

Transfer ef facility te Perry Equipment Ce begins<br />

Perry Equipment Ce will help NLR find industries fer park<br />

Perry Equipment Ce seeks industry fer Maumelle<br />

NLR Council wants public vote en bends fer purchase<br />

NLR te vete en bend issue fer purchase ef Maumelle<br />

Firm refuses te delay NLR eptien to buy land. utilities<br />

Mayer Laman details NLR revenue plans fer Maumelle purchase<br />

NLR sets vete en $1 million bond fer purchase of Maumelle<br />

J C Barnett heads panel promoting NLR purchase ef Maumelle<br />

NLR Mayer Casey Laman te lead bond fight<br />

NLR electric rates would be raised te pay off bends<br />

NLR alderman Paul 0 Duke jabs Mayer Laman in bend dispute<br />

LR. NLR Chamber members visit Maumelle<br />

NLR Mayer Layman yields en rate rider if Maumelle purchased<br />

Rate rider proposal at NLR removed<br />

NLR te vote on bonds for Maumelle purchase this Tuesday<br />

Opportunity at hand for NLR (ed)<br />

NLR Mayer Laman makes final plea fer purchase of Maumelle<br />

12/ 9/-62 Cl 4<br />

12/14/62 Bl 2<br />

1/ 9/ 61 AS 3<br />

1/ 7/61 B2 3<br />

1/19/61 Al 7<br />

1/26/61 Cl6 1<br />

2/ 4/61 B6 l<br />

3/ 4/61 A3 1<br />

3/ 4/61 A3 l<br />

3/ 4/ 61 A3 1<br />

3/ 8/61 Bl 7<br />

3/18/61 B6 1<br />

5/10/61 5<br />

5/12/61 A13 1<br />

5/12/61 Al3 1<br />

5/26/61 B13 3<br />

5/30/61 Al 4<br />

6/- 2/ 61 BlB 1<br />

6/- 7/61 A12 l<br />

6/ 8/61 C12 1<br />

6/ 8/61 Cl2 2<br />

6/- 9/61 B16 1<br />

6/11/-61 A6 5<br />

6/22/61 AB 1<br />

6/27 /61 A7 1<br />

7/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

7/10/-61 A4 1<br />

7/11/-61 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Industrial pregress and NLR's vote teday on bends<br />

NLR veters approve bends fer purchase ef Maumelle<br />

NLR appreved $1 millien in bends fer purchase<br />

Nerth Little Rock sells $700.000 worth ef Maumelle bends<br />

Purchase by NLR made ef ficial<br />

Industrial dist, residential areas planned<br />

MAXIMS<br />

see Epigrams , maxims , sayings , etc<br />

MAY, DAN G<br />

7/11/61 A4 1<br />

7/12/61 Al 2<br />

7/13/61 C14 1<br />

8/15/61 A9 1<br />

12/ 2/-61 A5 4<br />

5/17/62 Cl8 1<br />

Account ef 1941 elopement ef Dan May and Dorothy Gene Masner 10/15/61 A5 l<br />

MAY, JOHN 0<br />

see alse Pesta! service<br />


see alse Athletics and sports<br />


see also United States - Army Carps ef Engineers<br />


see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also Congress - Reapportienment<br />

see alse Wildlife<br />

MCBRIEN, D D<br />

see also Colleges and univs - Administration and Management<br />


see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />


see alse Books and writing<br />

see also Congress - Senate (Class II)<br />


see alse Feetball<br />


see alse Lafayette County<br />


see alse Civil rights and discrimination<br />

McClinton sees alliance to kill JFK's urban affairs program<br />


2/17/62 A8 1<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />


General frem Ark picked fer fourth star. European pest<br />


8/17/62 A2 7<br />

see also Murders - McCool , J Thurman<br />


see also Econemic development<br />

see also University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

North Little Reck Times publisher loves his city<br />


12/17/61 All 1<br />

see also Methodist Church<br />


see alse Beeks and writing<br />


see alse Architecture and architects<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see also Censtructien programs. State<br />


Mentioned by Gov Orval Faubus as fee in retirement address<br />

Says effort to legalize gambling unl ikely<br />

MCKEE. George T<br />

see also Religion<br />


see also Postal service<br />


see alse Firearms<br />


Commercial Natl Bank president dies of heart attack at home<br />

Editorial tribute from <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<br />

MCLEES. E E<br />

see also Revenue Department (Ark)<br />


see also University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />

Urges Kennedy adm to provide cheaper power for Southwest<br />

McMath sees sane South if politicians stay eut<br />

Opposes abolishing jury system fer seme trials<br />

McMath cited fer his educatienal seminars en law<br />

Urges state te demonstrate responsible politics<br />

Gov Faubus asks if McMath wants to cempare administrations<br />

McMath takes issue with rept he allewed Het Springs gambling<br />

McMath helped select Ten Outstanding Yeung Men ef America<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


Pine Bluff executive dies<br />


Benton firm is run by young executives<br />


see Medicine and health<br />

MCRAE. THOMAS C Family<br />

Mary McRae Montgomery . dau of form.er gov. dies at age 83<br />

MCSWAIN. C E<br />

see also Festal Service<br />


see also Festal service<br />

MCSWAIN. W B<br />

see also Auditor (Ark)<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />

see alse Colleges and univs - Administration and management<br />

MEDICAL BOARD , <strong>Arkansas</strong> State<br />

see also Medicine and health<br />

MEDICAL SOCIETY. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Medicine and health<br />

4/ 1/62 Al<br />

12/30/62 AS<br />

7<br />

1<br />

6/ 6/61 Al 6<br />

6/ 7/61 A4 2<br />

1/ 18/61 Bl l<br />

3/ 5/61 A2 3<br />

4/30/61 A6 3<br />

7/30/61 AlO 5<br />

3/ 1/62 A8 1<br />

3/ 2/62 A9 3<br />

3/18/62 AlO 6<br />

12/28/62 Bl 6<br />

12/15/61 B7 5<br />

2/ 2/61 BS l<br />

8-/28/62 A6 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see also Children and yeuth<br />

see also Civil rights and discriminatien<br />

see alse Dentistry and dentists<br />

see also Felklere. folk medicine and superstition<br />

see alse Lellar. Peter<br />

see also Mental health and disorders<br />

see also Nursing hemes<br />

see alse Peer<br />

see also Repreductien (Human)<br />

see alse State Hospital (Ark)<br />

see also Tobacco<br />

see alse University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />

LR decters using investigatienal drugs te treat cancer<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> closing gap in doctor-patient ratio<br />

Child dies ef burns suffered in bathtub at TB Sanatorium<br />

Hepatitis strikes feur at Marvell (Phillips Ceunty)<br />

Nineteen more cases ef hepatitis reported<br />

Life-saving bleed plasma flown te patient in LR<br />

Salem added te list approved fer federal hospital aid<br />

Forrest Memorial Hospital te be enlarged<br />

TB tests in Pine Bluff schools show high positive rate<br />

State will have 4,700 cancer cases in <strong>1961</strong><br />

Wilmot worked te secure a decter, and succeeded<br />

Dr G L Hardgrave has practiced medicine in Jehnen Ce 50 yrs<br />

Expert points te state's peer rank in TB detection. treatment<br />

Cancer clearing heuse proposed by Dr Martin C Hawkins<br />

Arksansas Medical Society te meet in LR fer 85th annual cenv<br />

State Medical Society urged to fight JFK's Medical care plan<br />

Dr H King Wade Jr elected president ef State Medical Society<br />

Tam Kepenhafer. s. must take shots if deg net found teday<br />

Tam Kepenhafer starts shots after being bitten by deg<br />

First open-heart surgery in private hospital in Ark performed<br />

Mississippi County group seeks te step plans fer hospital<br />

Syphilis en the increase in state. Health Dept says<br />

Child at LR born without functioning liver<br />

Mississippi County group sues te step hospital expansion<br />

Handicapped Children' s Center aids cerebral palsy patients<br />

Public Health Dept moves in fast te aid Harrison after flood<br />

State unveils medest plans fer Medicare<br />

Warner Brew-n Hespital at El Derade sets $2 millien expansion<br />

Unien County vetes bends to construct ceunty hospital<br />

Cecil Shadden files $149,003 suit against Dr W E Phipps<br />

Hospitals in LR to impose strict rules fer visitors<br />

Proposed Union County Hospital gets boost fer federal aid<br />

Baxter County voters approve bends fer new hospital<br />

Kolb family has four generations of physicians<br />

Sister Margaret Vincent leaving St Vincent Infirmary pest<br />

Ark provides sufficient care fer the aged. physician says<br />

Little Reck hospitals to impose tighter rules en visiting<br />

Steve Spearman. keeps up spirits, while living in iron lung<br />

1/ 1/61 A4 5<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl2 4<br />

2/ 8/61 AS 1<br />

2/16/61 B6 4<br />

2/18/61 Al 6<br />

2/19/61 Al 4<br />

2/23/61 Bl 5<br />

3/ 2/61 All 5<br />

3/24/61 A8 4<br />

4/ 2/ 61 A6 2<br />

4/ 2/61 E2 4<br />

4/ 6/61 Bl 2<br />

4/ 8/61 A3 6<br />

4/13/61 Bl 6<br />

4/16/61 A4 7<br />

4/18/61 Bl 2<br />

4/20/-61 Bl 3<br />

4/23/61 Al 4<br />

4/29/61 A8 7<br />

4/-30/61 A6 3<br />

5/ 9/ 61 Bl 4<br />

5/ 9/61 BS l<br />

5-/10/61 Bl 6<br />

5/ 12/61 Bl 6<br />

5/14/61 El l<br />

5/14/61 ES 1<br />

5/24/61 Bl 4<br />

6/ 2/61 Bl 1<br />

6/ 7/61 BlO 4<br />

6/14/61 A7 1<br />

6/18/61 Al 3<br />

6/23/61 A6 4<br />

6/24/61 A8 8<br />

7/23-/61 C3 2<br />

7/26/61 A3 5<br />

7/28/61 A3 4<br />

7/30-/61 A1 5 4<br />

7/30/61 El 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Visiting rules fer LR hospitals listed<br />

Little Reck area hospitals pleased with new visiting rules<br />

George H Ellison tells Cong unien will pay more for Medicare<br />

Syphilis cases increase in Ark. mostly among teen-agers<br />

Cave City starts drive far building te house medical services<br />

Infectious hepatitis claims four lives in Ark<br />

Typhoid fever case reported at Blytheville<br />

Medicare program to start in Ark en Sept 1<br />

Sanke bites sends Stamps farmer te hospital<br />

LR woman bitten by rabid bat. first ever in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Snake bitres 11-year-eld girl at Vimy Ridge<br />

Typhoid carrier infects 5 mare at Jereme<br />

Court rules school can require pelie shots before admission<br />

State gets 2nd report of tick fever<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Children 's Hospital Supt Ruth Beall retires<br />

Miss Beall' s retirement (ed)<br />

Court nullifies Searcy County bend election fer hospital<br />

VA Hospital gets particle accellerator<br />

Twelve hospital and nursing proj ects get $3 .2 million<br />

Judge says state Medical Bd has right te sue chiropractors<br />

YJ.Slpractice suit names anesthetist Dr J P Hickey<br />

Bite by brOOin recluse spider nearly fatal to Searcy youth<br />

Mysterieus virus kills members ef Tem Westbrook family<br />

Twe relatives of Tom Westbrook family have same malady<br />

Vaccine fer flu in short supply<br />

Pathologist sees ne general virus danger<br />

Ark Supreme Ct upholds ruling favoring St Joseph's Hospital<br />

Omaha schools closed after scarlet fever cases diagnosed<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> ranks 6th in rate ef TB cases<br />

Dr Euclid M Smith tells of new treatment fer arthritis<br />

License ef Dr Ezra Leroy Callahan revoked by state beard<br />

High rate of diabetes around Clinton puzzles health officials<br />

Article on fight te eradicate tuberculosis<br />

TB fatalities in Ark (by county)<br />

Court studies request ef James W Beckman for eclectic license<br />

White Ceunty voters rej ects prepased county hospital tax<br />

James W Beckman fails in effort to get license frem. court<br />

Football helmet linked to case ef tetanus in teen-ager<br />

Lines drawn in conflict at LR ever suppliers ef bleed<br />

Drs William E and Robert J Kuhl seek reneNal of licenses<br />

Conway youth dies ef viral hepatitis<br />

Trial ef chiropractors William E Kuhl and Rebert H Kuhl set<br />

NLR Memorial Hospital under construction<br />

State outlines new program te wipe out tuberculosis<br />

Influenza outbreak cleses feur schools<br />

More schools closed by influenza<br />

Memorial Hospital at North Little Rock to open today<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist ta open center fer eye diseases<br />

Rebsamen Memorial Hospital at Jacksonville opens<br />

Throngs turn out fer Memorial Hospital dedication at NLR<br />

Influenza closes two mere schools<br />

7/30/61 E4 2<br />

8/ 2/61 Bl 2<br />

8/ 3/61 A7 1<br />

8/ 6/61 AlO 2<br />

8/ 8/61 Bl 5<br />

8/ 9/61 A2 1<br />

8/12/61 A7 4<br />

8/16/61 Bl 2<br />

8/22/61 Bl 8<br />

8/26/61 BS 6<br />

8/28/61 AlO 4<br />

8/31/61 Bl 8<br />

9/ 8/61 Bl 2<br />

9/14/61 A7 5<br />

9/22/61 A6 3<br />

9/23/61 A4 1<br />

10/10/61 Bl 8<br />

10/12/61 BlO 1<br />

10-/-13/61 .A5 1<br />

10/14/-61 4<br />

10/15/61 C3 4<br />

10/24/61 A2 2<br />

10/24/61 Bl 4<br />

10/26/61 Bl 2<br />

10/27-/-61 Al 3<br />

10/27/61 A2 5<br />

10/31-/-61 Bl4 l<br />

11/ 3/61 Bl 5<br />

11-/- 6/61 Al 2<br />

11/ 8-/-61 Bl 4<br />

11/10/61 Bl 5<br />

11/12/61 AB 1<br />

11/12/61 E4 1<br />

11/12/61 E4 4<br />

11-/-23/61 Bl 5<br />

11/29/61 A2 2<br />

12-/- 1/61 A2 l<br />

12/ 1/61 Bl 2<br />

12/17/61 Al 5<br />

12/29/61 B4 3<br />

1/ 3/62 B7 6<br />

1/ 5/62 B4 8<br />

1/ 7/62 Al3 2<br />

1/17/62 Bl 8<br />

l/24/62 Bl 2<br />

1/27 /62 A3 5<br />

1/28/62 Al2 3<br />

1/28/-62 Al4 5<br />

l/28/62 A6 1<br />

1/29/62 Al 2<br />

1/30/62 Bl 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Influenza closes schools in Batesville area<br />

Dr Jahn M Smith writes en Medicare<br />

NLR Veterans Adm Institute wins top recognition<br />

Physicians urged te write Rep Mills opposing Medicare<br />

Baptist Hospital to add twe floors to surgical wing<br />

Four typhoid cases found in northwest Ark<br />

Syphilis cases mere than doubled in Ark in past five years<br />

Ark Supreme Ct denies writ in case of William and Robert Kuhl<br />

W L Fulmer Sr te supervise Tuberculosis Sanatorium<br />

Dr W A Fowler opposes Medicare legislation<br />

Medicare plan aids 33.800 in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Chiropractic Beard bares probe finding en Ors Kuhl<br />

List ef accredited hospitals in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Clarendon clubs raising funds fer community medical clinic<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> needs five times mere nurses than it new has<br />

Diptheria claims life ef Tyronza child. 4 ethers ill<br />

State Medical Society te meet at Het Springs<br />

Conway Memorial Hospital wins accreditation<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Society told medicine in web ef socialism<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Society told aged care plan hypocritical<br />

Article en 4 men who left careers to study medicine at UA<br />

New strain of salmonella discovered by Ark Health Dept<br />

Chiropractors ouster ef Kuhl brothers backed in court test<br />

Memorial Hospital at NLR operating far below capacity<br />

Women gaining prestige in medical fields<br />

Dysentery claims life ef adult in Faulkner County<br />

Dr T E Buffington has served Saline County fer many years<br />

Feur members ef Parker families are UA Medical Scheel grads<br />

Bentonville voters approve bends te build hospital<br />

Univ Medical Center researches psychosomatic disorders<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist Hasp authorized to expand facility<br />

Eight chidren exposed by rabid cat<br />

Pulaski Medical Society plans drive against polio<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Children's Hospital marks 50th year<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Children's Hospital was Ark Heme Finding Society<br />

Highlights ef history of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Children's Hospital<br />

Ruth Beall became supt of Children's Hospital in 1934<br />

Construction begins en Baxter County Memorial Hospital<br />

Girl wakes up at Pine Bluff after year in coma<br />

Doctors offer special unit plan to relieve bed shortages<br />

Two cases of typhoid reported at Cherry Valley<br />

'Disease-finding ' devices seized frem chiropractors<br />

Case of encephalitis (sleeping sickness) suspected<br />

Dallas County woman dies ef tetanus<br />

Dr Hugh A Browne retires as head of McRae Sanatorium<br />

American Medicine 's Festival ef Faith held at Tyronz a<br />

Medicine 's Festival ef Faith draws 6.000 te Tyronza<br />

Two cases ef encephalitis reported in Jefferson County<br />

American Medicine 's Festival ef Faith draws ever 1000<br />

Dr Norman Vincent Peal speaks at Festival ef Faith event<br />

Encephalitis suspected in seven persons<br />

2/ 2/62 B9 8<br />

3/ 4/ 62 A4 3<br />

3/ 4/62 E4 l<br />

3/10/62 A7 2<br />

3/14/62 Bl 3<br />

3/15/62 A3 2<br />

3/18/62 A7 1<br />

3/20/62 Bl 2<br />

3/21/62 Bl 2<br />

3/22/62 A4 3<br />

3/23/62 A8 3<br />

3/23/62 Bll 6<br />

3/27/62 B9 l<br />

4/ 1/62 A15 5<br />

4/ 1/62 A7 2<br />

4/18/62 A7 7<br />

4/22/62 A4 3<br />

4/22/62 cs 5<br />

5/ 1/62 Al2 3<br />

5/ 2/62 AS 3<br />

5/ 6/-62 E4 l<br />

5/11/62 Al 5<br />

5/11/62 Bl 8 4<br />

5/20/62 A8 2<br />

5/20/62 E4 1<br />

5/24/62 AlO 3<br />

6/ 3/62 E5 2<br />

6/10/62 AS 1<br />

6/13/62 B5 6<br />

6/17 /62 E4 1<br />

6/21/62 Bl 6<br />

6/29/62 Bl 7<br />

7/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

7/- 1/62 E4 1<br />

7/ 1/62 E4 1<br />

7/ 1/62 E4 1<br />

7/ 1/62 E4 1<br />

7/10/62 A5 5<br />

8/ 1/62 Bl 1<br />

8/12/62 E4 l<br />

8/14/62 Bl 2<br />

9/14/62 A8 1<br />

9/15/62 Al 5<br />

9/27/62 Bl 8<br />

9/28/62 A8 1<br />

9/30/62 Al4 2<br />

9/30/62 Al4 2<br />

10/ 2/62 Bl 3<br />

10/ 5/62 Bl 5<br />

10/ 5/62 Bl 5<br />

10/13/62 Bl2 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ark doctors may be unaware of Kerr-Mills Act previsions<br />

Bulbar polio fatal te bey in Fayetteville<br />

Pelie strikes nine at Fayetteville: clinics planned<br />

Dr Lleyd F Gregory critical of certification under MAA<br />

Pelie hits Fayetteville boy whe had received all shots<br />

Washington County gives polio vaccine te 37 .242<br />

Pelie vaccine administered to 6.000 UA students, faculty<br />

Physician says state intern program is weak<br />

Two hospitals agree to raise pay ef interns<br />

Case of polio reported at Van Buren High Schoel<br />

Licenses ef twe physicians revoked by Medical Board<br />

Negroes should be allowed to use TB Sanatorium, ed says<br />

ALC discusses needs ef McRae Sanatorium fer Negroes<br />

Polio outbreak in Washington County believed ever<br />

Feuntien Hill salutes Dr Jessie T Weeds with dinner<br />

TB rate is high. but Sanatorium total is lew (statistics)<br />

Pelie imJnunizatien campaign te be organized en county level<br />

Health Dept worried about rabies in wildlife<br />

State Health Dept devises new program fer finding TB cases<br />

Het Springs chosen fer nation 's 2nd arthritis clinic<br />


see also Legal prefessien<br />


see alse Museums<br />


see also Geverner (Ark)<br />

Says state must impreve its image and its public education<br />

Addresses Natienal Rehabilitatien Association cenventien<br />


Plans South American trade tour<br />


Confederate dead te be henored en April 30 at LR cemetery<br />

LR. NLR te honer war dead in Memorial Day tributes<br />


see Monuments, memorials and markers<br />

MENA<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />


see Educatien - Menifee District<br />


see alse Children's Celeny. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see alse Education - Morrilton District<br />

see al so State Hospital (Ark)<br />

Dentist says bad teeth may cause mental illness<br />

Study shews 3 pct ef children in Ark retarded<br />

Mentally retarded children need special training<br />

Jeanette Rockefeller asks aid fer <strong>Arkansas</strong>' s mentally ill<br />

ALC panel asks state adm te devise plan fer mentally retarded<br />

Plan te expand services te mentally retarded devised<br />

MENTAL HEALTH ASSOCIATION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Rebert L Parson named executive directer<br />

10/26/62 Al 5<br />

10/-27/62 A2 4<br />

10/31/62 Bl 3<br />

11/ 1/62 A4 3<br />

11/ 4/62 A18 2<br />

11/- 5/62 Al 6<br />

11/ 6/62 Bl2 4<br />

11/-14/62 Bl 6<br />

11/15/62 Bl 5<br />

11/-15/-62 Bl 8<br />

11/-17/62 A2 2<br />

11/-20/-62 A6 l<br />

11/-27/62 A2 4<br />

11/30/-62 Bl 6<br />

12/ 2/62 A6 6<br />

12/ 2/62 ES 2<br />

12/ 9/62 A2 7<br />

12/12/62 A4 7<br />

12/16/62 Al 4<br />

12/-28/62 Bl 2<br />

1/15/61 B7 6<br />

4/15/-61 BS 8<br />

10/ 3/61 Bl 3<br />

4/28/61 AB 5<br />

5/-30/-61 Bl 2<br />

4/11/61 A2 4<br />

3/ 8/ 62 C16 1<br />

7/15/62 E5 2<br />

10/28/62 C4 5<br />

11/24/62 A3 l<br />

11/28/62 B9 4<br />

1/10/-61 BB 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see Banks<br />


see alse Government employees. State<br />


Walked 250 miles from Fayetteville to Paragould in 1910<br />

MERRILL INSTITUTE (Pine Bluff)<br />

see Historic buildings and sites<br />


see alse Phenomena<br />


see alse Gambling<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />

Mrs Lesta Giles McCoy has taught Sunday Schoel fer 54 years<br />

Buckner Methedist Church to be dedicated<br />

Rev Robert Paul Sessions chides clergy ef South en race issue<br />

Women picket Dr Ralph W Seckman as he speaks at LR church<br />

Interview with Pulaski Heights lecturer Dr Ralph W Seckman<br />

Leng-time paster at LR, Dr J K Shamblin moving te Housten<br />

North Ark Conf te meet at Russellville<br />

North Ark Conf hears Bishop Gerald H Kennedy , Dr M T Steel<br />

North Ark Cenf hears attack en gambling link te bond issue<br />

Rev Joel Cooper named paster of Winfield Methodist at LR<br />

North Ark Conf hears criticism of John Birch Society leader<br />

North Ark Conf endorses civil rights sit-ins<br />

Pastoral appmts announced fer North Ark Conf<br />

Little Reck Cenf meeting at Hot Springs<br />

Little Reck Cenf sessien opens at Het Springs<br />

Little Reck Cenf draws 500 te Het Springs<br />

Little Reck Cenf names elders and deacens<br />

LR Cenf lists pastoral appointments<br />

Negro Methodists te meet at Philander Smith College<br />

Pulaski Heights lecturer Ralph W Seckman picketed<br />

Rev Robert E L Bearden named to high church pest<br />

Bishop W Kenneth Pope says critics of church aid communism<br />

AME Church assignments announced<br />

Little Reck Conference meeting in Hot Springs<br />

LR Cenf gets cheering news frem Bishop W Kenneth Pepe<br />

Actions ef LR Conf summarized<br />

Elder, deacons ordained at LR Cenf at Het Springs<br />

LR Conf reassignes 57 ministers<br />

Nerth <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cenf epens at Conway<br />

North Ark Conf condemns reverse f reedem rides program<br />

North Ark Conf erdains 21 deacons<br />

North Ark Conf announces 60 pastoral assignments<br />

Lakeside at Pine Bluff celebrates 75th anniversary<br />

CME assignments made fer two districts<br />


see Little Rock Metrepelitan Area<br />


see also Little Rock Metropolitan Area<br />

6/14/62 Bl 5<br />

3/16/61 C16 5<br />

4/15/61 A8 1<br />

5/10/61 Bl 2<br />

5/16/61 All 6<br />

5/17/61 Al l 2<br />

5/24/61 A2 1<br />

5/27/61 B5 1<br />

5/31/61 A3 5<br />

6/ 1/61 Al2 1<br />

6/ 1/61 A7 1<br />

6/ 2/61 Bl3 4<br />

6/ 3/61 A5 1<br />

6/ 3/61 A5 1<br />

6/ 3/61 A5 7<br />

6/ 6/61 B8 7<br />

6/ 7/61 A3 4<br />

6/ 9/61 A6 2<br />

6/10/61 AS 1<br />

6/11/61 A13 1<br />

6/16/61 All 6<br />

8/26/61 A3 8<br />

11/ 8/61 A13 5<br />

11/ 8/61 Nl- 5<br />

5/29/62 Bl 2<br />

5/30/62 Bl 3<br />

5/31/62 Al 2<br />

6/ 1/62 A2 4<br />

6/ 2/ 62 B12. 1<br />

6/ 5/62 A9 6<br />

6/ 7/62 All 1<br />

6/ 7/62 All 1<br />

6/ 8/62 Al 7<br />

10/27/62 A6 7<br />

11/11/62 A20 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


Conservatives break frem Greater LR Ministerial Assn<br />

Fundamentalist pasters hear reusing talk by Dale Alferd<br />

MEXICANS IN <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see Laber<br />


Little Reck firm celebrates 50th anniversary<br />


Ernie Deane tells ef visit with Meyer at Van Buren<br />


Micheners visit LR as exhibitien ef bis art epens<br />


Steckhelders meeting bested by AP&L at Nerth Little Reck<br />

President Edgar H Dixon dies<br />


see <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Ce<br />

MIDWAY<br />

see alse Weather and storms<br />


Furnaces placed in eperatien at LR plant<br />


see also Television<br />


see Laber<br />

MILAM. T A. Family<br />

Family reunion held at LR<br />


see alse Museums<br />


Number ef men ordered by draft fer examination and inductien<br />

Draft call fer Ark triples to 1,500<br />

State receives call te increase draft in August<br />

Draft call includes 273 Arkansans<br />

MILK<br />

see Agriculture<br />

see Central <strong>Arkansas</strong> Milk Producers Asseciatien<br />


Arkie M Knight Sr indicted en vete fraud charges<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />


see alse Philander Smith Cellege<br />


see alse Veterans<br />


see alse Area planning and renewal<br />

see also Courts. Federal<br />


see alse Hobbies<br />


see also Communism<br />

6/ 6/61 AlO 4<br />

8/22/61 Bl 2<br />

7/ 2/61 B7<br />

ll/29/62 Bl<br />

5/ 4/62 Bl<br />

5/20/61 A3<br />

8/ 3/62 All<br />

5/18/61 B7<br />

7/23/61 A3<br />

1/11/61 A5<br />

7/21/61 Al<br />

7 /28/61 Bl<br />

8/18/61 Bl<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

4<br />

8<br />

8<br />

6/10/61 B4 6<br />

27 0

DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see alse Congress - House Dist 2<br />

see alse Congress - Reapportionment<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Parks , recreation and tourism<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />

MILUM, ROY W<br />

see alse Construction programs . State<br />

see also Credit<br />

see also Expositions and fairs<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />


N K Ball files $2. 130.980 breach of contract suit<br />


see also Oil and gas<br />


see Mines and minerals<br />


see also Bauxite<br />

see alse Coal<br />

Galena to be milled in Sevier County by Saline Minerals Co<br />

Water-filled pit near Paron said te be an old gold mine<br />

Article an <strong>Arkansas</strong> gypsum deposits in Pike County<br />

Mineral production declined in Ark in <strong>1961</strong><br />

Southwest Ark developing iron ore deposits<br />

MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. Greater Little Reck<br />

Rev Darnell Ress critical ef nominating Negro to head Assn<br />

Rev Rufus K Yeung would be first Negro to head Association<br />

Rufus King Yeung, a Negre, neminated fer president ef group<br />

Rev Rebert E L Bearden says choice of Young is unwise now<br />

Conservative pastors break away . form their own group<br />

Rev Rufus King Yeung elected to head group<br />


see alse Censtructien programs . State<br />

MISCHIEF. Malicious<br />

see Vandalism and mischief<br />


Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong> Frances Jane Andersen wins swimsuit event<br />

Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong> Frances Jane Andersen is first runner-up<br />

Pine Bluff welcomes runner-up Frances Jane Andersen home<br />

Runner-up Frances Jane Andersen ta get LR. Pine Bluff welcome<br />

Runnerup Frances Jane Andersen returns home<br />

Mrs William (Mary Burt) named pageant judge<br />

MISS <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see also Andersen. Frances Jane<br />

Miss Magnelia Linda Rushton receives lr frem Sen Goldwater<br />

Pageant to get under way Tuesday at Oaklawn Park<br />

Preliminary winners listed<br />

Mere preliminary winners listed<br />

6/ 1/61 A2<br />

1/15/61 Cl<br />

3/26/61 A9<br />

5-/28/61 El<br />

12/31/61 AB<br />

5-/31/62 Bl<br />

6/ 2/61 Al<br />

6/ 2-/ 61 Al<br />

6/ 2-/61 Al<br />

6/ 3/61 B8<br />

6/ 6/61 AlO<br />

6/13/61 Al<br />

9/ 8/61 Al<br />

9/10/61 Al<br />

9/11/61 A2<br />

9/13/61 BlO<br />

9/15/61 AB<br />

8/17 /62 A2<br />

1/ 8/61 A3<br />

7/ 9/61 A3<br />

7/13/61 A2<br />

7/14/61 A3<br />

1<br />

5<br />

l<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

7<br />

27 1

DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ferty-twe contestants relaxed as announcement nears<br />

Rain forces delay of pageant<br />

Rains again delay pageant: finals te be this aftereen<br />

Frances Jane Andersen named Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Pageant opens Tuesday with 48 candidates<br />

Miss America Maria Beale Fletcher attending pageant<br />

Scarlett Cornwell seeks title ef Miss <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Libby Burnside is Pine Bluff's entrant<br />

Miss ASTC Edye Addington wins title<br />

Edye Addington jubilant with her success at pageant<br />

Edye Addington given party at Faubus campaign offices<br />

Edye Addington appears on netwerk TV shew, 11Whe De You Trust"<br />

Magnol ia pageant named third best in America<br />


Suzanne Parker of DeWitt, is winner ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> title<br />


· see Defense and armed forces<br />


see also Crawford, Maud<br />

see also Dilday, Maxine<br />

see also Knowles, Leanard<br />

see also Langham.mer, Charles Woodson<br />

Searchers find Augustus Lietgable, who was net really lest<br />


see also Peer<br />

Group forms to work fer better voting practices in county<br />

FBI cenf irms pell watchers turned away in county<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />


see Geolegy<br />


see alse University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Reads<br />


see Railreads<br />


see Railroads<br />


Receives American Legion 's Americanism plaque<br />


see also Sex: crimes<br />


see alse Trees and shrubs<br />

MITCHUM, J H<br />

see alse Treasurer (Ark)<br />


see also Ceurts, State and local<br />


see Crime and vice<br />

7/15/61 A2<br />

7/15/61 A2<br />

7/16/61 Al<br />

7/17/61 Al<br />

7/15/62 A3<br />

7/18/62 Bl<br />

7/19/62 Bl<br />

7/20/62 Bl<br />

7/22/62 Al<br />

7/23/62 Al<br />

7 /27/62 Bl<br />

9/ 1/-62 A5<br />

9/16/62 All<br />

4/ 8/62 A14<br />

1/30/61 Al<br />

4/l/62 Bl<br />

8/ 2/62 Al<br />

6/17/62 AB<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

6<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

6<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

7<br />

27 2

DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see also Railroads<br />

see alse Ships<br />


see Cathelic Church<br />


see alse Cherokee Village<br />


see alse Fires<br />


see Education - Menette District<br />

MONEY<br />

see also History Commission (Ark)<br />


Wage talks deadlecked<br />

MONTE NE<br />

State will allew Beaver Lake te cever temb ef W H Harvey<br />

W H (Cein) Harvey 's amphitheater te be covered by lake water<br />

Tomb of W H (Coin) Harvey te be saved from reservoir waters<br />

History ef Harvey 's censtructien at site<br />

Mente Ne is dying with Coin Harvey 's dream<br />

Original name was Silver Springs<br />

Photographs ef hotel buildings. amphitheater<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />


see also Education - Little Reck District<br />


see also Veterans<br />

Time capsule buried at Benton until year 2000<br />

Ark Centennial markers were melted fer World War II effort<br />

Fist ef 400 Civil War centennial markers at Old State House<br />

Monument in MacArthur Park to Capital Guards is 50 years old<br />


see also Agriculture<br />


see Funerals and mortuaries<br />


Awarded Bronze Star posthumously by U S Army<br />

MOORE (E R) CO<br />

Firm to open plant at Osceola, hire up te 70 persons<br />


Says teachers must be free te teach controversial subj ects<br />


see also Herticulture Seciety , <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

MOORE. JOHN 0<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also GGVernor (Ark)<br />

MOORE. ROY K<br />

see also United States - Federal Bureau of Identification<br />

7/ 8/61 B6 7<br />

6/ 6/61 Bl 2<br />

5/25/62 A2 7<br />

5/25/62 Bl 7<br />

9/ 2/62 D4 3<br />

9-/- 2/62 D4 3<br />

9/ 2/62 D4 3<br />

9/ 2/62 D4 3<br />

1/ 1/61 A5 3<br />

5/ 4/61 A13 2<br />

5/ 4/61 Al3 2<br />

5/14/61 A2 3<br />

9/ 2/62 A7<br />

1/ 3-/-61 B9<br />

11/26/61 .A3<br />

1<br />

8<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />


see alse Congress - Senate (Class II)<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />

see alse Politics and elections<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />

see alse Pellutien. wastes and haz ardous materials<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

Businessmen urge adeptien ef city manager form of gevt<br />

Residents te vete en switch to city manager<br />

Brinkley scalds Morrilton fer sw ipes in anti-manager ads<br />

Pretests filed against election officials selected<br />

Suit challenges vete officials at Morrilton<br />

Circuit Court judge disqualifies vote officials<br />

Record vote in city manager election expected<br />

City manager form of gevt voted dawn handily<br />

Urban Renewal grant fer city approved<br />

City Council gets motion to drep Planning Commission<br />

Ark Supreme Ct orders new trial in <strong>1961</strong> alderman race suit<br />

Fire. blasts do heavy damage at Street Dept<br />


Fire causes $50.000 less at mill<br />


see Education - Morrilton District<br />


see also Colleges and universities<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Polytechnic College<br />


see also Civil War<br />


see Restaurants<br />


see also Land and real estate<br />


see alse Rivers and lakes<br />

MOSER, M L JR<br />

see also Cengress - Senate (Class I)<br />

see also Education - Pulaski County District<br />


Urges South te lead nation back to censtitutienal sanity<br />

MOSLEY. E L<br />

see also<br />

MOSS. A J<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

MOTELS<br />

see<br />

Hotels<br />

Legislature (Ark)<br />

Poer<br />

Welfare Department (Ark)<br />

2/12/61 AA 1<br />

4/13/61 A5 3<br />

5/17/61 All 3<br />

5/28/-61 Al4 6<br />

5/-31/61 Bl 8<br />

6/ 4/61 All 1<br />

6/ 6/61 Bl 4<br />

6/ 7/61 Bl4 3<br />

8/18/61 A9 3<br />

8/23/61 BlO 5<br />

9/18/-62 B12 1<br />

11/20/62 AA 7<br />

12/20/62 Bl 2<br />

3/-21/61 BlO 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


Parks Comm refuses te pay expenses ef Ark rep te pageant<br />

Publ icity and Parks relents, gives $250 fer trip<br />


see also Communism<br />

see also Parks, recreatien and teurism<br />

see also Pernography and obscenity<br />

LR native Albert C Gannaway premieres his film in LR<br />

Movie made at Scotland now shewing in Ark<br />


see alse Autemebiles and autemebile drivers<br />


Fire destroys cafe building<br />


see Festivals<br />


see Weather and storms<br />

MOUNTAIN INN HOTEL (Fayetteville)<br />

see Hotels<br />

MOWERY, A C JR<br />

see also Agricultural Stabilization and Censervatien Service<br />


see also Inventions and inventors<br />

MRS <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

Twenty-one seek title<br />

Finalists shewn<br />

Winner te be crewned tonight<br />

Mrs Devon Hobby Jr named Mrs <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Folklore. folk medicine and superstition<br />


see also Censtructien programs, State<br />

see also University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Addresses Career Day crewd at Hendrix College<br />


Feature article an identical twins<br />

Ceoper twins of Greenbrier, start 97th year bright, chipper<br />

MULVANEY, DONALD, Family<br />

see also Children and youth<br />

MUNCY. C H<br />

see alse Basket making<br />

MUNDT , KARL<br />

US Senater f rem South Daketa speaks at LR<br />

MUNICIPAL LEAGUE, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see alse Cities and tewns<br />

see alse Canstructien programs , State<br />

see alse Finance and budgets, Local Gevt<br />

see alse Public Service Cemm.issien (Ark)<br />

MURALS<br />

see Culture and the arts<br />


4/28/61 A2 7<br />

4/30/61 A10 4<br />

1/ 1/61 B10 6<br />

8/ 9/62 Bl 5<br />

2/20/61 A2 7<br />

9/24/61 All 2<br />

10/ 1/61 A2 4<br />

10/ 6/61 A2 6<br />

10/ 7/61 A5 7<br />

4/ 12/61 Bl 5<br />

9/ 3/61 D2 4<br />

3/ 7/62 Bl 3<br />

2/ 14/62 A5 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />

Arkansan Billy Wayne Sees te be executed in the Baham.as<br />

Billy Wayne Sees hanged in the Bahamas<br />

MURDERS - Akins , Robbie Faye<br />

David L Hardy gets life term in slaying in 1959<br />

MURDERS - Andersen. Nadine<br />

Kenneth Eugene Andersen chgd in death ef his wife<br />

MURDERS - Andrews. Libby<br />

Leander Lee seught in stabbing death at Dumas<br />

MURDERS - Arrington, Aliene<br />

Mrs Arrington slain. stare she operated at Rixey robbed<br />

Article on slaying ef Mrs Arrington<br />

Reward fund deposited in bank; twe suspects held<br />

MURDERS - Ash. Raymond<br />

Ash slain. Mrs Ash critically wounded at Fayetteville heme<br />

Incident believed te involve murder-attempted suicide<br />

Mrs Ash chgd with slaying of her husband<br />

MURDERS - Ashley . Herman<br />

Ashley fatally shat during argument<br />

MURDERS - Ashlock, Lawrence Sr<br />

Marked Tree grocer found stabbed te death<br />

MURDERS - Banks , Arthur<br />

Jimmy Williams Jones arrested in death at LR<br />

Jimmie William Janes held on manslaugter charge<br />

MURDERS - Bevels, Rosa: Alex Gibson: Leywellan Hoga<br />

Roy Bevels chgd with killing his wife. 2 ethers at El Dorado<br />

MURDERS - Bogard, Lloyd B<br />

Lucille Bogard held in slaying ef her husband at Egypt<br />

Fear led Lucille Bogard te kill husband, defense say s<br />

Trial ef Lucille Bogard in slaying of husband begins<br />

Mrs Bogard tells jury of beatings<br />

Mildred Begard tells jury her husband beat her<br />

Jury finds Mildred Lucille Bogard innecent<br />

MURDERS - Bend, Thomas 0<br />

Change ef venue granted Jerrell K Marlar<br />

Murder trial of Jerrell K Marlar meved te Lafayette County<br />

Jerrell Kenneth Marlar gets life term in slaying<br />

Jerrell K Marlar sentenced to life for slaying ef Bond<br />

MURDERS - Beeker, Leen<br />

Eddie Muldrew convicted ef murder in death ef Booker<br />

Eddie Muldrew gets 8 yrs in prison<br />

MURDERS - Broomfield, Herschel<br />

Three men face murder charges at Magnol ia<br />

W L Franks gets life term in slaying<br />

Gladys Broomfield sentenced te life in death of husband<br />

MURDERS - Brewn, W R<br />

Manila alderman shot fatally by hitchhiker<br />

MURDERS - Buie, Billy Jee and Eloise Owens<br />

Billy Buie and Eloise Owens shat te death at Malvern ESD effc<br />

Buie. Owens, 6 ether persons shot by William Shuller Jee<br />

Joe says he shot because he was being mistreated at ESD<br />

5/ 9/ 61 A2<br />

5/10/61 A2<br />

8/11/61 Bl2<br />

8/27 /61 C3<br />

8/ 8/61 A6<br />

8/ 1/62 B7<br />

8/ 2/62 Bl<br />

8/ 7/62 A12<br />

10/-29/ 62 A5<br />

10/29/62 A5<br />

10/31/62 Bl<br />

4/24/62 Bl4<br />

12/ 3/61 AlO<br />

12/24/61 A7<br />

l/ 3/62 B7<br />

12/ 4/62 A2<br />

5/16/61 A2<br />

ll/21/61 Bl<br />

4/19/62 Bl<br />

4/20/62 A2<br />

4/24/62 Bl<br />

4/26/62 Cl4<br />

9/15/62 A2<br />

10/21/62 A8<br />

11/20/62 Bl<br />

12/ 6/62 Bl<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl<br />

2/ 8/62 A8<br />

7/25/62 Bl<br />

10/11/62 AlO<br />

10/13/62 A2<br />

11/13/62 A2<br />

6/22/61 Al<br />

6/22/61 Al<br />

6/22/61 Al<br />

l<br />

5<br />

1<br />

7<br />

l<br />

4<br />

5<br />

1<br />

l<br />

l<br />

8<br />

5<br />

5<br />

8<br />

l<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

6<br />

1<br />

3<br />

8<br />

6<br />

3<br />

3<br />

6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

3<br />

5<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Witnesses describe actiens of William Shuller Jee<br />

William Shuller Jee committed te State Hospital fer tests<br />

Funeral services set fer Billy Jee Buie<br />

William Shuller Jee is mentally ill, State Hospital says<br />

William Shuler Jee committed te State Hespital<br />

MURDERS - Burks , Betty<br />

Clee Burks gets suspended sentence in slaying of wife<br />

MURDERS - Burten, Lee<br />

Gussie Keys held on murder charge in death ef Burten<br />

MURDERS - Butler. Curtisteen<br />

James Ed Butler apparently killed his wife and himself<br />

MURDERS - Caldwell, William N<br />

Ark Supreme Ct upholds death sentence fer Clarence Stewart Jr<br />

Clarence Steward raises question ef racial bias in jury<br />

U S Supreme Ct refuses te hear appeal ef Clarence Stewart Jr<br />

Condemned man's metien denied by Ark Supreme Ct<br />

Clarence Stewart Jr files petition fer habeas corpus writ<br />

Clarence Stewart Jr gets stay of execution fer 1969 slaying<br />

Clarence Stewart Jr likely te get new trial<br />

Lawyers argue Clarence Stewart Jr plea fer new trial<br />

Stewart 's brief charges race bias in jury duty<br />

State te fight new trial fer Clarence Stewart Jr<br />

MURDERS - Carothers, Rebert Lee<br />

Carethers stabbed to death at Little Reck<br />

MURDERS - Clark, Harry V<br />

Mrs Virginia Rand to be given second trial in Rogers case<br />

Atty fer Virgina Rand asks federal ct to take ever case<br />

Second trial for Mrs Virginia Rand set<br />

Change ef venue granted for trial of Virginia Rand<br />

Second trial ef Virginia Rand begins teday<br />

Jurors selected in Rand trial<br />

Jury includes only ene weman<br />

Motien fer mistrial denied<br />

Three neighbors ef Mrs Rand testify<br />

Several prosecution witnesses testify<br />

Mrs Rand 's hu sband and sen give testimony<br />

Final witnesses in case heard<br />

Divided jury debates fate ef Mrs Rand<br />

Jurors acquit Virginia Rand in death case<br />

MURDERS - Coffey , Shelia<br />

Joyce Coffee. 22, kills daughter. herself. wounds sen<br />

Mrs Coffey had been despondent, husband says<br />

MURDERS - Cele. Fred<br />

Mrs Annie Smith arrested in slaying at LR<br />

MURDERS - Cole. Willia A<br />

Murder chgs filed against Jee Aden<br />

MURDERS - Coleman, Ralph<br />

Visitor to Hot Springs found shet to death near race track<br />

MURDERS - Collier, James<br />

Rey Jackson sentenced to 21 years in prison<br />

MURDERS - Connelly. Joseph<br />

6/22/61 Al 4<br />

6/23/61 A6 7<br />

6/24/61 A5 2<br />

7/25/61 Bl 4<br />

8/ 19/61 A3 8<br />

3/11/61 B6 2<br />

2/20/62 A6 7<br />

12/16/61 B7 8<br />

4/18/61 Bl 8<br />

8/ 1/61 A2 5<br />

12/ 5/61 Bl 2<br />

12/19/61 B14 3<br />

2-/ 6/62 AlO 1<br />

2/ 6/62 AlO 1<br />

2/13/62 Bl2 3<br />

2/20-/62 B8 8<br />

3/13/62 A2 7<br />

7/11/62 Bl 2<br />

11/16/62 Bl3 8<br />

1/ 8/61 A12 4<br />

2/11/61 A3 5<br />

3/ 5/61 Al4 5<br />

3/28/6 1 A2 1<br />

4/10/61 A2 2<br />

4/ 11/61 Bl 6<br />

4/12/61 AB 7<br />

4/14/61 Bl 8<br />

4/15/61 A5 1<br />

4/18/61 A2 3<br />

4/19/61 A3 1<br />

4/20/61 A2 1<br />

4/21/61 Bl 8<br />

4/22/61 Al 2<br />

7/ 7/61 Al 3<br />

7l 8/61 BlO 5<br />

8/ 6/61 A2 3<br />

9/22/62 A2 3<br />

3/15/61 Bl 5<br />

10/ 4/ 62 Bl 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Bennie Connelly fails to surrender to begin serving term<br />

Presecuter seeks extradition of Bennie Connelly te <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

MURDERS - Cook. David<br />

Eddie Lee Charleston gets 21 years in slaying case<br />

MURDERS - Ceok, Joyce (Decker) and Raymond Decker<br />

Rebert E Cook killed wife. father-in-law and himself<br />

MURDERS - Cox. Willy<br />

Johnny Green. 17. arrested in death ef Cox<br />

MURDERS - Craig. Franklin Nall<br />

Craig and his girlfriend found slain at Helland. Me<br />

Officers think twe men involved in deaths<br />

Negro man admits killing Franklin N Craig<br />

Negro chgd with murder and rape in killings<br />

MURDERS - Dalton, W P<br />

Bessie Dalton released te daughter 's custody in slaying case<br />

MURDERS - Davis , Lester<br />

Murder. suicide ruled in death of Mr and Mrs Davis<br />

MURDERS - Decker, Nettie Jean Moore<br />

William Eugene Decker te be tried fer death ef wife<br />

William Eugene Decker gees en trial<br />

William Eugene Decker found guilty ef 2nd-degree murder<br />

Decker lawyers to file appeal<br />

MURDERS - Decker, Raymond<br />

see Murders - Cook. Jeyce and Raymond Decker<br />

MURDERS - Ditmars , Jack<br />

Juanita Ditmars held in slaying ef her husband<br />

Junita Ditmars en trial in slaying ef her husband<br />

Mrs Ditmars admitted having an affair. police officer says<br />

Jackie Ditmars, 11, testifies father made threats<br />

Jury acquits Juanita Ditmars ef slaying<br />

MURDERS - Duty, Dere L<br />

Glen A Davis admits sheeting Duty at Sylvan Hills heme<br />

Charge filed against Glen A Davis<br />

Glen A Davis charged with first-degree murder<br />

Widow ef Duty seeks $650.000 frem Glen A Davis<br />

Glen A Davis feund mentally ill<br />

MURDERS - Ellis. Charles<br />

Jee Beb Herrod held in slaying ef Ellis<br />

MURDERS - Emerson, James Franklin Jr<br />

Oliver Rey Livingston charged in death ef Emerson<br />

Three witnesses testify in trial ef Oliver Ray Livingsten<br />

MURDERS - Flanery , Ted R<br />

Mrs Mary Perkins chgd in death of Russellville man<br />

Mary Perkins chgd in fatal sheeting ef Flanery<br />

MURDERS - Flemming, Alenz e<br />

Flemming slain at Walnut Ridge ; Velpe Bell held<br />

Velpe Bell gets 6 years for killing Negro neighbor<br />

MURDERS - Flowers, Willie<br />

Roy Huddleston chgd in Miller County sheeting<br />

MURDERS - Fogle, Sam<br />

Leonard Green gets life sentence in slaying at Camden<br />

12/ 9/ 61 B2 8<br />

3/23/62 Bl 2<br />

10/24/61 Bl2 8<br />

5/ 9/61 Bl 4<br />

2-/11/62 AlO 4<br />

12/24/61 A3 l<br />

12/25/61 A2 1<br />

12/26/61 Al 4<br />

12/27-/61 Bl 7<br />

2/ 9/61 Bl 5<br />

9/ 7/62 Bl 2<br />

3/23/61 A2 2<br />

4/ 3-/61 A5 2<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl 5<br />

4/ 8/61 Al 4<br />

9/15/61 A2 7<br />

3/21/62 B9 4<br />

3/21/62 B9 4<br />

3-/22/62 Bl 8<br />

3/23/62 A2 l<br />

4-/22/61 A6 3<br />

4/23/61 A2 1<br />

4/25/61 Bl2 4<br />

5/26/61 B13 3<br />

5/27 /61 B6 l<br />

8/28/62 A7 7<br />

5/15/62 B4 2<br />

10/12-/62 B6 6<br />

3/ 7/62 A3 6<br />

3/14/62 Bl 5<br />

6/24/61 AB 6<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl 8<br />

7/13/61 Bl 5<br />

2/21/61 A5 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

MURDERS - Foster. Willie Harold<br />

LR man killed by Billy Frank Gess. an ex-cenvict<br />

MURDERS - Fuller. Sue Helen<br />

Charges of murder filed against Paul Louis Beckwith<br />

Mrs Fuller was slain at her Brinkley heme in 1954<br />

Trial date set fer Leuis Beckwith in slaying of Mrs Fuller<br />

MURDERS - Gandy , Anna Faye Nicklaus<br />

Clyde L Gandy apparently killed his wife, then himself<br />

Murder-suicide ruled in deaths ef Gandys<br />

MURDERS - Garland, Gerald<br />

Arthur Ward chgd in sheeting death at Pine Bluff<br />

MURDERS - Gibson, Alex<br />

see Murders - Bevels, Rosa Lee<br />

MURDERS - Gelden, Lee<br />

A H Prueninger held en epen charge in death ef Golden<br />

MURDERS - Graves. Charles F<br />

Trial ef Dorothy Louise Graves fer 1960 slaying postponed<br />

Dorothy L Graves en trial in slaying of her divorced husband<br />

Derethy L Graves says sheeting was accidental<br />

Dorothy L Graves convicted, gets suspended term<br />

MURDERS - Green. Anita ·<br />

Ernest Green gees berserk. kills daughter, 91 then himself<br />

MURDERS - Green. Thomas Bent&n<br />

Clarence Edward Sherry chgd in death ef Green at LR hotel<br />

Clarence Edward Sherry gets 5-yr term in manslughter charge<br />

MURDERS - Green. Willie Mae Morgan<br />

Delbert Green chgd in shotgun slaying of estranged wife<br />

MURDERS - Grissom, Advance<br />

Two women held in slaying ef Grissom at Camden<br />

MURDERS - Grissom. Vernon and Georgia Mae Meses<br />

Grissom and Meses found shot to death in double homicide<br />

MURDERS - Haggerty. Hareld<br />

Haggarty found shat to death at his Madison Ceunty farm<br />

MURDERS - Hall, Edward Lee<br />

W A Calvin held in killing ef Crumred cemmunity man<br />

MURDERS - Hall, Minnie<br />

Jehn L Fewell charged in fatal shooting at Ark AM&N<br />

MURDERS - Hallman, Ray<br />

Ark Supreme Ct upholds death penalty fer Edward Walton Jr<br />

MURDERS - Harper, Velma<br />

Frank Stewart chgd in killing at Stamps<br />

MURDERS - Harris . Rufus<br />

Ernest Lipkins chgd with murder in street sheeting<br />

MURDERS - Hawkins, Thurman<br />

Winfield farmer stabbed te death<br />

Wayne Helms chgd in fatal stabbing<br />

MURDERS - Hensley, Christene<br />

Mary Leu Hensen returned te jail at J enesbere<br />

MURDERS - Hensen. Christine<br />

Mary Leu Henson questioned in death of infant stepdaughter<br />

Charges filed against Mrs E J Hensen<br />

7/23/61 A3<br />

8/21/62 Al<br />

8/21/62 Al<br />

11/26/62 A2<br />

12/ 3/62 A2<br />

12/ 4/62 Bl<br />

11/29/62 Bl<br />

8/19/62 AB<br />

2/21/61 B9<br />

4/18/61 B9<br />

4/19/61 Bll<br />

4/20/61 A3<br />

6/21/61 Bl<br />

2/11/61 A6<br />

4/ 12/61 BB<br />

9/ 7/61 A6<br />

8/ 1/61 Bl<br />

10/ 8/62 A3<br />

12/14/62 A27<br />

9/28/62 Bl<br />

3/ 2/62 A2<br />

10/17/61 Bl<br />

3/ 8/61 BlO<br />

4/ 4/62 Bl6<br />

1/ 7/61 AB<br />

1/10/61 A2<br />

1/12/61 Bl<br />

1/ 3/61 B9<br />

1/ 7/61 a2<br />

8<br />

7<br />

7<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5<br />

3<br />

4<br />

8<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Grand jury te probe death ef child at J enesboro<br />

