Lab-based technologies for enviro analysis - CSIR

Lab-based technologies for enviro analysis - CSIR Lab-based technologies for enviro analysis - CSIR

<strong>Lab</strong>oratory-<strong>based</strong><br />

<strong>technologies</strong><br />

by<br />

Andrew Pascall<br />

Manager: Environmental Analytical <strong>Lab</strong>oratories

Why use an accredited lab<br />

The Accreditation Act<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

Government Gazette<br />


Vol. 501 Cape Town 16 March 2007 No. 29712<br />


No. 238 16 March 2007<br />

It is hereby notified that the President has<br />

assented to the following Act, which is<br />

hereby published <strong>for</strong> general in<strong>for</strong>mation:–<br />

No. 19 of 2006: Accreditation <strong>for</strong> Con<strong>for</strong>mity<br />

Assessment, Calibration and Good <strong>Lab</strong>oratory<br />

Practice Act, 2006<br />

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Why use an accredited lab<br />

Accreditation certificates<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

Section 23 of the Act<br />

. (I) An accreditation certificate or certificate of GLP<br />

compliance issued in terms of<br />

section 22(2)(h),must be signed by the chief executive officer or<br />

a person with delegated<br />

authority lo do so in terms of section 19.<br />

(2) SANAS may authorise a person in the employ of SANAS to<br />

certify a copy of an<br />

accreditation certificate or a certificate of GLP compliance issued<br />

in terms of subsection<br />

[ 1) as being a true copy of the certificate.<br />

(3) In any legal proceedings, a document that<br />

purports to be a certificate issued in<br />

terms of subsection (1) or a copy of such<br />

certificate certified in terms of subsection (2)<br />

is upon its production evidence of the facts<br />

contained therein.<br />

(4) An accreditation certificate or certificate of GLP<br />

compliance is the property of SANAS and must be<br />

returned by an accredited body when requested to do so.<br />

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What does this mean to the user<br />

of an accredited laboratory<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

Scientific credibility<br />

and<br />

legal defensibility<br />

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The face of the Durban laboratory<br />

Durban analytical chemists, Gary Parsons<br />

and Gabriel Khumalo.<br />

Gabriel is the nominated representative<br />

tasked to communicate with SANAS on<br />

behalf of the Durban laboratories.<br /><strong>enviro</strong>nmental_analytical_laboratories/<br />

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The Durban laboratory team<br /><strong>enviro</strong>nmental_analytical_laboratories/<br />

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Durban capabilities, existing and planned<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

Methods currently accredited:<br />

• Nutrients in fresh and sea water (ammonia, nitrate and<br />

nitrite, nitrite and orthophosphate)<br />

• Dissolved metals in sea water (cadmium, cobalt, copper,<br />

lead, iron, nickel, manganese and zinc)<br />

• Metals in sediment and biological tissues by nitric acid<br />

digestion (aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium,<br />

iron, manganese, nickel, lead, vanadium and zinc)<br />

• pH, salinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), oxygen<br />

absorbed (OA) fluorides and TSS in water samples<br />

Planned :<br />

• Microbiological organisms in water, sea water and waste<br />

water samples<br />

• Organic chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides,<br />

pharmaceutical by-products and petroleum<br />

hydrocarbons.<br />

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Stellenbosch capabilities, existing and planned<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

Analysis of:<br />

• Arsenic, Cadmium, Cobalt, Chromium, Copper, Iron,<br />

Mercury, Manganese, Nickel, Lead and Zinc in<br />

sediments and soils<br />

• Arsenic, Cadmiun, Cobalt, Copper,<br />

Iron, Manganese and Zinc in aquatic biota<br />

• Dissolved Aluminium, Arsenic, Boron, Barium,<br />

Berylium, Calcium, Cadmium, Cobalt, Chromium,<br />

Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese,<br />

Molybdenum, Sodium, Nickel, Lead, Selenium,<br />

Strontium, Vanadium and Zinc in potable, ground and<br />

waste water<br />

• Electrical Conductivity, pH, Total Alkalinity and<br />

Chlorine in potable, ground and waste water<br />

• Elemental <strong>analysis</strong><br />

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State-of-the-art equipment<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

• One Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass<br />

Spectrometer (ICP-MS)<br />

• Two Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical<br />

Emission Spectrometers (ICP-OES)<br />

• An Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS)<br />

coupled to a Graphite Furnace Accessory (GFA)<br />

• Two Auto Analysers (AA), one a segmented flow<br />

and the other a flow injection instrument<br />

• A Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer/Flame<br />

Ionisation Detector (GCMS/FID)<br />

• A Liquid Chromatograph (Triple Quad) Mass<br />

Spectrometer (LCMS)<br />

• Freeze drier, ball mill, accelerated sample<br />

extraction and solid phase extraction systems to<br />

prepare samples<br />

• Sundry laboratory equipment<br />

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How can the laboratory add value to your organisation<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>mance measures <strong>for</strong> coastal<br />

municipalities:<br />

Blue Drop Status – Potable water<br />

Green Drop Status – Wastewater treatment<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

Blue Flag Status – Bathing and recreational beach<br />

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How can the laboratory add value to your organisation<br />

Blue Flag<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

A Blue Flag is an international award given to<br />

beaches that meet EXCELLENCE in the areas of<br />

safety, amenities, cleanliness and<br />

<strong>enviro</strong>nmental standards.<br />

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How can the laboratory add value to your organisation<br />

Blue Drop<br />

The Blue Drop System (BDS) is a regulatory tool<br />

used by the Department of Water Affairs to monitor<br />

the Status of Drinking Water Quality Management<br />

in South Africa.<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

Drinking Water Sample Analysis:<br />

The samples are required to be analysed in<br />

laboratories which are either ISO/IEC 17025: 2005<br />

accredited<br />

or DWAF-approved,<br />

i.e. take part in and can prove acceptable<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance in inter-laboratory comparison<br />

schemes<br />

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How can the laboratory add value to your organisation<br />

Green Drop<br />

The Blue Drop System (BDS) is a regulatory tool<br />

used by the Department of Water Affairs to monitor<br />

the Status of Wastewater Treatment Plant Quality<br />

Management in South Africa.<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

Wastewater Sample Analysis:<br />

The samples are required to be analysed in<br />

laboratories which are either ISO/IEC 17025: 2005<br />

accredited<br />

or are DWAF-approved,<br />

i.e. take part in and can prove acceptable<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance in inter-laboratory comparison<br />

schemes<br />

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Our existing customers<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

• Research funded internally & externally e.g.NRF<br />

and WRC<br />

• Transnet National Ports Authority<br />

• Transnet Capital Projects<br />

• eThekwini Municipality<br />

• Cape Metropolitan Council<br />

• Stellenbosch Municipality<br />

• Chevron<br />

• Mhlathuze Water<br />

• Sappi Saiccor<br />

• Durban Point Waterfront Management Association<br />

• National Regulator <strong>for</strong> Compulsory Specifications<br />

• WSP Consulting<br />

• Diageo SA<br />

• IIlovo Sugar<br />

•uShaka Marine World<br />

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Sampling<br />

The <strong>CSIR</strong> is able to assist with design,<br />

planning and execution of sampling and<br />

monitoring programmes<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

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Summary<br />

You have heard about skills and expertise from some<br />

of our managers and senior researchers during the<br />

course of the morning<br />

T0064<br />

T0093<br />

I trust this gives you a sense of how we are able to<br />

partner with or assist you in achieving some of your<br />

organisational goals and objectives.<br />

Thank you<br />

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