Mrs E J Hensen inicted in death of her inf ant stepdaughter<br />

Mary Leu Henson fails te appear fer trial at Jonesboro<br />

Mary Lou Hensen still missing<br />

Mary Lou Hensen surrenders at Jenesbere<br />

Trial ef Mary Lou Hensen postponed<br />

All-male jury to try Mary Leu Hensen in death of step-child<br />

Deeter feels blew caused child's death<br />

Mrs Mary Lou Hensen denies abuse ef child<br />

Mrs Henson 's trial ends in deadlock<br />

Three testify in trial ef Mary Lou Hensen<br />

Three doctors testify they doubt fall killed inf ant<br />

State rests in second Henson trial<br />

All-male jury quickly frees Mary Leu Henson<br />

MURDERS - Hensen , Phillip H<br />

Reward offered for slayer ef Henson in 1960 at Waldenburg<br />

MURDERS - Hickenbottom. Kenneth<br />

Mrs Hickenbottom says intruder shot her hu sband<br />

Helen Gene Hickenbottom chgd in death of her husband<br />

Helen Gene Hickenbottom on trial in slaying ef her husband<br />

Helen Gene Hickenbottom found innocent<br />

MURDERS - Hegan, Leywellan<br />

see Murders - Bevel s. Rosa Lee<br />

MURDERS - Hollis. Norma Wesson<br />

Carrell Hollis killed his estranged wife, then himself<br />

MURDERS - Hellman, Rey<br />

Edward Walton Jr gets stay ef execution fer appeal<br />

MURDERS - Holtman. Francis B<br />

Naemi Shinn wins 60-day furlough fer medical treatment<br />

MURDERS - Horton. Charles David<br />

LR cab driver rebbed. fatally beaten<br />

Yeuth held as suspect in slaying of taxi driver<br />

Fred Heoks . 17 . chgd with slaying Horton<br />

Trial ef Fred Heoks set for Jan 9<br />

MURDERS - Howell. Ottis<br />

Dr Whit Terrell held in sheeting ef Howell at Hot Springs<br />

Bend set fer Dr Whit Terrell<br />

Dr Whit S Terrell. accused of murder. dies at heme<br />

MURDERS - Hoyt, Carl<br />

Bob Rankin held in death ef Heyt in Perry ounty<br />

MURDERS - Ingram, Ronald<br />

Ingram dies after being struck by Reece Morici<br />

Reece Morici sheets himself te death while in pelice car<br />

MURDERS - Irvin, Lenera<br />

Ollie Mae Hatchett found guilty in killing at NLR<br />

MURDERS - Jacksen. Napeleen Frank<br />

Roosevelt Calleway chgd in shooting at Texarkana tavern<br />

MURDERS - Jaco. Temmy<br />

Charles Reberds te be charged in October 30 shooting<br />

Murder trial of Charles Roberds under way at Harrisburg<br />

Charles Roberds testifies Jaco attacked him<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl 6<br />

4/ 19/61 Bl 4<br />

11/15/61 Bl 5<br />

11/16/61 Bl 3<br />

11/19/61 A3 8<br />

11/25/61 A26<br />

1/23/62 AB 3<br />

1/24/62 A3 2<br />

1/25/62 A2 7<br />

1/26/62 AB l<br />

4/26/62 A2 8<br />

4/27/62 Bl 5<br />

4/28/62 A7 4<br />

4/29/62 A3 3<br />

9/13/62 A6 1<br />

12/27/61 Bl 5<br />

12/29/61 Bl 3<br />

3/20/62 A2 l<br />

3/21/62 AB 1<br />

10/ 8/62 A2 6<br />

2/ 6/62 A2 4<br />

2-/ 1/61 A3 2<br />

11/25/62 AlO 1<br />

11/26/62 B6 6<br />

11/27/62 AB 1<br />

12/ 4/ 62 A14 l<br />

5/ 4/ 62 Bl 5<br />

5/10/62 All 1<br />

9/28/62 Bl 3<br />

12/11/62 A3 3<br />

1/28/62 Al 2<br />

1/28/62 Al 2<br />

6/22/61 AB 2<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl 8<br />

10/ 5/62 AB 2<br />

10/ 6/62 A2 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Charles Reberds cleared in murder trial<br />

MURDERS - Jenkins. Rebert Lee<br />

Clarence Everett gets 15-yr term fer slaying ef Jenkins<br />

Clarence Everett gets 15-yr term fer murder<br />

MURDERS - Johnsen. Frank Alvin<br />

Hugh King says he shet Jahnsen after 12-yr feud<br />

Brothers Hugh and W H King face slaying count at Paragould<br />

Hugh and Will King chgd in sheeting at Unity<br />

MURDERS - Jahnsen. Freddie Lee<br />

Mese Williams fired fatal shet<br />

Mese Williams charged in slaying at NLR cafe<br />

MURDERS - Jahnsen, J C<br />

Prison trusty Jesse Ring kills fellew inmate J C Jehnsen<br />

MURDERS - J ehnsen0 James<br />

Estella Murry tells police she shot Johnson te death<br />

MURDERS - Johnson. John F<br />

Johnsen dies after fight with Housten Vetete<br />

Housten Veteto charged in death ef Jahnsen<br />

MURDERS - Johnson. Willie<br />

Rebert Themas held in sheeting ef Johnson at Brinkley<br />

MURDERS - Janes, Wiley<br />

Jones shot fatally by Curtis Lee Themas during argument<br />

MURDERS - Kimbell. Clarence<br />

Buss Rebinsen chgd in sheeting ef Kimball at Crawfordsville<br />

MURDERS - King. Mack<br />

David Lillard gets 7 yrs in prison in slaying of King<br />

MURDERS - Knighten. Phillip<br />

Rebert N Hester chgd in killing near Hope<br />

MURDERS - Knox. Letcher<br />

H G Woods found innocent of slaying of Knex<br />

MURDERS - Laudermilk, Luther<br />

Hepe Negro found dead<br />

MURDERS - Lawson. Ruby<br />

Lee Lawsen kills his wife. then himself<br />

MURDERS - Lewis. Bobby Jack<br />

Mariam A Lewis en trial in slaying of her husband<br />

Mrs Lewis cenvicted in slaying of her hu sband<br />

MURDERS - Lloyd, William Alfred Jr<br />

Ann Lleyd en trial in murder ef husband at Russellville<br />

Jury in trial ef Ann Maye deadlocks again<br />

MURDERS - Loyd. Buford J<br />

Trucker found beaten te death at Fert Smith<br />

J D Atkins surrenders en murder charge<br />

J D Atkins convicted of manslaughter in killing ef Loyd<br />

MURDERS - Lyle, Tem Garland<br />

Algie Dyer arrested in slaying ef Clarendon man<br />

MURDERS - MacDonald, Ernest B<br />

Terse of unidentified man found in well near Mena<br />

Nerma MacDonald accused ef killing her husband<br />

Mrs MacDonald admits disposal of parts of husband 's body<br />

Head found in Louisiana may be that ef Mena man<br />

10-/ 9/62 BlO 5<br />

11/28/62 B9 1<br />

12/ 1/62 BB 3<br />

4/18-/61 Bl2 1<br />

5-/ 5/61 Bl 6<br />

12/ 6/61 Bl 6<br />

6/25/61 Al3 2<br />

8/ 3/61 C9 1<br />

7/27/61 Cl6 5<br />

4/ 2/61 AB 5<br />

7/10/62 Bl 6<br />

7/11/62 Bl 2<br />

11/29/61 B9 7<br />

9/ 2/62 AS 4<br />

12/ 5/61 A6 4<br />

6/22/62 Bl3 5<br />

10/25/62 Bl 8<br />

2/15/62 Bl 3<br />

3/ 9/61 AB 5<br />

8/-3 1-/61 Bl 5<br />

4/19/61 K3 6<br />

4/20/61 A2 4<br />

4/ 5/ 61 A9 3<br />

4/ 6/62 Bl 7<br />

2-/21/61 AS 8<br />

4/12/61 Bl 2<br />

5/26/61 Al 5<br />

9/30-/62 A13 8<br />

1/ 1/61 A2 1<br />

1/ 8/61 B6 5<br />

1/10/61 Bl 7<br />

1/12/61 A9 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

FBI joins search fer man implicated in slaying ef MacDonald<br />

Terse being returned te Ark from Louisiana; FBI net involved<br />

Bleody lard can may have been used te transport body parts<br />

Norma MacDonald to be extradited to <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Extradition hearing set fer Mrs MacDonald<br />

Corener says MacDonald may have been tortured<br />

Extradition appeal filed in Louisiana<br />

State to get custody of Norma MacDonald temorrew<br />

Norma MacDonald being held in jail at Mena<br />

Mental tests ordered fer Norma MacDonald<br />

Mrs Norma MacDonald Yeung ruled sane<br />

Mysterious couple at Mena figure in sensational case<br />

Norma MacDonald Yeung gees en trial temerrew<br />

Guilty plea likely in case at Mena<br />

Jury gives Mrs Yeung life sentence fer slaying her husband<br />

Norma MacDonald Yeung enters prison te begin serving term<br />

MURDERS - Masterson. Earl Mason<br />

Masterson assassinated at his heme near Hardy<br />

Killing may have been revenge . or suppressien ef evidence<br />

Masterson was to be retried in slaying of Clay Orr<br />

MURDERS - Matthews, Jack Edwards<br />

Thomas Cody Adams chgd in sheeting death ef Matthews<br />

MURDERS - McCauley. Irene<br />

Will McCauley pleads guilty. gets life imprisonment<br />

MURDERS - McCool. J Thurman<br />

Central figure in 1956 fraud case found slain at Sheridan<br />

Slaying may have been result of grudge<br />

McCool tried te resume quiet life after prison term<br />

Grant Ceunny Grand Jury gets rept an McCool case<br />

Business machines reported missing from McCeel estate<br />

Dr Lawrence A Davis says he signed contracts fer machines<br />

Claims tetaling $250.000 filed against McCool estate<br />

Hearing en claims against McCool estate begins<br />

Federal, state govt told te file briefs on McCool claims<br />

Judge rules federal govt has first claim on McCool estate<br />

MURDERS - McCoy. Viola<br />

Mrs McCoy killed, husband Freddie McCey seriously wounded<br />

Tilman Sikes allegedly shot McCoys. then wounded himself<br />

Tilman Sikes gets 21-yr sentence in slaying at Newport<br />

MURDERS - McDonald. Ernest B<br />

Trial date fer Nerma McDonald Yeung set<br />

MURDERS - McFee, Willie Lee<br />

Rebert Lee McFee held in slaying ef his wife near England<br />

MURDERS - McKim. Billie G<br />

McKim killed. twe inj ured in sheeting at Hellyweed Club at LR<br />

MURDERS - McMillan. Albert Augusta<br />

Weedland man shat to death; Rebert Thurlew Baskin held<br />

Rebert Thurlow Baskin chgd in death of brother-in-law<br />

MURDERS - McNeal. Jack<br />

Suspect captured in Memphis<br />

Earl Dewey Leak chrged with slaying of McNeal<br />

1/13/61 Bl 6<br />

1/14/61 A2 4<br />

1/18/-61 B3 7<br />

1/18/61 BS 6<br />

1/24/61 Bl 8<br />

1/27 /61 All l<br />

2/ 4/61 B3 5<br />

2/ 5/61 C4 5<br />

2/ 7/61 Bl2 6<br />

2/14/61 Bl 8<br />

3/14/61 Bl 8<br />

5/28/61 A2 4<br />

5/-28/-61 A2 4<br />

5/2'iJ/61 A2 l<br />

5/30/61 Bl 4<br />

6/ 1/61 Bl 1<br />

5/ M·61 Al 2<br />

5/10/61 Bl 8<br />

5/10/61 Bl 8<br />

11/12/62 A2 2<br />

5/17/61 A2 5<br />

1/12/62 Al 7<br />

1/13/62 Al 2<br />

1/17/62 Al 3<br />

3/11/62 C4 1<br />

3/22/62 A'3 7<br />

3/23/62 A20 1<br />

9/20/62 Al3 7<br />

10/18/62 A6 1<br />

10/19/62 A5 7<br />

11/29/62 Bl 3<br />

4/ 7 /62 A2 4<br />

4/ 7/62 A2 4<br />

10/11/62 Bl 4<br />

4/ 7/61 Bl 7<br />

7/27/61 Bl 3<br />

9/17/62 A3 7<br />

4/ 4/ 61 Bl 6<br />

4/ 5/61 A9 2<br />

1/10/62 B7 2<br />

1/11/62 B4 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

MURDERS - Melton. James Wallace<br />

see Murders - Nayler. Deublas Breck and James Wallace Melten<br />

see Murders - Nayler. Douglas Breck and James W Melton<br />

MURDERS - Mencer. Charles Andrew<br />

Mencer killed by prison escapee Charles Franklin Fields<br />

Prison escapee Charles Frankl.in Fields kills Mencer<br />

MURDERS - Merriman. Joe<br />

Pat Penrod held in slaying in Marien County<br />

MURDERS - Meedy. Alberta<br />

J o Moedy arrested in slaying ef his wife at Piggott<br />

J C Meedy feund innocent by reasen ef insanity<br />

MURDERS - Meere0 David L Jr<br />

Calvin Cook held in sheeting ef Maere<br />

Calvin Cook Jr charged in killing of Meore at LR<br />

MURDERS - Moore. Raymond<br />

Victor Henry Luster. 19. chgd in slaying<br />

MURDERS - Morgan. Otilia<br />

Willie Morgan charged with killing of his wife near Scott<br />

MURDERS - Murphy . Kenneth<br />

Huntsville man found shot te death in bed<br />

MURDERS - Nayler. Douglas Breck and James W Mel ten<br />

Murder hearing set fer Gurvis Basil Nichols. 14<br />

Nichols chgd with killing Melton. 11, and Naylor. 9<br />

Lawyers named te defend Gurvis Nichols<br />

Gurvis Nichols enters innocent plea in slayings<br />

Funds seught fer private mental test fer Gurvis Nichols<br />

Trial of Gurvis Basil Nichols. 14, delayed again<br />

Summer trial probable fer Gurvis Basil Nichols<br />

Gurvis Basil Nichols. 15. te ge en trial fer murder<br />

Murder trial ef Gurvis Basil Nichols begins<br />

Jury selection continue s<br />

State cencludes its testimony<br />

Psychiatrists argue over Nichols' mental state<br />

Jury deadlocks in trial ef Gurvis Basil Nichols<br />

Gurvis Basil Nichols geing back en trial in slayings<br />

Gurvis Basil Nichols gets 21-yr term in shotgun slayings<br />

MURDERS - Nelsen. Walter<br />

Clinton and Velma Conyer chgd in stabbing death<br />

MURDERS - Nida. Jehn Alvin<br />

Suspect arrested in slaying near Clarksville<br />

William Conner gets 5-yr term fer slaying at Rogers<br />

MURDERS - O'Neal. Jehn Morgan<br />

Miller County man slain in dispute with neighber<br />

MURDERS - Oliver. Curtis<br />

Cullendale man shet te death. Charlie Myers chgd<br />

MURDERS - Orr0 Clay<br />

Earl M Masterson assassinated at his home near Hardy<br />

Masterson slain day before he was te testify in Orr case<br />

MURDERS - Osburne. Gus<br />

Lannal Osburne arrested in death ef husband<br />

MURDERS - Overman. Charles N<br />

1/16/62 Al 2<br />

1/16/62 Al 2<br />

12/ 3/62 A2 1<br />

10/11/61 Bl 8<br />

2/ 1/62 A9 3<br />

10/22/61 AB 5<br />

11/16/61 B6 2<br />

2/ 3/62 B6 3<br />

11/16/61 B6 2<br />

12/25/61 AB l<br />

1/ 4/61 A2 2<br />

1/ 5/61 A2 2<br />

2/ 1/61 A3 4<br />

2/11/61 AlO 1<br />

2/17/61 Bl 2<br />

2/21/61 A5 6<br />

3/28l61 A2 1<br />

8/27/61 A3 1<br />

8/29/61 Al 7<br />

8/30/-61 A7 2<br />

8/31/61 Bl 6<br />

9/ 1/61 Bl 2<br />

9/ 2/61 A3 1<br />

8/24/-62 Bl 7<br />

8/28/-62 Bl 5<br />

9/-11/62 Bl 3<br />

9/ 7/61 Bl 6<br />

12/17/61 A5 l<br />

9/ 7/62 A2 l<br />

7/ 6/61 Bl 8<br />

5/-10/-61 Bl 8<br />

5/10/61 Bl 8<br />

9/ 7/61 BB 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Lleyd Driggers kills plant supt. then himself<br />

MURDERS - Owens. Eloise<br />

see also Murders - Buie, Billy Jee<br />

MURDERS - Pafferd, Bob<br />

Herbert Douglas freed ef charges in slaying of sen-in-law<br />

MURDERS - Parsley , Paul<br />

Fleyd Burkhart held in sheeting of his brother-in-law<br />

Fleyd J Burkhart gets 21 years in slaying ef brether-in-law<br />

MURDERS - Phillips, John E<br />

Tenie Nerman admits she killed Phillips<br />

MURDERS - Pinkerton, Melvin T<br />

Pinkerton shot te death; Russell Leasure arrested<br />

MURDERS - Penders. Av is Marie<br />

Willie Hulien Penders kills wife and himself at Jacksonville<br />

MURDERS - Randolph, Walter<br />

Jackson Coats charged in stabbing death ef Randolph<br />

MURDERS - Ray , Charles<br />

Frank Banks held in slaying near Reeter<br />

Fred Banks chgd in slaying in Clay County<br />

MURDERS - Reed, Rosie Mae<br />

Eugene B Carter killed mother-in-law and himself<br />

MURDERS - Roberts, Stanley<br />

Ernest C Sweet held en chg of slaying Roberts at Magnolia<br />

MURDERS - Rowe, James<br />

Lucie ROW"e freed of charges in sheeting of her hu sband<br />

MURDERS - Rush, Paul<br />

Paul Rush shot to death, sen Frederick wounded at plant<br />

Paul Rush was president of Rush Manufacturing Ce<br />

MURDERS - Russell, Delbert L<br />

High Court asked to confirm conviction of Lee Mede<br />

Ark Supreme Ct upholds sentence given Lee Mede in slaying<br />

Lee Mede ta appeal his second cenvictien te U S Supreme Ct<br />

Lee Mode gets bail approval fer appeal time<br />

Four children of Russell get $90,102 from Lee Mede<br />

Lee Mode was convicted of 1958 slaying of Delbert L Russell<br />

Lee Mede begins prison term in 1958 slaying at Conway<br />

Russell' s sens te get $79,000 judgment from Lee Mode<br />

MURDERS - Sanders, Evans<br />

State rests in trial ef Morris Faucett<br />

Faucett guilty ; gets 5-yr suspended term<br />

MURDERS - Sanders , Pomple Jr<br />

Sanders stabbed te death; George Bennett held<br />

MURDERS - Schuh, George W<br />

Fort Chaffee soldier slain; Bill Seabeurn held<br />

Billy Seabourn found guilty ef second-degree murder<br />

MURDERS - Scott, Louis<br />

Dorothy Lawrence held in sheeting ef Scott at LR<br />

Three mere held in slaying<br />

Three chgd with murder in slaying ef Scott<br />

MURDERS - Shackelford, James Melvin<br />

Weldon Meses chgd with slaying at Booneville<br />

11/11/62 Al7 2<br />

1/11/62 /l3<br />

6/13/61 Bl<br />

10/19/61 Bl<br />

1/ 8/62 BS<br />

3/18/62 A6<br />

12/24/-62 A2<br />

4/29/61 B7<br />

11/13/61 A2<br />

11/14/61 Bl<br />

9/ 3/62 A2<br />

1/15/-62 A5<br />

6/20/61 Bl<br />

5/15/62 Bl<br />

5/15/62 Bl<br />

9/ 2/61 /l3<br />

10/31/61 Bl<br />

12/ 7/61 A16<br />

12/19/61 AB<br />

1/ 4/62 Bl<br />

1/ 4/ 62 Bl<br />

6/14/-62 Al<br />

11/ 6/62 Al<br />

6/28/61 B14<br />

6/29/61 Bl2<br />

12/23/62 A5<br />

6/29/62 Bl<br />

7/20/62 Bl<br />

5/26/61 AB<br />

5/27/61 A2<br />

5/28/61 All<br />

9/11/62 A5<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

l<br />

5<br />

1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

8<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

6<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

5<br />

3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

8<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

MURDERS - Sharp, Mary C, Family<br />

After 4 years, William Patrick O'Brien still in coma<br />

Mrs Sharp shot her children and herself 4 years age<br />

MURDERS - Shearer, Dennis E<br />

Franklin Thomas Shearer, 14, chgd in slaying of his father<br />

Grand jury exenerates 14-yr-eld Temmy Shearer in shooting<br />

MURDERS - Smith. Dennis<br />

Geneva Arlene Smith admits at church she killed her infant<br />

Body exhumed for autopsy after mother confesses in church<br />

Autopsy shGW"s baby died ef suffocation<br />

MURDERS - Smith, Floyd Dennis<br />

Geneva Arline Smith ruled insane<br />

MURDERS - Smith, Lemuel Monroe<br />

J W Smith says he killed his sen in self-defense<br />

Grand jury te investigate sheeting<br />

MURDERS - Smith, Thee<br />

Three teen-agers held in death of Negro man at Parkin<br />

Charles Drew chgd in death ef Negro at Parkin<br />

MURDERS - Spann, Jimmy<br />

Austin Hern held in sheeting death ef Spann at Hensley<br />

MURDERS - Spann, Jee H<br />

Davis Jee Spann, 19, chgd in death of his father<br />

Jee David Spann found innocent in slaying ef father<br />

MURDERS - Spivey , Barbara Little<br />

Police believe Warren Spivey Jr shot wife, then himself<br />

Suicide, murder ruled in sheetings<br />

MURDERS - Springer, Eddie<br />

Springer fatally stabbed by Mason Thurman<br />

MURDERS - Stovall, Bud<br />

Murder conviction of Ed Hulsey upheld by Ark Supreme Court<br />

MURDERS - Sullenberger. Nell<br />

Lance G Sullenberger Sr killed his wife, then himself<br />

MURDERS - Super, Berry<br />

Executien ef Jessie Jurden postponed by technical error<br />

Convicted killer Jesse Jurdon dies ef cancer en Death Rew<br />

MURDERS - Talley. Carolyn Jeanne<br />

Trial of Mrs Carrie Talley set<br />

New mental test fer Carrie Talley denied<br />

Carrie Talley ruled insane<br />

Mrs Carrie Talley on trial in slaying of granddaughter<br />

Mother ef Carolyn Jeanne Talley testifies about sheeting<br />

Jury deadlocks in trial ef Mrs Talley<br />

Mrs Carrie Talley found guilty. gets 5-yr term<br />

MURDERS - Talley , Jee and Irene Talley<br />

Youth arrested in slaying ef Talley couple in White County<br />

Clifford H Cash. 17, arrested in murders<br />

Clifford Cash declared sane<br />

Clifford Cash, 17 . pleads guilty, gets life sentence<br />

MURDERS - Tanner, Charles Estes<br />

Buck McGowan arrested in sheeting ef Tanner at Heber Springs<br />

Buck McGowan chgd in death of Tanner<br />

6/13/61 A2 l<br />

6/13/61 A2 1<br />

7/ 4/61 Al 2<br />

12/ 5/61 A6 3<br />

6/ &/62 Al 5<br />

6/ / 62 A2 3<br />

6/13/62 Bl 5<br />

8/22/62 Bl 2<br />

5/28/61 B6 5<br />

6/ 1/61 A2 4<br />

12/24/61 A7 l<br />

1/ 7/62 A2 2<br />

2/ 5/62 BS 4<br />

1/ 3/62 BlO 5<br />

2/21/62 B14 3<br />

8/10/-61 Bl 6<br />

8/11/61 B12 4<br />

9/ 2/62 A5 8<br />

5/16/61 A2 1<br />

4/ 27/61 A7 2<br />

1/ 7/61 A7 8<br />

5/17/61 Al2 6<br />

2/ 3/61 A17 6<br />

2/21/61 Bl2 1<br />

10/27/61 Bl 3<br />

2/ 14/62 A8 8<br />

2/15/62 A2 6<br />

2/16/62 Al 6<br />

2/17/-62 A5 3<br />

5/13/61 AS l<br />

5/14/-61 Al5 5<br />

6/30/-61 Bl 8<br />

11/ 7/-61 Bl 7<br />

2/13/62 A6 4<br />

2/15/62 Bl 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

MURDERS - Tash, Eugene<br />

Tash shot te death after argument in Prairie Greve tavern<br />

MURDERS - Tayler, Arthur<br />

Jesse Mae Leach Tayler chgd in death of husband<br />

MURDERS - Tayler. Lonnie<br />

Charles Tayler Jr, 9, kills his 4-yr-eld brother. Lonnie<br />

Charles Tayler Jr, 9, sent to Beys Industria1 School<br />

MURDERS - Thompson, Charlie James<br />

Curtis Davis gets 15-year term en murder charge<br />

MURDERS - Tinnin. Dora Faye<br />

Robert Van Hooser held Tinnin slaying, sheeting of Fitzhugh<br />

Rebert Van Reeser charged in slaying<br />

MURDERS - Tucker. Kenneth<br />

Columbus McCree held in death of Tucker at Crossett<br />

MURDERS - Turner. Jessie<br />

Gaines Turner held in death of his wife at Scott<br />

MURDERS - Vann. Norma Jean<br />

Bobby Vann chgd in sheeting of his wife at Fort Smith heme<br />

Bobby Eugene Vann found innocent in slaying ef wife<br />

MURDERS - Vaughan, Ernest W<br />

DeWitt farmer slain by ex-wife Mrs Mary North in custody feud<br />

Mary North leses cempesure. hearing postponed<br />

Hearing fer Mary North delayed second time<br />

Witness says Mrs North's present husband fired fatal shots<br />

Mary North free en $3 ,000 bend<br />

Grand jury exonerates Mary North in slaying of ex-husband<br />

MURDERS - Vaughn, E W<br />

Shooting leaves second man and a weman wounded<br />

MURDERS - Virgil , Clarence<br />

Stabbed body ef Virgil found at LR<br />

MURDERS - Wadkins. Lela Berniece<br />

Arthur Lee Wadkins killed wife then himself. officials say<br />

MURDERS - Wallace, Henry<br />

Charge of arson. murder filed against Mrs Rosie Bell Byrd<br />

Rosie Bell Byrd denies she set fire. gives account ef events<br />

Arson, murder charges dropped; lesser count filed<br />

Judge orders involuntary manslaughter charge filed<br />

MURDERS - Watson. Thomas H01111ard<br />

Man 1 s bedy feund half submerged in Hill Lake near NLR<br />

Slaying victim identifed as Themas Heward Watson. a Texan<br />

Bedy positively identified as that ef Watson<br />

Roland William Whitaker. 19, arrested. charged in slaying<br />

Suspect says slaying occurred in Texas<br />

MURDERS - Webb , Claude<br />

Webb found slain at Trumann<br />

MURDERS - West, Marsha11<br />

Rufus Harris arrested in Pulaski County case<br />

MURDERS - White, Arletha<br />

Negro woman killed near Conway. Jee Land arrested<br />

Jee Lang. 86 . gets 21 years fer slaying of White<br />

MURDERS - White. Roosevelt<br />

12/23-/-62 A2 6<br />

8-/-22/61 Bl4 5<br />

6-/-22/61 A2 6<br />

6-/-30/61 Bl 4<br />

l-/-28-/-61 A3 3<br />

12-/-16/62 A6 3<br />

12/17-/-62 B6 l<br />

1/22/62 K3 8<br />

6/ 4/61 A3 6<br />

4/11/61 B8 6<br />

2/15-/-62 Bl 3<br />

7/ 5-/-61 A2 1<br />

71 6/61 A20 1<br />

7/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

7/ 9-/-61 Al 3<br />

7/11/-61 Bl 6<br />

11/ 8/61 Bl 8<br />

7/ 5/61 A2 1<br />

11/20/62 A9 6<br />

11/14/61 A2 1<br />

12/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

12/ 5}/61 A7 2<br />

12/13/61 Bl 6<br />

12/16/61 B2 3<br />

7/ 2/61 Al 3<br />

7/ 5-/-61 Al 7<br />

7/ 7/61 AB 3<br />

7/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

7/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

10/10/62 Bl 7<br />

11/25/61 B7 7<br />

8-/-28/61 A3 6<br />

9/10/61 C3 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

White stabbed te death in LR tavern<br />

MURDERS - White. Ruby Beatrice<br />

Mrs White stabbed te death by Raymond H White<br />

MURDERS - Whitehead. Clarence M<br />

Remer Lee Becher gets 5-yr term in slaying at NLR<br />

MURDERS - Williams . Billy Charles<br />

Dara Lee Williams acquitted in stabbing ef husband<br />

MURDERS - Williams, John Fletcher<br />

Van Buren County man slain. weman held<br />

Helen Heward White gets prison sentence<br />

MURDERS - Williams, Maxine<br />

Williams fatally shat in her hotel room<br />

Brown Swopes charged with murder of Williams<br />

MURDERS - Willman, Wayne<br />

J W Geldswerthy chgd in death of Paris yeuth age 17<br />

MURDERS - Windham. Johnny D<br />

Bedy ef Californian found at Fort Smith<br />

Slaying victim's clothing. papers feund at campsite<br />

Californian Carl 0 Fare seught in slaying ef Windham<br />

MURDERS, Attempted - Morris, Abe<br />

Elderly Negro shet at Helena fer no apparent reason<br />


see alse Jagging and running<br />


Canada firms censelidated by Murphy<br />


Advises students te learn to accept integration<br />

Explains why he keeps Murphy Oil headquarters in El Dorado<br />

Urges training ef illiterate te be productive citizens<br />

Mr Murphy 's counsel en a wern-eut issue (ed)<br />

Murphy wen't conferm te a stereetype<br />


see also Fayetteville<br />


see alse Fayetteville<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nurseries and Landscaping<br />


see alse Education - Little Reck District<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Territorial Restoration<br />

see alse Old State House (Ark)<br />

see also Parks. recreation and teurism<br />

Crossett Museum gets Indian relics frem Ray Hamm.ends<br />

Miles Mountain Musical Museum described<br />

Penrod's Museum at Lakeview offers picture ef the past<br />

Bracken ridge Dell Museum at Eureka Springs is fascinating<br />

Washington tavern. blacksmith shop restored<br />

Univ ef Ark Museum gets 130-yr-old loam<br />

Museum ef Science and History gets J K Thibault collectien<br />

Thibault collection consists of 902 Indian artifacts<br />

3/17/62 B7 7<br />

6/ 4/ 62 A2 2<br />

4/- 5/-61 BB 1<br />

10/-21/61 BB 4<br />

11/-27 /62 A2 8<br />

12/ 8/62 B8 5<br />

3/18/-62 C4 5<br />

3/19/62 B2 2<br />

11/28/-62 B9 4<br />

7/ 6/61 A2 4<br />

7/10/61 Al 2<br />

7/12/61 Bl 3<br />

5/10/62 B4 7<br />

12/14/61 Al6 3<br />

4/12/61 Bl 5<br />

4/12/61 Bl 5<br />

5/ 2/62 Al 2<br />

5/ 4/62 A4 1<br />

5/-13/62 E3 5<br />

2/19/61 A3 4<br />

3/19/61 E2 1<br />

6/25/-61 E2 4<br />

8/20/61 E2 1<br />

9/18/-61 A2 2<br />

12/17/61 A12 5<br />

1/18/62 Bl 6<br />

1/18/62 Bl 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Antique autemebiles te be displayed in Museum ef Automobiles<br />

Museum te heuse James Melten Aute Cellectien at Winreck<br />

Winthrep Reckefeller beught Melten cellectien of antique cars<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller buys 2 antique cars fre:m Melton<br />

Cellege ef the Ozarks Museum holds interesting items<br />

Museum at Old Washington heuses knives. including Bewie<br />

Mrs Bernie Babcock founded Natural History Museum at LR<br />

Belle Starr's revolver stolen from Judge Parker Ceurtreem<br />

Faulkner Ceunty Historical Society spnsers leg cabin museum<br />

Leg cabin built about 1820 donated fer Conway museum<br />

Weed beam replaced at Museum ef Natural History<br />

Alvin Seamster displays his collection in Garfield<br />

Jee Holland has unusual museum at Brentwood<br />

MUSIC<br />

see also Clewers. Clifton<br />

see also Folk music<br />

see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong> concert honers native composer Clif ten Williams<br />

James Clifton Williams ranks among top ten composers fer band<br />

Seuth <strong>Arkansas</strong> Symphony brings a new interest ta region<br />

Booneville Community Chorus te sing at NFMC meet in KC<br />

Interest growing in Univ of Ark epera proj ects<br />

Mr and Mrs W A Hege recall days on knife and fork circuit<br />

Chris Witherspoon of Russellville chosen fer All-Star Band<br />

Fuller Brothers ef LR. te appear en NBC shew<br />

Mrs W A Cheesman has spent years playing for LR Boys Club<br />

W G Bean family previded music up and down Ark rivers<br />

Venable Quartet has high ranking in TV ratings in LR<br />

Article reclalls playing ef Rex Dawning in jazz broadcasts<br />

Henderson State Teachers College dance band in contest finals<br />

Fert Smith Symphony is a leading civic proj ect<br />

Music camp at <strong>Arkansas</strong> A&M College develops top bands<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Orchestra Seciety formed. will present 4 programs<br />

Natl Singing Conv te draw 10.000 te Crossett<br />

Natl Singing Cenventien draws 3.000 te Crossett<br />


see Music<br />


see also Museums<br />


Letter en attracting foreign tourists to the United States<br />

NAMES. Geographic<br />

French names abound in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Article on creeks with edd names<br />

NAMES, Personal<br />

Dr Roland B Dickinson studies Christian names in Ozarks<br />


see Hotels<br />


see al so Miss America<br />


1/28/62 Al5<br />

1/28/62 Al5<br />

1/28/62 A15<br />

2/ 14/62 Bl<br />

4/18/62 Bl<br />

5/22/62 Bl<br />

6/15/62 Bll<br />

6/-24/62 A4<br />

6/26/62 BlO<br />

6/26/62 BlO<br />

6/27/62 Bl<br />

11/ 6/-62 Bl<br />

12/19/62 Bl<br />

2/12/61 A7<br />

2/26/61 A6<br />

3/12/61 E2<br />

4/23/61 C12<br />

4/30/61 El<br />

5/28/61 AlO<br />

8/20/-61 All<br />

9/ 1/61 Bll<br />

9/10/61 El<br />

11/29/-61 Bl<br />

12/ 3/61 Al4<br />

2/21/-62 Bl<br />

4/ 8/62 A14<br />

4/29/-62 E4<br />

7/29/62 ES<br />

10/-28/62 K3<br />

11/11/62 A20<br />

11/19/62 A2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

l<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3/17 /61 A4 3<br />

6<br />

l<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

l<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

l<br />

6/ 8/61 Bl 2<br />

7/22/62 E6 l<br />

8/21/-61 AS 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />


see Celered People, National Association fer the Advancement<br />


Gov Faubus ameng 23 Arkansans henered by Council<br />


see Harding Cellege<br />


William C Utley files false imprisonment suit against stare<br />

William C Utled testifies about ordeal in NLR jail<br />

William C Utley receives $10,000 award in arrest dispute<br />


see also Government officials, State<br />

Earl T Ricks Memorial armory is fine new facility<br />

Congressman Dale Alferd speaks at dedication af Ricks Armery<br />

Guardsmen urged tc suppert state censtructien bend issue<br />

J H Cettrell Jr wants probe of pre-bend letters ts Guard<br />

Editorial calls lr to Guardsmen abuse ef military authority<br />

Army orders investigation of letter en bend issue<br />

The grave implications in order en bend issue vote<br />

A justified inquiry into letter en bend issue (ed)<br />

Secrecy veils federal probe ef Guard 's vote 'order'<br />

State lacks matching funds fer four planned arm.eries<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> units ready fer active duty when called<br />

Unit at Heber Springs te 'fight ' in Bull Run observance<br />

Al ert en possible active duty no surprise te Ark unit<br />

Funds sought fer armory censtructien<br />

Maj Gen Sherman Clinger tells ALC politics tough en Guard<br />

The traffic in armories (ed)<br />

State Guardsmen preve they are ready<br />

Six <strong>Arkansas</strong> units called fer active duty<br />

Gev Faubus shakes hands with Heber Ssprings departing unit<br />

Guard officials get mild reprimand en bond issue letter<br />

Military vs civilian issue closer to heme (ed)<br />

Twe-year expenditure in . Ark totals $18 millien<br />

Mountain Heme's new armory dedicated<br />

Ark Adj Gen Sherman T Clinger fights cut in companies<br />

Natl Guard officials testify against cuts in manpower<br />

87th Engineer Battalion at Jenesbore fights te survice<br />

Shel ls frem Camp Robinson impact near heme<br />

Reerganizatien will affect units in Ark<br />

Gev Orval Faubus unhappy with planned reorganization<br />

Guard issue sends Adj t Gen Clinger to Pentagon<br />

Guard officers say change new asked te be only miner<br />

Gev Faubus says Ark may lose ene unit in reorganization<br />

Army revises reserve plans fer <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


New plant at LR te build heme yard lights<br />


see also Magnet Ceve Barium Carp<br />


9/ 7/62 BlO 1<br />

5/20/61 A5 l<br />

10/26/61 Cl6 2<br />

10/27/61 P3 1<br />

5/21/61 Al2 6<br />

5/22/61 BS 4<br />

6/25/61 Al 6<br />

6/26/61 Al 6<br />

6/26/61 A4 1<br />

6/27/61 Al 7<br />

6/27/61 A4 1<br />

6/30/61 A4 l<br />

6/30/61 Bl 2<br />

7/ 5/61 Al 3<br />

7/14/61 A9 7<br />

7/15/61 A2 1<br />

8/ 2/61 A2 3<br />

8/ 4/61 Al 4<br />

8/ 4/61 Al 4<br />

8/ 5/61 A4 2<br />

8/13/61 El 1<br />

8/26/61 Al 2<br />

10/ 1/61 Bl 73<br />

10/ 2/61 A2 7<br />

10/ 3/61 A4 1<br />

12/ 7/61 AB 1<br />

12/24/61 A5 7<br />

2/ 1/62 A2 3<br />

5/24/62 Bl 2<br />

6/ 1/62 Bl 5<br />

6/16/62 P3 4<br />

12/ 5/62 Al 4<br />

12/ 5/ 62 A2 1<br />

12/ 6/62 Bl 7<br />

12/ 6/62 Bl 7<br />

12/12/62 B12 1<br />

12/23/62 A6 5<br />

10/18/61 BS 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Buildings and offices. Gevt<br />


Plant opens at Het Springs<br />

Hot Springs plant hit by strike<br />

Spikes placed in driveway. water tank shet as strike begins<br />

Worker' s car hit by shots in labor dispute<br />

Back-to-work order fails te halt strike at Hot Springs<br />

National Rej ecters. union near accord<br />

Strike at Hot Springs plant ends<br />


see States Rights Party. National<br />


Tulsa firm wins right te transport mobile hemes within Ark<br />


see Geology<br />


see Museums<br />


Ark collected $157. 900. 000 last year en raw materials sales<br />

Priority bestowed en six watersheds fer planning purposes<br />


see Citizenship<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />

NEAL. KARL (Mrs)<br />

see alse Libraries<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />

see also Baptist Church<br />

see also Beeker. J R<br />

see also Children's Colony . <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see alse Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see else Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see also Culture and the arts<br />

see also Dantan Ce<br />

see alse Day care centers for children<br />

see also Girls State<br />

see also Gevernment employees<br />

see alse Ministerial Association. Greater Little Reck<br />

see also Parks<br />

see alse Police<br />

see also Population and vital statistics<br />

see also Sex crimes<br />

see also Shootings<br />

see alse University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Woodard. Catherine<br />

NAACP pays back taxes. can resume state operations<br />

NAACP schedules annual state meeting<br />

George W Heward Jr elected <strong>Arkansas</strong> NAACP president<br />

5/21/-61 Al2 4<br />

12/ 7/-61 Bl 4<br />

12/ 7/61 Bl 4<br />

12/28/-61 Bl 5<br />

1/ 3/-62 Bl 4<br />

1/ 4/62 Bl 4<br />

ll 6/62 .A8 1<br />

9/25/-61 Bl<br />

1/20/61 B6<br />

6/27/62 B8<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8/19/61 Al 4<br />

11/ 5/61 A6 2<br />

11/12/-61 All 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

NAACP hears goals listed; jeb bias, Little Reck parks<br />

W Harold Flowers urges Negroes to arm themselves with vote<br />

Jack Greenberg addresses state meeting ef NAACP<br />


Elected president of student body at ASTC in Conway<br />

NELSON. T E<br />

Veteran marshal and peace officer retires<br />


see also Antaeus Lineal Medical Research Laboratories<br />


see also Antaeus Lineal Medical Research Laboratories<br />

NEW ORLEANS HOTEL (Eureka Springs)<br />

see Hotels<br />


see al.so Disasters<br />

see also Economic conditions and trends<br />

see also Hotels<br />

Fire destroys five shops<br />

Blaze ruins two buildings in Newport<br />

Voters approved city mgr ferm ef govt. court rules<br />


see Education - Newport District<br />


see also Contracts and purchasing. Gevt<br />

see alse Geverner (Ark)<br />

see also Journalism<br />

Tom Dearmore urges fellaw editors to 'ruffle the waters '<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Press Assn hears Memphis editor 's address<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Press Assn elects officers<br />

Camden and Fordyce papers win Southwestern Bell awards<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Press Wemen cheese ef ficers<br />

Editorial en Tem Dearmore speech urging ruffling the waters<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Press Women list writing contest winners<br />

Ray G Cooper te edit Faubus paper. The <strong>Arkansas</strong> Statesman<br />

Four weekly newspapers produced in printing plant at Wynne<br />

Jerry Russell named manager ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Press Association<br />

Jahnsen County Graphic seld te Mary Clarke<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette honored by housing group<br />

Seven Ark wemen honored by Natl Federation of Press Wemen<br />

Gaz ette wins national award fer ceverage of education<br />

Winslew American history preserved in museum<br />

Winslow American was edited by Albert Dunlap. Maude Duncan<br />

Gaz ette expands coverage. adds New York Times News Service<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Press Assn contest winners announced<br />

Small newspapers moving to offset printing<br />

Negroes plan to publish <strong>Arkansas</strong> Dispatch at Pine Bluff<br />

Helena pesteffice yields 76-yr-eld copy of Gazette<br />

Rogers Daily News first in state te publish by offset<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette wins Missouri honer<br />

Ark Associated Press Assn elects officers<br />

Gazette receives bouquet from Woodruff descendants<br />

11/-13/61 B5 3<br />

3/26/62 A3 3<br />

11/19/62 C7 1<br />

5/ 6/62 C2 5<br />

11/12/61 E4 4<br />

2/20/61 A3<br />

2/ 1/62 Bl<br />

12/18/62 Bl<br />

5<br />

s<br />

8<br />

1/- 7/61 A2 3<br />

l/ 8/61 A5 1<br />

1/ 8/61 AS 2<br />

l/ 8/61 AS 2<br />

1/ 8/61 AS 4<br />

1/ 9/61 A4 1<br />

3/ 9/61 Bl 6<br />

3/31/61 Al 2 8<br />

4/ 2-/-61 El 1<br />

4-/- 9/61 A7 2<br />

5/11-/-61 A8 5<br />

5/31-/-61 Al 3<br />

6/17 /61 A3 2<br />

6/29/61 Bl 3<br />

7/13/61 Bl 2<br />

7/13/61 Bl 2<br />

8-/-20/-61 Al 4<br />

10-/- 7/-61 A3 4<br />

1-/- 7 /62 E4 1<br />

4/ 3/62 A9 3<br />

4-/- 6/62 Bl 2<br />

4/12/62 Bl 4<br />

4/21/62 Al 4<br />

5/- 7/62 A2 1<br />

11/21/62 Al 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Hugh Park says his paper is eldest weekly in Ark<br />


see News and news media<br />


see alse Caves<br />

see alse Felklore. f elk medicine and superstition<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />

see alse Wildlife<br />

Bill in Legis would transfer land f rem Newton te Madison<br />

Bill te transfer 3 sq mi te Madisen County brings en feud<br />

Dinsmore residents thought they were already in Madison Ce<br />

Editorial en border dispute over Dinsmere area<br />

Grand jury te hear chargs against Ceunty Judge Rey Raul ston<br />

Citizens Cemmittee cbmn J L Tupy letter en election probe<br />

Grand jury quizzes County Judge Rey Raulston<br />

Grand jury clears Judge Rey Raul ston after hearing<br />

Legislature adj ourns without action en Dinsmore case<br />

Citizens cemm takes election com.plaint te state beard<br />

Citizens Cemm head J L Tupy cited for contempt of court<br />

Court convicts J L Tupy . fines him. suspends jail term<br />

Taxpayer suit seeks te oust County Judge Rey Raul ston<br />

Case against Rey Raulston transferred te circuit court<br />

Virgil Martin challenges ene box in vetes for state Repr<br />


see also Buddhism<br />


Dwight and Dorothy Nichols bring faraway places home<br />


see also Murders - Nayler, Dauglas Breck and James W Melton<br />


see also Veterans<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> educater Raymond C Davis has key rele at univ<br />


see Bars and night clubs<br />

NOISE<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> School fer the Deaf<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Land and real estate<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Borg-Warner Corp<br />


Down's Grecery Stere destroyed by fire<br />

Fire raz es former hotel<br />


see Education - Norphlet District<br />


see also Congress - House Dist 6<br />

11/30/62 Bl 2<br />

2/ 8/61 A4 3<br />

2/19/61 Al 3<br />

2/1()/61 Al 3<br />

2/21/61 A4 1<br />

3/ 5/61 A2 l<br />

3/ 5/61 E4 4<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

3/ 9/61 Bl 8<br />

3/10/61 Bl 2<br />

6/11/61 A9 2<br />

9/ 1/61 All 1<br />

9/ 6/61 Bl 2<br />

6/ 7/62 Bl 8<br />

7/ 7/62 A6 1<br />

11/ 8/62 Bl 3<br />

12/16/62 E4 l<br />

11/12/61 ES<br />

3/13/61 A2<br />

8/22/62 Bl<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Named an asst Secy of State fer educational , cultural affairs 11/ 3-/62 Al 2<br />

Article traces life ef Mrs Norrell 12/ 2/62 E3 5<br />


see alse Congress - Reuse Dist 6<br />

see alse Congress - Reapportionment<br />

Obituary traces career of Mr Nerrell<br />

Rep Norrell dies at age 64 in Washington<br />

Editorial on the late Representative frem Ark<br />

Capital mourns death ef Rep Norrell; services today<br />

Congressmen pay last respects<br />


Plans fer new facility at Texarkana announced<br />


see Libraries. Public<br />


Commissien en Secondary Schools meeting in LR for first time<br />

Commission en Secondary Schools gathering in LR<br />


Club at NLR left in ruins by blaze<br />

Club maps plans to rebuild<br />


see also Animals<br />

see also Buildings and of fices<br />

see also Economic development<br />

see also Electric pewer<br />

see also Firemen<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Hetels<br />

see also Little Reck Metropolitan Area<br />

see also Maumelle<br />

see also Parks, recreation and tourism<br />

see also Police<br />

see also Pornography and obscenity<br />

see also Prostitution<br />

see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />

see also Traffic and parking<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

Planner says NLR may eutgain LR in 20 years<br />

Mayor Laman seeks study ef areas needing urban renewal work<br />

Bill in Legis would allow creation ef urban renewal agency<br />

Comprehensive zening ordinance is in final draft<br />

Absenteeism halts Council 's try at budget-cutting<br />

Legislature approves urban renewal fer NLR<br />

Urban Renewal proj ects changing face of city<br />

City Council adepts budget of $3 ,671,485<br />

Mayer Laman names five to Urban Renewal Agency<br />

Talk of changing name ef city surfaces again<br />

City leaders give tepid support to name change proposal<br />

Industrial park purchase, sewer bonds may be linked<br />

General pay raise for city workers studied by Mayer Laman<br />

Controversy grews mere complex ever Planning Comm terms<br />

2-/16/61 Al<br />

2/16/61 Al<br />

2-/17/61 A4<br />

2/17/61 Bl<br />

2/18/-61 BS<br />

ll/ 13-/62 B9<br />

10/16/62 A2<br />

10/18-/62 A6<br />

5-/16-/61 BB<br />

5 -/ 18-/61 C12<br />

5<br />

5<br />

2<br />

8<br />

6<br />

8<br />

7<br />

7<br />

2<br />

6<br />

1/ 1-/61 Al 2<br />

1/ 4/ 61 Bl2 6<br />

1-/20/61 BB 3<br />

1/29/61 A14 7<br />

1/31/61 Bl2 1<br />

2/ 3/61 B6 5<br />

2/ 12/61 B6 2<br />

2/14/61 A9 1<br />

2-/16-/61 BlO 1<br />

3-/ 8/61 Bl4 1<br />

3/ 9/61 Cl2 1<br />

4/-12:/61 Al 5<br />

4-/20/61 Cl4 1<br />

4-/23/61 A4 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

City cancels contract with atty W M Herndon in AP&L dispute<br />

Lawyers te push fight fer refund from AP&L<br />

Council te act en proposed bend issue temerrew<br />

Council approves bend issue fer Matllrlelle. sewer improvements<br />

Council wants public vete on issuance ef bonds fer proj ects<br />

Controversy over ice cream vendors' bells and music in city<br />

Council silences plan te permit ice cream bells and music<br />

May er Casey Laman accuses sanitation workers ef slewdewn<br />

Mayer Laman wants city to repeal dual purpose bend issue<br />

Court orders NLR to allow use ef ice cream bells<br />

Airport Comm Chmn John W White will net be re-appointed<br />

Neighbors file complaint ever Alderman Paul 0 Duke 's deg<br />

Bend money for capital improvements running short<br />

Mayer Layman declines pestmastership at NLR<br />

Businessmen interested in urban renewal fer downtown<br />

Pay raises fer city empleyees impossible, Mayer Laman says<br />

Urban Renewal funds received fer study of Shorter Gardens<br />

Police and Courts Bldg almost ready fer occupancy<br />

Doyle K Venable talked impeachment. Mayer Laman says<br />

Municipal image revealed in list of actions by govt<br />

Some aldermen move te private garbage cellecters<br />

Doyle K Venable opposes any Negro fer housing directer<br />

Grand jury suggests W F Layman. Reed Thampsen end disputes<br />

Placing non-uniformed empleyees under Civil Service not valid<br />

City te rent back ef traffic signs fer advertising<br />

State law bars use ef traffic signs fer advertising<br />

Mayor Casey Laman fires six employees<br />

Mayer Layman fires eight Electric Dept empl oyees<br />

Attorney asks Mayer Laman te reinstate nine fired employees<br />

Doyle K Venable resigns frem Planning Cemmissien<br />

Doyle K Venable's resignation accepted without cemm.ent<br />

Laber Council softens attack on Mayor Laman ever dismissals<br />

Mayer Laman proposes cutting Planning Cemm te 9 members<br />

Paul O Duke angered by Laman proposal en Planning Commission<br />

Laber greup vews war on Laman fer firing city empleyees<br />

Mayer Laman tells city officials te let public in on problems<br />

Seven fired Electric Dept employees ask rehiring in suit<br />

Mayor Laman wants pension plan fer nen-unif ermed employees<br />

Laman-Duke Planning Commission fight averted<br />

Mayor Laman says 10 fired electric workers were insubordinate<br />

Council to receive record budget<br />

City employees give Mayer Laman $2.000 fer Christmas<br />

Mayor Laman walks out of City Council meeting<br />

City Council approves record budget<br />

Military Heights Urban Renewal Proj ect gets $2 million grant<br />

Electric Dept workers fired in Nev still protected<br />

Urban Renewal Agency buys first land under program<br />

Dr L D Redden may be first Republican to seek city office<br />

Negro William J Mattin among GOP candidates fer aldermen<br />

Mayer Casey Laman angrily addresses Airport Commis sion<br />

Six houses in Dark Hallow burn<br />

4/25/61 BB 6<br />

5/ 5/61 Bl6 1<br />

5/ 7 /-61 Al6 2<br />

5/12/61 Al3 1<br />

5/12/61 A13 1<br />

5/20/61 A5 4<br />

5/23/61 A9 5<br />

5/27/61 B6 1<br />

5/29/61 Al 2<br />

6/ 3/61 A7 1<br />

6/ 7/61 A12 5<br />

6/13/61 Bl4 1<br />

6/21/61 A6 l<br />

6/21/61 A6 3<br />

6/22/61 AB 3<br />

6/2B/61 B14 1<br />

7/ 6/61 Cl2 l<br />

7/30/61 A5 3<br />

8/30/61 B14 l<br />

9/10/61 A9 l<br />

9/ 14/61 Cll 1<br />

9/22/61 Al4 1<br />

9/26/61 Bl B<br />

10/10/61 A9 3<br />

10/11/61 A4 2<br />

10/13/61 Bl 4<br />

10/14/61 Al 7<br />

10/17/61 Bl 7<br />

10/19/61 C14 1<br />

10/22/61 A7 2<br />

10/24/61 B12 1<br />

10/24/61 B12 3<br />

11/ 1/61 Bl2 1<br />

11/ 1/61 B12 1<br />

11/ 2/61 A9 2<br />

11/14/61 Bl 2<br />

11/18/61 BB l<br />

11/23/61 Bll 1<br />

11/28/61 BlO 1<br />

12/ 8/61 A30 1<br />

12/20/61 B4 4<br />

12/23/61 AB l<br />

12/23/61 AB 1<br />

12/30/61 AB l<br />

2/21/62 Bl4 l<br />

3/20/62 A6 6<br />

4/ 5/62 Cl8 1<br />

4/26/62 CB 1<br />

5/ i/62 Bl8 1<br />

5/ 3/62 Dl 4<br />

7/ 8/62 A3 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Council rej ects flat reductien in sewer fees<br />

Rift between Mayer Laman and Alderman Rebert Kirspel official<br />

Varieus dates listed for birth ef city ef NLR<br />

Rebert J Kirspel wins re-election<br />

L D Boyer may ask recount in his less to Rebert J Kirspel<br />

L D Beyer says he did net ask fer receunt<br />

Recount fer L D Beyer set today<br />

Receeunt shews tie between L D Beyer and Rebert J Kirspel<br />

Special election to settle Boyer-Kirspel contest<br />

Winreck asks city to annex 48 acres ef Indian Hills<br />

Rebert K Kirspel easily wins alderman seat in special vote<br />

Complaint says city doing paving jobs fer individuals<br />

Annexatien of 30 square miles to city prepesed<br />

Camp Robinson to be excluded from proposed annexation<br />

Annexattien would make city 2nd largest again<br />

Mayer Casey Laman asks ethers te share city work lead<br />

Same employees resent Mayor Layman push fer United Fund<br />

Approval given fer Shorter College Urban Renewal work<br />

High court upholds Mayer Laman in firing of 10 empleyees<br />

Mayor Laman names Rebert J Kirspel to pewerful position<br />


Charles E Joseph blisters Chamber in farewell address<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />


see Education - North Little Reck District<br />


see Energy and power<br />


Nudists te strip for freedom en steps ef State Capitol<br />

Crowd ef 500 show up at Capital , but nudists fail te appear<br />

Nudist says he is victor (in absentia)<br />

Editorial en claim ef Rebert Clegher that he broke Ark law<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Nurseries and Landscaping<br />

NUNN, MAX W<br />

see also Robberies and thefts<br />

see alse Stocks and bends<br />

NURSES ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong> State<br />

Association observing its 50th anniversary<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


Raney High Scheel seld for use as rest heme<br />

Home te be built at Het Springs en Park Ave<br />

Several new facilities opening in state<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette did not libel Gladys Neal Branden, jury says<br />

Gov Faubus ' accusations against Gladys Branden basis ef suit<br />

Gov Orval Faubus voluntarily testified for <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<br />

Mrs Gladys Brandon was eperater of Trinity Nursing Home<br />

Little River County voters approve tax fer nursing heme<br />

7/10/62 A9<br />

8/10/-62 B20<br />

8/12/62 A13<br />

8/ 15/62 Al<br />

8/-16/-62 Cll<br />

8/17/-62 B16<br />

8/18/62 Al<br />

8/19/62 Al<br />

8/21/62 Al<br />

8/23/62 Cl6<br />

9/ 5/62 Al<br />

9/ 7/-62 AlB<br />

9/ 9/62 A5<br />

9/18/62 A7<br />

9/30/62 A4<br />

11/ 1/62 All<br />

11/ 1/62 BB<br />

11/20/62 B8<br />

12/18/62 Bl<br />

l"t/30/62 B5<br />

6/30/61 Bl4<br />

l<br />

l<br />

1<br />

8<br />

1<br />

1<br />

7<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

7<br />

l<br />

l<br />

1<br />

4<br />

l<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1<br />

7/ 4/ 61 Al 4<br />

7/ 5/61 Al 3<br />

7/ 8/61 Al 3<br />

7/10/61 A4 2<br />

10/14/62 A2 8<br />

2/ 8/61 A2 8<br />

3/16/61 A2 2<br />

4/21/61 All 4<br />

5/11/61 B6 l<br />

5/11/61 B6 1<br />

5/11/61 B6 1<br />

5/11/61 B6 1<br />

6/28/61 Bl 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Lawrence Hall at Walnut Ridge is unique facility<br />

Reseweed at Het Springs te cest $1 m.illien te construct<br />

Gov Faubus says private homes give inferier service<br />

W E Beaument takes issue with Faubus en nursing hemes<br />

Gov Faubus says net all nursing hemes bad<br />

Private heme eperater Selma Zimmerman chastizes Gov Faubus<br />

High ceurt upholds Gazette in suit ever Trinity Nursing Heme<br />

Estate ef Harley L Hall awarded $7 .500 in death case<br />

Harley L Hall allegedly drank keresene at Granite Mtn Heme<br />

State admenishes he.mes te start keeping better records<br />

Plans fer twe hemes in Harrison announced<br />

Eunice Lee Pugh Lindsey seeks license back fer Haven of Hepe<br />

Request fer license reinstatement net same as for new license<br />

NUTRIA<br />

see Wildlife<br />

NUTRITION. Human<br />

see Diet and nutrition<br />


see alse Taxation<br />


see Horse racing<br />


Arkadelphia garmet plant te reopen<br />


see also Publicity and Parks Cemmissien (Ark)<br />


see Deaths<br />


see Pernegraphy and obscenity<br />


see also Asseciated Investors Securities Inc<br />

ODORS<br />

see Pollution, wastes and hazardous materials<br />

OGEMAW<br />

see also Historic buildings and sites<br />


Fart Smith plant epens with dedication service<br />

Fart Smith plant werkers turn dewn unien<br />


see also Agriculture<br />

see also Communism<br />

see also Constructien pregrams . State<br />

Pregressive Farmer honers Ohlendorf<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Ce<br />

see also Ecenemic development<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Petroleum products<br />

see also United States - Buildings and ef fices<br />

Search fer petreleum begins near Forrest City<br />

Ark Oil and Gas Comm leaves preductien allowable unchanged<br />

8/17/61 Bl 2<br />

9/ 18/61 AB 2<br />

10/10/61 A3 3<br />

10/10/61 A3 3<br />

10/11/61 A6 3<br />

10/15/61 E2 3<br />

12/19/61 Bl 7<br />

1/17/62 Bl 4 3<br />

1/17/62 B14 3<br />

5/10/62 Bl 6<br />

6/23/62 B4 7<br />

10/ 6/62 B6 8<br />

10/20/62 AS 3<br />

2/ 14/61 Bl<br />

5/ 5/61 Bl<br />

5/13/62 A4<br />

12/27/61 Bl<br />

5<br />

2<br />

6<br />

8<br />

1/17/61 Bl2 2<br />

1/19/61 AlO 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> eil preductien industry began in 1921<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> blessed with gas deposits. Gulf Oil magazine says<br />

Use ef liquefied petroleum gas growing in Ark<br />

Expleratien fer eil and gas in Helena area under way<br />

Lawsuit asks accounting in oil expleratien leases<br />

OIL AND GAS COMMISSION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see alse Oil and gas<br />


see alse Weather and sterms<br />


Stery of famed lawman. James F (Bud) Ledbetter<br />

OLA<br />

Naming of Yell County tewn explained<br />


see Education - Ola District<br />


see alse Parks. recreatien and teurism<br />


Fishing club near Scott was founded in 1896<br />

Club drops suit alleging infringement ef fishing waters<br />


Lawsuit over damage to caretaker bldg settled. repairs made<br />

Civil War marker placed in yard of Old State Hause<br />

Letter by Rebert E Lee given te museum<br />

Lewis A Armistead photo framed by niece of John Marshall<br />

Lewis Addison Armistead mentioned in lr by Robert E Lee<br />


see alse Congress<br />

Former U S Rep frem 2nd Dist dies<br />

OLIVER. F R<br />

see also Highway Department {Ark)<br />

OLIVER. J C<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Baptist College<br />

see also Harding College<br />

OLIVER. M E<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />


see Education - Omaha District<br />

OPERA HOUSE (Hot Springs)<br />

see Histery (Ark)<br />

OPITZ . JOHN H<br />

see alse United States - Area Re-devel opment Administration<br />


Tulsa firm moving plant te Little Reck<br />

Groundbreaking fer new plant set<br />

ORCHESTRA SOCIETY. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Music<br />


see alse Legal pref ession<br />


see Indians. American<br />

1/22/61 El<br />

1/23/61 B5<br />

9/23/62 E5<br />

11/17/62 A2<br />

12/23/62 A5<br />

6/24/62 E4<br />

11/ 8/61 Bl<br />

8/ 6/61 E2<br />

8/23/61 BlO<br />

l/ 8/61 A6<br />

5/ 4/ 61 A13<br />

6/27/62 A5<br />

6/27/62 A5<br />

6/27/62 A5<br />

4/14/62 A7<br />

9/ 7/62 Al<br />

10/25/62 BS<br />

l<br />

4<br />

2<br />

l<br />

4<br />

l<br />

2<br />

5<br />

4<br />

6<br />

2<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

3<br />

7<br />

6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


Fire destroys twe businesses<br />


see alse Education - Osceela District<br />


see alse Electric power<br />


see also Kellwood Co<br />

Merges into new firm called Kellweed Co<br />


see also Little Reck University<br />


Batesville resident recalls old days with fendness<br />


see also Baptist Church<br />

see also Basketball<br />

see alse Communism<br />

see alse Football<br />

Ouachita te offer master's in music degree<br />

New seal fer school adopted<br />

Ouachita enrollment exceeds 1,000<br />

Bible Building nears completion<br />

College library supported by Emma Riley<br />

Ouachita Baptist College library called ene of state 's<br />

Plans fer fall semester announced<br />

Three members of Aranswerth family teach at Ouachita<br />

President Ralph A Phelps Jr takes job in Houston<br />

Dr Ralph Phelps may withdraw his resignation<br />

Birkett L Williams donates $100,000 te endowment fund<br />

Ouachita not ready te admit American Negroes new<br />

admits two Negroes. beth Rhodesia teachers<br />

Ouachita to open techical school at Camden<br />


Feurth veter fined fer illegal voting<br />


see Civil rights and discriminatien<br />


see also Geelegy<br />


see Ferests and forestry<br />


see Histery (Ark)<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Hilderbrand. Jee<br />


see also Disabilities Determination Department (Ark)<br />

OWEN, RAY<br />

see alse Garland Ceunty<br />


see also Jeurnalism<br />

best<br />

1/ 4/61 B7 3<br />

9/ 12/61 B9 1<br />

10/19/62 Bl 2<br />

1/ 8/61 All 3<br />

1/ 8/61 Al2 3<br />

1/28/61 A3 1<br />

4/23/61 A4 3<br />

5/ 7/61 E2 1<br />

5/ 7/61 E2 1<br />

8/13/61 A13 1<br />

8/25/61 Bl 6<br />

9/27/61 A2 2<br />

10/13/61 Bl 2<br />

11/29/61 Bl 2<br />

1/26/62 Al 5<br />

1/26/62 Al 5<br />

5/20/62 A9 3<br />

1/15/61 C4 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

OZARK<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Traveler Ernie Deane describes visit te Ozark<br />


11/28/62 Bl 2<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Felk music<br />


see alse<br />

see alse<br />

Epigrams, maxims . sayings . etc<br />

Folk music<br />

see alse Folklore, felk medicine and superstition<br />


see Forests and forestry<br />


see Epigrams, maxims . sayings . etc<br />


see also Rivers and lakes<br />


see Telephene service<br />


see Culture and the arts<br />


see alse Parks. recreatien and tourism<br />


see also Names, Personal<br />


see Culture and the arts<br />

PALADINO, ANDREW. Family<br />

see also Fires<br />


see Fossils<br />


Firm sues Prairie Ce sheriff under rarely-used attachment law 10/23/62 A4 4<br />

Pan American suit involves former eperater B W Coyle 10/23/62 A4 4<br />

PANKEY<br />

Mrs Josephine Pankey led way fer establishment ef cammunity 10/14/62 C3 7<br />


see Wildlife<br />

PARADE S<br />

Christmas float rams into Fayetteville cr0111d, four inj ured 12/ 2/61 A2 7<br />


see also Historic buildings and sites<br />

see alse Parks, recreation and tourism<br />

Suits by losers in Demecratic primary contest electien<br />

8/31/61 Bl 8<br />

Winners in Dem primary file countersuit<br />

9/20/61 Bl 6<br />

Ark Supreme Ct rules J T Brewn is mayer<br />

6/ 5/62 Bl 3<br />

Ark Supreme Ct reverses itself, erders recount in mayer race 10/ 9/62 A2 1<br />


Ferty-eight prisoners given paroles by Parden and Parele Bd 1/ 5/61 B6 2<br />

List of inmates granted paroles<br />

2/ 2/61 A2 1<br />

Beard approves 58 requests fer paroles<br />

3/ 2/61 AlO 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> parelee Hareld R Heuchins Jr in trouble in Calif<br />

Harold Raymond Houchins gets prison term in California<br />

Former Beene County collector Paul Young wins pardon<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> convicted killer Curtis Lee Jones taken in Calif<br />

FBI takes charge of Curtis Lee Jenes in California<br />

List of inmates paroled by beard<br />

Parole fer Worth Gregory criticized by court officials<br />

Worth Gregory arrested by Garland Ceunty inside prison gates<br />

State files claim fer return of Curtis Lee Jenes<br />

Ex-Carroll County Treasurer Edwin L Champlin paroled<br />

Labor Day 1959 bomber J D Sims wins parole<br />

List of inmates granted parole<br />

Gov Faubus commutes sentence of two Laber Day 1959 bombers<br />

J D Sims got longest sentence. testified fer state en bomb<br />

Beard pareles 52 inmates. suggests clemency fer 5<br />

Beard paroles 42, suggests clemency fer 9 inmates<br />

Gav Faubus reduces term ef several convicts<br />

Board paroles 62, suggests clemency fer 9<br />

List ef 45 inmates receiving parole<br />

List of inmates paroled includes ex-lifer<br />

Twenty-seven convicts paroled by beard<br />

M Monroe Leve named senior parole officer fer <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Paroles granted 62 inmates<br />

Board grants 66 paroles<br />

List of inmates paroled frem prison<br />

Civil. political rights of Jesse Raymond Perry restored<br />

List of inmates paroled<br />

List ef 49 paroles granted by beard<br />

Sixty-eight convicts win paroles<br />

State paroled 67 2 convicts last year: 146 failed te adjust<br />

Pareles granted 61 inmates<br />

Fifty-two inmates granted paroles: clemency adv ised fer ten<br />

Gov Faubus trims life terms ef twe slayers<br />

Pareles granded 53 inmates: clemency given 11<br />

List of 53 inmates being pareled<br />

Life sentences ef 7 reduced by Gov Faubus<br />

Paroles granted 77 convicts: 11 win clemency approval<br />

Gov Faubus grants clemency te twe officials<br />


see also Parden and parele<br />


see alse Children and yeuth<br />


see Education<br />


see also Public prosecutors<br />


see History (Ark)<br />


see also Parks. recreatien and tourism<br />


4/ 7/61 A2 l<br />

4/ 15/61 B4 7<br />

4/ 19/61 A2 3<br />

5/ 3/61 Bl 2<br />

5/ 4/61 A3 6<br />

5/ 4/61 BB 7<br />

5/ 5/61 Bl 4<br />

5/ 6/61 A6 2<br />

6/ 9/61 Bl l<br />

7/ 6/61 Al 7<br />

7/ 6/61 Al 7<br />

7/ 6/61 Al 7<br />

7/11/61 Al 4<br />

7/11/61 Al 4<br />

Bl 3/61 BlO 1<br />

9/ 7/61 AS 5<br />

9/14/61 Al 6<br />

10/ 5/61 BB 6<br />

11/ 2/61 C17 l<br />

12/ 7/61 BB 1<br />

l/ 4/ 62 A12 1<br />

1/11/62 Bl 3<br />

2/ 8/62 B6 6<br />

3/ 8/62 Bl2 l<br />

4/ 5/62 Cll 2<br />

4/ 13/62 Bl 4<br />

5/ 4/62 Bl3 7<br />

6/ 7/62 BS 5<br />

7/ 6/62 B4 5<br />

7/ 8/62 AlO 5<br />

8/ 2/62 Al2 4<br />

9/ 6/62 BB 6<br />

9/21/62 Bl 2<br />

10/ 4/62 B8 6<br />

11/ 9/62 AlO l<br />

11/17/62 A5 3<br />

12/ 6/62 B7 3<br />

12/22/62 Al 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Parks . recreation and teurism<br />

PARK HOTEL (Het Springs )<br />

see Hotels<br />

PARK. HUGH<br />

see alse News and news media<br />

PARKER. SAMUEL. Family<br />

see alse Medicine and health<br />


see also Miss Teen-Ager - USA<br />

PARKIN<br />

City Clerk I H Thempsen chgd with embezzlement ef city funds<br />

Auditors find shortage in city accounts ef $15,880<br />

Bending firm pays city $24.000 missing frem treasurer accts<br />

Ex-City Clerk Inman H Thompson indicted en embezzelement chg<br />

Inman H Thempsen pleads guilty te embezzlement ef city funds<br />

Inman H Thempsen gets 5-year term<br />


see also Contracts and purchasing. Gevt<br />


LR dewntewn groups back city parking authority<br />

The case fer a city parking authority (ed)<br />

LR City Mgr Bd creates parking authority<br />


R D Burrew gets fine, draws jail term fer cutting meters down<br />


see Traffic and parking<br />


see alse Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see alse Hat Springs<br />

see also Publicity and Parks Commission (Ark)<br />

see alse Taxation<br />

see alse Winreck Farm<br />

Boundaries ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest Natl Memorial outlined by Seaton<br />

Jenkins Ferry Battleground Park bill gees te governor<br />

Gain noted in visitors at Corps of Engineers reservoirs<br />

Paul Van Dalsem sponsors bill fer state park at Tead Suck<br />

Land being acquired fer Jenkins Ferry State Park<br />

Ozark Playgrounds Assn meeting in Rogers te boost tourism<br />

Ozarks Playground Assn elects officers in Rogers meeting<br />

Ozarks Playgreunds Assn takes steck ef its tourism program<br />

Pea Ridge Natl Park site cleanup is under way<br />

Reuse passes bill to estab Louisiana Purchase State Park<br />

Pea Ridge sets battle memorial fer March 5<br />

New law authorizes Louisiana Purchase State Park<br />

Study te be made ef Marks Mills as state park site<br />

Funds asked fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest National Memorial<br />

Nation's eldest national park is Het Springs National Park<br />

MacArthur Park menument te Capital Guards is 50 years eld<br />

18-mile leng park planned aleng river in Mississippi County<br />

Park plan fer Mississippi County has backing of Gev Faubus<br />

Army Engineers plan 20 recreation areas on Dardanelle Lake<br />

2/22/61 Bl 4<br />

3/ 2/ 61 Bl 7<br />

7/16/61 All 5<br />

9/ 6/61 Bl 3<br />

9/12/61 Bl4 2<br />

9/13/61 Bl 8<br />

3/22/62 Bl<br />

3/30/62 A4<br />

4/ 3/62 Bl<br />

4/10/62 Bl<br />

7<br />

l<br />

8<br />

2<br />

1/13/61 Bl 6<br />

1/24/61 Bl 2<br />

2/ 2/61 A9 5<br />

2/ 4/61 Al 3<br />

2/ 17/61 Bl 2<br />

2/19/61 Cl 2<br />

2/21/61 Bl2 8<br />

2/22/61 Bl 2<br />

2/23/61 Bl 2<br />

2-/24/61 Al 5<br />

2-/26/61 A2 2<br />

3/ 7/61 All 3<br />

3-/ 7/61 All 3<br />

4/ 6/-61 Bl 7<br />

4/21/61 Al6 2<br />

5/14/61 A2 3<br />

5/16/61 A3 1<br />

5/16-/-61 A3 1<br />

5/21/61 A4 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Special sectien en Ark as a vacatien spot<br />

State parks recorded 3 million visitors in 1960<br />

Dardanelle and Russellville contend fer site ef park area<br />

Funds fer Pea Ridge Natl Park construction gets panel ek<br />

Map shews proposed lake along Mill Bayou in Mississippi Ce<br />

Marvin Reynolds donates Reynolds Park te Paragould<br />

Queen Wilhelmina Inn being restored te original appearance<br />

State parks provide scenic vacationland<br />

Land condemned fer park near Russellville still in dispute<br />

Land wanted fer park near Russellville owned by the Parishes<br />

LR refuses te allew developer Fausett use ef Bayle Park read<br />

James M Parrish agrees te yield te U s. give up 80 acres<br />

James M Parrish leases land back until needed far park<br />

Parks and Publicity Cemm defends camp fees at Bull Shoals<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> to drop ads in Holiday because ef critical article<br />

Ted Weeds discusses his anger with Heliday magazine<br />

Ted Weeds irked by Argosy Magazine caver en speed traps<br />

Description of scenic drive in Ozarks in NW Ark<br />

9-yr-eld girl finds big diamond at Crater of Diamends<br />

Crater ef Diamends eperated as tourist attraction<br />

Teurist finds 5.83-carat gem at Crater of Diam.ends<br />

Ted Woods net satisfied with lr from Holiday publisher<br />

LR compromises with Elbert Fausett en use ef Boyle Park read<br />

Almest $3 million in state funds sought fer parks<br />

State Rep Stokes wants park funds meved te Children's Colony<br />

State te spend $80,000 fer premetienal film<br />

War Memorial Park area for senier citizens planned<br />

Planned improvements at state parks listed<br />

Ralph Underhill writes letter of support for parks<br />

Mississippi County group seeks funds fer lake and park<br />

Pea Ridge shamefully neglected, letter says<br />

Ralph Underhill commends state on <strong>Arkansas</strong> Post plans<br />

Recreation use plan fer Millwood Reservoir te be discussed<br />

State pleased with results of publicity films<br />

Column explains hew thermal waters at Hot Springs handl ed<br />

Article on Senier Park fer War Memerial Park<br />

Hampson Museum houses natienally-knewn Indian artifacts<br />

Parks develepment will not hurt private business. letter says<br />

National Park Service official aids state with planning<br />

List of proj ects slated for improvements<br />

Publicity and Parks Comm will net advertise in Holiday<br />

Gov Faubus says funds available fer new parks<br />

Jacksonville gets plan fer parks development<br />

Free use ef cabins near Chicot Park by officials questioned<br />

Legislative auditors question price paid fer Chicot Park land<br />

Operation ef rental cabins by Chicot Park supt is concern<br />

Architectural firm hired to plan fer state parks improvements<br />

List ef improvements planned fer each state park<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> exhibits planned at 13 travel shews in U S<br />

Buffale River Park favered by Interior Secy Stewart L Udall<br />

Lake Chicot cettages deal defended by L C Dial<br />

5/21/61 Fl<br />

5-/21/61 Fl3<br />

5/26/61 AB<br />

6/ 3/61 B7<br />

6-/ 4/61 A3<br />

6/11/61 A16<br />

6-/11/61 El<br />

6/11/61 El<br />

6/13/61 BlO<br />

6/13/61 BlO<br />

6/15-/61 A18<br />

6/15/61 A18<br />

6/16/61 AB<br />

6/18/61 A2<br />

6-/29/61 A16<br />

6/30/61 Bl<br />

7/ 8/61 A3<br />

7/11-/61 Bl<br />

7/12/61 A5<br />

7/12/61 A5<br />

7/23/61 A2<br />

7/24/61 A2<br />

7/28/61 Bl<br />

8-/ 5/61 A2<br />

8/24/61 A2<br />

8/26/61 BS<br />

9/ 3/61 A2<br />

9-/ 3/61 A7<br />

9/ 6/61 A4<br />

9/ 6/61 Bl<br />

9/ 9/61 A4<br />

9/16-/61 A4<br />

9-/17 /61 A6<br />

9/17/61 E5<br />

9/21/61 Bl<br />

9/24/61 El<br />

9-/28/61 Bl<br />

9-/30/61 A4<br />

10/ 3/61 A2<br />

10/ 8-/61 A3<br />

10/ 8/61 A3<br />

10/19/61 Bl<br />

11/23/61 AB<br />

11/26-/61 A2<br />

11/26/61 A2<br />

11/26/61 A2<br />

11-/26/61 A3<br />

11-/26/61 A3<br />

11/29/-61 Bl<br />

12/ 5/-61 Al<br />

12/16/61 B2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

l<br />

7<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

l<br />

5<br />

5<br />

l<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4<br />

7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

l<br />

4<br />

6<br />

3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

6<br />

4<br />

3<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

l<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

5<br />

4<br />

6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Hot Springs Natienal Park draws 1.2 millien visiters<br />

State parks shew visiter increase<br />

Dick Pewell te narrate travel film en Ark without fee<br />

Part ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest Natl Park would be fleoded by dam<br />

Paragould given ready-made 70-acre park<br />

Land at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest Park already ruined by fleeds<br />

John L Fergusen apposes any flooding of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest Park<br />

John L Fergusen says history cannot be relocated<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest Museum Assn net upset by plans fer dam<br />

Founder ef St Leuis said te be buried at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Post park<br />

NPS te moderniz e thermal bathing facilities at Het Springs<br />

Rescee V Hobbs donates land for park at Withrow Spring<br />

Civil War cannon being brought to Pea Ridge Battlefield site<br />

Report en historic Pea Ridge Battlefield Park<br />

Conflict en <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest park te be ironed eut by agencies<br />

History ef each ef Little Rack's municipal parks<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Post land te be inundated probably has no artifacts<br />

Reads. parks compete fer land as cities push superhighways<br />

Negroes ask NLR te abolish Sherman Park Beard<br />

NLR Negroes again petition city fer desegregation<br />

State estimates tourism breught in $150.920.000 in <strong>1961</strong><br />

Army Engineers refuse te reroute <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest Canal<br />

Army Engineers explain decisien en <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest Canal reute<br />

Devil 's Den State Park te be improved<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River change at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest abeut 1886 cenf irmed<br />

Secend camping site te be built at Buffale River State Park<br />

Ark ranks 5th in natien in tourist industry<br />

Old Carrellten church being restored<br />

NLR creates position of city recreatien director<br />

Reperts vary en visitors te Ark<br />

Special section en <strong>Arkansas</strong> as vacatien spet<br />

Teurism is big business in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Incident at Mather Ledge at Petit Jean has political twist<br />

Mather Lodge mgr Marcus Reland allegedly struck bey with gun<br />

Parks Comm to act today in Marcus Roland case<br />

Parks Cemm cancels Mather Ledge contract with Marcus Roland<br />

Canal plans changed te avoid <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest State Park<br />

Constructien te begin en Poison Springs Battlegreund Park<br />

Signboards in other states will lure tourists te <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Diamond faund at Crater ef Diamonds weighs 4.39 carats<br />

LR Parks and Recreation directer W K Am.a dies<br />

Virginian finds 2.35-carat gem at Crater of Diamonds<br />

History ef Civil War battle at Poison Springs<br />

Peisen Springs battlefield to became state park. shrine<br />

Battle ef Prairie Greve re-enacted by Hindman 's Raiders<br />

Little Rock names Julius Breckling directer of Parks Dept<br />

Bab Evans says <strong>Arkansas</strong> film te be shewn world-wide<br />

Little Reck may purchase land near Meadewcliff fer park<br />

New chief ef Het Springs National Park is Rebert H Atkinson<br />

Description ef Elkhorn Tavern at Pea Ridge Battlefield<br />

Alum Cove Natural Bridge near Wayten (Newten Ce) dedicated<br />

1/ 4/ 62 Bl 2<br />

l/ 5/62 A3 4<br />

1/ 5/62 Bl 3<br />

1/ 8-/62 Al 7<br />

1/10-/-62 Bl 2<br />

1/11-/-62 B4 1<br />

1/14/62 D2 3<br />

1/14/62 D2 3<br />

1/18-/-62 A7 6<br />

1/18/62 A7 6<br />

1/29/62 A3 2<br />

2-/ 9/62 Bl 3<br />

2/ 11-/62 F5 2<br />

2/11/62 F5 2<br />

2/22/62 Bl 2<br />

3/11/62 A2 l<br />

3/16/62 Al3 l<br />

3/18/-62 Al 4<br />

3/30/62 BS 5<br />

4/ 6-/62 B16 1<br />

4/ 7/62 A5 2<br />

4/ 8-/62 A2 4<br />

4/15/62 E3 5<br />

4/29/62 A3 3<br />

5/ 6/62 A3 1<br />

5/ 'iJ/62 A2 1<br />

5/10-/62 Bl 4<br />

5-/-11/62 A3 4<br />

5/15/62 Bl2 1<br />

5/17-/-62 Bl 8<br />

5/20/62 Fl l<br />

5/20/62 FS 1<br />

6-/ 1/62 A7 l<br />

6/ 1/62 A7 l<br />

6/ 2/62 A3 8<br />

6/ 3/62 A2 6<br />

6/21/62 A3 2<br />

6/30/62 A3 2<br />

6/30/62 A3 3<br />

7/ 6/62 Bl 5<br />

7/16/62 Al 7<br />

8-/ 7/62 Bl 6<br />

9-/ 6/62 Bl 3<br />

9/ 6/62 Bl 3<br />

9-/ f}/62 E5 2<br />

9-/ 12/62 A9 1<br />

9/14/62 Bl 2<br />

9/27/62 A3 7<br />

10/16-/-62 Bl 3<br />

10-/31/62 B5 1<br />

11/ 4/62 A17 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

700-acre island in Bull Sheals te be medel recreation center<br />

ASCS advises farmers te use land for recreatienal purposes<br />

City te be asked to use bequest fer park at the little reek<br />

Outdeer altar to be built in Burns Park at NLR<br />

PAROLE<br />

see Parden and parele<br />


see also Mental Health Association, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Education - Little Reck District<br />


Circuit judge dies at Blytheville<br />


see alse Geverner (Ark)<br />

Addresses Anti-Defamation League meeting in Pine Bluff<br />


see alse Honesty<br />


see also Parks, recreation and tourism<br />


see Civil War<br />


Arkansan Paul Geren named deputy director ef Peace Corps<br />

Lila Dulaney Gardner prepares fer duty in Manila<br />

Jerald Dee Christian leaving fer 2-yr stint in Pakistan<br />

PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Police<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


see also Historic buildings and sites<br />


750-lb shew-man dies at Tulsa: burial was in Harrisen<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Investment Cerp<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Investment Corp<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />


see alse Ceurts, Federal<br />

Keeps 1945 premise te bring student te <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


Retired insurance executive dies at Jonesbere<br />


see Handwriting<br />


11/ 6/62 A4<br />

11/20/62 A9<br />

11/21/62 Bl<br />

12/22/62 B7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5<br />

3/10/61 B13 3<br />

2/20/61 A2 4<br />

9/24/61 Al 2<br />

12/18/61 3<br />

12/28/62 A4 4<br />

1/ 4/61 Bl<br />

12/30/61 A3<br />

12/16/61 B7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see Museums<br />


see also Children and yeuth<br />


see also Inventiens and inventers<br />


New publicatien, "South and West" edited by Sue Abbott Beyd<br />

First issue of "South and West" released<br />

Mrs Anna Zagnoni Marinoni helps produce "South and West"<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Historical Quarterly records history ef state<br />


County has net had a grand jury in 17 years<br />


see Libraries, Public<br />


see also Maumelle<br />

Fire destroys $100.000 bldg at Maumelle Industrial Park<br />


see also Civil rights and discriminatien<br />


see Names. Personal<br />


Miss Peter combines lots of jobs. is geed at all of them<br />

Miss Peter sets up tw o scholarships at <strong>Arkansas</strong> State College<br />


Dr Peters speaks to LR Rotary Club<br />


Poultry raised at Decatur kn0ii1n internationally<br />


Promotes music program in Pulaski County schools<br />


see also Land and real estate<br />


see Culture and the arts<br />


see also Taxation<br />

Gasol ine retailers want share ef wholesalers • shrinkage tax<br />

Legis told customer gets less gasoline than he pays fer<br />

PETTY0 JO<br />

see also Books and writing<br />


M M Cohen Ce president named te head United Fund<br />


Last son of founder ef Pfeifer•s Stere dies<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />

PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Drugs and drug trade<br />


see also Birth centre! and abortion<br />


3/16/62 A4<br />

6/ 3/62 Al2<br />

6/ 3/62 Al2<br />

9/16/62 E5<br />

2/12/61 Al<br />

2/13/62 A7<br />

11/ 5/61 ES<br />

4/15/62 A16<br />

6/ 9/61 A2<br />

2/26/61 El<br />

1/14/62 A7<br />

2/17/61 Al<br />

2/17/61 Al<br />

1/26/61 Bl<br />

12/16/61 B7<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

7<br />

2<br />

6<br />

6<br />

1<br />

l<br />

5<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Animals<br />

see alse Ouachita Baptist Cellege<br />

Ouachita president finds time fer sports, writing<br />


Fiery light reperted aver state may have been meteorites<br />


see alse Reusing<br />

Jury resumes prebe ef July 12 bombing try at Philander Smith<br />

Grand Jury returns true bill in bembing case<br />

Emmett E Miller arrested in bemb case<br />

Emmett E Miller pleads net guilty in bemb case<br />

Grand Jury cempletes prebe ef bemb attempt<br />

Grand Jury leaves bemb case epen<br />

Dr Reesevelt Crockett named president ef cellege<br />

Bemb plet suspect changes lawyers<br />

Attys say Emmett E Miller trial plet te discredit segregation<br />

Emmett E Miller faces trial in Philander Smith bomb plet<br />

Curt Copeland was active leader ef White Citizens Ceuncils<br />

Curt Cepeland was in court as friend ef Emmett Miller<br />

Emmett E Miller charges FBI complicity in bomb attempt<br />

Emmett E Miller freed at request ef federal government<br />

U S gevt did net want FBI methods revealed at Miller trial<br />

Curieus FBI policy in the bembing case (ed)<br />

New fine arts-library bldg ready fer use<br />

Philander Smith president Roosevelt D Crockett faces debt<br />

Bomb attempt at Philander Smith Cell in 1960 brought up<br />

U S gevt asked that 1960 bomb charges be drepped<br />


Circuit Clerk Hugh Tardy te resign after audit<br />


see alse Secretary ef State {Ark)<br />


Dedication ef shirt factery at Des Arc set fer Tuesday<br />

Des Arc celebrates opening of plant<br />


Semi-blind phetographer Eugene Hartman sees with his camera<br />


see alee Politics and electiens<br />

Heads drive te pass proposed Amendment 50<br />


see also Games<br />

see also Hemingway . Ernest<br />


see alse Courts . State and local<br />


see Gambling<br />

see Games<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Co<br />

see alse Historic buildings and sites<br />

see also Histery (Ark)<br />

1/-31/-61 B8 5<br />

1/31/61 A3 5<br />

1/-13/61 A6 1<br />

1/18/-61 Bl 7<br />

1/20/-61 Al 6<br />

2/14/-61 B12 1<br />

2/19/61 A7 1<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 8<br />

3/15/-61 A8 6<br />

5/18/61 A5 1<br />

5/21/61 A2 6<br />

5/21/61 A2 6<br />

5/23/61 Bl 5<br />

5/-23/61 Bl 5<br />

5/23/61 Bl 7<br />

5/23/61 Bl 7<br />

5/-23/61 Bl 7<br />

5/24/61 A4 1<br />

1/12/62 A2 3<br />

3/11/62 E4 4<br />

7/ 2/62 A2 1<br />

7/- 2/ 62 A2 1<br />

7/13/61 Bl 2<br />

8/13/61 Cl 4<br />

8/16/61 Bl 2<br />

2/11/-62 F4 1<br />

9:/ 16/6 2 A2 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Rivers and lakes<br />

City wins 9-yr battle ever sewer installation<br />

Site fer Civic Center argued in Pine Bluff<br />

City Council interested in starting Urban Renewal proj ect<br />

Report urges Urban Renewal Agency handle new civic center<br />

City creates Urban Renewal Agency<br />

Fight premised en 7.5 sq mile annexatien te city<br />

County judge appreves annexation of 7.56 square miles<br />

Federal gevt checks te see if disaster funds misused<br />

Grant received fer urban renewal study<br />

Edward D Stene meets with officials to discuss civic center<br />

Residents to vete en bends fer new municipal facilities<br />

City debates new civic center; fate rests en bend issue<br />

Judge orders 7.5 square mile area annexed<br />

Annexation fees want services immediately<br />

Suit by E W Heed seeks te halt bends sale fer Civic Center<br />


Arsenal te undergo big expansion jeb<br />

A/rmy to make gas grenades at Arsenal<br />

Grenades te breathe new life into Arsenal<br />

Arsenal being rebuilt fer chemical. biological research<br />

Brief history ef Pine Bluff Arsenal<br />

Col John G Appel is new commanding officer ef Arsenal<br />

Arsenal te precess disabling. but not harmful chemical<br />


see also Civil rights and discriminatien<br />


see Harbors, perts and marinas<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Theater and drama<br />


see Harbors, perts and marinas<br />


see Education - Pine Bluff District<br />


see alse Rivers and lakes<br />


see also Histeric buildings and sites<br />


see Festivals<br />


see also Felklere, felk medicine and superstition<br />


DeWitt facility heavily damaged by fire<br />


see <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Ce<br />


see Area planning<br />

see Economic development<br />

7/ 1/61 A3 7<br />

9/ 3/61 A7 1<br />

9/ 7/61 A6 1<br />

10/17 /61 5<br />

11/ 8/61 AlO 8<br />

1/ 9/62 Bl 2<br />

2/28/62 Bl 8<br />

5/31/62 A2 4<br />

7 / 5/62 A6 1<br />

8/14/62 Bl 2<br />

8/24/62 A3 7<br />

11/ 4/62 AlO 2<br />

11/27/62 A7 5<br />

11/28/ 62 A4 2<br />

12/23/62 BB 2<br />

6/12/61 Al<br />

8/23/61 Bl<br />

9/ 8/61 Bl<br />

6/27/62 Bl<br />

8/31/62 Bl<br />

8/31/62 Bl<br />

9/26/62 Al<br />

3<br />

5<br />

2<br />

7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

7/ 7/61 A2 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

PLANTS<br />

see else Felklere. felk medicine and superstition<br />

see alse Trees and shrubs<br />

List ef common plants and flewers that can be fatal if eaten 5-/ 6/-62 A9 2<br />


see alse Weather and sterms<br />


see Housing<br />


see also Hotels<br />


see also Rivers and lakes<br />


see Labor<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />

POETRY<br />

see also Beeks and writing<br />

Peets Reundtable ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> aw ard winners announced<br />

5-/21/61 A4 6<br />

Winners in <strong>Arkansas</strong> Poetry Day contest announced<br />

10/16/61 A2 1<br />

POETS ROUNDTABLE OF <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see Poetry<br />

PO<strong>INDEX</strong>TER. CHRISTINE<br />

see alse Education Ja26<br />


County Judge Rex Downing was once natienally-knEllW'n musician 2/21/62 Bl 2<br />


see Parks. recreation and tourism<br />

POLES IN <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see Foreign descent groups<br />

POLICE<br />

see alse Assaul ts<br />

see also Firearms<br />

see also Little Rock<br />

see also Robberies and thefts<br />

NLR patrolman Huey P Leng chgd with burglzy. larceny<br />

Jack Quaile gets 10-yrs fer sheeting of Trooper Elton Brewn<br />

Texarkana Police Chief Max Tackett admits beating Bill Flatt<br />

Max Tackett violated rules. Civil Service Cemm decides<br />

Bill Bookout chgs State Trooper Victor Hanshaw with brutal.ity<br />

Little Reck police get refresher ceurse in evidence handling<br />

Clarenden Chief Ned James shot by escapee during recapture<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Rangers. fererunners ef State Pelice. set reunien<br />

Negroes at College Statien meb pelice efficer after arrest<br />

Ark Peace Officers Assn hears talk from FBI agent<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Rangers held reunion<br />

Negroes who attacked officer given fines. lecture<br />

Former NLR officer Huey P Long admits thefts. wins leniency<br />

Burglazy . grand larceny chgs reinstated against Huey P Leng<br />

Grand Jury returns no indictment against Chief Max Tackett<br />

NLR Chief Ray Vick. FOP make verbal armistic in dispute<br />

1/21/61 Al 8<br />

2-/28/61 AlO 5<br />

3/11/61 Al 4<br />

3/-18/61 B6 6<br />

4/ 4/61 Bl4 2<br />

4/ 7/61 A7 2<br />

5-/ 3/61 Al 5<br />

5/20/61 A7 4<br />

5/24/-61 Bl 6<br />

5-/25/-61 AlO l<br />

5/26/61 Af3 2<br />

5/27 /61 A3 l<br />

6/ 1/61 Cl4 4<br />

6/- 6/61 Bl2 4<br />

6-/ 7 /61 Bl 3<br />

6/29/61 B12 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

NLR pelice lodge plans te pretest premotiens<br />

NLR patrolmen file suit against premetien ef 10 an ferce<br />

Prebe of NLR Felice Dept begins; records ef chief impounded<br />

Plot te kill Texarkana Police Chief Max Tackett reported<br />

Team in NLR te investigate problem with Civil Service Comm<br />

Heber Springs officer fatally sheets Max Ferguson in sheeteut<br />

NLR premetion contraversy at a standstill<br />

NLR police file new charges en promotions<br />

NLR Civil Service Comm approves 11 fer premetions<br />

Hot Springs officers are abselved in burglary<br />

Marshal at Eudora kills Scott Jackson at night club<br />

Court advises NLR Civil Service Comm te remove reprimands<br />

Pine Bluff adds twe pelice dogs te force<br />

NLR officer Joseph Carl Styers Jr chgd in bootleg liquor case<br />

Ark Peace Officers Assn conv to hear La Gov Jimmie Davis<br />

Ark Peace Officers Assn elects Marlin Hawkins eut of turn<br />

Louisiana Gav Jimmie Davis spreads sunshine for Peace Offers<br />

Two sheriffs feud with words ever Peace Officers election<br />

Mobilizing the troops (ed on Peace Officers election)<br />

State trooper Bill Bogle ruled justified in ,killing man<br />

Suit alleges Jefferson Ce deputy shot James Owens Jr<br />

State Police Director Herman Lindsey approves Faubus idea<br />

Grand Jury foreman critical ef LR traffic officers<br />

LR City Mgr Ancil M Douthit denies chgs made by Grand Jury<br />

Clyde Warwick Jr appeals firing from Malvern pelice force<br />

Arkadelphia names Ed Bleomfield its first police chief<br />

B Frank Mackey te replace many Pulaski County deputies<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see alse Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service<br />

see also Attorney General (Ark)<br />

see also Auditor (Ark)<br />

see also Beene County<br />

see also Communism<br />

see also Congress<br />

see also Constitution (Ark)<br />

see also Cenw ay County<br />

see alse Ceurtheuses<br />

see also Courts. State and local<br />

see also Disabilitiy Determination Department (Ark)<br />

see also Faulkner County<br />

see also Foreign Policy Asseciatien<br />

see alse Garland County<br />

see also Government employees<br />

see also Governor (Ark)<br />

see also Lafayette County<br />

see also Land Commissioner (Ark)<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Local government<br />

see also Madison County<br />

8/11/61 Bl6 1<br />

8/23/61 Bl4 l<br />

8/26/61 Al 4<br />

9/28/61 A3 5<br />

11/ 10/61 All 4<br />

11/14/61 BlO 4<br />

11/17/61 Bl4 3<br />

11/30/61 Cl9 2<br />

12/ 1/61 A16 l<br />

12/ 2/61 A2 7<br />

1/ l/62 B7 8<br />

2/14/62 A6 2<br />

2/15/62 Bl 5<br />

5-/-26/62 Al 3<br />

5/27/62 Al2 1<br />

6/ 2/62 A5 5<br />

6/ 2/ 62 A5 6<br />

6/ 7/62 AB 4<br />

6/ 8/62 A4 2<br />

6/27/62 A3 3<br />

7/17/62 BlO 2<br />

11/ 1/62 A31 1<br />

11/23/62 Al 4<br />

ll/24/62 A3 1<br />

12/ 1/62 A3 4<br />

12/16/62 A6 7<br />

12/23/62 A9 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see al so Miller County<br />

see also Newton County<br />

see also Ouachita County<br />

see also Prairie County<br />

see also Searcy County<br />

see also Secretary of State (Ark)<br />

see also St Francis County<br />

see also Treasurer (Ark)<br />

Bill in Legis calls fer appmt of Supreme Court justices<br />

Bill in Legis calls fer constitutional convention<br />

Bill in Legis cal ls fer lowering voting age to 18<br />

Bill in Legis calls fer split sessions of Legislature<br />

Bill in Legis would limit governor to two 4-yr terms<br />

Reuse bill proposes veter registration system<br />

Measure in Legis calls fer veter registration by party<br />

Measure in Legis would abolish county quorum courts<br />

Measure in Legis would require listing campaign donations<br />

Measures in Legis would reform state and county govt<br />

County Judges Assn to meet. study proposed acts before Legis<br />

County judges hear Gev Faubus defend county vehicle tax plan<br />

House is cold teward bill fer constitutional convention<br />

AAUW lobbies en scene fer voting machine support<br />

AAUW survey shews officials using voting machines like them<br />

State Sen Roy Milum wants ban en ab sentee voting<br />

National States Rights Party defended by Mrs E L Bishop<br />

Hardy W Crexten suggests creation of 'idea department '<br />

Gov Faubus tellw why speed needed in amending constitution<br />

Republicans begin drive fer voting machines in Ark<br />

Quickie amendments (ed en Faubus plan fer a.mending censt)<br />

Fabus plan would allow amending constitution in few days time<br />

Faubus plan en censtitutien goes te House<br />

House gets substitute fer Faubus ' fast-a.mdt bill<br />

Court rules Electien Cemm.issien net responsible fer booths<br />

Gov Faubus says costly ref erms net necessary<br />

Faubus and the voting (ed)<br />

Judge rules election comm need not provide voter booths<br />

Posting of voter lists after polls close ordered<br />

House refuses funds for purchase ef voting booths<br />

Supporters of veting machines to present case in hearing<br />

Bill to end absentee voting withdrawn in Senate<br />

House approves public vote en purchase ef voting machines<br />

Vote machine plan appears lost in snarl as Legis session ends<br />

Women get political lesson en vote machines<br />

Gaz ette urges direct action on voting machines<br />

National States Rights Party rally held in LR<br />

State Supreme Ct to decide if voting machine permissible<br />

District candidates should pay fees to each county<br />

Supreme Ct hears arguments fer. against voting machines use<br />

Pulaski Co GOP meets, discusses national cemmitteew6man<br />

Ne voting machine en market satisfies <strong>Arkansas</strong> law<br />

Vote machine makers refuse to alter them to meet Ark law<br />

1/12/61 Al 5<br />

1/12/61 Al 5<br />

1/12/61 Al 5<br />

1/12/61 Al 5<br />

1/12/61 Al 5<br />

1/12/61 Al 5<br />

1/12/61 Al 5<br />

l/ 12/-61 Al 5<br />

1/-12/61 Al 5<br />

l/ 12/61 Al 5<br />

1/16/61 A5 l<br />

1/-17/61 B3 6<br />

1/18/61 Bl2 4<br />

1/21/61 A3 5<br />

1/22/61 A12 5<br />

1/22/61 A3 7<br />

l/26/-61 A4 3<br />

1/29/61 E5 l<br />

1/31/61 Al 2<br />

2-/ 1/61 A3 8<br />

2-/ 1/61 A4 2<br />

2/ 1/-61 Bl 2<br />

2-/ l/61 Bl 2<br />

2/ 7/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 9/61 All 1<br />

2-/10/-61 Bl 5<br />

2/ 12/61 E4 2<br />

2/16/-61 Bl 2<br />

2/16/61 Bl 2<br />

2-/24/61 Al 5<br />

2/26/61 A2 7<br />

3-/ 1/61 A2 5<br />

3-/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

3/10/61 Al 8<br />

3-/12/61 E5 1<br />

3-/19/61 E4 1<br />

3/25/61 Bl2 3<br />

3/-28/61 B9 3<br />

3/29/ 61 .A3 1<br />

4/ 4/61 A6 7<br />

4/ 8/ 61 A5 3<br />

4/11/-61 A2 1<br />

4/12-/61 Al 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Best guarantee fer clean electiens is vete machines (ed)<br />

Milas H Hale urges Ark te erase its Dixie image<br />

Death camp stories are Jewish fakes. States Rights Paryy says<br />

Gev Orval Faubus calls States Rights Party claim ridiculeus<br />

Has first-hand knewledge of German atrocities. Faubus says<br />

Mrs E L Bishop says she believes Germen atrocities are hoax<br />

States Rights party calls Eichmann trial a giant hoax<br />

Mr Faubus cerrects the Thunderbolters (States Rights Party)<br />

Gazette comments on state 's Old South image<br />

Mrs Edson L Bishop tells Gov Faubus 'the facts' in letter<br />

Veting machine makers propose ene solutien fer Ark problem<br />

Voting machines backed by Ark Div of AAUP<br />

Young Democrats of Ark te cenvent in LR. discuss issues<br />

Court says voting machines constitutional if record previded<br />

Judge ponders dispute between rival Democrats in Faulkner<br />

Yeung Democrats pass resolutions. elect officers<br />

GOP reorganized. adepts new look in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Wallace Tewnsend expected te yield GOP reins to W Reckef eller<br />

GOP names Winthrop Rockefeller national committeeman<br />

GOP takeever by Rockefeller forces called the New Guard<br />

Mrs W L Jameson Jr is new natl GOP committeewoman from Ark<br />

Mr Rockefeller's task (ed)<br />

Gev Orval Faubus views GOP 's reerganizatien as ineffectual<br />

State GOP te use Win Rockefeller talent te get meving<br />

New head ef States Rights Party in Ark is P R Crawford<br />

Committee fer the Two-Party System organized<br />

GOP predicts it will carry Ark in presidential election<br />

David H Pryer decries self-perpetuating mess in Ark govt<br />

Results of mayer races in state<br />

Bipartisan greup feels new election code needed<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller begins drive to revive GOP in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Democrats net much concerned by stirring of Republicans<br />

Shakeup in state officials may occur in <strong>1962</strong><br />

Fayetteville chesen fer start of Rockefeller drive fer GOP<br />

GOP to push hard in <strong>1962</strong>. Winthrop Reckefeller says<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller talks te GOP en polls. party outlook<br />

The way to build a twe-party system (ed)<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller urging Dwight D Eisenhswer to visit Ark<br />

Gov Faubus doubts govt reform proposals of much value<br />

ALC staff will try to rewrite electien laws<br />

Editorial en Gav Faubus 's dim view ef need fer reform<br />

GOP outlines its aims for <strong>Arkansas</strong> in document<br />

GOP call fer bi-partisan state bds preposterous. Faubus says<br />

Veter rolls show decline (list by county fer 1960. <strong>1961</strong>)<br />

Comm rule fer counties urged by Van Buren Ce Farm Bureau<br />

GOP to accent youth in party rejuvenation drive<br />

Henry M Britt takes issue with Gev Faubus en GOP manifesto<br />

Paul Van Dalsem and David H Pryor te debate state politics<br />

Four-county GOP rally to be held at Winrock Farm<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller calls fer study of state book-keeping<br />

Paul Van Dalsem and David H Pryer to debate need for reform<br />

4/12/61 A4 1<br />

4/12/61 A8 7<br />

4/13/61 Bl 4<br />

4/13/61 Bl 4<br />

4/13/61 Bl 4<br />

4/13/61 Bl 4<br />

4/13/61 Bl 4<br />

4/14/61 A4 l<br />

4/ 14/61 A4 2<br />

4/15/61 Al 4<br />

4/30/61 A6 5<br />

5/ 7/61 A4 7<br />

5/ 7/61 El l<br />

5/11/61 Al 4<br />

5/12/61 A2 6<br />

5/14/61 Al5 1<br />

5/24/61 Al 2<br />

5/24/61 Al 2<br />

5/25/61 Al 3<br />

5/25/61 Al 3<br />

5/25/61 Al 3<br />

5/26/61 A4 1<br />

5/26/61 Bl 4<br />

5-/28/61 A4 l<br />

6/ 8-/61 Cl2 5<br />

7/ 2/61 AlO 3<br />

7/16/61 ES 5<br />

7/21/61 AS 4<br />

7/26/61 A2 3<br />

7/26/61 A2 4<br />

9/17/61 A6 l<br />

9/26/61 Bl 3<br />

10/- 1/61 A8 l<br />

10/10/61 Bl 6<br />

10/13/61 Bl 8<br />

10/15/-61 BB 3<br />

10/16/61 A4 l<br />

10/18/61 A2 3<br />

10/-26/61 AS 3<br />

10/28/61 A3 4<br />

10/30/61 A4 2<br />

11/ 2/61 Al 3<br />

11/ 3/61 Bl 3<br />

11/ 4/61 AS 1<br />

11/ 4/ 61 B7 6<br />

11/ 5/61 A6 3<br />

11/ 5/61 AB 6<br />

11/ 6/61 A2 1<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl 4<br />

11/ 8/61 B8 4<br />

11/12/61 E3 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

David H Pryer and Paul Van Dalsem debate need fer reforms<br />

The old and the new (ed en Pryer-Van Dalsem debate<br />

Summary ef remarks by David Pryer and Paul Van Dalsem<br />

Sem.e Democrats alarmed by receptien Win Rockefeller getting<br />

Yeung Democrats talk of freedom frem Gev Orval Faubus<br />

County judges view critics as innocently ignorant<br />

Official says Negroes wanted electors listed by race<br />

Pell tax books indicate race of qualified electors<br />

Laber may have unrewarding year in next elections<br />

Winthrop Reckef eller takes middle-of-read stand amid Repubs<br />

Four lawmakers give statement en govt ref erm plan<br />

Rockefeller in the middle (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus treats Winthrop Rockefeller political acts lightly<br />

Rift in Washington Ce GOP praised by Winthrop Reckef eller<br />

Negro named te Jefferson County Republican Cemmittee<br />

Winthrop Reckefeller speaks te Republicans at Pine Bluff<br />

Yeung Democrats invite Yeung Republicans te debate program<br />

Changed scene in <strong>Arkansas</strong> politics (ed)<br />

Senator Jehn G Tewer to speak at state GOP fund-raiser<br />

Ballet title approved for vete en voting machines<br />

Voting machine a.mdt premated by AAUW<br />

Washington buzzing ever GOP choice of Jehn Tewer te speak<br />

Yeung Republican League ef Ark suggests county mgr system<br />

GOP dinner ticket sales exceed 1.000<br />

US Sen John G Tower did not live up ta billing in LR speech<br />

Panel fermed te work fer vote machine adoption<br />

Sen Jehn G Tower makes plea fer mere Republicans in Congress<br />

Jehn Paul Hammerschmidt named treasurer ef state GOP<br />

Gov Orval Faubus signs petition fer voting machines<br />

State 's voting rolls decline from 1959 figure<br />

NLR Republican Club organized with 60 members<br />

The GOP Nerthside (ed en meeting at NLR)<br />

Yeung Demecrats. Yeung Republicans debate gevt policy<br />

Sen J W Fulbright urges keeping ef poll tax te aid scheels<br />

The remedy required te cure defeatism (ed)<br />

Birchism hit frem. twe sides at Pine Bluff forum<br />

William E Miller to speak at GOP rally at Fayetteville<br />

States Rights Party meeting addressed by J D Stener<br />

States Rights Party members fuss; 2 Ark officials resign<br />

Theedere C Baldwin. Pat R Crawford resign States Rights pests<br />

States Righters hear anti-Semitic speech by J D Staner<br />

Mrs Edson L Bishop gest NSRP chairmanship<br />

Some YDC members at Southern State Cell go ever te YRs<br />

New Mexico Gov Edwin L Me chem speaks at GOP rally at PB<br />

Human Events sponsors right wing meeting in LR<br />

Unsettling influence has crept into GOP en state level<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller says state GOP moving to the right<br />

Complete candidate list fer Democratic primary<br />

A leek at the gains in two-party drive (ed)<br />

County candidates in Democratic primaries listed<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller unveils film to sell two-party system<br />

11/-17/-61 Al 7<br />

11/-18/61 A4 1<br />

11/ 19/61 A12 3<br />

11/19/61 E3 1<br />

11/-19/61 E3 1<br />

11/-25/-61 Al 4<br />

11/26/61 A5 7<br />

11/-26/-61 AS 7<br />

11/-26/-61 E3 l<br />

12/- 2/ 61 A3 6<br />

12/ 3/61 Al 3<br />

12/ 4/61 A4 2<br />

12/ 7/61 A6 2<br />

12/- 8/61 A2 3<br />

12/20/-61 Al4 5<br />

12/20/61 A14 5<br />

12/-24/-61 A7 3<br />

12/-28/61 A4 1<br />

1/ 7/62 A4 1<br />

1/-14/62 A6 1<br />

1/14/62 A6 1<br />

1/14/62 D3 5<br />

1/15/-62 A5 3<br />

2/10/-62 A3 1<br />

2/ 11/62 Al 2<br />

2/11/62 Al 5<br />

2/11/62 A2 4<br />

2/11/62 A9 2<br />

2/16/62 A3 6<br />

2/21/62 Al6 1<br />

3/ 2/62 B16 1<br />

3/ 4/ 62 A4 2<br />

3/-15/62 C20 7<br />

3/17/62 Al 6<br />

3/-19/62 A4 1<br />

3/24/-62 A2 2<br />

4/ 6/62 Bl 4<br />

4/14/62 A3 2<br />

4/14/62 A3 2<br />

4/14/62 A3 2<br />

4/-14/62 A3 3<br />

4/15/62 Al3 3<br />

4/21/62 Al 6<br />

4/-21/62 A3 5<br />

4/-21/-62 BlO 7<br />

4/-22/62 E3 1<br />

4/22/-62 E3 l<br />

5/- 3/62 A2 l<br />

5/- 5/62 A4 l<br />

5/ 6/62 A7 l<br />

5/-11/-62 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Speaker derides efforts for two-party system in Ark<br />

Most Republicans vete in Dem primaries. GOP leaders say<br />

Poll tax statistics shfJIW'n by county percentages<br />

Two--factien system may be arising in state politics<br />

Petitions fer vete machines filed at Capitol<br />

David W Bledsoe named GOP field representative in Ark<br />

Democrats pass reselutien allowing enly faithful in primaries<br />

Legis candidate in Carrol objects te Dems-only primary rule<br />

Sid McMath blasts Dem rule on voting in primaries<br />

Democrats-only primary rule draws Gazette 's apposition<br />

High cost ef seeking office gets biennial rap<br />

Democratic Women 's Club again asks Mrs Perry te resign<br />

Nothing wrong with Ark Democrats. GOP 's W L Jamison says<br />

Gov Orval E Faubus opposed closed Democratic primaries<br />

Fred Pickens astounded at controversy ever closed primary<br />

Mr Faubus ' disavowal of the party purge (ed)<br />

Protecting the voters frem party purge rule (ed)<br />

Craighead County Dems will net close their primary<br />

Dissent te the purge (ed en closed Democratic primary)<br />

Democratic Women's Club removes Mrs Perry frem rester<br />

State editors comment en Democratic primary purge plans<br />

Prevention of voting by nen-Dems may be impossible<br />

Ouachita County will ignore closed-primary rule<br />

Conway County will net honer closed primary rule<br />

Heward County to ignore ruling en closed primaries<br />

Judge Wiley Bean rules polling places restricted<br />

Article discusses veting procedures in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Most counties te ignore Democratic Party rule en primaries<br />

Results ef elections fer county officers<br />

Election returns fer county offices around state<br />

GOP strategist arrives te help Ark Republicans plan campaign<br />

Underscoring the case fer voting machines (ed)<br />

Election results in county races around state<br />

GOP ousts Pratt Remmel frem Pulaski County party posts<br />

Pratt Remmel surprised, disappointed by his ouster<br />

Pulaski GOP elects new slate ef officers : new stars rising<br />

Ark Republican Party platferm being readied<br />

Gov Orval Faubus appreves abolishing pell tax fer voting<br />

New wing ef GOP appears to be in control of Ark party<br />

William L (Bill) Spicer picked as state GOP chief<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller backed Spicer ever Henry Britt fer pest<br />

Democrats plan state convention<br />

GOP falls in line behind Winthrop Rockefeller<br />

Democrats note activity of GOP, plan active fall campaign<br />

Ted J Morley named mgr of Democratic Party campaign<br />

Democrats drafting new platform<br />

State Democrats assail Republicans as whining radicals<br />

Democratic platform pledges te pulverize Republican Party<br />

Democrats running against Reckefellers. Faubus tells party<br />

Philosophic review ef state Democratic Party conv Ced)<br />

Group working en recedification ef primary election laws<br />

5/13/62 A21<br />

6/21/62 Bl<br />

6/24/62 A13<br />

6/24/62 E3<br />

7/ 3/62 Bl<br />

7/ 5/62 A6<br />

7/ 7/62 Al<br />

7/ 8/62 Al<br />

7/ 8/62 A2<br />

7/ 8/62 E2<br />

7/ 8/62 E3<br />

7/10/62 Bl<br />

7/10/62 Bl<br />

7/10/62 Bl<br />

7/11/62 Al<br />

7/-11/62 A4<br />

7/12/62 A4<br />

7/13/62 A8<br />

7/15/62 A4<br />

7/15/62 A4<br />

7/15/62 E3<br />

7/19/62 A3<br />

7/19/-62 Bl<br />

7/25/62 A2<br />

7/27/62 Bl<br />

7/29/-62 A2A<br />

7/29/-62 E4<br />

7/31/62 Bl<br />

8/ 1/62 A6<br />

8/ 2/62 A8<br />

8/ 3/62 A7<br />

8/- 4/62 M<br />

8/15/-62 A6<br />

8/21/62 Al<br />

8/21/62 Al<br />

8/26/62 Al<br />

8/26/62 A12<br />

8/28/62 Al<br />

8/30/62 A3<br />

8/-30/62 A3<br />

8/30/62 A3<br />

8/30/62 Bl<br />

9/ 2/62 Bl<br />

9/ 6/62 Al<br />

9/ 9/ 62 All<br />

9/12/62 Bl<br />

9/-13/62 Al<br />

9/13/62 Bl<br />

9/14/62 Al<br />

9/15/62 A4<br />

9/16/62 A3<br />

2<br />

8<br />

l<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

2<br />

l<br />

2<br />

4<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5<br />

1<br />

8<br />

6<br />

1<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

5<br />

5<br />

2<br />

8<br />

3<br />

8<br />

3<br />

1<br />

l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Republicans may have developed kangaree ticket, paper says<br />

William J Smith says veting machines wanted fer efficiency<br />

Vote machines would improve state 's image , W J Smith says<br />

William L Spicer warns GOP will net allow ballot tampering<br />

About 500 hear GOP candidates in rally at Winreck<br />

Veter machines bring eut mere voters , William J Smith says<br />

William J Smith defends politicians<br />

US Sen Rebert S Kerr te address state Democratic rally<br />

Beth parties planning big rallies as campaign nears end<br />

Pell tax total near 6021000 (totals. by county)<br />

Democratic rally expected te draw 10.000<br />

Democratic rally draws 3,000 te Coliseum<br />

GOP builds blaze in state, but ne fire likely<br />

Democrats urge party line vete; Repubs urge breaking free<br />

State press comments en appreaching general election<br />

Democrats. Republicans held listless rallies at LR<br />

Gazette urges passage of am.dt allowing voting machines<br />

General election ballet is hefty one<br />

Republican candidates ge down stoically in Ark voting<br />

FBI gets several cemplaints about voting<br />

Results of voting in local races around state<br />

Vote machine amdt holds slim margin in election returns<br />

Results of voting in local races around state<br />

GOP flop in Ark called a psychological disaster<br />

Seme practical advice fer the <strong>Arkansas</strong> GOP (ed)<br />

Voting machines amdt passes<br />

Voting machines in time fer '64 (ed)<br />

State GOP starts planning fer 1964: tactics will change<br />

Marien B Burton joins staff of state GOP full-time<br />

Editorials comment en general election results<br />

ALC agrees to recedificatien ef election laws<br />

State Republicans meet in closed session. talk money<br />


see alse Apparitions<br />

Ark Supreme Ct reverses conviction of ex-judge John M Gordon<br />

F.x-County Judge Gordon convicted of paying excessive prices<br />

Citizen's suit filed against County Judge Rey Stockton<br />

Taxpayers suit against County Judge Rey Stockton dismissed<br />

County Judge Rey W Stockton has unique plan fer raising funds<br />

Stockton leases county equipment to secy fer private work<br />

Supreme Ct asked to rule en legality of Stockton 's plan<br />

Ark Supreme Ct sends suit on use of county equipment to court<br />


Shirt plant at Mena holds dedication<br />


Indicted en charges of income tax count<br />

Pollock pleads guilty to evading taxes. draws fine<br />


'l\vo new sewer dists proposed south of Little Reck<br />

John Barrew Addition residents forming sewer district<br />

Salt water damage claim in Union County affirmed by court<br />

9/16/62 E3 3<br />

9/25/62 Al 4<br />

9/30/62 Al3 7<br />

10/ 9/62 BlO 1<br />

10/17/62 A2 3<br />

10/19/62 Bl 8<br />

10-/21/62 E3 1<br />

10-/26/62 Al 2<br />

10-/28/62 A12 1<br />

10/28/62 A8 l<br />

11/- 2/ 62 A4 1<br />

11/ 3/62 Al 3<br />

11/ 4/62 Al 4<br />

11/ 4/6 2 E3 1<br />

11/- 4/62 E3 2<br />

11/- 5/62 Al 5<br />

11/ 5/62 A4 1<br />

11-/ 6-/62 Al 8<br />

11/ 7/62 A2 5<br />

11/ 7-/62 A4 7<br />

11/ 7/62 AB 1<br />

11-/ 8-/62 Al 2<br />

11/- 8-/62 A14 1<br />

11-/11-/62 A1 4 1<br />

11/11/62 E2 1<br />

11/14/62 Bl 2<br />

11/16-/62 A6 1<br />

11/17 /62 A5 4<br />

11/-24/62 B5 3<br />

11/25-/62 E3 2<br />

12/ 15/62 A6 1<br />

12/16-/62 A9 7<br />

3-/14/61 AB 4<br />

3/14/61 AB 4<br />

10-/ 4/ 61 Bl 7<br />

11-/17/61 Bl 5<br />

3/18/62 A3 1<br />

3/18-/62 A3 1<br />

3-/18/62 A3 1<br />

9/11/62 A6 1<br />

2/ 12/62 A10 3<br />

3/ 1/62 Bl 8<br />

5/25-/62 Bl 4<br />

1/ 5-/61 Cl2 1<br />

2/12/61 A3 4<br />

4/25/61 A2 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Merrilton sewage treatment plant brings complaints<br />

Lewis J Jahnsen heads <strong>Arkansas</strong> Water Pellutien Central Cemm<br />

Strentium-90 level in milk at LR highest in country<br />

Falleut in central Ark reported unusually high<br />

Radiatien level in Ark may be highest in US<br />

High falleut in Ark is result ef tricky weather<br />

Radiation level dreps quickly<br />

Water Pollution Comm reports progress during <strong>1961</strong><br />

Jacksenville passes anti-litter ordinance<br />

Little Reck uses litterbug in anti-litter campaign<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River pollution reported as high<br />

James B Lile filed suit against Russellvile plant tee late<br />

Sanitary Engineering Bureau keeps watch en state environment<br />

Radiation increases in milk in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Univ ef Ark research en atomic fallout reported<br />

Russellville seeks federal aid with new sewer line<br />

Plan being made te curb Iedine 131 fallout in milk in Ark<br />

Court voids 1955 law banning junkyards frem roadsides<br />

Beaverferk Lake homes pese possible health problem fer Conway<br />

Justice Jim Johnsen's heme at Beaverferk meets standard<br />

State Health Bd approves rules fer centrol of radiation<br />

ALC resists Faubus en funding Pollution Centrel Commission<br />

Gov Faubus wants Pellutien Cantrel Comm funded by gen revenue<br />

PONCA<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

POOLE. L C<br />

see also Sex crimes<br />

POOR<br />

see also Constructien programs. State<br />

see also Econemic development<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see alse United Rescue Mission<br />

see also United States - Rural Development Program<br />

Federal gevt threatens AFDC cutoff over 'suitable hemes' law<br />

Suitable homes law challenge dees net werry Welfare Dept<br />

Over 200 .000 persons receive surplus commodity feeds<br />

Sen J W Fulbright wants pilot feed stamp program in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Welfare rolls rise in March; figures listed en clients<br />

Surplus feed gees to 302.250 in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Carl Adams wins delay en 'suitable hemes ' ruling en aid<br />

Carl Adsms raps 4 counties net in surplus feed program<br />

Report sherNs 316.300 persons received surplus feed in April<br />

Surplus feed goes to 296 .750 in state<br />

Wel fare Dept te delay pregram ef hospital care fer the aged<br />

Mr Adams 's delay (ed en delay in Medicare fer the aged)<br />

Gav Faubus hits welfare fer mothers ef illegitimate children<br />

Mississippi County plans te cut 17 .000 from free feed rells<br />

Mississippi County welfare office asked fer methed used<br />

Welfare Cemmr Carl Adams concerned by Mississippi Co action<br />

Mississippi County to add 4.ooo te welfare rolls<br />

Gov Faubus attacks welfare aid to sinful mothers<br />

7/ 5/61 A6<br />

7/29/61 A7<br />

9/13/61 Bl<br />

9/20/61 Bl<br />

9/21/61 Bl<br />

9/22/61 Al<br />

9/24/61 Al<br />

1/ 11-/ 62 B4<br />

4/ 6/62 Bll<br />

4/ 8/62 Al<br />

4/21/62 AS<br />

4/27/62 B15<br />

5/10/62 A12<br />

5/31/62 A3<br />

7/ 6/62 Bl<br />

8/ 1/62 Bl<br />

8/25/62 A2<br />

9/11/62 Bl<br />

10/25/62 Bl<br />

10/25/62 Bl<br />

10/26/62 A2<br />

11/ 1/62 Bl<br />

11/ 1/62 Bl<br />

3<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

3<br />

7<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1/19/61 AlO 1<br />

1/19/61 AlO 1<br />

1/29/61 Al2 1<br />

3/16/61 Bl 5<br />

3/22/61 Bl 5<br />

4/21/61 Bl 4 3<br />

5/14/-61 ES l<br />

5/20/-61 A7 7<br />

5/20/61 A7 7<br />

6/14/61 Bl 4<br />

6/30/-61 Al 3<br />

7/ 1/61 A4 2<br />

8/19/61 A2 1<br />

9/ 7/61 Al 3<br />

9/ 8/61 Al 4<br />

9/ 8/61 Al 4<br />

9/10/61 A9 5<br />

9/-13/-61 Bl 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Gov Faubus supports Mississippi County action in feed case<br />

Mississippi County has farm jobs fer feed recipients<br />

U S govt may investigate Mississippi Co actions<br />

Welfare Cenunr Carl Adams ends Mississippi Ce inquiry<br />

St Francis County dropping about 14,000 from free feed rolls<br />

Statistics en welfare recipients in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Assn ef County Welfare Directors asks mere funds for children<br />

Alex H Washburn proposes taking vote frem welfare recipients<br />

Restricting the vote (ed en Alex H Washburn 's proposal)<br />

Gev Faubus disagrees with taking vote from welfare clients<br />

Gev Faubus urges care te see that only needy get welfare aid<br />

Welfare Cemmr Carl Adams vews te help end welfare chiseling<br />

Wilbur Mills favors efforts te end cheating en welfare aid<br />

State Sen Tero. Allen urges welfare workers to educate public<br />

Taking a closer leek at the welfare rolls (ed)<br />

Faubus exploits issue ef aid fer illegitimate children (ed)<br />

Faubus premised te increase wel fare rolls, T E Lawrence says<br />

Gev Faubus often gets incensed ever misuse of ADFC<br />

Statistics en ADC program in Ark<br />

Geedfellew Christmas Club needs $5000 te help the needy<br />

Feed variety in commodity pregram makes bills hard to pay<br />

Carl Adams says state will review" ADC program<br />

Federal program to curb wel fare abuses praised by Gov Faubus<br />

Surplus food gees to 220,388 in state. Dept ef Welfare repts<br />

Asst Welfare Commr A J Mess attacks JFK welfare plans<br />

Gov Orval Faubus grants $5 per month increase in welfare pay<br />

Welcome grants (ed en increased welfare payments)<br />

Mother. 8 children found at LR in destitute circumstances<br />

Surplus feed distribution up in state ev er last year<br />

Alex Washburn would disenfranchise welfare clients<br />

Independence County in extended feed stamp plan<br />

Independence Co relief clients polled en aid by feed stamps<br />

Gov Faubus ties illegitmacy te welfare programs<br />

Gav Orval E Faubus continues attack on welfare<br />

Welfare recipients te get $5 monthly increase<br />

Gov Faubus defers decision en testing f oed stamp plan<br />

Probe ef aid to dependent children program to be held<br />

Gov Faubus undecided en testing new feed stamp plan<br />

Gov Faubus urged to approve feed stamps plan<br />

Profile en f am.ilies en ADC rolls given by Welfare Dept<br />

Mississippi County has 21.106 receiving surplus commodities<br />

Gev Faubus assails abuse of national welfare program<br />

HEW te study state's Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) cases<br />

About 160 cases figure in natl probe ef ADC program<br />


see also Cemeteries<br />

see also Indians, American<br />

see also Loitering and vagrancy<br />

Sheriff Beb Rankin dies<br />

Erma (Mrs Bob) Rankin te cemplete Sheriff Rankin 's term<br />


9/13/61 Bl<br />

9/13/61 Bl<br />

9/13/61 Bl<br />

9/13/61 Bl<br />

9/14/61 Bl<br />

9/17/61 A2<br />

10/14/61 AS<br />

10-/20/61 Bl<br />

10/22/61 E2<br />

10/28/61 Bl8<br />

12/ 1/61 Al<br />

12/ 1/61 Al<br />

12/ 1/61 Al<br />

12/ 2/61 A3<br />

12/ 2/61 A4<br />

12/ 5/61 Al+<br />

12/ 8/61 A4<br />

12/11/61 A4<br />

12/11/61 A4<br />

12/12/61 Bl<br />

12/13/61 .AB<br />

12/13/61 AB<br />

12/13/61 Bl<br />

1/ 9/62 Bl<br />

2/ 4/62 Al2<br />

2/17/62 Al<br />

Z/19/62 A4<br />

3-/ 6/62 Bl<br />

3/14/62 A7<br />

4/ 4/62 A4<br />

8/ 3/62 A3<br />

8/28/62 Al<br />

8/28/62 Bl<br />

8/29/62 A2<br />

9/14/62 Al<br />

9/22/62 A2<br />

9/28/62 Bl<br />

9/29/62 A2<br />

10/-10/62 Bl<br />

10/-19/62 AB<br />

11/-27 /62 Bl<br />

12/14/62 Al8<br />

12/-23/62 D3<br />

12/26/62 Al<br />

4/11/61 A7<br />

4/14/61 A9<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

3<br />

7<br />

2<br />

6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

6<br />

6<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

8<br />

7<br />

7<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

l<br />

7<br />

3<br />

4<br />

l<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

8<br />

4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see Prisens and prisoners<br />


Chmn of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Werkman 's Cempensatien Comm dies at 72<br />

Tribute f rem <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<br />

Bulk of estate left te Mrs Pepe in will<br />


see also Health Department (Ark)<br />

Urban areas ef Ark sh01Ved gain frem 1950 te 1960<br />

Final 1960 census total fer Ark is 1.786.272<br />

Negroes leaving Ark faster than white persons<br />

Pepulatien trends in Ark is subj ect of editorial<br />

Less ef population is subj ect ef column<br />

NLR only city in state gaining in rank<br />

Pepulatien center of Ark is in field near Jacksonville<br />

About 11 pct of state residents are ever 65. census reveals<br />

Breakdown of tetal population by age groups<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> faces 10 pct population less by 1970<br />

State Rep Virgil T Fletcher questiens Ark census data<br />

Univ of Ark estimates of Ark population (by county)<br />

Fert Smith new state's second largest city<br />

Ark will lose population, Dean Witter and Co says<br />

Popul ation less proj ection fer Ark denied by Census Bureau<br />

Probable source of Ark population loss rept<br />

Frank Cantrell discusses population estimates<br />

Census official explains population loss figure<br />

Univ of Ark predicts grewth ef populatien<br />

Excerpts frem Census Bureau gives prefile ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Health Dept statistics summary<br />


see alee Nudism and nudity<br />

LR City Mgr Bd fails to rename 3 members ef Censer Beard<br />

Jerry Russell. eutspeken critic ef censors, en LR Censer Bd<br />

LR Censer Bd wants public meney te buy 'sexy ' materials<br />

Rep Glenn F Walther offers bill te tighten curbs on obscenity<br />

New state law weakens power ef local censer boards<br />

NLR ordinance prepeses censer board fer city<br />

American Legion decides films tee sexy fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> youth<br />

LR Censor Bd wants PTA help in checking stare shelves<br />

Jerry Dacus arrested with nude pictures in his possession<br />

Feur charges filed against photographer Jerry Dacus<br />

Yeuth held at Cenway fer making obscene telephone calls<br />

Conway youth gets probation in lewd telephone calls case<br />

PORTIS. J C<br />

see also Agricultural Stabilization and Censervatien Service<br />

PORTS<br />

see Harbers. perts and marinas<br />


see also Jinks . Harold<br />

Rogers is first te come under Dept 's new leasing program<br />

Harol d Jinks te get regional directer in St Louis<br />

LR Postmaster I C Belleville te retire<br />

3/26/61 Al<br />

3/27/61 A4<br />

4/ 6/61 B6<br />

1/ 8/ 62 A2<br />

2/ 3/61 Bl<br />

3/ 8/61 Bl<br />

4/ 8/61 AA<br />

4/ 9/61 ES<br />

4/30/61 ES<br />

9/ 3/61 A6<br />

2/26/62 Al<br />

2/26/62 Al<br />

6/ 1/62 Al<br />

6/ 6/62 A4<br />

6/16/62 A7<br />

6/22/62 Bl<br />

10/18/62 Al<br />

10/18/62 Al<br />

10/20/62 A7<br />

10/22/62 A3<br />

10/29/62 A3<br />

11/25/62 A4<br />

12/23/62 D3<br />

12/30/-62 A5<br />

1/17/61 B3<br />

1/22/61 A13<br />

2/ 4/61 B3<br />

2/ 14/61 Bl<br />

3/22/61 AlO<br />

5/ 6/61 B8<br />

8/ 2;/61 Bl<br />

1/26/62 Bl<br />

3/15/62 Bl<br />

3/16/62 Bl<br />

11/27/62 Bl<br />

12/ 9/62 A4<br />

1/ 9/61 A2<br />

1/14/61 A2<br />

2/22/61 Al<br />

7<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

l<br />

5<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

5<br />

6<br />

l<br />

4<br />

7<br />

8<br />

7<br />

7<br />

4<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Speculatien en replacement fer I C Belleville begins<br />

Arch Campbell interested in LR postmaster's job<br />

Harol d Jinks will not get position because of NAACP ebj ectien<br />

Gene Burks is acting postmaster at NLR<br />

John 0 May seeks appmt as NLR postmaster<br />

Ark Demecratic Voters Assn opposes Ed McKinley fer LR pest<br />

Ed I McKinley Jr. C E McSwain are contenders fer LR pest<br />

Merit should be basis fer postal appmts. Gazette says<br />

Dale Alford says acting chief at LR has been neminated<br />

Ed I McKinley gets job as acting postmaster at LR<br />

Ed I McKinley has been leader of ardent segregationists<br />

Merit and postmasters (ed)<br />

Flooded by pretests. Washington holds up en McKinely appmt<br />

Rep Dale Alford backs Ed I McKinley . blames integratienists<br />

Ed I McKinley Jr will not be installed as planned at LR<br />

Rey L Sharpe te take charge of LR pestef fice<br />

Editorial en delay in confirming postmaster at LR<br />

LR postmaster may net be named until <strong>1962</strong> electlien ever<br />

Pesteffice inspector in LR to check McKinley 's acceptability<br />

Naming ef postmaster at NLR te be delayed<br />

Dale Alford originally wanted C E McSwain fer LR postmaster<br />

Dale Alford to ask status of Ed I McKinley Jr fer LR pest<br />

Ed I McKinley definitely eut as postmaster far LR<br />

Gazette peints eut qualifications ef Rey L Sharpe fer LR<br />

Rep Dale Alferd supporting C E McSwain Sr fer LR postmaster<br />

Rep Dale Alford says C E McSwain meets approval of Washington<br />

Mail route changed te make C E McSwain eligible fer jeb<br />

Postal inspecter returns te LR te check on appointment<br />

C E McSwain Sr named acting postmaster at Little Reck<br />

NLR merchant s unhappy with plan te move pesteffice<br />

Charles H Earl named te Pesteffice Dept Advisory Committee<br />

C E McSwain Sr will probably be next postmaster at LR<br />

Dale Alford taps David P Weed fer NLR postmaster<br />

Three men certified eligible fer LR postmaster<br />

Dale Alferd admits David P Weed will not get NLR pest<br />

Postmaster at NLR will prebably be Arnol d Sikes<br />

Shall politics prevail in NLR pestmastership (ed)<br />

Speeded-up business mail delivery put in effect in LR<br />


Plans to build paper mill in Desha Ceunty still en track<br />


see Ceramics and pottery<br />

POTTERY. Indian<br />

see Archeelegy and anthrepelegy<br />

POULTRY FEDERATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Annual meeting to be held in LR<br />

Federation refuses te allow any form of govt control<br />


see Festivals<br />


see Peer<br />

2/22/61 Al 4<br />

2/23/61 Al 4<br />

3/12/61 ES 5<br />

3/14/61 A9 1<br />

3/15/61 BlO 6<br />

3/16/61 Bl 8<br />

3/16/61 Bl 8<br />

3-/17/61 A4 l<br />

3/17/61 Bl 6<br />

3/18/-61 Al 2<br />

3/-18/61 Al 2<br />

3/19/-61 E4 2<br />

3/22/61 Al 3<br />

3/23/61 Al 3<br />

4/28/-61 Al 3<br />

4/28/61 Al 3<br />

4/ 29/61 A4 2<br />

5/ 7/61 E5 5<br />

5/ 9/61 Bl 2<br />

5/ 10/61 Bl4 l<br />

5/14/61 ES 5<br />

8/23/61 A3 7<br />

8/24/61 Bl 4<br />

8/27/61 E4 1<br />

9-/28/61 Bl 7<br />

9/29/61 Al 2<br />

9/30/61 A7 2<br />

10-/14/-61 A3 7<br />

10/-26/61 A2 6<br />

11/ 3/-61 B12 6<br />

11/12/61 A15 7<br />

4/30/62 Al 7<br />

6/21/62 Bl2 1<br />

7/10/62 Al 5<br />

8/11/62 Al 5<br />

8-/11/62 Al 5<br />

8/12-/62 E2 l<br />

10/-23/62 Bl 4<br />

8/18/61 Bl 5<br />

6/ 4/ 61 C3 3<br />

9/15/61 BlO l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see United States - Rural Development Pregram<br />


see al se Acters and entertainers<br />


see also Education - Little Rock District<br />


Two indicted en chgs of voting irregularities in Dem primary<br />

Names ef two men idicted en irregular voting chg net released<br />

Eagle Boyd, Jee Chambers indicted in election prebe<br />

Publisher William F Weeds defends handling of primary ballots<br />

Judge te hear charges ef betting on election outcome<br />

Judge asked te dismiss new grand jury ever election probe<br />

Grand jury epens Hazen ballet boxes, finds ne voter lists<br />

Veter lists still missing at Hazen<br />

Twenty witnesses quizzed in election probe<br />

Grand jury criticizes Democratic Central Comm. adj eurns<br />

Grand jury calling witnesses for vote probe<br />

Grand jury indicts 10 after probe of election events<br />

Two Negroes also indicted in vote case<br />

Phillip Smith acquitted in school election case<br />

Fifty-two persons testify in voting trial<br />

Three election officials freed of vote fraud at Hazen<br />

Two fined. six dismissed in vote case<br />


see Banks<br />

PRAIRIE GROVE, Battle of<br />

see Civil War<br />


Mother-in-law of Brooks Hays dies<br />


Prattsville Garden Club has led pregress in city<br />

Community gains incorperatien<br />


see alse Education - Religieus issues<br />


Legis prepesal te regulate trading stamps is controversial<br />


Cumberland Presbyterians may build headquarters west ef LR<br />

Cumberland Church teurs . studies tract en Lake Maumel le<br />

Cumberland board votes te buy 160 acres near Little Reck<br />

First Presbyterian at Warren has new building<br />

Dr Jehn Tilman Barr Sr te retire after 50 years<br />

Ark Syned ef Presbyterian Church U S A names mederater<br />

Ark Synod asks accusers te call names ef red clergy<br />

Twe beys chgd with burning White Oak Cressreads Church<br />

White Oak Church near Ozark te be rebuilt<br />

Two beys get suspended arson terms in burning ef Ozark church<br />

Dr Marien A Beggs ends 23-yr pastorate at Secend Presbyterian<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Synod vetes te merge children's homes<br />

Reverse freedom rider program condemned by Ark Synod<br />

General Assembly of Cumberland Presbyterians te be in LR<br />

1/19/-61 Al<br />

1/21/61 A3<br />

l/-25/61 Al<br />

1/27/61 A9<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl<br />

3/ 8/61 Bl<br />

3/ 9/61 Al<br />

3/10/61 A12<br />

3/11/61 B6<br />

3/22/61 A7<br />

3/28/61 A2<br />

3/29/61 Al<br />

3/30/61 A3<br />

10/31/61 Bl<br />

11/ 2/ 61 Bl<br />

11/- 3/61 Bll<br />

3/ 7/62 Bl<br />

3/ 9/ 62 Bl<br />

12-/17/61 E4<br />

11/18/62 A7<br />

2/10/61 A6<br />

1/20/61 Bl<br />

3/ 1/61 Al2<br />

3/ 2/61 AlO<br />

5/13/61 A7<br />

5/ 14/61 A6<br />

5/17/61 A2<br />

5/18/61 Bl<br />

1/14/62 A6<br />

2/ 9/62 Bl<br />

3/ 1/62 A5<br />

4/27/62 Bl<br />

5/24/-62 A2<br />

5/-24/62 A2<br />

6/20/62 A2<br />

7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

5<br />

7<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

8<br />

5<br />

4<br />

7<br />

2<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

6<br />

3<br />

6<br />

7<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

7<br />

7<br />

4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


Federal judge rules fer Prescelite in laber dispute<br />


see United States - President<br />


Bill in Ark Legis weuld repeal 1959 'free elector ' law<br />

Gazette says maj ority will welcome end te 'free electors '<br />

Free electer law helped JFK, Gov Orval Faubus believes<br />

Senate vetes te end 'free electer' law<br />

House vetes te repeal free electer law, sends measure te gev<br />

Free elector law repealed witheut actien by Gov Faubus<br />

PRESS ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see News and news media<br />

PRESS WOMEN, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see News and news media<br />

see alse News and news media<br />


see al se Agriculture<br />

see also Alcoholic Beverages<br />


Picketing ban affirmed by Ark Supreme Court<br />


see Price maintenance<br />


Clarksville peultry firm asks authority te reorganiz e<br />

Peultry plant at Clarksville clesed by receiver<br />

Clarksville plant taken ever by Swift and Ce<br />


Construction ef plant at Conway is under way<br />

Conway veters approve bends for plant<br />


Specialist printers in Ark give state world reputation<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />


Note: Entries refer te Ark State Prison, except as neted<br />

see alse Murders - Mencer. Charles Andrew<br />

see also Parden and parole<br />

see alse Sex crimes<br />

Three escape frem Washingten Ceunty Jail<br />

Two escapees back in jail in Fayetteville<br />

Fire at Negro Boys Industrial Scheel killed 21 boys in 1959<br />

Three Phillips County jail escapees recaptured<br />

Two yuths flee Ashley County Jail<br />

Inmates at Negre Beys Scheel werk T J Raney f arn nearby<br />

LJAC wants rept en earnings ef boys at Negre Training School<br />

Five escape Garland County jail<br />

LJAC told Negro Beys Industrial Scheel records boys' earnings<br />

Inmates Bennie Muldrew and Luther Wren flee prison<br />

Two Negro escapees captured after sheeteut with police<br />

Convict claims shock ef prison sentence caused crippled feet<br />

2/23/61 AB 3<br />

2/ 7/61 Bl 5<br />

2/ 8/61 A4 2<br />

2/ 9/61 A9 2<br />

2/16/61 A7 3<br />

2/24/61 Al 5<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 3<br />

6/ 5/62 Bl<br />

10/ 3/61 BB<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl<br />

11/16/62 A2<br />

8/lB/62 B5<br />

9/2&/62 A2<br />

10/15/61 Cl<br />

1/ 2/61 A2<br />

1/ 4/61 B7<br />

2/10/61 Al<br />

3/ 9/61 Bl<br />

3/20/61 BB<br />

3/25/61 Al<br />

3/25/61 Al<br />

3/31/61 Bl<br />

4/22/61 A3<br />

4/30/61 A9<br />

5/ 3/61 Al<br />

5/ 3/61 B8<br />

8<br />

4<br />

7<br />

1<br />

7<br />

8<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

7<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

'!We Negro inmates escape frem State Hospital<br />

Cummins Prison Farm houses 2.115 inmates<br />

Jeel R Garson arrested in California<br />

Gov Faubus praises efficiency of system under Lee Henslee<br />

Mrs Bobbie Christensen ex:capes frem Garland County Jail<br />

Escapee Babbie C Christensen recaptured<br />

Inmate J C Johnsen shet te death by Jesse Ring. a trusty<br />

NLR' s infamous eld jail being replaced<br />

Mississippi County Prison Farm complex destroyed by fire<br />

Willie West Began offers te serve brether-in-law's term<br />

Six excape jail at Osceola; five are recaptured<br />

Mrs Gladys S Quimby to head Girls Training Scheel<br />

E A Lauderdale Sr leaves prisen. but faces 2nd bomb charge<br />

History ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Penitentiary<br />

History of <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Penitentiary<br />

Pulaski County may use bend issue fer new penal farm<br />

Prison has mere white then Negre female prisoners<br />

Pulaski County cancels bend vote en penal farm<br />

Pulaski County offers to sell portion ef penal farm<br />

Judge Quinn Glover urges jail matrons te search females<br />

State Training Scheel fer Girls will not grant holiday leaves<br />

Part of Pulaski County Penal Farm sold te Winrock Enterprises<br />

Pulaski County veters turn dawn meve ef Penal Farm<br />

Training Scheel girls making Christmas gifts fer families<br />

Gov Faubus inspects state penitentiary. Negre Beys Schoel<br />

Ples Duty. 83 . behind bars again<br />

Latin American policemen amazed at Cummins Prison Farm<br />

Mest guards at Cummins Prison are inmates themselves<br />

Supt Lee Henslee runs Cummins with less than 12 empl oyees<br />

Pulaski Penal Farm getting rid ef beef cattle operation<br />

Conditions at Pulaski Penal Farm blasted by Grand Jury<br />

Woman who paraded as man gets parole from prison<br />

Earnest C Heuff. 15. sent te prison; prebatien revoked<br />

Eight beys flee frem Training Scheel at Pine Bluff<br />

Six ef eight escapees returned te Ark Beys Training School<br />

Three girls try to flee Pulaski Co Jail; jailer is shet<br />

Youths admit supplying gun to girls in Pulaski Ce Jail<br />

Wm Leonard Lee, Rudolph Behr held in Pulaski jailbreak try<br />

Two escape frem Pulaski County Penal Farm; one drowns<br />

Jailbreak try by 2 yeuths ends en ledge ef Pulaski courthouse<br />

Pulaski County prisoner dies of heat stroke<br />

Girls involved in Pulaski Jail break get 6 yrs in prison<br />

Several prisoners attempt escape from Cress County Jail<br />

Five inmates break out ef Lawrence County Jail<br />

Three inmates try te escape Pocahontas City Jail<br />

Three inmates beat jailer, escape Miller County Jail<br />

Texarkana jail escapees recaptured<br />

Inmate Walter McWilliams escapes after religious conversion<br />

Escapee Walter McWilliams recaptured in house en prison farm<br />

Women form auxiliary to help Training Scheel for Girls<br />

Lee Henslee to retire as head of prisons . cites health<br />

5-/14/61 A15 6<br />

6/ 4/ 61 C4 6<br />

6-/10/61 B6 1<br />

6-/13/61 A2 5<br />

6/24/61 K3 5<br />

6/25/61 A6 6<br />

7 /27/61 Cl6 5<br />

7/30/61 AS 3<br />

7/31/61 Al 2<br />

8-/ 4/ 61 Bll 6<br />

8/ 6-/61 C3 6<br />

8/-10/61 A12 2<br />

9/15/61 AB l<br />

9/17/61 E2 1<br />

9/-24/61 E2 l<br />

9/-26/61 Bl 6<br />

10-/ 6/61 B7 3<br />

10/12/61 A12 5<br />

11/-19/61 Al6 1<br />

11/29/61 A6 6<br />

12/ 2/61 K3 3<br />

12/ 5/61 All 7<br />

12/ 6/61 A2 3<br />

12/ 14/61 Bl 6<br />

1/-10/-62 A2 2<br />

l/ 20/-62 K3 2<br />

1/28/62 A13 1<br />

l/ 28/-62 Al3 1<br />

l/28/62 A13 1<br />

2/18/-62 A3 2<br />

3/ 6/62 K3 4<br />

4/- 5/62 Cll 2<br />

4/ 11/62 Bl4 1<br />

4/25/-62 Bl4 1<br />

4/ 27/62 Bl 8<br />

6/15/62 Al 2<br />

6/16/62 Al 2<br />

6/16/62 Al 3<br />

6/17/62 A6 3<br />

6/20/62 Al 4<br />

6/-30/62 A3 6<br />

7-/ 3/62 AS 4<br />

8/ 4/62 A3 3<br />

8/ 5/62 AB 5<br />

8/ 9/62 A2 5<br />

8/20/62 Al 4<br />

8/24/62 Bl 4<br />

8/28/62 Bl 7<br />

8/-31/62 Al 4<br />

9/30/62 Al6 4<br />

10/31/62 Bl 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Dan D Stephens named asst te Supt Lee Henslee<br />

Ark Training Scheel fer Girls bldg named fer Marge Crabaaugh<br />

Legislaters praise prefit-making system<br />

Frank Van Cleve escapes Pope County Jail; caught at Morrilton<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Girls Training Scheel Auxiliary supports workers<br />

Girls Training Scheel at Alexander ceunseler fights apathy<br />

'!We men escape Pulaski Penal Farm. voluntarily return<br />

Wemen's group aids girls in Collegeville Training School<br />

'!We youths beat Leneke Ce Sheriff Warren Minten. flee jail<br />

PRIZES<br />

see Contests and prizes<br />

PROBATION OFFICERS ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Social workers and juvenile delinquents subj ect ef talk<br />


see also Little Reck Cotton Exchange<br />

Veteran cetten broker dies at age 84 in Little Reck<br />


see Taxation<br />

PROPERTY. Unclaimed<br />

AP&L deposits of ex-customers subj ect ef escheat action<br />


see Public prosecutors<br />


see also Disasters<br />


'IWenty young women at Texarkana plead guilty to vagrancy<br />

NLR detectives probe prostitution, report 50 arrests<br />

Judge reinstates chgs of operating disorderly house at LR<br />


see alse Civil rights and discrimination<br />


Blaze rages at LR business for three hours<br />

PRYOR. CORNELIUS, Family<br />

Article mentions several members ef pioneer family<br />


see also Autembiles and autemebile drivers<br />

see alse Constitution (Ark)<br />

see alse Censtructien programs, State<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Politics and electiens, Local<br />

Repr Pryer urges end te passage ef conflicting bills<br />

Urges Hendrix students to encourage yeung people te seek effc<br />


see Accounting and accountants<br />

PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Annual meeting opening in LR<br />

Association urges all tewns to fluoridate water supplies<br />


see Libraries, Public<br />


Rodney Parham Jr is chief deputy te John T Jernigan<br />

11/ 1/62 A4<br />

11/ 6/62 A2<br />

11/ 9/62 A8<br />

11/16/62 A2<br />

11/16/62 A2<br />

12/ 9/62 E4<br />

12/18/62 A1 2<br />

12/23/62 A6<br />

12/25/62 Al<br />

10/20/61 Bl<br />

4/19/61 BlO<br />

1/ 6/61 Bl<br />

1<br />

8<br />

l<br />

1<br />

7<br />

3<br />

1<br />

6<br />

3<br />

6<br />

l<br />

6<br />

2/ 4/61 A2 4<br />

6/24/61 A3 1<br />

10/ 4/ 62 Al 4 1<br />

1/16/61 Al 6<br />

2/18/62 E4 l<br />

3/ 1/61 A3 1<br />

2/ 21/62 B14 5<br />

5/ 7/61 All 2<br />

5/11/61 Bl 6<br />

l/ 1/61 B7 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Ce<br />

see also Television<br />

Gev Faubus appts Dan D Stephens atty for PSC<br />

Gov Faubus names Mark E Woolsey chief counsel te PSC<br />

Group seeking reform of PSC<br />

Ark Municipal League wants vote on plan to elect PSC<br />

The inherent weaknesses in electing the PSC (ed)<br />

Gov Faubus has reservations about election of members<br />


Refusal to fund trip for top mother irks legislator<br />

Agency relents, releases $250 for Mother-of-the-Year trip<br />

Comm tightens control ever agency . denies any displeasure<br />

Directer Ted Woods says he has been dismissed from his job<br />

Ted Woods was fired fer cause, Gev Orval Faubus says<br />

Bob Evans of Helena. te serve as interim directer<br />

Gev Orval Faubus calls fer special audit of Commission<br />

Louis J Oberste Jr named publicity directer<br />


see also Little Reck Metropolitan Area<br />

Razing of elder section of county courthouse suggested<br />

If County Judge agrees. county pay raises have chance<br />

County Judge Arch Campbell plans to abolish budget committee<br />

Memphis BBB accuses Sheriff 1s office of shady fund-raising<br />

Judge Arch Campbell decides te retain Quorum. Ct budget comm<br />

Delinquent tax cellecters garner $159.501 fer ceunty<br />

Equalization Bd Chmn Edward Bennett may lese job<br />

Sen Ellis Fagan. Dan Sprick want Edward Bennett ousted<br />

Mr Fagan 's intervention in county assessment (ed)<br />

State Senate backs Fagan ef fert to oust Edward Bennett<br />

Mr Fagan 's purge (ed en Edward Bennett controversy)<br />

Summary of grand jury repert<br />

Penal Farm west of LR has been used by county since 1918<br />

Pulaski County Penal farm to be sold<br />

Bust ef Count Pulaski planned for courthouse<br />

Judge Arch Campbell eager te get bust funds drive rolling<br />

Penal Farm offered fer sale; ne takers found<br />

County te ask fer old posteffice fer county use<br />

Bust ef Count Pulaski unveiled at Pulaski Federal Savings<br />

Arch Campbell begins drive fer bust ef Count Pulaski<br />

Sheriff L C Yeung Sr disappointed with professional solicitor<br />

Cleek tewer atep Courthouse te be tern down: safety cited<br />

Penal Farm property floods as floodgate left open<br />

Water covers 80-90 acres of penal farm<br />

Judge Arch Campbell refuses deputy pay fer sheriff 's sen<br />

Sheriff L C Young Sr plans te sue over son's pay<br />

Sheriff Yeung te pay sen out of own packet<br />

Sheriff L C Yeung Sr sues te get pay fer his sen<br />

Sheriff Yeung talks with Campbell. gets son's pay approved<br />

Count Casimir Pulaski 1s coat ef arms placed in courthouse<br />

Arch Campbell plans rayal titles fer VIP visitors te county<br />

4/ 8/61 Al 4<br />

9/13/61 A13 5<br />

10/15/61 E3 1<br />

11/15/61 Al 8<br />

11/16/61 A4 l<br />

11/16/61 Cl6 8<br />

4/28/61 A2 7<br />

4/30/61 AlO 4<br />

8/30/61 Bl 8<br />

1/29/62 Al 2<br />

1/30/62 Bl 6<br />

2/ 1/62 A9 3<br />

2/ 3/62 B3 7<br />

8/23/62 AB 2<br />

1/ 8/61 All 1<br />

1/ 8/61 A4 7<br />

1/13/61 AlO 5<br />

1/19/-61 A3 1<br />

1/19/61 Cll 2<br />

2/ 15-/-61 AB 1<br />

Z/23/61 Al 2<br />

2/23/61 Al 2<br />

2/24/61 A4 1<br />

2/25/61 Al 3<br />

2/26/61 E4 1<br />

3/ 7/61 A6 1<br />

3/16/61 Cl8 5<br />

3/16/61 Cl8 5<br />

3/29/-61 A9 4<br />

3/29/61 A9 5<br />

4/-12/61 A6 5<br />

4/16/61 A7 2<br />

4/28/61 All 2<br />

4/29/61 A7 7<br />

5/ 2/-61 Bl 8<br />

5/ 9/61 A2 l<br />

5/13/61 A2 4<br />

5-/-14/61 A5 6<br />

6/ 14/61 Al 4<br />

6/15/61 Bl 5<br />

6/16/61 A6 5<br />

6/17/61 B4 1<br />

6/22/61 Cl2 1<br />

6/23/61 Bl 2<br />

7/26/61 Bl 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

County Judge Campbell reveals JFK plan fer Ceunt Pulaski Day<br />

Delinquent tax collectors bring in $201.681<br />

Bust ef Ceunt Pulaski arrives fer placement in courthouse<br />

Bust ef Count Pulaski unveiled at courthouse<br />

Grand Jury miffed by absence of Sheriff L C Yeung Sr<br />

Sheriff Young unperturbed by Grand Jury unhappiness<br />

Judge Arch Campbell asks about ending Planning Beard<br />

Judge Arch Campbell wants four mere busts in courthouse<br />

Statistical profile of Pulaski County<br />

131 years of assessment records new an film<br />

Woodrow W James enters race fer sheriff<br />

C W Tracy announces for Sheriff<br />

C M Pinckney is GOP candidate fer sheriff<br />

B Frank Mackey Sr joins 4 ethers in sheriff race<br />

Rev Dale Cewling promotes election of C W<br />

Sheriff candidate C W Tracy premises to clean up vice<br />

Illegal liquor. gambling corrupts youth. Dr Dale Cowling says<br />

Officials of fer to act if Rev Cowling presents ev idence<br />

Ministers ask Sheriff L C Yeung to act to clean up vice<br />

C W Tracy woul d appoint censor board for county<br />

Three seek to unseat Sherif£ L C Yeung<br />

L C Yeung. B Frank Mackey in runoff for sheriff<br />

B Frank Mackey victorious in race fer sheriff<br />

Wylie D Cavin Sr chosen electien Cemmissien chmn<br />


Aim is to curb juvenile delinquency, premete citizenship<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />

see Pulaski County<br />


see Education - Pulaski County District<br />

see Weather and storms<br />


see also Pulaski County<br />


see Libraries, Public<br />


see Electric power<br />


Wynne youths sentenced te sweep streets one day<br />


see Contracts and purchasing, Govt<br />

PURYEAR. 0 L. Family<br />

Dumas family operates several businesses<br />


see Games<br />


see Historic buildings and sites<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />


9/27 /61 AB 6<br />

10/- 5/61 A9 l<br />

10/ 9/61 A9 1<br />

10/-12-/61 ClO 1<br />

12/16/61 A3 7<br />

12/17/-61 A14 3<br />

1/ 4/62 B6 8<br />

1/12/62 A3 4<br />

1/ 14/-62 D4 1<br />

1/30/-62 A6 2<br />

3/25/62 A2 3<br />

4/11/-62 A2 5<br />

4/29/62 A14 6<br />

5/- 'l/62 AB 4<br />

6/ 8/ 62 A2 2<br />

6/ 8/62 A2 2<br />

6/24/62 A2 4<br />

6/26/62 Bl 6<br />

6/27/62 AS 1<br />

7/25/62 Bl 8<br />

7 /29/62 Al3 3<br />

8/ 2/62 Bl 3<br />

8/15/-62 Al 8<br />

10/ 6/62 A8 3<br />

1/22/61 A3 1<br />

12/ 6/-62 B16 4<br />

10/-11/61 Bl 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


Quilting new almost a lest art<br />


see alse Prisons and prisoners<br />


No names will appear on bal let fer city of fices<br />


see Politics and elections<br />

RABIES<br />

see Animals<br />

see Livestock and poultry<br />

see Medicine and health<br />


see Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see also Deg racing<br />

see also Horse racing<br />

House passes bill aimed at preventing more deg tracks<br />

Legis passes bill making estab of new tracks mere difficult<br />

Maj ority ef qualified voters must approve any new tracks<br />

Gazette endorses restrictive legislation en new tracks<br />

Deg racing would be voted en every 4 yrs under bill in House<br />


Gov Faubus shuffles membership ef Commissi.on<br />

RACING1 Dog<br />

see Deg racing<br />

RACING. Horse<br />

see Horse racing<br />


see Pollution. wastes and hazardous materials<br />

RADIO<br />

Feature en Brother Hal radio personality<br />

Arthur Godfrey taping radio shew in LR<br />

Nashville firm to buy KTHS for $620.000<br />

Nashville firm files te buy KTHS<br />

KAAY beams Veice ef America broadcasts to Cuba<br />

KAAY honored by JFK for help during Cuban crisis<br />

RAGAN, W A (Mrs)<br />

see also Culture and the arts<br />


see alse Explesives and explesiens<br />

see alse History (Ark)<br />

see also Land and real estate<br />

see alse Little Reck Zoe<br />

see alse Trucks and trucking industry<br />

Fameus railread car. Traveler. bought by Searcy Elrod<br />

Ernie Deane describes ride en an old iron horse<br />

MoPac begins probe ef derailment and explosion at Traskweod<br />

4/ 1/62 ES 2<br />

11/12/61 Al 4<br />

1/28/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 4/ 61 Al 5<br />

2/ 4/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 5/61 E4 1<br />

2/ 9/61 A2 1<br />

7/11/61 AS 2<br />

9/ 3/61 AS l<br />

10/18/61 Bl4 2<br />

5/25/62 Bl 8<br />

5/30/62 AS 5<br />

10/25/62 A4 l<br />

12/ 5/62 Bll 7<br />

l/ 7/62 E5 2<br />

1/ 4/61 Bl 2<br />

1/ 5/61 A2 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

MePac cannet determine cause ef derailment at Traskweod<br />

Train derails near West Memphis<br />

MoPac makes last passenger run into El Dorado<br />

Legis passes bill en rem.oval ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> & Ozarks tracks<br />

Bill taxing companies for removal ef tracks becomes law<br />

Legislature votes to repeal rail leekout law<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> has had Lookout Statute since 1891<br />

Repeal ef Lookout Statute signed by Gev Faubus<br />

Ex-Atty Gen T J Gentry seeks restoration of Lookout Statute<br />

T J Gentry sees hand of William J Smith in repeal ef law<br />

Ballet title approve fer petition fer vete on Leokeut repeal<br />

NLR hump yard to begin operations<br />

Missouri Pacific 's $8.400.0000 hump yard at NLR new in use<br />

Part of train leaves track at Hazen<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Midland completion might have changed history<br />

Map shows railroads of <strong>Arkansas</strong> in early days<br />

Article en eld iron horse on Little Reck and Fort Smith run<br />

Gene Hull is collector ef railroad history<br />

MePac train rams truck at Hamburg: one killed<br />

Reader Railroad operates the old iron horse<br />

ICC gives approval fer Arkanssas and Ozarks te abandon line<br />

Petitions seek repeal of law ending railroad leokeut law<br />

Missouri Pacific delays classification yard at McGehee<br />

Petitions te refer repeal ef leokeut law filed<br />

Missouri Pacific to expand NLR facilities<br />

Old steam lecometive donated te Batesville fer city park<br />

Cotten Belt Railroad shops at Pine Bluff damaged by fire<br />

Change in prepesed leekeut law requested<br />

Legislature votes te reinstate lookout laws<br />

Freight derails. smashes into passenger train at Bay<br />

'IWo accidents by same train fatal te five<br />

Engineer inv olved in Z crashes has 36-yr perfect record<br />

Train rams another train at Pine Bluff: engineer killed<br />

Wreck at Pine Bluff inj ures 14 persons<br />

Mrs Edward V Hilburn loses suit against railroads<br />

Missouri-Pacific seeks te drop three passenger trains<br />

Locomotive used by <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Ozarks sold (photo)<br />

Commerce Comm hears 2 views en MePac plan te curtail service<br />

Tayler kept its Louisiana and <strong>Arkansas</strong> Rilread depot<br />

Article on old Dardanelle and Russellville Railroad<br />

Shops at NLR weld rails to make centinueus rails<br />

Missouri Pacific freight jumps track at Myersville<br />

Boulder derails Missouri Pacific freight near Batesville<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> and Ozarks stopped running trains in 1960<br />

Frisco Railroad files suit against defunct <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Ozark<br />

Seven fuel cars burn after derailment near Black Reck<br />

Earl Derrick makes working model ef famous engine, General<br />

Camilla Hough Conklin was oldtime girl telegrapher<br />

Harrison seeks construction of 7-mile spur te Bergman<br />

State seeks to halt dismantling ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> and Ozarks RR<br />

MoPac hurt by <strong>Arkansas</strong> full crew law. efficial says<br />

1/ 6/61 Bl 2<br />

1/ 8/61 AlO 1<br />

1/15/61 A7 1<br />

2/ 4/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 9/61 Bl 9<br />

3/ 3/61 Al2 1<br />

3/ 5/61 A7 1<br />

3/ 7/61 All 3<br />

3/11/61 Al 3<br />

3/11/61 Al 3<br />

3/15/61 A3 3<br />

3/19/61 cs 3<br />

3/21/61 Al 4<br />

3/26/61 Al 4<br />

3/26/61 El 1<br />

3/26/61 El 1<br />

3/29/61 Bl 2<br />

3/29/61 Bl 2<br />

4/ 1/61 A3 3<br />

4/ 9/61 E2 5<br />

4/11/61 Al 4<br />

5/ 9/61 BlO 4<br />

5/11/61 Bl 5<br />

6/ l/61 Bl 6<br />

6/25/61 Al 5<br />

7/ 9/61 A3 2<br />

7/30/61 A2 1<br />

8/31/61 A3 2<br />

9/ 2/61 A2 7<br />

9/25/61 Al 2<br />

10/23/61 Al 7<br />

10/24/61 Bl 2<br />

11/ 1/61 Al 3<br />

11/ 1/61 Al 3<br />

11/ 2/61 A9 3<br />

11/10/61 Bl 5<br />

11/17/61 Bl 5<br />

12/12/61 Bl4 2<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl 3<br />

1/21/62 E5 2<br />

l/23/6Z Bl 3<br />

Zl 1/62 Al 2<br />

2/ 2/6Z Al 3<br />

Z/ 17/62 A5 4<br />

2/17/62 A5 4<br />

3/17/62 B7 7<br />

4/10/62 Bl 3<br />

4/15/62 ES 2<br />

4/28/62 A6 5<br />

4/28/62 Bl2 3<br />

5/18/-62 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Court nullifies act placing heavy tax en A & 0 railroad<br />

Crewmen arrested fer blocking NLR crossings<br />

Reader Railroad appreved fer hauling passengers<br />

MePac discentinues twe passenger runs through LR<br />

Train derails near NLR; 25 cars wrecked<br />

Railroads seek intrastate rate increase in Ark<br />

Rate increase would jepepardize G-P plant. official says<br />

Higher rates would hurt railroads . state Cemmerce Comm teld<br />

Reynalds Metals says rate increase would harm production<br />

RAIN<br />

see Berry • Hamer F<br />

see Weather and storms<br />


see alse Actors and entertainers<br />


Ernie Deane writes en famed folklorist of the Ozarks<br />

RANEY, T J<br />

see alse Prisons and prisoners<br />

RAPE<br />

see Sex crimes<br />


see also Newton County<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Junior Miss<br />


see also Actors and entertainers<br />


Nancy Cochran wins talent contest<br />

Nancy Gibson crewned Miss Personality<br />


see University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


Blast and fire destroy plant near Manila<br />

One-af-a-kind machine destroyed .in fire<br />


see Railreads<br />


Kay Turner ef Conway reads 2.556 words per minute<br />


see Land and real estate<br />

REAPPORTIONMENT. Congressienal<br />

see Congress - Reapportionment<br />


see Courts. State and lecal<br />

REAPPORTIONMENT, Legislative<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also Hercules Pewder Ca<br />

Jacksonville plant manufactures herbicides<br />

Jacksonville te vete on bends to bolster chemical industry<br />

Ly le 0 Hill was founder of company<br />

5/22/62 Bl 8<br />

9/16/62 Al2 3<br />

11/ 8/62 Bl 2<br />

11/ 9/62 A2 6<br />

12/ 3/62 Al 3<br />

12/12/62 Bl 2<br />

12/13/62 Bl 6<br />

12/14/62 Bl 4<br />

12/15/62 A3 8<br />

12/12/62 Bl<br />

7/ 9/61 AlO 5<br />

7/ 9/ 61 AlO 5<br />

2/ 8/62 Bl<br />

2/ 8/62 Bl<br />

7<br />

7<br />

1/ 7/62 Al2 3<br />

9/10/61 AlO 1<br />

9/ 10/61 AlO l<br />

9/10/61 AlO 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Jacksonville voters defeat Act 9 bonds fer company<br />

Act 9 confusion beat bonds, city officials say<br />

Plant at Jacksonville seld te Hercules Pewder Co<br />

Reaser-Hill was established at Jacksonville in 1945<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A & M College<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see alse Little Rock<br />

Addresses Memphis Rotary Club<br />

Honored by housing group<br />

Elected to beard of Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis<br />


see also Books and writing<br />


see Parks. recreation and tourism<br />


see also College graduates<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />

REDDIN, A R<br />

see also Baptist Church<br />


see Prisons and prisoners<br />


see also Handicapped<br />


Center at Hot Springs opens this week in old Army-Navy Hosp<br />

State Rehabilitation Directer Den W Rus sell outlines plans<br />

First ten students check in at Center<br />

Legislature rescinds Den Russell's pay raise<br />

Center credited to hard work of Den Russell and ethers<br />

Center doing wonders fer the disabled<br />

Therapy area to be expanded<br />

Patricia Masingale is first student te graduate at Center<br />

Irving Jones quits post at Het Springs Rehab Center<br />

Rehab Ctr admr Gerald Fisher, Den Russell criticized by Jenes<br />

Gev Faubus says he knows of ne mismanagement at Rehab Center<br />


see Rehabilitation Center. Hot Springs<br />


see also Baptist Church<br />

see also Buddhism<br />

see also Catholic Church<br />

see also Children and yeuth<br />

see also Christadelpbians<br />

see also Christian Church<br />

see also Communism<br />

see also Episcopal Church<br />

see also Gideons International<br />

9/13/61 A2<br />

9/15/61 Bl<br />

12/12/61 Al<br />

12-/12/61 Al<br />

2<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1/18/61 A7 5<br />

5/31/61 Al 3<br />

11/15/61 Bl 2<br />

l/ 1/61 Al<br />

1/ 1/61 Al<br />

1/ 4/61 Bl<br />

3/ 7/61 Al<br />

4/15/61 B5<br />

5/26/61 Bl<br />

12/12/61 Bl<br />

12/ 17/61 A2<br />

1/ /62 Bl<br />

l/ 9/62 Bl<br />

1/10/62 A2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5<br />

8<br />

2<br />

8<br />

7<br />

8<br />

8<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Methedist Church<br />

see alse Metrepelitan Little Rock Assn ef Free Ministers<br />

see also Ministerial Associatien, Greater Little Reck<br />

see also Pentecostal Church<br />

see also Presbyterian Church<br />

see also Sabbath and Sunday legislatien<br />

see also Seventh Day Adventist Church<br />

see also Wildlife<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Ceuncil ef Churches hears plea fer werldwide church<br />

American Legien protests Jehovah's Witness use of school<br />

LR Schoel Bd vetes to allew Jehovah' s Witnesses use ef school<br />

Dr and Mrs George T McKee were missionaries te Africa 30 yrs<br />

Story about Sam P Jenes and the saleen keepers at Jenesbore<br />

Catholics, Protestants meet together fer prayer. Bible study<br />


see Education - Religieus issues<br />

see Gevernor (Ark)<br />

REMMEL. A C (Mrs)<br />

GOP committeewoman frem LR gives Pres Eisenhewer a kiss<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> 's 'Mrs GOP ' dies at age 73<br />

Editorial lauds useful life lived by Mrs Remmel<br />

Funeral plans announced<br />


Letter en Ark delegation in Congress<br />

Letter en Remmel family ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> River Censtructien Inc<br />

see also Politics and electiens<br />

Harmen L Remmel Jr lr gives brief biog of Pratt C Remmel<br />

RENG, CARL R<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> State College<br />

see also Construction programs. State<br />

Dr Reng heads Dist 615 of Rotary International<br />

REPRODUCTION (Human)<br />

UAMC scientist Dr J K Sherman studies freezing of sperm<br />


see Construction programs. State<br />

see Politics and elections<br />


see also Swimming<br />

Jimmy Stevens. 151 saves a life with artificial respiration<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


Unfair practice charge filed against Morrison 's Cafeteria<br />

Unfair labor practices suit filed against Heward Johnsen 's<br />

Negre waiter claims harassment at Morrison's Cafeteria<br />

Morrison's spokesman says waiters fired for peer werk<br />

Morrison 's Cafeteria in LR held unfair te empleyees<br />

Strike closes twe Frae 's Cafeterias<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl<br />

2/23/62 Al<br />

2/23/62 Al<br />

8/22/62 Bl<br />

11/18/62 ElO<br />

12/24/62 Al<br />

1/ 7/61 A3<br />

3/ 8/61 Al<br />

3/ 9/61 A4<br />

3/ 9/61 B6<br />

8/ 3/62 A4<br />

8/28/62 A4<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

8/28/62 A4 3<br />

4/29/62 AB 4<br />

4/15/62 All 1<br />

4/ 2/61 Al 2<br />

4/18/61 A9 4<br />

7/ 8/61 BlO 4<br />

7/26/61 B9 4<br />

7/27/61 Bl 5<br />

10/20/61 A3 8<br />

12/ 3/61 A3 8<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Franke 's keeps 3 cafeterias open during strike<br />

Strike closes fourth Franke 's<br />

Franke 's Inc will ebey NLRB order te rehire two workers<br />

Mere charges ef unfair labor filed against Franke 's<br />

Continental Restaurant to open in Baucum heme at LR<br />

NLRB orders Merrisen 's at LR te give waiters jobs . back wages<br />

Second labor complaint filed agsinst Franke 's Inc<br />

Third complaint against Franke 's Inc filed with NLRB<br />

New labor complaint filed against Franke 's Inc<br />

NLRB opens hearings en labor complaints against Franke 's<br />

Franke 's tells why employees not rehired<br />

NLRB eases demands fer rehiring by Franke 's<br />

Union sues Franke 's Inc over arbitrating grievances<br />

Franke 's Inc wins labor decision<br />


see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />

Shopping center being built at Asher. Univ Ave in LR<br />

Kempner 's te remodel Main Street store in LR<br />

University Shopping Center te open today in LR<br />

Bellas Hess te open store in LR<br />


see Mental health and disorders<br />


see alse Government employees. Local<br />


see Veterans<br />


see also Buildiings and of fices. Gevt<br />

J Orville Cheney leaves Dept fer Commerce Commission post<br />

Mack Sturgis may be replacement fer J Orville Cheney<br />

E E McLees named acting head of Dept<br />

Ted E Donham is new Revenue Commissioner<br />


see Buildings and offices. Gevt<br />


Expansion of Newport mill announced<br />


Former chief ef Little Reck Dist Army Engineers dies<br />


Arkla te build new plant at Sheridan<br />

Sales unit maved to LR. combined with Ark.la sales unit<br />


Contreversy ever proposed closing of Arkadelphia plant<br />

Closing ef Arkadelphia mill will cost jobs of 300 workers<br />

Conference to be held to try te avert closing of plant<br />

Arkadelphia spirits rise at decision to keep plant open<br />

Gov Orval Faubus met with Reynolds president en closing<br />

Reynolds te keep Arkadelphia plant open at 25 pct capacity<br />

A welcome decision en Arkadelphia plant (ed)<br />

Fuss solved fer now. but clouds remain<br />

Reynolds cites high cost electricity at Arkadelphia plant<br />

12/ 5-/61 BB<br />

12-/12-/61 BlO<br />

1/17-/62 A2<br />

1/24/62 K3<br />

1/28/62 C3<br />

3/ 2/62 Bl<br />

3/10/62 A2<br />

4/13/62 Bll<br />

4/24/62 B9<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl3<br />

5/ 3/62 D2<br />

5/ 4/62 B13<br />

7-l 4/62 All<br />

8/15/-62 A6<br />

1/15/61 B7<br />

10/29/61 Cl<br />

3/22/62 D2<br />

5/23-/62 A2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

l<br />

6<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1<br />

l<br />

l<br />

8<br />

8<br />

4<br />

1<br />

l<br />

10/13/61 Al 4<br />

10/14/61 Al 5<br />

11/ 2/61 Bl 2<br />

11/16/61 All 3<br />

5-/ 6/62 Cl 3<br />

11/23/61 BlO 2<br />

8/17/62 BlO 6<br />

8/26/62 C2 7<br />

1-/ 1/61 BS 1<br />

1/ 5/-61 Al 3<br />

1/ 5/61 Al 3<br />

1/ 6/61 Al 3<br />

1/ 6/61 Al 3<br />

1/ 6/61 Al 3<br />

1/ 7/61 A4 l<br />

1/ 8/61 K3 2<br />

1/ 8/61 K3 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Federal govt approves plant power cost cut<br />

Rel ief fer Reynolds (ed)<br />

Plant at Arkadelphia will stay epen<br />

Company lays ef f 90 empl oyees at Hurricane Creek plant<br />


see alse Dead<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


Donates park to city ef Paragould<br />

RHEA. JOAN<br />

see also Shootings<br />


Fellew title bestowed en AP&L superintendent<br />


see also Civil War<br />


see also Children 's Colony . <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Rebberies and thefts<br />


see alse Electric power<br />


Henered by University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Univ ef Ark directer ef student health services dies<br />


see also Harding College<br />

2/ 4/61 Al 8<br />

2/ 5/61 E4 2<br />

11/16/61 Bl 8<br />

12/13/62 Bl 2<br />

6/ 11/61 Al6 5<br />

10/20/62 A5 2<br />

5/28/61 A4 3<br />

11/24/61 A18 2<br />

Rickenbacker reads 19-page speech at American Legion luncheon 4/19/62 Al 4<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />


see also MacArthur. Douglas<br />


see alse Little Rock Chamber ef Commerce<br />


see Labor<br />


see Labor<br />


Celebrates 90th birthday with party<br />


Dr Riley te address American Legien convention<br />


Generous supporter ef Ouachita Baptist College<br />


Installed as Saraha Shrine chief<br />


5/ 1/62 A6<br />

1/22/61 A4<br />

5/ 7/61 E2<br />

l/19/61 AlO<br />

3<br />

5<br />

1<br />

l<br />

see also United Fund<br />


Nete: Entries here include floods and fleod central<br />

see also Cemeteries<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Harbors. perts and marinas<br />

see alse Land and real estate<br />

see also Mente Ne<br />

see alse Parks . recreation and teurism<br />

Greers Ferry Dam has 40 pct ef concrete in place<br />

Over $90 million to be spent this year en river basins<br />

Ouachita River barge shipping shews increase<br />

SCS approves funds fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> City Watershed Proj ect<br />

Eisenhewer budget asks fer $52 million fer state river work<br />

Eisenhower 's final budget brings river dreams nearer (ed)<br />

New floedwall te protect Clarksville from Spadra Creek<br />

Progress en the Ouachita (ed en navigation program)<br />

Discussion en proposed Pine Mountain Dam slated at Van Buren<br />

Pine Mountain Dam would be constructed en Lee Creek<br />

Lee's Creek dam backers present pleas at hearing<br />

Bayeu Bartholemew often overflaws covering farmland<br />

Barney Holland wants te operate barge line en Red River<br />

Interest fades in Plum Bayeu flood control ; proj ect dies<br />

Replacement of old White River bridge at Des Arc needed<br />

Huge recreational lake to be built near Forrest City<br />

Ouachita River development group meets at El Dorado<br />

Senate vetes te previde free ferry near Dumas<br />

Editerial en proposed free ferry at Pendleton<br />

John L McClellan seeks te keep navigation proj ect en schedule<br />

House votes te require ARD te estab 7 mere free ferries<br />

Legislators say Gev Faubus plans to vete all ferry bills<br />

Blytheville greup wants state te build lake in vicinity<br />

Millwood Dam werk to begin seen<br />

Senate approves bills fer free ferries: Faubus veto seen<br />

Buff ale River should be preserved. Mrs Laird Archer writes<br />

Buffalo River needs controls. Gibson L Walsh writes<br />

Dardanelle Dam under construction (photo)<br />

Barges could reach Little Reck in six mere years<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River Basin backers plead fer speedup in proj ects<br />

Greers Ferry Dam work is 58 pct complete<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> basin Development Assn ends annual meeting at Tulsa<br />

Gev Faubus veteos seme. but net all. free ferry bills<br />

Navigation expected en <strong>Arkansas</strong> River in ten years<br />

President Kennedy seeks fund increase fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> River work<br />

President Kennedy aids river development (ed)<br />

OUachita River flooding Camden areas<br />

Plum Bayou flood central work rej ected by Army Engineers<br />

Rivers flooding in state<br />

Old Habberten Bridge ever White River near Fayetteville<br />

Engineering rept on site fer Pert of LR almost ready<br />

Proposed drawdown at Lake Norfork poses problem fer engineers<br />

Proposed drawdown at Nerferk is fer fish management purposes<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River development two years ahead if funds available<br />

Aerial view ef Dardanelle Dam site<br />

Nine workers at Greers Ferry Dam go on strike<br />

DeGray Dam censtructien te begin in 1963<br />

1/ 2/ 61 A3<br />

1/ 2/61 A3<br />

1/ 8/61 Al2<br />

1/-13/61 Bl<br />

1/17/61 Al<br />

1/18/61 A4<br />

1/20/61 Bl<br />

1/21/61 A4<br />

1/22/61 A3<br />

1/22/61 A3<br />

1/26/61 Bl<br />

1/29/61 ClO<br />

2/ 2/ 61 Bl<br />

2/ 2/61 Bl<br />

2/17/61 A9<br />

2/17/61 Bl<br />

2/17/61 Bl<br />

2/18/61 AS<br />

2/19f61 E4<br />

2/19/61 E5<br />

2/24/61 Al<br />

2/24/-61 Al<br />

2/25/61 B6<br />

2/26/61 AlO<br />

3/ 4/61 A2<br />

3/ 7/61 A4<br />

3/ 9/61 A!+<br />

3/ 9/61 AB<br />

3/ 9/61 AB<br />

3/11/61 A2<br />

3/11/61 A2<br />

3/12/61 A2<br />

3/17/61 B12<br />

3/24/61 AB<br />

3/25/61 Al<br />

3/26/61 E4<br />

3/30/61 A2<br />

3/31/61 A12<br />

4/ 2/61 Al<br />

4/ 4/61 A2<br />

4/ 8/61 A2<br />

4/ 9/61 Al<br />

4/ 9/61 Al<br />

4/ 9/61 Cl<br />

4/ 9/61 Cl<br />

4-/13/61 Al6<br />

4/13/-61 Bl<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

6<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

8<br />

3<br />

3<br />

5<br />

3<br />

4<br />

6<br />

7<br />

l<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

4<br />

l<br />

1<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

5<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

6<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

White River Trout Assn epposes dams on Buf fale River<br />

Engineers study moving Ozark Dam downstream<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River proj ect makes prevision fer catching sediment<br />

Piers of Dardanelle Dam taking shape (phete)<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River beosters advised te werk hard on proj ect<br />

Hearing set on Dardanel le Reservoir recreation plan<br />

White River fleeding between Calico Reck and Newpert<br />

Dozens of persons missing after flood hit Harrison<br />

Harrison battered by flood that killed twe persons<br />

Harrison business buildings collapsed or were washed away<br />

Harrison flood damage estimated at $5 million<br />

Harrison fleodwaters roared down Crooked Creek during night<br />

Wall of water that struck Harrison was 7 to 10 ft high<br />

Aerial view of Harrison f leed damage<br />

White River reservoirs holding floodwaters fer later release<br />

Flooding hits several areas of state<br />

Harrison begins cleanup of flood damage<br />

swollen rivers keep flood threat alive<br />

Relief agencies. Small Business Adm. seek to aid Harrison<br />

Third body found in fleed debris at Harrison<br />

Table Reck Reservoir waters at record height<br />

Bayeu Bartholemew flood control plan and benefits<br />

Harrison residents salvaging what they can frem flood<br />

Harrison schools closed for rest of term after flood damage<br />

Statistics on destroyed. damaged buildings at Harrison<br />

Harrison flood control. once called toe costly. being revived<br />

Flood damage to public property in Beene County is $350.000<br />

Dams on Buffalo River needed. H C Wilmering says<br />

Five bridges to open in state soon<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> seeks federal disaster aid for flood victims<br />

Harrison set for onslaught of sightseers as cleanup continues<br />

Open floodgate allews flooding at Pulaski Penal Farm<br />

Beaters te cruise Ouachita River to shew potential<br />

Harrison notes signs of recGVery f rem flood damage<br />

Over 330 buildings in Harrison destroyed or damaged by flood<br />

G&FC opens bids on Lake Greenlee and Distress Creek Lake<br />

Body of fourth flood victim found at Harrison<br />

Harrison water supply declared safe fer use<br />

Greers Ferry Lake bridge at Edgemont under construction<br />

Barge service on the <strong>Arkansas</strong> River could start new<br />

Clearfork Creek dam was built by Civilian Conservation Corps<br />

Dardanelle Dam to block river traffic for four years<br />

State allotted $824.000 in federal disaster aid<br />

Harrison has minor flooding from heavy thundershOrNers<br />

Springdale and Rogers flooded after heavy downpour<br />

Grady-Gould watershed proj ect has backing of JFK<br />

Muddy Fork watershed proj ect in Washington Co backed by JFK<br />

Maj er bridge prej ects under way in state<br />

Publicity trip en Ouachita by Chamber ef Commerce completed<br />

Creaked Creek control plan to be speeded up by Engineers<br />

Engineers te begin study ef fleed hazards in Ark valleys<br />

4/15/61 B2 l<br />

4/16/61 A4 5<br />

4/16/61 Cl l<br />

4/28/61 All 5<br />

4/28/61 Bl 8<br />

5/ 4/61 A13 6<br />

5/ 7/61 A2 3<br />

5/ 8/61 Al 7<br />

5/ 8/61 Al 7<br />

5/ 8/61 Al 7<br />

5/ 8/61 Al 7<br />

5/ 8/61 Al 7<br />

5/ 8/61 Al 7<br />

5/ 8/61 AB l<br />

5/ 9/61 Al 6<br />

5/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

5/ 9/61 Bl 5<br />

5/10/61 Al 8<br />

5/10/61 A2 1<br />

5/10/61 A2 1<br />

5/10/61 A2 5<br />

5/10/61 B8 1<br />

5/11/61 Al 2<br />

5/11/61 Al 2<br />

5/11/61 Al 2<br />

5/11-/61 A2 1<br />

5/12/61 Al 2<br />

5/12/61 A4 4<br />

5/12/61 Bl 4<br />

5/13-/61 A2 1<br />

5/13/61 A2 3<br />

5/13/61 A2 4<br />

5/14/61 A3 6<br />

5/14/61 A4 6<br />

5/14/61 A4 6<br />

5/14/61 B4 5<br />

5/15/61 AlO 3<br />

5/15/61 Bl2 6<br />

5/16/61 A2 4<br />

5/16/61 Bl 3<br />

5/17/61 Bl 3<br />

5/18/61 Bl 6<br />

5/18/61 Bl 8<br />

5/20/61 Al 4<br />

5/20/61 Al 4<br />

5/20/61 A2 3<br />

5/20/61 A2 3<br />

5/21/61 El 1<br />

5/22/61 A5 5<br />

5/23/61 A3 4<br />

5/24/61 Al4 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Censtructien of 400-acre lake at Pine Bluff delayed<br />

Bridge across Mississippi at Helena te be dedicated<br />

Article en new $12 million bridge at Helena<br />

Lake Dardanelle te inundate site ef historic Dwight Missien<br />

Suspension bridge ever White River at Des Arc (phete)<br />

$7 million bond issue fer Helena bridge te cost $14 million<br />

Huge dragline digging new <strong>Arkansas</strong> River channel near LR<br />

Investment ef Helena bridge funds earns $208.542<br />

East Arkansans te testify on Cache River-Bayou DeView proj ect<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River use fer water sports. fishing in future<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River was once highly popular fer recreation<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> gets help of JFK en <strong>Arkansas</strong> River funding<br />

Dispute ev er Cache River drainage heard in House committee<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River banks at meuth ef Maumelle te be stabilized<br />

Ouachita River development backers push fer federal funding<br />

Harrison flood lesses placed at $5.278.000<br />

Account ef last steamboat te reach Arkadelphia 50 years ago<br />

Pine Bluff lake construction held up by legal problems<br />

High bids delay start ef construction ef Millweed Dam<br />

Col Arthur M Jacoby warns river valleys everdeveloped<br />

Sketch of prepesed Lake Pine Bluff<br />

White River bridge at Calico Reck to be studied by AHC<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River bridge at Morrilton has unusual story<br />

Freeway Bridge at LR te epen seen<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River bank werk under way near LR<br />

Arkansans encouraged to fleat Buffalo River<br />

Problem of cracks in Norfork Dam turned ever te scientists<br />

Letter supports building ef dams en Buffalo River<br />

Beaver Dam construction halted by labor strike<br />

Freeway Bridge at LR to open tomerrew<br />

Freeway Bridge at LR opened with ceremony<br />

Nine-inch rain brings flooding across state<br />

Dragline builds mound te escape rising <strong>Arkansas</strong> River at LR<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River swirls around giant dragline on snndbar<br />

Beaver Dam work resumes after labor dispute settled<br />

Engineers rej ect G&FC proposal to lower Lake Norfork water<br />

Helena bridge te be dedicated en Thursday<br />

New bridge across Mississippi River at Helena is a blessing<br />

Col Arthur M Jacoby summarizes accomplishments of Corps<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River backers bid farewell te Cel Arthur M Jacoby<br />

Charles E Halbert retires as Helena ferry captain<br />

Sidelights ef Helena bridge dedication event<br />

Festive air marks Helena dedication of bridge<br />

Promise paid : J B Lambert pushed across new Helena bridge<br />

Five-county group forms to push fer Buffalo River dams<br />

James Tuder heads association seeks to dam Buffalo River<br />

Success of Bull Shoals. Norfork cited by Buffalo dam advocate<br />

Construction te start on Flat Creek Lake in Lawrence Co<br />

Keep Buffalo River as it is . Mrs Jee Upchurch urges<br />

NLRB uphol ds appeal ef workers en Bull Sheals Dam<br />

Greers Ferry Dam is 85 pct complete (photo)<br />

5/24/-61 BlO 2<br />

6/ 4/ 61 A2 1<br />

6/ 4/61 El l<br />

6/ 5/61 BB 5<br />

6/ 6/61 Bl 4<br />

6/10/61 Al 6<br />

6/11/61 Al 4<br />

6/11/61 AlO 1<br />

6/11/61 Al3 1<br />

6/11/61 E2 1<br />

6/11/61 E2 4<br />

6/11/61 E5 5<br />

6/13/61 BlO 4<br />

6/14/61 A3 l<br />

6/14/61 Bl 7<br />

6/14/61 Bl 8<br />

6/20/61 Bl 3<br />

6/20/61 Bl 5<br />

6/21/61 Bl 6<br />

6/23/61 Bl 8<br />

6/25/61 All 3<br />

6/29/61 A6 2<br />

6/30/61 Bl 2<br />

7/ 2/61 A3 1<br />

7/ 2/61 A6 1<br />

7 / 2/61 B4 2<br />

7/ 4/ 61 A6 4<br />

7/ 8/61 A4 3<br />

7/12/61 5<br />

7/14/61 A3 l<br />

7/16/61 Al 2<br />

7/17/61 Al 6<br />

7/18/61 Bl 3<br />

7/19/61 Bl 3<br />

7/19/61 Bl 6<br />

7/21/-61 Bl 7<br />

7/23/61 Al 2<br />

7/23/61 A3 1<br />

7/23/61 ClO 3<br />

7/26/61 Bl 5<br />

7/27/61 Al 4<br />

7/28/61 Al 3<br />

7/28/61 Al 4<br />

7/28/61 Al 4<br />

7/30/61 A2 6<br />

7/30/61 A2 6<br />

7/30/61 A2 6<br />

7/30/61 B4 4<br />

8/ 3/61 A4 3<br />

8/ 3/61 Bl 3<br />

8/ 8/61 Bl 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Helena bridge tells exceed expectatiens<br />

Dr Neil Cempten urges preservatien ef the Buff ale River<br />

William A Wilsen writes en Buffale River controversy<br />

Spring Creek everflews. fleeds Springdale steres<br />

Greup plans te seek restoration of Lake Chicot<br />

Greers Ferry Dam abeut 80 pct complete (pheto)<br />

Head of Ozark Wilderness Waters Club makes plea fer Buffalo<br />

After fleod's devastation, Harrison rises again (photos)<br />

List ef prej ects te be funded by pending bill in Congress<br />

Arkadelphia flotilla promotes Ouachita River navigation<br />

Hause passes river funds fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> water proj ects<br />

Werk en Lake St Francis to begin seen<br />

Article recalls enly pontoon bridge at Dardanelle<br />

Beaver Dam work delayed by discovery ef cave at dam site<br />

National Park Service te study Buffalo River as park site<br />

Bayou Bartholemew Improvement Assn premises aid with proj ect<br />

Letter pleads for saving the Buffalo from dams<br />

Map shEMs where river work scheduled fer <strong>1961</strong>-62<br />

Group te ask fer state ferry at Pendleton on <strong>Arkansas</strong> River<br />

Towboats driven by water jets may transform <strong>Arkansas</strong> River<br />

Creaked Creek dam proposals being debated in Beene County<br />

Harrison City Council supports large dam en Crooked Creek<br />

Cave at Beaver Dam site te be filled with concrete<br />

State to provide free ferry on White River at Oil Trough<br />

National Park Service team teurs Buffalo area. is impressed<br />

Censtructien te start next year en Millwood Dam<br />

Buff ale River should be saved, G A McKelvey writes<br />

Bridges at Edgemont and Higden to be dedicated<br />

Jehn P MerrOW" Sr was a leader in fight fer flood control<br />

Greup forms te push fer Water Valley Dam en Eleven Point<br />

Higden Bridge at Greers Ferry Reservoir dedicated (photo)<br />

Proposed Water Valley Dam en Eleven Point is controversial<br />

Water Valley residents have defeated dam twice before<br />

New channels cut fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> River near Little Reck (photo)<br />

Concrete being poured at Beaver. Dardanelle. Greers Ferry<br />

Werk expected te start seen en Lake Pine Bluff<br />

Water Valley Reservoir Assn says it has 2.000 members<br />

Lake Ouachita chosen fer underwater blast tests<br />

Army Engineers begin new study en Buf fale River development<br />

Greers Ferry Dam. will be finished six months early<br />

AIDC asks Pocahontas Chambver ef Commerce te support dam<br />

Helena Bridge traffic still shows ecline<br />

Concrete being poured fer second section ef Dardanelle Dam<br />

Photos shGW' preparation ef riverbed fer Dardanelle Dam<br />

Marien County group proposes com.premise for Buffalo River<br />

Fees ef large dam en Creaked Creek claim 4.000 backers<br />

Large dam on Crooked Creek approved by Army Engineers office<br />

Three maj or studies ef Buffalo River use have been made<br />

Public hearing set te discuss Buffalo River dispute<br />

Prepesed dam at Pendleton would fleod part of park site<br />

SCS says 20 dams needed to stop Crooked Creek £leading<br />

8/13/61 A12 1<br />

8/13/61 E4 5<br />

8/14/61 A4 5<br />

8/15/61 Bl 8<br />

8/22/61 BlO 5<br />

8/24/61 Bl 3<br />

9/ 3/61 A4 3<br />

9/ 6/61 Bl 3<br />

9/ 7/61 A7 1<br />

9/11/61 A2 2<br />

9/14/61 Bl 7<br />

9/16/61 A2 8<br />

9/17/61 A8 2<br />

9/l'J/61 Bl 4<br />

9/19/61 Bl 8<br />

9/20/61 B9 l<br />

9/22/61 A4 3<br />

10/ 1/61 AlO 3<br />

10/ 1/61 A9 l<br />

10/ 1/61 E4 l<br />

10/ 4/ 61 A7 1<br />

10/ 5/61 A2 1<br />

10/ 5/61 A6 l<br />

10/ 5/61 Bl 6<br />

10/10/61 Al 3<br />

10/15/61 A4 1<br />

10/18/61 A4 5<br />

10/29/61 A3 7<br />

10/29/61 ES 2<br />

11/ 4/61 B2 6<br />

11/ 5/61 C3 5<br />

11/12/61 A4 1<br />

11/12/61 A4 1<br />

11/12/61 A8 3<br />

11/14/61 B4 6<br />

11/25/61 B7 7<br />

12/ 1/61 Bl 2<br />

12/ 2/ 61 A5 5<br />

12/ 7/61 AlO 2<br />

12/ 7/61 Bl 5<br />

12/ 9/61 A7 6<br />

12/ 9/61 BB l<br />

l 2/ 10/61 C3 l<br />

12/10/61 C3 1<br />

12/16/61 A2 1<br />

l'l/17/61 A4 3<br />

12/24/61 A2 8<br />

1/ 4/ 62 A3 3<br />

l/ 4/ 62 A3 4<br />

l/ 8/62 A2 7<br />

1/10/62 A3 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Engineers study 4 sites en <strong>Arkansas</strong> River fer Ozark Dam<br />

Land at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Post Park already ruined by river fleods<br />

Harrison Chamber of Cemmerce wants big dam en Crooked Creek<br />

W B O'Neal favers dam en Buffalo River<br />

Jahn L Ferguson opposes interference with <strong>Arkansas</strong> Post site<br />

Norfork Dam cracks do not need repair. Army Engineers say<br />

Sponsors of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Post Park not upset by plans for dam<br />

President Kennedy seeks $70 million fer Ark water proj ects<br />

JFK budgets mere fer river work in Ark than other states<br />

Hearing set en proposed Water Valley Dam on Eleven Point<br />

Corps of Engineers inspects lewer Ouachita River<br />

Hearing set on Buffalo River dams controversy<br />

Marshal businesses to close during Buffalo River hearing<br />

Column on planned navigation channel fer Ouachita River<br />

Proponents and opponents ef Buffalo River dams speak out<br />

Jee Stroud article describes natural beauty ef Buffalo River<br />

No clear choice seen in Buffalo River dispute<br />

Pendleton Ferry still private despite Legislature' s erder<br />

Article en planned <strong>Arkansas</strong> Post Canal<br />

Army Engineers to study Fourche La Fave basin development<br />

Beaver Dam en White River near Eureka Springs taking shape<br />

Letter discusses need for Buffalo River preservation<br />

Jasper Informer says Newten County does not favor park<br />

Fleod study of LR could change grewth trend<br />

Dr S C Dellinger discusses Buffalo River as a natl preserve<br />

Large crowds expected for hearing on Eleven Point River plan<br />

The Buffalo Dam (ed in Marshall Mountain Wave)<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River navigation program moving ahead<br />

Hearings on proposed Water Valley Dam epen on bitter nete<br />

Fees ef Water Valley Dam have their day before Corps<br />

Buffalo River Dam opposed by Walter F Lackey<br />

Rivers and Harbors Bd defers action en Creaked Creek dams<br />

Hearing held en possible development ef Fourche La Fave basin<br />

Harrison officials urge speedup en Crooked Creek dam work<br />

Opposition rises te naming Bull Shoals Lake fer Truman<br />

Plans offered for drainage at Pine Bluff to control flooding<br />

Scenic value of Buffalo River rated high<br />

Editorials obj ect te changing name ef Bull Shoals Lake<br />

Army Engineer asks <strong>Arkansas</strong> River boosters fer patience<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest area te be flooded probably has no artifacts<br />

St Francis River floods thousands ef acres in 3 counties<br />

Editorial urges keeping Greers Ferry name<br />

Army Engineers stick te plan fer canal route in Desha County<br />

Engineers te fill Greers Ferry Reservoir at faster pace<br />

Last bucket of concrete goes inte Greers Ferry Dam<br />

Army Engineers will net reroute <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest Canal<br />

Beaver Dam construction continues around the clock<br />

Seismic survey to help locate site for dam at Ozark<br />

Army Engineers explain decision on <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest Canal route<br />

Harrison mfg plant depends en single big dam. mayer says<br />

Missourian speaks up en damming the Buffalo River<br />

1/11/62 A5<br />

1/11/62 B4<br />

l/12/62 B7<br />

1/13/62 A4<br />

1/14/62 D2<br />

1/15/62 Al<br />

1/-18/62 A7<br />

1/19/62 Al<br />

1/21/62 Al<br />

1/23/62 Bl<br />

1/-26/62 Bl<br />

1/28/62 A16<br />

1/28/62 A16<br />

1/28/62 E5<br />

1/31/62 K3<br />

2/ 1/62 A4<br />

2/ 1/62 A4<br />

2/ 4/62 A6<br />

2/ 4/62 A7<br />

2/ 6/62 Bl<br />

2/ 8/62 C16<br />

2/ 9/62 A4<br />

2/11/62 F3<br />

2/13/62 Bl<br />

2/17/62 A4<br />

2/ 18/62 A2<br />

2/18/62 E3<br />

2/18/62 E4<br />

2/21/62 Bl<br />

2/22/62 A2<br />

2/23/62 A4<br />

2/28/62 Bl<br />

3/ 2/62 A6<br />

3/ 2/62 Bl<br />

3/ 4/62 Al 2<br />

3/ 9/62 A2<br />

3/10/62 B6<br />

3/11/62 E3<br />

3/14/62 Bl<br />

3/16/62 Al3<br />

3/17/-62 B6<br />

3/18/62 E3<br />

3/30/62 Bl<br />

4/ l/62 Al5<br />

4/- 8/62 Al<br />

4/ 8/62 A2<br />

4/15/-62 A4<br />

4/15/62 A5<br />

4/15/-62 E3<br />

4/21/-62 A5<br />

4/22/62 B4<br />

2<br />

1<br />

6<br />

4<br />

3<br />

5<br />

6<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

8<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

5<br />

2<br />

6<br />

6<br />

2<br />

8<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

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6<br />

8<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Additional $74 million sought fer state's river programs<br />

Dardanelle Dam half finished<br />

Buffalo Dams opposed by seme residents of the area<br />

Justice William 0 Douglas canoeing 5 fishing Buf fale River<br />

Justice William O Douglas urges keeping Buffalo River intact<br />

The 'unique ' Buffale (ed)<br />

Buffalo River dam backers score William Douglas ' views<br />

Bids epened fer Millwood Dam en Little River<br />

Arkansans to ask Congress fer mere river funds<br />

Pbete essay on Justice Wm 0 Douglas en the Buf fale River<br />

Engineers cenfirm change in river at <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest abeut 1886<br />

Visit by Justice William 0 Douglas te Buffale draws comment<br />

Rep J W Trimble asks for funds for Ozark Dam<br />

Opponents of Water Valley Dam say study needless<br />

Delegations going to Washington to seek mere funds<br />

Proposed Cache River drainage proj ect draws opposition<br />

State beesters ask increase in river funds fer Ark<br />

Buffalo River dam proponents are conservationists, paper says<br />

Oz ark Society forms to fight dams on Buffalo River<br />

Letter on need to keep Buffalo River free-flewing<br />

Werk to begin next month en DeGray Dam site<br />

Letters en dams fer Buffalo River<br />

John L McClellan sees <strong>Arkansas</strong> River as his monument<br />

Letters pre and cen on Buffalo River develepment<br />

Clearing the air along the Buffale (ed)<br />

Letter frem proponent of dam on Buffale River<br />

Letters en prepesed dams en Buffale River<br />

Greundbreaking planned fer Millwood Dam<br />

Ozark Society pres Neil Cempten comments en Buff ale River<br />

Letter lists flaws in Buff ale River dam. argument<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> River revetment work described<br />

Only one bid offered to construct Pine Bluff Lake<br />

Lumber mattress 2 miles leng protects <strong>Arkansas</strong> River banks<br />

Greund broken fer Millwood Dam<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest canal changed slightly te avoid park land<br />

Planners want <strong>Arkansas</strong> River bridge built at Maumelle<br />

AHC to try to buy Pendleton Ferry fer free crossing<br />

Sen J W Fulbright hopes fer com.premise on Cache River issue<br />

Bid taken fer pewerbeuse centructien at Dardanelle Dam<br />

White River was once a maj or waterway<br />

Gov Faubus premises 18-m.ile lake fer Northeast Ark<br />

Greers Ferry Lake just coming eut of eld river channel<br />

Fourche Island drainage proj ect will epen fertile lands<br />

Dr Hugh H Iltis encourages preservation ef Buffalo River<br />

Hill 's Lake near LR is a natural beauty spot<br />

Barges serve as work bridge acress <strong>Arkansas</strong> River<br />

DeGray proj ect to utilize water twice through pumped storage<br />

Army Engineers want site fer Ozark Dam changed<br />

Changing site of Ozark Dam would mean one less leek and dam<br />

Ouachita River group complains about navigation proj ect delay<br />

Osceola lake proj ect lacks wholehearted state backing<br />

4/22/62 E3 5<br />

4/26/62 ca 8<br />

4/27/62 Bl3 3<br />

4/3G/62 Al 2<br />

4/30/62 Al 2<br />

5/ 2/62 A4 2<br />

5/ 2/62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 4/62 A13 5<br />

5/ 4/62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 6/62 Al2 1<br />

5/ 6/62 A3 1<br />

5/ 6/62 E3 3<br />

5/ 8/62 Bl 4<br />

5/11/62 A2 1<br />

5/13/62 A21 4<br />

5/17/62 A17 1<br />

5/17/62 Bl 4<br />

5/20/62 E3 2<br />

5/24/62 Cl4 7<br />

5/25/62 A4 5<br />

5/30/62 A2 4<br />

5/31/62 A4 3<br />

6/ 3/62 E3 5<br />

6/ 4/ 62 A4 3<br />

6/ 6/62 A4 1<br />

6/ 7/62 A4 5<br />

6/ 8-/62 A4 3<br />

6/10/62 Cl 6<br />

6/13/62 A4 6<br />

6/14/62 A4 3<br />

6/14/62 A9 l<br />

6/16/62 A6 4<br />

6/17/62 A8 3<br />

6/18/62 B6 6<br />

6/21/62 A3 2<br />

6/27/62 Al2 7<br />

7/ 1/62 Af) 4<br />

7 / 7/62 A2 5<br />

7/11/62 AlO 5<br />

7/15/62 E5 2<br />

7/28/62 Al 4<br />

7/29/62 B4 2<br />

8-/ 9/62 Bl 2<br />

8/19/62 E2 4<br />

8/l'J/62 ES 2<br />

8/26/62 Al2 2<br />

9-/ 2/62 Al 2<br />

9/11/62 A2 1<br />

9/ll/62 A2 1<br />

9/14/62 A24 1<br />

9/15/62 A2 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Engineers build scale model of Dardanelle Leck and Dam<br />

Beaved Dam en White River nearly half completed (photo)<br />

Agencies approve recreation lake near Osceola<br />

Proposed public works bill has $80 million fer Ark proj ects<br />

Working model ef Dardanelle Leck and Dam cempleted<br />

Texas visitor calls fer preservation of Buffale River<br />

Dardanelle Dam constructien has river almost blocked<br />

Blytheville hoping terminal te make city a maj or pert<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Basin Assn seeks te spur river shipping<br />

Table Rock, Bull Shoals under guard during Cuba crisis<br />

Federal govt allets $83 million fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> proj ects<br />

Dam already built en Reck Creek, but permit net granted<br />

Bridge may be built along with dam near <strong>Arkansas</strong> Post<br />

Plans fer highway bridge en top of dam at Ark Pest dropped<br />

River development extolled at banquet in Russellville<br />

Pine Bluff Lake dedicated with 500 in attendance<br />

Pine Bluff to develop industrial site at proposed pert<br />


see also Industrial accidents and safety<br />

ROADS<br />

see also Advertising<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Land and real estate<br />

see alse Trucks and trucking industry<br />

see also Veterans<br />

AHD count shews state has 72.909 miles of highways. streets<br />

Gov Faubus eppeses cities and tewns raiding read funds<br />

AHC would approve bends te match federal aid fer highway s<br />

Bids werth $1.705.582 opened by AHC<br />

Legis asked fer censtitutienal am.dt earmarking read funds<br />

ARC pleads with Legis te divert ne mere read funds te ethers<br />

Bill in Legis would freeze turnback funds at present level<br />

Bills in Legis freeze turnback formula. transfers bridges<br />

Local gevts te seek increased share ef read funds<br />

Highway mappers face touchy issue en bypass routes<br />

State read system has te come first (ed)<br />

Beth houses ef Legis get bills to freeze turnback quotas<br />

Rural lawmakers want 1950 census used for turnback formula<br />

Pepe Ceunty judge hits AHD figures en rural reads<br />

Rural legislators pass measure freezing turnback funds level<br />

Frozen turnbacks and ghost reads (ed)<br />

Geed Reads Assn shews result ef diversion of highway funds<br />

State turnbacks and Mr Faubus 's duty (ed)<br />

Bills in Legis would raise ARD share of road taxes<br />

Rep Clark Kinney 's sharp criticism answered by AHD leaders<br />

State Rep Clarke Kinney recalls old AHC, protests billboards<br />

Measure freezing turnback funds levels passes Legislature<br />

Gov Faubus favors central ef billboards along inerstates<br />

Senate bill weuld set aside $1.500.000 for county reads<br />

Billboard advertising (ed)<br />

Turnback bill in House favors counties losing populatien<br />

9/16/62 All 2<br />

9/20/62 Bl 4<br />

9/25/62 Bl 2<br />

9/29/62 A2 l<br />

9/30/62 Al4 3<br />

10/ 3/62 A4 6<br />

10/ 7/62 Al2 4<br />

10/ 7/62 A7 2<br />

10/2f}/62 A2 1<br />

10/26/62 Bl 3<br />

10/26/62 Bl 4<br />

10/28/62 Al6 2<br />

11/15/62 Bl 3<br />

11-/21/62 Bl s<br />

11/28/62 A2 4<br />

12/ 7/62 A3 2<br />

12/23-/62 A3 2<br />

1/ 3/61 A3 1<br />

1/12/61 Al 6<br />

1/12/61 Bl 7<br />

1/12/61 Bl 7<br />

1/13/61 Bl 2<br />

1/18/61 Bl 5<br />

1/18/61 Bl 8<br />

1/20/61 A2 3<br />

1/22/61 A3 3<br />

l/23 /61 A3 l<br />

1/26/61 A4 1<br />

1/27/61 Al 8<br />

1/27/61 Al 8<br />

1/27/61 A6 2<br />

1/28/61 Al 4<br />

1/28/61 A4 l<br />

1/29/61 B6 5<br />

1/29/61 E4 1<br />

1/31/61 Bl 2<br />

1/31/61 Bl 3<br />

1/31/61 Bl 3<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 2<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 4<br />

2/ 1/61 Bl 7<br />

2/ 2/61 A4 2<br />

2/ 2/ 61 A5 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Bill authorizing read censtructien bonds passes Senate<br />

Hause passes read bend bill fer funds to match federal aid<br />

Diversion of read funds may nullify $7 .500.000 federal grant<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Federation ef Wemen 's Club seeks ban en billboards<br />

Municipal League reveals gain by cities under read bill<br />

Legis vetes down bill fer AHD te pay ef f Pocahontas bends<br />

New evidence shews road fund danger (ed)<br />

Cities lose bid te get mere read turnback funds<br />

AHD te sit out billboard fight<br />

Country beys in Legis win fight en turnback funds<br />

ARC authorizes $956.000 for asphalt sealing work en reads<br />

State Senate votes te set aside funds fer county reads<br />

Gov Faubus signs bill allowing highway bends<br />

ARD threatens te lop $10 million fer secondary read program<br />

House blocks highway money bill fer counties<br />

Gev Faubus meves te settle wranagle ever highway funds<br />

Counties wrangle gains after Gov Faubus announces com.premise<br />

Senate passes two bills on highway fund split<br />

Bill in Senate requires ARD to add county reads annually<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Geed Roads Assn promotes better highways<br />

Senate defeats bill adding county roads te state system<br />

ARC awards five read contracts<br />

AHD may take ever Phillips County read system<br />

Utility lines block werk on freeway at LR<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> uses all federal read money available<br />

US 70 from LR te Memphis is state 's most traveled read<br />

Huge steel girders used en Freeway overpases at NLR<br />

LR City Bd moves western by-pass route<br />

ARC institutes policy of helping clear right-of-ways<br />

Contracts let on 12 proj ects<br />

Highway program changed te give all counties j ebs<br />

Highway pregram te suffer frem Legislature 's actiens (ed)<br />

LR ready te acquire land fer East-West Expressway<br />

East-West Freeway land acquisition nearly complete<br />

Levy overpass designed by AHD ; NLR' s plan rej ected<br />

Edward V Clark credited with creating Ark Highway 7<br />

Cleburne County gets federal funds fer reads to be flooded<br />

State makes progress in highway 'signing '<br />

Titan missile jobs te take tell en reads in state<br />

Fleod damage points up flaws in <strong>1961</strong> act en reads<br />

AHD Directer F R Oliver proposed tunnel fer western LR read<br />

State seeks pay fer road ruin in Titan missile silo work<br />

Low bidders on read work listed<br />

State told to leek te Tian sile builders fer read repairs<br />

Titan contractors must obey statutes en highways<br />

State halts evetweight trucks carrying Titan site materials<br />

J W Fulbright. John L McClellan seek funds te repair reads<br />

U S Senate adepts amdt fer pay te reads damaged in Titan work<br />

State budgets $54 million fer read work<br />

Solution found to read damage by missile site werk<br />

ARC awards $7.403031 in read work contracts<br />

2/ 2/-61 A5 4<br />

2/ 4/61 Al 3<br />

2/ 4/ 61 Al 6<br />

2/ 4/ 61 A3 1<br />

2/ 5/61 AB 3<br />

2/ 5/61 ES l<br />

2/ 6/61 A4 1<br />

2/ 7/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 8/61 Bl 8<br />

2-/ 9/ 61 Al 6<br />

2/ 9/61 AlO 3<br />

2l 9/61 A9 l<br />

2/10/-61 Bl 2<br />

2/10/-61 Bl 7<br />

2/11/61 Al 7<br />

2/14/61 Al 2<br />

2/15/61 Al 3<br />

2/21/61 Al 6<br />

2/-24/61 Bl 5<br />

2/26/-61 Al4 3<br />

3/ 3-/61 Al3 1<br />

3/16/61 AS l<br />

3/16/-61 A6 l<br />

3/23/61 Bl 8<br />

3/25/-61 AS l<br />

3/26/61 AlO 2<br />

4/ 7/61 Al 3<br />

4/-18/-61 Bl2 l<br />

4/20/61 Bl 2<br />

4/20/-61 Bl 5<br />

4/20/61 Bl 7<br />

4/21/61 A4 2<br />

4/28/61 Bl6 l<br />

4/30/61 A6 1<br />

5/ 3/61 Bl2. 1<br />

5/ 4/ 61 Cl4 2<br />

5/ 7/61 A6 l<br />

5/ 7/61 El 2<br />

5/14/61 Al 4<br />

5/14/-61 A3 7<br />

5/14/61 E5 1<br />

5/18/61 Bl 8<br />

5/25/61 Bl 8<br />

6/ 1/61 Bl 2<br />

6/ 3/61 A3 l<br />

6/10/61 A3 2<br />

6/15/61 Al8 6<br />

6/16/61 Al 4<br />

6/21/-61 Bl 2<br />

6/23/61 Bl 7<br />

6/29/61 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Bid opening en Titan reads, ether jobs set<br />

State hopes te have all state reads paved by 1966<br />

ARC awards contracts fer $4,654,214 in read work<br />

Werk en Markham interchange in LR begins<br />

Lack of funds keeps additions te state read system lew<br />

History ef Old Wire Read in NW <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Springdale businessmen support ARD plan fer 71 widening<br />

State plans 22 read jobs in 18 counties<br />

Mississippi River Parkway route through Ark approved<br />

Mississippi River Parkway nearing reality<br />

Industry spokesman urges use ef asphalt en interstate reads<br />

Land in NLR •s Burns Park needed fer I40 right-of-way<br />

NLR may haggle fer !40 interchange revision<br />

Pictorial essay on building of !40 through Pulaski County<br />

AHC orders 7 projects<br />

AHC awards read contracts worth $3 .4 million<br />

AHC files suit fer 145 acres ef land in NLR• s Burns Park<br />

Snow Lake seeks read to serve isolated area<br />

Group organiz es to promote read to Snow Lake<br />

County Judges Assn president wants reads division in AHD<br />

NLR Alderman Reed Thompson wants !40 rerouted at Burns Park<br />

Cantrell Read prej ect at LR nears cempletien<br />

Rep Oren Harris supports scenic drive at Rich Mountain<br />

NLR Parks Comm says it cannot give away Burns Park land<br />

Contracts awarded by AHC fer read j ebs<br />

Weather damage te reads te cost state about $1,000,000<br />

AHC lets contracts en several read and bridge jobs<br />

AHC orders plans for werk en I40 in Eastern Ark<br />

ARC updates read-building plan, adds 56 proj ects<br />

Landowners win appeal in ARD suit te Ark Supreme Court<br />

Ruling ef Supreme Ct en right-of-way puts AHD en spot<br />

Pine Bluff must buy right-of-way fer expressway , ARD says<br />

State accepts mere reads from counties<br />

ARD asks new hearing en right-ef-way suit ruling<br />

Supreme Ct •s right-of-way ruling affects 90 pct of reads<br />

State agrees to widen Ark-Me Highway through NLR<br />

State may take ever all county reads within ten years<br />

Pine Bluff frets ever need to furnish Expressway right ef way<br />

Cities no longer oppose building bypass reads te ease traffic<br />

AHC accepts bids worth $8.5 million fer 15 read jobs<br />

Counties need for money to secure federal matching funds<br />

East-West Expressway at LR te change face ef city<br />

Scenic drive frem Mena into Oklahema sought in Congress<br />

Suit seeks te force AHD to· pave road to Charlette<br />

Bids opened en $4.5 million in read jobs<br />

Bids seught en read jobs<br />

Werk on interstate system making progress<br />

New read proj ects. new offices schedul ed by AHC<br />

Truman Baker honored by Highway 267 residents<br />

Residents plan trail blazing fer extension ef highway B5<br />

Right ef way plea frem LR approved by AHC fer expressway<br />

7 /12/61 Bl<br />

7/27/-61 Bl<br />

Bl 3/61 Bl<br />

B/17/61 AlO<br />

8/23/61 A6<br />

B/27/61 E3<br />

9/ 1/61 A8<br />

9/ 7/61 Bl<br />

9/21/61 A7<br />

10/ 1/61 E5<br />

10/ 7/61 AS<br />

10/11/61 Bl6<br />

10/11/61 Bl6<br />

10/22/61 E5<br />

11/ 9/61 Bl<br />

11/ 9/61 Bl<br />

11/11/61 BB<br />

11/19/61 Al5<br />

11/22/61 AS<br />

11/25/61 A2<br />

12/ 2/61 AS<br />

12/ 6/-61 A3<br />

12/ 6/61 A7<br />

12/ 9/61 A7<br />

12/16/-61 Bl2<br />

1/30/62 Al<br />

2/ 1/62 Bl<br />

2/ 1/62 Bl<br />

2/ 1/62 Bl<br />

3/ 6/62 BlO<br />

3/ 7/62 A3<br />

3/ 8/62 A3<br />

3/ 8/62 Bl<br />

3/15/62 AlO<br />

3/15/62 AlO<br />

3/22/62 A8<br />

3/25/-62 Cl<br />

3/25/-62 E3<br />

4/ 8/62 Al<br />

4/12/62 Bl<br />

4/18/62 A2<br />

4/-29/62 A6<br />

5/ 3/62 Bl<br />

5/-20/62 A7<br />

5/24/62 AlO<br />

6/ 6/62 Bl<br />

6/-22/62 Bl<br />

6/28/62 Bl<br />

7/- 5/-62 A3<br />

7/20/62 A2<br />

8/ 3/62 Bl<br />

2<br />

2<br />

7<br />

6<br />

3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

6<br />

8<br />

4<br />

7<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

1<br />

l<br />

6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

7<br />

4<br />

l<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

2<br />

7<br />

5<br />

4<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

U S Rep Oren Harris supports scenic drive in Ouachita Mtns<br />

Freeway to Jacksonville te open by December<br />

Aerial view ef interstate work in LR-NLR area<br />

Scenic drive in Ouachita Mountains proposed (map)<br />

Camden greup gives $100.000 toward cost ef expressway<br />

ARC awards contracts fer read work<br />

AHC te hold up on j eb awards . says contraacters behind<br />

Contractors deny that they are behind en road jobs<br />

Bill fer skyline drive through Ouachita Forest in Congress<br />

Local delegations seek addition ef reads te state system<br />

AHC authorizes several proj ects<br />

AHC method for condemning land challenged in suit<br />

Contracts let fer $8 million worth of read jobs<br />

ALC panel gees ever county read issue. sees taxes as answer<br />

Where priorities lie in state read building (ed)<br />

Section of !40 opens at NLR<br />

Gov Faubus explains suggested rise in funds fer counties<br />

State lets 13 contracts fer work en highways. bridges<br />

Seven mere miles of !30 open at LR<br />


see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

see al so<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Business Development Corp<br />

Aviation and aircraft<br />

Culture and the arts<br />

Murders - Horten. Charles David<br />

Museums<br />

Parkin<br />

James Speer recevering frem battle with robbers at Piggott<br />

Warren merchant rebbed in daytime en Main St<br />

Preston Rese faces embezzlement chgs at Fort Smith<br />

Embezzlement ceunts against Preston Rese mount<br />

Bennie Herren admits burglary of jewelry store at Ft Smith<br />

Preston Rese pleads guilty at Fort Smith<br />

Embezzlement suspect Max W Nunn surrenders at Sheridan<br />

Max W Nunn waives ceurt hearing at Sheridan<br />

Max W Nunn released en bend<br />

Max W Nunn gets 6-yr term for embezzlement in Sheridan case<br />

Three students held fer stealing at Univ of Ark<br />

Presten Rose gets 9-yr term fer embezzelement at Fort Smith<br />

Tayler bank rebbed of $4.060 by gunman<br />

H award Nerman Gray chgd in robbery of Tayler bank<br />

House missing f rem church let at El Dorado found<br />

Max W Nunn 's trial postponed; prison officials net notified<br />

Farmer Hot Springs Scheel band directer Jehn Harding guilty<br />

Max W Nunn pleads guilty. gets 5-year term<br />

James Edward Geyer confesses robbing two students<br />

Gunman gets $3.600 at Safeway Store in NLR<br />

Three stores robbed at NLR in f eur hours<br />

Five charged in burglary of M M Cohn Ce store at LR<br />

Charles H Carnal says he did not knew he bought stolen beef<br />

Conviction. prison term fer Charles H Carnal to stand<br />

Two suspects in M M Cehn burglary give up<br />

8/ 9/62 A7 1<br />

8/12/62 Al 2<br />

8/12/62 A3 2<br />

8/12/62 A7 1<br />

8/28/62 Bl 6<br />

9/ 6/62 Bl 8<br />

9/20/-62 Al 3<br />

9/20/62 Al 3<br />

9/23/62 E3 5<br />

9/26/62 Bl 4<br />

10/11/62 Bl 8<br />

10/-12-/62 Bl 8<br />

11/-21/62 Bl 8<br />

11/-28/62 Bl 2<br />

11/2'J/62 A6 1<br />

12/ 1/62 A5 l<br />

12/12/62 Bl 5<br />

12/20/62 A5 2<br />

12/22/62 A3 5<br />

1/ 4/61 A3 8<br />

1/ 6/61 Bl 3<br />

2/ 1/61 A3 2<br />

2/ Z/61 A3 1<br />

2/ 6/61 A2 4<br />

2/ 9/61 BlO 2<br />

2/11/61 A6 2<br />

2/12/61 A3 4<br />

2/ 14/61 Bl 6<br />

5/ 2/61 A7 5<br />

5/14/-61 AB 3<br />

6/ 1/61 Bl 1<br />

7/19/-61 A3 4<br />

7/22/61 A2 6<br />

8/ 2/-61 A3 4<br />

9/15/-61 B12 2<br />

9/28/61 A3 4<br />

10/ 4/ 61 A1 4 2<br />

10/18/61 A7 1<br />

12/ 3/61 Al 3<br />

12/ 9/61 Al 3<br />

4/20/62 Al 3<br />

4/24/-62 Bl 2<br />

4/24/62 Bl 2<br />

4/26/62 A6 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Leen Horne en probatien fer embezzlement conspiracy<br />

Twe gunmen rob Bank ef Atkins of $16.879<br />

Burglars take $5.700 at Leslie State Bank<br />

Carrell D Mallett and Louise Loyd chgd in Bank ef Atkins case<br />

Carrell D Mallett and Louise Mallett Loyd are brother. sister<br />

Rice Grewers Bank at Wheatley held up by masked man<br />

Gunman gets $800 in robbery ef DeWitt Bank branch at Gillett<br />

Lester Kester held in robbery ef bank branch at Gillett<br />

Vernon Wilsen arrested in Bank of Atkins holdup<br />

American Natl branch at Prothro Junction robbed; 3 arrested<br />

Suspects in Atkins bank robbery attempt jail break<br />

Jerry Sherman Tucker gets 9-yr sentence in bank robbery<br />

Jerry Wayne Archer pleads guilty in mail theft spree<br />

Hendrix College safes cracked by burglars<br />

Twe yeuths arrested in holdup of <strong>Arkansas</strong> S&L<br />

Carrell D Mallett, Vernen Wilsen turned ever te Kansas<br />

Robbers ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> S&L get jail terms<br />

Prison trusties worked with burglary ring, sheriff says<br />

Donald R Glidewell admits embezzlement frem Bank ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Glyn B Glisson gets prison term fer using slugs in machines<br />

NLR police efficer John Harmen Manasco Sr chgd in auth thefts<br />

Arrest of Jehn H Mansace Sr may solve JC Penney burglary<br />


see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />

ROBEY. J H<br />

Account ef last steamboat te reach Arkadelphia 50 years age<br />


see alse Sex crimes<br />

Rebinsen given damages in suit against Dun & Bradstreet Inc<br />


Senator 's extensive library housed at LR Pest Office<br />


see alse Athletics and sperts<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see alse Ecenemic development<br />


see alse Culture and the arts<br />


Reckefellers besting conference of mental health werkers<br />

Hests patients £rem State Hospital at teur ef Winrock Farms<br />

Response te Dorathy Kilgallen jab at <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Asks aid fer <strong>Arkansas</strong>'s mentally ill<br />


see alse Politics and electiens<br />

see else Reckwin Fund<br />

see alse Winreck Enterprises Inc<br />

see also Winreck Farm<br />

5/ 1/62 A3<br />

7/13-/62 Al<br />

7/15/62 Al<br />

7-/16-/62 Al<br />

7/16/-62 Al<br />

7/18/62 Bl<br />

7/19/62 Al<br />

7/21-/62 Al<br />

7/21/-62 Al<br />

7/28/62 Al<br />

7 /30-/62 A2<br />

8/21/62 BS<br />

10/12-/62 B6<br />

10/16/62 A5<br />

10/24/62 Bl<br />

11/-13/-62 A2<br />

11/20/62 Bl<br />

11/30/62 A4<br />

12/21/62 Bll<br />

12/22/62 A2<br />

12/29/62 Al<br />

12/29/62 A2<br />

6/20/61 Bl<br />

2/28/61 B9<br />

5<br />

4<br />

7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

s<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

7<br />

5<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

4<br />

6<br />

4<br />

3<br />

1<br />

4/28/61 A12 3<br />

4/ 2/61 A7<br />

7/ 7/61 Bl<br />

3/23/62 Bl<br />

10/28/62 C4<br />

7<br />

3<br />

1<br />

5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Paid $5 million in taxes in 1954-55 ; IRS seeks $48.746 mere<br />

Rockefeller claims funds sought by IRS are legitimate expense<br />

Addresses Career Day audience at Hendrix College<br />

Rests Deelittle Raiders at Winreck Farm at Petit Jean<br />

Addresses Ark businessmen at cenventien<br />

Elected as <strong>Arkansas</strong> member ef Republican Natienal Cemmittee<br />

Hints that he may run fer geverner next year<br />

Rockefeller te address summer graduates ef ASTC<br />

Rankled ever Barry Geldwater remark on J W Fulbright<br />

Business emphasis en college degree examined by Rockefeller<br />

Chairman of Seminar en Management ef Nuclear Energy<br />

Plans tour to revive GOP in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Fayetteville chesen fer start of Rockefeller drive fer GOP<br />

Tells Rayetteville group GOP will push hard in <strong>1962</strong><br />

Rockefeller talks te GOP en polls. party eutleek<br />

The way te build a two-party system Ced)<br />

Rockefeller urging Dwight D Eisenhewer te visit <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Amaz ed by report of Conway County grand jury en elections<br />

Engineers study building fallout shelters at Winreck<br />

Meets with yeung Repul icans at Arkadelphia<br />

Hosting 4-ceunty meeting of Republicans at Winreck<br />

Disputed tax case settled out of court<br />

Calls fer study ef state 's book-keeping method<br />

Urges diversificatien ef agriculture in Ark<br />

Want in-state precessing of agri products<br />

Takes middle-of-read stand amid Republicans<br />

Rockefeller in the middle (ed)<br />

Rockefeller favers study ef rele of various colleges in Ark<br />

Sees geed chances fer GOP in 3rd Ceng Dist<br />

Gov Faubus treats political acts ef Reckef eller lightly<br />

Calls rift in Washingten County GOP geed for party<br />

Speaks to GOP at Pine Bluff. pledges 2-party system<br />

Building museum to house cellectien of antique automobiles<br />

Senator and Mrs John G Tower ef Texas. are house guests<br />

Urges Arkansans to be hospitable te newcomers te state<br />

Helps pay fer artmebile fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> Arts Center<br />

Says actions ef Gev Faubus in 1957 gave nation a black eye<br />

Gov Faubus says Rockefeller may be reminded of remarks<br />

Rockefeller backs reform with two-party system<br />

Speaks at organizational meeting of NLR Republican Club<br />

Admits he is considering run fer geverner on GOP ticket<br />

Favers lower voting age<br />

Recefeller answers questions posed by Yeung Republican Club<br />

Warns that Gov Faubus may central every board. comm in Ark<br />

Attitude of defeatism in Ark disturbs Mr Rockefeller<br />

GOP rally at Fayetteville urges Rockefeller te run fer Gev<br />

Candidacy fer governor weuld be taken seriously. Gazette says<br />

Dem Party Cbmn Tom Harper net worried about Reckef eller<br />

Rockefeller could be hard te beat. Gev Orval E Faubus says<br />

Talk at Forrest City is non-political<br />

Announces that he will net be candidate fer geverner<br />

3/16/61 A6 1<br />

3/16/61 A6 3<br />

4/-12/61 Bl 5<br />

4/16/61 A3 l<br />

5/ 3/61 A3 5<br />

6/ 2/-61 A3 4<br />

6/22/61 Bl 2<br />

8/ 9/61 A2 1<br />

8/12/61 A2 2<br />

8/14/61 A8 6<br />

8/17/61 Bl 5<br />

9/ l7/61 A6 l<br />

10/10/61 Bl 6<br />

10/13/61 Bl 8<br />

10/15/61 BB 4<br />

10/16/61 A4 1<br />

10/18/61 A2 3<br />

11/ 3/61 Al 6<br />

11/- 5/61 A20 4<br />

11/- 5/61 A6 3<br />

11/ 7/-61 Bl 4<br />

11/ 8/61 BlO 1<br />

11/ 8/61 BB 4<br />

11/30/61 BS 1<br />

12/ 1/61 Bl 8<br />

12/- 2/61 A3 6<br />

12/ 4/61 A4 2<br />

12/ 5/-61 Bl 8<br />

12/ 6/61 Bl 3<br />

12/ 7/-61 A6 1<br />

12/ 8/61 A2 3<br />

12/20/61 A14 5<br />

1/28/-62 A15 3<br />

2/11/62 A2 4<br />

2/14/62 Bl 8<br />

2/20/62 A3 7<br />

2/25/62 AS 4<br />

2/28/62 A6 2<br />

3/- 2/62 Bl 6<br />

3/ 2/62 Bl6 1<br />

3/15/62 Bl 5<br />

3/15/-62 Bl 5<br />

3/15/62 Bl 5<br />

3/15/62 Bl 5<br />

3/16/62 Bl 8<br />

4/ 7/62 Al 8<br />

4/ 8/62 E2 2<br />

4/10/62 Al 4<br />

4/10/62 Al 4<br />

4/14/62 A2 4<br />

4/15/62 Al 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Doubts that Republican can be elected geverner this year<br />

Fear rules electiens in Ark, Reckefeller says<br />

Predicts that Orval E Faubus will seek fifth term this year<br />

Wants state Republican Party built frem grassreets<br />

George B Mathis asks Reckefeller te back his remark en 'fear'<br />

Reckefeller's appraisal ef ene-party record (ed)<br />

Rockefeller leeks at GOP bent en state level<br />

Says state GOP is moving te the political right<br />

Editerials discuss decision net te run fer gov<br />

Editorial ponders what might-have-been had Rockefeller run<br />

Tells Searcy rally key to victory is lecal unit<br />

Says GOP to file fer Cengressienal House seats<br />

Amazed at ban ef politics on Univ ef Ark campus<br />

Unveils film te be used te premete twe-party system<br />

Addresses disabled veterans greup<br />

Rockefeller says GIT net helping state as expected<br />

Rockefeller pinpoints the GIT's problems (ed)<br />

Rockefeller holds 50 pct ef stack in Pleasant Valley Inc<br />

Honored by Colonial Williamsburg<br />

Asks Republicans fer autematic giving to GOP fund<br />

Backed W L Spicer aver Henry Britt fer state GOP chief<br />

GOP falls in line behind Reckef eller<br />

Henered for contributiens Reckefellers made te Virginia<br />

Sponsors rally fer GOP candidates at his farm<br />

Approved use of federal troops in LR in 1957 . Gov Faubus says<br />

Had no part in forming AIDC. Gov Faubus says<br />

Displeased by JFK administratien<br />

Democratic landslide slap in Rockefeller face, Faubus says<br />

Legislators angry at Reckefeller. rumers say<br />

AIDC still needs Winthrop Rockefeller (ed)<br />

Editorials urge that Rockefeller remain as AIDC Chairman<br />

Helps dedicate Arts Center 's new artmebile<br />


see Furniture and household equipment<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see Educatien - Rogers District<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


Spouses of missing guests ef Rogers sue fer $100,000<br />


see Japanese in the United States<br />


see alse Parks , recreatien and tourism<br />


Sen killed, family home burns en same day<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


Honored by Little Reck Liens Club<br />

ROSE, GLEN<br />

Honored by University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

ROSES<br />

see Feed<br />


see also Ministerial Association, Greater Little Reck<br />


see also Chronicles of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


Member ef Kennedy adm speaks te packed house at LR<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />

Ex-pitching star Schoolboy Rowe dies in El Dorado<br />


Figure in 1959 LR school fight dies<br />


see also Communism<br />

see also Education - Finance and budgets<br />

see also Education - Salaries, benefits, etc<br />

see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see Funerals and mortuaries<br />


see also SWimming<br />


see Jogging and running<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />


Hattieville is contender fer honers<br />


see United States - Rural Development Program<br />


8/ 9/62 Cl4 4<br />

5/ 7/61 A4 l<br />

4/20/61 A6 4<br />

5/28/61 A4 3<br />

1/20/62 A3<br />

1/ 9/61 Bl<br />

12/27/61 Bl<br />

2/28/61 B7<br />

6<br />

7<br />

1<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Culture and the arts<br />


see alse Rehabilitation Center, Hot Springs<br />

Elected president ef National Rehabilitation Services ergn<br />


see alse News and news media<br />

see alse Pornography and obscenity<br />


see alse Russell, Tommy H<br />


Husband of Maxine Brewn Rus sell arrested fer assault<br />

Maxine Brewn Russell filed fer divorce this week<br />

Mrs Russell is member ef well-known group, The BrEMn Trie<br />


Navy 's tep enl isted man is Arkansan<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Ce<br />

see also Ecenemic development<br />

see also Firemen<br />

Town completes industrial preparedness program<br />

City Council vetes te participate in Urban Renewal Program<br />

RU SSIANS IN <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see Foreign descent groups<br />


see also Civil War<br />


see also Birth central and abortion<br />


LR City Bd to await high court ruling en blue laws<br />

Grocer yields te LR ordinance, steps Sunday sales<br />

U S Supreme Ct ruling may mean LR can meve forward with law<br />

Issue of revising blue law te ceme before LR Directors<br />

Sunday closing (ed)<br />

Three views offered LR City Bd en Sunday clesing<br />

Sunday clesing law placed en agenda of LR Mgr Beard<br />

Sunday closing law revised by LR City Mgr board<br />

LR beard to consider blue law amendments<br />

LR City Mgr Bd expands salable items fer blue law<br />

LR City Bd to pass new, broader Blue Law<br />

LR City Mgr Bd appreves Blue Law<br />

New Blue Law gees into effect at LR next Sunday<br />

Crank's Drug Stores pretest LR's new Blue Law<br />

Sunday closing plan filed at NLR<br />

NLR City Council te held public hearing en Blue Law- proposal<br />

LR City Bd getting pleas to revise Blue Law list<br />

Seventh Day Adventists attack NLR's proposed Blue Law<br />

North Little Reck City Council reviews Blue Law<br />

Effort te ban gasoline sales en Sunday in Jonesboro rej ected<br />

Sunday closing (ed)<br />

Furniture dealer Rey Schuster arrested under closing law<br />

Rey M Schuster fined fer Sunday sales of furniture<br />

10/ 5/ 61 Bl<br />

12/29/62 A5<br />

12-/29/62 A5<br />

12/29/62 A5<br />

1/26/61 A6<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

1/17/62 Bl 2<br />

3/14/62 BlO 3<br />

1/ 4/61 A3 3<br />

3/15/61 Bl 5<br />

5/30/61 Al 2<br />

6/ 1/61 Bl 3<br />

6/ 4/ 61 E4 2<br />

6/13/61 A6 1<br />

6/-15/61 A18 1<br />

6/20/61 B12 6<br />

6/29/-61 Al3 2<br />

7/ 6/61 C7 1<br />

7/16/61 C3 1<br />

7/-18/61 BB 1<br />

8/13/61 A7 1<br />

8/21/61 Al 3<br />

8/22/61 Bl4 3<br />

9/12/61 AB 3<br />

9/14/61 A3 1<br />

9/23/61 A3 1<br />

10/10/61 A9 1<br />

10/ 18/61 Al 3<br />

10/19/61 A4 2<br />

11/ 6/61 Al 2<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Roy M Schuster say s he was having private sale by invitatien<br />

NLR City Council refers Sunday sales law te voters<br />

Forrest City grecers seek Sunday closing ordinance<br />

NLR businessmen and clergy draft new blue law<br />

NLR aldermen propose two mere blue laws<br />

Judge passes second case under Little Rock's blue law<br />

Opinion clarifies blue law question<br />

NLR passes blue law. plans election en it<br />

Marianna citizens seek grocery stores closing en Sundays<br />

Battle ever blue law in NLR raging as vote nears<br />

NLR voters rej ect Sunday closing ordinance<br />

Rev J Albert Gatlin battles liquor and Sunday sales ef goods<br />

Suit alleges Crank's Drug Ce made illegal Sunday sales<br />

Hot Springs tavern operators chgd with Sunday liquor sales<br />

Crank 's Drug Ce challenges LR closing ordinance<br />


see Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />

see Wildlife<br />


see also Conway County<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />


see Wages and salaries<br />

SALEM<br />

see also Telephone service<br />


see also Civil War Centennial<br />

see also Mines and minerals<br />


see also Mines and mineral s<br />


Elected International directer of Retaryna Gas Ce<br />


see al.so Jews<br />


see alse Beeks and writing<br />


see also Aviation and aircraft<br />


see Banks<br />


see also Education<br />


see Epigrams , maxims , sayings. etc<br />


see alse Basketball<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />


11/ 7/61 Bl 7<br />

11/ 7/61 Bl2 l<br />

11/11/61 A2 4<br />

12/ 1/61 A16 3<br />

12/20/61 BlO 2<br />

2/ 2/62 A6 5<br />

2/ 7/62 Al4 l<br />

2/13/62 A7 1<br />

2/ 19/62 A2 4<br />

3/15/62 C20 l<br />

3/21/62 Al 7<br />

4/22/62 A6 1<br />

11/ 1/62 A3 2 2<br />

12/ 5/62 B9 7<br />

12/11/62 B14 l<br />

6/ 3/61 A7 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see History (Ark)<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


see University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


National Merit Scholarships ge te 18 high school seniors<br />

Anna G Maj ors receives full scholarship to Vanderbilt Univ<br />

Ruth Veasey Educational Fdn te help deserving students<br />

Gev Faubus names board te oversee student leans fer college<br />

New Student Lean Beard stymied by law. finance puzzlers<br />

Federal lean program helping many Ark college students<br />

National Merit Scholarship winners include 27 Arkansans<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


see also Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


Jan Lance Besser is Ark winner in science talent search<br />


Detroit firm te locate at Blytheville<br />

United Auto Workers unien studies suit te protect workers<br />

UAW threat no worry. officials report<br />


see alse Athletics and sports<br />


see alse Inventions and inventors<br />

SCOTT. ORVILLE, Family<br />

see also Fires<br />

SCOTT. R A<br />

see alse Lincoln. Abraham<br />


see alse Banks<br />

see also Education - Hazen District<br />

see also Sheetings<br />


see also Sheetings<br />


Ark native gets FAA job in Washington<br />


see alse Museums<br />

SEARCY<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

Six businesses ravaged by fire<br />

Grant fer Urban Renewal received<br />


see also Civil War<br />

see alse Medicine and health<br />

Fight breaks out at Marshall ever alleged vete vielatiens<br />

4/26/61 Bl 2<br />

5/ 4/-61 A6 2<br />

8/11/61 Bll 7<br />

10/-18/61 A6 2<br />

12/ 1/61 Bl 5<br />

4/ 11/62 A2 6<br />

4/26/62 Bl 2<br />

1/25/62 AB 1<br />

3/24/61 Bl 8<br />

7/14/-61 Bl 5<br />

7/15/61 A2 8<br />

3/16/61 A9 7<br />

7/23/61 Al 2<br />

11/10/61 AlO 8<br />

11/ 7/62 A4 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see Libraries, Public<br />


Article en county 's two judicial districts, courthouses<br />


see also Civil rights and discrimination<br />

see also Contracts and purchasing, Gevt<br />

see also Hall, Claris G<br />

Nancy Hall (Mrs C G) Apptd Secretary of State<br />

Several prospective candidates fer post appear<br />

Arnold Sikes serieusly considering race fer office<br />

Arnold Sikes will net be candidate fer office<br />

Kelly Bryant, Milton J Willis plan to seek ef fice<br />

State Rep Milton J Willis files fer office<br />

Kelly Bryant files fer Secretary ef State<br />

Carrell Durham announces candidacy fer office<br />

Avon Phillips files fer Dem nomination<br />

Kelly Bryant, Milton J Willis in runoff fer office<br />

Kelly Bryant, Milton J Willis in runoff<br />

Election returns (by county)<br />

Milton J Willis withdraws frem runoff with Kelly Bryant<br />

Name of Milton J Willis will be en runoff ballet<br />

Back in runoff, Milton J Willis appeals te supporters<br />

Milton J Willis backs out again, backs Kelly Bryant<br />

Election quandary is left to whim of counties<br />

Kelly Bryant holds big lead ever Milton J Willis<br />

Milton Willis carries 11 counties despite pullout<br />


see Stocks and bends<br />


see also Murders<br />


Seiberling to meve shoe products plant te Batesville<br />


Federal judge orders <strong>Arkansas</strong> plant returned to Missouri<br />

Federal judge orders Southern Mfg Corp returned te Missouri<br />

SELF. TOM<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />


see also Indians. American<br />


see also Methodist Church<br />


see al so Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />


Willie Nathan Jr chgd with raping white weman at Helena<br />

Lack ef Negro on jury noted in Luther Bailey case reversal<br />

Luther Bailey was convicted of 1956 rape of white wem.an in LR<br />

Luther Bailey was sentenced to death in rape of woman<br />

10/20/61 ES<br />

1/18/61 Bl<br />

6/ 1/61 Bl<br />

9/23/61 A2<br />

4/ 4/62 Bl<br />

4/ 4/62 Bl<br />

4/ 6/62 Bl<br />

4/11/62 Bl<br />

4/12/62 A2<br />

5/ 3/62 Al<br />

8/ 1/62 A2<br />

8/ 2/62 Al<br />

8/ 2/62 Bl<br />

8/ '5/62 Al<br />

8/ 7/62 Al<br />

8/ 9/62 Bl<br />

8/10/62 Al<br />

8/12/62 Al<br />

8/15/62 Al<br />

8/16/62 Bl<br />

9/12/61 Bl<br />

12/30/61 Al<br />

12/30/61 Al<br />

2/ 8/61 A7<br />

3/18/61 Al<br />

3/18/61 Al<br />

3/18/61 Al<br />

2<br />

6<br />

2<br />

3<br />

8<br />

8<br />

2<br />

7<br />

4<br />

5<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

7<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Luther Bailey wins retrial in Federal Appeals Court ruling<br />

Charged in NLR case are Riley Williams . Troy Alexander<br />

Charges filed against 3 Negroes in rape ef white girl at NLR<br />

Marvin Aren Hammond chgd in rape ef white girl at NLR<br />

Wallace D Lyles. Jr. James E Bruce chgd with child molesting<br />

Three Negroes chgd with raping white girl ask trial er bond<br />

Ark Supreme Ct denies appeal ef Lennie B Mitchell third time<br />

Luther Bailey gets execution stay fer new trial<br />

Alfred J Dees charged with carnal abuse at Camden<br />

State asks US Supreme Ct te overturn Luther Bailey ruling<br />

J D Sharp sought en charge ef raping 17-yr-eld Negre girl<br />

Jehn D Patrick chgd in rape ef weman at Hape<br />

Ark Supreme Ct delays meve te save life of Lennie Mitchell<br />

Jehn D Patrick, Negre. chgd with rape ef elderly white weman<br />

Trial date fer Riley Williams, Trey Alexander, Marvin Hammond<br />

Mr and Mrs Edward Pratt get 21-yrs for abuse of their child<br />

Luther Bailey te get date fer new trial en rape cenvictien<br />

Trial set fer 3 Negrees in rape of white girl at NLR<br />

New trial, defense counsel in sight fer Luther Bailey<br />

Luther Bailey's new rape trial set fer <strong>1962</strong><br />

Atty fer 3 NLR Negroes ask transfer te federal dist ceurt<br />

Jack Henderson Crain Jr chgd with melesting boys<br />

US Supreme Ct te review ruling in Luther Bailey case<br />

Delano Franklin Morris. a Negre, chgd with rape ef white<br />

Trial of 3 Negrees chgd in NLR rape of 16-yr-eld to start<br />

Negroes in NLR case lese pleas: trial set<br />

Eleven j urers seated fer trial ef 3 Negrees in NLR case<br />

Negro seated en jury to try 3 Negroes in NLR case<br />

Two Negroes seated te hear trial ef 3 Negroes in NLR case<br />

Presecutien rests in trial ef 3 Negroes in NLR rape case<br />

Defendants in NLR rape case testify<br />

Three Negroes get life terms in NLR rape case<br />

Convicted molester Wallace D Lyles Jr gets 3 years<br />

Gerald Dixen. Havis B Holloway. Themas Terry ge en trial<br />

Three men chgd in PB with raping crippled woman deny chgs<br />

Three Pine Bluff youth convicted in attack ef crippled girl<br />

Three Pine Bluff youths sentenced te 3 yrs in prison<br />

Three teen-aged Negroes get life terms fer rape ef white girl<br />

Escapee Charles Frankl in Fields killed Charles A Mencer<br />

Charles Franklin Fields escapes prison. rapes weman<br />

Luther Bailey has been under death sentence since 1956<br />

Luther Bailey 's new trial in 5-yr-old rape case opens at LR<br />

Change ef venue fer 2nd trial of Luther Bailey denied<br />

Luther Bailey's defense accepts rape jury<br />

Luther Bailey rape trial jury hears six state witnesses<br />

Weman identifies Luther Bailey as her attacker<br />

Luther Bailey gets death sentence in second rape trial<br />

Cenvictien ef L C Peele en chg of assault reversed<br />

L C Peele is Negro. alleged victim is white 14-yr-eld girl<br />

Judge William J Kirby te intervene in Luther Bailey suit<br />

Federal judge rules against Luther Bailey<br />

3/18/61 Al 3<br />

3/25/61 Bl2 5<br />

3/25/61 B12 5<br />

3/25/61 B12 5<br />

3/31/61 Bl2 1<br />

4/13/61 Al 4<br />

5/ 9/-61 BS 1<br />

5/24/-61 Bl4 6<br />

6/-15/61 A2 1<br />

6/15/61 Bl 4<br />

7/- 1/61 A3 4<br />

7/ 6/61 Bl 6<br />

7/13/61 Bl 4<br />

7/22/61 A3 3<br />

9/ 8/61 A6 3<br />

9/-13/61 BlO 6<br />

10-/ 1/61 B8 1<br />

10-/ 3/61 B3 3<br />

10/- 3/61 B3 7<br />

10/ 4/ 61 Bl 8<br />

10/11/-61 B6 l<br />

10/12/61 Bl 8<br />

10/17/61 A2 1<br />

10/-28/61 B2 1<br />

10/29/61 A16 7<br />

10/-31/61 Bl 8<br />

11/- 1/-61 A3 1<br />

11/ 2/ 61 All 5<br />

11/ 3/61 B12 1<br />

11/ 4/61 A3 1<br />

11/ 7/-61 A6 1<br />

11/ 8/61 AlO 1<br />

11/11/-61 B8 1<br />

11/29/61 B9 6<br />

11/30-/61 A6 5<br />

12/ 1/61 A16 4<br />

12/ 1/61 Al6 4<br />

1/ 4/62 B6 2<br />

1/16/-62 Al 2<br />

1/16/62 al 2<br />

1/-28/62 AlO l<br />

1/28/62 AlO 1<br />

1/30/62 Bl2 1<br />

1/31/62 Al 6<br />

2/ 1/62 A9 1<br />

2/ 2/62 A6 1<br />

2/ 3/62 Al 5<br />

2/ 6/62 A2 l<br />

2/ 6/62 A2 1<br />

2/14/62 A5 5<br />

2/18/62 All 7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Luther Bailey ordered to die<br />

Ark Supreme Ct denies Lonnie Mitchell plea in death penalty<br />

Jury picked for trial ef Billy Maxwell at Hot Springs<br />

White woman points to Billy Maxwell as her rapist<br />

William Lee Maxwell gets death penalty in rape case<br />

Charles Franklin Fields gets death sentence in rape case<br />

Charles Franklin Fields sentenced to die<br />

Luther Bailey gets stay of death penalty pending appeal<br />

Ex-convict sought in attack of 12-yr-old girl at LR<br />

Joe Robinson. 15. a Negro. chgd with rape of white weman<br />

Paul A Fleschner arrested for rape ef 12-yr-old girl at LR<br />

Man rapes 8-yr-old girl at LR<br />

Lennie Mitchell granted execution stay by federal judge<br />

Death sentence of Lonnie B Mitchell argued in federal court<br />

Lonnie Mitchell Jr loses plea in federal court<br />

U S Appeals Ct ruling puts Luther Bailey under death sentence<br />

Rape victim of Charles E Fields sues state for $40.000<br />

US Supreme Ct asked to review trial of Luther Bailey<br />


see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Trucks and trucking industry<br />


see also Apparitions<br />


JPs want voters to decide en courthouses<br />

SHARP. PAT<br />

see alse Dairy Princess<br />


see alse Postal Service<br />


see al se Aged<br />


Airfield at Fert Rucker ta be named fer Arkansan<br />


Shelley elected te head Scimitar Shrine Temple<br />


see also Architecture and architects<br />


see alse Construction programs . State<br />

see also Education<br />

SHEPHERD . W M<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> State Chamber of Commerce<br />


see else Civil War<br />


see Education - Sheridan District<br />

see Traffic accidents and safety<br />

SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Association elects officers at Het Springs meeting<br />

SHERMAN. J K<br />

see also Reproduction (Human)<br />

2/27/62 Bl<br />

3/ 6/62 Bl<br />

3/20/62 A6<br />

3/21/62 Bl<br />

3/22/62 Bl<br />

3/28/62 Bl<br />

4/10/62 Bl<br />

4/17/-62 Bl<br />

7/ 6/62 A2<br />

7/10/62 A2<br />

8/13/62 A3<br />

8/13/62 BlO<br />

8/17/62 B6<br />

8/22/62 A6<br />

9/ 7/62 All<br />

11/22/62 A3<br />

11/25/62 ClO<br />

12/23/62 BB<br />

12/20/61 Bl<br />

4<br />

8<br />

8<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

l<br />

3<br />

4<br />

1<br />

l<br />

6<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

8/19/62 A2 2<br />

1/22/61 Al3 l<br />

1/26/62 Bl 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see Ceramics and pottery<br />


Three buildings burn<br />

SHINN. C E<br />

see alse Apparitions<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />

SHIPS<br />

W A Walther makes model ships<br />


see also Cemmerce Cemmissien (Ark)<br />


Shivers speaks at annual Little Reck Chamber dinner<br />


see alse Duels and duelling<br />

see also Murders<br />

see also Police<br />

Elderly man shoots two young men sheeting firecrackers<br />

E A Lauderdale shoots George Hill. who was burglarizing store<br />

E A Lauderdale was convicted in 1959 Laber Day bombings<br />

Club owner sheets two men in dispute<br />

Sheeting of Negro by E A Lauderdale ruled justifiable<br />

Sonny Girard says fear caused him te sheet Billy Cummings<br />

Willie Albert Ballard and Wes Ballard arrested at Streng<br />

Grand jury sets probe ef schooting at AmVets Club at NLR<br />

Two indicted in shooting in AmVets Club at NLR<br />

Billy Frankl in Cummings shews jury inj uries he received<br />

Julius Girard Jr convicted in shooting at Am Vets Club<br />

Absent Girard witness J C Whitten faces contempt charge<br />

Hulus Owens chgd with sheeting Mrs Nell Themas. of Clarksvill<br />

Bill Coffer wounds wife. kills himself<br />

Wife of Hazen Mayer Jerry J Screeten sheets herself<br />

Pat and Jerry J Screeton net involved in any sheeting<br />

Leren A Creek shot ta death while rebbing liquer store<br />

USDA auditor shet at Eureka Springs bar<br />

Jee Halden. a LR Negre. killed after sheeting at taxi. pol ice<br />

Fifteen Negrees bound over in sheeting at Gillam Park<br />

LR police trap. shoot man at LR caf e<br />

Mrs Jean Rhea shat by Harold L Walker en LR street<br />

Harol d L Walker chgd in sheeting ef Jean Rhea<br />

Curtis L Hardge gets 12 years fer sheeting a pol iceman<br />

Ivery Housten Bettis wounds wife. then kills himself at LR<br />

John Darity gets 3-yrs fer sheeting John D Clayton<br />

Melbourne tewn marshal shot. suspect arrested<br />

Faur Cox brothers arrested in mountains of Yell County<br />

Four Cex brothers sentenced te prison fer shootout<br />

Child killed accidentally at Cemmissary (Greene Ceunty)<br />

Child killed by gunshot intended fer birds<br />

Rey E Mills Jr held in sheeting of Mrs Peggy Gyer<br />

Fatal sheeting ef Mrs Asa Henry Smith at lake unsolved<br />

2-/12:/62 AlO 3<br />

4/23/61 El 1<br />

12/15/-61 A14 1<br />

1/24/61 A6 3<br />

2/ 8/61 Bl 5<br />

2/ 8/61 Bl 5<br />

2/ 9/61 B6 3<br />

2/11/-61 A3 l<br />

3/ 8/61 B14 6<br />

3/12/61 Al 2<br />

3/-19/61 All 6<br />

3/28/61 B8 1<br />

5/25/61 A7 2<br />

5/26/61 Bl3 1<br />

6/ 1/61 Cl4 2<br />

7/ 7/61 Bll 4<br />

7/13/61 Bl 7<br />

7/27/61 A6 2<br />

7/-28/61 Al 8<br />

8/ 4/61 B16 5<br />

8/17/61 Bl 4<br />

9/ 12/61 AB 6<br />

9-/16/61 B7 6<br />

9/30/-61 B9 8<br />

10/11/61 Al 3<br />

10/12/61 Bl 5<br />

10/13/61 All 1<br />

10/19/61 A3 2<br />

10/29/61 Al5 4<br />

11/23/61 AB 4<br />

12/19/61 Bl 7<br />

12/20/61 Bl 6<br />

1/28/ 62 A15 6<br />

1/29/62 B3 8<br />

6/24/62 A1 2 2<br />

7/ 6/62 B4 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Freddy Bynum, 18, take s his awn life after sheeting ef ficer<br />

Faur charged in weunding of marshal at Ashdown<br />

Twe Rixey neighbors inj ured in shootout ever property line<br />

Junction City Mayor Floyd Slaughter, Harvey Pennington duel<br />

Four yeuths sentenced in shooting Ashdewn tewn marshal<br />

Five persons weunded in sheeting in Leneke County<br />

Mrs Charles Andrews accidentally killed by her hu sband<br />

Upten Staples shot, killed at store at Kelse<br />

Youth killed, 3 hurt in wild shets meant fer deer<br />

Deer hunter charged in killing of youth<br />

Youth killed in hunting accident near Star City<br />

R T Peeples gets prison term fer deer season fatality<br />


see Retail stores<br />


see also University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />


see also Fraternities and sererities<br />


Bishop John D Bright Jr has plan to retire college debt<br />


see also University of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Fayetteville<br />


Effort to be made te keep property fer industrial use<br />

Gov Faubus wants to keep state out of sale ef Depot<br />

Camden watches anxiously as Navy base gees on bleck<br />

Vast size of site and its facilities amaze visitors<br />

Scenes at Depot<br />

Intnl Paper Ce appears te be high bidder with $8, 146,000<br />

Gov Faubus fears depet to end up in junk pile. asks U S help<br />

Gov Faubus carries his plea te President Kennedy<br />

Brewn-Breot premises to make eve-ry ef fert to attrat industry<br />

State may lease Depot; AIDC reacts cooly to idea<br />

Gov Faubus irked by AIDC stand on Depot property<br />

GSA endorses bid of Brem-Raet Inc fer property<br />

Lawmakers. GSA confer en Shumaker<br />

Breown Engineering Ce te buy rest of Shumaker property<br />

Brawn Engineering reps moving to take ever preper ty<br />

Corn being stored in concrete magaz ines at Depot<br />

Dispute ever electrical pewer service gees te court<br />

Government turns keys ever to new ewner<br />


Four Lithuanians establish claim to Shurkus estate<br />


see also Cemeteries<br />


see also<br />

see also<br />

see also<br />

Construction programs , State<br />

Postal service<br />

Secretary ef State (Ark)<br />

8/ 5/62 Al 3<br />

8/ 8/62 Bl 4<br />

8/-10/-62 AlO 3<br />

8/-14/62 Bl 7<br />

9/11/62 Bl 8<br />

10/ 9/62 Al 5<br />

10/20/62 A7 4<br />

11/-12/62 B6 3<br />

11/13/62 A2 3<br />

11/15/62 Bl 5<br />

11-/25-/62 Al6 8<br />

12/ 7/62 Al 5<br />

12/12/62 Bl 3<br />

1/19/61 A8 l<br />

1/-26/61 A5 6<br />

3/ 5/61 Al 2<br />

3/ 5/61 Al 2<br />

3/ S/-61 A4 l<br />

4/ 5/61 Al 8<br />

4/-18/61 Al 5<br />

4/19/61 Bl 8<br />

4/21/-61 A6 4<br />

4/22/61 A6 2<br />

4/27/61 A6 1<br />

4/-29/-61 A9 l<br />

5/ 2/61 AB 6<br />

5/13/61 A3 l<br />

7 / 9/61 A2 8<br />

8/16/61 A2 2<br />

10/ 5/61 Cl4 l<br />

11/16/61 Bl 8<br />

2/22/61 BS 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

SIKES, RAY<br />

see also Local government<br />


see also Gel f<br />


see Mente Ne<br />


McGehee mechanic retires after 44 years of service<br />


see also Books and writing<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


see Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />


Tewn te thank Waynesboro. Va fer kindness to stranded youths<br />

Waynesboro. Va pays tribute to Smackover<br />

Article discusses early days in oil boom tewn<br />


Brenda Smith was lost on West Mountain fer five hours<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />


see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

State senator feared drewned in Crittenden County lake<br />

Body of state senator found in Horseshoe Lake ; drowning ruled<br />


see also Education - Little Reck District<br />

SMITH, FAY<br />

see also Children's Colony . <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Folk music<br />

SMITH, G D JR<br />

see also Congress - Reapportionment<br />


see also Courts, State and local<br />


Smith's successors (ed)<br />

SMITH, LEE<br />

see also Birch, John, Society<br />

see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see also Laber<br />


see also Constitution (Ark)<br />

see also Construction programs , State<br />


3/30/61 A9 1<br />

7/18/62 Bl 8<br />

7/20/62 Bl 5<br />

8/26/62 E5 2<br />

12/10/62 A16 3<br />

8/ 3/62 Al<br />

8/ 4/62 Al<br />

8/ 12/62 E2<br />

7<br />

4<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Courts. Federal<br />


see al.so Railroads<br />

SMITH. William J<br />

see al.so Faubus. Orval E. Foundation<br />


see Tobacco<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


see Weather and storms<br />


see al.se University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see alse Censtructien programs. State<br />


see also Birch, John, Society<br />

see also Congress - Senate {Class I)<br />


AV ! leader heads businessmen fer Democratic candidates<br />


Cap manuf acturer te move te Blytheville. employ 350<br />

Chicago firm scraps plans fer plant at Blytheville<br />

SOCIAL WELFARE, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Conference en<br />

Conference opens 50th convention this week<br />

51st annual meeting scheduled at Marien Hotel in LR<br />

Leaders face future unafraid of stern challenges te programs<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


Graduate courses te be effered at SSC by Univ of <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Orientation period set fer fall semester<br />

Use ef facility in labor dispute draws pretests<br />

College has record enrollment of 1425<br />


Construction ef plant at Fort Smith begins<br />


see Deg racing<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Ce<br />


see Handicapped<br />


6/ 2/61 Bl<br />

8/13/61 C3<br />

10/27 /61 A2<br />

9/25/62 Bl<br />

11/ 4/61 A2<br />

IRS claims Allen Geldsmith ewes $167 ,655 en defunct business 11/15/61 All 3<br />


Micrewave system being installed between Harrison and LR 2/ 4/61 A2 5<br />

SOlBEANS<br />

see also Agriculture<br />


see also Rivers and lakes<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />


see Apparitions<br />


see Traffic accidents and safety<br />


see Caves<br />

SPICER, Wil.LIAM L (Bill)<br />

see also Politics and electiens<br />


see Medicine and health<br />

SPORTS HALL OF FAME, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Athletics and sports<br />


see Weather and storms<br />


see also Pulaski County<br />

Heart attack leaves Sen Dan T Sprick in critical condition<br />


11/28/61 Bl 6<br />

see alse Ecenemic development<br />

see also Rivers and lakes<br />

Court rules en land city may annex<br />


1/15/61 B4 7<br />

see Labor<br />


see Beeks and writing<br />


see Construction industry<br />


8<br />

4<br />

6<br />

2<br />

6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Business Devel opment Cerp<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />

Hillside spring near Cantrell Road was once used fer water<br />


Square Dance Festival to draw 3.ooo to Little Reck<br />

Officers elected at LR meeting<br />


see alse Little Reck Zee<br />


see also Civil War<br />


see also Poor<br />

Fees of County Judge M D Clark publish list ef warrants<br />

Grand Jury warns about private use of county equipment<br />

Critics of County Judge M Darrell Clark list complaints<br />

Refusal te 'slop' foes behind his woes. M Darrell Clark says<br />

Two mere suits filed against County Judge M Darrell Clark<br />

County Judge M Darrell Clark hits back in suits ever affairs<br />

Expenses County Judge M Darrell Clark paid himself upheld<br />

Court orders county to publish monthly list of warrants<br />


see Forests and forestry<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see also Agriculture<br />

ST JOE<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />


Seminary at LR celebrating 50th year<br />

Celebration involves 2.000 Catholic laymen<br />

Bishop Victor J Reed recalls study at St John's<br />

Mass marks celebration of 50th year<br />


see History (Ark)<br />

ST PAUL (Madison Ceunty)<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />


see also Av iation and aircraft<br />

Estate of Mr Stacy valued at $50.000<br />


Bill in Legis weuld finance bend issue fer War Memorial work<br />

Senate votes 32-0 fer ticket tax at War Memorial Stadium<br />

Gov Faubus wants War Memorial Stadium Comm enlarged<br />

Senate passes bill to enlarge War Memorial Stadium Comm<br />

War Memerial Comm asks fer 'tenders ' te speed bond refunding<br />


see also Arkla Village<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />

3/26/61 A13 l<br />

10/19/61 Bl 6<br />

10/22-/61 AB 2<br />

1/ 12:/61 A2 8<br />

2/17/61 A2 7<br />

3/ 2-/61 Bl 2<br />

3/ 2/61 Bl 2<br />

3/16/-61 Bl 2<br />

4/ 6/61 A6 1<br />

5/ 5/-61 A2 3<br />

2/ 7/62 Bl 4<br />

10/-21/61 A7 1<br />

10/23/61 Al 6<br />

10/-25/61 A3 5<br />

10/-26/61 Cl6 7<br />

1/ 5/61 Bl 6<br />

2/ 2/61 B2 3<br />

2/10/61 B2 2<br />

2/17/61 B2 3<br />

2/23/61 B2 2<br />

11/29/61 B3 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see Educatien - Stamps District<br />


Fire destroys Pine Bluff plant<br />


8/14/62 BB 1<br />

see also Hilderbrand. Jee<br />


see alse Land and real estate<br />


see also Labor<br />

Progress ef city wins Briten1s praise<br />


11/ 9/61 Bl 3<br />

see Education - Star<br />


see also Education - Pulaski County District<br />


see alse MuselUils<br />


State Farm applies fer suburb break en fire insurance 9/ 7/61 Bl 7<br />


see alse Construction programs . State<br />

see alse Government empleyees. State<br />

see also Historic buildings and sites<br />

Hospital bldg damaged by broken water pipes<br />

2/ 5/61 A2 3<br />

Crack in wall at State Hospital farces closing ef bay<br />

2/18/61 A2 4<br />

Beard fires 2 attendants at State Hospital fer patient abuse 3-/18/61 A2 6<br />

Mental Health Week te be observed<br />

4/30/61 All 1<br />

Baucum Unit test preving successful<br />

6/25/61 A3 1<br />

Female patients ef State Hospital teur Winreck Farms<br />

7/ 7/61 Bl 3<br />

Buildings are a fire hazard. Dr Granville Jones warns<br />

7/21/61 Bl 2<br />

Dilapidated bldg cited as aid te Hilderbrand escape<br />

8/ 2/ 61 Al 2<br />

Mountain outlaw Jee Hilderbrand escapes<br />

8/ 2/61 Al 2<br />

Hilderbrand escape sparks het debate ever bldg fund less 8/ 2/61 Al 3<br />

Rep J H Cettreel Jr resents statement ef Dr Granville Jenes 8/ 2/61 Al 3<br />

Hospital seeks $12 million fer building pregram<br />

8/ 2/61 Bl 7<br />

The Hilderbrand escape (ed)<br />

8/- 3/61 A4 2<br />

Legis Council allocates $800. 000 fer new building<br />

8/11/61 Al 2<br />

State Hospital Bd wants Dr George W Jackson te head hospital 9/26/61 Al 4<br />

Dr George W Jacksen named directer of State Hospital<br />

9/29/61 Al 1<br />

Gazette welcomes return ef Dr George W Jackson<br />

9/30/61 A4 2<br />

Dr George W Jackson to take ever in December<br />

9/30/61 A5 4<br />

Dr Granv ille L Jones wonders why he is being replaced<br />

10/ 1/61 Al 4<br />

Kansan thinks George W Jackson resigned ever hospital tax cut 10/ 5/61 Bl 3<br />

Dr Granville L Jenes accepts rele as assistant. salaty cut 10/11/-61 Bl 7<br />

Dr Granville Jones gets offers frem many states<br />

10/22/61 A9 5<br />

Volunteers make life easier far elderly patients<br />

10/22/61 E4 1<br />

Dr Granville L Jones may be going te New Jersey<br />

11/ 3/-61 Bl l 7<br />

.<br />

Dr Granville L Jones resigns to take New Jersey pesitien 11/ 8/61 A2 1<br />

Asst Supt Hayden B Donahue accepts pest in Oklahoma<br />

ll/15/61 Bl 8<br />

Board accepts new security building. wants it touched up 11/21/61 A7 1<br />

New security unit is named Rogers Hall<br />

12/ 8/61 Bl 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Regers Hall dedication draws 300 guests<br />

Dr George Jackson assumes cemmand of hespital<br />

Section ef ceiling falls at State Hospital<br />

State Hespital Bd accepts plans fer dramatic new bldg at LR<br />

New State Hospital plant te stress personal teuch<br />

Ground being cleared for new buildings<br />

Rehabilitatien center at Benton may be nation's first<br />

New State Hospital te blend medical efficiency . beauty<br />

Large ceiling collapses at State Hospital<br />


see also Bey Scouts<br />


Donates valuable papers ta Ark History Commission<br />


see also Hendrix College<br />


Arkansan 's role in AF is air safety<br />


see also Agricultural extension work<br />


see also Prisons and prisoners<br />

see alse Public Service Commission (Ark)<br />

Named general counsel for state Highway Commission<br />


Former baseball pitcher Bill Dickey joins Stephens staff<br />


see also Union Life Insurance Ce<br />


Metroplan directer dies of heart attack at age 34<br />

Gazette lauds James R Stephens fer his achievements<br />


eee also Arkla Village<br />

see also Agricultural extension work<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Co<br />

see also Construction programs , State<br />

see also Governor (Ark)<br />

see alse Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Livestock and poultry<br />

Stephens is head ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Cement Cerp<br />

Henered fer pioneering resurgence in use of gas<br />

W R Stephens to seek re-election te Legislature<br />

Stephens te seek re-election to Ark House of Reps<br />

Stephens philosophizes in pest-election letter<br />


NLR stare destroyed by fire. twe blasts<br />

Damage to NLR stare estimated at ever $100.000<br />


see also Rescues<br />


see also Harding College<br />


12/ 8/61 Bl<br />

12/12/61 Bl<br />

2/ 6/62 A2<br />

5/ 5/62 A3<br />

6/ 3/62 E4<br />

6/24/62 A3<br />

7/13/62 Bl<br />

8/ 5/62 Al<br />

10/ 9/62 Bl<br />

5<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

6<br />

4<br />

5<br />

2/24/62 AS 3<br />

1/25/61 Bl 2<br />

9/ 7/61 Bl 3<br />

4/ 16/61 Cl 7<br />

3/14/61 BlO 4<br />

3/15/61 A4 2<br />

3/ 1/61 Bl 6<br />

10/ 4/61 Bl 4<br />

3/11/62 Cl 1<br />

4/ 21/62 A19 3<br />

8/12./62 A4 1<br />

l/ 3/61 AB 2<br />

1/ 4/ 61 B12 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Neted Negro composer, ex-Arkansan, wins music award<br />

STILLS (Distilleries)<br />

see Alcahelic beverages<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Business Development Corp<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Investment Corp<br />

see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Valley Industries<br />

see also Assaciated Investors Securities Inc<br />

see al so Champion and Co<br />

see also Gevernment bends and investments<br />

High court upholds prison term fer J C Kerby in stocks sales<br />

J C Kerby seld United Standard Corp steck in Newton County<br />

David M Cohn trial set en f radulent stack transaction chgs<br />

Plaintiffs awarded $50,923 in David M Cohn litigation<br />

Max W Nunn gets 6-yr term in stock fraud case<br />

Max W Nunn to ge en trial at Sheridan in securities case<br />

Arnold E Edens gets 11-yr term in false pretense case<br />

State industrial bond issues top $39 million<br />

Paragould broker Arnold E Edens indicted en fraud charges<br />

Arnel e E Edens appeals prison sentences he received<br />

Arnol d E Edens pleads innocent of stock fraud scheme<br />

Arnold E Edens chgd with embezzling<br />

Arnold E Edens sentenced on embezzlement-by-agent charge<br />

Rep Clarke Kinney wants state te tighten up en securities<br />

David M Cohn released en bond in stack fraud case<br />

Witness says he lest $16,500 with Arnold Edens<br />

Two witnesses at Arnold E Edens trial relate losses<br />

Witness says he made profit deal ing with Arnold Edens.<br />

Jehn W Recker says he lest over $200,000 to Arnold Edens<br />

Arnol d E Edens relates story of life at fraud trial<br />

Arnol d E Edens says he is innocent of any fraud<br />

New $689,285 suit filed against Arnold E Edens<br />

Jury finds Arnold E Edens guilty on ten counts<br />

Arnol d E Edens gets 18 years on mail fraud, ether counts<br />

Arnol d E Edens pests bend, leaves jail<br />


see also Union Rescue Mission<br />


see al so Trade schools<br />

State Rep Stokes proposes free hunting, fishing for elderly<br />


Legend ef Lost Mountain and little Jee Brown<br />


see also Geology<br />


see also Pine Bluff<br />


see also Architecture and architects<br />

STONER, J D<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />

STORMS<br />

10/21/61 A3 6<br />

1/24/61 AlO l<br />

1/24/61 AlO l<br />

1/26/61 B7 6<br />

1/27/61 B14 2<br />

4/26/61 Bl 4<br />

4/29/61 A7 5<br />

5/ 27 /61 A3 5<br />

5/28/61 A14 l<br />

6/15/61 A17 l<br />

7 /25/61 AS 1<br />

9/15/61 Bl 7<br />

12/ 6/61 AB 5<br />

3/15/62 A3 8<br />

8/11/62 A2 1<br />

9/12/62 BlO l<br />

10/ 2/62 Bl 8<br />

10/ 3/62 A2 8<br />

10/ 4/62 BB 5<br />

10/ 5/62 Bl 8<br />

10/ 6/62 B6 1<br />

10/ 9/62 Bl 8<br />

10/10/62 Bl 4<br />

10/11/62 Bl 2<br />

10/ 12/62 A6 l<br />

10/16/62 A6 5<br />

7/27 /61 Bl 8<br />

4/29/62 E6 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see Weather and storms<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />


see alse Courts. State and local<br />


see Communism<br />


Dallas firm meving 110 truck drivers te LR<br />


see <strong>Arkansas</strong> Poultry Ce-operative Inc<br />

see Central Transfermer Cerp<br />

see Chase Bag Ce<br />

see Ceca-Cola Bettling Ce<br />

see Censtructien industry<br />

see Defenses and armed forces<br />

see Natienal Rej ecters Inc<br />

see Rivers and lakes<br />

see Sutton Products Ce<br />


see also Civil War<br />


see also Defenses and armed forces<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


see also Education - Little Reck District<br />


see alse Colleges and univs<br />

see also Educatien<br />

see alse Trade scheels<br />


see also Revenue Department (Ark)<br />

Gets new AHD post<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Co<br />

see also Historic buildings and sites<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Libraries. Public<br />

see also Weather and storms<br />

Article in New York Times features Stuttgart<br />


Alumni Assn approves construction of retreat and guest house<br />


Sad case ef Dr Nathan Walton Greene. an alcoholic<br />

Chez Paree Lounge operator held en marij uana pessessien chgs<br />

Police rept find of marij uana; four youths arrested<br />

Four accused ef possessing bulk marijuana<br />

Marijuana. liquor seized in raid at Harrison<br />

Narcotics charge filed after raid en Beene County farm<br />

Univ of Ark student arrested fer sale of amphetamine at U A<br />

8/22/61 Bl 6<br />

4/12/62 Bl 4<br />

7 / 8/62 AS 1<br />

4/17/61 A2<br />

8<br />

5/21/61 AlO 1<br />

6/27/62 BlO 1<br />

8/22/62 Bl 2<br />

8/23/62 A3 1<br />

10/31/62 Bl 3<br />

11/ 3/62 A2 1<br />

12/21/62 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see Asphyxiatien and suffecation<br />


Woman rescued after leap f rem <strong>Arkansas</strong> River bridge at LR<br />


Verna Mencer seeks $142.603 frem state in husband 's death<br />


see also Censtructien programs , State<br />


see Dead<br />


see Reusing<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />


see Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />


see Sabbath and Sunday legislation<br />


see Felklere, felk medicine and superstitien<br />


see Ceurts, State and Local<br />


About 30 men walk eff jab in centract dispute at Harrison<br />

Strike ends as company fills jobs vacated by strikers<br />


see alse Livestock and poultry<br />

Swift takes ever Priebe and Sens Inc plant at Clarksville<br />


Lee Rey Runnells. 12, saves three girls frem drowning<br />

Lee Rey Runnells rewarded with horse, saddle and stable<br />

SWORDS<br />

see also Civil War<br />


see alse Culture and the arts<br />


see Medicine and health<br />

see Medicine and health<br />


see also Pelice<br />


see Weight and weight central<br />


see alse Histery (Ark)<br />


see also Treasure-trave<br />

TATE. JACK<br />

see alse Treasure-trove<br />


see also Empire Life Insurance Company ef America<br />

see alse Florida, Andrew and George Flerida<br />

2/ 9/61 Al<br />

12/20/62 Bl<br />

4/14/61 A6<br />

5/ 5/61 A2<br />

11/16/62 A2<br />

6/14/61 Al<br />

6/17/61 Al<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Griffin, Paul Y Sr<br />

see alse Hildebrand. Alf red L<br />

see also Jordan. D W<br />

see also Lehigh. Charles H<br />

see alse Pelleck. Harry N<br />

see also Rockefeller. Winthrop<br />

see also Washburn. Alex H<br />

see alse Watkins. Harrison<br />

see also Watkins, Ralph<br />

Jack Rose. Paul G Tedder sentenced in unrelated cases<br />

Federal Judge Gardon E Yeung vaws te get teugh<br />


see Taxation<br />


see also Amusements and entertainment<br />

see also Beverages<br />

see also Construction programs. State<br />

see also Economic development<br />

see also Education<br />

see also Fort Smith<br />

see also Land and real estate<br />

see also Southwest Securities Inc<br />

see also Stadiums and arenas<br />

see also Transit systems<br />

Business interests seek exemptions te sales taxes<br />

Efforts to pass soft-drink sales tax began in 1941<br />

Court suit ta test taxing ef insurance firms ' intangibles<br />

Big tax dodge attempt by auto transport cempany uncovered<br />

County vehicle license tax suggested by Gev Orval E Faubus<br />

Some fancy footwork en county vehicle license tax<br />

Gov Faubus defends his county vehicle license tax plan<br />

Bill in Legis weuld exempt industrial equip and machinery<br />

College heads see hope at ballet box en sef t drink tax<br />

Editorials ceol t(;'Mard tax en soft drinks<br />

Bottlers warned ef danger in soft drink tax<br />

Heuse votes te repeal tax on honey ; eases lead en low income<br />

House passes bill exempting agri supplies frem tax<br />

House passes f eur tax-cutting measures<br />

House-passed bills would cost state about $2 million<br />

Gav Faubus hints he will net approve tax cuts<br />

Senate vetes te exempt industiral machinery f rem sales tax<br />

Bills in Legis te reduce taxes would cut state funds<br />

Gev Faubus shows seme concern ever tax cuts<br />

Rep Gayle Windser Jr explains his tax deduction bill<br />

Cities cool to Faubus ' plan fer revenue by local vehicle tax<br />

Frank Cantrell defends tax exemptions as industry lure<br />

Gev Faubus questions motives of advocates ef tax cut<br />

Rep Gayle Windsor def ends his income tax reduction bill<br />

Gazette commends Gov Faubus ' stand on reducing state taxes<br />

Repeal of tax en honey completed<br />

Senate defeats bill that would have reduced income taxes<br />

12/20/61 Bl<br />

3/28/62 A6<br />

8<br />

6<br />

1/ 1/61 A3 7<br />

l/ 1/61 B8 1<br />

1/ 8/61 AS l<br />

1/14/61 Al 4<br />

1/16/61 A4 l<br />

1/16/61 A4 l<br />

1/17/61 B3 6<br />

1/19/61 Al 6<br />

1/21/61 A3 1<br />

1/22/61 E4 6<br />

1/23/61 AS 8<br />

l/24/61 Al 3<br />

1/25/61 Al 2<br />

1/25/61 Al 2<br />

1/25/61 Al 2<br />

1/25/61 Al 3<br />

1/26/61 Al 4<br />

1/27/61 A4 1<br />

l/27/61 Bl 2<br />

1/30/61 A4 3<br />

1/31/61 Bl 5<br />

2/ 2/61 A4 4<br />

2/ 3/61 Bl 6<br />

2/ 4/ 61 A3 2<br />

2/ 5/61 E4 l<br />

2/ 7/61 Bl 8<br />

2/ 8/61 Al 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Angry exchange takes place in Legis panel ever tax breaks<br />

Industrial machinery tax exemption drew angry exchange<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem asks Frank Cantrell te leave tax talks<br />

Suppl iers battle fer revision of state 's use tax<br />

Act 396 (1955) killed by state Supreme Court<br />

Act 396 (1955) let counties tax insurance firms ' steck<br />

State Supreme Ct en Act 396 (1955) will benefit banks<br />

Legislature passes bills on use and sales taxes<br />

Ark Senate passes bill asking repeal ef federal income tax<br />

Ark Senate veids vote te seek end te federal inceme tax<br />

Legis lets Gev Faubus decide en sales tax en indus machinery<br />

Gov Faubus signs bill reducing number ef use tax exemptions<br />

Reuse defeats reselutien to end federal income tax<br />

Senate defeats twe bills te allow income tax relief<br />

Ceurt uphol ds Phillips Ceunty land appraisal methods<br />

Ark may seen implement its 1929 law en withholding taxes<br />

Oklahoma tax law hits workers employed in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Withholding plan fer inceme taxes urged by Paul Van Dalsem<br />

Van Dalsem's 'windfall' (ed)<br />

New strategy seen fer plan en inceme tax withheding<br />

Withholding tax plan favered by Gev Orval Faubus<br />

Texarkana residents te be affected by Texas sales tax law<br />

Four counties warned assessment ratio tee lew<br />

Merchants in neighboring towns like Texarkans sales tax<br />

U S Tax Court opens sessien in Little Reck<br />

Ruling en tax en juke bex income appealed<br />

U S Tax Court ends session at LR<br />

ABC wants LRAFB to pay liquor taxes<br />

State moves to collect tax en alcehelic drinks at LRAFB<br />

Assessment ratio listed fer each county ; Van Buren lew<br />

Most ceunties toe the line te keep assessments up<br />

IRS tax survey ef Dallas County upsets residents. business<br />

Letter protests descent of IRS employees en Dallas County<br />

IRS directer regrets problems survey caused in Dallas County<br />

Flustered Dallas County says farewell to IRS team<br />

IRS check ef Dallas County found $48.833 ewed in taxes<br />

Mrs Catherine D Norrell asks IRS fer report en Dallas County<br />

Juke hexes net subj ect to sales tax. Ark Supreme Ct rules<br />

State te press fer rehearing en juke boxes<br />

Legislative Council panel calls fer bill fer withholding tax<br />

ALG te study tax laws en peul try<br />

State Rep Jack Oakes calls fer tighter tax law en 'outsiders '<br />

Amendment 50 drive to be headed by Fred Pickens<br />

Proposed Amdt 50 would remove limit en tax voted by cities<br />

Fees mount effort te defeat proposed Amdt 50<br />

Assessment level listed fer each county<br />

Fees of Amdt 50 says ballet title misleading<br />

Legislative auditors criticize tax return handling<br />

Gasoline tax increase suggested te him. Gev Faubus says<br />

What Faubus found en the Capitol steps (ed en gas tax rise)<br />

Firm ef doctors tests state laws fer tax purpose<br />

2/ 8/61 A2 6<br />

2/ 8/61 A2 6<br />

2/ 8/61 A2 6<br />

2/12/61 A5 1<br />

2/14/61 Al 4<br />

2/14/-61 Al 4<br />

2/14/61 Al 4<br />

2/15/61 A6 1<br />

2/17/61 A9 1<br />

2/18/61 Al 3<br />

2/18/61 A2 1<br />

2/23/61 Bl 8<br />

3/ 9/61 A5 2<br />

3/ 9/61 AB 1<br />

4/- 4/ 61 A5 1<br />

5/-21/61 ES 1<br />

6/28/61 Bl 8<br />

7/-25/61 Al 3<br />

7/26/61 A4 2<br />

7/30/61 Al 2<br />

7/31/61 Al 6<br />

8/18/61 Bl 2<br />

8-/-27/-61 Al2 1<br />

8/31/61 Bl 2<br />

11/-14/-61 Bl 8<br />

11/15/61 Al 3<br />

11/-15/61 All 3<br />

11/-17 /61 Bl 4<br />

11/29/61 A6 3<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl 8<br />

1-/ 7/62 Al4 1<br />

3/14/-62 Al 2<br />

3/15/-62 A4 3<br />

3/ 15/62 Bl 8<br />

3/16/62 Bl 2<br />

3/22/62 Al 4<br />

3/23/62 A6 4<br />

4/10/62 Bl 2<br />

4-/11-/62 Bl 2<br />

4/20/62 A3 1<br />

8/18/62 BS 3<br />

9/ 1/62 A3 3<br />

9/16/62 A2 7<br />

9/16/62 A2 7<br />

9/18/62 Bl 5<br />

9/23/62 A6 1<br />

9/30/62 cs 6<br />

11/18/-62 A13 3<br />

12/12-/62 Bl 5<br />

12/13/-62 A6 1<br />

12/16/62 Cl 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ralph Underhill letter en Faubus premises and talk of taxes<br />

Legislative panel seeks exemption for intangible property<br />

Ralph Underhill warns gas tax hike would harm tourism in Ark<br />

TAYLOR (Ark)<br />

see also Railroads<br />


Tayler left established career to study medicine<br />


Tayler has warm words fer Senater J W Fulbright<br />


see alse Civil rights and discrimination<br />


see al so Education - Retirement<br />

Beard vetes to invest up te $500.000 in corporate bends<br />


see Colleges and univs<br />

see Education<br />

TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Negro teachers te held convention at Het Springs<br />


see Laber<br />

see Trucks and trucking industry<br />


see alse Beats and beating<br />


see Children and youth<br />

TEETH<br />

see Dentistry and dental health<br />


see alse Southwestern Bell Telephone Ce<br />

Five Ark tewns to get 1st person-te-persen dial system<br />

Newton County te get dial system this year<br />

United Telephone Co te sell system te Ozark United Telephone<br />

Salem moves te buy Hardy Telephone Co exchange there<br />

Salem vetes te buy Hardy Telephone exchange<br />

Hardy Telephone Ce suit says Salem vote to buy firm illegal<br />

Two women refuse te yield line to inj ured man at Pecahentas<br />

Judge orders Hardy Telephene Ce seld te city ef Hardy<br />


Twe firms seek to bring pay television system to LR<br />

Pay TV fer Little Rock aw aits further tests<br />

Plans fer pay TV in LR still en course<br />

Television Service Assn of Ark eppeses pay 'IV<br />

Theater Owners of America to help fight pay TV fer LR<br />

Midwest Video Corp files new action in pay TV case<br />

Midwest Video Corp maps first service area fer pay TV<br />

Pay 'IV promoters hope te fill veid in free station programs<br />

Theater ewners see 'evil' in pay TV setup. call fer rej ection<br />

Southwestern Bell agrees te carry pay TV cables fer fee<br />

Pay TV a peril to film talent. state PSC warned in hearing<br />

Opponents ef pay TV file new brief with PSC<br />

12/18/62 A6 5<br />

12/21/62 A2 2<br />

12/24/62 A4 4<br />

5/ 6/62 E4 1<br />

10/-19/61 Bl 2<br />

10/12/61 Bl 3<br />

10/-29/61 AlO 2<br />

1/23/61 A3 6<br />

2/ 16/61 A6 1<br />

7/13/61 A2 4<br />

12/22/61 Al 3<br />

12/27/61 Al 4<br />

2/14/62 BB 4<br />

12/23/62 A3 3<br />

12/30/62 A2 1<br />

1/24/61 Al 4<br />

2/13/61 Al 4<br />

2/14/61 A6 1<br />

3/10/61 Bl 2<br />

5/ 3/61 A2 6<br />

5/ 9/61 A2 l<br />

5/-16/61 Bl 7<br />

5/21/61 A3 1<br />

5/25/61 AlO 6<br />

6/20/-61 Al 6<br />

6/21/61 Bl 8<br />

7/ 1/61 A3 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

PSC vote en pay TV being kept secret fer new<br />

PSC approves pay TV fer area in LR<br />

Ceurt te determine if Little Reck te have pay TV<br />

Attorneys rehash pay TV arguments as court hears appeal<br />

KATV plans te move transmitter tower to site near LR<br />

Pine Bluff C of C asks PSC to deny meve of KATV<br />

KATV getting static en plea to meve frem Pine Bluff<br />

Pay television at LR will win court approval<br />

KTHV cites moral grounds in cancelling 2nd half of play<br />

Iceman re-routed (ed)<br />

Letters respond te cancellation ef O'Neal's 'Iceman '<br />

Gov Orval Faubus announces KATV of fer of tewer fer educ TV<br />

KATV offers tew"er fer educational TV if meve te LR approved<br />

Pine Bluff leaders say KA.TV sold Faubus 'bill of geeds '<br />

U S Rep Oren Harris writes FCC to oppose KATV meve ef tower<br />

Searcy Daily Citizen backs KATV 1 s plan to move tower<br />

FCC to hear fight ever KATV request te move its antenna<br />

KATV drops plea te add mere pewer<br />

Six cities to protest move of KATV at hearing by FCC<br />

FCC examiner says KATV must prove its case<br />

Witnesses say KATV cannot serve area without present tower<br />

KATV proposes compromise in tower case<br />

Hearing en KATV application ends with no decision<br />

Pine Bluff interests offer to buy KA.TV<br />

Pay 'IV fer Little Reck wins PSC approval<br />

TELEVISION, Educational<br />

see also Educational television<br />


see alse Energy and power<br />


see Alcoholic beverages<br />


see Aviation and aircraft<br />


see also Governor (Ark)<br />

Vassar alumnae magaz ine honers Mrs Terry<br />

Instrumental in location of <strong>Arkansas</strong> Children's Hospital<br />


see also Historic buildings and sites<br />


Col Terry, here ef war. dies at age 50<br />

Parents are David D Terry Sr and Adelphine Fletcher Terry<br />


see Terry, Adelphine Fletcher<br />


see alse University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see also Taxatien<br />

City Manager ferm of govt adopted<br />

7/18/61 A2 4<br />

7/29/61 Al 6<br />

10/13/61 Bl 2<br />

ll/15/61 A2 6<br />

11/17/61 Bl3 7<br />

12/30/61 A3 5<br />

1/11/62 Bl 8<br />

1/21/62 Al 8<br />

l/22/62 A2 6<br />

1/24/62 A4 2<br />

1/24/62 A4 3<br />

1/24/62 A8 3<br />

1/24/62 AB 3<br />

1/26/62 Bl 2<br />

2/28/62 A5 l<br />

3/11/62 E3 3<br />

9/ 6/62 AlO 4<br />

9/11/62 A9 3<br />

10/21/62 A2 4<br />

10/23/62 Bl 8<br />

10/24/62 AB 6<br />

10/25/62 A3 6<br />

10/26/62 A2 6<br />

10/26/62 A2 6<br />

11/ 6/62 Al 6<br />

5/ 4/61 Bl 5<br />

7/ l/62 E4 1<br />

5-/-27/62 A15 l<br />

5/27 /62 A15 1<br />

3/15/61 A3 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see Education - Textbooks and teaching aids<br />


Pine Bluff native Admiral James B Thach dies<br />

Gaz ette eulogizes the late Admiral Thach<br />


see Drugs and drug trade<br />


Mountain people keep old custems<br />

Old-timers recall Thanksgivings ef days past<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />

Little Reck Commm.unity Theater to present play<br />

Pine Bluff 's Little Theater is real 'pre' greup<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> was once a theatrical center<br />

THEFTS<br />

see Robberies and thefts<br />


see also Museums<br />

THOMAS, F D<br />

see alee Archeology and anthropology<br />


see also Harding College<br />


see also Attorney General (Ark)<br />


see also Architecture and architects<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> educator assists Fuerte Ricans<br />


see also Agriculture<br />


see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

Former state senator opposes Amdt 50<br />


see also Labor<br />


Russellville serviceman survives plane crash at sea<br />


see also Histeric buildings and sites<br />


see also Veterans<br />

American Legion group te hear foe of J W Fulbright<br />

Thurmond blasts BMay at many targets in LR speech<br />

Thurmond refuses ta explain charges en Reds, 'muzzling '<br />

State Dept. J W Fulbright answer Thurmond 's claim<br />

Drawing conclusions fer Strom Thurmond (ed)<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see alse Cengress - Senate (Class II)<br />

7/ 5/62 B6 3<br />

7/ 6/62 A4 2<br />

11/19/61 E6 2<br />

11/18/-62 E4 4<br />

3/ 6/-61 E2 1<br />

8/26/-62 E5 2<br />

9/16/62 E4 l<br />

1/18/61 Bl 2<br />

10/-15/62 A4 3<br />

9/29/62 A2 7<br />

12/ 2/-61 Al 3<br />

12/ 3/61 Al 6<br />

12/ 3/61 A2 3<br />

12/ 4/61 Al 6<br />

12/ 5/61 A4 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see Education - Timbo District<br />


see Monuments. memorials and markers<br />


see Censtructien industry<br />

see Defenses and armed forces<br />


see also Construction pregrams, State<br />

Cancer risk presented te high schoel students at Cenway<br />

High school students attend conf on smoking and health<br />


9/27/62 Bl<br />

10/28/62 E4<br />

3<br />

4<br />

see also Education - Little Reck District<br />


see Agriculture<br />


see also History {Ark)<br />


see Festivals<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />


see Parks, recreation and tourism<br />


see alse Congress - Senate {Class I)<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />


see also<br />

see also<br />

Civil rights and discrimination<br />

Little Rock<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />


Dell collection of Mrs L J Witherspeen of Mena, cavers 80 yrs 1/29/61 E2 4<br />


Gerald Ceund wins event in natienal NAIA meet 6/ 3/62 B6 5<br />

TRACY. SPENCER (Mrs)<br />

Mrs Spencer relates methods use by deaf clinic<br />


Rep Alvis W Stokes wants funds fer colleges diverted te ve-ed<br />

ALC auditors te inspect state trades school at Pine Bluff<br />

Several towns contending fer lecatien ef new trade school<br />

State needs increased vecatienal training. Arch W Ferd says<br />

Gov Faubus may give trade scheel 2nd chance in Legislature<br />

Ark Educ Assn quickly aims against trade school<br />

Pine Bluff school falls short of expectations. AF.A says<br />

Rep Jehn P Bethel will net give up en second school<br />

Gov Faubus tells Legis how trade school can be authorized<br />

Three groups dispute AEA statement en Pine Bluff school<br />

Head of school at Pine Bluff defends its geal and work<br />

Legislature easily passes bill fer second trade school<br />

AEA attys te check to see if appropriation bill was legal<br />

Trade scheels may become a third public education system<br />

5/27 /62 Al 2 3<br />

1/ 4/-61 B7 3<br />

7 /22/61 AB 3<br />

9/ 3/61 D5 1<br />

9/12/-61 Bl4 1<br />

9/16/61 AS 1<br />

9/17/-61 Al 7<br />

9/17/61 Al 7<br />

9/17 /61 A8 4<br />

9/19/61 Al 2<br />

9/19/61 Bl 5<br />

9/19/61 Bl 7<br />

9/20/61 Al 5<br />

9/23/61 Al 7<br />

10/ 4/61 Bl6 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Arch Ferd favers big expansion ef pregrams<br />

Merrilten wants vecatienal school lecated there<br />

Merrilten seeks location of school there<br />

Fort Smith JC offers facilities fer trade school<br />

Fart Smith gives presentation fer trade school<br />

Morrilton makes streng case fer trade school location<br />

Reasons fer net selecting Fort Smith listed by beard<br />

Sheriff Marlin Hawkins donated land fer trade school<br />

State Education Bd selects Morrilton site fer new school<br />

State Rep Johnny Boatright chgs Council stacked fer Merrilten<br />

Supporters ef Fort Smith site charge politics in selection<br />

Gov Orval E Faubus praises Morrilton as site ef trade school<br />

Fuss continues ever selection of Merrilton fer school<br />

State editors smell politics in selection ef Morrilton<br />

Thurston Kirk te head new school at Morrilton<br />

State Educ Bd allocates funds te train Fort Smith workers<br />

All bids exceed estimate en Petit Jean Ve-<strong>Tech</strong> Scheel<br />


Advent ef Razorback brand whiskey upsets U of A officials<br />

Harry Hastings Sr comments en use ef Razorback as brand<br />

Univ of Ark. Harry Hastings reach accord on Razerback use<br />

Edgar A Albin has suggestiens fer use ef Razerback emblem<br />


see Premiums and trading stamps<br />


Driver's license may become weapen against unsafe drivers<br />

Federal ct upholds <strong>Arkansas</strong> ' 'guest statutes '<br />

Rex D Bowman fined. sentenced to jail in traffic death<br />

E E Davis struck. killed by bus in LR<br />

LR fireman D J Cia killed when fire truck. car collide<br />

Legis passes bill clamping down en drunken drivers<br />

Gov Faubus vetoes measure allewing posting license far bail<br />

Ceurt upheld law allowing anguish claims in death cases<br />

Ruling en anguish claim came in McClure Gin Ce truck wreck<br />

Mourner dies in car wreck after funeral at Dever<br />

William C Clifford gets $125.000 out-of-court settlement<br />

Four die. seven hurt in crash near Rector<br />

ALC calls for study ef aute inspection laws in ether states<br />

3-car crash near Lake Village kills 2. inj ures 10<br />

High court gets appeal an Alpena traffic light<br />

Alpena gees to circuit court te keep its traffic light<br />

Twe-car collision near Stuttgart kills four children<br />

Continental Trailways bus overturns near Hot Springs<br />

Alpena ordered to rem.eve traffic light en highway<br />

Trumann scheel bus struck by auto. no students inj ured<br />

Crash near Jonesboro kills 10 injures 7<br />

Placing ads en back of traffic signs net legal<br />

Multiple crash north ef Dever kills 10 hurts 11<br />

Alepna stoplight conviction affirmed by state Supreme Court<br />

Head-en crash at Newport kills four<br />

Crewley's Ridge Academy bus accident hurts 17 students<br />

12/15/61 Bl 5<br />

12/23/61 B5 5<br />

2/ 9/62 Bl 5<br />

2/10/62 B4 1<br />

2/14/62 A2 1<br />

2/14/62 A2 1<br />

2/ 19/62 Al 2<br />

2/19/62 Al 2<br />

2/19/62 Al 2<br />

2/19/62 Al 2<br />

2/ 19/62 Al 2<br />

2/20/62 Bl2 3<br />

2/25/62 E3 1<br />

2/25/62 E3 3<br />

3/13/62 Bl 4<br />

9/11/62 A2 1<br />

10/10/62 BlO 3<br />

10/13/61 Bl 3<br />

10/13/61 B2 3<br />

10/14/61 A2 4<br />

10/18/61 A4 3<br />

1/ 1/61 Al 5<br />

1/ 6/61 Bl 4<br />

1/ 7 /61 A3 6<br />

1/10/61 Bl 3<br />

1/24/61 Al 8<br />

2/ 4/ 61 Al 5<br />

3/17 /-61 B12 1<br />

3/21/61 Bl 2<br />

3/21/61 Bl 2<br />

4/ 17/61 Al 5<br />

5/24/61 A14 1<br />

6/11/-61 A2 1<br />

6/16/61 Bl 6<br />

7/10/61 A2 3<br />

7/27/61 A6 1<br />

8/16/61 Bl 8<br />

9/ 4/61 Al 2<br />

9/12/61 Al 2<br />

9/24/61 A4 7<br />

10/15/61 A2 l<br />

10/ 15/61 A2 8<br />

10/26/61 C16 1<br />

11/12/61 A2 6<br />

11/14/61 A2 2<br />

11/24/61 Al 2<br />

12/ 5/61 Bl 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Infant killed as 12-yr-eld driver loses control of aute<br />

Highway statistics misleading, State Police Capt Miller says<br />

LR had better traffic control , mere accidents in <strong>1961</strong><br />

Alpena must remove traffic light en Highway 621 court rules<br />

Four killed, one injured in collision at Benton<br />

Expert says state suffers from lack ef safety group<br />

Little Reck drivers have difficulty adj usting to new system<br />

Smashup at Third. Main in LR takes life of Arlen P Trebey<br />

Patrelman fellowed procedures in chase of car at LR<br />

Bettie J Childress. Carol Marie Pickett face manslaughter chg<br />

Childress and Pickett in car that killed Arlen P Trebey<br />

Donald Clyde Burton killed by hit-run driver at Helena<br />

Driver chgd in traffic death at Helena<br />

Hit-run car kills weman en Roosevelt Road<br />

William Tayler chgd in death of Rosalie Davis. 10<br />

Driver stricken. car speeds eut of control , kills weman<br />

Six persons die in twe-car wreck<br />

Widow ef Charles E Alred wins suit against Clarence Cornett<br />

Scheel bus, truck crash inj ures 6 at Sheridan<br />

Floyd English found dead in road at Deer: hit-run suspected<br />


Parking survey creates massive traffic jam at NLR<br />

Reporter chose jail ever paying parking violation fine<br />

TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Prisons and prisoners<br />

TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Prisons and prisoners<br />


Citizens Geach Ce at LR cuts service , lays eff 12<br />

Citizens Coach Ce explains plan fer cutback<br />

NLR efficials agree en terms fer Citizens Coach Ce servi.ce<br />

Citizens Coach to curtail service pending higher fares<br />

Citizens Coach drivers agree te pay cut te save service<br />

Citizens Ceach promises better service based en rate raise<br />

LR, NOR officials discuss proposed offer to Citizens Coach<br />

City bus service must be preserved (ed)<br />

Citizens Ceach fare increase granted by NLR<br />

Citizens Coach still eperating in the red<br />

Citizens Coach Co seeking new rate plan<br />

Head of Citizens Geach Ce warns cities to grant relief<br />

Fare increases en intercity buses approved by Commerce Comm<br />

Citizns Geach Ce at LR ponders problems ; city grows angrier<br />

Citizens Coach asks businessmen 's aid en bus problem<br />

Little Rock's problem in mass transportation (ed)<br />

Citizens Coach Co complains that franchise tax tee high<br />

Citizens Coach Ce te give up franchise; chgs city with scheme<br />

Citizens Coach needs City Mgr Bd approval to sell franchise<br />

American Transit Corp may buy Citizens Coach Ce<br />

LR. NLR accept bus proposal f rem St Leuis firm<br />

Some favorable emens in the bus agreement (ed)<br />

Sale of Citizens Coach Ce seems certain<br />

12/ 7/61 Al6 7<br />

12/17/61 E3 1<br />

1/28/62 E4 l<br />

3/20/62 A3 2<br />

3/26/62 Al 2<br />

4/ 3/62 AB 4<br />

4/ 8/62 E4 1<br />

4/ 13/62 Al 3<br />

4/13/62 A2 l<br />

4/14/62 A3 3<br />

4/14/62 .A3 6<br />

5/ 1/62 B14 3<br />

5/ 2/62 A6 6<br />

7/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

8/ 7/62 Bl 5<br />

8/18/62 Al 3<br />

9/ 1/62 Al 7<br />

10/16/62 A6 5<br />

11/ l/62 .A3 4<br />

11/17/62 A2 4<br />

2/ 14/61 Bl 2<br />

3/18/61 Al 3<br />

1/ 1/61 Al 4<br />

1/ 4/ 61 Bl 6<br />

1/ 6/61 A6 1<br />

l/ 8/61 BB 7<br />

1/ S/61 Al 2<br />

1/10/61 A2 4<br />

1/11/61 Bl 5<br />

1/15/61 E4 1<br />

1/17/61 Al 3<br />

3/ 1/61 A12 7<br />

5/10/61 Al 7<br />

5/20/61 A2 1<br />

5/23/61 A3 1<br />

1/25/62 A14 1<br />

1/28/62 A15 1<br />

1/30/62 A4 1<br />

2/11/62 A14 1<br />

3/23/62 Al 3<br />

3/24/62 A3 4<br />

3/29/62 Al 2<br />

4/10/62 A3 1<br />

4/11/62 A4 1<br />

4/ 13/-62 Al 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Sale of Citizens Coach Ce stalls<br />

Sale terms bog down sale of Citizens Coach Co<br />

LR asks Capital Coach Co to pay $8.000 franchise tax<br />

Citizens Coach Co issue back where it started<br />

The transit picture (ed on muddled transit at LR)<br />

Citizens Coach must operate en old franchise<br />

Taxes disptue puts Citizens Coach Co on block again<br />

Sale ef Citizens Coach Ce called off again<br />

Citizens Coach Co franchise request rej ected by City Bd<br />

Union official seeks te save franchise of Citizens Coach Co<br />

Ohio firm may buy Citizens Coach Ce<br />

Citizens Coach Co may be taken ever by Reland E St John<br />

Citizens Coach Co president approves sale te Roland St John<br />

St John deal en Citizens Coach Co nearing close<br />

LR-NLR will net block new franchise fer bus firm<br />

Twin City Transit to operate buses in LR-NLR<br />

Twin City Transit begins its renevatien<br />

Twin City Transit becomes official<br />

TCT offers reward for arrest of vandal s<br />

Bus vandals (ed)<br />

CCC surety agent files suit against claim en tax<br />


see Historic buildings and sites<br />


see Wildlife<br />


Black River bank near Corning said to contain check of gold<br />

Jesse James supposedly buried chest ef gold near Corning<br />

Organiz ed search for Jesse James ' chest ef geld planned<br />

Several efforts have been made te lecate James gold cache<br />

Austin and Jack Tate may be en track ef silver cache<br />

Cave where Tate brothers are searching is near Eureka Springs<br />

Indian named Black Deg left directions to Tates' cave<br />

TREASURER (Ark)<br />

Treasurer J Vance Clayton dies ag age 56<br />

Lee Arthur Clayton apptd te complete term ef his father<br />

Nancy J Hall considering race fer Treasurer<br />

Nancy J Hall files fer Demecratic nomination fer office<br />

J H Mitchum files fer Dem nomination<br />

J H Mitchum says he would change system fer state deposits<br />

Nancy Hall defeats J H Mitchum<br />


see also Historic buildings and sites<br />

see alse Little Reck<br />

Article en wild honeysuckle as a pest<br />

W D Mitchell ef Mountainburg. sells chestnut trees<br />

Dutch elm disease enters state in northeast corner<br />


see alse Fayetteville<br />


see alse Magnet Cave Barium Corp<br />

4/18/-62 Bl 7<br />

4/ 19-/62 A3 6<br />

4/21/62 A6 6<br />

4/-27/-62 A3 1<br />

4/30/62 A4 2<br />

5/ 8/62 Bl 7<br />

5/26/62 Al 5<br />

6/29/62 Bl 7<br />

7/ 3/62 A5 6<br />

7/13/62 Bl 8<br />

8/11/62 Al 2<br />

8/21/62 Bl 7<br />

8/22/62 Al 4<br />

9/ 1/62 Al 6<br />

9/13/62 A3 1<br />

9/22/-62 Al 2<br />

9/27/62 Bl 6<br />

10/21/62 A4 1<br />

11/-16/62 Bl 4<br />

11/-19/62 A4 1<br />

11/21/62 A2 2<br />

3/12/61 E2<br />

3/12/61 E2<br />

3/-12/61 E2<br />

3/12/61 E2<br />

12/24/61 D5<br />

12/24/-61 DS<br />

12/24/61 D5<br />

7/-23/-61 Al<br />

7 /26/61 Al<br />

1/ 5/62 p.:J<br />

2/-10/62 p.:J<br />

5/ 3/62 Al<br />

6/20/62 A6<br />

Bl 2/62 Al<br />

5/20/-62 E6<br />

12/13/62 Bl<br />

12/29/62 B4<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

5<br />

5<br />

4<br />

8<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

TRIAL LAWYERS ASSOCIATION, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Legal prefessien<br />


see also Congress - House Dist 3<br />


see Nursing hemes<br />


Over half ef Ark reads ceuld be damaged by heavier trucks<br />

Ark Autemebile Club te oppose lifting of lid on truck weights<br />

Bills te raise trailer lead weights filed in Senate<br />

Truckers urge lean increase<br />

Columnist analyzes effects of propesed weight limit increase<br />

Truck operators seeking te drive hard bargain en weights<br />

The trucking bills (ed)<br />

Trucking lebby pushes campaign to lift limit on van leads<br />

Lumbermen claim smaller leads costing them business<br />

Senate passes bill allowing larger leads fer tractor-trailers<br />

Senate passes bill fer license fee increase fer heavier loads<br />

Rep Paul Van Dalsem seeks te damage weight increase bill<br />

House blocks Senate-passed truck lead bill<br />

Heavy hand ef the heavy truck lobbyists (ed)<br />

Ralph Underhill looks at truckers' bill (letter to editor)<br />

Legislators receive scores of telegrams fer weight increase<br />

Restriction of sliding fifth wheel pulled down in House<br />

State could lese $21 million in federal aid if wt bill passes<br />

Ark Autemebile Club alerted federals te pending bill in Legis<br />

Sen Marshall Shackelford Jr te check bill's federal status<br />

Gaz ette supports Ark Autemebile Club intervention<br />

Prepesed weight increase meets federal law. official says<br />

Paul Van Dalsem delays vote on lead bill in House<br />

Business writer suggests truckers be put en par in all areas<br />

Paul van Dalsem blacks truck weight bill third time in Reuse<br />

Reuse def eats bill te raise truck weights en Ark reads<br />

House defeats bill te raise license fees fer heavy trucks<br />

House voted en license fee bill before truck weight raise<br />

Truckers blame railroad lobby fer defeat ef weight bill<br />

Editorial en final defeat ef truck weight bill this session<br />

AHC takes action te reduce truck abuse of reads, bridges<br />

Teamsters in Ark join drive to curb railroad piggybacking<br />

Eighty truck lines ask state Cemmerce Cemm for rate increase<br />

Illegal hauling en increase, state Commerce Cemm dir says<br />

Truckers complain that Weights Div asks gifts frem them<br />

Weights and Standards Div officials ordered te rej ect gifts<br />

Truckers voice gripes te state Pelice Chief Herman E Lindsey<br />

Natural resources licenses allegedly seld fer unassessed rigs<br />

The stakes and issues in trucking investigation<br />

Allegation made that Weights Div does net weigh Nash 's trucks<br />

Truckers tell of harassment at twe points in Ark<br />

Complaints result of competition. Gev Orval Faubus says<br />

AHD Directer F R Oliver to try to raise truck weights<br />

Truck weight limit expected te be raised<br />

1/ 1/61 B8 1<br />

1-/15/61 Cl 1<br />

1/26/61 Bl 5<br />

2/ 2/61 A5 3<br />

2/ 5/61 Cl 1<br />

2-/ 5-/61 Cl 1<br />

2/ 7/61 A4 2<br />

2-/16/61 A7 4<br />

2/17/61 Al 4<br />

2/17/61 Al 4<br />

2/17/61 Al 4<br />

2/17/61 Al 8<br />

2/18/61 Al 5<br />

2/18/61 A4 1<br />

2/21/61 A4 3<br />

2/21/61 Bl 8<br />

2/21/61 Bl 8<br />

2/22/61 Al 7<br />

2/23/61 Al 2<br />

2/23/61 A2 3<br />

2/24/61 A4 1<br />

2/25/61 Al 5<br />

2/25/61 Al 7<br />

2/26/61 Cl 1<br />

3/ 4/61 Al 5<br />

3/ 8/61 Al 6<br />

3/ 8/61 Al 6<br />

3-/ 8/61 Al 6<br />

3/ 8/61 Al 6<br />

3/ 9/61 A4 2<br />

3/16/61 A5 1<br />

4/10/61 A2 1<br />

5/ 4/61 Al 2<br />

5/12/61 Bl 8<br />

2/12/62 Al 3<br />

2/12/62 Al 3<br />

2/13/62 Al 4<br />

2/14/62 Bl 5<br />

2/15/62 A4 1<br />

2/22/62 Al 3<br />

2/23/62 Bl 8<br />

2/24/62 A5 7<br />

5/24/62 Bl 3<br />

6/ 3/62 Cl 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

ARC werking en bill te allow increased truck weights en reads<br />

Bill under study weuld raise costs fer truck tags<br />

Truck lobby faces new weight fight in Legislature<br />

Time te fight the big trucks again (ed)<br />

ARC te take ne stand en prepesed truck weight increase<br />

The Highway Cemmissien and the big trucks issue (ed)<br />

Lebby girds fer license fight as AHC retreats<br />

TRULOCK HOTEL (Pine Bluff)<br />

see Historic buildings and sites<br />


see also Reusing<br />

Fire strikes twe businesses in Trumann<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />

Suit filed in death of child whe was scalded te death<br />

'!We employees fired fer signing lr critical of staff, admrs<br />

State negligent in baby 's death, Henderson 's lawyers argue<br />

Two men flee facility without permission<br />

Counties ewe Sanatorium ever $1 million<br />

Mr and Mrs James C Henderson awarded $10,000 in scalding case<br />

Dr W Duane Jones named medical directer<br />


see alse Educatien - Little Reck District<br />

Comments en forced integration<br />


Among students at Hall High attending speech congress<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />

Excerpts from address ta NLR football banquet<br />


see also Rivers and lakes<br />

TUPY. J L<br />

see alse Newten Ceunty<br />


see Festivals<br />

TURKEYS . Wild<br />

see Wildlife<br />


see also Buttons<br />


see Reading<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />

Mrs Turner te entertain at FHA convention in LR<br />

TURNER, P E<br />

see also Indians, American<br />

TUR'll.ES<br />

see Wildlife<br />


9/23/62 Cl<br />

10/21/62 Cl<br />

11/25/62 Cl<br />

12/17/62 A4<br />

12/20/62 A5<br />

12/21/62 A6<br />

12/23/62 B6<br />

4/ 5/62 Bl<br />

4/ 7/61 A3<br />

4/13/61 AlO<br />

5/ 4/61 Bl<br />

5/ 5/61 B16<br />

8/19/61 B6<br />

9/15/61 Bl<br />

11/20/61 A3<br />

10/ 3/62 A9<br />

4/ 2/61 Dll<br />

1/20/61 B2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

8<br />

l<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

8<br />

6<br />

1<br />

3<br />

6<br />

4<br />

1<br />

7<br />

3/11/-62 A12 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

State joins in bankruptcy case<br />

Walter Nesbitt appointed trustee of plant<br />

Unable te save Salem milk plant , trustee tells court<br />

Greup hopes to reopen Salem plant<br />

Trustee files plea to reopen plant at Salem<br />

Court allows Salem plant to open again<br />

Russell Benton named trustee fer plant<br />

Salem plant reorganized; reopening set<br />

Court inquiry on feed firm begins<br />

Bankruptcy referee says firm manipulated its beeks<br />


see Transit systems<br />


NLRB orders rehiring of employee fired fer union activities<br />

'!WINS<br />

see Multiple births<br />

TYLER, T E<br />

see also Congress - Reapportionment<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


see Wilson, Samuel<br />


see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

Letter en trucking industry effort to raise weight limits<br />

Praises new law outlawing Communists in Ark<br />

Letter en the truckers ' bill in Legislature<br />

Letter defends criticism ef U S Supreme Ct<br />

Letter en efficiency of <strong>Arkansas</strong> State College . Beebe Branch<br />

Letter of support fer state parks<br />

Commends state en plans fer <strong>Arkansas</strong> Pest Natl Monument<br />

Says development of parks will net hurt private businesses<br />

Letter en livestock industry centributien to state grewth<br />

Letter en value of timber te state 's economy<br />

Writes en issue of ever-centralization of govt<br />

Separation ef powers still valid. Underhill writes<br />

Letter on talk of gasoline tax increase<br />

Letter opposes gambling in Ark<br />

Letter opposes any increase in gasoline tax<br />


see also Jewelry and jewels<br />


see Laber<br />


State runs out ef federal funds fer 1,580 jebless<br />


see also Business law<br />


Company was founded in 1920 by Elma Walker<br />

Jack Stephens teek ever firm and made it grew<br />


11/ 1/61 A3 8<br />

11/ 8/61 Al3 3<br />

2/16/62 Bl 8<br />

2/17/62 A2 4<br />

3/ 8/62 Bl 5<br />

3/17/62 A2 l<br />

5/ 1/62 B4 6<br />

5/11-/62 A7 2<br />

10/10/62 BlO 6<br />

10/ 13/62 B7 1<br />

10/19/61 A2 3<br />

2/ 5/61 E4<br />

2/12/61 E4<br />

2/21/61 A4<br />

3/13/61 A4<br />

8/17/61 A4<br />

9/ 6/61 A4<br />

9/16/61 A4<br />

9/30/61 A4<br />

10/ 4/61 A4<br />

10/20-/61 A4<br />

8/24/62 A4<br />

8/27 /62 A4<br />

12/18/62 A6<br />

12/20/62 A6<br />

12/24/62 A4<br />

3/21/61 Bl<br />

3/ 5-/61 Cl<br />

3/ 5/61 Cl<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

New facility te be dedicated<br />

New home en Confederate Blvd opens today<br />

Rev Purl Steckten operates mission in Little Reck<br />

UNIONS• Laber<br />

see Hotel , Motel and Restaurant Employees Intnl Union<br />

see Laber<br />

see also Franz Feods<br />


3/19/61 A2<br />

3/24/61 Bl<br />

3/24/61 Bl<br />

Attache Salah Kamel comes to Ark drum.ming up tourists fer UAR 4/12/62 Al 2 5<br />


see also Douglas-Lomasen Ce<br />


Harry Pfeifer Jr te head <strong>1961</strong> fund drive<br />

Rebert E Ritchie te direct second United Fund campaign<br />

Geal is $96 4, 5 82<br />

Executives to assist in fund drive<br />

Workers report 95 pct ef goal reached<br />

Little Rocle is $31,000 short of goal<br />

Goal exceeded<br />

Pulaski County goal is $989,722<br />


1/26/-61 Bl<br />

3/ 19/61 A4<br />

8/13/61 Al<br />

8/17/61 Bl<br />

11/16/61 Bl<br />

12/12/61 Al<br />

12/23/61 Al<br />

9/ 20/62 A15<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

8<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

see also Stocks and bends<br />

UNITED STATES - Agriculture Department<br />

see alse Agricultural Stabilization and Censervatien Service<br />

UNITED STATES - Area Redevelopment Administration<br />

Jehn H Opitz named co-ordinator in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

UNITED STATES - Army Corps of Engineers<br />

3/ 7/62 Bl 3<br />

see also Rivers and lakes<br />

Col John C Dalrymple heads Little Reck District<br />

Little Reck District to celebrate 25th birthday<br />

LR Dist headed by Col Charles D Maynard<br />

UNITED STATES - Attorney General<br />

see alse Labor<br />

UNITED STATES - Attorneys<br />

Finding suitable US attorney fer Eastern Dist may be teugh<br />

Osre Cobb to remain in Eastern Dist office until Jan <strong>1962</strong><br />

Charles Conway to get U S Atty pest fer Western Dist of Ark<br />

UNITED STATES - Bankruptcy Court<br />

see Bankruptcies<br />

UNITED STATES - Buildings and Offices<br />

Federal Building at Little Rock completed<br />

GSA to accept $7 million federal bldg at LR<br />

UNITED STATES - Civil Service Commission<br />

see also Government employees. State<br />

UNITED STATES - Civilian Conservation Cerps<br />

see Civilian Censervatien Corps<br />

UNITED STATES - Department of Agriculture<br />

see also Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service<br />

Arkansan J ehn A Baker appointed aide in USDA<br />

Column discusses Jehn Baker's new assignment<br />

UNITED STATES - Employment Security Bureau<br />

8/ 8/61 Bl<br />

6/17/62 AB<br />

7/12/62 Bl<br />

3/26/61 A4<br />

3/26/61 A4<br />

12/ 6/61 Bl<br />

12/10/61 A2<br />

12/14/61 Bl<br />

7/19/62 Bl<br />

7/29/62 E3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

6<br />

7<br />

7<br />

4<br />

1<br />

B<br />

4<br />

5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see also Labor<br />

UNITED STATES - Farmers Heme Administration<br />

State Directer Maurice J Mills resigns position<br />

Herman H Hankins named state director of agency<br />

UNITED STATES - Federal Av iation Administration<br />

see also Aviation and aircraft<br />

UNITED STATES - Federal Bureau ef Investigation<br />

Roy K Moore is new offficer in charge of LR office<br />

Offices in LR meved te post ef fice building<br />

UNITED STATES - Federal Communications Commission<br />

Arkansan Jehn S Cress is member ef Commissien<br />

Jahn S Cress dumped frem FCC by President Kennedy<br />

Resentment of JFK actions in Cress case expressed<br />

John S Cross comments en being dumped by President Kennedy<br />

Editorial on non-reappointment ef Jahn S Cress<br />

Storm rages over remeval ef John S Cress frem. Commission<br />

UNITED STATES - Federal Housing Administration<br />

see also Cash, James B Jr<br />

Charles R Watson resigsn as FHA chief in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Gaither C Johnston sworn in as state directer of FHA<br />

UNITED STATES - Federal Land Bank<br />

see Agriculture<br />

UNITED STATES - Federal Mediatien and Cenciliatien<br />

Charles A Wheeler retiring after 35 years of service<br />

UNITED STATES - Federal Power Commission<br />

see also Electric power<br />

UNITED STATES - Federal Reserve Bank<br />

Proposed expansion ef bank at LR te cost $2,000,0000<br />

Sketch of proposed building addition at LR<br />

New branch building planned fer Little Rock<br />

Building fer Little Rock in the works<br />

UNITED STATES - Federal Trade Cemmissien<br />

see also Central <strong>Arkansas</strong> Milk Producers Association<br />

see also Central <strong>Arkansas</strong> Milk Producers Asseciatien<br />

UNITED STATES - Gevernment Buildings and Offices<br />

Federal Building at LR is massive, solidly built<br />

Federal Bldg at LR nears completion<br />

Dispute between two uniens halts werk on Federal Bldg at LR<br />

AFLCIO beard settles dispute over werk at Federal Bldg in LR<br />

New federal building at Helena te be dedicated<br />

Federal Bldg at Helena dedicated<br />

Federal Bldg at LR 97 pct complete<br />

Contents of cornerstone ef federal bldg at LR described<br />

Finishing touches put en new federal building at LR<br />

Federal Bldg at LR cornerstone holds mementos of <strong>1961</strong><br />

Federal Office Bldg at LR te be dedicated today<br />

Federal Bldg at LR dedicated<br />

Basement of Federal Bldg at LR equipped as fallout shelter<br />

Gas explosion damages Federal Bldg at Jenesbore<br />

Cause of gas explosion at Federal Bldg in Jenesbere found<br />

UNITED STATES - Health, Education and Welfare Dept<br />

3/29/61 B14 6<br />

4/21/61 A6 1<br />

3/21/62 Bl 6<br />

9/ 2/62 BS 1<br />

10/15/61 E3 5<br />

8/31/62 Al 3<br />

8/31/62 Al 3<br />

8/31/62 A2 5<br />

9/ 1/62 A4 1<br />

9/ 1/62 A5 1<br />

11/25/61 Al 4<br />

1/ 3/62 Bl 3<br />

12/28/62 A4 2<br />

11/10/61 Al 3<br />

11/10/61 Bl 4<br />

8/17/62 Al 7<br />

8/18/62 A2 4<br />

1/ 8/61 AlO 2<br />

4/ 2/61 A4 6<br />

5/10/61 A6 2<br />

6/ 3/61 A3 3<br />

6/ 4/ 61 A2 1<br />

7/28/61 Al 4<br />

10/15/61 A3 2<br />

11/19/61 A4 1<br />

11/19/61 A4 1<br />

11/22/61 Bl 6<br />

2/25/62 A3 1<br />

2/26/62 Al 5<br />

5/27/62 Al4 1<br />

12/14/62 Al 6<br />

12/15/62 A2 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Peer<br />

UNITED STATES - Internal Revenue Service<br />

Fred W Jehnsen serves ad dist directer in Ark<br />

Fred W Johnsen likes ham radio, geld<br />

UNITED STATES - Justice Department<br />

11/25/61 Al<br />

12/ 3/61 All<br />

7<br />

1<br />

see alse United States - Attorneys<br />

UNITED STATES - National Aeronautics and Space Adm<br />

Directer James W Webb te speak at LR Chamber dinner meeting<br />

UNITED STATES - Natienal Park Service<br />

9/16/62 Al 2<br />

see alse Parks, recreation and tourism<br />

UNITED STATES - Pest Office Department<br />

see alse Postal service<br />

UNITED STATES - President<br />

see also Kennedy , Jehn Fitzgerald<br />

UNITED STATES - Rural Develepment Program<br />

Five <strong>Arkansas</strong> counties participate in program<br />

Program is aimed at lessening rural poverty<br />

UNITED STATES - Rural Electrification Adm<br />

2/ 10/-61 Bll<br />

2/ 10/61 Bll<br />

1<br />

1<br />

see also Electric pewer<br />

UNITED STATES - State Department<br />

see alse Hays. Brooks<br />

UNITED STATES - Subversive Activities Cantrel Bd<br />

see alse Cherry , Francis A<br />

UNITED STATES - Supreme Court<br />

see Education - Religious issues<br />

see alse Courts. Federal<br />

UNITED STATES - Veterans Administration<br />

VA te shut down five effices in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

UNITED STATES - Vice President<br />

11/ 8/-61 B8 4<br />

see alse Jehnson, Lynden Baines<br />


see Telephone service<br />


see Colleges and univs<br />


see University ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Medical Center<br />

UNIVERSITY OF <strong>ARKANSAS</strong><br />

see alse Construction industry<br />

see also Construction programs . State<br />

see alse Economic development<br />

see alse Football<br />

see also Holcombe, Jebelle<br />

see also Music<br />

see also Robberies and thefts<br />

see also Substance abuse and traffic<br />

see also Trademarks. trade names and logos<br />

President David W Mullins discusses money wees of Univ ef Ark<br />

Univ ef Ark budget much tee lew, trustees told<br />

UA student paper, The <strong>Arkansas</strong> Traveler, named by C G Hall<br />

Dr David W Mullins says Univ of Ark must have mere funds<br />

List of students receiving graduate degrees<br />

1/ 8/61 Al<br />

1/ 8/61 Al<br />

1/15/61 Al<br />

1/18/-61 A2<br />

1/29/61 A3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

6<br />

7<br />

l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Dr David Mullins asks UA alumni help in building academics<br />

Life of counselor in women' s derm at UA described<br />

Mandatory retirement age set at 67<br />

Armil Snew te edit <strong>Arkansas</strong> Traveler next year<br />

Dr David W Mullins te be installed at Univ ef Ark president<br />

Dr Phil Trapp helps UA students with psycholigical problems<br />

Treasurer T C Carlsen retiring; Jack Weedy is replacement<br />

Brief history ef Univ ef Ark (sketch of Old Main. campus)<br />

Dr David W Mullins te be installed as UA' s 14th president<br />

Dr David W Mullins says 1960s decade te challenge UA<br />

The U of A and the hope ef the future (ed)<br />

Columnist describes inauguratien ef Dr David Mullins at UA<br />

Univ of Ark proj ect may help selve heart problem<br />

U ef A produces highly successful commercial artists<br />

UA honers Glen Rose, Fount Richardson, Lucy Hen Cuddy<br />

UA to offer graduate work at Southern State, <strong>Arkansas</strong> <strong>Tech</strong><br />

Univ ef Ark class of 1911 helds reunion at Fayetteville<br />

Univ ef Ark enrollment since 1940 shewn on graphs<br />

Maurice K Testerman, Paul McLeod find new way te measure gas<br />

Testrerman and McLeod used deg whistle as basis fer research<br />

Article on electronic music produced at UA<br />

Pig's Delight refuses te vacate let fer dorm contructien<br />

Plans fer start ef 90th year announced<br />

Music Dept gets gift ef a 'Viola de Gamba'<br />

Jury awards money in dispute ever land needed fer dorm<br />

Enrollment ef 7.519 is a record<br />

University High School te clese at end ef scheel year<br />

Twin-engine. 10-passenger airplane given to University<br />

University was given plane by Mississippi River Fuel Corp<br />

History ef University High Scheel<br />

R E Lee Wilsen asks UA te de mere agricultureal reaseach<br />

Univ ef Ark te raze camp Neil Martin housing facility<br />

Univ of Ark engineers engaged in several research proj ects<br />

List of Univ of Ark students receiving graduate degrees<br />

Guest lecturer at U ef A allegedly spoke fer pre-marital sex<br />

Univ of Ark adm rebukes speaker en pre-marital sex<br />

Gov Faubus criticizes <strong>Arkansas</strong> Traveler en sex talk reporting<br />

Gev Faubus remarks on sex talk angers Dr Le Men Clark<br />

Gov Orval Faubus blasts pre-marital sex talk at Univ ef Ark<br />

Traveler editor Armil Snew says UA did not object to report<br />

A proper disavowal (ed en pre-marital sex talk at U ef A)<br />

Dr Richard V Ganslen sorry about sex lecture at Univ ef Ark<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Traveler editor Armil Snow disputes Faubus talk<br />

Letters en Dr Albert Ellis 's U A talk en pre-marital sex<br />

Gov Orval Faubus repeats indignation at UA sex lecture<br />

Letters en Dr Ellis 's sex talk at Univ of Ark<br />

State editors comment en sex talk furor at Univ of Ark<br />

Letter commends Gev Faubus fer speaking out en sex talk<br />

Univ of Ark Schola Canterum invited to sing in Italy<br />

Univ of Ark gets NSF grant for study of gas bubble in vacuum<br />

Gaebale is no longer same old binge at Univ of Ark<br />

2/ 7/61 Bl 6<br />

2/19/-61 E2 1<br />

2./25/61 A2 4<br />

3/ 3/61 Bl 5<br />

3/17/-61 Bl 3<br />

3/19/61 E2 4<br />

4/ 9/61 C4 l<br />

4/-23/61 El 1<br />

4/-23/61 El l<br />

4/25/61 Bl 3<br />

4/26/61 A4 1<br />

4/26/61 Bl 3<br />

4/-30/61 E2 1<br />

5/14/61 E2 1<br />

5/-28/61 A4 3<br />

6/ 2/-61 Bl 8<br />

6/ 4/61 A3 4<br />

6/18/61 B6 1<br />

7/30/61 A3 1<br />

7/-30/61 A3 2<br />

7/30/61 El l<br />

8/ 9/61 A2 8<br />

8/13/61 A12 1<br />

8-/13/61 E2 4<br />

9/15/-61 A2 5<br />

10/14/61 A2 6<br />

11/ 9/61 All 1<br />

11/10/61 Bl 2<br />

11/10/61 Bl 2<br />

11/26/61 E5 2<br />

12/- 2/61 A3 2<br />

1/ 11/62 Bl 3<br />

1/14/62 D5 2<br />

1/ 28/62 A17 l<br />

2/17/-62 Al 2<br />

2/17/62 Al 3<br />

2/18/62 Al 3<br />

2/18/62 Al 3<br />

2/18/62 Al 3<br />

2/18/62 Al 3<br />

2/18/62 E2 2<br />

2/19/62 A2 1<br />

2/21/62 Bl 2<br />

2/22/62 A4 3<br />

2/22/62 Bl 8<br />

2/24/62 A4 3<br />

2/25/62 E3 2<br />

3/10/62 A4 5<br />

4/ 1/62 All 1<br />

4/11/62 Bl 8<br />

5/ 3/62 Al 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Pelitical candidates barred frem speaking at Univ ef Ark<br />

Vernon H Whitten denounces UA ban en political candidates<br />

Ban en political candidates called beyond reason (ed)<br />

Editorial en ban ef political speeches at Univ of Ark<br />

Univ of Ark students plan pretest petition en politics ban<br />

Establishment ef Univ of Ark due Vermonter, Confederate gen<br />

'I'rustees to discuss ban en politics<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller amazed at UA ban of politics en campus<br />

UA Student Senate asks fer definition ef political ban<br />

Sid McMath. Vernen Whitten critical of politics ban by UA<br />

Trustees ease its political ban<br />

Editorials en ban en politics at Univ ef Ark<br />

University rallies (ed en Univ of Ark policy)<br />

Univ of Ark president bars local candidates from campus talks<br />

Ban en political rallies under attack<br />

Dr Mullins fails te correct an error (ed on politics ban)<br />

Larry Dunn files libel suit against Razorback yearbook editor<br />

Libel lawsuit against yearbook also names Hurley Printing Co<br />

Univ of Ark employees form union local<br />

Univ of Ark Schola Canterum heads for competition in Italy<br />

Wing for dormitory fer UA athletes donated by W E Darby<br />

Univ ef Ark Schola Canterum wins tep prize in intnl contest<br />

UA business maj ers team with banks fer work experience<br />

Schela Canterum win elates Arkansans<br />

Schola Canterum invited te White Reuse by Pres Kennedy<br />

Schela Cantorum was first American win intnl contest<br />

State Dept feund UA Schela Canterum net geed eneugh fer funds<br />

State Dept refused Schola Canterum request fer funds fer trip<br />

Schola Canterum reaches New Yerk; gets TV bid. mere cash<br />

New York gives celebrity treatment to UA Schola Canterum<br />

Schela Canterum sings fer President Kennedy<br />

Schela Canterum and the State Dept (column)<br />

Fayetteville plans big welcome heme for Schela Cantorum<br />

Fayetteville, Univ ef Ark, welcome Schela Canterum heme<br />

Schela Canterum directer Richard Brothers made hit<br />

List ef pledges sororities and fraternities<br />

State papers comment on honers fer Schela Canterum<br />

Music critic Paul Hume praises U of A Schola Canterum<br />

Schela triumph only one side of UA's arts program<br />

Praise fer UA 's Schela Canterum continue s<br />

Dr Richard Brethers clears the record on Schola funds<br />

Hew the famed 'razorback' became the famed 'Razorback '<br />

U A has record enrollment ef 7,899<br />

Admission ef first Negro described in article<br />

Reporter Rebert S McCord was present when Hunt entered U<br />

Second Negro te enroll at U ef A was Jack L Shropshire<br />

Silas Hunt was first Negro to enroll at UA<br />

White students remeved rail from area used by Silas Hunt<br />

Univ of Ark research seeks cure fer recluse spider bite<br />

GOP candidate Wilis Ricketts says cam.pus rally vetoed by UA<br />

Univ ef Ark tells why Willis Ricketts rally net allowed<br />

5/ 5/62 Al<br />

5/ 6/62 Al<br />

5/ 6/62 E2<br />

5/ r:F/ 62 A4<br />

5/ 9/62 Bl<br />

5/10/62 Bl<br />

5/11/62 AlO<br />

5/11/62 AlO<br />

5/12/62 A2<br />

3<br />

6<br />

l<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

l<br />

5/12/62 A3 5<br />

5/13/62 A2 4<br />

5/13/62 E3 2<br />

5/15/62 A4 1<br />

5/17/62 Bl 7<br />

5/18/62 Al 3<br />

5/18/62 A4 1<br />

6/ 7/62 Cl4 5<br />

6/ 7/62 Cl4 5<br />

7/15/62 A6 5<br />

8/ 3/62 A3 4<br />

8/23/62 B2 2<br />

8/25/62 Al 5<br />

8/25/62 B6 l<br />

8/26/62 A3 2<br />

8/30-/62 Bl 2<br />

8/31/62 Bl 4<br />

8/31/62 Bl 4<br />

8/31/62 Bl 4<br />

9/ 1/62 Al 3<br />

9/ 2/62 Al 4<br />

9/ 5/-62 Al 5<br />

9/ 6/-62 A4 6<br />

9/ 6/62 Bl 6<br />

9/ 7/62 Al 3<br />

9/ 9/62 A12<br />

9/ 9/62 A9<br />

9/- 9/62 E3<br />

9/14/62 Bl<br />

9/16/62 A6<br />

9/16/62 E3<br />

9/25/62 A4<br />

9/30/62 E4<br />

10/ 7/62 A13<br />

10-/13/62 A4<br />

of A 10/-13/62 A4<br />

10/13/62 A4<br />

10/13/62 A4<br />

10/13/62 A4<br />

10/14/62 AlO<br />

10-/21/62 A8<br />

10/-23/62 Bl<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Dr David W Mullins tells budget needs ef Univ ef Ark<br />

Univ of Ark te ask larger apprepriatien. Dr Mullins says<br />

Abandoned bldg at UA converted fer use by speech program<br />

Schela Cantorum members tell ef fund-raising efforts<br />

Fire destrGys derm. fer Negro girls at Univ ef Ark<br />

Schela Canterum te sing at Little Reck<br />

Schela Canterum to perform in LR<br />

Schola Cantorum gets standing ovations at LR performance<br />

Univ ef Ark seeks funding to absorb <strong>Arkansas</strong> Law Scheel<br />

Univ ef Ark asks $2 million rise in funding<br />

Housing issue at Univ of Ark prompts pretest march<br />

NAACP leader hints at suit against Univ of Ark ever housing<br />


see also Agricultural extension work<br />


Directer William B Stiles charts course fer GIT<br />

Graduate Institute ef <strong>Tech</strong>nology disappoints Win Rockefeller<br />

Rockefeller pinpoints the GIT's problems (ed)<br />

Univ ef Ark wants no fight with Win Rockefeller over GIT<br />

Building the GIT (ed)<br />

Graduate Institute ef <strong>Tech</strong>nology does research for NASA<br />


see also Reproduction (Human)<br />

Receives health grants fer research<br />

UMC picks Dr Winston K Shorey as dean<br />

The Medical Center and its new dean (ed)<br />

List ef 139 Univ of Ark School ef Medicine graduates<br />

Sen Rey Milum asks why Medical Sch turns out se few decters<br />

Dr K S Juniper Jr gets grant for research at UAMC<br />

Dr Howard J Barnard develops new X-ray method<br />

Dr Winston K Shorey begins werk as new dean<br />

Paul Van Dalsem lases scuffle in ALC ever funding<br />

University Hospital te add 28 peds te pediatrics unit<br />

Hospital Admr Nelsen F Evans leaves fer job overseas<br />

Dedication of T H Barton Institute fer Medical Research set<br />

Rebert Charles Hardy named hospital administrator<br />

Summary of remarks by Dr Abner McGee Harvey at dedication<br />

T H Barton Institute for Medical Research dedicated<br />

Birth defects special treatment center to be established<br />

Dr Ted Kniker developing new method fer TB detection<br />

Rebert Charles Hardy is University Medical Center director<br />

UMC warns that patient quotas te be enforced<br />

UAMC conducts patient research center<br />

Quotas at UAMC exhausted fer peer patients<br />

UMC patient quota will affect LR. Pul aski County mest<br />

Money problems plague UMC<br />

Univ ef Ark Medical Scheel admitted first weman in 1901<br />

UAMC honors three doctor-teachers<br />

Article traces history of Univ of Ark Medical Center<br />

U ef Ark plans bid for funding for full use ef Univ Hospital<br />

New attitudes en Univ of Ark Medical Center (ed)<br />

10/27/62 A8 6<br />

10/31/62 A3 6<br />

11/ 7/62 Bl 2<br />

11/ 9/62 A6 3<br />

11/10-/-62 B7 6<br />

11-/ 15/62 Al 4<br />

11-/16/-62 Al 3<br />

11/-18-/62 A6 l<br />

12/ 0/-62 A6 1<br />

12/ 5/62. Bl 5<br />

12/18/62 A2 1<br />

12/19-/62 Bl 2<br />

7/- 9/61 Al2 1<br />

7/14/62 A8 1<br />

7/16/-62 A4 1<br />

7/18/-62 Bl 7<br />

7/19/62 A4 2<br />

10/ 7/62 All l<br />

1-/- 1/61 A4 l<br />

5/20/61 Al 3<br />

5/21-/61 E4 l<br />

6/ 4/ 61 A2 7<br />

6/17 /61 Al 4<br />

6/-30-/61 A6 2<br />

7/20-/-61 Bl 6<br />

8/- 2-/-61 Bl4 4<br />

8/11/61 Al 2<br />

9/29/61 All 2<br />

10-/- 1/61 AlO 7<br />

11/ 12/61 A15 1<br />

11/-14/-61 Al 4<br />

11/17/61 A3 1<br />

11/-17 /61 A3 1<br />

11/30/-61 Al 3<br />

12/ 3/-61 Al2 1<br />

1/ 4/62 A3 5<br />

2/ 3/62 A3 1<br />

2/11/-62 A6 l<br />

2/20/-62 A3 1<br />

4/-27 /-62 Bl 2<br />

5/ 6/62 All 1<br />

5/20/-62 E4 1<br />

6/-11/-62 A3 1<br />

9/ 9/-62 E5 2<br />

9/18/-62 Al 2<br />

9/19/-62 A4 l<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

U of A Scheel of Medicine paper suspended ever editorials<br />

LR, NLR tell ALC they cannot give aid te Medical Center<br />

Physicians. hospitals obj ect te mere paying patients at UMC<br />

State Sen Robert Harvey wants mere paying patients at UMC<br />

Gazette discusses funding dilemma facing Center<br />

UNIVERSITY OF <strong>ARKANSAS</strong> MUSEUM<br />

see Museums<br />

UNIVERSITY WOMEN. American Association ef<br />

see also Construction programs. State<br />

see also Government employees<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Politics and elections<br />

Ark group urges passage of federal aid to education<br />


Little Reck chapter is bankrupt; fund drive net successful<br />


see Area planning and renewal<br />

USE TAX<br />

see Taxation<br />

USURY<br />

see Credit<br />


see Children and youth<br />

see Medicine and health<br />


see Loitering and vagrancy<br />


Voters defeat bend issue fer sewer improvement again<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />


see also <strong>Arkansas</strong> A M & N College<br />

see also Banks<br />

see also Construction programs, State<br />

see also Disabilities Determination Department (Ark)<br />

see also Education - Retirement<br />

see also Education Department (Ark)<br />

see also Finance and budgets, Local govt<br />

see also Game and Fish Commission (Ark)<br />

see also Labor<br />

see alse Land and real estate<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

see also Parks. recreatien and tourism<br />

see alse Taxation<br />

see also Trucks and trucking industry<br />

see alse Weights and Measures Division (Ark)<br />

Threatens filibuster on teacher retirement bills<br />

Mr and Mrs Van Dalsem inj ured in aute crash<br />

Van Dalsem awned lien en Merrilten Democrat when it was sold<br />


Man held in state 's jails 4 menths , turns out te be a women<br />

10/19/-62 Bl<br />

12/15/62 Ah<br />

12/28/62 Al<br />

12/2&/62 Al<br />

12/2'J/62 A4<br />

6/21/61 Bl<br />

ll/-13/62 Bl<br />

12/13/61 Bl<br />

3/ 1/61 A3<br />

4/16/61 Al<br />

11/ 4/62 A2<br />

12/14/61 Al<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

5<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Van Rippy says she is father ef twa beys<br />

Van Rippy was sentenced te prisen fer bigamy<br />

Van Rippy stays his prisoner. Supt Lee Hensley says<br />

Real name is Dorothy Van Rippy<br />

Van Rippy entered prison as man. but is actually a weman<br />

Weman who paraded as man gets parele from prison<br />


see also Defenses and armed ferces<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />


see al so Apparitions<br />

see also Education<br />

see also Education - Pine Bluff District<br />

see also Educatien - Rogers District<br />

see also Emerson Electric Ce<br />

see also Transit systems<br />

NLR police arrest 17 teen-agers fer 'rolling ' heuses<br />

Reporter tells hew teen-agers 'rol l' houses with toilet<br />


see also Baptist Church<br />

VANDERVOORT HOTEL (Paragould)<br />

see also Historic buildings and sites<br />


see Education - Vanndale District<br />

VAPORS NIGHT CLUB (Hot Springs )<br />

see Gambling<br />


Vaught wins grants te pay way through PhD program<br />


Bedy ef Clarksville woman exhumed fer autopsy<br />

State Police Lab unable te determine if death a suicide<br />

VAUGHT, W 0 JR<br />

see alee Baptist Church<br />

see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see alse Scholarships and leans<br />


see Hotels<br />


see Music<br />


Head ef <strong>Arkansas</strong> Laymen Inc<br />

see also Congress - Senate (Class I)<br />

see also Nerth Little Reck<br />

Editorial on Venable, <strong>Arkansas</strong> Layman and censorship<br />

Deyle has many activities in Levy and NLR area<br />


see Medicine and health<br />


Founder ef Southwest Manufacturing Co dies<br />

12/14/61 Al<br />

12/14/61 Al<br />

12/15/61 Bl<br />

12/24/61 A2<br />

4/ 5/62 Cll<br />

4/ 5/62 Cll<br />

11/25/61 A7<br />

paper 11/26/61 A7<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />

4/ 1/61 A7 3<br />

7/ 7/61 A6 3<br />

8/12/61 A3 8<br />

6/12/61 A4 2<br />

12/ 3-/61 A14 1<br />

4/25/61 BB 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Tribute frem <strong>Arkansas</strong> Gazette<br />


see alse Cem.munism<br />

see also Foreign Policy Asseciatien<br />

see alse World War II<br />

M M Eberts Legien Pest pretests hearing test fer veterans<br />

Bill in Senate would keep half of Confederate Home fer widows<br />

Senate agrees to keep Confederate Heme two mere years<br />

Legislature approves clesing of Confederate Veterans Heme<br />

Gov Faubus vetoes measure te close Confederate Home at LR<br />

Deolittle Raiders te held reunien at Camden<br />

JilllIDie Deelittle. Henry Louis Miller te attend reunion<br />

Camden gees all out fer Doolittle Raiders convention<br />

Maj Gen Jimmie Doelittle to attend Camden convention<br />

Doolittle's Raiders to begin reunion at Camden teday<br />

Deelittle Raiders retell daring venture ef Tekye run<br />

Jimmie Doolittle steps at LR; relives famed flight<br />

Camden gives its best fer Deelittle Raiders reunion<br />

Doolittle Raiders visit Winreck Farm at Petit Jean<br />

Rebert Nichels says he fought in Civil War at age 17<br />

VFW hears talk by Gev Orval E Faubus en bend proposal<br />

American Legien hears speechs by George Bensen. Orval Faubus<br />

74th annual Reunion ef Seldiers of All Wars begins Thursday<br />

Seldiers ef All Wars Reunion epens at Heber Springs<br />

Reunion of Seldiers ef All Wars one ef best at Heber Springs<br />

Spanish-American War veterans hear report en pensions<br />

Spanish War veterans meeting in LR, select officials<br />

Maj Robert T Brunner recounts his rele in twe World Wars<br />

State American Legion te hear talk by Sen Strem Thurmond<br />

The Thurmond visitation (ed)<br />

American Legion group to hear Strem Thurmond tonight<br />

Legionnaires hear Strom Thurmend blast at many targets<br />

Drawing conclusions fer Strem Thurmond (ed)<br />

Isaac H Burgess is only Ark survivor ef Indian Wars<br />

Veterans get $87 .9 million in benefits annually<br />

Rebert Lane receives war medals 17 years late<br />

Annual Reunion of Soldiers of All Wars at Heber Springs<br />

Heber Springs honors its soldiers<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> has large contingent of Naval reserves<br />

Legiennaires dispute J W Fulbright en Menree Doctrine<br />

Gov Faubus recommends state close its Confederate Heme<br />

State 's first Confederate Heme opened at Sweet Home in 1891<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Federation ef Garden Clubs plan Blue Star parks<br />

Blue Star Memorial Highway System honers WW II veterans<br />

Standard marker designates Blue Star Memorial System<br />


Dr Thayer D Hendricksen named veterinarian of the year<br />


see also<br />

VICK. RAY<br />

see also<br />

Communism<br />

Police<br />

4/28/61 A4<br />

2/18/61 A2<br />

3/ 1/61 Al2<br />

3/ 2/61 All<br />

3/ 8/61 A2<br />

3/17/61 Bl2<br />

4/ 3/61 A2<br />

4/ 3/61 A2<br />

4/ 9/61 A6<br />

4/ 9/61 A6<br />

4/13/61 AlO<br />

4/15/61 A3<br />

4/15/61 A3<br />

4/ 16/61 A3<br />

4/16/61 A3<br />

5/21/61 A2<br />

6/24/61 Al<br />

7/29/61 Al<br />

7/30/61 A3<br />

8/ 4/61 Bl<br />

8/ 6/61 Al<br />

9/19/61 Bl<br />

9/21/61 Bl<br />

11/ 5/61 E4<br />

11/17/61 Bl<br />

11/19/61 E2<br />

12/ 2/ 61 Al<br />

12/ 3/61 Al<br />

12/ 5/61 A4<br />

2/23/62 A2<br />

2-/23/62 Bl<br />

6/26/62 Bl<br />

8/ 2/62 Bl<br />

8/ 5/62 Al<br />

10/21/62 E4<br />

10/22/62 A2<br />

11/16/62 Bl<br />

11/16/62 Bl<br />

12/23/62 DS<br />

12/23/62 D5<br />

12/23/62 DS<br />

2/20/62 B7<br />

2<br />

6<br />

3<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

l<br />

1<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

6<br />

1<br />

5<br />

l<br />

6<br />

8<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

8<br />

8<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see also Birch, Jehn, Society<br />


Camden factory operated by Larry Blalock<br />

FBI arrests seven in sale ef assets of Camden firm<br />

Trailer firm's creditors plan to meet at El Dorado<br />

Nine charged with fraud in bankruptcy case<br />


see Housing<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />

VINES. C A<br />

see also Agricultural extension work<br />

Returns frem trip to Japan<br />


Hoax caller told Mrs Vinson her daughter was dead<br />

VIOLA<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />


see Education - Viola District<br />


Conway plant employees vete fer union<br />

VISITORS, International<br />

see International visitors<br />


see Health Department (Ark)<br />


see Trade schools<br />


see also Energy and power<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Aviation Sales gets contract to fly ven Braun<br />


see also Politics and elections<br />


see Congress<br />


see Politics and electiens<br />


Pine Bluff firm develops tools tailored te Delta farms<br />


see also Legislature (Ark)<br />

State Senator serves as governor fer one day<br />


see alse Medicine and health<br />


see alse Agriculture<br />


see alse Educatien - Salaries , benefits, etc<br />

see alse Laber<br />

l/ 5/61 Bl 2<br />

5/ 6/61 A6 1<br />

5/28/61 ClO 4<br />

5/26/62 A3 4<br />

9/28/61 B7<br />

7/ 8/61 A2<br />

3/29/61 A3<br />

4<br />

7<br />

3<br />

12/-10/61 A14 3<br />

5/14/61 ClO 3<br />

11/ 2/62 A3 6<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Ark per capita inceme rate leads all ethers fer 1950s decade<br />

Geed news fer state. alse a challenge (ed en inceme rise)<br />

Twe reports note state inceme rise<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> leading rise in income<br />

Ark median family income fer selected cities (statistics)<br />

Per capita inceme up fer <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Free Enterprise Assn spekesman discusses f actery wages<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> factory pay less than in adj eining states<br />

High-wage industries do net push up nearby plants' pay<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> leads natien in income rise fer 1960-61<br />

Gaz ette analyzes rept en Ark gains in inceme<br />

Little Rock's median family inceme is $5.234<br />


see alse Automobiles and autemobile drivers<br />


Marvell plant closing after 17 years of operation<br />


see Education - Waldren District<br />


see also Birch. John. Seciety<br />

see also Education - Little Reck District<br />

LR Chamber of Commerce resolution of confidence in Walker<br />


see also Sheetings<br />


see also Housing<br />


see also Health Beard (Ark)<br />


see also Meriwether. Lilbourn<br />

Mrs Mable McMillian. sen Reger. walking te Florida<br />

Mabel McMillan and son arrive back in Jonesboro<br />


see al.se Education - Little Reck District<br />


see al.so Weather and storms<br />


see alse Pernegraphy and obscenity<br />

WALTHER. W A<br />

see al.se Ships<br />


Bentonville businessman 's plane stelen at Rogers airport<br />


see Culture and the arts<br />


see History (Ark)<br />


see also Stadiums and arenas<br />


Hail shattered between 4.ooo and 5.ooo windows at plant<br />

Dave H Ward te be honored fer his hiring practices at Conway<br />

5/18/-61 Bl 3<br />

5/19/61 A4 1<br />

5/19/61 B12 1<br />

12/12/61 B9 l<br />

3/18/62 E5 3<br />

4/22/62 Al 6<br />

5/ 3/62 A4 3<br />

5/ 6/62 Cl 2<br />

8/14/62 Bl 4<br />

8/20/62 Al 2<br />

8/21/62 A4 2<br />

10/29/62 A5 4<br />

9/ &/62 B7 6<br />

7/15/61 B4 7<br />

3/17/62 A2<br />

4/19/62 Bl<br />

2/2'l/61 Bl<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3/21/61 BlO 5<br />

8/ 8/61 Bl 2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Unien vete set at Cenway plant<br />


see alse Workmen 's cempensatien insurance<br />


Conway plant seld te Charles Chamberlain ef Iewa<br />

WARD. DAVE H<br />

see also Ward Bady Works Inc<br />

WARD, LYLE<br />

see also Culture and the arts<br />

WARD , ZEB JR<br />

Member of well-known LR family dies in Texas accident<br />


see alse Buildings and offices. Gevt<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />

see alse Garland County<br />


see Medicine and health<br />

WARREN<br />

Fire ruins building housing automobile dealership<br />


see also Construction pregrams , State<br />

WARREN, H C<br />

see alse Garland County<br />


see also Education - Administration and Management<br />

see alse Peer<br />

US Supreme Ct rules against Washburn in $18,000 tax suits<br />

Washburn claimed deductions fer expenses of tax referal drive<br />

Washburn and Assessor Carter Sutten file assault charges<br />

Sets record straight en Fulbright comment en Monroe Doctrine<br />

WASHINGTON (Ark)<br />

see also History (Ark)<br />

see also Museums<br />


see also Histery (Ark)<br />

County Judge Bruce Crider inj ured in assault<br />


see also Prisons and prisoners<br />


see also Episcopal Church<br />

WASPS<br />

see Insects<br />


Thief misses most valuable watches at MacArthur Park<br />

Musetun gets back pilfered watches<br />

WATER<br />

see also Dentistry and dental health<br />

see also Little Reck<br />

Changes in river levels affect same water wells<br />

Company ordered te continue pumping water fer Cave Springs<br />

8/16/61 A2 1<br />

4/10/62 A2 3<br />

9/-19/61 BlO 2<br />

1/13/61 Bl<br />

3/22/61 A2<br />

3/22/61 A2<br />

1/27/-62 A3<br />

10/24/62 A6<br />

3/16/62 AB<br />

3<br />

6<br />

6<br />

8<br />

3<br />

6<br />

6/24/62 Al4 4<br />

6/27/62 A2 6<br />

1/-22/61 E2 5<br />

3/28/61 Bl 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Thirty-three Ark cities rate high en water supply<br />

Water district farmed to serve 360 families in west Pulaski<br />

History ef Little Rcek's water supply<br />

Plan advecates sending Greers Ferry water te Grand Prairie<br />

Engineer explains the earth as reservoir fer greund water<br />

Water table dropping in Grand Prairie area<br />

Jasper gets federal leans te build water system<br />

Gravel Ridge residents at edds over water supply<br />

Beaver Water Dist te supply water te surrounding cities<br />

LR te build new filter plant west ef city<br />

Firm says new water plan fer LR will cost $3 .7 millien<br />

Half ef state 's pepulatien draws water from inspected sources<br />

Little Reck cleaning lines te improve pressure<br />

Yellville waits fer federal grant to solve water problems<br />

WATER POLLUTION CONTROL COMMI SSION. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Pellution<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Dowsing<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


Fined for failure te file federal tax returns<br />


see also Geurts. State and Local<br />


Fined fer failure to file federal income tax returns<br />

WATKINS. W H (Mrs)<br />

see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Territorial Restoratien<br />


see also Government empl oyees. State<br />


see also United States - Federal Housing Administratien<br />


see also Agriculture<br />


see also Land and real estate<br />

WAXHAW S<br />

see Historic buildings and sites<br />


see also Berry• Hem.er F<br />

see alse Felklere. felk medicine and superstitien<br />

see also Roads<br />

Surprise snew blankets state at year 's end<br />

State going through severe cold<br />

Freezing rain. snew spread ice en state reads<br />

Lew temperatures linger in state<br />

Celd siege brings coating ef snew to South <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Cold wave that gripped state last week ends<br />

Snow, sleet pelt NW <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

5/14/61 AB 5<br />

5/17/61 B14 3<br />

5/21/61 E2 1<br />

8/ 6/61 A4 3<br />

8/ 6/61 E2 l<br />

10/27/61 A13 1<br />

12./13/61 Bl 4<br />

1/ 7/62 A4 1<br />

6/ 3/62 AlO 1<br />

7-/29/62 Cl 1<br />

12/ 1/62 A7 5<br />

12/ 2/62 Al3 1<br />

12/28/62 Bl 8<br />

12/31/62 A2 6<br />

4/ 6/62 Bl<br />

4/ 6/62 Bl<br />

1-/ 1/61 Al<br />

1/26/61 Bl<br />

1/27/61 A7<br />

1/28/61 A2<br />

1/29/61 Al<br />

1/30/61 Al<br />

2/ 6/61 Al<br />

8<br />

8<br />

4<br />

8<br />

1<br />

1<br />

7<br />

5<br />

7<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Snow hits Ozarks: schools dismissed<br />

Feet ef snow in Ozarks region melted by sunshine<br />

Northwest Ark has snow<br />

Carlisle area hit by tornado-like sterms ; heavy damage reptd<br />

Elderly couple at Lynn hurt as sterm destroys heme<br />

Parts ef state hit by hail. heavy storms<br />

Clarksville residents watch as tornado devastated Woodland<br />

Northwest and Central Ark hit by ternadees and high winds<br />

Ternade inj uries listed at 35 across state<br />

Ternadees damage Clarksville and Eureka Springs areas<br />

Tornadoes were accompanied by heavy hail in many areas<br />

Twisters hit at Searcy. Augusta, Harrison, Vilonia and Hollis<br />

Cenway area suffered heavy damage from tornado<br />

Faulkner County residents ef 'Tornado Alley ' begin cleanup<br />

Several hemes east ef Conway totally swept away by ternade<br />

Twe tornadoes fellowed same path in eastern Faulkner Ce<br />

Five worst tornado days in <strong>Arkansas</strong> history<br />

Area east ef Mena hit by tornado; hemes destroyed<br />

Damage estimates exceed million dollars<br />

Northern Beene County reported heavy damage from tornado<br />

Tornado destroyed 17 hemes at Witt Springs (Searcy County )<br />

Map shews where ternadees touched down in Sunday 's outburst<br />

Weather Bureau explains why Ark had se many ternadees Sunday<br />

Ternade carried couple seine 100 yards as they sat on sefa<br />

Tornado-struck regions named disaster areas<br />

Ternadees inj ured 51 persons in Ark en Sunday<br />

Victim ef tornado at Clarksville dies<br />

High winds lash Oaklawn race track at Het springs<br />

Clarksville struck by high winds; preperty damage heavy<br />

Sterm ef March 12 shattered ever 4,000 windows at Ward plant<br />

Rain changes to snow and sleet across north Arkansaas<br />

Federal disaster funds sought fer tornado victims<br />

Snow sprinkles north <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> State College campus heavily damaged by high winds<br />

High winds rake Little Rock area. inflict heavy damage<br />

Mount St Mary 1 s Academy at LR suffers heavy damage<br />

Streng winds damage Jonesboro and Walnut Ridge<br />

Lightning wrecks NLR Electric Dept switch. city loses pewer<br />

Scheel buildings in Pulaski Dist heavily damaged<br />

Radio tower doubled up by storm at LR<br />

LR woman ordered scheel children off porch at height ef storm<br />

Damage at LR near $750, 000<br />

Sterm tepples trees en lawn ef historic Trapnall Hall<br />

State Capitol building suffers damage in storm<br />

Editorial en wem.an who dreve children off perch during storm<br />

Storms whip across Ark; ternade touches down near Springdale<br />

Hail damages Johnsen County peach crop<br />

Dever weman killed when tornado struck<br />

Tornado damages community on Lake Hamilton; 6 persens inj ured<br />

Tornado hits at Midway. Oil Trough and Pleasant Plains<br />

Preperty damage heavy as winds batter Little Reck<br />

2/ 8/61 Al 5<br />

2/ 'J/61 Bl 5<br />

2/25/61 A2 4<br />

3/ 6/-61 Al 3<br />

3/ 7/61 Bl 2<br />

3/ 8/61 Bl 2<br />

3/13/61 Al 6<br />

3/13/61 Al 8<br />

3/13/61 Al 8<br />

3/13/61 Al 8<br />

3/13/61 Al 8<br />

3/13/-61 Al 8<br />

3/14/61 Al 6<br />

3/14/61 Al 6<br />

3/14/61 Al 6<br />

3/14/61 Al 6<br />

3/14/-61 Al 7<br />

3/14/61 Al 8<br />

3/14/61 Al 8<br />

3/14/61 Al 8<br />

3/14/61 Al 8<br />

3/14/61 Bl 2<br />

3/14/61 Bl 2<br />

3/-14/-61 Bl 7<br />

3/15/61 Bl 8<br />

3/16/61 Al 4<br />

3/17/61 Bl 8<br />

3/18/61 BlO 5<br />

3/19-/61 AB 4<br />

3/21/61 BlO 5<br />

4/ 1/61 Al 3<br />

4/13/61 A2 l<br />

4/16/61 Al 7<br />

4/-26/61 Al 3<br />

4/26/61 Al 3<br />

4-/26/61 Al 3<br />

4/26/61 Al 3<br />

4-/26/61 A6 1<br />

4/26/61 A6 1<br />

4/26/61 Bl 2<br />

4/27/61 Bl 1<br />

4/27/-61 Bl 2<br />

4/27/61 Bl 2<br />

4/27/61 Bl 7<br />

4/30/-61 E4 2<br />

5/ 1/61 Al 3<br />

5/ 2/61 AB 8<br />

5/ 6/61 Al 3<br />

5/ 6/61 Al 3<br />

5/ 7/61 Al 5<br />

5/ 7/61 A2 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Golf ball size hail hits Merrilten<br />

Ternadic winds . heavy hail. high waters plague state<br />

Corning rural area hit by ternado<br />

Tornado at Midway killed one person. inj ured 5 ethers<br />

Tornado hits Summitt. killing twe persons<br />

Whiteville and Clarks Ridge in Baxter County hit by twister<br />

Inj uries. death strike family which declined storm cellar<br />

Marvell damaged by high winds<br />

Monticello suffers frem wind damage<br />

Pfeiffer community hit en successive days by storms<br />

Second day of high winds. rampaging water hit <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

St Joe damaged by twister<br />

Small ternadees hit at Pocahontas. Holly Greve, Stuttgart<br />

Tornado picks up truck and driver at Pocahontas<br />

'!Wel fth victim ef tornadoes dies<br />

Huge hail clusters pummel Vimy Ridge area of Pulaski County<br />

Ternade pases ever Little Rock without touching ground<br />

El Dorado lashed by 75-miles-per-hour winds<br />

Yellville area hit by strong storms<br />

Searcy Airport damaged by winds<br />

Hope area damaged by winds<br />

Hope suffers heavy damage<br />

Storms damage creps in area north of Wynne<br />

Winds destroy house, sheds in Union County<br />

Temperature drops to 21 at Batesville<br />

Sleet falls briefly across state<br />

Little Rock area hit by 4.2 inches ef rain<br />

Nerthwest Ark gets light snew<br />

Travel in state hazardous with feg, rain. sleet and snew<br />

Driving cenditiens in state continue te be hazardous<br />

Light sleet falls in LR<br />

Northwest Ark cevered by blustering snowsterm<br />

NW Ark experiencing brisk winds. snow<br />

Snew falling in most areas ef state<br />

Heavy snow ferces clesing of schools in Central Ark area<br />

Fordyce has record 9-inch snowfall<br />

City services battle snow storm<br />

Temperature drops te l belew zero at LR<br />

Severe celd leeks state in snew and ice<br />

Grandmother. child spend two days in stranded bus at Crossett<br />

Youth freezes to death near Helena<br />

Frozen pipes are maj er problem at LR<br />

Freezing rain falls in north Ark ; warming trend begins<br />

New cold wave hits state ; dangerous ice fellows rain<br />

High winds damage Jenesbere area<br />

Little Reck high of 83 degrees is record fer date<br />

North section of Ark glazed with sleet and snew<br />

Seuth <strong>Arkansas</strong> gets light snow<br />

Article reviews horror ef Judsonia tornade ef 1952<br />

Ternada at Ponca inj ures woman<br />

Tornado damages Hindsville: Eureks Springs hit by large hail<br />

5/ 7/61 A2 3<br />

5/ 7/61 A2 3<br />

5/- 8/61 Al 4<br />

5/ 8/61 Al 4<br />

5/ 8/61 Al 4<br />

5/ 8/61 Al 4<br />

5/ 8/61 A9 7<br />

5/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

5/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

5/ /61 Al 8<br />

5/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

5/ 9/61 Al 8<br />

5/15/61 Al 3<br />

5/15/61 Al 3<br />

5/20/61 Al 4<br />

5/23/61 A9 7<br />

5/23/61 A9 7<br />

5/24/61 A16 1<br />

6/ 6/61 AlO 3<br />

7/15/61 A2 1<br />

7 /15/61 A3 8<br />

7/16/61 A12 1<br />

8/ 6/61 A6 6<br />

9/13/61 A2 6<br />

10/28/61 3<br />

11/19/61 Al 2<br />

11/23/61 Al 3<br />

12/ 9/61 A2 5<br />

12/10/61 Al 3<br />

12/12/61 B4 5<br />

12/14/-61 C14 8<br />

1/ 5/62 Al 7<br />

1/ 8/62 Al 4<br />

1/ /-62 Al 7<br />

1/10/62 Al 6<br />

1/-10/62 Al 8<br />

1/10/62 Bl 8<br />

1/11/62 Al 6<br />

1/11/62 Al 7<br />

1/12/62 Al 3<br />

1/14/62 A2 2<br />

1/17/62 Bl 6<br />

1/22/62 A2 5<br />

1/23/62 Al 2<br />

2/10/62 B4 8<br />

2/13/62 Bl 2<br />

2/28/-62 Bl 5<br />

3/15/-62 A3 7<br />

3/18/62 E4 1<br />

3/21/62 Bl4 3<br />

3/21/62 Bl4 3<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Recerd low for date set at LR<br />

Tornado hits Spotville (Columbia County) inj uring two<br />

Heavy winds damage Carlisle area<br />

Rain brings relief frem. drouth in western Ark<br />

Damage slight as high winds. sterms hit state<br />

High winds cause inj uries in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Severe wind ruins 3 planes. damages hangars at NLR airport<br />

Temperature hits 106 at Little Reck<br />

Het Springs hit by hard wind. hail<br />

Temperature of 105 yesterday was record fer date at LR<br />

LR again experiences record high temperature for date<br />

August <strong>1962</strong> setting record fer hottest. driest in many years<br />

High winds overturn trailer house at Jacksonville<br />

Temperatures drop te record lews for date in Ark<br />

State gets first snew of season. but no accumulation<br />

Cold. snow flurries hit in north <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

State gripped by cold wave; temperatures drop to near 0<br />

Record-breaking cold front enters state; minus 0 reported<br />

Warm trend fellews second day ef record lews<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> gets first general snowfall of season<br />

Little Rock's only other Christmas Eve snow was in 1924<br />

Some icing on bridges and highways reported<br />


see alse Civil War<br />


see also United States - National Aeronautics and Space Adm<br />

WEBB. JOE<br />

see alse<br />

see alse<br />


Boeks and writing<br />

Children and yeuth<br />

Iranian student at Henderson State marries by praxy<br />

Everyene in wedding party at LR were reller skates<br />


Mrs J B Davenpert farming chapt of Take Of£ Pounds Sensibly<br />

First TOPS meeting draws 67 wemen<br />


Rep Paul Van Dalsem bill seeks creatien of divisien<br />

Reuse defeats bill te establish agency<br />

State Rep Paul Van Dalsem premetes creation ef Division<br />

Blytheville Courier supports creation of division<br />


see also Trucks and trucking industry<br />


see also Agriculture<br />


see also Baptist Church<br />


see Poor<br />


see also Construction pregrams . State<br />

see also Peer<br />

4/17 /62 Bl 5<br />

5/ 1/62 Al 7<br />

5/18/62 AB 5<br />

5/30/62 Bl 2<br />

6/25/62 A3 1<br />

7/24/62 Al 8<br />

7 /25/62 B14 5<br />

8/ 8/62 Al 4<br />

8/10/62 AlO 6<br />

8/20/62 Al 7<br />

8/21/62 Al 3<br />

8/23/62 Bl 6<br />

8/26/62 A9 4<br />

9/22/62 A2 8<br />

12/ 8/62 A2 1<br />

12/11/62 AlO 4<br />

12/12/62 Al 7<br />

12/13/62 Bl 8<br />

12;/14/62 Bl 8<br />

12/25/62 Al 7<br />

12/25/62 Al 7<br />

12/25/62 Al 7<br />

12/ 3/61 AlO 6<br />

7/18/62 A2 5<br />

8/ 1/61 Bl 2<br />

8/ 4/61 A2 1<br />

2/18/61 Al 4<br />

2/28/61 Bl 8<br />

6/16/62 A3 7<br />

6/24/62 E3 4<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Cemmr Carl Adams tells Ribiceff Ark plan has ne bias<br />

Creatien of new admr pesitien legal , Atty Gen Holt says<br />

Successer to Carl Adams net yet anneunced<br />

A J Mess is candidate te head Dept, Gov Faubus says<br />

Carl Adams ready to leave pest as directer<br />

WELFARE DIRECTORS. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Association of County<br />

see also Poer<br />


see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />

WESTERN <strong>ARKANSAS</strong> TELEPHONE CO<br />

Ark Supreme Ct orders Judge Wiley Bean out of labor dispute<br />

Russellville-based company sold te Independent Telephone Corp<br />


Headquarters moving te Little Rock frem NYC<br />


Little Rock appreciates company despite conviction<br />

LR City Bd sympathiz es with firm in price-fixing troubles<br />


see also Construction programs , State<br />


see Alcoholic beverages<br />


see also Alcoholic beverages<br />

Grand jury probing 1958 voting in wet-dry election<br />

Grand jury critical of election officials. indicts no one<br />


see History (Ark)<br />


see also Education - White Hall District<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Rivers and lakes<br />


see Festivals<br />


see alse Weather and storms<br />


see also Culture and the arts<br />

WHITLOW, S A<br />

see also Baptist Church<br />


Al Wiederkerh te study grape growing in France<br />

Al Wiederkehr returns from tour ef French vineyards<br />


see also<br />


see also<br />

see alse<br />

Wiederkehr Wine Cellars Inc<br />

Old River Club<br />

Rivers and lakes<br />

3/ 1/61 Al<br />

12/19/61 Bl<br />

11/22/62 Bl<br />

12/15/62 A5<br />

12/30/62 A6<br />

3/24/62 A3<br />

12/12/62 BlO<br />

7/16/61 Cl<br />

3/16/61 Al<br />

3/21/61 A6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

1<br />

7<br />

6<br />

3<br />

3/11/61 B6 1<br />

3/18/61 A2 3<br />

3/25/62 cs<br />

12/20/62 Bl<br />

2<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Alligator measuring 7 feet leng captured near Arkadelphia<br />

LR yeuth proj ect installs houses fer bluebirds<br />

Thousands of blackbirds invade area seuth of Little Reck<br />

Legis approves lifetime hunting and fishing licenses<br />

Catfish weighing 57 pounds caught in Ouachita River cutoff<br />

Billy Katilius lands 30-lb Buffalo en casting red at Maumelle<br />

Crackdown en sales of wild ducks nets 52 arrests in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Catfish weighing 74 pounds caught in White River<br />

20 East Ark residents indicted en chgs of selling wild ducks<br />

G&FC uses two airplanes in its work around state<br />

G&FC has 204,189 acres fer its wildlife proj ects<br />

Warrants served en 32 charging them with selling ducks<br />

Free hunting. fishing fer the elderly proposed<br />

Twenty-one persons charged with selling wild ducks<br />

Fourteen fined at Jenesbere for selling wild ducks<br />

Twenty-seven schedul ed te make pleas in sales ef wild ducks<br />

Court assesses fines fer wild duck sales<br />

G&FC te build fish nursery pends around Bull Shoals, Norfork<br />

Nutria ranching is growing business in Ark<br />

Univ of Ark gets grant fer fish study of Beaver Lake<br />

Secret agent testifies about wild duck sales<br />

Undercover agent tells abeut buying ducks in Ark<br />

Fivr plead guilty te selling wild ducks<br />

Article an fishing at Lake Maumelle<br />

Defendants in duck-selling case say ducks belonged to ethers<br />

Federal jury finds 7 quilty ef duck sales<br />

Reports ef three panther sightings in Newton County<br />

Seven Stuttgart area residents sentenced in duck sales<br />

Trapping still big business in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> herd dropped te under 280 about 35 years age<br />

Restoration ef deer and ether wildlife in Ark discussed<br />

State Rep Raymond L Mays critical ef G&FC fer Sunday hunting<br />

G&FC hearing draws no protesters<br />

Only 66 bald eagles remain in state. ceunt indicates<br />

Alligator gar 's image has changed frem predator to glamor<br />

Mounted gar at G&FC Bldg weighed 204 pounds<br />

Southwest Ark farmers demand govt help in fighting wolves<br />

Wildlife refuges blamed by farmers fer increase in predators<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> County is tops in deer kill<br />

Wild turkey regaining ground in Ark<br />

Little River County offers bounty on wolves<br />

State stocks 3 million walleye in state's deeper lakes<br />

Sunday inclusion in deer season upsets Rep Edward L Works<br />

Loggerhead turtle weighing 87 lbs captured in White River<br />

Cutting trees in Black River preserve draws complaints<br />

Game and Fish Comm accused ef ignoring Black River pretests<br />

Gov Orval Faubus te study Black River controversy<br />

Izard County voters rej ect doe harvest<br />

Johnsen County hunters upset by open season en dee<br />

G&FC rescinds order te permit killing of does in N <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Map shews deer harvest in each county in first deer hunt<br />

1/12/61 Bl<br />

2/ 5/61 All<br />

2/19/61 All<br />

3/ 8/61 A2<br />

3/30/61 B4<br />

4/27/61 BB<br />

5/ 6/61 Al<br />

5/16/61 B2<br />

6/15/-61 Al<br />

6/18/61 B4<br />

6/18/61 B4<br />

7/ 7/61 A2<br />

7 /27/61 Bl<br />

9/13/61 Bl<br />

9/15/61 Bll<br />

9/21/61 Cl2<br />

9/22/61 Bl<br />

10/ 8/61 B4<br />

10/ 8/61 E4<br />

10/20/61 B6<br />

10/27/61 Bl<br />

10/29/61 A4<br />

10/29/61 A4<br />

10/29/61 E4<br />

10/31/61 A2<br />

11/ 1/61 Al<br />

11/11/61 A2<br />

11/18/61 K3<br />

12/17/61 ES<br />

12/24/61 D4<br />

12/24/61 D4<br />

l/ 3/62 B7<br />

1/16/62 B3<br />

1/20/62 A2<br />

1/21/62 A4<br />

1/21/62 A4<br />

l/26/62 Bl<br />

1/ 26/62 Bl<br />

1/28/62 B4<br />

2/ 4/ 62 B4<br />

4/25/62 Bl<br />

6/17/62 B6<br />

8/25/62 A4<br />

9/ 4/62 B4<br />

10/19/62 B4<br />

10/19/62 B4<br />

10/19/62 B4<br />

11/ 8/62 B12<br />

11/25/62 B6<br />

12/ 8/62 Bl<br />

12/23/62 B5<br />

3<br />

1<br />

7<br />

3<br />

1<br />

1<br />

4<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5<br />

2<br />

8<br />

2<br />

3<br />

3<br />

8<br />

5<br />

1<br />

4<br />

8<br />

2<br />

3<br />

l<br />

6<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

l<br />

2<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

6<br />

6<br />

6<br />

2<br />

6<br />

5<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Article describes marketing ef wild game over 60 years age<br />


Hall High student wins Army award fer experiments<br />


see alse Inventions and inventors<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />


see also Ouachita Baptist College<br />

WILLIAMS. H A Sr<br />

see alse Contracts and purchasing<br />


see also Music<br />


see also Censtructien programs , State<br />

see also Legislature (Ark)<br />


see also Censtructien programs, State<br />

see also Courts, State and local<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />


Tep Argentine industrialist returns to state to visit<br />


see also Little Reck<br />


see also Secretary of State (Ark}<br />


see Education - Willisville District<br />


see also Andersen, Wooten<br />

see also Barton, T H<br />

see also Black, Ward M<br />

see al so Carruth, L H<br />

see al so Jones, Pink<br />

see also Loughborough , Louise Watkins Wright<br />

see also Pepe, Walter L<br />

see also Shurkus, Anton B<br />

WILMOT<br />

see also Medicine and health<br />


Union vote sought at Springdale plant<br />


see Education - Wilsen District<br />


see also Chamber of Commerce, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />


see also Agriculture<br />


Descendant of Uncle Sam is Helen Sheldon Brocket, ef Ozark<br />


12/30/62 D9 3<br />

7/16/61 A12 l<br />

12/ 7/61 Bl 3<br />

3/20/62 A6 2<br />

9/30/62 A2 1<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

Reperts en survey en image of <strong>Arkansas</strong> in other states<br />


see also Athletics and sports<br />

see also Little Rock<br />


New plant at LR nears cempletien<br />


see also Courts, State and local<br />

see also Economic development<br />

see alse Taxation<br />

Letter en Dale Af erd vote against Eisenhower rank restoration<br />

Letter en need for tax reform<br />

Windsor finds appeal to Faubus by Conway Co group amusing<br />

WINE<br />

see Alcoholic beverages<br />


see also Congress<br />

Former US Rep £rem <strong>Arkansas</strong>'s 4th Dist dies in Canada<br />


see also Housing<br />

see also Housing<br />

Winreck te open shopping center in New Mexico<br />

Winreck buys 130 acres of Pulaski County Penal Farm<br />


Annual sale of Santa Gertrudis cattle draws wide attention<br />

Cattle sale brings record prices<br />

Santa Gertrudis bull sold fer $59 .000 te Alabama firm<br />

Winreck gees at breeding seriously, aims fer business profit<br />

Values at Winreck Farm (ed)<br />

Bargains found at auction as prices fall belew previous sales<br />

Farm en Petit Jean Mountain is maj or tourist attraction<br />

Winthrop Rockefeller welcomes tourists te farm<br />


Article on charm ef old Washingten County tewn<br />


see News and news media<br />


see also Beeks and writing<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong>-barn author dies<br />


see also Conway Ceunty<br />


Ozarks have vast lore of Irish wit and wisdom<br />

WITaIES<br />

see also Folklore and folk medicine<br />


see Dowsing<br />


see also Music<br />

WITHERSPOON, L J (Mrs)<br />

see also Toys and playthings<br />

8/15/62 Bl<br />

1/29/61 Cl<br />

3/10/61 E4<br />

7/30/61 E4<br />

11/25/-61 A4<br />

9/20/62 A13<br />

3/ 1/61 Bl<br />

12/ 5/61 All<br />

5/11/61 BS<br />

5/14/61 Al<br />

5/14/61 Al<br />

5/14/61 A4<br />

5/-16/61 A4<br />

5/13/62 ClO<br />

9/ 9/-62 E4<br />

9/ 9/62 E4<br />

4/19/-62 Bl<br />

3<br />

1<br />

5<br />

3<br />

5<br />

2<br />

5<br />

7<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

l<br />

2<br />

12/ 3/-61 Al6 3<br />

3/12/61 E2 5<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />


see also Weather and storms<br />

WITT. DAVE E<br />

see alse Attorney General (Ark)<br />


see also Ceurts, Federaal<br />


see alse Culture and the arts<br />


see also Clowers. Cliften<br />

WOLVES<br />

see Wildlife<br />

WOMEN<br />

see also Cengress<br />

see alse Medicine and health<br />

Women meving into Highway Dept jobs once held by men<br />


see also Pepe County<br />

WOMEN 'S CLUB , North Little Reck<br />

Club places fifth in national contest<br />

WOMEN'S CLUBS. <strong>Arkansas</strong> Federation of<br />

see also Children 's Colony. <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see also Communism<br />


see Construction programs, State<br />

see also Courts, Federal<br />

see also Education - Little Reck District<br />

see also Fagan, Ellis M<br />

see also Geverner (Ark)<br />


see alse Education - Wenderview District<br />


Pulpwood harvest rises in <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

Southern Plaswood corp makes beards from sawmill waste<br />

Cooperage is a maj or industry in Ark<br />


see also Gevernment employees<br />

WOOD, PAUL R<br />

Sylvan Hills resident speaks Chinese fluently<br />


Black Arkansan picked fer prebatien ef ficer in England<br />


see Culture and the arts<br />

WOODLAND (Jahnsen County)<br />

see also Weather and sterms<br />


see also Housing<br />


see alse History (Ark)<br />


see also Medicine and health<br />

10/- 7/-62 E3<br />

l<br />

6/29/62 Al 4<br />

8/ 4/61 BlO 1<br />

8/31/61 Bl 2<br />

9/ 2/62 D5 2<br />

3/26/61 A8 1<br />

9/ 7/62 All 2<br />


,<br />

DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

WOODS . TED<br />

see al so Pub licity and Parks Commi ssion (Ark)<br />


see al so Prairie County<br />


Record check shows town incorporated in 1882<br />

Ar ticl e tells how Woodson came to be forgotten<br />


see al so Athletics and sports<br />


<strong>Arkansas</strong> native cal ls fer changes in Old South my th<br />


see also Actors and entertainers<br />


see al so Publ ic Service Commission (Ark )<br />


see al se Civil rights and di scrimination<br />


L D Blair named chairman of Comm<br />


see al so Education - Salaries. benefits. etc<br />

Senate votes to curb disability pay fer heart attacks<br />

House defeats Senate bill on job-related heart attacks<br />

John P Reather 's cl aim agains t Ward Furniture faces review<br />


see al so Wildlife<br />


see al se Japanese in the Uni ted States<br />

see al so Veterans<br />

Book tells of <strong>Arkansas</strong> men in World War II<br />

Ark Cent ennial markers melted for metal needed for war effort<br />

Ross M Glover of LR helped buil d bridge on the River Kw ai<br />

Battleship Arizona contains bodies of 23 Navy men from Ark<br />

Names of Navy men from Ark whose bodies are in the Arizona<br />

Neil Martin was Worl d War II hero<br />

Neil Martin was first Arkansan killed in combat in WW II<br />

WORLD 'S FAIR OF 196 2 (Seattl e)<br />

<strong>Arkansas</strong> Day observed at Fair<br />

WORLD 'S FAIR OF 1964-1965 (NY)<br />

Ark commis sion to discuss possibl e part ic ipation by state<br />

Columnist urges Faubus to name Leo J Krebs to commission<br />

Gov Orval Faubus favored idea of Ark participation<br />

Winthrop Rocke feller presses for ac tion on naming Ark panel<br />

Ark Publ icity and Parks Comm wants state to participate<br />

Gov Faubus vetoes state 's pay ing for fair exhibit<br />

State asks business leade rs to share cost of exhibit<br />


Bessie Greve operates farm en War Eagl e near Hunt sville<br />

WORT'l • C H JR<br />

see also Historic buil dings and sites<br />


7/15/ 62 Al<br />

7 /17 /62 Bl<br />

6/ 2/ 61 A6<br />

4/ 6/61 A7<br />

2/ 22/61 A6<br />

3/ 9/61 Al<br />

11/14/61 A7<br />

1/13/61 Bl<br />

5/ 4/ 61 Al3<br />

A4<br />

7/16/61<br />

10/ 8/61 E3<br />

10/ 8/61 E3<br />

1/11/62 Bl<br />

11/ 7 /62 Bl<br />

4/30/62 A3<br />

1/ 6/62 A2<br />

1/21/62 E3<br />

4/ 5/62 A5<br />

4/ 5/62 A5<br />

9/23/62 Al l<br />

9/25/62 Bl<br />

10/ 7/62 Al 3<br />

6/24/62 E5<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

8<br />

7<br />

2<br />

2<br />

5<br />

5<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

6<br />

2<br />

1<br />

6<br />

6<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

2<br />


DATE<br />

PAGE COL<br />

see alse Legal prefessien<br />

WRIGHT, F B<br />

see alse Education - Nrth Little Reck District<br />


General Electric executive f rem Ark dies at age 56<br />

WRITERS CONFERENCE, <strong>Arkansas</strong><br />

see Beeks and writing<br />


see Educatien<br />

XV CLUB<br />

Unusual LR club was feunded in 1903<br />


Chain manufacturing factery at Forrest City described<br />


see alse Hetel, Motel and Restaurant Em.pleyees Intnl Union<br />

see also Labor<br />


Article en county 's twe courtheuses<br />


see also History (Ark)<br />

see alse Water<br />

Fire in business sectien does $50,000 damage<br />


see alse Inventions and inventors<br />


see Berg-Warner Cerp<br />


see Pelitics and elections<br />


see alse <strong>Arkansas</strong> Louisiana Gas Ce<br />


see also Ministerial Asseciatien, Greater Little Reck<br />


see alse Murders - MacDonald, Ernest B<br />

ZONING<br />

see Area planning<br />

zoos<br />

see also Little Rock Zoo<br />


see also Beys State<br />

I 7/62 Bll 3<br />

11/25/62 Al5 1<br />

12/21/61 Bl 3<br />

7/ 2/61 Dl l<br />

8/23/62 Bl 3<br />


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